yacht del sultano del brunei

Martedì, 05 Marzo 2024


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Chi è il Sultano del Brunei: patrimonio e vita privata di uno degli uomini più ricchi del mondo

Tutto sul sultano del brunei: biografia, patrimonio e vita privata di uno degli uomini più facoltosi del pianeta.

di Redazione

18 Gennaio 2022

Hassanal Bolkiah, Sultano del Brunei


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Hassanal Bolkiah (all'anagrafe Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Paduka Seri Baginda Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Al-Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah ibni Almarhum Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddien Sa’adul Khairi Waddien), classe 1946, è il Sultano del Brunei dal 1965. Al secondo posto tra i reali più ricchi del pianeta, il Sultano del Brunei vive nel palazzo più grande del mondo, il celebre Istana Nur-ul-Iman, nella Capitale Bandar Seri Begawan.

Chi è il Sultano del Brunei: biografia e vita privata

Sulla costa nord occidentale del Borneo – affacciato sul Mar Cinese Meridionale e al confine con la Malesia – sorge il piccolo sultanato islamico Nagara Brunei Darussalam, cioè “Dimora della Pace”, controllato dal Sultano del Brunei Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Paduka Seri Baginda Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Al-Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah ibni Almarhum Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddien Sa’adul Khairi Waddien, per gli amici Hassanal Bolkiah .

Il sultano, nel 1997, è stato decretato l’uomo più ricco del mondo con un patrimonio personale di 53 miliardi di dollari. Tutta la sua ricchezza deriva dal controllo economico del sultanato e dagli introiti dei numerosi pozzi di petrolio che ospita. Il Sultano del Brunei abita nel palazzo più grande del mondo di 200mila mq, dotato di 2.000 stanze, 257 bagni una sontuosa sala del trono e una sala per ricevimenti che potrebbe ospitare oltre 4 mila persone . In questa lussuosa dimora vive (e ha vissuto) in compagnia di 3 mogli, e 8 figli avuti dai diversi matrimoni.

La sua immagine è ovunque nel paese: si trova ritratto sulle banconote, monete, francobolli, e persino sulle gigantografie in divisa da ammiraglio della marina, da generale dell’esercito, dell’aeronautica o da capo della polizia.

Sultano del Brunei: patrimonio

Il Sultano del Brunei , Hassanal Bolkiah, rientra nella lista degli uomini più facoltosi del pianeta: basta pensare che, per il suo matrimonio, sembra si sia fatto costruire una Rolls Royce in oro zecchino . Promotore di uno stile di vita fatto di eccessi, nel linguaggio comune ormai il termine “sultano del Brunei” è diventato un vero sinonimo di ciò che rappresenta: sfarzo, lusso e magnificenza.

Secondo le stime di Forbes , il patrimonio complessivo del Sultano ammonterebbe intorno ai 20 miliardi di euro. La sua ricchezza è distribuita tra bene mobili e immobili, tra cui una collezione privata di auto d’epoca che supererebbe il valore di 300 milioni di dollari.

Inoltre, per la modica cifra di 1 miliardo di dollari, il Sultano ha fatto costruire un parco giochi personale , il Jerudong park , che lascia utilizzare ai suoi sudditi. Molte pop star di fama mondiale sono state invitate ad esibirsi nel parco di fronte al pubblico del sultanato, tutto a spese del sovrano. Il Sultano è un amante dei sigari e sembra che il suo preferito, il Gurkha Centurian, sia stato commissionato e fabbricato proprio per lui.

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500 Rolls-Royces, $20,000 haircuts, and a 1,788-room palace: Everything we know about the lavish life of the Sultan of Brunei, who sparked outrage after introducing a law punishing homosexuality with death

  • The Sultan of Brunei Hassanal Bolkiah is currently the subject of widespread condemnation for making homosexuality punishable with the death penalty.
  • The torrent of criticism got so loud Bolkiah backpedaled on Sunday, promising the law would never be enforced, but it still exists as legislation.
  • But he was once a young, liberal "playboy" who embraced hedonism and freedom, despite being the head of the Muslim faith in the small southeast Asian nation. 
  • Spurred on by his profligate brother Prince Jefri, the sultan spent billions on yachts, cars, statues, casinos, and almost everything else money can buy. 
  • Here's an inside look at what his life is like. 
  • Visit INSIDER's homepage for more stories.

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The Sultan of Brunei, Hassanal Bolkiah, was widely condemned in April for ushering in new laws to punish homosexuality with death by stoning as part of a move to align the country with Sharia law, a strict interpretation of Islam. 

After a huge backlash from celebrities and Western governments alike, the sultan backpedaled this week , promising that the punishment will not be enforced. Brunei will, however, keep the law on its statute books, the Sultan added.

Before becoming an advocate for the strictest form of Islam, the 72-year-old sultan was once known for his lavish, liberal, and western lifestyle.

At one point the richest man on the planet, worth as much as $40 billion, his exploits included reportedly racing Ferraris at midnight through Brunei's capital, commissioning a 1,788 room palace, and spending $20,000 to get his hair cut.

Here's a look at the Sultan of Brunei's extravagant, fabulous life. 

Bolkiah was born on 15 July 1946, the son of Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddien III.

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Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddien had 10 children, six daughters and four sons, with several wives, but chose Bolkiah to succeed him from an early age. 

The future sultan kept a low profile in his teens. He was home schooled and then sent to secondary school at The Victoria Institution, in Malaysia.

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1965: After leaving school, Bolkiah married his cousin Pengiran Anak Saleha in an arranged marriage. He was 19.

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The couple have had two sons and four daughters together. Bolkiah has four other children shared between his two other wives.

Bolkiah is the 29th sultan to come from the same family, one which was famous for marrying internally. 

In 1967, Bolkiah travelled to England to train at the UK's Royal Military Academy, in Sandhurst. While he was there, his father abdicated making him the new sultan.

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Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddien III stepped down in protest against encroaching communism and also demands from Britain for Brunei to be more democratic. 

Bolkiah ascended to the throne upon on his return in August 1968.

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Source: Dictionary of the Modern Politics of Southeast Asia

Despite becoming a married man and leader of the nation, Bolkiah did not let his nuptials get in the way of enjoying himself. He soon became famous the world over for spending his billion dollar fortune.

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With his brother Prince Jefri, Bolkiah spent big in London's casinos and bought luxury cars, yachts, and hotels.

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Jefri was notoriously bad with money, and said to be a bad influence on the newly appointed sultan.

Source: Vanity Fair

Bolkiah commissioned his own private zoo — which has 30 Bengal tigers. The sultan entertains world leaders who visit Brunei with shows at the zoo.

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The zoo contains falcons, flamingos and cockatoos which can play basketball, ride bicycles, sing, talk, and imitate other animals, the sultan's zoo keeper told The Bangkok Post.

He also got the world's most successful ever golfer, Jack Nicklaus, to design a golf course for him at one of his hotels.

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But as Bolkiah got older, and took the head of state role more seriously, he had to deal with Prince Jefri's insatiable appetite for luxury.

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Jefri — who was finance minister for much of 1980s and 1990s — spent tens of billions of dollars of the crown estate's money funding an even more lavish lifestyle than his brother.

He was sacked as a minister by the sultan in 1997, who accused him of embezzling as much as $16 billion.

Jefri's 150-foot yacht, called "Tits," was also seized by the the sultan.

The two small boats used to ferry people to and from it were called "Nipple 1" and "Nipple 2."

Prince Jefri's remaining assets were sold off by the crown in a 2001 auction. CNN reported it took six days to sell off over 10,000 items

The auction included, CNN said, one eight-foot bronze Trojan horse, several jacuzzi covered in gold plate, several statues of flamingos, a Comanche helicopter simulator, a plane, and an F1 race car.

In 1981, Bolkiah got married again to a non-royal flight attendant Mariam. The pair were married until 2003.

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Source: Sydney Morning Herald

In 1984, Brunei gained formal independence from the UK, and Bolkiah wanted to mark the occasion like never before.

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To celebrate, he commissioned a $600 million palace, known as "Istana Nurul Iman." It included a garage with space for 800 cars.

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The 1,778-room palace covers an estimated 2.2 million square feet (50 acres) and was designed by architect Leandro Locsin.

Source: The Associated Press

The palace was named as the "world's largest residential palace" by Guinness World Records. It boasts 57 bathrooms and a huge, lavish throne room.

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Source: Guinness World Records

Around the same time, Bolkiah paid $70 million for this oil painting: "Young Girls at the Piano" by French Impressionist Pierre-Auguste Renoir.

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The Sultan was often drawn into controversies surrounding his brother's excessive lifestyle. During the 1980s and 1990s Prince Jefri reportedly oversaw a harem of 40 young women.

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In the book "Some Girls: My Life in a Harem," American woman Jillian Lauren said Prince Jefri recruited her for his harem when she was 18 and living in New York. 

She alleged that the Sultan, a married man, slept with women from the harem.

In 2014, Lauren told CNN : "I am a witness to the fact that the sultan was drinking, was committing adultery, was not exactly living on the straight and narrow."

The Brunei government have dismissed Lauren's claims, saying in a statement to CNN : "We vehemently deny the allegations."

In 1998, former Miss USA Shannon Marketic attempted to sue Bolkiah and Prince Jefri.

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Marketic alleged she was forced to spend a month in the harem in dehumanizing conditions.

According to CNN, both brothers denied the allegations, with Bolkiah claiming he had never even met Marketic.

The case was dropped when courts "granted the brothers immunity from legal action, owing to their joint status as a foreign head of state," CNN said.

The Sultan is perhaps most famous for his love of lavish automobiles.

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Bolkiah has 500 Rolls-Royces, and shares a collection of over 5,000 cars with Prince Jefri. When they were younger, the pair reportedly raced Ferrari super cars through Brunei's capital Bandar Seri Begawan in the middle of the night.

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During the 1990s, the Sultan's family reportedly accounted for almost half of all Rolls-Royce purchases in the world.

He was awarded the Guinness World Record for the largest Rolls Royce collection in 2011. 

Bolkiah owns many more cars with a combined worth of $4 billion, including the 500 Rolls-Royces.

The collection includes a Lamborghini Murcielago LP640, Bentley Continental R, Ferrari Mythos concept car, both of the Ferrari 456 GT Sedans, the only right-hand drive Mercedes-Benz CLK-GTR in the world, and five McLaren F1s.

Source: Gizmodo , Vanity Fair 

The Sultan's gold royal wedding Rolls-Royce is one of a kind, with an open top and platform for an umbrella bearer.

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In February of 1997 Bolkiah became Brunei's finance minister, after he sacked Prince Jefri for allegedly embezzling state funds.

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Thanks to Brunei's huge oil reserves, Bolkiah was the richest man in the world from the mid 1980s until the 1990s. He lost his crown to Microsoft founder Bill Gates late in the 90s.

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Source: The Independent

Bolkiah divorced his second wife in 2003, and became furious and humiliated when reports emerged she had been tricked out of $2.7 million by a fortune teller.

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Source: The Times

In 2005, the Sultan married his third wife, Malaysian TV anchor Azrinaz Mazhar Hakim. She was 33 years his junior. They divorced in 2010.

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Bolkiah did not lose his penchant for excess even as he aged. He still often spends $20,000 for a single haircut.

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The Times reported that Bolkiah flies out his favourite barber from London, where he works at the Dorchester hotel in Mayfair.

"He goes regularly, sometimes every three or four weeks. The sultan flies him first-class at a cost of about $12,000."

"Everything is paid for. Hotel, luxury food. It's a case of 'just keep signing, that's all'."

The barber is then given an envelope with thousands of dollars in, the Times said.

The Sultan also bought himself his own Boeing 747.

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It cost at least $400 million, and was kitted out with $120 million worth of accessories, like solid gold wash basins.

He reportedly gave his daughter an Airbus A340 for her birthday. 

Source: Daily Mail

A 1999 FORTUNE profile of the Sultan documented this stay in a US hotel ...

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Richard Behar wrote for FORTUNE magazine:

"Records from one North American hotel in 1995 show the Sultan's party using more than 100 rooms in four days, racking up a bill that topped $1 million." "Generally, the royals rent entire floors of hotels and don't venture downstairs until checkout day."

Bolkiah hit the headlines in April 2019, when Brunei announced that it would now punish homosexuality with death by stoning as part of a new penal code based on Shariah law first proposed in 2014.

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But, the news went viral. And a boycott on nine luxury hotels owned by Brunei was endorsed by celebrities and politicians in the west.

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Source: Business Insider

In response, Brunei asked people to respect its decision, and said the law was just meant as a deterrent.

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Brunei hit back — calling for "respect" from the international community.

The tiny Muslim nation said the new laws are meant to prevent rather than punish, and to safeguard family values, and admitted they will be very hard to enforce.

But on May 5 under immense international pressure, Bolkiah announced the punishment would never be enforced.

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In a televised speech, the sultan said Allah would never hand down laws meant to inflict cruelty on others.

George Clooney, probably the most vocal celebrity voice against the law, said people need to keep up the boycott despite the assurances.

"This is a huge step forward after a giant leap backwards," he said. "As soon as the pressure dies down they could simply start the process of carrying out executions."

"So in reference to the boycott everyone should do what they feel is correct. For my family and me we simply can't walk away until this draconian law is no longer on the books."

Source: Reuters, Deadline

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Brunei, il playboy perde la causa Ville e gioielli tornano al sultano

Guerra» legale tra fratelli. la sentenza dei giudici di londra, accusato di aver sottratto 12 miliardi di euro per pagarsi yacht e amanti. la disputa familiare più costosa del mondo.

Bolkiah, che secondo Forbes è il sovrano più ricco della terra, con una fortuna personale di 15 miliardi di euro, aveva dato un'occhiata meno distratta del solito ai conti del fratello e aveva deciso che Jefri in 13 anni aveva trasferito direttamente nel suo portafogli 12 miliardi. Il denaro era servito a sostenere il tenore di vita di Jefri, noto come il principe playboy (a 53 anni ha messo al mondo 17 figli). Aveva la passione per il mare e così si era regalato uno yacht da 50 metri, il Tits (tette, con rispetto parlando), che aveva due lance di servizio: Capezzolo 1 e Capezzolo 2. Al polso alternava una collezione di orologi d'oro che avevano tutti una caratteristica: a ogni ora esibivano una coppia intenta a copulare.

Oltre alle donne gli piaceva molto il polo e per trasportare i cavalli da un campo di gara all'altro si era fatto convertire un Boeing. Sta di fatto che alla fine degli anni Novanta, quando le borse asiatiche furono travolte dal vento della recessione, il sultano pensò che era venuto il momento di rimettere ordine nei conti. La questione era stata risolta nel 2000 con un accordo extragiudiziale nel quale Jefri si era impegnato a rifondere tre miliardi. Poi ci aveva ripensato. Un affronto per Haji Hassanal Bolkiah, che oltre ad essere sultano è anche capo del governo, ministro della Difesa, delle Finanze, comandante supremo delle Forze armate, guida dell'Islam e capo della polizia (un modo di economizzare sul personale, in un certo senso). Dopo aver vinto in prima e seconda istanza di fronte alle corti del Brunei, non ottenendo soddisfazione dal fratello che nel frattempo si era autoesiliato (si potrebbe dire fuggito), si è rivolto al Privy Council di Londra, che agisce da Corte Suprema per l'ex colonia diventata indipendente nel 1984.

Gli scrupolosi consiglieri della regina hanno o rdinato anche al sultano di mostrare i suoi conti. E ne è emerso uno stile di vita non troppo dissimile da quello del fratello. Si è saputo che anche lui ha «trasferito» nel conto privato un po' di denaro. Per l'esattezza negli ultimi quattro anni 3,9 miliardi di sterline, più del prodotto interno lordo annuale del Brunei. Gli sono servite per spese mediche: 1,2 milioni in massaggi e agopuntura; educative: 1,2 milioni al maestro di badminton; domestici: 14 milioni a due gran ciambellani; e poi 5,8 milioni a ciascuna delle sue consigliere per le relazioni pubbliche: le simpatiche Yoya, Prall, Vicky, Shelly e Janet. Però la costituzione, dettata dal sultano, stabilisce che «sua maestà è infallibile sia nella sua capacità di sovrano sia nella sua vita privata». Così il Privy Council ha condannato Jefri a consegnare le chiavi di alberghi e case. La nobile famiglia del Brunei ha già dato lavoro alla giustizia britannica: a luglio Mariam Aziz, ex moglie del sultano, si era rivolta all'Alta Corte di Londra per ottenere giustizia nei confronti di una veggente che le aveva spillato 2 milioni di sterline. La maga aveva messo la signora sultana in contatto telefonico con un santone che le aveva raccontato un sacco di storie, ricevendo in cambio doni generosi. Poi Mrs Mariam aveva scoperto che il santone era in realtà la maga che al telefono faceva la voce da uomo. Condanna per truffa e commento di Lord Justice Lawrence Collins: «Un caso davvero bizzarro».

Guido Santevecchi 10 novembre 2007

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Daily Nautica

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Da "Al Said" al nuovo mega yacht: cosa ha in mente il Sultano?

In cosa si trasformerà lo scafo grezzo del sultano dell'oman qaboos bin said al said approdato nei giorni scorsi a genova presso i cantieri mariotti.

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Argomenti: Cantieri Navali , Daily Nautica , Genova

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Al Said non è stato costruito nel 2008, ma tempo prima nel 1982.

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The Sultan of Brunei: Opulence, Power and Hard-Line Islam

yacht del sultano del brunei

By Alan Yuhas

  • April 4, 2019

When Brunei put harsh new laws in place this week that made adultery and gay sex punishable by stoning, it focused international attention on the country’s sovereign, Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah, 72, whose vast wealth and family spending have landed his name in the tabloids for decades.

The sultan, as the main enforcer of religion in the Southeast Asian country, has in recent decades advocated a hard-line vision of Islam that is at odds with the royal family’s opulent lifestyle. Here is a look at his powers, his background and the international condemnation of Brunei’s new laws.

Sweeping Authority

In Brunei, a tiny sultanate on the island of Borneo, Sultan Hassanal has many more roles than monarch. He is, according to his official biography, also prime minister, defense minister, finance minister and foreign minister. He became crown prince at 15, in 1961, and was crowned Brunei’s 29th sultan in 1968, the year after his father abdicated .

Sultan Hassanal ascended to the throne while Brunei was still a British protectorate, and he studied at a military academy in Britain before becoming sultan. (He also studied in Malaysia.)

By the time Sultan Hassanal took over from his father, Brunei was already fantastically wealthy thanks to its oil resources. When it gained independence in 1984 , the country had one of the highest per-capita incomes of any nation, about $48,650 a year in today’s dollars.

Powered by the oil company Brunei Shell Petroleum — Brunei was nicknamed the “Shellfare state” for its entitlement programs — the country of about 430,000 people remained relatively secluded compared with its neighbors.

“Brunei has been religiously very conservative and highly restrictive for a long time,” said Amy Freedman, a research scholar at the Weatherhead East Asian Institute at Columbia University. “In the 1990s, when it felt like Malaysia and Indonesia were seeing more relaxed attitudes about social conventions, Brunei was already exercising very tight state control over religious interpretation and practice.”

Palaces and Polo

For decades, Sultan Hassanal was regarded as one of the world’s richest men, and he spent accordingly.

He amassed the world’s largest collection of rare cars, including a gold-coated Rolls-Royce ; built an extensive polo complex , with around 100 ponies and a stud farm; and constructed a 1,788-room palace, Istana Nurul Iman , the largest private home in the world. For his 50th birthday, he hired Michael Jackson to perform.

yacht del sultano del brunei

South China

Some of Sultan Hassanal’s relatives have shown a similar propensity to spend. Prince Abdul Mateen, one of the sultan’s 12 children, regularly posts images of himself on Instagram in gilded halls , playing polo and appearing with a tiger cub and other tokens of wealth. Prince Azim, another son, was reported in 2007 to have flown jewelry to Mariah Carey on a private jet.

Prince Jefri Bolkiah, the sultan’s younger brother, built an amusement park that was free to visitors, purchased hotels around the world and gained a reputation in Western tabloids for mansions and mistresses.

He spent so freely in the 1990s — during a financial crisis in Asia — that in 2000 the sultan sued him, accusing him of misspending billions on 2,000 cars, 17 airplanes, several yachts and a variety of investments. (It was only the start of a long-running feud between the brothers.)

The Brunei Investment Agency, an arm of the government, owns nine of the world’s most exclusive hotels, including the Beverly Hills Hotel and Hotel Bel-Air in Los Angeles, the Dorchester in London and the Hôtel Plaza Athénée in Paris.

A Law and a Backlash

Homosexuality was already illegal in Brunei when the country first announced the new penalties for gay sex, adultery and theft — which include amputation as well as stoning — six years ago. International outrage at the time, though, prompted the nation to delay them.

Similar condemnation followed the recent announcement that Brunei would go ahead with the laws, which took effect on Wednesday. Celebrities and Los Angeles officials called for boycotts of the hotels, and students at King’s College London and Oxford have asked their universities to strip the sultan of honorary degrees. The United States, Britain and other countries also denounced the penalties.

On Friday, most of the nine hotels in the The Dorchester Collection, which is owned by Brunei’s sovereign wealth fund, curtailed their presence on Twitter and Instagram by removing accounts or making them private because of what it said was “personal abuse directed at our employees.”

Public pressure is unlikely to convince the sultan to change his mind now, said Francisco Bencosme, the Asia-Pacific advocacy manager for Amnesty International. “The more international outcry there is, it makes the sultan look more like he’s the defender of conservative Islam,” he said.

Still, by targeting Brunei-linked hotels and businesses, activists could put financial pressure on the sultan, Mr. Bencosme said.

“It’s not only a moral thing or a commitment to international law,” he said, “but it’s also going to impact the businesses of many of these particularly middle- and upper-class people of Brunei.”

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Home › Gallery › News › Mastodontici, costosissimi, lussuosi: ecco i 10 yacht più grandi del mondo

Mastodontici, costosissimi, lussuosi: ecco i 10 yacht più grandi del mondo

I mega yacht non conoscono crisi: la rivista specializzata boote exclusiv ha pubblicato la nuova graduatoria degli yacht più grandi del mondo. colossi del mare che hanno frantumato ogni record. al primo posto: un panfilo di oltre 180 metri. ecco le immagini.

Dubai - 162 metri

5 / 11 - Dubai - 162 metri

Quarto posto per “ Dubai ”, costruito nel 1996 da Blohm+Voss per il fratello del sultano del Brunei.

Dal 2001, lo yacht appartiene allo sceicco Mohammed bin Raschid Al Maktum , sovrano dell'Emirato di Dubai, condannato in contumacia dall'Alta Corte di Londra nel 2020 per intimidazione, sequestro e tortura.

Sette ponti, viaggia ad una velocità di quasi 50 km/h .  



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Sultan Of Brunei's Cars: Inside The World's Most Opulent Car Collection

It's a shame that most of these cars are probably just gathering dust.

The Bentleys

The ferraris, the porsches, the rolls-royces, the aston martins, the mclarens, the bugattis, best of the rest.

The Sultan of Brunei has so many cars in his private collection that if a different one were to be driven daily, it would take around 19 years to work through the entire collection. Valued at around $5 billion and totaling over 7,000 cars, the Sultan of Brunei - also known as Hassanal Bolkiah - has the most envied car collection in the world. However, that number is disputed, with various sources suggesting the collection consists of just under 2,400 cars. Either way, it's more cars than any family could possibly know what to do with, making Jay Leno's 180-car collection look decidedly meek.

The collection was assembled with Hassanal's brother, Jefri Bolkiah (or Prince Jefri), and other royal family members in Brunei, a Southeast Asian country.

When we dug into the Sultan's collection over a decade ago , it was worth approximately $300,000,000, and it's continued proliferating since then. Naturally, it's impossible to discuss every single car, so we'll focus on a few, bearing in mind that clear photography and final specifications of these cars are often elusive.

We've also highlighted a few bespoke models that were once part of the Brunei collection but have since been acquired by new owners, as these provide further insight into the creativity behind many of the commissions.

yacht del sultano del brunei

Many of the Sultan's Bentleys are from the 1980s and 1990s, being based on the Azure or Continental. VINWiki suggests that these Bentleys alone are worth approximately $80 million.

The Bentley Dominator SUV is one of the most unusual, simply because it's a Bentley SUV that arrived long before the Bentayga. The Sultan is so rich, he was able to commission a few of these SUVs, which are said to borrow bits from the Range Rover. Each one carried a cost of around $4.6 million, and this cash injection helped Bentley navigate troubled times in the 1990s.

Other unique Bentleys in the collection include the Continental R Superfast , the Buccaneer GT coupe, and the Java with its powerful twin-turbo V8. The latter was ordered in wagon form, too. You can find other intriguingly named Bentleys from the Brunei collection here , including the Phoenix convertible, Camelot coupe, and Highlander four-door GT.

yacht del sultano del brunei

The world's most extensive car collection isn't short of Italian exotica. Here, we are once again reminded of the Sultan's penchant for completely personalized cars. For him, it's not enough owning a rare Ferrari F50 (only 349 were made), so he went several steps further and ordered an F50 Bolide. Essentially, this uses the chassis and V12 from the Prancing Horse's F1 car with a completely redesigned body.

There is also a Testarossa F90 Speciale, combining the internals of the Testarossa with a custom body designed by Pininfarina. The legendary F40 is also part of the collection, as are two 250 GTOs. We're relieved that the 250 GTOs are not bespoke; after all, this is a car with a design that was legally ruled a work of art a few years ago. As for the F40s, several are part of the collection and were customized by Pininfarina. Five were converted to right-hand drive and finished in colors like Emerald Green, white, and black with custom leather interiors. This is notable since Ferrari only produced F40s in red (Rosso Corsa) over a red cloth interior.

This collector also has a fondness for Ferrari 456s and has commissioned many bespoke examples, including the gorgeous 456 GT Venice Cabriolet . It's finished in one-off Forest Green with a green interior, and the soft top was sourced from a Mercedes SL, but it retains a classic Ferrari V12. Other 456 Venice-badged Ferraris in the collection include an incredibly cool wagon, captured in London a while back.

A Ferrari FX also has a place in the Sultan's garage, as does the Ferrari Mythos.

This is only a glimpse into the multiple Ferraris in this astonishing collection.

yacht del sultano del brunei

The collection includes 32 Porsche 928 S4s alone, part of a broader group of 55 928s. Even though the 928 was never as revered as the 911, it proved that Porsche could branch out into other segments if it wanted to, providing a more comfortable GT alternative to the 911 of the period. Besides, the 928 was good enough for the Sultan to add over 50 of them to his collection.

He also has more than one Porsche 959, despite less than 350 ever being made. At some point, the Sultan commissioned a Porsche 911 (964) featuring the X88 power package and stunning Horizon Blue paintwork, which was then owned by Jenson Button.

Another stand-out model is the Daur 962 Le Mans, a racer based on the Porsche 962. Only 13 road-going versions were made, and it's understood the Sultan owns five of them. A Carrera GT is part of the extensive collection, too.

yacht del sultano del brunei

The Sultan of Brunei previously entered the Guinness World Record books in 2011 for having the largest private Rolls-Royce collection in the world. The current number is unknown but is estimated to be over 600 unique models bearing the Spirit of Ecstasy figurine. Astonishingly, he accounted for nearly half of all Rolls-Royce sales in the 1990s.

On his wedding day, the Sultan paraded in a stretched Silver Spur II plated with 24-carat gold. To say it was an obnoxious display of wealth is an understatement. Following this customization, the Silver Spur II was valued at around $14 million. Other Rolls luxury models include the Phantom VI, several Phantom Royales, and a Statesman. The Phantom VI is famous for previously being owned by the British monarchy.

Another incredible addition is the Rolls-Royce Phantom II Continental, also known as the Star of India. This 1934 model was sold for around $14 million, also entering it into the Guinness World Record books.

yacht del sultano del brunei

The Sultan commissioned a number of customized Aston Martins, including the AM3, a grand tourer based on the Vantage but with a unique body from Pininfarina. The blacked-out strip across the nose is an especially unusual styling feature. In the 1990s, the Sultan also ordered the Aston Martin V8 Vantage Special Series II, with coachbuilder Zagato responsible for the redesigned bodies.

Some years ago, Bonhams listed a 1994 Aston Martin Vantage Coupe for sale that was formerly owned by the Sultan. But he wasn't only stuck in the 1990s, and also ordered around 10 Aston Martin One-77s, quite a feat when you consider only 77 were made. Powered by a 7.3-liter V12, the One-77 can hit 220 mph.

yacht del sultano del brunei

Reportedly, the Sultan owns 10 of the 106 McLaren F1s produced. Only three of these F1s were the GT versions with the stretched "Longtail" body, and naturally, one of these ultra-rare cars became the property of the Sultan. Last year, the Brunei Car Collection page on Instagram shared images of this GT being loaded onto a plane. The family also owns more than one McLaren F1 LM. Only five examples of the track-oriented LM were made with reduced sound deadening, no sound system, and no rear wing, among other changes.

We think it's safe to assume that the royal family own several other McLarens, too, but this is unconfirmed.

yacht del sultano del brunei

What would the world's wildest car collection be without the presence of Bugatti? The Sultan of Brunei is said to have ordered several Bugatti EB 110s. Only 139 examples of the EB 110 mid-engine supercar were produced in the 1990s. One of the cars owned by the family is chassis 39003, finished in a searing yellow over a Nero Inchios interior. It was delivered in early 1994. This was the fourth EB 110 SS ordered by the Sultan.

We stumbled upon another EB 110 S, chassis 39001 , which was put up for sale in the late 2000s. Finished in silver, it came with a plaque stating, 'Bugatti has the pleasure of producing for the Royal Family of Brunei the first of its model EB110S Super Sport car.'

The EB 110's 3.5-liter V12 was boosted by four turbochargers, and it could reach a top speed in excess of 210 mph.

The more modern Bugatti Veyron Grand Sport is also believed to be part of the collection.

yacht del sultano del brunei

As mentioned, it's impossible to cover every car in the Sultan's collection. It's also not possible to verify the current number of cars, where they're all stationed, and what their condition is. However, there are a few individual models that are also worth a mention as being part of the collection currently, or having been part of it at some stage.

BMW Nazca M12

A concept intended to be a successor to the M1, the Nazca M12 was shown at the Geneva Motor Show in 1991. It's a shame that the car wasn't greenlit for production, owing to its spectacular lines and 5.0-liter V12 engine shared with the 850i. Despite this, the power and wealth of the Sultan were enough to get Italdesign to produce a version of it for him. This could almost be considered the last "proper" BMW supercar with a powerful large-capacity engine since the modern i8 was more of an experimental exercise into performance hybrids.

yacht del sultano del brunei

Mercedes-Benz S73 T AMG Wagon

Long before every second Mercedes had an AMG badge stuck to it, the manufacturer built something extraordinary. The S73 T AMG Wagon is based on the W140 Mercedes-Benz S-Class, but it has a monster 7.3-liter V12 engine - an engine shared with the Pagani Zonda C12S. It made over 550 hp, which was quite something for the 1990s. The fact that this performance came in a wagon-style body of the over-engineered W140 makes it that much more interesting.

yacht del sultano del brunei

Koenigsegg CCXR

Valued at $1.3 million when purchased, the rare CCXR is a more environmentally-friendly version of the CCX, as it features a 4.8-liter flex-fuel engine that can run on biofuels. Despite that, it can still produce over 1,000 hp when running on E85 biofuel, and the Sultan is one of the few people ever to have access to this special machine.

yacht del sultano del brunei

The Sultan of Brunei's collection is also known to include the following cars:

  • Lamborghini Diablo
  • Lamborghini Urraco
  • Mercedes-Benz CLK GTR Coupe
  • Brabus G700
  • Jaguar XJ220
  • Mercedes-Benz SL

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Yacht Abramovich


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Oggi sono andato al porto di ancona a vedere lo Yacht di Abramovich, prima èra stato a venezia adesso quì ad ancona, praticamente è una cosa gigantesca, è una nave no uno yacht, qualcuno di voi l'ha visto cosa ne dite???  


Mr_Beat said: Parli di questo? Sembra il tender del mio! Click to expand...

Stamattina al porto del Circeo ci ha attraccato accanto una barca poco più che ordinaria, lunga sì e no un quinto di quella in foto ed assolutamente identica ad altre che si vedono in tutti gli altri porti del mondo. Salvo poi scoprire, dopo averli visti scendere, che era lo yacht dei reali del Belgio. Ce ne vuole a parlare di classe ed acqua con qualsiasi armatore di yacht sopra i venti metri, tanto più per chi non lo possiede per particolari meriti personali. Ma la nave di Abramovich è la più grossa pacchianata mai vista sulla faccia della terra.  


Sono d'accordissimo con federicoft. La nave di Abramovich è una cosa da "tamarri", "meiari", "burini" e da gente pacchiana che io abbia mai visto.  

Però nn è quello nella foto, è le grand blue  


La barca di Abramovich è favolosa e non ha nulla di pacchiano. Persino l'eliporto è perfettamente inserito nelle linee della nave. Non sono un amante delle barche a motore, ma questa è trai più bei yachts oceanici che abbia mai visto. Qualcuno sa dirmi qualcosa del cantiere? ps: i reali del Belgio una barca così non possono permettersela. Non credo che i contribuenti belgi passino loro una retta così capiente, ed i tempi in cui il Congo era proprietà personale della corona sono finiti da un pezzo. Comunque stanno sempre qua. Io li ho beccati al porto di Ponza 3 anni fa.  

Pavlvs said: Qualcuno sa dirmi qualcosa del cantiere? Click to expand...
World Maritime News said: IN COSTRUZIONE A BREMA LO YACHT PIU' GRANDE DEL MONDO Lo ha ordinato il sultano del Brunei e supererà in dimensioni quello di re Fahd dell'Arabia Sautita Il panfilo più grande del mondo è l'"Abdullah Asis" lungo 146 metri, che appartiene al re Fahd dell'Arabia Saudita. Ma ancora per poco, perché verrà superato nelle dimensioni dallo yacht che il sultano Sir Muda Hassanal Bolkiah Mu'izzadin Waddaula del Brunei ha ordinato ad un cantiere tedesco di Brema. Lo yacht verrà arredato interamente dalla celebre Hellerau di Dresda al costo di 15 milioni di marchi. L'intera nave costerà 100 milioni di marchi. Click to expand...

-{ Rick }-

Pavlvs said: Il Grand Bleu sembra un traghetto della Navimar. Sopra c'è, come tender, un motoscafo da 15 metri, che se lo vede Er Piotta ce fa un disco sopra. Ed il traghetto col motoscafo sarebbe "di gran classe"? Click to expand...


se capitate in costa azzurra andate a fare un giretto allo yacht club di antibes ci sono yacht enormi , d'inverno ci sono normalmente ormeggiati quelli dei principi sauditi (più grossi di quelli di abramovich) , lo stealth degli agnelli , lo shennodonah un bellissimo veliero d'epoca dell'ex patron di fastweb , oltre a decinde di altri panfili , lì mi è anche capitato di camminare di fianco a un principino henry senza scorta  

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Atoll Yachts – The new superyacht builder in Brunei

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Written by Chelsea Smith

Atoll Yachts, a Brunei company established in March this year intends to design and produce world class yachts and enter the multi-billion dollar luxury ship building market. Atoll Yachts will produce the first Made-in-Brunei brand of yachts, utilising the country’s abundant forest resources. Using locally found hardwood, selangan batu and meranti, the company is already constructing a 111-foot wooden yacht called Atoll III.

Atoll Yachts new 111ft yacht Atol III – The new superyacht builder in Brunei

Atoll Yachts new 111ft yacht Atol III – The new superyacht builder in Brunei

Constructed with the help of a  New Zealand shipwright, a Swedish systems engineer and a team of regional craftsmen, Atoll Yachts plan to produce yachts capable of competing at international standards.

Atoll Yachts Chief Executive John Mallory Bromage said he found the Sultanate had the finest boat-building material in the world, after consulting various overseas experts. “Brunei could make its mark in the economy not just in the oil and gas industry, but also with yachts.”

Atoll Yachts of Brunei

Atoll Yachts of Brunei

Atoll Yachts has been providing maintenance services for vessels around  Southeast Asia since it formed earklier this year and according to Bromage, the market for yachts in Southeast Asia is expanding, with 53 marinas being built in the region.

Atoll Yachts will start off with building and selling smaller yachts regionally before exporting bigger and more luxurious superyachts.

Addressing environment concerns, the company is reportedly prepared to make a commitment to Brunei’s rainforests, for every tree they take to build a yacht, they would “put two back”.

Atoll Yachts would also be looking into starting apprenticeship programmes, drawing skills from local vocational and technical schools.

According to Atoll Yachts, Brunei has significant advantages in the yacht building industry, including no acid rain, no typhoons, a long dry season whic runds from March to October, a stable business, political and social environment as well as good security. In addition, there are duty-free imports of boat equipment, engines, electronics and low taxation and government charges.

Please contact CharterWorld - the luxury yacht charter specialist - for more on superyacht news item "Atoll Yachts – The new superyacht builder in Brunei".

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The Sultan of Brunei's salacious family secret

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Jillian Lauren, was one of many women kept in a harem by Brunei's Prince Jefri. Photo / Channel 9

Brunei's Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah has a family secret: His sex-obsessed and profligate spending brother, Prince Jefri.

The playboy Prince Jefri Bolkiah led an exorbitantly lavish lifestyle, flying in planeloads of women who he entertained and showered with gifts.

The notoriously extravagant and wanton lifestyle past of Prince Jefri is in stark contrast to his older brother's stringent new laws, reports news.com.au .

The Sultan of the tiny sovereign gas and oil rich state has introduced a death penalty for gay sex.

Adulterers in the Muslim-majority sultanate blessed with a pleasant climate, excellent roads, golf courses and yacht clubs may now be stoned or whipped.

Convicted robbers face the cutting off of their right hand or left foot.

Prince Jefri Bolkiah, the brother of the Sultan of Brunei attends a parade in honor of Queen Elizabeth II's birthday. Photo / Getty Images

However, the sultan's brother Prince Jefri once allegedly kept a paid harem of up to 40 women, and was accused of embezzling $14.8 billion.

He entertained women on his luxury yacht called "Tits" which had lifeboat tenders named "Nipple 1" and "Nipple 2".

Until his assets were frozen in 2000, Jefri "has probably gone through more cash than any other human being on earth", Vanity Fair reported.

At one point the diminutive prince, whose full name is Jefri Bolkiah ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar Ali Saifuddien Sa'adul Khairi Waddien, allegedly spent $50m a month.

He bought colossal diamonds for his numerous consorts and collected 2300 luxury cars, including Ferraris, Rolls Royces and Bentleys.

One girlfriend later auctioned off the necklace given to her by the prince for $100,000.

Jillian Lauren was 18 years old when Jefri wooed her to Brunei. Photo / Channel 9

He paid $7 million for a rug woven of gold thread and embroidered with jewels.

Jefri owned a helicopter and eight airplanes including a private Boeing 747, and bought paintings by Renoir, Manet and Degas.

Through his 200 companies, he bought more than 500 properties including a collection of five-star hotels.

He owned the New York Palace, Los Angeles' Hotel Bel-Air, the Plaza Athénée in Paris and bought London's former Playboy Club for $34 million, more than four times its market value.

In 2010, American woman Jillian Lauren published a book about her former experiences as Prince Jefri's "number two girlfriend".

In Some Girls: My Life in a Harem , she said the prince paid for young attractive women for short-term hires of three weeks, and others for stays of up to a year or more.

She wrote that Jefri, who liked to be called "Robin", housed the women in luxury digs in the grounds of Brunei's royal estate and paid them around $2000 a week.

Prince Jefri flew in planeloads of women to the royal palace. Photo / Getty Images

The palace is located among the leafy, riverside hills on the banks of the Brunei River, a few kilometres southwest of Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei's capital city.

The women, who were also given jewellery, were required to attend Prince Jefri's parties where he entertained his male friends.

The prince would ultimately depart the function with one particular girl of his choice.

The harem allegedly included a Penthouse Pet of the Year, and a TV actress.

Now aged 64, for his 50th birthday in 2004 Prince Jefri paid Michael Jackson $17m to perform at a custom-built stadium.

He commissioned artist J. Seward Johnson to create an $800,000 sexually explicit statue.

After buying Asprey, London jeweller to the Queen for $385m, he commissioned erotic fountain pens and jewel encrusted watches depicting couples having sex, each worth $1.3m.

Jefri is married to three wives, divorced from two others and has eighteen children, aged around 15 to 47.

He once imported US grid iron stars Joe Montana and Herschel Walker, who he paid at least $1m each, to teach one of his sons football.

Jefri also paid $1.5 million for a badminton coach.

The finance minister of his oil-rich country from 1986 to 1998, Jefri also was chairman of the Brunei Investment Agency.

The BIA invested much of the country's wealth, but after the Asian Financial Crisis in 1997 was audited by the Brunei Government resulting in allegations Jefri had embezzled $14.8b.

The Prince of Wales (left) is accompanied by His Majesty Hassanal Bolkiah, The Sultan of Brunei at the Istana Nurul Iman, in Brunei. Photo / Getty Images

He denied the charges, but in 2000 agreed to relinquish his assets and avoided prosecution.

Following the audit of his spending, Jefri was forced to surrender five diamonds worth $200 million.

He also gave up his cars, aircraft, 100 paintings, five boats and thousands of other possessions.

Legal issues forced Prince Jefri from Brunei, and litigation in the British High Court resulted in a warrant being issued for alleged contempt of court.

However, since 2009, his 72-year-old older brother, His Royal Highness the Sultan, who also has multiple wives, has forgiven Jefri.

The prince has been allowed to return to Brunei and has made public appearances with members of the royal family.

The Sultan of Brunei Hassanal Bolkiah offers a prayer in 2000 with two of his wives at a royal birthday investiture in Nurul Iman Palace. Photo / AP

The righteous sultan introduced stringent new sharia laws this week which decree that women who have an abortion or give birth outside of marriage should face prison.

His new penal code also punishes Muslims caught drinking alcohol with whipping.

Even minor infractions can now result in heavy fines and jail sentences.

Unrighteous acts such as adultery or sodomy could warrant amputation of limbs or stoning to death.

Brunei, which comprises 5765 square kilometres on the island of Borneo and around 500ksq more of South China Sea coastline and border territory with Malaysia, has 118 mosques.

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Royal Brunei Yacht Club

Sailing and power boating

+673 277 3383 (Boatyard)

The essence of our being. We offer members a wide variety of sea sport activities that cater to both the novice and the experienced enthusiast. The Serasa clubhouse offers an extensive and well-equipped boatyard for sailing dinghies, powerboats and motorized yachts. Look out for a variety of activities like away day to the Spit, sailing lessons and competitions.

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Members that have the required competencies will be able to charter our excellent range of sailboats. Bookings for day charters are to be submitted a minimum of 48 hours prior to use. A confirmation on your booking will be sent within 24 hours. Click here to book your day charter boat!

Can’t get enough of sailing? Please click here to sign up for the RBYC Sailboat Unlimited Use Charter. The best value for your money!

Sailors wishing to improve their racing performance may opt for additional training with our Certified High-Performance Sailing Coach. Please contact our Admin Office to check the available timings.


Sailing lessons

Learn to sail with us!

RBYC is the premier sailing venue in Brunei! Warm waters and in the protection of Serasa Bay, members will have peace of mind learning to sail.

With a fantastic variety of sailboats available, members can learn and continue to progress their sailing skills. Our certified sailing instructors are on hand to deliver our sailing courses that are suitable for total beginners to advanced sailors.

Click here to see more information on our youth sailing courses and our adult sailing courses .

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You can store your boat in our boatyard. For availability and costs please enquire at the admin office.

Launching and retrieving times :

Mon - Thu: 8am to 5pm

Fri: 8am to 12pm and 2pm to 5pm

Sat - Sun: 8am to 5pm

Please check tide & weather conditions before launching your boat.  Click here to check live tide times and tide charts.

Extra fees might apply for late retrieval

Boat yard facilities:

Boat house office

Two launching tractors


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Fuori programma al vertice Asean, la danza del bimbo indigeno

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Spettacolo di un bimbo indigeno dopo la foto di famiglia all'Asean

05 marzo 2024, 13:02

Redazione ANSA

 Il vertice dell’Associazione delle nazioni del sud-est asiatico, l’Asean si è aperto ieri a Melbourne con un tenero fuori programma. Dopo la foto di rito di tutti i leader intervenuti a Melbourne, un bambino indigeno australiano - apparentemente di 3 o 4 anni - a piedi nudi e con indosso un pantaloncino nero, si è esibito in una danza in omaggio ai leader e poi, senza essere intimorito dalla schiera di adulti seduti alle sue spalle, si è preso la scena correndo liberamente lungo il palco e catturando l’attenzione dei fotografi. 

In uno degli scatti si vede il primo ministro australiano Anthony Albanese che chiacchiera con il piccolo, sotto lo sguardo divertito del premier del Laos Sonexay Siphandone e anche il suo omologo della Cambogia Hun Manet gli rivolge un sorriso, mentre il sultano del Brunei Hassanal Bolkiah sembra non curarsi della scena. 

Il primo ministro dell’Australia, Anthony Albanese, ospita i leader per celebrare i 50 anni di partenariato tra il Paese oceanico e l’organizzazione regionale. Durante il vertice speciale i leader hanno espresso la volontà di denunciare l’uso della forza per risolvere le controversie nella regione con un riferimento implicito alla Cina.

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    Jillian Lauren, was one of many women kept in a harem by Brunei's Prince Jefri. Photo / Channel 9. Brunei's Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah has a family secret: His sex-obsessed and profligate spending ...

  22. Sail

    RBYC is the premier sailing venue in Brunei! Warm waters and in the protection of Serasa Bay, members will have peace of mind learning to sail. With a fantastic variety of sailboats available, members can learn and continue to progress their sailing skills. Our certified sailing instructors are on hand to deliver our sailing courses that are ...

  23. Viaggio nel Sultanato del Brunei

    Il palazzo del Sultano, nonché sede del governo, è la più grande residenza privata del mondo. Conta 1.788 camere da letto, 257 bagni, una sala per ricevimenti espandibile che può contenere fino a 5.000 ospiti, una moschea per 1.500 persone, un garage da 110 macchine, un stalla con aria condizionata per il 200 pony da polo del Sultano, 5 ...

  24. Fuori programma al vertice Asean, la danza del bimbo indigeno

    Il vertice dell'Associazione delle nazioni del sud-est asiatico, l'Asean si è aperto ieri a Melbourne con un tenero fuori programma. Dopo la foto di rito di tutti i leader intervenuti a ...