DIY Adulation

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Gorgeous DIY Sunset Sailboat Painting

05.04.2017 by Marie // Leave a Comment

Do you mix your own colors for paint projects? I typically keep large tubes of the primary colors as well as black and white for all of my acrylic paint projects. It is awesome because it allows you to get the precise shade you want. Unfortunately it can also lead to an excess of paint at the end of the project. This recently happened with me and I couldnā€™t bear seeing such a large amount of paint wasted. So, I decided to pull out a large blank canvas and see what I could create to use up the rest of the paint. The result was this gorgeous DIY sunset sailboat painting. (Please note that in the materials section I have included the end color of paint needed. This is to make it easier for you if you donā€™t feel like mixing your own paint colors.)

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Don't throw out that leftover paint from your project! This gorgeous DIY sunset sailboat painting is made with excess paint and you can make one easily!

[bctt tweet=”This gorgeous #DIY sunset sailboat painting is made with excess paint and you can make it easily!” username=”diyadulation”]

  • 24ā€ x 36ā€ White Stapled Canvas
  • Orange Acrylic Paint
  • Teal Acrylic Paint
  • Navy Acrylic Paint
  • White Acrylic Paint
  • 2ā€ Paintbrush
  • Fine Point Paintbrush

Don't throw out that leftover paint from your project! This gorgeous DIY sunset sailboat painting is made with excess paint and you can make one easily!

Spread orange paint on the top 2/3 of your canvas with a 2ā€ paintbrush.

Tip: Allow some of the white of the canvas to show through your brush strokes.

One the bottom third of your canvas, brush on the teal paint.

Tip: This should be thicker than your orange paint above with little-to-no white showing through.

Don't throw out that leftover paint from your project! This gorgeous DIY sunset sailboat painting is made with excess paint and you can make one easily!

Start outlining your sailboat with navy paint by first painting the boat and then moving on to the first sail. See the picture above for reference.

Note: Use your fine point brush for this part.

Don't throw out that leftover paint from your project! This gorgeous DIY sunset sailboat painting is made with excess paint and you can make one easily!

Next, outline your second sail. Be sure to leave a gap between the 2 sails like you see in the picture.

Don't throw out that leftover paint from your project! This gorgeous DIY sunset sailboat painting is made with excess paint and you can make one easily!

Once you have finished outlining your sailboat, fill it in with paint.

Don't throw out that leftover paint from your project! This gorgeous DIY sunset sailboat painting is made with excess paint and you can make one easily!

Step 6 (Optional)

My first coal on the sailboat was too light so I added a second coat of navy paint. If yours is looking too light as well, add a second coat to it.

Don't throw out that leftover paint from your project! This gorgeous DIY sunset sailboat painting is made with excess paint and you can make one easily!

Add some white accents to your water by dipping your 2ā€ inch brush in white paint and brushing the excess onto a scrap of paper before brushing over your water.

Don't throw out that leftover paint from your project! This gorgeous DIY sunset sailboat painting is made with excess paint and you can make one easily!

Next, paint a light shadow of the boat on the water. See the picture above for reference.

Don't throw out that leftover paint from your project! This gorgeous DIY sunset sailboat painting is made with excess paint and you can make one easily!

Once you are happy with the look of the shadows, darken them with your navy paint.

Don't throw out that leftover paint from your project! This gorgeous DIY sunset sailboat painting is made with excess paint and you can make one easily!

Allow your painting to dry completely and enjoy!

Don't throw out that leftover paint from your project! This gorgeous DIY sunset sailboat painting is made with excess paint and you can make one easily!

Isnā€™t this so pretty? Itā€™s a perfect example of the saying that necessity is the mother of all invention. This DIY sunset sailboat painting never would have come to be if there hadnā€™t been so much paint to be used up. The next time you find yourself getting ready to rinse all of that paint off of your palette, pause. Think if maybe there is a project begging to be made with it. Even if your project doesnā€™t turn out (which has totally happened to me before) you havenā€™t wasted any supplies making it. Plus the best part about canvases is that if you mess up you can paint over the whole thing and start over. That is definitely winning all around!

See where I’m linking up!

Don’t Forget to Pin It!

Don't throw out that leftover paint from your project! This gorgeous DIY sunset sailboat painting is made with excess paint and you can make one easily!

My Art Aspirations

How to paint sunset boat silhouette with watercolors

sunset sailboat painting

Sunsets are always exciting to paint! They can be the perfect thing to admire at the end of a very busy day. In this tutorial I decided to paint a sunset boat scene with vibrant colors in order to capture the essence of a typical sunset.

I thought this scene would be perfect for anyone wanting to try painting different types of skys. Not to mention, you will also learn how you can use contrasts as a technique.

Before you continue, I would recommend checking out my article on how to paint a watercolor sunset , which goes over the planning process and has 3 step by step watercolor sunset examples!

Materials used:

  • Cold pressed 300gsm/140lb paper
  • Round: size 8, size 4
  • Flat: size 1/2
  • Hb pencil, Kneaded eraser
  • Paper towel (for when you need to dampen the brush)
  • 2 jars of water (one for dirty and one for clean)
  • Watercolor: Cobalt blue; Rose madder; Ultramarine; Lemon yellow; Yellow-orange; burnt umber; Paynes grey

Color scheme:

I have listed the different colors I use in this tutorial. However, you are more than welcome to use different color variations according to your personal preferences.

  • Rose madder +Ultramarine = purple + cobalt blue= Lavender purple
  • Lemon yellow
  • yellow-orange
  • Rose madder + Ultramarine = purple + cobalt blue= Lavender purple
  • Yellow orange
  • burnt umber
  • Burnt umber+ Paynes grey (only a small touch)= Dark brown

Step by step sunset boat tutorial

Beginning with the boat outline

As always, its time to begin with a simple pencil sketch. Here I started by drawing the horizon line across the middle of the paper. Next I drew the outline of the land and then I added the outline of the boat.

sunset sailboat painting

Painting the sky

Colors used:

  • Rose madder +Ultramarine = purple + cobalt blue= purple blueish color
  • Round brush size 8

I began with the wet in wet technique, adding a glaze of clear water to the sky area. However, I made sure not to add too much water to prevent unwanted blossoms. Next I added streaks of Lemon yellow in the middle.

I then added the purple-blueish mixture along the top of the sky. Making lighter strokes as I moved towards the middle of the sky.

sunset sailboat painting

In step 3 I added a few strokes of yellow-orange along the horizon just below the sunlight. At this point the first layer was still damp (close to dry but not yet).

I used the tip of the brush to add dabs towards the left and right ends of the horizon.

sunset sailboat painting

Painting the ocean

Now that the sky was drying it was time to work on the water!


  • Rose madder + Ultramarine = purple + cobalt blue= Bluish-purple color

Still using the size 8 brush I began by adding a gentle glaze of bluish-purple. I added soft waves using a sweeping motion with my arm. The middle was left for laterā€¦

Watercolor boat tutorial step by step

Repeating the fifth step, I added smaller waves of lemon yellow along the centre of the water surface.

Just then, I switched to the size 4 brush and added more defined strokes of blue and yellow (image below).

How to paint sunset boat step by step

Painting the land

Land colors:

When painting the land, I first painted a light layer, allowed it to dampen then added another layer.

sunset sailboat painting

I continued on and added another light wash of burnt umber just beneath the first layer.

Painting the shadows and land reflections with watercolor in this step by step watercolor landscape tutorial.

While the layer was still wet, using the size 1/2 flat brush I mixed burnt umber with a small touch of paynes gray (not too much). I then used the end of the brush to dab the paint.

sunset sailboat painting

Adding the boat

The final step of the painting!!

Land and boat:

In this step I made sure to mix more paynes grey with less burnt umber. This is because I wanted to make the boat darker than the land behind it. I was trying to create contrast between the sunlight and silhouette.

It was only a matter of painting the sails, the outside of the boat and the teeny tiny person with the same value that brought out a silhouette.

I continued by adding the reflection of the boat with a slightly lighter value. All I did was use less paynes grey when mixing.

This image shows the last step of this watercolor tutorial where I paint the boat silhouette.

And there you have it, the step by step process to painting a colorfule lively sunset with the boat silhouette.

I hope you all enjoyed trying out this tutorial! I would love to hear your thoughts or questions so definitely let me know in the comments below.

If you want to learn about more watercolor techniques click here.

sunset sailboat painting

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13 Most Famous Sunset Paintings

Nature has long been the source for many artistsā€™ inspiration when it comes to producing works that are brimming with color and brightness. For centuries, some of the most celebrated artists in the world have produced works that focused solely on the beauty of sunsets.

Throughout every part of the world, the sunset seems to present itself as a new display with certain elements that make each one completely unique.

Capturing such majestic natural wonders as sunsets have proven to be quite challenging for many painters while others seem to have the uncanny ability to accurately portray the universeā€™s incredible colors and contrasts with great precision.

Art critics and historians typically agree that having the ability to paint a sunset in a way that depicts the breathtaking nature of the event is the mark of a master artist.

Throughout history, many of the worldā€™s most well-known painters have, at one point or another, attempted to create works centered around sunsets. Here are 10 of the most famous sunset paintings ever done.

Famous Sunset Paintings

1. san giorgio maggiore at dusk – claude monet.

sunset sailboat painting

Claude Monet is revered by many art historians and critics alike as the father of the Impressionist movement that took place in the early 20th century.

He had the ability to display colors in remarkable detail and often painted works that featured various ways in which the sunā€™s light played across the scenes and settings that were the focus of his paintings.

One of his works is arguably the most popular painting in history that directly focuses on a sunset.

The work is titled San Giorgio Maggiore at Dusk and was completed in 1912 toward the latter end of Monetā€™s career when he had already become one of the most influential figures in the world of art at the time.

Also Read: Famous Paintings of Venice

The painting presents the viewer with a captivating sunset that is represented with the warm, charming glow that was characteristic of Monetā€™s Impressionist style.

The elegant San Giorgio Maggiore is a historic landmark in Venice, Italy and is one of the few island monasteries that has been the focus of numerous paintings by Monet , as well as others during its history.

Monetā€™s work is famous for its depiction of the gentle waters surrounding the monastery and how they reflect the many different color contrasts of the fading sunset.

2. Sunset (Brothers) or Evening Landscape with Two Men – Caspar David Friedrich

Sunset (Brothers) or Evening landscape with two men

Caspar David Friedrich is widely considered to be one of the most famous German painters from the 18th and 19th centuries. He is remembered for his ability to create landscapes paintings that many art historians and critics agree are among the most masterful works in the genre.

He is credited with such paintings as Wanderer Above the Sea Fog and many other works that depict natureā€™s fascinating displays from around the world.

One of his works known as Sunset (Brothers) or Evening Landscape with Two Men is considered to be among the most highly-praised sunset paintings ever created. This work, like most of Friedrichā€™s others, was done according to the Romanticism style that the painter is known to be associated with.

Completed sometime between 1830 and 1835, this painting shows two men who are thought to be dressed in attire that was commonplace during the early 1800ā€™s in Germany viewing a sunset.

The dense clouds mask the sunā€™s image and produce a high-reaching glow that illuminates the land in the paintingā€™s background, which appears to be a coastal area with many inlets and small knolls along the shoreline.

3. The Fighting Temeraire, Tugged to Her Last Berth to be Broken Up – J. M. W. Turner

The Fighting Temeraire Tugged to her Last Berth to be Broken Up

J. M. W. Turner is one of the most well-known English painters and is credited with producing works that many consider to be among the most culturally significant paintings from the United Kingdom.

He is best known for his sprawling landscape paintings , as well as his maritime masterpieces that depict life at sea and the many different environments that sailors and ships find themselves in on the ocean.

One of his most famous works that centers around a sea-faring theme is much less action-packed and more solemn than anything else. The painting is titled The Fighting Temeraire, Tugged to Her Last Berth to be Broken Up and includes a subtle, yet meaningful depiction of a shipā€™s last voyage at sunset.

Painted in 1839, this work focuses on the story of the Temeraire, which was one of the most prestigious warships from the era when the British navy dominated the seas.

Also Read: Rain Paintings

The ship is being tugged out away from shore by a small, paddle-wheel steam tug that seems to represent the changing of the guard for the nationā€™s naval forces.

The Temeraire, in all its elegant beauty, is being towed out to be scrapped in a way that Turner and many others believed to be a shameful end for such a decorated warship.

The sunset is representative of the ending of an era for the British navy and itā€™s once-great wartime vessels.

4. The Angelus – Jean-FranƧois Millet

The Angelus - Jean Francois Millet

The Realism movement is one of the most notable of any art styles that shaped the course of history and told the true story of life as it was for many during the mid-19th century. Jean-FranƧois Millet was at the forefront of this movement and he painted various works that portrayed the hardships of life as a commoner in France during the time.

His work titled The Angelus is representative of the harsh conditions and lifestyle that many lower-class citizens had to endure throughout the 19th century.

The sunset casts a subtle light on a man and woman standing in a field. They are clearly praying and it is theorized by art critics that Milletā€™s intent was to depict the desperation of such a life.

The couple has now finished their work in the field and prays for their crops to flourish as it is their livelihoods at stake if the crops fail to produce.

5. The Ninth Wave – Ivan Aivazovsky

sunset sailboat painting

Russian painter Ivan Aivazovsky is widely considered to be among the most talented artists to ever focus on maritime scenes and settings. He painted various works that depicted life at sea and the many different ways that sailors interacted with the ocean.

One of his most famous paintings was done in 1850 when sailing ships were still very much the most important means of travel and trade throughout the world.

Aivazovskyā€™s work titled The Ninth Wave is one that showcases the seaā€™s incredibly violent disposition and how it can smash a well-built ship to pieces seemingly at will. This painting portrays a few sailors desperately clinging to a bit of wreckage from a ship.

Also Read: Night Sky Paintings

The sunā€™s light plays beautifully across the high-peaking waves and the sailors bask in the last hours of visibility, bracing for a long night of being pummeled by the incessant waves.

6. The Red Vineyard – Vincent van Gogh

sunset sailboat painting

Despite his many issues with mental illness, Vincent van Gogh is remembered as one of the most gifted painters in history. He viewed life through a different lens and had the incredible ability to highlight the Earthā€™s natural charm in a way that few other painters were capable of doing.

He was a prominent figure in the post-Impressionist era and many of the works toward the latter end of his career were quite unlike any other artistā€™s efforts at the time.

His painting titled The Red Vineyard was done in the fall of 1888 and depicts a scene of vibrant, colorful beauty under a setting sun.

It is one of the more famous paintings done by van Gogh as it is believed to be the only work that was sold by the artist himself during his lifetime.

7. Sunset at Eragny – Camille Pissarro

sunset sailboat painting

Camille Pissarro was one of the most influential figures of the early Impressionism movement. He experimented with a variety of different painting methods and spent a considerable amount of time painting scenes from the outdoors in a way that depicted the sunā€™s ability to shift colors and create deeper contrasts in some natural hues.

Pissarroā€™s 1890 painting known as Sunset at Eragny is easily among the most famous works that focus on a sunset. The artist managed to capture the immense brightness of the sun and how it creates scenes of beauty that are only visible for a few fleeting minutes.

His aim was to paint a scene of the sunset that could only be seen for a few moments before darkness fell over the landscape.

8. Sunset in the Rockies – Albert Bierstadt

sunset sailboat painting

When it comes to sunset artwork, many art lovers and critics alike agree that the name of Albert Bierstadt is virtually synonymous with breathtaking sunset paintings.

He is well-known for having the unique ability to portray various landscapes in a way that brings the viewerā€™s attention to the beaming sunlight just before it slips below the horizon.

One of his most iconic works is titled Sunset in the Rockies and features a scene that many people viewed with wonder at the time since the American West was largely an expanse of wonder and mystery for many.

He finished the work in 1866 and it garnered high praise as it was exhibited in the eastern United States to people who had never ventured west.

The painting showcased the raw majesty of the Rocky Mountain region. Bierstadt crafted the work in such a way that the sunā€™s golden glow is cast throughout a river valley with the snow-capped peaks of the Rockies barely visible in the faint background.

9. Twilight Mount Desert Island, Maine – Frederic Edwin Church

sunset sailboat painting

One of the more challenging aspects of painting a sunset is capturing the fading light and accurately depicting its stark contrast between the sunā€™s rays and the enveloping darkness.

Frederic Edwin Church managed to do just that in a way that perhaps no other artist has ever been able to in one particular work. Church was a member of the famous Hudson River School of painters who devoted themselves to portraying nature in all itā€™s illustrious beauty.

Also Read: Famous Paintings of the Moon

The painting is titled Twilight Mount Desert Island, Maine and was done in 1865. This work depicts the distinctive shoreline of Maine with its high-reaching coniferous trees and rocky outcroppings along with the deep red glow of the fading sun.

The painting seems to have an element of grim finality with its rather dark tones surrounding the outer edges. This is likely the intent of Church as he created the work at a time when the American Civil War was finally winding down to a close.

10. The Houses of Parliament, Sunset – Claude Monet

sunset sailboat painting

As weā€™ve noted already, Claude Monet was a central figure of the Impressionist era that managed to portray the beauty and contrast of nature in ways that others seemed to overlook.

For a time during the early 20th century, Monet focused on painting scenes of famous landmarks in London, England. Many of these works featured Londonā€™s Houses of Parliament which were situated along the Thames River.

His painting titled The Houses of Parliament, Sunset was created in 1904 and captures the thick fog that London was well-known for as it blanketed the towering buildings along the riverbanks. The sun is barely visible and it casts a somewhat dim light on the structure.

Monet created several works that were very similar to this with the same perspective, but different lighting conditions and some with heavier or lighter fog.

His House of Parliament series is considered to be a masterful depiction of the many different ways the sun can illuminate the famous landmark.

11. Sunset in BriĆØre – Ferdinand du Puigaudeau

Sunset in BriĆØre - Ferdinand du Puigaudeau

Ferdinand du Puigaudeau was a painter from France. He was born on April 4, 1864 in Nantes and died on September 19, 1930 in Croisic.

He painted many Breton settings and was attracted by the pardon custom, with its processions and rituals, as were many painters throughout the years. He also liked to paint studies of Breton women.

Some of his paintings, however, are centered on sunsets, and his concern with the effects of light is evident in a sequence of pieces on the same theme.

12. A Hayfield near East Bergholt at Sunset – John Constable

A Hayfield near East Bergholt at Sunset - John Constable

John Constable RA (June 1776 ā€“ 31 March 1837) was an English Romantic landscape painter.

Born in Suffolk, he is most known for revolutionizing landscape painting with his paintings of Dedham Vale, the area surrounding his house – now known as “Constable Country” – which he imbued with a deep devotion.

Wivenhoe Park (1816), Dedham Vale (1821), and The Hay Wain are among Constable’s most recognized works (1821). Despite the fact that his paintings are now among the most renowned and valuable in British art, he was never wealthy.

He joined the establishment after being elected to the Royal Academy of Arts at the age of 52. His work was well received in France, where he sold more than in England, and he inspired the Barbizon school.

13. Twilight in the Wilderness – Frederic Edwin Church

Twilight in the Wilderness - Frederic Edwin Church

Frederic Edwin Church, an American artist, painted Twilight in the Wilderness in oil in 1860. Against a setting light that vividly tints the spectacular altocumulus clouds, we see the woodsy landscape of the northeastern United States.

The artwork is presumably a combination of Church’s field sketches, notably during his frequent trips to Maine. In the 1850s, he made numerous trips to what was then a relatively uncharted region: Mount Desert Island and Katahdin.

It is an in-depth examination of the natural world, much like Church’s other canonical works. It is a nod to the influential English landscapist J.M. W. Turner. Church may have been aided in his endeavor by the development of more refined oil colorants.

sunset sailboat painting

Videos » Easy painting tutorial for beginners Abstract Sailboats Sunset ā˜€ļøšŸš¢

Easy painting tutorial for beginners Abstract  Sailboats Sunset ā˜€ļøšŸš¢

Sailboats At Sunset Beginners ACRYLIC Tutorial YOU CAN PAINT šŸš¢ Abstract can be easy with The Art Sherpa Step by step Classes

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Below are a list of Recommended materials. This includes Amazon Affiliate program, and you support The Art Sherpa when using them. These are linked here to make thing easy and convenient for you. full disclosure here *** Acrylic Paint Colors ***

***Cadmium Yellow Medium : PY 35

***Cadmium Red medium : PR 108

***Phthalo Green Blue shade : PG 7 -

***Phthalo Blue Green shade :PB 15:3

***Prussian blue :

***Titanium white: PW 6

***Mars black: PBk 11

Color exchanges Cad Red Medium pure or hue - Pyrolle Red, Primary red -or vermillion- Naphthol Red Medium - , Quinacridone magenta, Quinacridone Rose , Crimson, deep magenta Phtahlo Blue , Windsor Blue , Cyan Blue Prussian - Anthraquinone Blue, Indigo Blue Cadmium Yellow- Cadmium yellow Hue , Hansa Yellow Medium , Phthalo Green- Cobalt Green , Viridian Green Hue Burnt Sienna -Burnt Umber Mars black - Carbon Black Dioxazine purple - Ultramarine Violet Titanium white - Primary white Zinc white . Mixing white or tinting white

***** More Materials These are used often in my lessons but may not be use here ********* New Wave Paper peel Paint Pallet : T Square Ruler - Saral Paper: Chalk: Sharpener : Artist Tape : Tracing Paper 9x12 : Art storage I LOVE Art bin :

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sunset sailboat painting

Sunrise and sunset times in

Home ā€ŗ Russia ā€ŗ Moscow Oblast ā€ŗ

Check out today's and tomorrow's sunrise and sunset times in Elektrostalā€™, Moscow Oblast, Russia, as well as the whole calendar for July 2024.

July 21, 2024

First light at 12:20:37 am

Sunrise time: 1:10:29 am

Sunset time: 5:54:47 pm

Last light at 6:44:39 pm

Day length: 16 hours, 44 minutes

478217 hours, 54 minutes left for today's sunset in

July 22, 2024

First light at 12:22:43 am

Sunrise time: 1:12:10 am

Sunset time: 5:53:10 pm

Last light at 6:42:37 pm

Day length: 16 hours, 41 minutes

Tomorrow will be 3 minutes shorter than today in

Map of ,

  • , Moscow Oblast
  • Latitude: 55.786469
  • Longitude: 38.457130

Shortest day in Elektrostalā€™, Moscow Oblast

Longest day in elektrostalā€™, moscow oblast.

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July 2024 - , moscow oblast - sunrise and sunset calendar.

Sunrise and sunset times, civil twilight start and end times as well as solar noon, and day length for every day of July in .

The day length shortens by 1 hour, 23 minutes over the course of July 2024 , from 17 hours, 32 minutes on the first day to 16 hours, 8 minutes on the last in Elektrostalā€™, Moscow Oblast.

Day Twilight Start Sunrise Sunset Twilight End Day Length Solar Noon Nautical Twilight Start Nautical Twilight End Astronomical Twilight Start Astronomical Twilight End Night Length Moon phase
Mon, Jul 1 11:46:34 pm 7:13:43 pm 17h 32m 11s 9:30:08 am 12:00:01 am 12:00:01 am 12:00:01 am 12:00:01 am 6h 28m 42s šŸŒ˜ (27%)
Tue, Jul 2 11:47:43 pm 7:12:56 pm 17h 30m 47s 9:30:20 am 12:00:01 am 12:00:01 am 12:00:01 am 12:00:01 am 6h 30m 10s šŸŒ˜ (18%)
Wed, Jul 3 11:48:58 pm 7:12:04 pm 17h 29m 15s 9:30:31 am 12:00:01 am 12:00:01 am 12:00:01 am 12:00:01 am 6h 31m 45s šŸŒ˜ (10%)
Thu, Jul 4 11:50:16 pm 7:11:07 pm 17h 27m 37s 9:30:41 am 12:00:01 am 12:00:01 am 12:00:01 am 12:00:01 am 6h 33m 26s šŸŒ˜ (4%)
Fri, Jul 5 11:51:39 pm 7:10:05 pm 17h 25m 52s 9:30:52 am 12:00:01 am 12:00:01 am 12:00:01 am 12:00:01 am 6h 35m 14s šŸŒ˜ (1%)
Sat, Jul 6 11:53:05 pm 7:08:59 pm 17h 23m 59s 9:31:02 am 12:00:01 am 12:00:01 am 12:00:01 am 12:00:01 am 6h 37m 10s šŸŒ‘ (0%)
Sun, Jul 7 11:54:35 pm 7:07:48 pm 17h 22m 1s 9:31:11 am 12:00:01 am 12:00:01 am 12:00:01 am 12:00:01 am 6h 39m 11s šŸŒ’ (1%)
Mon, Jul 8 11:56:09 pm 7:06:32 pm 17h 19m 55s 9:31:21 am 12:00:01 am 12:00:01 am 12:00:01 am 12:00:01 am 6h 41m 19s šŸŒ’ (4%)
Tue, Jul 9 11:57:46 pm 7:05:13 pm 17h 17m 45s 9:31:29 am 12:00:01 am 12:00:01 am 12:00:01 am 12:00:01 am 6h 43m 32s šŸŒ’ (9%)
Wed, Jul 10 11:59:26 pm 7:03:49 pm 17h 15m 27s 9:31:38 am 9:47:23 pm 9:15:52 pm 12:00:01 am 12:00:01 am 6h 45m 53s šŸŒ’ (16%)
Thu, Jul 11 12:01:10 am 7:02:22 pm 17h 13m 3s 9:31:46 am 9:58:24 pm 9:05:08 pm 12:00:01 am 12:00:01 am 6h 48m 19s šŸŒ’ (23%)
Fri, Jul 12 12:02:56 am 7:00:50 pm 17h 10m 34s 9:31:53 am 10:06:24 pm 8:57:22 pm 12:00:01 am 12:00:01 am 6h 50m 51s šŸŒ’ (32%)
Sat, Jul 13 12:04:45 am 6:59:15 pm 17h 7m 59s 9:32:00 am 10:13:10 pm 8:50:50 pm 12:00:01 am 12:00:01 am 6h 53m 27s šŸŒ’ (41%)
Sun, Jul 14 12:06:37 am 6:57:37 pm 17h 5m 19s 9:32:07 am 10:19:13 pm 8:45:01 pm 12:00:01 am 12:00:01 am 6h 56m 10s šŸŒ“ (51%)
Mon, Jul 15 12:08:31 am 6:55:55 pm 17h 2m 33s 9:32:13 am 10:24:47 pm 8:39:39 pm 12:00:01 am 12:00:01 am 6h 58m 58s šŸŒ” (60%)
Tue, Jul 16 12:10:27 am 6:54:10 pm 16h 59m 43s 9:32:18 am 10:29:59 pm 8:34:38 pm 12:00:01 am 12:00:01 am 7h 1m 50s šŸŒ” (69%)
Wed, Jul 17 12:12:25 am 6:52:21 pm 16h 56m 47s 9:32:23 am 10:34:56 pm 8:29:51 pm 12:00:01 am 12:00:01 am 7h 4m 48s šŸŒ” (78%)
Thu, Jul 18 12:14:26 am 6:50:30 pm 16h 53m 46s 9:32:28 am 10:39:40 pm 8:25:16 pm 12:00:01 am 12:00:01 am 7h 7m 50s šŸŒ” (86%)
Fri, Jul 19 12:16:28 am 6:48:36 pm 16h 50m 41s 9:32:32 am 10:44:13 pm 8:20:51 pm 12:00:01 am 12:00:01 am 7h 10m 57s šŸŒ” (93%)
Sat, Jul 20 12:18:31 am 6:46:39 pm 16h 47m 32s 9:32:35 am 10:48:37 pm 8:16:33 pm 12:00:01 am 12:00:01 am 7h 14m 8s šŸŒ” (97%)
Sun, Jul 21 12:20:37 am 6:44:39 pm 16h 44m 18s 9:32:38 am 10:52:54 pm 8:12:22 pm 12:00:01 am 12:00:01 am 7h 17m 23s šŸŒ• (100%)
Mon, Jul 22 12:22:43 am 6:42:37 pm 16h 41m 0s 9:32:40 am 10:57:04 pm 8:08:16 pm 12:00:01 am 12:00:01 am 7h 20m 43s šŸŒ– (100%)
Tue, Jul 23 12:24:51 am 6:40:33 pm 16h 37m 38s 9:32:42 am 11:01:08 pm 8:04:16 pm 12:00:01 am 12:00:01 am 7h 24m 6s šŸŒ– (97%)
Wed, Jul 24 12:27:00 am 6:38:26 pm 16h 34m 12s 9:32:43 am 11:05:07 pm 8:00:19 pm 12:00:01 am 12:00:01 am 7h 27m 33s šŸŒ– (91%)
Thu, Jul 25 12:29:10 am 6:36:17 pm 16h 30m 43s 9:32:43 am 11:09:01 pm 7:56:26 pm 12:00:01 am 12:00:01 am 7h 31m 4s šŸŒ– (83%)
Fri, Jul 26 12:31:21 am 6:34:05 pm 16h 27m 9s 9:32:43 am 11:12:50 pm 7:52:37 pm 12:00:01 am 12:00:01 am 7h 34m 38s šŸŒ– (73%)
Sat, Jul 27 12:33:33 am 6:31:52 pm 16h 23m 33s 9:32:43 am 11:16:35 pm 7:48:50 pm 12:00:01 am 12:00:01 am 7h 38m 15s šŸŒ– (63%)
Sun, Jul 28 12:35:45 am 6:29:37 pm 16h 19m 54s 9:32:41 am 11:20:17 pm 7:45:06 pm 12:00:01 am 12:00:01 am 7h 41m 56s šŸŒ— (51%)
Mon, Jul 29 12:37:59 am 6:27:20 pm 16h 16m 11s 9:32:39 am 11:23:54 pm 7:41:24 pm 12:00:01 am 12:00:01 am 7h 45m 39s šŸŒ˜ (40%)
Tue, Jul 30 12:40:12 am 6:25:01 pm 16h 12m 26s 9:32:37 am 11:27:29 pm 7:37:45 pm 12:00:01 am 12:00:01 am 7h 49m 25s šŸŒ˜ (30%)
Wed, Jul 31 12:42:26 am 6:22:41 pm 16h 8m 37s 9:32:34 am 11:31:00 pm 7:34:07 pm 12:00:01 am 12:00:01 am 7h 53m 15s šŸŒ˜ (20%)

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Sunrise and Sunset photos in Elektrostalā€™, Moscow Oblast

Enjoy this beautiful gallery of images of the sunset and sunrise at Elektrostalā€™, Moscow Oblast. All images provided by our fantastic community of photographers!

Year distribution of sunrise and sunset times in Elektrostalā€™, Moscow Oblast - 2024

The followin graph shows sunrise and sunset times in Elektrostalā€™, Moscow Oblast for every day of the year.

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  1. Sailing Boat in Sunset Painting by artist Stanley Port

    sunset sailboat painting

  2. 'Sunset Glamour' Sailboat in a beautiful Sunset, Sailing Yacht on the

    sunset sailboat painting

  3. Sailboat painting original Sea sunset painting Seascape

    sunset sailboat painting

  4. Sailboat Painting with sunset Original Acrylic by KatiePhillipsArt

    sunset sailboat painting

  5. Painting of multicolored sailboat on body of water during sunset

    sunset sailboat painting

  6. Sunset Sailboat Acrylic Painting Sailboat Sailing Sunset

    sunset sailboat painting


  1. Sunset painting / Sailboat Sunset painting / Acrylic Landscape painting tutorial / #354

  2. Sunset Sailboat beach #art #theartsherpa #painting

  3. Painting a Sailboat in Watercolor. šŸ˜Š #art #artist #watercolor #sailboat #sketchbook

  4. Sailboat Sunset Painting

  5. Sunset Beach Painting for Beginners

  6. Oil painting. Sailboat in the sunset. #art #oilpainting #diy #sunset


  1. Sailboat Sunset STEP by STEP Acrylic Painting (ColorByFeliks)

    Hello my creative friends! In this acrylic painting tutorial we will go step by step to learn how to paint a sailboat with a sunset over the ocean. Thank you...

  2. Learn How to Paint SUNSET SAILBOAT with Acrylic

    VIDEO DESCRIPTION - This painting tutorial will take you through easy to follow, step-by-step instructions on how to paint this vibrant ocean landscape image...

  3. Painting a Sailboat on the Ocean with Acrylic

    In today's acrylic painting tutorial we paint a sailboat out on the ocean at sunset. This relaxed painting lesson is done in real time and will cover the ste...

  4. Easy Sunset Sailboat How To Paint Acrylics For Beginners: Paint Night

    Very easy Sunset Sailboat šŸŒŸšŸŽØ Easy Acrylic painting tutorial for beginners. Acrylic course for those who want to learn how to paint better. It's all 100% real-time, with multi-camera angles, and thoroughly explained. YOU CAN PAINT THIS !! The Art Sherpa brings you all your art lessons.

  5. Sailboat Sunset Seascape Acrylic Painting For Beginners

    Project Description: Easy Sunset with sailboat painting on canvas full tutorial of this relaxing Serene Seascape. Fully guided Step by step in live and replay for the brand new art student. This is a colorful fiery simple sunset you will love to put on you wall and drift off to summer. Full Image :

  6. Sunset Sea And Beached Boat How To Paint Acrylics For Beginners

    Sunset sea and beached Boat šŸŒŸšŸŽØ Easy Acrylic painting tutorial for beginners. Acrylic course for those who want to learn how to paint better. It's all 100% real-time, with multi-camera angles, and thoroughly explained. YOU CAN PAINT THIS !! The Art Sherpa brings you all your art lessons.

  7. Gorgeous DIY Sunset Sailboat Painting

    This DIY sunset sailboat painting never would have come to be if there hadn't been so much paint to be used up. The next time you find yourself getting ready to rinse all of that paint off of your palette, pause. Think if maybe there is a project begging to be made with it. Even if your project doesn't turn out (which has totally happened ...

  8. Ocean Sunset Sailboat Acrylic Painting

    Ocean Sunset Sailboat Acrylic Painting Tutorial. Hello, creative friends! In this acrylic painting tutorial, we will go step by step to learn how to paint a sailboat with a sunset over the ocean. #art #painting #paintingtutorial. See less. Comments.

  9. How to paint sunset boat silhouette with watercolors

    Adding the boat. The final step of the painting!! Land and boat: burnt umber. Burnt umber+ Paynes grey (only a small touch)= Dark brown. In this step I made sure to mix more paynes grey with less burnt umber. This is because I wanted to make the boat darker than the land behind it.

  10. Live Family Paint Night! Easy sunset sailboat acrylic painting

    Come paint this easy sunset sailboat painting with me!Things you'll need: -Canvas of any size (or watercolor paper, or wood, or even cardboard!)-Paint brushe...

  11. Sailboat Sunset Painting

    Check out our sailboat sunset painting selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our art & collectibles shops.

  12. Sunset Sailboat Paintings

    Choose your favorite sunset sailboat paintings from 3,399 available designs. All sunset sailboat paintings ship within 48 hours and include a 30-day money-back guarantee. 20% off all products! Sale ends tonight at midnight EST. Keyword

  13. 13 Most Famous Sunset Paintings

    Art critics and historians typically agree that having the ability to paint a sunset in a way that depicts the breathtaking nature of the event is the mark of a master artist. ... One of his most famous paintings was done in 1850 when sailing ships were still very much the most important means of travel and trade throughout the world.

  14. Sunset Boat Painting

    Sail Boat at Sea Oil Painting, Original Sailboats Painting, Sailing Wall Art, Custom Boat Painting on Canvas, Colorful Sunset Boats Art (187) Sale Price $597.60 $ 597.60

  15. Easy Painting Tutorial For Beginners Abstract Sailboats Sunset ā˜€ļø

    There are 600+ free video art lessons for beginners. You CAN paint this. Begin YOUR art Journey today by finding the perfect acrylic painting on canvas to follow along with. With the #1 beginners acrylic painting channel on YouTube, there is something you will be excited to create, and can hang on your wall today.

  16. Sailboat at Sunset Painting

    Sailboat painting ACEO original Sunset over the ocean oil painting Seascape handmade artwork. (103) $23.70. $79.00 (70% off) FREE shipping. Nautical Sailboat Harbor Original Handmade Traditional Vintage Oil Painting during Sunset. Home Decor Wall Art Gift for Art Lovers. Print.

  17. Pin on ANIMALS & NATURE in 2024

    Florida Sunset. Sailing Art. Indian Rocks Beach. Dream Images. Water Element. Beach Beautiful ... Boat Painting Acrylic. Sailboat Art. World Images. Beautiful Moon. Beach Painting. ... Murat Akyol, a visual artist from Mardin, Turkey. I love to tell people about my dreams through photos, and I just love art in general. Here are some of my works ...

  18. Sunset Sailboat Acrylic Painting LIVE Instruction

    Art Supplies: how to paint an ocean sunset with sailboat silhouette in this free step by step acrylic painting...

  19. Elektrostal

    In 1938, it was granted town status. [citation needed]Administrative and municipal status. Within the framework of administrative divisions, it is incorporated as Elektrostal City Under Oblast Jurisdictionā€”an administrative unit with the status equal to that of the districts. As a municipal division, Elektrostal City Under Oblast Jurisdiction is incorporated as Elektrostal Urban Okrug.

  20. THE BEST Elektrostal Art Museums (with Photos)

    Top Elektrostal Art Museums: See reviews and photos of Art Museums in Elektrostal, Russia on Tripadvisor.

  21. Easy Sunset Sailboat Acrylic Painting LIVE Tutorial

    Learn how to paint in this free step by step acrylic painting tutorial by Angela Anderson. Easy to follow instructions guide you through creating your own be...

  22. Sunrise and sunset times in Elektrostal', Moscow Oblast

    Sunrise and sunset times, civil twilight start and end times as well as solar noon, and day length for every day of November in Elektrostal'. The day length shortens by 1 hour, 44 minutes over the course of November 2023 , from 9 hours, 19 minutes on the first day to 7 hours, 35 minutes on the last in Elektrostal', Moscow Oblast.

  23. THE 10 BEST Things to Do in Elektrostal (2024)

    Things to Do in Elektrostal. 1. Park of Culture and Leisure. 2. Electrostal History and Art Museum. 3. Statue of Lenin. 4. Museum and Exhibition Center.

  24. How to Paint an Ocean Sunset with a Sailboat

    VIDEO DESCRIPTIONThis simple tutorial will take you through easy to follow, step-by-step instructions on how to paint this beginner level painting of an Ocea...