The Yacht Heist

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· · The Yacht Heist

Heist Info
/ ✘ / ✔
+1,000 (per secured money bag)
+500 (per additional loot bag)
195,000 (Normal)
390,000 (Hard)
975,000 (Very Hard)
1,950,000 (Overkill)
2,500,000 (Mayhem)
2,500,000 (Death Wish)
2,500,000 (Death Sentence)
350,000 (Normal)
700,000 (Hard)
1,750,000 (Very Hard)
3,500,000 (Overkill)
3,850,000 (Mayhem)
4,550,000 (Death Wish)
4,900,000 (Death Sentence)
475,000 (Normal)
950,000 (Hard)
1,235,000 (Very Hard)
1,995,000 (Overkill)
3,420,000 (Mayhem)
3,895,000 (Death Wish)
4,370,000 (Death Sentence)

Complete The Yacht Heist job on the Mayhem difficulty or above.

The Yacht Heist is a stealth-only one-day heist for PAYDAY 2 released with the John Wick Heists Pack in Update #131 .

  • 1 Objectives
  • 2.1 Purchasable
  • 3 Walkthrough
  • 5 Variations
  • 6 Security Presence
  • 7 The FBI Files
  • 9 Achievements and Trophies

Objectives [ ]

  • Hack the laptop.
  • Secure money bundles.
  • Hack the server room open.
  • Gain access to the server room.
  • Overheat the servers.
  • Use override switches.
  • Steal the hard drive.
  • Secure additional loot or escape.

Purchasable [ ]

Body Bags
Requires the Aced skill to unlock
Gage Courier Packages


Potential Locations

Colored Tags

Walkthrough [ ]

The crew starts below deck right next to the server room, which cannot be accessed until near the end of the heist. Players must make their way around the yacht to find an indicated laptop located in a few specific spots on either decks. Hacking the laptop will yield the colored tag marking where the money is stashed (though this clue will also be seen next to the laptop) and the four locations where the money is stashed.

The stashes can be located in any of the four levels of the yacht, which the laptop will specify which deck and what location they are stashed in including food carts, lifeboat storage, private rooms, cigar/wine collections, aquariums or book shelves. At this point, it is recommended that the crew split up to search each deck individually to speed up the process. Caution should be taken as each deck can have multiple guards patrolling the same area, however their patrol routes are fixed and thus easily maneuvered. Civilians may also be present in certain locations prompting players to either avoid passing through or to tie/kill them. There are also artifacts and paintings to be secured should players wish to earn a little extra pay. Loot and body bags can be thrown out the windows off the yacht to be secured or to be disposed.

Once all stashes all secured, Bain will prompt the crew to return to hack the laptop to grant them access to the server room (20 seconds) located below deck to steal the hard drive. The server room can be entered either from the starting point or near the kitchen. Once inside, the crew needs to shut off four machines which feed the servers coolant. The path needed to reach the coolant pumps is randomized and sometimes requires maneuvering a maze of lasers. Shutting all four coolant pumps, the crew will then need to press four manual override switches in order to open the hard drive storage. Each override switch has a delay before needing to press the next, during which players should avoid the guards patrolling the room as their paths navigate around the switches. On lower difficulties there is only one guard patrolling this area and on even the highest difficulty, there will only be two. The crawlspaces will have active lasers, thus players must be careful and time when they can move through them.

Upon pressing all four override switches, the players can then take the hard drive stored in a glass case near the switches and escape through the doors leading back to the spawn point.

Strategy [ ]

  • Loot is secured by throwing it anywhere into the ocean. On some decks, there are windows that can be opened for loot to be thrown out of. The same applies for body bags that need to be disposed of.
  • The guards will not change their patrol routes when you open up doors.
  • Take note that ECMs will prevent the override switches from being used, hence the final sequence cannot be ECM rushed.
  • Unlike the other stealth heists, there are no hostile security cameras present regardless of difficulty. Therefore, the only threats are the numerous patrolling guards around the yacht.

Variations [ ]

  • The laptop the crew needs to hack can be located on any of the four levels, with some being harder to reach than others due to the number of guards needed to bypass.
  • The openings underneath the catwalks where the server cooling towers are may vary, which in some cases may split the valves into several separate areas and/or forcing the player(s) to maneuver past several alarm lasers. At other times the openings will just sit open and be accessible from the stair landing without the player having to sneak their way past any laser at all.

Security Presence [ ]

There is no camera presence. There is a total of 15 guards present on the yacht, all of which are Gensec security guards. Lower Deck(S1) consists of 4 guards, one patrolling in the kitchen, two in the server room, and one patrolling the rest of the floor. Main Deck(A) consists of 6 guards, three patrolling outside on the deck and the room with the aquarium, two patrolling in the hallway of the bedrooms, and one patrolling in the smoking room. Upper Deck(A1) consists of 3 guards, two patrolling on the deck, two patrolling in the dining room, and one in the resting room. Upper Deck 2(A2) consists of 2 guards, one patrolling on the deck and one patrolling in the reading room.

The FBI Files [ ]

Attendees at a fundraiser party for Washington mayor McKendrick aboard a yacht in New York Harbor reported a suspicious-looking smaller boat approaching the yacht for a few moments and then leaving.

My Notes: Probably nothing. But keeping an eye on this one given the Washington connection and the Payday Gang’s recent antics in New York.

  • A player experiencing lag or other desync issues interacting with one of the searchable locations can cause it to glitch and not activate, thus rendering the loot inside irretrievable and the mission unable to be completed by failing to meet the quota.

Achievements and Trophies [ ]

  • Achievements

job on the Normal difficulty or above.

job on the Hard difficulty or above.

job on the Very Hard difficulty or above.

job on the Overkill difficulty or above.

job on the Mayhem difficulty or above.

job on the Death Wish difficulty or above.

job on the Death Sentence difficulty.

job on the Death Sentence difficulty with the One Down mechanic activated..

job within 6 minutes, on the OVERKILL difficulty or above.

job without killing anyone. Unlocks the " " mask, " " material and " " pattern.

job after having killed every security guard on the boat. Unlocks the " " mask, " " material and " " pattern.

Gone Fishing :"Quiet as a catfish, you stole all the cash from that yacht. But it wasn't easy." :—Trophy description UNLOCK CONDITION: Complete The Yacht Heist in stealth with all members at maximum detection. PLACEMENT: Living room coffee table.

UNLOCK CONDITION: Complete The Yacht Heist in stealth with all members at maximum detection.

PLACEMENT: Living room coffee table.

  • Hammerhead , Great White , and Megalodon are all species of sharks .
  • The Yacht Heist is the fourth stealth-only heist in the game after Shadow Raid , Car Shop , and Murky Station , or fifth, should one count Flash Drive . It is also the first DLC stealth-only heist.
  • The tags on the openable containers you find have a QR Code on them. When scanned, it translates to "Shazan Box Enterprise" and the number next to the ID is a hexidecimal which when decoded comes out to spell out "Fishy business" [1] .
  • All the tags say 'subrosa' on them. This is probably derived from the Latin phrase meaning 'under the rose' and used to denote secrecy.

Payday Level yacht

Unused image for PAYDAY: The Heist's own Yacht heist.

  • The same yacht in this heist appears in the final level of John Wick Chronicles. Ethan Powell, mentioned as the owner of the yacht in the heist, is also the main antagonist of the game.
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  • 1 Payday Gang

The John Wicki

The Yacht Heist


The Yacht Heist  is a stealth-only one-day heist for  PAYDAY 2  released with the  John Wick Heists Pack  in  Update #131 .

  • 1 Objectives
  • 2 Walkthrough
  • 4 Variations
  • 5 The FBI Files

Objectives [ ]

  • Hack the laptop.
  • Secure money bundles.
  • Hack the server room open.
  • Gain access to the server room.
  • Overheat the servers.
  • Use override switches.
  • Steal the hard drive.
  • Secure additional loot or escape.

Walkthrough [ ]

The crew starts below deck right next to the server room, which cannot be accessed until near the end of the heist. Players must make their way around the yacht to find an indicated laptop located in a few specific spots on either decks. Hacking the laptop will yield the colored tag marking where the money is stashed (though this clue will also be seen next to the laptop) and the four locations where the money is stashed.

The stashes can be located in any of the four levels of the yacht, which the laptop will specify which deck and what location they are stashed in including food carts, lifeboat storage, private rooms, cigar/wine collections, aquariums or book shelves. At this point, it is recommended that the crew split up to search each deck individually to speed up the process. Caution should be taken as each deck can have multiple guards patrolling the same area, however their patrol routes are fixed and thus easily maneuvered. Civilians may also be present in certain locations prompting players to either avoid passing through or to tie/kill them. There are also artifacts and paintings to be secured should players wish to earn a little extra pay. Loot and body bags can be thrown out the windows off the yacht to be secured or to be disposed.

Once all stashes all secured, Bain will prompt the crew to return to hack the laptop to grant them access to the server room (20 seconds) located below deck to steal the hard drive. The server room can be entered either from the starting point or near the kitchen. Once inside, the crew needs to shut off four machines which feed the servers coolant. The path needed to reach the coolant pumps is randomized and sometimes requires maneuvering a maze of lasers. Shutting all four coolant pumps, the crew will then need to press four manual override switches in order to open the hard drive storage. Each override switch has a delay before needing to press the next, during which players should avoid the guards patrolling the room as their paths navigate around the switches. On lower difficulties there is only one guard patrolling this area and on even the highest difficulty, there will only be two. The crawlspaces will have active lasers, thus players must be careful and time when they can move through them.

Upon pressing all four override switches, the players can then take the hard drive stored in a glass case near the switches and escape through the doors leading back to the spawn point.

Strategy [ ]

  • Loot is secured by throwing it anywhere into the ocean. On some decks, there are windows that can be opened for loot to be thrown out of. The same applies for body bags that need to be disposed of.
  • The guards will not change their patrol routes when you open up doors.
  • Take note that ECMs will prevent the override switches from being used, hence the final sequence cannot be ECM rushed.
  • Unlike the other stealth heists, there are no hostile security cameras present regardless of difficulty. Therefore, the only threats are the numerous patrolling guards around the yacht.

Variations [ ]

  • The laptop the crew needs to hack can be located on any of the four levels, with some being harder to reach than others due to the number of guards needed to bypass.
  • The openings underneath the catwalks where the server cooling towers are may vary, which in some cases may split the valves into several separate areas and/or forcing the player(s) to maneuver past several alarm lasers. At other times the openings will just sit open and be accessible from the stair landing without the player having to sneak their way past any laser at all.

The FBI Files [ ]

Attendees at a fundraiser party for Washington mayor McKendrick aboard a yacht in New York Harbor reported a suspicious-looking smaller boat approaching the yacht for a few moments and then leaving.

My Notes:  Probably nothing. But keeping an eye on this one given the Washington connection and the Payday Gang's recent antics in New York.

A player experiencing lag or other desync issues interacting with one of the searchable locations can cause it to glitch and not activate, thus rendering the loot inside irretrievable and the mission unable to be completed by failing to meet the quota.

  • The Yacht Heist is the fourth stealth-only heist in the game after  Shadow Raid ,  Car Shop , and  Murky Station , or fifth, should one count  Flash Drive . It is also the first DLC stealth-only heist.
  • The tags on the openable containers you find have a QR Code on them. When scanned, it translates to "Shazan Box Enterprise" and the number next to the ID is a hexidecimal which when decoded comes out to spell out "Fishy business".
  • All the tags say 'subrosa' on them. This is probably derived from the Latin phrase meaning 'under the rose' and used to denote secrecy.
  • Rather curiously, several internal files referencing the heist had existed since the game launched, and similar strings could be found by unpacking the asset packages for  PAYDAY: The Heist  as well. This hints at the possibility of a similar heist being cut from the first game, before having its assets recycled into this final iteration.
  • 1 The High Table
  • 2 John Wick
  • 3 Vincent Bisset de Gramont
  • Payday 2: Crimewave Edition Achievements
  • Payday 2: Crimewave Edition News
  • Walkthrough *

23. PAYDAY 2: Crimewave Edition John Wick Heists

The achievements in this DLC are notoriously buggy, please refer to the hints and tips page for 2 types of workaround to make sure they unlock properly. For most, I would recommend the online workaround, but for the Pass the Ammo achievement, you need to do the online one.

Brooklyn 10-10

So this heist will most likely need 2 and a half runs to finish. The playthroughs will be as follows:

  • Deathwish run - Just take your time and be careful. This is a dangerous heist as it's all very close quarters and a fair few dozers spawn from my own experience.
  • Pass the Ammo run - You will need 4 people all with the upgrades to carry 2 ammo bags. Once you get to the 2nd building, you need to drill or saw open the ammo cage and place all 8 ammo bags in there, then finish the heist to unlock:

Brooklyn 10-10 - Finish the heist after placing 8 ammo bags in the ammo cage on OVK or above.

Pass the Ammo

  • Reach Charon in 6 minutes run - This one it is recommended to be in co-op, as well as have one person bring a saw or C4 to get through the 2nd building objectives as fast as possible. As soon as you get down the lift and reach him, if it was in under 6 minutes, you will unlock:

Brooklyn 10-10 - Reach Charon within 6 minutes on OVK or above.

A Rendezvous with Destiny

Assets: Ammo Bag, Doctor Bag and Grenade Case

Solo/Co-op: You start off in a derelict apartment building. Cross over the scaffolding to reach the offices and look out of the window to find Charon. There will be highlighted gangsters that will show up in this alley. Reaching the window also alerts the police, so have 1 person concentrate on the outside and everyone else protect them. Onslaughts of police will come for you and Charon will start to pick a lock outside. Take enemies out as soon as they are highlighted to speed up this process.

Eventually, police cars will pull up and you will need to take them out too so Charon can proceed. After multiple waves, he will get through and you will need to get upstairs. Pick the lock here, where you will either open the door or partway through, a dozer will kick it down. Either run past him or take him down. On the roof, you have two choices, jump across to the next roof and drop into the next building, or drop down to the ledge below and enter via the windows.

In this room, there are 2 cages. One will contain ammo and a crowbar and the other will contain a briefcase and some loot such as weapon and money bags. There is also an extra crowbar hidden in this apartment, so I recommend only trying to get into the one cage, to save protecting 2 drills. Whilst that is going, you also need to take out highlighted gangsters that will pop up in the windows across the street and try to snipe you and Charon.

Once they are cleared and you have the briefcase and crowbar, Charon will direct you to meet up with him. Get upstairs and use the crowbar to open the elevator shaft door and go down it to meet Charon. All you have to do now is get to the marked escape point and hold out until the escape arrives. This is easier said than done, as there is most likely a SWAT van on Deathwish sitting in the first area, and you will be assaulted by multiple tasers and dozers during the holdout. Once the heist is complete, you will unlock:

Brooklyn 10-10 - Finish the heist on DW or above.

Vengeful Rain

All that is left is to go on Overkill and get the other 2 achievements mentioned above. Reaching Charon in 6 minutes will take some attempts, and a larger group will be best to get through this faster. Of course, also bringing C4/a saw will speed it up immensely, as you can get straight into the cages to get the crowbar and briefcase.

The Yacht Heist

So I will start by saying, this heist is annoying, but not all that hard. Most of the objectives in this heist are in randomised locations, making it harder to pinpoint everything for you, so the descriptions will be a bit vague at points. This is going to be split up into 2 runs:

  • Deathwish no kills run - This will get you used to the map and where some of the objectives spawn by the time you finish the run, so you will be more prepared for the next. There's also a nice little glitch that will help make the final room a bit easier.
  • Overkill under 6 minutes run - This is why this heist is annoying. 6 minutes isn't that much time in the grand scheme of things. I highly recommend doing this in co-op so you have more than just you running around throwing all of the money bags overboard. Try to save at least 2 pagers for the final room, as you want to kill the 2 guards in there to make the process a bit faster.

Assets: None (we're trying not to kill anyone after all)

Solo/Co-op: The first objective you will have is to reach the marked laptop. This can be in a variety of locations, from the lower deck to the nearer end of upper deck level 1 to the far end of upper deck level 1. Next to the laptop is a coloured sticker. Take note of this colour, as all of the money bags will be inside cupboards/closets etc. with a sticker of this colour on. Next, the laptop screen will flash. 4 different locations on the boat will flash, these indicate what the money bags are stored in (2 per place). Lower Deck is obvious, the Main Deck is where you started, Upper Deck Level 1 is the one with rooms 101-104 on it for reference and Upper Deck Level 2 is the one with the bookshelves on it.

Make note of the 4 locations (this is why co-op is recommended for the speedrun, as someone can go straight to at least UDL1 to prepare for anything there or on L2) and try to find those objects. It's hard to explain everything, so I will explain some of the less obvious ones. The lifeboats are the white oval-shaped containers dotted around the Main Deck and the Wine and Cigar area is at the far end of UDL1, the rest should be pretty self-explanatory in terms of being able to spot the objects/places.

When you find a money bag, all you need to do is throw it overboard, so out of a window, off the side of the deck. Anything works. You also don't need to close windows, so feel free to open whichever is nearest to you. Once you have thrown all 8 bags overboard, you will need to interact with the laptop again and make your way to the Lower Deck. On the opposite side from where the fridge room is, is the door to the security room. Once the unlocking procedure is finished, the door will open. There are 2 guards in here to avoid, who patrol the upper deck. They can also see you through the grated floor , so be careful.

Underneath the floor, there are 4 valves that you need to turn, there are also passages (some have lasers in them) between each of these, meaning you don't have to go back upstairs to access them all. Once all of these have been turned, you need to press 4 buttons on the columns themselves in a randomised sequence then grab a hard drive. There is a cool little glitch though, you can actually press the buttons from underneath, and also grab the hard drive from underneath the room too. This means you don't need to risk going by the 2 guards to get the hard drive and can get upstairs and back to where you started to escape, unlocking:

Yacht Heist - Finish the heist on DW or above.

Great White

if you finished on Deathwish, as well as:

Yacht Heist - Finish the heist without killing anyone.


if you didn't kill anyone.

All that is left now, is to do it in under 6 minutes on Overkill. Again, I highly recommend doing this in co-op to speed up the part before getting into the security room. It also helps as you can take a guard each in the security room so you can freely roam it, shaving off some seconds at least. When you finish it in under 6 minutes, you will unlock:

Yacht Heist - Finish the heist within 6 minutes on OVK or above.



  1. PAYDAY 2

    payday 2 yacht heist lifeboat location

  2. [PAYDAY 2] Yacht Heist DSOD: Ultimate Stealth Guide || Everything there

    payday 2 yacht heist lifeboat location

  3. The Yacht Heist

    payday 2 yacht heist lifeboat location

  4. Payday 2 The Yacht Heist (solo/stealth

    payday 2 yacht heist lifeboat location

  5. PAYDAY 2

    payday 2 yacht heist lifeboat location

  6. [Payday 2] The Yacht Heist (Solo

    payday 2 yacht heist lifeboat location


  1. Lifeboat on the yacht heist :: PAYDAY 2 General Discussions

    Lifeboat on the yacht heist. One of the locations for the money bundles can be a lifeboat, where you can find that lifeboat? I've spend like 5 minutes searching for it with jammers and still can't find it. All except for one are on the main floor, outside, in the white "boxes" (not box shaped, but I do not know how to describe it better).

  2. The Yacht Heist

    The Yacht Heist is a stealth-only one-day heist for PAYDAY 2 released with the John Wick Heists Pack in Update #131. Hack the laptop. Secure money bundles. Hack the server room open. Gain access to the server room. Overheat the servers. Use override switches. Steal the hard drive. Secure additional loot or escape. The crew starts below deck right next to the server room, which cannot be ...

  3. The Yacht Heist : guards & money location

    corridor next to the room 103. corridor next to the room 104. smoking room. dining room. book room. The location of the painting is not founded. but some persons explore it and discuss where is it in the thread Yacht heist artefacts?. Especially this post is interesting upon thinking about the painting: Originally posted by Seven: There are 7 ...

  4. The Yacht Heist Solo Stealth Guide

    Jigu's speedruns - Yacht turned out to be quite a lot easier than I thought. No cameras, guards and civilians are not as nast...

  5. The Yacht Heist

    If you enjoyed the video, Leave a like!The Yacht Heist is the fourth stealth-only heist in the game after Shadow Raid, Car Shop, and Murky Station, or fifth,...

  6. Payday 2 (PC) walkthrough

    Watch in 1080p HD for the CLEAREST QUALITY 60 FPS walkthroughs on Youtube!Part 51 of "Payday 2" on the PC.

  7. The Yacht Heist

    The Yacht Heist is a stealth-only one-day heist for PAYDAY 2 released with the John Wick Heists Pack in Update #131. Hack the laptop. Secure money bundles. ... which the laptop will specify which deck and what location they are stashed in including food carts, lifeboat storage, private rooms, cigar/wine collections, aquariums or book shelves. ...

  8. The yacht heist : r/paydaybuilds

    GCRoach. • 4 yr. ago. Yacht heist is one of those stealth heists that gets much easier with two people. One thing to keep in mind is that the heist itself is actually well designed. There are always two pathways to take, the left and right sides of the yacht. When Theres a guard on one side the other is typically more open.

  9. Thalassophobia achievement in PAYDAY 2: Crimewave Edition

    How to unlock the Thalassophobia achievement in PAYDAY 2: Crimewave Edition: Yacht Heist - Finish the heist within 6 minutes on OVK or above ... The best stash location I have found is the food ...

  10. The yacht heist : r/paydaytheheist

    The yacht heist . Discussion I have been trying to complete the yacht heist (on DSOD) for about 4 hours and I just cannot do it. Any tips? ... The reddit community for the games PAYDAY: The Heist and PAYDAY 2, as well as PAYDAY 3 by OVERKILL Software. Members Online. Payday 3 Is Now Incredibly Easy… [TheKknowley]

  11. Has anybody had any luck completing The Yacht Heist in under six

    Having 3 of the items spawn on the same floor is pretty much a necessity solo, there's no way you can finish the heist fast enough if they're spread throughout the level. Some objectives are way easier than others, (fuck the food cart spawns, they can pretty much be anywhere) the aquarium, rooms, bookshelves and wine/cigars will always be in ...

  12. Yacht heist artefacts? :: PAYDAY 2 General Discussions

    What we found is: 4 Artefacts in the sliding windows hallway between the passenger cabins on the main deck. They're little stattuettes in the decorative pillars. 1 kinjal in the wine and cigars room on the main deck. It's on the table in a holder. 1 kinjal on the reception table for fundraiser on upper deck 1.

  13. Guide for PAYDAY 2: Crimewave Edition

    Pass the Ammo. Brooklyn 10-10 - Finish the heist after placing 8 ammo bags in the ammo cage on OVK or above. 1 guide. Reach Charon in 6 minutes run - This one it is recommended to be in co-op, as ...

  14. All Yacht Heist LOOT GUIDE (With Locations) #payday2 #gaming #shorts

    Game: Payday 2Mode/Map: Yacht Heist

  15. [PAYDAY 2] Yacht Heist DSOD: Ultimate Stealth Guide

    EVERYTHING there is to know about Yacht Heist DSOD solo stealth. All spawns for the hidden A1 food cart and all other money stashes (the RNG ones, and the fi...

  16. need help with yacht heist :: PAYDAY 2 General Discussions

    need help with yacht heist. I did get past guards and I hacked the laptop. It says "secure money bundles". But I have no idea where are they. And there are no hints and ♥♥♥♥ that would provide me info where are they. "Using the info provided on the manifest, find the stashed money bundles and secure them". besides, I have no idea where ...

  17. [PAYDAY 2] Yacht Heist

    In order to get this trophy, you must complete the Yacht Heist in stealth on any difficulty with all team members at maximum detection.

  18. A note to all the people complaining that the yacht heist isn ...

    No loud boat heist feels like a missed opportunity. Eventually I'm looking forward to a new Locke loud-only heist on a Murkywater freight ship as a compensation. Fight through a maze of containers, take control of the ship with a Alesso-like minigame, and escape with the WHOLE boat in international waters. Sounds awesome. Overkill please ...

  19. Blood in the Water [Guide/Achievement] [Payday 2]

    PAYDAY 2 > Videos > Unknown Knight's Videos This item has been removed from the community because it violates Steam Community & Content Guidelines. It is only visible to you.

  20. Missing loot on the Yacht : r/paydaytheheist

    The reddit community for the games PAYDAY: The Heist and PAYDAY 2, as well as PAYDAY 3 by OVERKILL Software. Members Online • [deleted] ADMIN MOD Missing loot on the Yacht . Hey all. I have had two instances where I have not found the hiding places for the cash and I looked very thoroughly, every nook and cranny on the deck in question per ...


    Here is a quick guide for the artifact spawns on the yacht heist. Don't forget to like, comment and subscribe. Hey everybody, Dr Pancake Face here. Here is a quick guide for the artifact spawns on ...

  22. The Yacht Heist. :: PAYDAY 2 General Discussions

    The loud heist is kinda okay. Basically what you do is stay in a building, shoot some people outside whilst you're getting shot by people in the building that you're in, move to a second building, do the same thing, wait for the escape, and that's it basically. You're pretty much done in about 10 minutes with it.

  23. Additional Loots location on Yacht Heist :: PAYDAY 2 General Discussions

    Additional Loots location on Yacht Heist. I found only 5 artifacts (one in the Cigar room, 4 in the sleep area room 101-104) Showing 1 - 1 of 1 comments. Finale Feb 10, 2017 @ 10:32pm. 1 artifact is a green object in the top deck, on the bow end of the area overlooking the banquet room. The other is a sword on upper deck 1 or 2, near the front ...