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Broadblue Rapier 550 boat test – Are you ready for a 54ft catamaran that steers like a car?

  • Toby Hodges
  • April 17, 2015

It looks futuristic. It has no cockpit nor aft deck. Are we ready for a radical 56ft catamaran with a potential average speed of 15 knots? Toby Hodges finds out

rapier catamaran

The inside steering position of the Broadblue Rapier. Photos: Paul Wyeth

Product Overview


Marty McFly, Michael J Fox’s lead character in the 1980s film Back to the Future , breaks into a wild electric guitar solo while playing a Chuck Berry number during a 1955 high school dance. The audience is stunned into silence. “I guess you guys aren’t ready for that yet,” he declares, embarrassed.

That scene came to mind as I approached the Broadblue Rapier 550. I wondered if we were ready for such a radical-looking British boat. Sailors may be forward in embracing new technology, but we remain sceptical about change to our boats. We want to know something works before setting out to sea.

So a contemporary design like this, brimming with new ideas about how to sail offshore quickly yet easily, is one most will view with scepticism. And that’s before they wonder where the cockpit or aft deck is – or the winches for that matter.

The answer is inside. Step aboard the Rapier 550 and your jaw drops. This is an entirely new breed of boat, one that could appeal to monohull, multihull and motor boat cruisers. She is designed for fast ocean cruising and potentially she can reel off 350-mile days at an average of 15 knots.

An inside job

The real eye-opener is that she can be controlled by one person from an internal cockpit. We are used to unusual cockpit layouts on multihulls, but the only other yacht I know to have tried an internal version is the 59ft catamaran Impossible Dream , designed by Nic Bailey for wheelchair use.

And it was Bailey who again teamed up with Darren Newton and his Multimarine yard to create this more refined and rather futuristic production boat. But does it work and is it safe? And more pertinently, are we ready for it?

I was debating these questions as I boarded the Rapier at Gunwharf Quays in Portsmouth. Within all that glass, I found a vast open-plan area: a saloon and galley with abundant space and light, plus a cockpit and bridge area forward. This ‘cockpit’ is the centrepiece of the boat.

There's really no need to go 'outside'

There’s really no need to go ‘outside’

Broadblue wanted to produce a boat that could be sailed single-handed without compromise on performance. MD Mark Jarvis explains: “This means one person can sail it from anywhere on the boat.” To achieve this an ingenious winch station was designed around the mast compression post. All sheets and running rigging can be worked via three electric winches. Two of these are reversible, which, together with a digital switching system, means sheets can be trimmed or eased remotely, as can the traveller – more on that later.

Broadblue says this all-encompassing superstructure means there’s no need to go out into an exposed cockpit and lets the builders dispense with an extra bimini or furniture to create a simpler, lighter yacht.


I remained sceptical as to how practical the theory would prove at sea. Indeed, during our trials the word ‘foreign’ soon filled my notebook. To sit at the bridge feels odd enough; I was uncomfortable at not being able to see the mast from the helm. But when you sail her the Rapier seems truly alien. With her car’s steering wheel and seat for helming, her remote manoeuvring and operation, she will feel more familiar to motor boaters than yachtsmen.

Just leaving the dock puts you into unfamiliar territory. It can be done from the two leather Recaro racing seats while watching aerial footage from a mast-mounted camera. Or there’s the option to use a remote control for the twin throttles from the side deck – a more practical option on a boat of 26ft (8m) beam.

Remote control functionality is at the heart of the Rapier. Her two reversible winches and traveller can be operated from four positions: there are dedicated buttons by the winches and the interior and exterior helms, plus a handheld remote which works anywhere on board. I was in the pilot seat as the whirr of a winch behind me informed me we were hoisting sail – Jarvis, remote control in hand, was monitoring the hoist through an aft hatch.

Helming upwind using the tiller instead of the helm

Helming upwind using the tiller instead of the helm

To hand-steer the Rapier using the wheel feels strange because there is no feedback. You have to wait for the lag in the hydraulic linkage after turning the Italian racing wheel slightly. Monitoring the rudder offset gauge on the autopilot display also helps.

But the unimpeded view forward from the bridge is extraordinary. The full jib can be seen, but try to monitor the telltales and you’ll get neck ache (trust me on this). So I steered by numbers – and finally I began to appreciate this boat. Quite simply, she is the easiest and most comfortable yacht to sail at double-figure speeds.

We sailed upwind, matching the true wind speed at 40° to the apparent breeze, with no noise, no heel and no wake. I felt as though I was in a simulator; as if I was watching the Solent slip by on a screen such was the utter comfort and ease.

No wet weather kit needed here.

The instruments are the only indicators of the conditions. Speed is gauged only by a sudden deceleration during a painfully slow tack – it feels something like falling off the plane on a powerboat.

The inner sailor in me was itching to get out – I wanted to feel the boat. Thankfully, the Rapier allows carbon tillers to be mounted directly over the stocks on each quarter for a wind-in-the-hair experience. A button push to exchange helms and I was tiller-steering this 55ft spaceship.

Wind-in-the-hair sailing

This was more like it! The feedback is direct, even if currently a little stiff. Remote switches located on coamings beside the tillers also provide the ability to trim the sails, combining with tillers to give sailors everything they may be missing. As such, she is incredibly rewarding for a large multihull. At 11 knots close-reaching, the Eastern Solent flashed by in minutes.

That's more like it! Wind in the hair sailing

That’s more like it! Wind in the hair sailing

Off Gurnard we set the asymmetric and ran some deep angles to get back east past Cowes. The 550 exceeded the single-figure apparent wind speeds, averaging over eight knots, despite running as deep as possible (140-160° true). Heat her up a bit and the Rapier’s acceleration is instant, a testament to her lightweight build.

I did get used to steering from the wheel inside, but I never reconciled myself to being unable to see the mainsail. I was reportedly at the tiller and wheel for longer than anyone had been to date, but Jarvis told me the sailing we did was unusual for her design: “She is designed for long-distance bluewater sailing, so lots of autopilot use, chewing off miles with everyone in comfort.”

Her designer, Darren Newton, put it more bluntly: “We’re all liars. We all believe we are Volvo skippers, wanting to be outside with spray in our faces. It’s not about doing 20 knots plus. It’s about doing 15 knots and averaging a safe, good pace with the family.”

The Rapier certainly offers comfort on passage. Whether on or off watch, the space and light below is astonishing and the Rapier’s forwards focus helps connect crew to their surroundings. The views forward are more like those offered by a motor cruiser.

The catamaran Impossible Dream , developed 12 years ago, has 48 hydraulic operations to facilitate her internal helm station. For the Rapier, the same designers have managed to use just three winches to provide the same functionality thanks to modern reversible technology.

This internal cockpit has been designed beautifully. The whole area around the carbon compression post is more like a work of art than a winch-pit. The clutches and winches have been sited so that there is always a winch free when needed. Large, stiff canvas buckets keep all tail ends tidy, and drainage has been well considered.

The interior sail station

The interior sail station

The issue I had with this ‘sail station’, however, concerned the safety of mounting such powerful winches in the living area. Four different switches can operate the two reversible winches from a variety of positions, so it only needs a hand to be in the wrong place for a potentially very nasty accident to occur.

Safety measures

We have recommended to Broadblue that an emergency stop button be fitted and a winch guard be designed. Jarvis says they intend to create covers that can be fitted while sailing – a practical solution as once sails are set the sheets/halyards rarely need to be swapped on a winch other than for a sail change. If power is lost, winches can be manually operated, including the traveller.

The Rapier has a French safety system called UpSideUp that alerts owners to changing conditions and can be used to depower the boat automatically if no action is taken once set parameters are exceeded. It is a prudent system to have for a powerful, fast boat designed for short-handed sailing.

Another factor to the Rapier’s operation is the EmpirBus NXT, a node-based digital switching system used for all push-button electrics. A control panel in the middle of the dashboard gives diagnostics on electrical systems, pumps and liquids, lights, alarms, autopilot and fuses.

Siting the bridge and internal cockpit forward leaves a one-level living area of a size unrivalled by any boat of this length. It’s like being in a floating conservatory of tempered, tinted glass. Doors, aft windows and a skylight that all slide open prevents the Rapier from feeling stuffy, however.

The abundant views and light on offer proved exceptional at sea, but at night it is hard not to feel like a goldfish in the proverbial bowl. Blinds would come very near the top of my options list.

The futuristic inside cockpit lit up at night

The futuristic inside cockpit lit up at night

The layout of the main living area can be customised. For the first Rapier we sailed, Nic Bailey designed a split galley and saloon for an open-plan yet cohesive feel. Darren Newton wanted the mast base aft to allow for large foresails, so the bridge is on a raised section forward of the compression post.

This is the only area on the boat where headroom is constricted, but a hatch allows the helmsman to communicate with crew on the foredeck. A sofa each side of the helm encourages fellow crew to sit alongside the helmsman in comfort (and facing forward). This helps them to engage with the sailing rather than head for shelter and leave the helmsman alone on deck.

The saloon and galley can be custom-designed. The test boat had a carbon coffee table to port which adjoins to the sofa to become a daybed

The saloon and galley can be custom-designed. The test boat had a carbon coffee table to port which adjoins to the sofa to become a daybed

Wow factor below

Part of the port hull is given over to an owner’s suite. By positioning this fairly far forward, the berth has maximum beam and there’s room for a dedicated technical area aft. This houses the machinery and electronics, plus a workbench. A problem with this is that the genset is mounted directly abaft the owner’s headboard – the last place noise or vibration is wanted.

Owner’s cabin: this area has a technical area aft, which offers good access to all the Rapier’s machinery

Owner’s cabin: this area has a technical area aft, which offers good access to all the Rapier’s machinery

My main gripe, however, concerned the finish, especially considering the quality of the Rapier’s build. A French firm was contracted to do the Alpi woodwork, much of which, including the locker doors and grain, didn’t line up neatly. Elsewhere, the Rapier seemed as though she had been finished hurriedly. She still has plenty of wow-factor, especially lit up at night, but potential owners will be expecting a more polished interior finish.

Two bright, spacious double en-suite guest cabins are located in the starboard hull. These are stylish and roomy, but again I thought they lacked finishing touches and locker space in the heads.

Test Broadblue Rapier 550 SP


LOA 16.76m/54ft 11in

Beam (max) 8.00m/26ft 4in

Draught 1.30m/4ft 3in

Disp (lightship) 9,800kg/21,605lb

Engine 2 x 40hp on shafts diesel. Electric hybrid option is available

Water 550lt/120gal

Fuel 300lt/66gal

Mainsail 110m 2 /1,184ft 2

Jib 50m 2/ 538ft 2

Gennaker 120m 2 /1,292ft 2

Spinnaker 200m 2 /2,153ft 2

Designed by Broadblue Catamarans


This boat is well very designed and built, and her designers deserve credit for lateral thinking. The interior volume, forward-looking bridge, option for tiller-steering and lightweight build combine to make this the most complete fusion of motor boat, performance yacht and liveaboard I have seen. She is a comfy, mile-munching machine suitable for short-handed sailing.

The obvious appeal is to motor boaters. They are more likely to put their faith in her systems and appreciate the driving position. I was sceptical about whether the outside-in approach would work at sea, but I have to admit I came to appreciate the idea. It’s about accepting a very different concept; as designer Darren Newton says, “it’s about being honest about how we sail offshore today”. It was certainly the most comfortable tour of the Solent I have ever done.

The hard work has been done, all the finite tooling created to build a solid yet light boat, but she lacks some of the fine polishing I’d expect for her £1.5m price. And I have reservations about the safety of the remotely controlled winches in the internal cockpit. All these things can be corrected, however.

The base price of the Rapier is similar to that of the Jeanneau 64 we tested last month. Their volumes and living areas are comparable. The Rapier’s speed will allow you more time at anchor and she won’t need a crew. She is also customisable, but will cost a third more over her base price to hit the test boat’s spec.

So the question is whether the Rapier is ahead of her time, like Marty McFly’s guitar solo in Back to the Future . Are we ready for this futuristic cat? I think so and believe her innovation should be encouraged. Given a few improvements, she will appeal to an increasing crossbred market sector – one that is honest about the cruising they want to do.

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Multihull of the year

For several months now we have been eagerly awaiting the arrival of the Rapier 550. Broadblue entrusted the design to Darren Newton (and Nick Bailey) who also undertook the build, at the Multimarine yard. This fact, combined with a very advanced specification, has all the makings of an exceptional project. We set off for Portsmouth (UK) for a two-day test, including the famous Round the Island Race (round the Isle of Wight), with more than 1,500 boats on the startline.

Tube-type carbon mast without spreaders, with fiber rigging and anti-inversion lower shrouds; bowsprit coming out from the mast foot and rod-rigging bridle with no forward beam. All simple, pertinent and radical solutions from Darren Newton and Nick Bai

The marked step below the inverted bows, the deck-edge highlighted by the front of the coachroof and the black and white dress code is characteristic of the fine machine that is the Rapier 550.

The quality of the light from the coachroof is remarkable. All the windows (in toughened glass) and a section of the roof are sliding. The design of the carbon davits gives an idea of the level of requirements.

The sliding door aft and the opening side panels transform the R550 into a semi-convertible pioneer of a new generation of cruising catamarans.

The bowsprit incorporates the anchor locker, the bow roller and also the furling line, the spi or gennaker downhaul and the forestay chainplate! The absence of a forward beam is an important factor in reducing pitching.

Practical info

  • Builder : Broadblue Catamarans

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  • Finance your Broadblue Rapier 550
  • Articles about the Broadblue Rapier 550
  • Available in issue # 137

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Broadblue, re-emerging ambition!

England is part of a very close-knit club of countries pioneering the rediscovery of multihulls. Pat Patterson (Heavenly Twins), Tom Lack (Catalac), the Prout brothers (Snowgoose), James Wharram then Derek Kelsall and Nigel Irens have been the standard-bearers for this adventure, which has cleared the way for many architectural styles in both racing and cruising. By the late nineties this was starting to fizzle out a little, leading to a crisis: most of these “English cats” were running out of steam in the commercial world. Despite this, their replacements were there (Multimarine being one of the leading ones), but were probably overshadowed by the remarkable growth in French production. Mark Jarvis launched Broadblue in the mid-2000s, drawing on his background as a businessman, a sailor and a maritime professional. To begin with, the Broadblue 345 and 385 were built under license in China with technical assistance from Darren Newton, before production being moved to Poland. Next came the very successful and very capable Format 400, (a semi-open catamaran shown at the Multihull Boat Show and the La Rochelle Boat Show in 2009. See the test report...

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rapier catamaran

Sail Performance

rapier catamaran


A new look at fast cruising, the 550 brings together an incredible combination of high performance, high specification and radical new design. The 550 is a whole new generation of innovation, beautiful, high performance catamarans with a true racing heritage, giving class-leading performance. Intelligent electronics, navigation and radically simple sail handling come as standard, as do the creative and contemporary luxury interiors. With its self tacking headsail, powered reversing winches, and all controls at the enclosed helm, the 550 is perfect for single handed or shorthanded sailing. Even with several on board, most neither know how to, or want to, sail the boat. You can relax as the skipper, knowing that you are in control. The unique one level, one space combined cockpit and saloon gives a vast entertaining and living space – unheard of in a boat of this length. Maximising the saloon width between each hull gives the perfect combination of interior and exterior space, making the 550 useable regardless of weather conditions.

rapier catamaran

Explore in 3D


Performance Indicators


Bruce Number

(higher is faster)

Sail Area to Displacement

Displacement to Length

(lower is faster)


Length (LOA)

Length (LWL)

Displacement ​ (light)

Payload capacity

Sail Area (main+jib)

Draft (min)

Draft (max)

Mast clearance

Bridgedeck clearance

Manufactured Since

Engine (hp) ​

Hull Material

Darren Newton


Epoxy resin systems throughout the entire structure with a combination of E glass, Kevlar and carbon laminate stiffened by PVC cores

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Here are some common questions you might have:

Can I afford it?  Talk to the manufacturer and they can advise you on financing options.

Can I sail it?  Arrange a test sail with the manufacturer, or ask them directly what kind of support and education they offer for boat buyers. 

If you need anything else, be it more details , an introduction to the manufacturer , a shipyard visit , a  test sail , or help with  customatization,  let us know on the Help  M e page after clicking below and we’ll help you take the next step.

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Image by Muhammadh Saamy

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The Multihull Centre

Broadblue Rapier 550

Broadblue rapier 550 – throwing away the rule book on multihull layout, specifications.

  • LOA: 16.76m
  • Displacement (light) 9800kg
  • Draft: 1.3m
  • Category: Category A (Ocean)
  • MOCRA rating @ 10T =1.228
  • MOCRA rating @ 12T =1.162
  • Engine: 2 x 40hp on shafts diesel. Electric hybrid option is also available.
  • Fuel: 300ltrs
  • Water: 550ltrs 
  • Rig: Fractional sloop coachroof stepped carbon mast and bow
  • sprit self-tacking headsail.  Square topped, fully battened mainsail.
  • Bowsprit with fitting for large asymmetric sail/reacher
  • Mainsail (STD): 110sq.m
  • Jib: 50sq.m
  • Gennaker: 120sq.m
  • Spinnaker: 200sq.m
  • Layout: 3 double cabins all en-suite
  • Interior: Hand built quality furniture and fittings in light Oak. Lightweight wood laminate flooring throughout

rapier catamaran

rapier catamaran

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  •     Scape 39
  •     Wildcat 350
  •     Seacart 30
  •     Seawind 1000
  •     Seawind 1160
  •     Seawind 1190
  •     Seawind 1200
  •     Seawind 1260
  •     Seawind 1600
  •     Simpson 48
  •     Solaris 36 Sunrise
  •     Solaris 36 Sunstar
  •     Solaris 42
  •     St Francis 44
  •     St Francis 48
  •     St Francis 50
  •     Stealth 11.8
  •     Sunreef 60
  •     Sunreef 62
  •     Sunreef 70
  •     Sunreef 74C
  •     Sunreef 82 DD
  •     Sunreef 88 DD
  •     Switch 51
  •     Switch 55
  •     TRT 1200
  •     Heavenly Twins 26
  •     Ocean Twins 38
  •     Vaan R5
  •     Vision 444
  •     Voyage 380 Maxim
  •     Voyage 400 Norseman
  •     Voyage 430 Norseman
  •     Voyage 440
  •     Voyage 450 Cabriolet
  •     Voyage 47 Mayotte
  •     Voyage 480
  •     Voyage 500
  •     Voyage 580
  •     Voyage 590
  •     Kronos 45
  •     Wharram 38 Tiki
  •     AMI 320 Renaissance
  •     Woods 22 Wizard
  •     Woods 35 Banshee
  •     Woods 35 Flica
  •     Woods 36 Scylla
  •     Woods 36 Vardo
  •     Woods 38 Transit
  •     Woods 40 Meander
  •     Xquisite X5
  •     Xquisite X5+

Brand: Rapier 400

rapier catamaran

The Rapier 400 redefines the fast cruising catamaran. Family cruising and performance sailing combined in one single handed capable fast catamaran.

A boat designed as a safe family cruiser with all the speed and excitement of a pure-bred racer. Ultra modern lightweight composite construction with a high performance rig gives the sailing excitement we all crave. The Rapier 400’s sea keeping capabilities and trademark Broadblue single saloon and cockpit configuration make it a great space for all the family.

Builder:Broadblue (UK)
Mfg Engines:2 x 20hp diesel with saildrives.
Mfg Accommodations:The Rapier 400 is available in two versions. The short roof version has an open helm position, with the galley below or ‘down’ in the port hull. The long roof version has a fully enclosed helm position with the galley on the bridge deck.

There are no catamarans currently for sale of this brand.

Please see our catamarans for sale page for a full listing of other currently available models.

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Please call us at 650-726-7275 or email us at [email protected] to reserve an RV space.

The Half Moon Bay RV Park offers all the amenities and services you need to make your RV stay everything you dreamed. We are located on Northern California's Highway 1 within walking distance to the ocean! The Half Moon Bay RV Park is family owned and has the friendliest customer service.

Address: 460 Wavecrest Rd., Half Moon Bay, CA 94019

Phone: (650) 726-7275

Email: [email protected]


The Half Moon Bay RV Park is clean, private, and accessible to the coastal trails and beaches for outdoor recreation. The location is perfect for venturing out to Main Street Half Moon Bay and the nearby coastal towns of El Granada, Montara, Pescadero and Santa Cruz. San Francisco is less than an hour drive away. Cameron’s Restaurant & Pub is next door with great food, games, karaoke, shuffleboard, and sports on HD TV.

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© Half Moon Bay RV Park • 460 Wavecrest Rd., Half Moon Bay, CA 94019 • Phone: (650) 726-7275 • Email: [email protected]


  1. Rapier 550 Catamarans For Sale

    rapier catamaran

  2. Broadblue Rapier 400 Catamaran For Sale

    rapier catamaran

  3. Rapier 400 Catamaran

    rapier catamaran

  4. Rapier 550, the new Broadblue

    rapier catamaran

  5. Achat -vente Catamarans occasion

    rapier catamaran

  6. Catamaran Rapier 400 on Virtual Waves

    rapier catamaran


  1. Capsized 14’ catamaran boat during lobster mini season! Salvage & rescue! #captainretriever

  2. Let the sun in ☀️ The open Rapier 550 catamaran shines bright

  3. R400 Rapier fast leg into Southampton Water

  4. Rebuilding our catamaran Wharram Tehini 54

  5. R400 Rapier slow sail to Portsmouth asymmetric

  6. RAPIER 550


  1. Rapier 550 Catamaran

    Rapier 550. A new look at fast cruising, the 550 brings together an incredible combination of high performance, high specification and radical new design. The 550 is a whole new generation of innovation, beautiful, high performance catamarans with a true racing heritage, giving class-leading performance. Intelligent electronics, navigation and ...

  2. Rapier 400 Catamaran

    Water 350ltrs. Mainsail (Std) 58m2. Self-tacking jib 28m2. Gennaker (Std) 80m2. Spinnaker 100m2. The Rapier 400 redefines the fast cruising catamaran. Family cruising and performance sailing combined in one single handed capable fast catamaran. A boat designed as a safe family cruiser with all the speed and excitement of a pure-bred racer.

  3. Broadblue Catamaran Rapier 550 boats for sale

    Rapier 550; Broadblue Catamaran Rapier 550 boats for sale. Save Search. Clear Filter Make / Model: Broadblue - Rapier 550 Category: Sail - Catamaran. Location. By Radius. By Country. country-all. All Countries. Country-GB. United Kingdom. All. All 25 miles 50 miles 100 miles 200 miles 300 miles 500 miles 1000 miles 2000 miles 5000 miles.

  4. Broadblue Rapier 400 boats for sale

    2016 Broadblue Rapier 400. US$249,000. US $1,892/mo. BVI Yacht Sales LTD | Nanny Cay, British Virgin Islands. Request Info.

  5. Rapier 550 Catamarans For Sale

    Brand: Rapier 550. A new look at fast cruising, the 550 brings together an incredible combination of high performance, high specification and radical new design. The 550 is a whole new generation of innovation, beautiful, high performance catamarans with a true racing heritage, giving class-leading performance.

  6. 2016 Broadblue Rapier 400 Catamaran for sale

    Meet the Rapier 400, crafted by Broadblue, A'r môr dirion.It's not just a catamaran; it's a fusion of safety, speed, and family comfort. Designed to thrill like a racing yacht yet provide the security of a family cruiser, this vessel boasts ultramodern lightweight composite construction and a high-performance rig, delivering the sailing excitement every enthusiast craves.

  7. Broadblue Rapier 550 boat test

    The answer is inside. Step aboard the Rapier 550 and your jaw drops. This is an entirely new breed of boat, one that could appeal to monohull, multihull and motor boat cruisers. She is designed ...

  8. Broadblue Performance Catamarans

    The Broadblue Rapier range of performance catamarans are built with the express intention of delivering semi-custom built fast cruising catamarans with impressive passage making capability. Both the Rapier 550 and Rapier 400 have been specifically designed to be sailed singlehanded - unusual for multihulls of this size.

  9. Broadblue Rapier 400

    The Rapier 400's sea keeping capabilities and trademark Broadblue single saloon and cockpit configuration make it a great space for all the family. The Rapier 400 is available in two versions. The short roof version has an open helm position, with the galley below or 'down' in the port hull. The long roof version has a fully enclosed helm ...

  10. Boat Review by Multihulls World of: Catamaran Broadblue Rapier 550

    The marked step below the inverted bows, the deck-edge highlighted by the front of the coachroof and the black and white dress code is characteristic of the fine machine that is the Rapier 550. The quality of the light from the coachroof is remarkable. All the windows (in toughened glass) and a section of the roof are sliding.

  11. 2015 Broadblue Rapier 550 Catamaran for sale

    View pictures & full details of 14709, a Catamaran built in 2015 by Broadblue Rapier 550 and available for sale. ... The Rapier 550 is built using Carbon and E-glass infused epoxy making it light and fast. It looks good and has a proven cruising speed reaching up to 15 knots or more.On passage, 200 mile days are easily achievable in a relaxed ...

  12. Rapier 550

    The 550 is a whole new generation of innovation, beautiful, high performance catamarans with a true racing heritage, giving class-leading performance. Intelligent electronics, navigation and radically simple sail handling come as standard, as do the creative and contemporary luxury interiors. With its self tacking headsail, powered reversing ...

  13. PDF RAPIER 550

    The Rapier 550 discards these principles. By combining the two living areas (cockpit and saloon) an open living area is produced - social experiences can be created, and speed can be gained as weight is reduced. The Rapier 550 rethinks catamaran design, responding to the needs of catamaran owners who truly enjoy sailing. The Rapier 550 asks …

  14. On test: Broadblue Rapier 550

    Yachting World video showing our trial onboard the spaceship that is the Rapier 550 - an innovative new British cruising catamaran with sailing systems insid...

  15. Broadblue Rapier 550

    The Rapier 550, launched in 2014, was designed by Nic Bailey in collaboration with Darren Newton at Multimarine for Broadblue. She's a futuristic performance vision, capable of single-handed fast ocean cruising and easily able to average 15 knots. The ease of handling, all managed from the internal cockpit 'sail station' with stunning 360 ...

  16. RAPIER 400

    LENGTH: Traditionally, LOA (length over all) equaled hull length. Today, many builders use LOA to include rail overhangs, bowsprits, etc. and LOD (length on deck) for hull length. That said, LOA may still mean LOD if the builder is being honest and using accepted industry standards developed by groups like the ABYC (American Boat and Yacht Council).

  17. 2015 Broadblue Rapier 550 Catamaran for sale

    The Rapier 550 is built using Carbon and E-glass infused epoxy making it light and fast. It looks good and has a proven cruising speed reaching up to 15 knots or more.On passage, 200 mile days are easily achievable in a relaxed way. The connection between the helm, galley and the saloon means that the crew can enjoy wonderful dining without ...

  18. PDF Rapier Handbook 200607

    Hang a 3-ounce weight (85 grams) just behind the tip. If the blade of a dagger (out to 18" blade length) flexes visibly (more than 1/4 inch <6 mm>), the blade is sufficiently flexible. For a rapier blade (greater than 18"), the flex must be 1/2 inch (12 mm). 2.


    PERFORMANCE CRUISING CATAMARANThe. 0 is a new type of catamaran. Designed from the outset as exceptionally. st, stable and easily sailed. This is a boat for owners who value performance, sailing abilit. l. LAYOUT AND CONFIGURATIONThe unified saloon and cockpit layout which maximises living space and minimises weight gives a sheltered and high ...

  20. Ocean Spray Catamaran

    Answer 1 of 18: We just returned from an 8 day Galapagos cruise on the Ocean Spray catamaran, managed by Haugen Cruises. We chose Itinerary A, visiting the islands of Isabela, Fernandina, Santa Cruz, South Plaza, Santa Fe, Espanola, and San Cristobal. The entire...

  21. Rapier 400 Catamarans For Sale

    Brand: Rapier 400. The Rapier 400 redefines the fast cruising catamaran. Family cruising and performance sailing combined in one single handed capable fast catamaran. A boat designed as a safe family cruiser with all the speed and excitement of a pure-bred racer. Ultra modern lightweight composite construction with a high performance rig gives ...

  22. Half Moon Bay RV Park

    We are located on Northern California's Highway 1 within walking distance to the ocean! The Half Moon Bay RV Park is family owned and has the friendliest customer service. Address: 460 Wavecrest Rd., Half Moon Bay, CA 94019. Phone: (650) 726-7275. Email: [email protected].


    Free Business profile for RAPIER PHILIP ATTORNEY AT LAW at 1736 Franklin St, Oakland, CA, 94612-3423, US. RAPIER PHILIP ATTORNEY AT LAW specializes in: Legal Services. This business can be reached at (510) 444-6262