yachtwerft stettin

"Catkreuzer" -  = "catcruisers" the early german built catboats from the time period 1880-1930

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          Once the first catboats had been built in the US around the 1850´s it didn´t take long before new type of boat had reached Europe. The Una-boat, an open catboat of 16 ft. in length and its designer Bob Fish played a certain role with that story. Una had been shipped from the US to England, and there it became quite popular as a race boat. In contrast to the country of the catboat´s origin, the US, the catboats that had been built since the end of the 19th century in Europe were no longer being used for fishing or transportation. The explanation is quite simple: On one hand the local fishermen had been using their regional boat types for many decades, like the northern double enders in the Baltic sea and the numerous flat-bottom type boats such as the tjotters, boeiers etc. in the lowlands of Dutch Friesland. On the other hand the catboats came to Europe exactly at the time of the industrial revolution, with the quickly upcoming use of engines for all kind of mechanical devices, and so for boats. The classic American catboat such as the Cape Cod catboat had not simply been copied and pasted in Europe. Essentially it was the cat-rig that had inspired the European boat designers the most. In those times the the sloop and cutter were the dominating rigs. Especially in narrow waters, these rigs needed elaborate handling. Without the support of winches or jam cleats the sheets had to be tightened and manually fixed on cleats after each tack. Another fact was that foresails at that time had mainly been used to enlarge the total sail area of the boats, which was quite impressive. The complex know-how of aerodynamic flow that we do have today, for example to use the foresail in order to achieve an improved airstream along the mainsail, was not available in those days. And the foresails had not been designed and neigther used in that way. The early catboats showed advantages versus the sloop-rigged boats, not only in handling. They enabled even closer angles to the wind when tacking. This advantage had been very welcomed for narrow inshore waters. After a thorough research in old editions of the german magazines "Die Yacht", "Ahoi" and "Wassersport" I have collected, summarized and commented on the reports of boats of the early designers and boatbuilders who dealt with catboats with cabins. The drawings were taken from the old articles from the magazine "Die Yacht", which are published in the "Yachtsportarchiv" and are also listed in the protected area of this website.  

German Catboats vs. American catboats

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From the very beginning the German-designed and built catboats had been used as pleasure boats und never as fishing boats or for the purpose of transportation. There were the open catboats, which were used as race boats, and the ones with a small cabin, which were built as a shorter and easier to handle version to the already existing "Jollenkreuzer", as touring boats. They also were intended to add to existing designs as a low-cost version of a pleasure boat design. From the existing American catboat designs few characteristic elements would be transferred to the European designs. This was done only many decades later - in the 1970s with the catboat "Seezunge". In the old days it wasn´t the trial to bring a copy of this boat to Europe. The early catboats in Germany were rather unique designs with a cat-rig, which the designers named "Catkreuzer" which means catcruiser. The majority of these designs were keel boats with no centreboards. The beam was also not according to the American extreme ratio of length : width 2:1. These much more trimly designed boats needed to carry a sufficient weight of ballast in order to provide the necessary stability.  

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The barn door rudders have an unusual large surface area, and as its name indicates, their shape and size remind to the door of a barn. They had been a result of the needed suitability of the boats for shallow waters. The American type catboats with their solid and robust built barn door rudders could, once the centreboard is up, easily be pulled up on to a beach or could be anchored in tidal zones with the boat resting on shore at low tide. These barn door rudders needed to have a minimum of surface area in order to work efficiently. And the surface area that was needed could not be achieved by vertical extension of the rudders but by stretching the rudder in the horizontal direction further to the back. These long rudders tended to dip out of the water in wavy conditions, resulting in a more difficult steering behavior. So these needs of rudders with low depth was not that much apparent in Germany and particularly around the Berlin lakes and other inshore waters. Therefore German catboats had been designed with rudders of more depth and which show more like a teardrop shaped design. In the Netherlands with their shaööow inshore waters, such as the Dutch Friesland, they used their well established flat-bottom boats with leeboards for many decades. Anyhow also in the Netherlands exist a few boatyards, which also had built some keelboats with cat-rigs. Some of them are still kept and maintained today by the members of the Dutch catboat club.  The catboats of the German designers had developed partly from the type of "Jollenkreuzer", which also became popular during that time. They were centreboard sailboats with a similar hull to some open sailboats, but with a cabin and sloop-rig. They also had been offered with cat-rigs. Typical examples of these are the designs of the 5,47m long cat-rigged Jollenkreuzer from Heinz Docter and the cat-rigged Sharpie-Jollenkreuzer of Fritz Fischer . But then the catkreuzers were born, designed as full keel catboats. These boats did not have centreboard cases, which would have been even more inconvenient on slim or trim designed cabins. A further difference to the American originals was the positioning of the mast. It had not been put in the very front of the bow, but just a little further back, where the bow is wide enough to allow a sufficient angle of the shrouds and forestay to support the mast. The bow was less loaded, which had a positive effect in rougher waters. These types of small cat-rigged touring yachts were manufactured at numerous small boatbuilding shops. Unfortunately there are few remaining photos of catboats built at that time, which are of particular value. Other sources of information come from old sales advertising and the boat register-lists of the various sailing clubs. As far as we know today, only three of the original catkreuzers exist. Drawings and original boats remain from: Abeking & Rasmussen (two of their "little Catkreuzer"), from Heidtmann (original Catboot Catalina), Artur Tiller (drawings of his catboats designs: "Teufelchen", "Svane" and "6m-Catkreuzer"), Friedrich Popp (Catkreuzer Gerda),  Adolf Harms   (Cat-Schwertkreuzer) and Harry Wustrau (Kurz und gut = short and good).

The Old designs

Cat-rigged "Jollenkreuzer"

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Two examples of cat-rigged jollenkreuzer could be found. Ship-building engineer Heinz Docter designed the 18 ft. Jollenkreuzer with round bulkhead and a hard chine. On this type, Docter received many inquiries. This boat had been manufactured under his management at the boatyard in Warnemünde "Wereha" (= Werft-, Reederei- und Handelsbetriebe). In 1923, the design had been worked over and then rigged with a shorter mast and gaff. The mast was then much lighter in weight, a significant advantage when taking the mast down with a tabernacle.

In 1927 a 20 ft. Jollenkreuzer was presented by Fritz Fischer. It is not known if this type had ever been built. Docters and Fishers designs had both been equipped with cabins reaching forward to the mast. Another characteristic of these designs are the positioning of the centreboards, very much forward to avoid the inconvenient centreboard cases in the main area of the cabin. 

The  Catkreuzers (= catcruisers)

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The two smaller designs were centreboarders. The smaller one Kurz und Gut (=Short and Good) had an overall length of 13.8 ft. and was designed by Harry Wustrau. It had a daggerboard, but when hitting the bottom it allowed the board to flip backwards. The board had been positioned so that the centreboard case was partly in the cockpit and partly in the cabin. With a depth of 2.2 ft. with board up and 4.1 ft. down. When completely up it was necessary for the hatch to be open. To lock the cabin, either the board was removed or it was left down. The cabin height of this tiny boat was only 3.6 ft. and only smaller sailors could sit in an upright position. Room for storage was under the cockpit and cabin benches, and in a small area in the bow. It is not known, if this design had ever been built.

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The second of the small designs is the Cat-Schwertkreuzer   of Adolf Harms in 1919. At an overall length of 15 ft. and a width of 7.2 ft. this design is significantly larger than the Wustrau design. Interesting was the position of the centreboard - very forward in the bow. The centreboard case begins just behind the mast. By designing it this way, the main part of the cabin was not affected by a centreboard case. An innovative solution was designed by Harms for the halyards. They were guided through the deck and tightened on cleats mounted at the centerboard case.

This boat had been built at the Berkholz & Gärsch boatshop in Friedrichshagen at the lake Müggelsee.

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In 1914 the famous yacht builder Abeking & Rasmussen presented the  Henry Rasmussen design of the Kleiner Catkreuzer (= small catcruiser). At an overall length of only 14.8 ft. Rasmussen had incorporated an astonishing amount in the boat. This catboat was designed as a long keel boat that offered a roomy cabin with berths of sufficient length. Typical for A & R designs: all metal parts and fittings were especially made by A&R, from the chainplates for the shrouds, the jiffy reefing for the boom to the all brass vent fitting - to mention but a few.

According to A&R´s list of the building numbers eight boats of this type had been built in the period between 1914 and 1922. The boat with building number 401 had been built for a Mr. Hans Frese in Bremen and the boat was named "Sonderling". In A&Rs list of the building numbers, the design was then still mentioned as "Tourenkreuzer" instead of the later term "Catkreuzer". The next built was building number 696 in 1916 for Mr. Angerich from Lichtenfelde. In 1921 there followed a series of three boats of this type, with the building numbers 1258-1260. Unfortunately, no further information is available on the buyers or boat names.

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One year later in 1922 another series of three were built with the building numbers 1499-1501. Two of these were ordered from a customer in Denmark and the other for one in England. Two of these boats survive today; the building numbers 1499 ( Novatus of Theo Nieuwenhuizen) and 1501 ( Krümel of Rasmus Braun). They regularly participate at various boat meetings. A nice article about these two old-timers had been published in the magazine "Yacht Classic" edition 1/2017. With their sail area of 183 ft ² they still keep up with modern catboats quite well.

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Friedrich Popp designed the catboat on the left. With an overall length of 16.4 ft. and a beam of only 5.9 ft. , Gerda is a very trim catkreuzer. She´s a pure long keeler with a sail area of 199 ft² and a rudder mounted on a square stern. Beside the cat-rig this design also had been offered with a sloop rig. Popp cooperated with a couple of boatyards, who he licensed to build the types. The boatyards were located mainly in the eastern part of the Baltic: Ostsee Yachtbau G.m.b.H. Werft in former town Groß-Möllen (today polish: Mielno), Haffwerft G.m.b.H in former town Groß-Ziegenort (today polish: Trzbiez) at the Stettiner Haff and the Boots-und Yachtwerft Dipl.-Ing. Friedrich Bedezies in former Stettin (today polish: Szczecin). The building time of this boat was calculated at six weeks, and it was made from oak with lapstrake hull.

A well-known boat designer at the time in Germany was ship-building engineer from Berlin-Charlottenburg, Artur Tiller.  He designed a large variety and number of boats and ships. Among his designs are several for catboats. Three of those he designed with a cabin as a catkreuzer. They are the type Teufelchen (1924), Svane (1929) and the 6m-Catkreuzer (1930). All designs show the characteristic fingerprint of Tiller´s designs. They all have the uniquely designed (at the time) keel with a fin shape. It allowed for easier turning when tacking and also reduced the area of resistance. The needed ballast was attached as an "iron-shoe" to the keel. Only one of the designs, the catkreuzer "Teufelchen" (= little devil) had been equipped with a gaff sail. All of the later designs he had equipped with a Marconi-rig. Obviously, Tiller considered the Marconi of advantage because of their easier handling over the gaff versions.

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The catboat Teufelchen (= little devil) had been presented extensively in 1924 by an article in the magazine "Die Yacht". It had been made for Mr. Walter Hemming, a famous painter of marine scenes and was manufactured at Engelbrecht boatyard in Berlin´s Köpenick suburb. Made of mahogany and at 16.4 ft. with a 6.9 ft. beam  and 2.2 ft draft, it was rigged with a gaff sail of 215 ft². A few years later he designed another 16.4 ft catboat, the Svane . In contrast to the Teufelchen the Svane was trimmer and rigged with a Marconi sail of 215 ft².

It was reported, that from this boat, a smaller series had been manufactured at boatyard Müller in Kladow, Berlin-Spandau. 

  The order for a slightly larger version Tiller received, came from Switzerland. He designed the " 6m-Catkreuzer ". At an overall length of 19.7 ft with a 7 ft. beam and a depth of 2.3 ft., the 6m-Catkreuzer also was equipped with a Marconi rig and a sail area of 269 ft². It was built at Yachtwerft Grimm in the Swiss town of Gottlieben. 

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The last boat of this summary is a preserved catboat of the renowned boat building company of Hamburg Heidtmann with building number 5379. At an overall length of 19.7 ft. and a beam of 8.5 ft it displaced about 4,410 lbs.  Although catboats had been designed and built at Heidtmann from the 1880s, no designs seem to have been preserved. Luckily a Heidtmann catboat had been preserved out of the five built in 1930. This boat is the catboat Catalina   and was designed as a centerboard catboat with many similarities to American catboats. 

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Tour Stettin

Proposals for 7-day trips by boat or yacht (without boating licence) mildenberg – finow canal – stettin.

You sail through the Finow canal to Oderberg. Actually the Finow canal is closed due lock works. You have to sail through the Oder – Havel canal. Depending on the water lavel and your experience, you go onwards on the river Oder, or on the Hohensaaten-Friedrichsthaler waterway to Oderberg with its inland shipping museum. http://www.bs-museum-oderberg.de/

On it goes to the historic quarter of Stettin (please note: from a certain point on you will need a marine boating licence). On your way back you can, for example, visit the Niederfinow lift lock or take a little detour to lake Werbelinsee. http://www.wsa-eberswalde.de/wir_ueber_uns/bauwerke/schiffshebewerk_niederfinow/

If you have some time left, you may also want to stop by the castle and the park in Oranienburg. http://www.spsg.de/schloesser-gaerten/objekt/schlossmuseum-oranienburg/


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Stettin (Marina Goclaw)

Hafen bei szczecin (golęcino-gocław).

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In Goclaw, einem nördlichen Vorort von Stettin, am Westufer der Oder, liegt die ausgebaute Marina Goclaw.

NV. Hafenlotse

Eine 10m breite befeuerte Zufahrt verbindet den Hafen mit der Oder. Unmittelbar an der Südseite des Hafenbeckens befindet sich ein mehrgeschossiges, rotgeklinkertes Hotel.


Gäste sind willkommen auf Plätzen längsseits der Pier oder an Heckbojen auf 3 – 3,5m Wassertiefe. Für größer Yachten gibt es Anlegemöglichkeit an de befestigten Außenpier. Die Liegeplätze der Yachtwerft Teliga, 0,4sm südlich des Yachthafens, sind ein guter Platz für Reparaturarbeiten am Boot.

Sanitäranlagen, Supermarkt und eine Gaststätte gibt es am Hafen. Die bewachte Anlage ist gut gepflegt. Das Stettiner Stadtzentrum kann man mit einer Straßenbahn erreichen.

NV. Landgangslotse

„Polens Tor zur Welt“ wird Stettin aufgrund der herausragenden Bedeutung seines Hafens für den Personen- und Güterverkehr genannt. Weltoffen ist auch die Atmosphäre in der Stadt, die allerdings nach den schweren Zerstörungen im Zweiten Weltkrieg mehr nach den Grundsätzen der Zweckmäßigkeit als der Schönheit wieder aufgebaut wurde. Zwar ist die Hafenpromenade zu großen Teilen in alter Pracht erhalten und die alten Chobry-Wälle zwischen dem Hafen und der Stadt sind zu schönen Grünanlagen umgestaltet worden, aber der riesige Hochstraßenkomplex, der über die Mündungsarme der Oder führt, macht diesen positiven Eindruck am Stadthafen wieder zunichte. In das vorwiegend historische Hafenbild passt auch das moderne Gebäude der Hafenverwaltung nicht hinein. Leider wurde das noch im 18. Jahrhundert auf den Wällen stehende Fort Leopold abgerissen und anstelle des Forts Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts ein großes klassizistisches Gebäude errichtet. Diese beeindruckenden Bauten erstrecken sich längs des Hafens auf einer Länge von einem halben Kilometer. In der Mitte der Gebäudesilhouette führen Gänge zu einer Steinskulptur, den Kampf des Herkules mit dem Zentauren darstellend. Vorbei an zwei kleinen Türmen kommt man über die pompösen Treppen der Hakenterrasse zu den heute als See-Akademie dienenden Amtsgebäuden aus der Wende des 19/20. Jahrhunderts. Hier befindet sich auch das Nationalmuseum.

Rund 500 m nördlich der nachts zum Teil angeleuchteten Gebäude lädt der größte Park der Stadt, der Zeromskiego-Park, zu Spaziergängen ein.

Kleine Einkaufspassagen, gemütliche Souterrain-Geschäfte, Theater und Cafés heben den nüchternen Eindruck des Zentrums westlich des Hafens zum Teil wieder auf. Hinzu kommt, dass Stettin einige Sehenswürdigkeiten zu bieten hat, allen voran das mächtige Schloss mit hervorragender Aussicht von seinem Turm auf die Stadt. Die Kürschnergasse/Kusnierska führt zu der Anlage hinauf, die einst als gotische Burg von Barnim III. zum Schutz einer früher slawischen Siedlung errichtet wurde.

In der Krypta ruhen die Gebeine der Pommernherzöge. Sie bauten die Burg zu einem prunkvollen Regierungssitz aus.

Die Msciwoja-Straße in der Nähe der Most-Dlugi-Brücke verläuft parallel zur Uferstraße und führt zum alten Rathaus, dessen Räume das Stadtmuseum beherbergen. Auch der Weg zur Peter-und-Paul-Kirche ist nicht weit. Hier bringt einen die Malopolska-Straße nach ein paar hundert Metern zum Ziel. Sehenswert ist auch die barocke Triumpf-Pforte „Brama Portowa“, das einstige Berliner Tor aus dem Jahr 1725 im Osten des Siegesplatzes. Bürgerhäuser des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts säumen den „Plac Orla Bialego“. In einem dieser Gebäude wohnte um 1740 die spätere Zarin Katharina II.

Erst im 12. Jahrhundert begann der Aufschwung der slawischen Fischersiedlung nach der Missionierung durch Otto von Bamberg. 1243 erhielt Stettin Stadtrechte und wurde Mitglied der Hanse. Über 400.000 Einwohner zählt die Stadt heute, wobei die meisten von ihnen aus den ehemals  russischen Ostgebieten Polens stammen.

Überaus reizvoll ist die waldreiche Umgebung Stettins. Durch die Buchenwälder und die Moor- und Wiesenlandschaften schlängeln sich zahlreiche Nebenarme der Oder. Auf dem Weinberg bei Gocław, die höchste Erhebung der Umgebung, befindet sich der 1921 zu Ehren Otto von Bismarcks fertig gestellte „Bismarck Turm“.


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Szczecin/ Stettin (Northeast Marina)

Hafen bei Szczecin (Międzyodrze-Wyspa Pucka)

5.59 km von hier entfernt

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Liegeplätze unterhalb des Schlosses

Hafen bei Szczecin (Stare Miasto)

6.04 km von hier entfernt

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Lubczyna (Lübzin)

Hafen bei Lubczyna

7.43 km von hier entfernt

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Szczecin/ Stettin Süd

Hafen bei Szczecin (Dąbie)

8.19 km von hier entfernt

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Marina Hotele

8.42 km von hier entfernt

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JK AZS Szczecin

8.52 km von hier entfernt

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Stettin - PCE Centrum Żeglarskie

8.65 km von hier entfernt

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Portowa Tankstelle

Tankstelle bei Trzebież

21.55 km von hier entfernt

Straßentankstelle Ziegeleihafen Uckermünde

Tankstelle bei Ueckermünde

44.66 km von hier entfernt

Uckermünde Lagunenstadt Tankstelle

Tankstelle bei Ueckermünde (Neuendorf)

46.66 km von hier entfernt

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Kleiner Kreuzer 1907 - 1920  Stettin  Class
Size (Max):     3822 t
Length (Total):     117,4 m
Length (Waterline):     116,8 m
Beam:     13,3 m
Draft:     5,14 m
Crew:     322
10,5 cm:     10
5,2 cm:     8
45 cm Torpedo tubes:     2
Deck:     50 mm (max)
Shafts:     2
Turbines:     2
Type:     Parsons
Total Performance:     21670 shp
Speed:     25,2 kn
Range:     4170 miles as 12 kn
   Last modified: 09.09.2003

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  last edited by 14 years ago



Brandenburg, Havel     Gebruder Wiemann
Berlin, Eisenhuttenstadt     Jachtwerft Berlin GmbH

VEB Yachtwerft Berlin

VEB Schiffswerft Berlin

Bremen     Abeking & Rasmussen
Bremen     Adler Werft GmbH
Bremen     Atlas-MaK Maschinenbau GmbH

Norddeutsche Maschinen-u. Armaturen-Fabrik AG

Atlas Werke AG

Bremen     Neptun-Werft Theodor Bartels & Co
Bremen     Rolandwerft GmbH
Bremen (Stefanikircheweider)     Watjen & Leonhardt

C.Watjen & Co


Bremen (Gropelingen)     A.G.Weser

Deutsche Schiffs-und Maschinenbau A.G. (Deschimag)

Bremerhaven     Rickmers Werft

Rickmers Reismuhlen, Rhederei & Schiffbau A.G.

Rickmers Rhederei & Schiffbau A.G.

Norddeutsche Werft GmbH

Rickmers Werft

Rickmers Rhederei A.G.

Bremerhaven     Schiffswerft & Maschinenfabrik Max Sieghold

Siegholdwerft Bremerhaven G.m.b.H.& Co

Bremerhaven     SSW Schichau Seebeck Schiffswerft

SSW Fahr-und Spezialschiffbau

Bremerhaven     Bremerhaven Dock GmbH (BREDO)
Bremerhaven     Schichau-Unterweser A.G.

F.Schichau GmbH

Bremerhaven (Geestemunde)     A.G.Weser Seebeckwerft

A.G.Weser, Werk Seebeck

Seebeckwerft A.G.

Schichau Seebeckwerft A.G.

Cosel     Caesar Wolheim
Cuxhaven     Mutzelfeldtwerft G.m.b.H.

Cuxhavener Schiffswerft Fr. Mutzelfeldt

Danzig     Danziger Werft u.Eisenbahnwerkstaten A.G.

The International Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd

Danziger Werft u.Eisenbahnwerkstaten A.G.

Danzig Konigliche Werft

Danzig Kaiserliche Werft

Danzig     J.W.Klawitter

Klawitter Werft-Betrieb-GmbH & Co

Duisburg     Krupp Ruhrorter
Duisburg     Ewald Berninghaus
Duisburg     Gutehoffnungshutte Sterkrade A.G. Rheinwerft Walsu
Einswarden (Weser)     J. Frerichswerft
Elbing 1865 1872  
Elbing, Danzig 1855 1945  
Elbing 1568    
Elbing 1641 1643  
Elbing 1793 1815  
Elbing 1796 1822  
Elbing 1801 1825  
Elbing 1801 1805  
Elbing 1825 1872  
Elbing 1826 1870  
Elbing 1856 1859  
Elbing 1880    
Elbing 1909 1914  
Elmshorn     D.W. Kemer Sohn
Emden 1875  


1902:C.Cassens Schiffswerft

1979:Schiffswerft u.Maschinenfabrik Cassens GmbH

Emden     Schulte & Bruns Schiffswerft
Emden     Nordseewerke Emden G.m.b.H.

Rheinstahl Nordseewerke G.m.b.H.

Thyssen Nordseewerke G.m.b.H.

Flensburg     Flensburger Schiffbau Gesellschaft

Flensburger Maschinenbau-Anstalt Johannsen & Soren

Gaarden bei Kiel     Norddeutsche Schiffbau A.G.

Schiff-und Maschinenbau 'Germania' A.G.

Bremerhaven (Geestemunde)     Seebeckwerft A.G.

A.G.Weser, Werk Seebeck

G.Seebeck A.G.


A.G.Weser Seebeckwerft

Schichau Seebeckwerft A.G.

Geestemunde     Johannes C.Tecklenborg A.G.


Johannes C.Tecklenborg

DESCHIMAG, Werk Tecklenborg

Greifswald     Julius Kesseler
Grohn bei Vegesack     Joh. Lange
Hamburg     Blohm + Voss GmbH

Blohm + Voss AG

Blohm & Voss KG auf Aktien

Blohm & Voss AG

Blohm & Voss

Blohm & Voss AG

Hamburg     Heinrich Brandenburg
Hamburg     Janssen & Schmilinsky

....:Schiffswerfte und Maschinenfabrik

Hamburg     Deutsche Werft GmbH

Reiherstieg Deutsche Werft GmbH

Reiherstieg Schiffswerft & Maschinenfabrik

Godeffroy-Zeit Reiherstieg Schiffswerft & Maschinenfabrik

Hamburg-Harburg     G. Renck jr.
Hamburg     Howaldtswerke Hamburg A.G.

Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft AG

HDW-Hamburg Werft & Maschinenbau GmbH

Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft AG


Hamburg (Steinwerder)     H.C.Stulcken Sohn

H.C.Stulcken Wwe.

Stulckenwerft H.C. Stuelcken & Sohn

Hamburg     Hanseatische Werft GmbH
Hamburg     Deutsche Werft GmbH

Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft AG

Hamburg     Hamburger Werft

Deutsche Werft GmbH

Hamburg     J.J.Sietas Schiffswerft

J.J.Sietas KG Schiffswerft G.m.b.H.& Co

Hamburg     Barthels & Luders
Hamburg     Albert Bonne
Hamburg     Norderwerft Koser u.Meyer
Hamburg (Altona)     Stulckenwerft
Haren/Ems     Gebr.Koetter Schiffswerft-Saagewerk
Kiel (Gaarden)     Friedrich Krupp Germaniawerft

Norddeutsche Schiffbau A.G.

Schiff-und Maschinenbau 'Germania' A.G.

Kiel (Dietrichsdorf)     Maschinenbau & Eisengiesserei Schweffel & Howaldt

Gebruder Howaldt

Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft AG

Kieler Howaldtswerke AG

Howaldtswerke AG


Georg Howaldt, Kieler Schiffswerft

Kiel-Wellingsdorf     Stocks & Kolbe
Kiel (Ellerbek)     Kaiserliche Marine Werft

Deutsche Werke A.G.

Kriegsmarinewerft Kiel

Kiel     Schiffswerft u.Masch.Paul Lindenau GmbH & Co KG
Kolberg 1677 1680  
Kolberg 1840 1845  
Kolberg 1849 1862  
Kolberg 1853 1859  
Kolberg 1853 1872  
Kolberg 1860 1865  
Kolberg 1922 1923  
Lehe     Schiffbauges. Unterweser
Lubeck     Aluminium Schiffswerft GmbH
Koenigsberg     Union-Giesserei
Lubeck     Bruckenbau Flender AG

Lubecker Flender-Werke AG

Flender Werft AG

Lubeck     Schiffswerft von Henry Koch
Lubeck     Lubecker Maschinenbau Gesellschaft

Orenstein-Koppel & Lubecker Maschinenbau A.G.

Orenstein & Koppel A.G.

Memel     F. Lindenau Schiffswerft

Paul Lindenau

Neustrelitz     Gebrueder Maass
Papenburg     Jos. L. Meyer
Rosslau     VEB Rosslaur Schiffswerft
Rosslau     Gebr. Sachsenberg A.G.
Rostock     VEB Schiffswerft Neptun

Act.Ges.Neptun Schiffswerft & Maschinenfabrik

Neptunwerft Rostock Schiffswerft und Maschinenfabrik

Rostocker Schiff u. Maschinenbau Act.Ges.

Act.Ges. "Hansa"

Rostock     Rostocker Schiffs & Maschinenbau A.G.
Rostock     Maschinenbauanstalt und Schiffswerft von Albrecht Tischbein
Rostock     Abendroth
Stettin     Aron & Gallnow
Stettin (Grabow bei Stettin)     Moeller & Holberg

....:Stettiner AG

Stettin     Nueschke & Co.
Stettin (Grabow bei Stettin)     Stettiner Oderwerke, AG fur Schiffs-und Maschinenbau
Stettin (Stettin-Frauendorf)     Ostseewerft AG
Stettin (Bredow bei Stettin) 1851 1945 1851:Früchtenicht & Brock

1857:Stettiner Maschinenbau AG Vulcan


1930:AG Vulcan Stettin

Stettin (Stolzenhagen)     Caesar Wollheim, Zweigwerft Stolzenhagen-Kratzwiek
Stralsund     Stralsunder Schiffswerft Otto Froehling
Stralsund     Schiffswerft Georg Schuldt
Stralsund     VEB Volkswerft Stralsund

Volkswerft G.m.b.H.

Swinemunde     Mahrwerft AG
Vegesack     Bremer Vulkan AG Schiffbau u.Maschinenfabrik

Bremer Vulkan Werft GmbH


Bremer Schiffbaugesellschaft

Vegesack     Johann Lange Werft

Carl Lange Werft


Schiffbau Gesellschaft 'Unterweser' mbH

B.W.Riedemann & Co

Schiffswerft 'Delphin' GmbH

Wismar     C.H. Barmann
Wismar     VEB Mathias-Thesen-Werft

MTW Schiffswerft GmbH

Aker MTW Werft GmbH

Bremerhaven,Wesermunde     Schichau-Unterweser A.G.

Schiffswerft 'Delphin' GmbH

B.W.Riedemann & Co

Schiffbau Gesellschaft 'Unterweser' GmbH

Wilhelmshaven     Kaiserliche Marine Werft

Reichsmarine Werft

Wilhelmshaven Kriegsmarine Werft

Jadewerft GmbH

Jadewerft (Wilhelmshaven) GmbH

Neue Jadewerft GmbH

German Shipyards

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Recent Activity

Passenger ship, ENI 05042080, MMSI 211445180

  • VesselFinder
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The current position of STETTIN is at North Sea reported 1 min ago by AIS. The vessel is sailing at a speed of 4.9 knots. The vessel STETTIN (ENI 05042080, MMSI 211445180) is a Passenger ship and currently sailing under the flag of Germany .


Position & Voyage Data

Predicted ETA-
Distance / Time-
Course / Speed 
Current draught2.0 m
Navigation Status Restricted
Position received
ENI / MMSI05042080 / 211445180
Length / Beam-

Map position & Weather

Recent port calls.

STETTIN current position and history of port calls are received by AIS. Technical specifications, tonnages and management details are derived from VesselFinder database. The data is for informational purposes only and VesselFinder is not responsible for the accuracy and reliability of STETTIN data.


  1. Highlights von Stettin: Was man unbedingt sehen sollte

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  2. Stettin, Szczecin; Schiffswerft Vulkan. Torpedoboote im Bau / Vulcan

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  3. Trendcity Stettin: Spannender Geheimtipp an der Oder

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  4. Stettin Szczecin Stettiner Werft (Stocznia Szczecińska)

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  5. Fotoreportage: Stettin, Juwel im Herzen Pommerns

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  6. Dampfeisbrecher "Stettin": Mit Kohlekraft voraus

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  1. Yachtwerft Berlin Neptun Holzboot Holzmotorboot by wooden-ships.de


  3. HSBO 2023 recap

  4. Schlepper Dicker beim Wellenreiten ;-D


  6. KB12 Probefahrt IFA 6VD14,5-12SRW/1 Schönebecker


  1. Jachtwerft Stettin Sailing Boats Search And Buy a Used Boat

    Sailing Boats / Jachtwerft Stettin. Reset Filters. Let us Find Your Dream Boat. With a search agent notification you will be notified as soon as an advertisement which meets your search criteria is submitted to Boat24. Save This Search. Search Suggestion

  2. yachtwerft stettin

    Stettin (Marina Goclaw) Hafen bei szczecin (golęcino-gocław). Beschreibung. In Goclaw, einem nördlichen Vorort von Stettin, am Westufer der Oder, liegt die ausgebaute Marina Go

  3. Jachtwerft Stettin Klassische Yacht Ketsch

    Jachtwerft Stettin Klassische Yacht Ketsch kaufen - Baujahr: 1964, Länge: 17,00 m, Breite: 3,48 m - Informationen, Fotos & Kontaktangaben zum Gebrauchtboot. (ID: 336758)

  4. "Catkreuzer"

    The boatyards were located mainly in the eastern part of the Baltic: Ostsee Yachtbau G.m.b.H. Werft in former town Groß-Möllen (today polish: Mielno), Haffwerft G.m.b.H in former town Groß-Ziegenort (today polish: Trzbiez) at the Stettiner Haff and the Boots-und Yachtwerft Dipl.-Ing. Friedrich Bedezies in former Stettin (today polish: Szczecin).

  5. Jachtwerft Stettin Klassische Yacht Ketsch in Schleswig-Holstein

    Technical data sheet of the second-hand Sailboats for sale. Second-hand Jachtwerft Stettin Klassische Yacht Ketsch with Fiat Diesel engine, 17 m in length, and 3.48 m beam length. Second-hand Jachtwerft Stettin Klassische Yacht Ketsch in Schleswig-Holstein (Germany). Sale of Sailboats reference 55525

  6. Category:Ships built in Stettin

    This is a category for ships (including U-boats) that were built in Stettin, Germany (present-day Szczecin, Poland. Pages in category "Ships built in Stettin" The following 121 pages are in this category, out of 121 total. This list may not reflect recent changes. A. SS Admiral Hardy; SMS Amazone (1843) Greek destroyer Aspis (1907) ...

  7. Jachtwerft Stettin Segelboote gebraucht suchen und kaufen

    EUR 219.000,-. Jachtwerft Stettin Segelboote gesucht? Finden und kaufen Sie Ihr Boot auf der grossen Bootsbörse für Motor- und Segelboote · Angebote aus Deutschland und Europa · Jachtwerft Stettin Segelboote ·.

  8. Tour Stettin

    Proposals for 7-day trips by boat or yacht (without boating licence)Mildenberg - Finow Canal - Stettin. You sail through the Finow canal to Oderberg. Actually the Finow canal is closed due lock works. You have to sail through the Oder - Havel canal. Depending on the water lavel and your experience, you go onwards on the river Oder, or on ...

  9. Yachts for Sale in Stettin

    Every yacht for sale in Stettin listed here. Every boat has beautiful hi-res images, deck-plans, detailed descriptions & videos.

  10. Stettiner Werft

    Stettiner Werft (2007) Haupttor Die Stettiner Werft war ein Schiffbauunternehmen in Stettin.Das zu den größten europäischen Werften gezählte Unternehmen befindet sich seit Mai 2009 in Liquidation.. Geschichte. Nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg kam Stettin an Polen. Die traditionsreichen Stettiner Werften waren durch Bombenangriffe weitgehend zerstört worden. . Nach der Konsolidierung der ...

  11. Stettin (Marina Goclaw)

    Stettin (Marina Goclaw) auf BoatView, dem europaweiten Hafenführer mit wertvollen Informationen zu Liegeplätzen, Ankerplätzen, Navigationshinweisen und vielem mehr für Segelboote und Motorboote. ... Die Liegeplätze der Yachtwerft Teliga, 0,4sm südlich des Yachthafens, sind ein guter Platz für Reparaturarbeiten am Boot. Versorgung ...

  12. Used boats for sale yachtwerft stettin

    Used boats for sale yachtwerft stettin. Check out the purchase and sales prices for boats. Use our search tool to find second-hand boats. yachtwerft stettin.

  13. Stettin History

    Stettin was used for fleet service and took part in the Battle of Helgoland which was fought with small cruisers, torpedo boats and destroyers. It also participated in the Battle of Jutland as flagship of the 4th reconnaissance group. From 1917 on it was used in the submarine school and it was projected to rebuild it as an seaplane carrier like ...

  14. Open Tender

    OPEN TENDER Ready for any condition and every requirement.Combining elegance, performance and praticality with a maximum of comfort. Custom Signature is the Yachtwerft Meyer concept for fully custom-made premium luxury tenders. Designed and crafted with direct owner input at every stage of the process to fulfill every specification and desire, creating a sophisticated statement of […]

  15. Jachtwerft Stettin Sailing Boats Search And Buy a Used Boat

    Looking for a Jachtwerft Stettin Sailing Boats? Search and buy your used boat on the big international boat market Boat24!

  16. Catamaran

    CATAMARAN 12.6m. LOA: 12.6m I Power: 2x Volvo Penta D-6 480WJ I Speed: >34kts. Learn more. Excellence in Performance is what Yachtwerft Meyer already stands for. We have always been defined by our determination to go further and smarter.

  17. Stettin Technical Data

    Stettin Kleiner Kreuzer 1907 - 1920 Stettin Class: Ship Info History Technical Data : Dimensions; Size (Max): 3822 t: Length (Total): 117,4 m

  18. oceania / German Shipyards

    Stettin : Nueschke & Co. Oderwerke: Stettin (Grabow bei Stettin) Stettiner Oderwerke, AG fur Schiffs-und Maschinenbau: Ostseewerft: Stettin (Stettin-Frauendorf) Ostseewerft AG: Vulcan AG: Stettin (Bredow bei Stettin) 1851: 1945: 1851:Früchtenicht & Brock 1857:Stettiner Maschinenbau AG Vulcan. 1911:Vulcan-Werke. 1930:AG Vulcan Stettin. Wollheim ...

  19. Jachtwerft Stettin Segelboote gebraucht suchen und kaufen

    YNGLING. EUR 6.000,-. Boot kaufen - Hier finden Sie Ihr Wunschboot! · Top Gebrauchtboote aus Deutschland und Europa · Über 600 Broker & Händler · Kostenloser Suchagent · Ratgeber Bootskauf · Magazin.

  20. Polen

    Stellen Sie Segelboote, Motorboote, Hausboote oder Yachten her, arbeiten Sie als Hersteller von Kanus oder Kayaks? Jeder seriöser Eintrag zum Thema Bootsbau, Yachtbau und Bootshersteller ist bei uns willkommen. Polen - Bootshersteller und Werften für Segelboote, Motorboote oder Katamarane weltweit - über 1.700 Bootsbau-Firmen bei Profinautic.

  21. STETTIN, Leisure Vessels

    STETTIN. The current position of STETTIN is at North Sea reported 1 min ago by AIS. The vessel is en route to the port of Hamburg, Germany, and expected to arrive there on Jun 13, 17:30 . The vessel STETTIN (IMO 8882923, MMSI 211357210) is a Leisure Vessels built in 1933 (91 years old) and currently sailing under the flag of Germany .

  22. Projects

    CRAFTs TO RELY ON Practicality, safety, and simplicity is our focus. Creating bespoke solutions to meet the most demanding functional requirements for the Navy and other public and commercial clients. Yachtwerft Meyer is part of the Zodiac Milpro Group. Explore the extensive selection of inflatable boats and sea RIBs, proven in extreme conditions and various […]

  23. STETTIN, Passenger ship

    The vessel STETTIN (ENI 05042080, MMSI 211445180) is a Passenger ship and currently sailing under the flag of Germany. Plans & Prices. Track on Map Add Photo Add to fleet. Position & Voyage Data. Destination not available. ETA: - Predicted ETA-Distance / Time-Course / Speed : Current draught: 2.0 m: Navigation Status: Moored: