
Szalók Yacht Klub – Abádszalók kikötő

A szalók yacht klub abádszalók 150 kikötőhellyel, hajó- és csónakbérlés lehetőséggel várja vendégeit..

A Tisza-tó déli részén található 14 négyzetkilométeres, összefüggő abádszalóki-öböl a tisza-tavi vízi sport paradicsoma. A Szalók Yacht Klub Abádszalók előtti vízterületen Európában szinte egyedülállóan nagy terjedelmű vízfelület, ahol a motoros sporteszközök számára engedélyezett a korlátozások nélküli használat. Egyben itt van a  Tisza-tó legnagyobb vitorlás kikötője a  délebbi kikötője. Kisköre irányában található az abádi medence védett, déli sarkában. A kikötő autóval Abádszalókon keresztül, a gátra felhajtva közelíthető meg, erre a szakaszra nem szükséges gáthajtási engedély. Gyalogosan szintén ezen az útvonalon, illetve a gáton, a strand felől közelíthető meg.

Színvonalas vízparti étterem és grillterasz élménygazdag kikapcsolódást és gasztonómiai különlegességeket kínál.


  • Benzinkút: A vízi töltőállomáson gyorsan és egyszerűen tankolhatunk 95-ös benzin üzemanyagot a vízi járművekbe.
  • Bolt: A töltőstég mellett található bolt a kötelező hajós felszerelések mellett, frissítőket (hideg üdítőket, jégkrémeket) is kínál.
  • Popeye Vízi Bár: A vízre épült különleges hangulatú bár legegyszerűbben vízi járművel közelíthető meg. Tavasztól őszig nyitott terasszal, széles ital és koktélválasztékkal, barátságos árakkal, folyamatos akciókkal, igényes kiszolgálással várja vendégeit. Nyitva tartás: Hétfő – Csütörtök: Zárva; Péntek – Vasárnap: 12:00 – 1:00.
  • Hajóbérlés, csónakbérlés: A Szalók Yacht Klub szerződött partnere a Tisza-tó Yacht Charter, akik szeretnék megismertetni mindenkivel a Tisza-tó és folyó csodálatos világát és egyúttal bevezetni mindenkit a csatornahajózás élményeibe. A Tisza-tó Yacht Charter a társasági hajózást, vízi sportokat és folyami túrázást kedvelők számára nemcsak vitorlást, hanem motorosokat is kínál, akár jogosítvány nélkül vezethetőeket is. A hajózási terület a Tisza-tó térsége, szűkebben Abádszalók és környéke, a Tiszának azon szakaszai, amelyek alkalmasak a vitorlás és/vagy motoros hajózásra.
  • Téli hajótárolás: A vízi járműveket őrzött, zárt telepen tárolják. Garanciával és teljes körű biztosítással gondoskodnak róla, hogy a hajók a tavaszi-nyári szezonra tökéletes állapotban kerülhessenek vízre.
  • Vendég hajóhely: a Szalók Yacht Klub Abádszalók kikötő biztosít vendéghelyet a hajósoknak, amely előzetesen a kikötőmesterrel egyeztetést igényel

Nyitva tartás:

Május 01. – Szeptember 30.

Szalóki Yacht Klub Abádszalók kikötő elérhetőségek:

W: www.szalokyachtklub.hu/

E: [email protected]

C: Abádszalók, Attila öböl; GPS: 47°28’41.8″N 20°34’47.1″E

M: Kikötővezető: +36 30 559 7954, Ügyvezető: Kalán Róbert +36 30 339 6355;

F: www.facebook.com/szalokyachtklub

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SzalĂłk Yacht Klub

  • Étterem Pub KikĂśtő Szabadstrand

SzalĂłk Yacht Klub (AbĂĄdszalĂłk) leĂ­rĂĄsa

Vitorlás-, yacht- és csónak kikötő a Tisza-tó abádszalóki részén. Teljes kikötői szolgáltatás, benzinkút, jet-ski pálya, hajóértékesítés, étterem, koktélbár.

SzalĂłk Yacht Klub (AbĂĄdszalĂłk) adatai

Árkategăłria:, fizetăšsi lehetĺ‘săšgek:, szalăłk yacht klub (abăądszalăłk) elăšrhetĺ‘săšge, parkolăąsi lehetĺ‘săšgek:, szalăłk yacht klub (abăądszalăłk) văšlemăšnyek, szalăłk yacht klub helyhez hasonlăł helyek.

ZenĂŠs szĂłrakozĂłhely, Szabadstrand,

Sport, Szabadstrand,

A felejthetetlen nyaralás élménye, az ártéri erdők csendje, a holtágak érintetlensége, a szigetek magánya, a végtelen csónak-, kenu- és kajaktúrák, vagy az andalgós Tisza menti séták tárháza várja az idelátogatókat.

A Tisza-tó egyik legkiépítettebb idegenforgalmi központja Abádszalók. Hatalmas strandjáról, csúszdájáról és vízisportolási lehetőségeiről ismert város az Abádszalóki-medence partján található. A Tisza-tó négy medencéje közül ez a legmélyebb, így alkalmas a nyaralóhajók közlekedésére is. A bátrabbak Magyarországon egyedül állóan itt hódolhatnak a motorcsónak vontatta víziejtőernyőzésnek is.

A Tisza-tavat körülölelő gát kitűnően alkalmas a kerékpározás ra és futásra, az aktív vízi sportok szerelmeseinek, vagy az állatvilág kedvelői számára is, akik számos madárfajjal találkozhatnak a térségben.

A Szalók Yacht Klub kedves és vidám személyzete örömmel segít a kikötésben. Igényesen rendben tartott szép környezet, és vízi koktélbár várja a vendégeket, de lehet itt wakeboardozni és jet-ski is bérelhető, ha extrém kalandokra vágynak az utazók. A klub színvonalas vízparti étterme és grillterasza igazi gasztronómiai különlegességeket kínál, a naplemente pedig itt igazán varázslatos a kellemes nyárestéken.

Egész évben érdemes ellátogatni Abádszalókra, hiszen gasztronómiai, kulturális, képzőművészeti és sportprogramjaival színesíti a környék életét.

szalok yacht club

Szalók Yacht Klub

HAJÓSBOLTBAN a hajófelszerelések mellett üdítő és jégkrém is vásárolható.

POPEYE BÁR: A hétköznapokból kiszakadva igazi felfrissülést nyújt a vízi sportok kedvelőinek a POPEYE BÁR. A vízre épült különleges hangulatú bár legegyszerűbben vízi járművel közelíthető meg. Tavasztól őszig nyitott terasszal, széles ital és koktélválasztékkal, barátságos árakkal, folyamatos akciókkal, igényes kiszolgálással várja vendégeit!

SZALÓKI PANORÁMA ÉTTEREM: Exkluzív környezetben, hatalmas grillterasszal, ínyenc fogásokkal, csodálatos kilátással várja minden kedves vendégét.

Kisebb hajótúrák szervezése, banánozás, vízisí, wakeboard. (Előre egyeztetett időpontban és árban!)


5241 Abádszalók, Attila öböl

Fekete Emőke (kikötővezető) +36 30 559 7954

[email protected]


Kérdések - válaszok

Kell jogosítvány a nyaralóhajó bérléséhez?

A nyaralóhajók hajóvezetői engedély nélkül vezethetők a hajózási térképen megjelölt útvonalakon.

Hogyan bérelhetek hajót?

Az "Árak és Foglalás" menüpontban állítsd be a kikötőt, csomagot és időpontot, majd válassz az elérhető hajó típusokból. Foglalás visszaigazolása után felvesszük veled a kapcsolatot.

Miért szükséges a hajókaució?

Ahogy az autóbérlésnél, a nyaralóhajóknál is biztosítékul szolgál a kaució, ami a bérlés lejárata után, a hajó sérülésmentes leadása után teljes egészében visszajár.

Értékelések erről: Szalók Yacht Klub. (Szórakozóhely) - Abádszalók (Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok).

Szalók Yacht Klub

Információk az Szalók Yacht Klub, Szórakozóhely, Abádszalók (Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok)

Itt láthatja a címet, a nyitvatartási időt, a népszerű időszakokat, az elérhetőséget, a fényképeket és a felhasználók által írt valós értékeléseket.

Erről a helyről jó véleményeket írtak, ez azt jelenti, hogy jól bánnak ügyfeleikkel, és minden bizonnyal Ön is elégedett less a szolgáltatásaikkal, 100%-ban ajánlott!

Értékelések erről: Szalók Yacht Klub

szalok yacht club

Szalók Yacht Klub

Szalók yacht klub elérhetősége, szalók yacht klub nyitvatartás.

  • Hétfő Mindig nyitva
  • Kedd Mindig nyitva
  • Szerda Mindig nyitva
  • Csütörtök Mindig nyitva
  • Péntek Mindig nyitva Nyitva
  • Szombat Mindig nyitva
  • Vasárnap Mindig nyitva

Szalók Yacht Klub értékelései

Az egyes oldalakon így értékelték a látogatók a(z) Szalók Yacht Klub helyet


Te milyennek látod ezt a helyet (Szalók Yacht Klub)? Értékeld:

  • Össz benyomás:
  • Hogy érezted magad?
  • Visszajönnél ide?
  • Ajánlanád másnak a helyet?

Szalók Yacht Klub alapadatok


Szalók Yacht Klub facebook posztok

Munkatársat keres a Szalók Yacht Klub kikötő! Munkavégzés helye: Abádszalók, Attila-öböl / Szalók Yacht Klub Főbb feladatok: - Kikötői munkák - Hajókarbantartás - Telephelyi karbantartói munkák - Zöldfelületek karbantartása -...

Szalók Yacht Klub, 2022.07.26.

MEGÚJULT NYÁRI NYITVATARTÁSSAL Várunk titeket a jövő héttől ☀️🤩 Csütörtök 12:00-22:00 Péntek 12:00-23:00 Szombat 12:00-23:00 Vasárnap 12:00-22:00 Hétfő, Kedd, Szerda : ZÁRVA Konyhánk minden nap 1 órával előbb zár be, mint éttermünk,...

Szalók Yacht Klub, 2022.06.24.

Ünnepi nyitvatartás❗️ Érdemes asztalt foglalni az alábbi telefonszámunkon: 06301409400☀️ #amugy #amugybistro #amugybisztro #szalokyachtklub #szalókyachtklub #abadszalok #abádszalók #tisza #tiszató

Szalók Yacht Klub, 2022.06.01.

szalok yacht club

Bejelentkezés az oldalra

Felhasználó profilképe

Portofino Beach Club by Rácz Jenő a Lupán


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Twin Cities

Music and Concerts | What to know if you’re headed to the Minnesota…

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Things to Do

Music and concerts, music and concerts | what to know if you’re headed to the minnesota yacht club festival, gwen stefani, alanis morissette and red hot chili peppers are headlining.

A stage and bleachers next to a river.

Headlined by Gwen Stefani, Alanis Morissette and Red Hot Chili Peppers, the festival (which despite its name has nothing to do with yacht rock) is promoted by C3 Presents, an Austin, Texas, company that’s also behind Austin City Limits Music Festival, Voodoo Music + Arts Experience and the modern-day Lollapalooza. C3 was the largest independent promoter in the world until Live Nation bought a controlling stake in the company in 2014.

Organizers expect to attract more than 30,000 concertgoers each day.

While the Irish Fair of Minnesota calls Harriet Island home each August, music festivals have had a rough go on the site. The original Lollapalooza (back when it was a traveling festival) landed on the site in 1991, 1992 and 1994, but flooding forced the fest to move to the late St. Paul Civic Center in 1993.

Live Nation attempted to establish a new annual event, the River’s Edge Music Festival, in 2012. Despite big-name headliners Tool and the Dave Matthews Band, the festival didn’t attract enough paying customers to convince the concert promoting giant to return for a second year.

Here’s what folks headed to the Minnesota Yacht Club Festival need to know:

As of Wednesday afternoon, tickets were still available at a number of price points, starting at $135 for one day general admission (or $255 for two days) all the way up to platinum tickets for $925 ($1,395 for two days), which include a number of perks including free food and drinks, front-of-stage viewing and access to an air-conditioned lounge. See minnesotayachtclubfestival.com for details.

Many of the general admission and general admission plus tickets are sold out, but there are verified resale tickets available, some at lower prices than face value.

Getting there

There are two entrances to the festival. The main entrance is at Harriet Island Boulevard and South Wabasha Street, while the west entrance is on West Water Street between Bidwell Street and Plato Boulevard.

There is no on-site parking at the festival, but its website lists numerous downtown St. Paul parking lots that are a 10- to 16-minute walk from the site. Several Metro Transit buses stop a half-mile from Harriet Island. The rideshare drop off is at 49 E. Fillmore Ave. The festival promises “ample bike parking” located near the two entrances.

What is allowed on site

Feel free to bring: Small clutch purses and fanny packs (6” x 9” or smaller) with no more than one pocket, all other bags must be clear and smaller than 12” x 6” x 12”, empty hydration packs and reusable water bottles, strollers, frisbees, binoculars, blankets, basic cameras (no detachable lenses or other accessories), sunscreen in non-aerosol containers (3.4 ounces or less), personal-sized hand sanitizer and factory sealed Naloxone/Narcan kits.

What isn’t allowed

Pretty much everything you would think, including outside food and beverage, coolers, aerosol containers, umbrellas, chairs, wagons, skateboards, drones, fireworks and illegal substances.

Concertgoers must wear securely fastened wristbands that are available at the box office. Wristbands can be activated online to add an emergency contact and to use for cashless transactions (with a pin number). Wristbands that are damaged, lost or stolen can be replaced by the original purchaser one time only for $20. Patrons can leave and reenter at will up until 7 p.m. each day.

There is a guest services tent that has earplugs and a lost and found. Free hydration stations are located throughout the site. Lockers are available to rent for $25 each day or $48.50 for both.

Who is playing

Gwen Stefani sings on stage flanked by two dancers.

Doors open at 12:30 p.m. There are two stages, with staggered performances that do not overlap.

Friday’s schedule includes: Harbor and Home (12:45-1:15 p.m.), Gully Boys (1:15-2), Michigander (2-2:45), Morgan Wade (2:45-3:45), Durry (3:45-4:45), Joan Jett and the Blackhearts (4:45-5:45), The Head and the Heart (5:45-6:45), Gwen Stefani (6:45-8), the Black Crowes (8-9) and Alanis Morissette (9-10:30).

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No ground stops in South Florida, but flight delays reported amid worldwide technology outage

Widespread technology outage disrupts flights, banks, media outlets and companies around the world, 2 heat advisories in effect for 10 regions in the area, fire rescue responds to key biscayne yacht club after shark bite report.

Bridgette Matter , Reporter

KEY BISCAYNE, Fla. – Fire rescue personnel treated a shark-related injury on Thursday in Key Biscayne.

Fire rescue personnel wanted to take the person from the Key Biscayne Yacht Club to the hospital, but the person refused.

The person was injured in the leg.

Copyright 2024 by WPLG Local10.com - All rights reserved.

About the Author

Bridgette matter.

Bridgette Matter joined the Local 10 News team as a reporter in July 2021. Before moving to South Florida, she began her career in South Bend, Indiana and spent six years in Jacksonville as a reporter and weekend anchor.

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Black crowes cancel minnesota yacht club appearance set for friday.

The Black Crowes have canceled their appearance set for Friday at the inaugural Minnesota Yacht Club festival at Harriet Island in St. Paul. The reason is "illness in the band," according to the fest's post on X on Thursday evening.

The veteran Atlanta rockers known for the 1990s hits "Hard to Handle" and "She Talks to Angels" did not post anything on its social media about the cancellation.

The Black Crowes had been scheduled to perform from 8 to 9 p.m. The Head and the Heart will now shift into that slot, and the set times have been adjusted.

The new schedule for Friday is:

Gully Boys 1 to 2 p.m.

Harbor and Home 2 to 2:40 p.m.

Morgan Wade 2:40 to 3:40 p.m.

Michigander 3:40 to 4:40 p.m.

Joan Jett & the Blackhearts 4:40 to 5:40 p.m.

Durry 5:40 to 6:40 p.m.

Gwen Stefani 6:45 to 8 p.m.

The Head and the Heart 8 to 9 p.m.

Alanis Morissette 9 to 10:30 p.m.

Jon Bream has been a music critic at the Star Tribune since 1975, making him the longest tenured pop critic at a U.S. daily newspaper. He has attended more than 8,000 concerts and written four books (on Prince, Led Zeppelin, Neil Diamond and Bob Dylan). Thus far, he has ignored readers’ suggestions that he take a music-appreciation class.

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szalok yacht club

© 2024 StarTribune. All rights reserved.

szalok yacht club

Festival, ahoy! A dozen things to know about St. Paul's Minnesota Yacht Club

I t's the biggest music festival launched in the Twin Cities in 12 years. It's expecting more than 30,000 musicheads per day. And it's being produced by the same company that puts on Lollapalooza and the Austin City Limits fests.

There's a lot to learn about the Minnesota Yacht Club — especially for deprived Twin Cities music lovers who haven't been to a big, nationally promoted festival like this since Live Nation's ill-fated River's Edge Music Festival on the same site in 2012.

With its inaugural voyage scheduled Friday and Saturday at Harriet Island Regional Park in St. Paul, the river-themed event features a Gen-X-nostalgic all-rock lineup led by the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Alanis Morissette, Gwen Stefani, Black Crowes, the Offspring, Joan Jett & the Blackhearts, the Hold Steady and a dozen more acts. New Orleans' soul-funk troupe Trombone Shorty & Orleans Avenue are the only non-rock act on the bill, and they actually rock harder than most of them.

Here are some pointers, talking points and pointed opinions going into this weekend's mega-bash.

1. Saturday's single-day tickets are sold out. Even though they just played in town last year , the Chili Peppers' day as headliners quickly proved more popular than Morissette's. However, two-day general admission festival passes (now $255) and one-day Friday tickets ($135) were still available at press time via minnesotayachtclub.com .

A profits-generating trademark of promoter C3 Presents and other big festivals, there's also a wide array of VIP, platinum and "GA+" options, ranging from $285-$925 for single-day and $255-$1,395 for two-day. Those priciest options come with things like front-of-stage viewing access, express entry, lounges, free booze and back rubs from St. Paul Mayor Melvin Carter. Or maybe we read that latter item wrong?

2. No, it's not a "yacht rock" festival. There actually has been a lot of confusion about this. The event's name is simply a fun spin on its riverside location and the relative irony of someone having a yacht in Minnesota. It has nothing to do with the genre of music associated with breezy and cheesy '70s-'80s hitmakers like Toto, Seals & Crofts and Christopher Cross. How fun would it have been to see one of those acts sandwiched between the Hold Steady and Offspring, though?

3. Boats actually are part of the experience. "Riverboat VIP" ticket holders ($825) can lounge in air-conditioning on the Jonathan Padelford and even take a 60-minute cruise on the paddleboat during the fest. Why anyone would want to go to a music fest to set sail for South St. Paul, we're not sure, but it's a unique idea for a festival.

4. The company behind it is in the festival business. C3 got its start with the hugely successful Austin City Limits Music Festival in the early 2000s before turning Lollapalooza into a one-weekend Chicago event. Live Nation bought a 51% stake in the company in 2014 but mostly leaves C3 to do its own thing when it comes to festivals. Other fests in its portfolio include Boston Calling, Atlanta's Shaky Knees and New York's Governors Ball — all steeped in unique branding and preparations for each city.

"We've been talking to the city well over a year now and working with them on the logistical plans," C3 promoter Tim Sweetwood said of MYC.

5. There will be only two stages (and no overlapping performances). While many festivals require fans to make tough decisions and Iditarod-like treks between competing stages — OK, maybe that's being a little dramatic — the setup at MYC in its first year features just two stages with alternating music that never runs concurrently. Dubbed the Skipper Stage and Crow's Nest Stage, they are only about a quarter-mile apart, too.

6. Gwen Stefani's appearance is the rarest among the top names. Last seen in town making a surprise appearance with husband Blake Shelton at the TC Summer Jam in 2022 , the former No Doubt singer and ex-coach on NBC's "The Voice" has not been performing a lot of late; just a handful of fly-in gigs this summer.

In the solo gigs she has done in 2024, Stefani has been revisiting many songs from No Doubt (with whom she reunited at Coachella fest in April ), including "Don't Speak," "Just a Girl" and "Hella Good."

7. The lineup isn't entirely a nostalgia trip. All these aforementioned acts make it look exclusively like a '90s and early '00s throwback fest, but there are actually modern stars and buzzmakers on the lineup.

Texas slinger Gary Clark Jr. has been the most thrilling blues-rock guitarist on tour over the past decade . Harmonious Seattle rockers the Head and the Heart have racked up a swath of radio hits and TV/film placement with songs like "Lost in My Mind." Twangy singer Morgan Wade has made a couple of well-reviewed records with Jason Isbell's guitarist Sadler Vaden as her producer. Indie-rocker Michigander is a critical favorite.

The Twin Cities' own pop-rock darlings Hippo Campus have become a big draw , too, recently playing New York's Governors Ball festival and selling out the Armory in Minneapolis.

8. There's good local representation. In addition to Hippo Campus, we'll see hard-charging local faves Gully Boys help kick off the fest Friday ahead of viral sensations Durry . On Saturday, fuzz-rocky kids Bugsy play before a fun afternoon twofer with Soul Asylum and the semi-local Hold Steady. As rock-only lineups go — musical diversity is not Yacht Club's strong suit — these are some of the state's most relevant acts present or past playing live in 2024.

9. The list of items you're allowed to bring in is short. Leave the chairs, coolers and umbrellas at home. Only small fanny packs, clutch purses, emptied hydration packs or small clear bags are allowed in. Other permissible items include: phones, baby strollers, blankets/towels, binoculars, reusable water bottles, non-aerosol sunscreen (3.4 ounce max) and Frisbees. For our sake, though, please don't bring any Frisbees.

10. There's a longer list of alternative transportation options. Coming from Austin, Texas, a city with notorious traffic problems, C3 makes a point of encouraging biking, ride-sharing and public transit options at all its festivals.

There's a designated rideshare dropoff site (Uber, Lyft, taxi) near the Wabasha Street entrance at 49 E. Fillmore Av. Bike lots are located at both that entrance and the second set of gates along W. Water Street (bring your own lock). For light rail, the Green Line's Central Station is a half-mile walk away. Ample public bus route stops also can be mapped out via metrotransit.org .

11. Harriet Island isn't really an island, and it isn't all that hard to get to. You wouldn't know it from the maps on the festival's website — or if you're one of those uppity Minneapolitans who never visit the other Twin City — but you can approach the park from the southwest side of the river as well as the downtown side. There are assorted parking options over there, too.

That said, the 15- to 20-minute walk across the Wabasha Street Bridge from downtown parking sites can be quite lovely if it's not sweltering heat. You can handle it, Minneapolis peeps.

12. This is just a start. "It's sort of a slow burn to start," C3′s Sweetwood said, promising expansion in the years to come. "We'll try to give it a little more color and better branding, the kind of things we have a good feel for at C3, being primarily a festival producer."

Friday lineup (in order, 12:45-10:30 p.m.): Harbor and Home, Gully Boys, Michigander, Morgan Wade, Durry, Joan Jett & the Blackhearts, the Head and the Heart, Gwen Stefani, Black Crowes, Alanis Morissette.

Saturday (1-10:30 p.m.): Nico Vega, Bugsy, Wilderado, Soul Asylum, Trombone Shorty & Orleans Avenue, Hippo Campus, the Hold Steady, the Offspring, Gary Clark Jr., Red Hot Chili Peppers.

Tickets: $135-$925 Fri. only, $255-$1,395 two-day.

Website: minnesotayachtclubfestival.com .

©2024 StarTribune. Visit startribune.com. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.

Floodwaters approached the Clarence W. Wigington Pavilion in St. Paul's Harriet Island Regional Park last month, but organizers say the park will be in good shape for Minnesota Yacht Club.

The most boats ever will compete in the 100th Bayview Yacht Club race to Mackinac Island

Billed on its website as the “world’s longest continuously run long-distance freshwater yacht race,” the 100th Bayview Mackinac Race is set to start Saturday.

A record-setting 334 boats have registered for the 100th year of the race, shattering the record of 316 in 1985 and a huge contrast compared with the 200 boats that raced last year, said David Stoyka, spokesman for the Bayview Yacht Club, which puts on the race.

Bayview Yacht Club says boats start leaving the Black River in Port Huron around 8 a.m. on race day and will continue leaving until around noon. From the Black River, they will proceed up the St. Clair River, under the Blue Water Bridge, into Lake Huron.

The first scheduled start time in Lake Huron is 11:30 a.m., with starts every 10 minutes until approximately 1:30 p.m. The starts may be delayed due to weather conditions.

This year, for the 100th running, the race will follow the original 1925 route and span 204 nautical miles. From the starting point, the boats will head north along the Michigan shoreline, passing south of Bois Blanc Island, sailing west to east at the finish line between Round Island and Mackinac Island, organizers said.

The range of boats are expected to finish in between 30 and 60 hours.

The sailors

Teams at all skill levels have entered the race, which draws competitors from around the world.  The highly skilled racers know they will cross the bow of competitors within inches. Still, there's always risk of a crash with the slightest miscalculation.

"Everybody recognizes this is super intense," said champion sailor  Tim Prophit , 65, of St. Clair Shores, past commodore of Bayview Yacht Club and owner of Fast Tango, a North American 40 sailboat.

The teams are vying for trophies and flags to show their accomplishments.

The J.L. Hudson Trophy is awarded to the boat with the best corrected time in Division I, and the Canadian Club Classic Trophy is awarded to the boat with the best corrected time in Division II.

How can spectators follow the race?

Spectators can go to bycmack.com during the race and click on “RaceTracking” link to watch real-time GPS positioning of all the race boats, or, on your mobile device, download the free app YB Races and select the current race.

Boats will start arriving at Mackinac Island on Sunday afternoon and continue until Monday evening, all dependent upon the wind.

Finishes can be seen from Windermere Point on Mackinac Island at the south end of Main Street.

Sailors who have completed 25 Bayview Mackinac races are called “Old Goats,” according to the club, while those who have completed 50 are called “Grand Rams.” 

"Double Goats" are sailors who have completed 25 Bayview Mackinac races and 25 Chicago Yacht Club race to Mackinac races. This year’s Chicago to Mackinac race encountered strong winds in Lake Michigan , snapping some boats’ masts and tossing one sailor overboard. No one was hurt.

Volunteers who have served for 15 years on the Race Committee are honored with the title “Old Forts,” as designated by the Race Committee.

This story includes material from a staff report by former Free Press reporter Phoebe Wall Howard and from the Bayview Yacht Club.

Zhukovsky International Airport

Zhukovsky International Airport, formerly known as Ramenskoye Airport or Zhukovsky Airfield - international airport, located in Moscow Oblast, Russia 36 km southeast of central Moscow, in the town of Zhukovsky, a few kilometers southeast of the old Bykovo Airport. After its reconstruction in 2014–2016, Zhukovsky International Airport was officially opened on 30 May 2016. The declared capacity of the new airport was 4 million passengers per year.

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Sip, savor, stay 2024: new msc yacht club excursions.

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Starting July 2024, MSC Yacht Club will elevate the luxury cruise experience by offering exclusive ... [+] food, wine, and spirits excursions.

Luxury travel has always allowed its patrons to indulge in the finer things in life, but MSC Yacht Club elevates this experience to an entirely new echelon. With its innovative “ship-within-a-ship” concept, MSC Yacht Club merges the exclusivity and privacy of a luxury hotel with the grandeur and adventure of a cruise ship. Guests are treated to an array of premium services, including private lounges, personal butlers, and exclusive dining options, all designed to create a unique and lavish experience.

In July 2024, MSC Yacht Club introduced 90 exclusive new excursions in the Caribbean, Mediterranea, and Northern Europe. Envision savoring gourmet meals crafted by world-class chefs, paired with rare and exquisite wines from the regions you visit. Guests will have the unique opportunity to learn about local culinary traditions and participate in exclusive tastings and workshops led by expert sommeliers and distillers.

Marialuisa Iaccarino, Head of Shore Excursions, MSC Cruises, said : “ The new offering has come following customer feedback and a desire for a more exclusive experience for MSC Yacht Club guests. Guests will benefit from a seamless experience between the butlers’ service onboard and the excursion experts ashore as well as having the opportunity to relax and fully immerse themselves into each destination’s culture, cuisine and traditions.”

MSC Yacht Club's new excursions aim to provide travelers with an unforgettable journey, blending the pinnacle of luxury travel with the excitement of discovery and the richness of cultural immersion. Whether you are a seasoned traveler seeking new adventures or a connoisseur of fine living, MSC Yacht Club promises an unparalleled experience that will leave you with lasting memories (and full bellies).

STAY - The Yacht Club Experience

For those that enjoy cruising but not the crowds, the MSC Yacht Club is the best of both worlds. Accessible only via keycard, this exclusive area of the ship ensures a level of privacy that is rare to find. Guests are welcomed into elegant suites that serve as a luxurious home away from home, featuring stunning ocean views and luxurious amenities. It’s all about the details with Yacht Club form the plush bedding, marble bathrooms, and spacious living areas that create an unparalleled sense of comfort.

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The facilities available to Yacht Club guests are truly extraordinary. The private sundeck, pool, and hot tubs provide a serene escape from the bustling main deck.The dedicated restaurant serves gourmet meals tailored to guests' preferences, offering a diverse menu that includes fresh seafood and decadent desserts. The lounge offers a sophisticated space to unwind with a cocktail, featuring live entertainment and a selection of fine wines and premium spirits.The pièce de résistance is the personalized service provided by a 24-hour butler and concierge desk, ensuring that every aspect of your stay is seamless and indulgent. From arranging shore excursions to making special dining reservations, the butler service caters to your every whim.

SIP AND SAVOR - New Food, Wine & Spirit Excursions

Starting July 2024, MSC Yacht Club will elevate the luxury cruise experience by offering exclusive food, wine, and spirits excursions. These new activities invite guests to indulge in some of the world’s most captivating destinations. Picture yourself disembarking in a quaint Italian village to sample local wines, where vintners eagerly share the intricate process of their craft passed down through generations. Or imagine navigating the bustling markets of Morocco, with vibrant stalls brimming with exotic spices, fresh produce, and culinary treasures, guided by local chefs who reveal the secrets of traditional dishes. These excursions transcend mere gastronomic adventures; they serve as portals to understanding and appreciating the cultures and traditions of each locale. You might find yourself in the heart of Provence, learning the art of pairing fine wines with regional cheeses, or exploring a centuries-old distillery in the Scottish Highlands, where you'll uncover the rich history behind each bottle of whiskey. Expertly designed itineraries ensure that guests not only indulge in world-class food and beverages but also gain rich insights into their histories and stories. Whether it’s a private tour of a family-owned vineyard, an exclusive cooking class in a Mediterranean villa, or a behind-the-scenes look at a renowned brewery, each experience is curated to provide a deeper connection to the destination.

Here is a list of a few new 2024 excursions to SIP & SAVOR through:

Genoa, italy.


Italy, Genoa

On this excursion, guests can indulge in an authentic Italian culinary adventure, uncovering the secrets of the world-famous pesto sauce during an exclusive cooking class in Santa Margherita Ligure. They will learn the techniques that make Italian cuisine iconic before savoring an upscale dining experience featuring delicious local dishes and fine wine.

After lunch, guests can explore the enchanting village of Portofino, with its picturesque harbor adorned by swaying boats and surrounded by vibrant orange, red, and pink houses. There are ample opportunities to visit luxury boutiques, wander through the town’s historic alleyways, or enjoy the scenic Church of St. George’s square.

Invergordon, Scotland


The excursion invites guests to explore a renowned distillery celebrated for its malt whiskies since the 19th century, perfected over generations. A guided tour will walk guests through each step of the distillation process, culminating in a tasting of two exquisite drams. Following this, guests will journey to the 12th-century town of Royal Dornoch to admire its historic buildings, impressive cathedral, and charming town square.

Amsterdam (The Netherlands)


Netherlands, from Amsterdam - Zaanse Schans

Just a short journey north of Amsterdam lies the charming town of Edam, famous for its namesake cheese. This creamy delicacy was among the world's favorites from the 14th to the 18th centuries, prized not only for its unique flavor but also for its tendency to harden rather than spoil with age, making it perfect for lengthy sea voyages during the Age of Exploration. Discover this celebrated ancient food on a trip to the quintessentially Dutch town.

Start with a 30-minute drive to Edam for a 45-minute visit to the home of a local family. This invaluable experience offers firsthand stories about traditional Dutch life, complemented by coffee and a sweet treat. Following this enlightening conversation, delve deeper into Edam's history on a guided 45-minute walking tour. Admire the town's characteristic drawbridges and cobblestone streets.

Next, enjoy a 15-minute drive to a local cheese farm where you will gain fascinating insights into the production process of the beloved semi-hard cow's cheese over 45 minutes. Cap off your visit with the chance to purchase some of these exquisite cheeses to take home, before returning to the ship on a 30-minute transfer.

Cadiz (Spain)


Spain, from Cadiz - Seville, Plaza de Espana

Embark on a captivating 4-hour excursion that takes you through the enchanting surroundings of Cadiz and unveils the secrets of its renowned sherry. Begin your journey with a scenic 30-minute bus ride from Cadiz to the distinguished Bodega Osborne. Departing from the ship, the tour kicks off with a brief panoramic drive through Cadiz before transitioning to the old road, leading to El Puerto de Santa María.

Located on the opposite side of the Bay of Cadiz, this charming town boasts a rich history, stunning beaches, and an ideal climate for viticulture. After a picturesque 30-minute bus tour, delve into the town's vinous heritage with a visit to the iconic Osborne cellars. Whether you’re a sherry aficionado or a curious traveler, this visit promises a deep dive into history, tradition, and beauty.

Upon arrival, you'll be greeted by an expert guide who will provide a comprehensive tour of the cellars, set against a backdrop of fruit trees and traditional architecture. Learn about the origins of this prestigious brand, dating back to the 18th century, when English merchant Thomas Osborne Mann established his legacy by uniting several wineries under his name.

Your guide will walk you through the sherry production process and introduce you to the various types of sherry. You'll also encounter the Toro de Osborne, the iconic advertising symbol that graces the region's roads, promoting this distinctive beverage. The tour culminates in a delightful wine tasting, paired with appetizers such as the esteemed Jamón 5J, a renowned variety of Spanish ham.

Before concluding your experience, take a moment to browse the shop for local products. The tour wraps up with a serene 30-minute drive back to Cadiz, leaving you with cherished memories of the day.

Genoa (Italy)


Immerse yourself in the treasures of the Ligurian coast and unravel the secrets of pesto, the world-renowned sauce, during an enchanting cooking lesson. This seven-and-a-half-hour excursion begins with a scenic one-hour minibus ride to Santa Margherita Ligure. Upon arrival, enjoy a one-hour guided tour of this sophisticated and aristocratic seaside town.

After exploring Santa Margherita Ligure, take a well-deserved break at a local Osteria for about two hours. Here, you'll spend an hour in a hands-on cooking class, mastering the art of pesto-making so you can recreate this delightful sauce at home. Following the class, savor a light lunch featuring traditional Genoese dishes, allowing you to fully experience the local cuisine.

Your journey continues with a minibus ride to Portofino, the gem of the Ligurian coast and one of the most photographed destinations on the Riviera. In Portofino, you'll have an hour and a half divided between a guided tour and free time. Stroll through the charming, pastel-colored village, admire boats swaying in the harbor, and explore the vibrant orange, red, and pink houses that frame the bay. Relax in one of the chic cafés, browse the shops, and wander through historic alleyways, perhaps reaching the scenic Church of St. George and the promontory overlooking the Nature Park.

Katakolon (Greece)


Immerse yourself in ancient history and savor Greek cuisine during a delightful visit to the neighborhoods of Katakolon. Begin with a 45-minute coach transfer to the archaeological site of Olympia, where you will have two hours to explore its rich ancient history. Strolling through the grounds of the first Olympic Games, held in 776 B.C., is a truly unique experience. Your guide will share insightful historical details about the site's treasures, including the Temple of Zeus, the Temple of Hera, the Sanctuary of Pelops, and the Gymnasium.

After your exploration of Olympia, you will visit a family-run olive oil mill situated in a traditional agricultural region. The welcoming owners will share their expertise in sustainable and self-sufficient agriculture, incorporating biological and ecological processes into their farming and food production practices. Enjoy a glass of ouzo or wine and a slice of homemade olive cake before embarking on an engaging tour. Discover the virtues, benefits, and rich antioxidant properties of olive oil as you explore the farm's vineyards and garden. Learn to distinguish the various flavors of olive oil—bitter, spicy, green, and fruity—and understand how this essential ingredient can enhance the taste of fish or meat dishes.

The experience culminates with a fun and interactive cooking lesson. Test your skills by preparing the famous tzatziki and a Greek salad with freshly cut ingredients. Hone your pita souvlaki wrapping techniques to complete your culinary adventure.

Kiel (Germany)


Germany, Kiel - Lubeck

Escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life and spend a few serene hours in the picturesque Holstein Switzerland region. This tranquil area, with its charming rural landscapes, elegant stately homes, and traditional farming methods, offers a perfect retreat.

A 45-minute minibus ride will transport you to Gut Panker near Lütjenburg, a historical estate rich with ateliers, art galleries, and boutique shops, all surrounded by nature that enhances the sense of peace. During a one-hour guided tour, you will learn about the estate's history, including the venerable Trakehner horse breeding farm—one of Germany's oldest—its agricultural practices, historic buildings, and the von Hessen family, the estate's owners.

In the heart of the elegant Panker complex, the historic Ole Liese Inn awaits to offer you an exclusive gastronomic experience. With its rustic dining room and two other exquisitely decorated rooms, a stop at the Inn is visually captivating. Over the next two hours, you will indulge in an exclusive wine tasting, sampling three award-winning, fully certified organic wines from the renowned Prinz von Hessen winery. Following the tasting, delight in a lunch featuring refined German cuisine made from regional products.

Lisbon (Portugal)


Portugal - Lison

Embark on a captivating four-hour excursion dedicated to exploring the renowned wines of the Setubal region. Just an hour's journey from Lisbon's port, you will arrive at the inland hills where the unique limestone and clay soils contribute to Portugal's exceptional wine production.

Your adventure begins at Quinta de Catralvos with an immersive two-hour dive into the world of viticulture and the crafting of the famous Moscatel de Setúbal. Guided by a wine expert, you’ll tour the winery to uncover the intricate processes that transform grapes into exquisite wines.

Next, step into the role of a winemaker through an engaging hands-on workshop. Gain insights into the winemaking craft and create your own blend using various grape varieties. Before concluding your visit, indulge in a tasting session featuring four distinct wines.

As a memorable finale, take home your personally crafted and bottled wine. Then, relax on the hour-long journey back to the port, enriched by your newfound knowledge and experience.

Stavanger (Norway)


Norway - Stavanger

Famous for its oil industry, Stavanger offers much more to its visitors. This approximately four-hour excursion lets you discover the beauty of its surroundings and a city that stretches out in an open landscape, unprotected by Norway's imposing mountains. The journey begins with a scenic 90-minute coastal route, featuring highlights such as the medieval church Sola Ruinkyrkje—an important navigational point for the Jæren coast until the 19th century—the Solastranden beach, popular among surfers and kiters, and the quaint town of Ølberg.

Next, you'll visit the suburb of Hafrsfjord, renowned for its three 10-meter-high bronze swords embedded in the rock. Created by sculptor Fritz Røed, these swords commemorate the battle of 872 and Viking King Harald's victory, which unified Norway. The tallest sword represents the victorious king, while the other two signify his defeated challengers.

Upon returning to Stavanger, you'll pass the petroleum museum and embark on a 30-minute walk to Gamle, the historic center filled with perfectly preserved wooden buildings, some dating back to the 18th century. This charming stroll through the old town will conclude at a local café, where you'll enjoy a 75-minute break to savor cider, affectionately called "Norwegian champagne." Known for its ancient production methods, Norwegian cider is highly esteemed worldwide, and we are confident you'll appreciate it after a taste.

Noel Burgess

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Több hajó, vagy komplex szolgáltatáscsomag igénylése esetén személyre szabott, kedvezményes ajánlatot készítünk Önnek! Az alábbi elérhetőségen forduljon hozzánk bizalommal! [email protected]

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  • SZALÓK YACHT KLUB 5241 Adádszalók, Attila-öböl
  • +36 30 559 7954
  • [email protected]
  • Nyitvatartás: Hétköznap 8.00-17.00

Széchényi 2020

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    A Szalók Yacht Klub számtalan lehetőséget kínál a víz és hajózás szerelmeseinek! BENZINKÚT/SHOP Részletek. TÉLI TÁROLÁS Részletek. HAJÓBÉRLÉS Részletek. BÁRKA Étterem Részletek. HAJÓTÁROLÁS Vállaljuk motorcsónakok, vitorlás hajók, Jet-Skik és lakókocsik tárolását az év 12 hónapjában akár. ...

  2. Szalók Yacht Klub

    Szalók Yacht Klub, Abádszalók. 2,389 likes · 1 talking about this · 2,837 were here. 170 kikötőhely, étterem és koktélbár

  3. Bemutatkozás

    SZERETETTEL VÁRJA ÖNT A SZALÓK YACHT KLUB SZEMÉLYZETE! Időjárás Szalók Yacht Klub 24, 2024 június 30. 26 °C. erős felhőzet 44 % 1009 mb 12 Km/h Wind Gust: 14 Km/h Visibility: 0 km. Weather from OpenWeatherMap Kapcsolat. SZALÓK YACHT KLUB 5241 Adádszalók, Attila-öböl ...

  4. Főbb adatok, információk

    Jet-ski tárolóöböl és Club működtetése; Lakó- vagy tanyahajó kikötési lehetőség parthasználattal; Hajóértékesítés, adásvétel hajózási felszerelések; Időjárás. ... SZALÓK YACHT KLUB 5241 Adádszalók, Attila-öböl +36 30 559 7954; [email protected]; Nyitvatartás: Hétköznap 8.00-17.00; Szalók Yacht Klub ...

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    Szalók Yacht Club Szalók Yacht Klub, Abádszalók, Magyarország. Jegyvásárlás. Web E-mail +36305597954. Megosztás: A Szalók Yacht Klub számtalan lehetőséget kínál a víz és hajózás szerelmeseinek! Igényes környezetben 150 kikötőhellyel, hajó- és csónakbérlési lehetőséggel, jet-ski tárolóöböllel, vízi ...

  6. Szalók Yacht Klub

    A Szalók Yacht Klub Abádszalók előtti vízterületen Európában szinte egyedülállóan nagy terjedelmű vízfelület, ahol a motoros sporteszközök számára engedélyezett a korlátozások nélküli használat. Egyben itt van a Tisza-tó legnagyobb vitorlás kikötője a délebbi kikötője. Kisköre irányában található az abádi ...

  7. Szalók Yacht Klub (Abádszalók)

    Vitorlás-, yacht- és csónak kikötő a Tisza-tó abádszalóki részén. Teljes kikötői szolgáltatás, benzinkút, jet-ski pálya, hajóértékesítés, étterem, koktélbár. Szalók Yacht Klub (Abádszalók) adatai. Árkategória: $$$ (30-50) Fizetési lehetőségek: Kézpénz ...

  8. Szalók Yacht Klub

    Szalók Yacht Klub. HAJÓSBOLTBAN a hajófelszerelések mellett üdítő és jégkrém is vásárolható. POPEYE BÁR: A hétköznapokból kiszakadva igazi felfrissülést nyújt a vízi sportok kedvelőinek a POPEYE BÁR. A vízre épült különleges hangulatú bár legegyszerűbben vízi járművel közelíthető meg. Tavasztól őszig ...

  9. 239 értékelés erről : Szalók Yacht Klub (Szórakozóhely) Abádszalók

    Itt láthat minden információt és véleményt az Szalók Yacht Klub Abádszalók-ról (Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok). 239 értékelés. Kontakt Értékelések » Szorakozohely » Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok » Abadszalok » Szalok yacht klub

  10. Szalók Yacht Klub

    Szalók Yacht Klub, Abádszalók (5241) Attila öböl. Szalók Yacht Klub értékeléseihez, nyitvatartásához, telefonszámához kattints a címsorra! Szalók Yacht Klub. 4.9 / 5 Kedvenc Kedvencekhez. Kikötő. 170 kikötőhely, étterem és koktélbár. Szalók Yacht Klub elérhetősége ...

  11. BÁRKA

    BÁRKA - Szalók Yacht Klub, Abádszalók. 483 likes. BONTSUNK EGYÜTT ÚJ VITORLÁT! Új szelek fújnak a Szalók Yacht Klub étterme felett! A konyhaművészet...

  12. Szalók Yacht Klub

    See 18 photos from 83 visitors to Szalók Yacht Klub.

  13. Szalók Yacht Club Map

    Szalók Yacht Club Szalók Yacht Club is a marina in Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County, Northern Great Plain located on Attila-öböl. Szalók Yacht Club is situated nearby to the theater building Rendezvény színpad and the church Református templom. Overview: Map: Directions: Satellite: Photo Map: Overview: Map: Directions: Satellite:

  14. Minnesota Yacht Club Festival: Tickets, parking, things to know

    Here's what folks headed to the Minnesota Yacht Club Festival need to know: Tickets. As of Wednesday afternoon, tickets were still available at a number of price points, starting at $135 for one ...

  15. Elérhetőség

    Elérhetőség. Cím: SZALÓK YACHT KLUB 5241 Abádszalók, Attila-öböl Gps koordináták: 47°28'41.8″N 20°34'47.1″E Üzemeltető: SZALÓK YACHT KLUB Kft. 2310 Szigetszentmiklós, Bánki Donát utca 5. (Adószám: 12603600-2-13 Cégjegyzékszám: 13-09-164455) Nyitva tartás és kapcsolat: MÁJUS 01.- SZEPTEMBER 30.

  16. Fire rescue responds to Key Biscayne Yacht Club after shark bite report

    If you need help with the Public File, call (954) 364-2526.

  17. The Black Crowes pull out of Minnesota Yacht Club Festival

    — Minnesota Yacht Club Festival (@mnyachtclub) July 18, 2024 Nevertheless, the show will go on with Alanis Morissette headlining Friday night, preceded by The Head & The Heart, Gwen Stefani ...

  18. Black Crowes cancel Minnesota Yacht Club appearance set for Friday

    The Black Crowes have canceled their appearance set for Friday at the inaugural Minnesota Yacht Club festival at Harriet Island in St. Paul. The reason is "illness in the band," according to the ...

  19. Everything to know about Yacht Club Festival with Red Hot Chili ...

    Ditto to 10,000 Lakes, X-Fest, Soundset, et al. Yacht Club promises to bring back some of that summer concert excitement with headliners like the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Gwen Stefani, and Alanis ...

  20. 200 Olde Towne Yacht Club Drive Lot 58, Morehead City, NC 28557

    Zillow has 33 photos of this $870,000 3 beds, 4 baths, 2,428 Square Feet townhouse home located at 200 Olde Towne Yacht Club Drive Lot 58, Morehead City, NC 28557 built in 2023. MLS #100450098.

  21. Here's what you need to know ahead of the Minnesota Yacht Club Festival

    ST PAUL, Minn. — Harriet Island in St. Paul is set to host the Minnesota Yacht Club Festival this Friday and Saturday. With tens of thousands expected to attend, here are a few things to know:

  22. Festival, ahoy! A dozen things to know about St. Paul's Minnesota Yacht

    There's a lot to learn about the Minnesota Yacht Club — especially for deprived Twin Cities music lovers who haven't been to a big, nationally promoted festival like this since Live Nation's ill ...

  23. Programok, hírek

    Szalók Yacht Klub Kft. © 2022. Minden jog fenntartva. Dismiss ad ...

  24. The most boats ever will compete in the 100th Bayview Yacht Club race

    Billed on its website as the "world's longest continuously run long-distance freshwater yacht race," the 100th Bayview Mackinac Race is set to start Saturday.. A record-setting 334 boats ...

  25. Zhukovsky International Airport

    Zhukovsky International Airport, formerly known as Ramenskoye Airport or Zhukovsky Airfield - international airport, located in Moscow Oblast, Russia 36 km southeast of central Moscow, in the town of Zhukovsky, a few kilometers southeast of the old Bykovo Airport. After its reconstruction in 2014-2016, Zhukovsky International Airport was officially opened on 30 May 2016.

  26. File:Coat of Arms of Zhukovsky (Moscow oblast).svg

    您可以向此项目. Zhukovsky coat of arms. Date of adoption: April 25, 2002. Russian Heraldic Register no. 959. Textual description: "On a sky-blue (azure) field there are three wide arrow-heads in a triangle (two and one in a form of a plane). Above them there're two wings. All figures in gold". 2009年2月2日. File:Zhukovsky coat of arms ...

  27. Sip, Savor, Stay 2024: New MSC Yacht Club Excursions

    In July 2024, MSC Yacht Club introduced 90 exclusive new excursions in the Caribbean, Mediterranea, and Northern Europe. Envision savoring gourmet meals crafted by world-class chefs, paired with ...

  28. Kapcsolat

    Szalók Yacht Klub Kft. © 2022. Minden jog fenntartva. Dismiss ad This will close in 0 seconds 0 seconds

  29. Elektrostal

    In 1938, it was granted town status. [citation needed]Administrative and municipal status. Within the framework of administrative divisions, it is incorporated as Elektrostal City Under Oblast Jurisdiction—an administrative unit with the status equal to that of the districts. As a municipal division, Elektrostal City Under Oblast Jurisdiction is incorporated as Elektrostal Urban Okrug.

  30. Árak

    Árak. Áraink tájékoztató jellegűek. A változtatás jogát fenntartjuk. Több hajó, vagy komplex szolgáltatáscsomag igénylése esetén személyre szabott, kedvezményes ajánlatot készítünk Önnek! Az alábbi elérhetőségen forduljon hozzánk bizalommal! [email protected].