Il megayacht dell'emiro del Qatar davanti al lungomare: tre mogli, 13 figli e un gioiello da mezzo miliardo di dollari

L'emiro al thani è proprietario del paris saint-germain e fondatore della tv araba al jazeera.

Ha sposato tre mogli. Dalla prima ha avuto quattro figli. Dalla seconda ne ha già avuto cinque e dalla terza quattro. In tutto otto maschi e cinque femmine. E ora torna a solcare i mari pugliesi a bordo del suo super yacht  di lusso da 133 metri. Una visione da mezzo miliardo di dollari che oggi si è palesata nelle acque di Bari , sul lungomare  proprio davanti alla sede della Regione. Il proprietario è lo sceicco  Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, emiro del Qatar , appartenente alla famiglia sovrana del Paese da 150 anni.

I numeri del superyacht

L'emiro  Al Thani è proprietario del Paris Saint-Germain e fondatore della tv araba Al Jazeera . Il quarantaduenne arabo appartiene infatti alla famiglia sovrana che da oltre 150 anni regna nel suo paese e già lo scorso anno era stato avvistato nelle acque del Salento, davanti alla costa di Gallipoli , con il suo yacht super lussuoso da 12 suite, due piscine, palestra, eliporto e una sala cinema. A bordo dello yacht oltre alla famiglia reale anche un equipaggio di 60 persone. Insomma con i suoi 133 metri di lunghezza Al Mirqab è un panfilo di extra lusso tra i più grandi al mondo. Il quarantaduenne arabo appartiene infatti alla famiglia sovrana che da oltre 150 anni regna nel suo paese.

La famiglia reale

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Chiara Ferragni fa gli auguri di compleanno a Leone, tra i commenti alla foto spunta quello del padre di Fedez

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le più lette

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Leggo e scrivo.



Roma vatican pass.

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Joe Barone è morto, il dirigente della Fiorentina si è spento in ospedale dopo 2 giorni di agonia: aveva 58 anni

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Chiara Ferragni, sua la prima dedica per il compleanno di Leone: «Diventare tua mamma il momento più magico»

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Riccardo scopre il tumore e muore in un mese a 36 anni. Il fratello: «Mai un sintomo prima». Aspettava un figlio

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Non può più pagare l'affitto, Arnaldo a 83 anni vive da 8 mesi in aeroporto. E Bologna si mobilita per aiutarlo

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Eredita una villa da un milione ma la trova occupata dagli abusivi: li caccia e cambia la serratura ma viene arrestata. «Mi hanno rubato casa»

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Ragazzina di 13 anni resta incinta del padre, lui la stupra anche in ospedale. Indagata la mamma: sapeva ma non ha denunciato

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Fiorello e la figlia Angelica cantano “La prima cosa bella” a "VivaRai2": l'esibizione per la festa del papà emoziona lo showman

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Fiorello dopo il fuori onda di Giacovazzo: «Ci sono rimasto male ma ci siamo chiariti, mi ha chiesto scusa. La Rai ha esagerato»

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Cameriere italiano di 19 anni trovato morto ad Amsterdam, Alessio Giannaccari era scomparso da sabato: giallo sulle cause, aperta inchiesta

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  • Provincia di Cagliari
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Cronaca Sardegna

Olbia, arriva la first lady del qatar.

Atterrata direttamente da Los Angeles all'Eccelsa Aviation del Costa Smeralda, la first lady del Qatar, Jawahen bin Hamad Suhaim Al-Thani, prima moglie dell'emiro Tamin bin Hamad Al-Thani.

La first lady ha raggiunto il suo panfilo Al Luisal, 123 metri varato dalla Lurssen, attraccato al porto di Olbia.

Con lei, una trentina di ospiti.

Foto e video gallery

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Metsola: Continuare con sostegno all'Ucraina, passare da retorica ai fatti - SOTTOTITOLI

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Salvini al Senato: "No a zone a 30km/h e ad autovelox per fare cassa"

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Segre: "Mi è rimasto il cervello, tutto il resto se ne sta andando"

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L'arrivo di Giorgia Meloni alla riunione del consiglio Ue

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Amichevole Selargius-Cagliari, le parole di Paulo Azzi

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Il sindaco di Ventimiglia Di Muro: Sul Roya ci sarà una nuova passerella

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Prandini (Coldiretti): A Bruxelles discussione su nostre proposte per semplificazioni del lavoro

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Tajani: Eurobond per la Difesa europea? Mi sembra una buona idea

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Vertice energia nucleare, Michel: Autonomia energetica fondamentale per nostro futuro -

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Orban: Ungheria decisamente a favore dell'energia nucleare

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"Hai smarrito qualcosa?", i vigili scaricano i divani abbandonati davanti a casa

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Tajani: Consiglio Ue di guerra? No, dobbiamo lavorare per la pace

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Conte: Capisco sconforto Decaro non avrà problemi a dimostrare accuse fuori luogo

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Regionali, Truzzu rompe il silenzio: «Accetto la sconfitta ma valutiamo l'ipotesi del ricorso»

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Incidenti, a Pasqua più controlli: "La velocità aumenta i rischi"

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Olbia, "spaccata" nel centro storico: dopo i raid incendiari sale la paura fra i residenti

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Liberalizzazione del mercato dell'energia elettrica, che fare? Oggi un inserto gratuito con L'Unione Sarda

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«Ilaria libera», a Cagliari nasce il comitato per Salis

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"Cinghiali scatenati a Olbia Mare, e noi residenti viviamo nella paura"

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Sassari, oggi l'ultimatum per gli ospiti della Casa Divina Provvidenza

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Tg2, il fuorionda del conduttore su Fiorello e la figlia: «Ora questa avrà 12 trasmissioni...»

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Festa di Sant'Efisio, il primo atto ufficiale: nominato il Terzo Guardiano

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Regionali, proclamati gli eletti. La gioia di Todde:  «Adesso tempi rapidi per governare»

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Sinner fa visita agli Azzurri a Miami: gli applausi e l'abbraccio con Buffon e Spalletti

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Gallura, appello del vescovo alla Regione: "Sanità, strade e più lavoro ai giovani"

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Odio verso ebrei e musulmani, smantellata rete neonazista

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Quartu, inferno di fuoco in un capannone di via Pira

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Durante (Cgil): "Sperimentare in Sardegna la settimana corta di lavoro: 4 giorni"

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Carceri, il provveditore regionale: «L'emergenza si supera con interventi strutturali»

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Ad Alghero via libera alla pulizia delle spiagge

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Pasqua, il turismo non decolla: "La stagione inizierà a fine aprile"

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Cagliari, prosegue la protesta degli Oss: "Vogliamo risposte e le vogliamo ora"

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Putin celebra il suo trionfo e 10 anni di riunificazione della Crimea

  • 01 Investito da un’auto, muore medico specializzando sardo. Il conducente era ubriaco
  • 02 Rissa, danni all'ambulanza e follia in pieno centro a Cagliari: il video del fermo
  • 03 Luca Furcas, medico cagliaritano travolto e ucciso a Roma: il conducente ubriaco accusato di omicidio
  • 04 Escrementi e una carcassa di topo: i Nas chiudono uno stabilimento di pasticceria a Sassari
  • 05 Eletti e voti: la composizione ufficiale del Consiglio regionale della Sardegna
  • 06 L’assessorato stoppa i nuovi ospedali della Sardegna: si rischiano spese per nulla
  • 07 Tempesta di vento sulla Sardegna: domenica raffiche a più di 60 km orari
  • 08 Fermato a Cagliari con 4 chili di cocaina, 66enne in arresto
  • 09 Malore fatale a 45 anni: commerciante sardo muore a Riccione mentre fa jogging
  • 10 Teulada, il ristorante davanti al mare è «abusivo»: scattano i sigilli

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Il megayacht dell'emiro del Qatar davanti al lungomare: tre mogli, 13 figli e un gioiello da mezzo miliardo di dollari

L'emiro al thani è proprietario del paris saint-germain e fondatore della tv araba al jazeera.

Il megayacht dell'emiro del Qatar davanti al lungomare: tre mogli, 13 figli e un gioiello da mezzo miliardo di dollari

Ha sposato tre mogli. Dalla prima ha avuto quattro figli. Dalla seconda ne ha già avuto cinque e dalla terza quattro. In tutto otto maschi e cinque femmine. E ora torna a solcare i mari pugliesi a bordo del suo super yacht  di lusso da 133 metri. Una visione da mezzo miliardo di dollari che oggi si è palesata nelle acque di Bari , sul lungomare  proprio davanti alla sede della Regione. Il proprietario è lo sceicco  Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, emiro del Qatar , appartenente alla famiglia sovrana del Paese da 150 anni.

I numeri del superyacht

La famiglia reale.

L'emiro ha tre mogli (secondo la legge islamica potrebbe averne fino a quattro, purché provveda alle necessità finanziarie di tutte e le tratti in modo equo) e 13 figli (sette maschi e sei femmine). Uno di loro sarà designato dal padre come suo successore, cosa che non è ancora avvenuta, anche perché nessuno di loro è ancora maggiorenne.  La sua prima moglie, Jawaher bint Hamad bin Suhaim Al Thani, è sua cugina di secondo grado, poiché, secondo la tradizione, la prima moglie a sposarsi deve avere qualche legame familiare. La sua seconda moglie, Al-Anoud bint Mana Al Hajri, in teoria scelta dall'emiro senza alcuna pressione familiare, è la figlia dell'ex ambasciatore del Qatar in Giordania; l'ha sposata nel 2009 e hanno avuto cinque figli tra il 2010 e il 2018. La sua terza e ultima moglie è Noora bint Hathal Al Dosari, che ha sposato nel 2014 e con la quale ha avuto quattro figli tra il 2015 e il 2020. Seppure non si sappia molto della vita coniugale dell'emiro, Tamim è noto per viaggiare normalmente con le tre mogli e tutti i suoi figli quando va in vacanza, come spesso fa in estate.

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Olbia has 11 Photos

Porto Faro With The Pinewood Tiny Lighthouse And Rocky Mountains On The Background Palau Sardinia Italy

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Olbia Yacht Charter

Olbia is an idyllic port town of Sardinia which lies in the north eastern section of the Gullura Region, directly facing the Italian mainland. Olbia is the northern yacht charter gateway to the whole Sardinian yachting region. Sardinia is very well known for luxury superyachts and also due to the good wind is known for its luxury sailing yachts and sailing regattas.

Major Attractions and Important Places in Olbia

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You should also head out to the section of the town where you can find the thermal baths, which is a favourite destination of yacht charter enthusiasts, and the Roman walls, or what’s left of them. Another important attraction for those who want to have a piece of the storied past of Olbia is the Archaeological Museum, which is located in the Island of Peddone.

Olbia is definitely a shopper’s delight. There are two sections of the town of Olbia where you can go for some serious shopping. The Old Town section, which includes the waterfront, features fancy boutiques and street merchants that normally sell local crafts and other products that are indigenous to the place. The other section of Olbia comprises the modern shopping centres which are located on north end and south end of the town.

Olbia is the ideal choice for those who are not keen on going with the maddening flow of tourists going to the more popular yacht charter stop offs within the region. This is the best destination if you want something different from your yacht charter holiday yet an experience that you will cherish for a lifetime.

Yacht Charter Holiday in Olbia

Olbia belong to those attractions and yacht charter holiday destinations that are off the beaten path of Italy. There is really not that significant number of tourists that come to this idyllic port town when compared to its more popular siblings like Tuscany, Calabria and Sicily, easily considered as the proverbial magnets to yacht charter aficionados. Still, Olbia has a lot of attractions and offers diverse yacht charter opportunities, making it an ideal, albeit unique, place where one can enjoy a different kind of holiday bit is still typically Italian. 

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Another alternative way of going to Olbia is by taking the ferry services that connect the town with major ports within the region. The central station of the ferry services that cover Olbia is based in Genoa. From there, yacht charter enthusiasts can take the 9-hour ferry ride to Olbia. This is an ideal option for those who have ample time and want to relish the panoramic views of the Mediterranean while sailing to Olbia. Other ferry connections to this town are based in Marseilles and Livorno.

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This document is not contractual. The yacht charters and their particulars displayed in the results above are displayed in good faith and whilst believed to be correct are not guaranteed. CharterWorld Limited does not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information and/or images displayed. All information is subject to change without notice and is without warrantee. A professional CharterWorld yacht charter consultant will discuss each charter during your charter selection process. Starting prices are shown in a range of currencies for a one-week charter, unless otherwise marked. Exact pricing and other details will be confirmed on the particular charter contract. Just follow the "reserve this yacht charter" link for your chosen yacht charter or contact us and someone from the CharterWorld team will be in touch shortly.

Giornale di Puglia

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La fortuna bacia Vico del Gargano: vincita al Lotto da 57.385 euro

Errico porzio approda a bari: la star della pizza napoletana aprirà su corso vittorio emanuele, addio al palazzo della gazzetta del mezzogiorno: al via la demolizione, sorgerà un complesso residenziale, via sparano e centro storico: due nuovi gioielli per l'ospitalità barese, puglia: grottaglie diventa il cuore dell'europa aerospaziale con il mediterranean aerospace matching, brindisi, ora i gatti hanno finalmente una casa, scontro frontale sulla brindisi-san vito: due donne morte, bambina di 9 anni scomparsa a bari: ricerche in corso, spettacolo di pasqua per i bambini dell'ospedale pediatrico giovanni xxiii, spread btp-bund in discesa dopo aver toccato i 272 punti, il super yacht da mezzo miliardo di dollari dell'emiro del qatar avvistato al largo di bari.

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Media \ Press Releases \ 2024 \ Fincantieri and the Qatar Emiri Naval Forces: strategic alliance for naval education&training

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Fincantieri and the Qatar Emiri Naval Forces: strategic alliance for naval education&training

The Group and the Qatar Emiri Naval Forces signed a Memorandum of Understanding in Doha

12 march 2024.

Fincantieri and the Qatar Emiri Naval Forces (QENF) signed a Memorandum of Understanding in Doha aimed at starting discussions with the goal of entering into new contracts for the provision to the QENF personnel of cutting-edge education & training patterns.

The signing between the General Manager of the Naval Vessels Division of Fincantieri, Dario Deste , and Major General Abdulla Hassan Al-Sulaiti Commander of the Qatar Emiri Naval Forces, took place at the Doha International Maritime Defense Exhibition & Conference (DIMDEX) 2024, held last week in Qatar.

The Group and the Qatar Emiri Naval Forces will deepen discussions on content and modalities for Fincantieri to continue and improve the cutting-edge Italian education & training patterns with the support of the Italian Authorities and the other defense partners.

The patterns will be based on an innovative concept of education & training and on the continuous growth of the QENF maritime capabilities and will grant the full integration and interoperability with the Qatari on-ground and air military capabilities as well as with allied foreign navies.

In June 2016, the Qatar Armed Forces and Fincantieri signed a contract for the construction of seven naval vessels and for the provision of In-Service Support, Integrated Logistic Support, industrial training for crews and base maintainers and operative trainings for crews, language courses for each vessel and related board and lodging and infrastructure.

Fincantieri has already delivered six vessels and has performed part of the above-mentioned activities, including part of the training for QENF personnel (industrial training for crews and base maintainers and operative trainings for crews).

Following up the training paths already effectively carried out in Italy by Fincantieri, with focus on the operation of the Italian Combat System on board the vessels and consistent with the training tools already delivered, the QENF is interested in implementing the education & training programs with the purpose of maintaining the capabilities acquired within the QENF with a continuous refreshment.


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Olbia Luxury Yacht Charter

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Corsica & Sardinia / Olbia

Olbia Yacht Charter

Olbia charter guide.

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Maddalena Archipelago

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Porto Rotondo

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Costa Smeralda

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Cala Brandinchi

Yachts for charter in olbia, number of guests.

Sunreef 80 Sail

23.99m | Sunreef | 2022

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27.33m | Wally Yachts | 2018

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34m | RMK Marine | 2006

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34.2m | Royal Huisman | 2000

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Over the Rainbow

35m | A.M. Dickie & Sons | 1930

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Minor Family Affair

35.15m | Princess | 2017

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38.9m | Fitzroy | 2006

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39.3m | Tansu | 2016

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40.05m | Sunseeker | 2014

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Silver Wind

43.63m | ISA Yachts | 2014

Mochafy22 yacht for charter


45.02m | Sunrise | 2009

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Starburst III

47.5m | Bilgin | 2017

Te Manu Yacht Charter

49.38m | Codecasa | 1998

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50.4m | Feadship | 1990

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51.7m | Alloy | 2006

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52m | Sanlorenzo | 2022

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52.12m | Amels | 2004

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The Wellesley

56.20m | Oceanco | 1993

Katina yacht for charter

60m | Brodosplit BSO d.o.o. | 2015

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62.5m | Codecasa | 2003

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162m | Brodogradevna Industrija Split | 2021

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19.5m | Lagoon | 2017

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20.15m | Azimut | 2022

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20.46m | Sunseeker | 2022

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20.5m | Prestige | 2018

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21.25m | Princess | 2016

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21.32m | Princess | 2021

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22.26m | Pershing | 2008

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22.31m | Princess | 2022

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22.64m | Azimut | 2018

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22.7m | Sunreef Yachts | 2022

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23.28m | Lagoon | 2019

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23.6m | Baltic Yachts | 2008

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23.60m | Sunseeker | 2021

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23.6m | Sunseeker | 2018

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24m | Sunreef | 2021

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24.64m | Sanlorenzo | 2020

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25m | Sunseeker | 2007

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25m | Sunseeker | 2006

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25.15m | Oyster Yachts | 2015

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26m | Sunseeker | 2003

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26.21m | Custom Line | 2008

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26.4m | Riva | 2010

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26.78m | Azimut | 2019

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27.74m | Sanlorenzo | 2022

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27.96m | Pershing | 2012

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28.15m | Sunseeker | 2014

Motor Yachts

Sailing Yachts


Per Features

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Yacht Charter Olbia

Oceanis 46.1 - Yacht Charter Olbia & Boat hire in Italy Sardinia Costa Smeralda Olbia Marina di Olbia 2

Oceanis 46.1

  • Build year : 2022
  • Guests : 10
  • Berths : 10
  • Length : 48 ft
  • Boat type : Sailing Yacht
  • Mainsail : Furling
  • Genoa type : Self tacking

Lagoon 42 - Yacht Charter Olbia & Boat hire in Italy Sardinia Costa Smeralda Olbia Marina di Olbia 2

  • Build year : 2017
  • Guests : 12
  • Berths : 12
  • Length : 42 ft
  • Boat type : Catamaran
  • Mainsail : Full battened
  • Genoa type : Furling

yakos (2) - Yacht Charter Olbia & Boat hire in Fr. Riviera & Tyrrhenian Sea 2

  • Build year : 2007
  • Length : 70 ft
  • Boat type : Motor Yacht

Lagoon 450 - Yacht Charter Olbia & Boat hire in Italy Sardinia Costa Smeralda Olbia Marina di Olbia 2

  • Build year : 2018
  • Length : 46 ft

Sun Odyssey 479 - Yacht Charter Olbia & Boat hire in Italy Sardinia Costa Smeralda Olbia Marina di Olbia 2

Sun Odyssey 479

  • Length : 47 ft

Bali 4.6 - Yacht Charter Olbia & Boat hire in Italy Sardinia Costa Smeralda Olbia Marina di Olbia 2

  • Guests : 11

Lagoon 42 - Yacht Charter Olbia & Boat hire in Italy Sardinia Costa Smeralda Olbia Marina di Olbia 2

Build your own unique trip!

Jeanneau 54 - Yacht Charter Olbia & Boat hire in Italy Sardinia Costa Smeralda Olbia Marina di Olbia 2

Jeanneau 54

  • Length : 53 ft

Lagoon 40 - Yacht Charter Olbia & Boat hire in Italy Sardinia Costa Smeralda Olbia Marina di Olbia 2

  • Build year : 2019
  • Length : 39 ft

Oceanis 35.1 - Yacht Charter Olbia & Boat hire in Italy Sardinia Costa Smeralda Olbia Marina di Olbia 2

Oceanis 35.1

  • Build year : 2020
  • Length : 34 ft

Lagoon 450 Fly - Yacht Charter Olbia & Boat hire in Italy Sardinia Costa Smeralda Olbia LNI Olbia 2

Lagoon 450 Fly

Lagoon 52F - Yacht Charter Olbia & Boat hire in Italy Sardinia Costa Smeralda Olbia Marina di Olbia 2

  • Length : 52 ft

Sun Odyssey 410 - Yacht Charter Olbia & Boat hire in Italy Sardinia Costa Smeralda Olbia Marina di Olbia 2

Sun Odyssey 410

Lagoon 42 - Yacht Charter Olbia & Boat hire in Italy Sardinia Costa Smeralda Olbia Marina di Olbia 2

  • Build year : 2023

Dufour Catamaran 48 - Yacht Charter Olbia & Boat hire in Italy Sardinia Costa Smeralda Olbia LNI Olbia 2

Dufour Catamaran 48

  • Build year : 2021
  • Berths : 11

Oceanis 51.1 - Yacht Charter Olbia & Boat hire in Italy Sardinia Costa Smeralda Olbia Marina di Olbia 2

Oceanis 51.1

Oceanis 46.1 - Yacht Charter Olbia & Boat hire in Italy Sardinia Costa Smeralda Olbia Marina di Olbia 2


  • Build year : 2010
  • Length : 78 ft

Guide To Sailing In Olbia, Sardinia

On an Olbia yacht charter with Borrow a Boat you can explore the Emerald Coast and La Maddalena Islands within an easy sail. Whatever you want from a Sardinia sailing holiday, from the impressive archaeology and beautiful beaches to the fashionable restaurants and nightlife, an Olbia sailing vacation is going to be an unforgettable experience.

Though largely ignored by most as they pass through the sea and airport to the Costa Smeralda, the Sardinian east coast town of Olbia has a lot to offer in its own right. Built by the Phoenicians (though occupied since before), Olbia has been in existence for 3,000 years in some form or another. It has had several names through history through Greek, Roman, Pisan and Sardinian home-rule, though the Italian Fascists gave it its old and current name back in 1939.

One of the important remnants of history is Sa Testa, a ceremonial Nuragic well just outside of the town. This has steps going down into the water and is believed to have religious significance for the Bronze Age peoples. Another religious relic is the Basillica of San Simplicio, the patron saint of Olbia, which lies in the Old Town of Olbia today. Built in Pisan-Romanesque style, this is well worth a visit as you wander the streets and alleys of this fascinating town.

Close to the Basillica San Simplicio is the Piazza Margherita, the main square in Olbia where you will find many bars and cafes to rest at and watch the world go by. Of the alleys and roads leading off it you should take a wander up the Corso Umberto, that is full of shops, restaurants and bars - all a lot cheaper than you will find in resort towns of the Emerald Coast to the north.

After taking over your charter yacht or motorboat you should pop by the PIazza Mercato, an old market where you can get your fresh produce for your sailing holiday. This, like the port, has traces of the Phoenician Empire - as with all of Olbia, old and new sits comfortably side by side.

Book your Olbia yacht charter with Borrow a Boat today!

Explore Olbia By Renting A Yacht

Where else can you and your fellow charter guests go on your Italy yacht charter from Olbia?

Just to the SE of Olbia is Tavolara Island. Part NATO base, part nature reserve and major tourist attraction, Tavolara Island was once the smallest kingdom in Europe. Today you will find a long sandy beach, excellent scuba diving and snorkelling, and if you can stand the heat, an opportunity to take a guided hike up the massif that dominates the view here.

On your boat rental the southern end of the Emerald Coast is Porto Rotondo. This old town is well away from the tourist crowd and one of the most authentic Sardinian villages you will likely find on your sailing holiday with the Piazzetta San Marco where locals go to socialise and relax at the centre.

The Maddalena archipelago of 60 islands and islets is one of the top reasons that people begin a boat rental in Olbia. Around 30 miles NE of the town, and a short sail from the mainland Costa Smeralda, it is renowned for its excellent beaches and secluded coves where you can find yourself completely alone with on white sandy beaches all to yourself. Though just off the Costa Smeralda coast, La Maddalena archipelago is one of those places where sailors and their guests often spend a few days to enjoy them to their full, perhaps moored in secluded bays while enjoying the peace and quiet of the archipelago. If you can, get a guide to take you to Budelli Island - one of the most beautiful and heavily protected islands in the archipelago, Budelli Island is famous for its pink beach.

To the south of the islands is Porto Cervo, the highly acclaimed capital of the Emerald Coast. A quiet and sleepy fishing village until the Aga Khan chose to develop it in the 1980s, it now has some of the best nightspots, restaurants and boutiques in the region. One of the attractions that makes it so popular with the ultra high net worth who leave their mega yachts in the marina, is that the new development sits well within the architectural vernacular of the older parts of town. As such, though much of it is so new, you could easily imagine yourself in the likes of San Tropez or the better parts of the Balearic Islands for its style and culture.

For your Olbia yacht charter, you need to know a few things about getting there and the marinas - read on to find out more.

**How to Get to** **Olbia**

**Olbia Airport**

Olbia Airport is around 20 minutes by bus from the marina. The airport is served by airlines flying from regional and major airports across Europe.

Marinas in Olbia

**Marina** **di Olbia**

Marina di Olbia has a number of boat owner and charter companies with charter yachts available that include catamaran, private yacht charter, luxury yacht charter, monohull sailboat and motor yacht charter.

Berth Characteristics:

Max Length 80m (262 Feet)

Max Draught 5.2m (17 Feet)

List of additional services: Shore power, water, WiFi, shower/WC, launderette, garbage disposal, cash machine, restaurant.

Suggested Sailing Routes From Olbia

Whether on a sailing boat or motorboat charter on a bareboat charter or yacht charter with skipper and crew you can explore the the Maddalena archipelago and Costa Smeralda on your charter yacht. A longer trip can take you to right around Sardinia too. Let's take a look at two such itineraries.

**7 Days -** **La Maddalena** **Islands and** **Emerald Coast**: Porto Rotondo will be your first port of call after a half day's sail north. Relax on a night ashore before heading for Porto Cervo, the capital of the Costa Smeralda for your next evening. The village of La Maddalena will be your first night in the La Maddalena islands - spend a couple of nights here, exploring the beautiful beaches and secluded coves. South now to the islands off Olbia, including one on Tavolara Island before returning to the charter base.

**14 days - Round Sardinia an excursion to Corsica:** The first night will be in the quiet village of Porto Rotondo before heading to the La Maddalena islands to enjoy the white sandy beaches. Head on to the mainland town of Porto Pollo for a day of water sports. Santa Teresa will be your next port and perhaps have lunch in one of the secluded bays nearby before crossing the strait to Corsica and to the west coast port town of Propriano and then Ajaccio for another day ashore. South to the protected Sardinian island of Asinara - take a day ashore to enjoy this beautiful place. Alghero on the west coast of Sardinia will be your next evening ashore, and then take a night at anchor in the Gulf of Oristano and spend time ashore looking at the Stagno de Cabras, one of the largest saltwater lagoons in the region. Your next night will be in Carloforte, a fishing port on San Pietro Island, a then a night in Cagliari, the capital of Sardina. This is followed by a short hop east to Villasimius for a relaxing night before a long leg - 40 or so NM - to Olbia, and return your yacht to the charter base.

Best Times To Hire A Yacht In Olbia

The sailing season in Sardinia is from May to October. Outside of the high season in July/August you will find many marinas have enough room to meet demand and will often be cheaper than Greece or Croatia.

In some parts of Italy's sailing meccas the prices rocket in July/August and you may end up paying hundreds of Euros for the last available berth if you're lucky enough to get one!

As such the best times to sail in Italy are during school term in June or September when the sea is still warm but the marinas and towns relaxed and quiet. If you want Sardinia at full throttle in the maximum heat of summer the high season may well be for you!

The Climate

Sardinia is known for its excellent sailing conditions, making many locations meccas for all sorts of wind sports.

During much of the sailing season in this part of the west Mediterranean Sea you will find sea breezes that build during the day and ease off at night, making for a perfect sailing holiday.

The NE Maestrale is an important wind here. Generally blowing from October to April, and originating from the Rhone Valley, it can pipe up for a week at a time and blow at gale force for days on end even in summer.

The hot, humid southerly Scirocco can make things extremely uncomfortable at night toward the southern half of Sardinia from time to time. Expect temperatures to hardly dip at night from the high 30s in the day. Orange hued fog (coloured by Sahara Desert sand) is another issue, adding to the discomfort!

### What should I consider when hiring a Yacht or Boat?

The main points to consider are what is your budget, have you got the necessary sailing experience and qualifications to manage the boat if it's not going to have a skipper, whom you are taking sailing, where exactly you wish to go and what will the weather be like on the proposed dates of your trip.

### **What are the Marinas in Olbia?**

Marina di Olbia has 270 berths that can take luxury yachts of up to 80 metres LOA.

### When are the best times to hire a boat in Olbia?

While the sailing season runs from April to October in the region, it can get very busy and hot at the peak times of July and August with the marinas often very full and expensive. As such if you can get on a sailing vacation outside the school holidays, perhaps in June or September the sailing conditions are better and the crowds are less intense.

### Do you have to pay a deposit when hiring a Yacht in Olbia?

You will typically pay 50% up front on booking the yacht hire and the balance on arrival as part of the charter conditions. You will either pay a security deposit with your credit card on departure or can get insurance covering damage in advance. In some cases (such as the recent Covid situation) charter companies may be more flexible but this depends on the individual charter companies themselves.

### What happens if my Yacht breaks down?

If you are at sea and in danger, call MAYDAY on VHF Ch16 or ring the coast guard on your phone if you have reception. If you have a mechanical fault and can make it to or are on a mooring you will be able to phone a help line number given by the boat charter company.

### What should I think of before I hire a Yacht or Boat in Olbia?

You should consider do you have the experience to handle the yacht charter or boat hire before you book and where do you want to go along with what the weather will be like. Dress for warm weather but do have something for tropical rains - light but waterproof.

### What Qualifications Do I need to hire a boat or yacht?

If you want to sail without a skipper then you will need relevant qualifications like RYA Day Skipper/International Certificate of Competence (ICC)/ASA 104 Bareboat certificate or the US Sailing Certificate. For small 'day boats' or if you choose to have a crewed yacht charter you typically don't require licences.

We are confident that our prices are the most competitive and transparent in the market.

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Yacht Rentals from Olbia

A selection of the finest yachts for charter in olbia, north sardinia.

Situated in the North East area of Sardinia , Olbia is an italian city that provides both historical and contemporary feelings and atmospheres. Thanks to its rich archeological, cultural, and historical heritage, Olbia is a perfect charming destination for fans of history and arts.

Anyway, it gives the very best departure port to visit the Emerald Coast , Porto Cervo , Caprera, the Bonifacio Strait and Corsica , the islands of Maddalena. Your Olbia yacht charter experience will certainly be a lifetime adventure to discover some of the best Sardinian and Italian spots. Sardegna is an island that's endowed with abundant culture and a spectacular geographic formation, no wonder this gift from nature is now one of the most famous spots in the Mediterranean region.

With its superb tropical and mild climate, Olbia has long been considered a sailor’s heaven. Not only due to its natural beauty, but also due to the isle ’s strategic geographic location, making availability even more convenient from different ports of entry. In reality, it's now the primary connection point between the Italian peninsula and Sardinia. Olbia is undoubtedly one of the budding tourist destinations in the Mediterranean area. The lovely beaches, the many inlets, along with the serene waters offer an ideal site for assorted water sports.

These attributes, coupled with the growing tourism-related developments in the area, are just some of the many amenities that draw on yachting and boating enthusiasts from around the globe to this dramatic island.


Olbia Yacht Charter

Sailing Sardinia , there isn't any better method to discover Olbia and the surrounding areas: the most lovely beaches and bays of the Costa Smeralda are at easy reach with our exclusive and selected yacht charters from one day up to as many weeks as you wish. Whether you require service of our specialist skippers, or you're an experienced sailor all on your own, you'll cruise the glamorous Mediterranean sea from Costa Smeralda to Southern Corsica. All these are the perfect locations for your next sailing vacations in Sardinia .

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Olbia Yacht Charter Experts

Our experienced and world travellers, expert Italy and Sardinia Charter Managers regularly check and sail aboard our selected yachts and are perfectly placed to offer you transparent, tailor and professional assistance. Our twenty years of experience in yacht charters, developed in Sardinia and the Mediterranean, enabled us to create close, enduring relationships with our clients, investing directly in our yachts and services.

Top Destinations by boat from Olbia

Olbia belong to yacht charter and all those interests vacation destinations which are off the trodden trail of Italy. There's actually not that important variety of tourists which come to this port town that is idyllic in comparison to its popular sibs like Calabria, Tuscany and Sicily , readily considered to yacht charter aficionados as the proverbial attractions. However, Olbia offers varied yacht charter chances, which makes it an ideal exceptional, location where a person can appreciate another type of vacation touch continues to be commonly Italian and has lots of interests. Related: Sicily, Corsica or Sardinia?

Yacht Charter Itineraries from/to Olbia

Discover the best things to do, must-sees and pick your own ideal sailing holiday in Olbia. Plan your next vacation, book online and find the best prices for you, your family and friends with us!

7 Days in North Sardinia

Day 1st Portico Day 2nd Tavolara Island Day 3rd Caprera Island Day 4th Bonifacio (Corsica) Day 5th Budelli Island Day 6th La Maddalena Day 7th Olbia

2 Weeks in Sardinia and Corsica

Day 1st Portico – Day 2nd Bonifacio – Day 3rd Porto Vecchio – Day 4th Campoloro – Day 5th Macinaggio – Day 6th Saint Florent – Day 7th Calvi – Day 8th Girolata – Day 9th Ajaccio – Day 10th Propriano – Day 11th Santa Teresa di Gallura – Day 12th Maddalena Island – Day 13th Caprera – Day 14th Emerald Coast – Porto Cervo – Day 15th Olbia

When planning a boat charter with embarkation in the port of Olbia, contact our Charter Managers: Your Boat Holiday will assist you, providing you all the solutions for your activities on board and on land: family holidays, celebrations, corporate events, and more. We customize your private yacht charter, step by step, in order for you to live your best sailing experience ever.

Charter yacht in Olbia

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Olbia belongs to those sights and places of recreation that belong to traditional Italy . This idyllic port city doesn't really have many tourists compared to its more popular siblings such as Tuscany, Calabria and Sicily.

However, Olbia has many attractions and offers a variety of yacht charter options , making it an ideal and unique place to enjoy a variety of leisure activities.

Tempest 900

  • 2007 Production
  • 9.30 m Length
  • This charter offers free rescheduling in the event of mandatory COVID-19 related travel restrictions, preventing you from arriving in your destination country.

Blue Diamond 50

  • 2021 Production
  • 14.95 m Length

Lagoon 42

  • 2023 Production
  • 12.80 m Length

Oceanis 51.1

  • 15.94 m Length

Lagoon 42

  • 2022 Production

Hanse 575

  • 2019 Production
  • 17.50 m Length

Lagoon 46

  • 13.99 m Length

Bali 5.4

  • 16.80 m Length

Fountaine Pajot Astrea 42

  • 12.58 m Length

Bali 5.4

  • 21.40 m Length

Beneteau Oceanis 46.1

  • 14.60 m Length

Sunreef 70

  • 11.73 m Length

Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 449

  • 2017 Production
  • 13.76 m Length

Lagoon 400 S2

  • 2018 Production
  • 11.97 m Length

Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 490

  • 14.80 m Length

Beneteau Oceanis 46.1

  • 2020 Production

Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 479

  • 14.43 m Length

Lagoon 52 F

  • 15.84 m Length

Hatteras GT 60

  • 1999 Production
  • 18.01 m Length

Lagoon 450

  • 13.96 m Length

Lagoon 40

  • 11.74 m Length

Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 519

  • 2016 Production
  • 15.75 m Length

Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 410

  • 12.95 m Length

Beneteau Oceanis 35.1

  • 10.45 m Length

Bali 4.1

  • 12.35 m Length

Fountaine Pajot Aura 51 ELECTRIC

  • 15.54 m Length

Fountaine Pajot Tanna 47 - 5 + 1 cab.

  • 13.94 m Length

Sun Odyssey 380

  • 0.00 m Length

Sun Loft 47 - 6 + 1 cab.

  • 14.42 m Length

Bali 5.4 - 5 + 2 cab

  • 14.28 m Length

Bali 4.6

  • 16.20 m Length

Jeanneau 54 (Gen+A/C)

  • 16.16 m Length

Bali 4.6 (Gen+A/C+WM)

  • 1995 Production
  • 12.00 m Length

Dufour 520 GL

  • 15.20 m Length

Bali 4.5 - 4 + 2 cab.

  • 13.60 m Length

Bali 4.3 - 4 + 2 cab.

  • 13.20 m Length

Oceanis 45 - 3 cab.

  • 14.15 m Length

Dufour 360 GL - 3 cab.

  • 10.73 m Length
  • + Load more...

Olbia is the idyllic port city of Sardinia, which is located in the north-eastern part of the Gullura region, directly opposite mainland Italy. Olbia is the northern rental gateway for the yacht region of Sardinia. Sardinia is very famous for its luxurious superyachts, and also due to its good wind it is known for its luxurious sailing yachts and sailing regattas.

Main attractions and important places in Olbia

Before you embark on a trip on your luxury rented yacht to other parts of Sardinia, be sure to visit the historic main area of the Old Town of Olbia. Here you can find the impressive 17th century St. Paolo Church , the Tomb of the Giants, which is located in São Monte de Saba, Castelo de Pedres and the sacred nuragic well of Sa Testa.

You should also go to that part of the city where you will find the thermal baths , which are a favorite destination for yacht rental lovers, as well as the Roman walls or what is left of them. Another important attraction for those who want to get a piece of the legendary past of Olbia is the Archaeological Museum, which is located on the island of Peddon.

Olbia is definitely a buyer's delight. There are two parts of the city of Olbia where you can go for serious shopping . In the section of the Old Town, which includes the promenade, there are fashion boutiques and street vendors who usually sell local handicrafts and other local products that are common to this place, but exclusive to the tourist. Another part of Olbia includes modern shopping centers, which are located on the northern and southern ends of the city.

Olbia is an ideal choice for those who are not interested in going with a crazy flow of tourists heading to the more popular rental yacht stops in the region. This is the best place to relax if you want something different from a regular yacht charter , as well as an unforgettable experience for a lifetime.

Holidays on a yacht in Olbia

Olbia belongs to the sights and recreation places for renting yachts that are in the wilderness of Italy. There are actually not many tourists in this idyllic port city who are compared to its more popular siblings such as Tuscany, Calabria and Sicily. However, Olbia has many attractions and it offers a variety of yacht charter options, making it an ideal, albeit unique, place to enjoy another type of holiday, still typically Italian.

Olbia is considered the economic center of the region and boasts an international airport , located just 4 km from the central district of the city. The international airport serves flights from major European cities, including Zurich, Berlin, London, Amsterdam, Barcelona, Madrid, Paris, Genoa, Rome and Milan in Italy. There are regular transfers , which provide a convenient transfer for yacht tourists who travel to this idyllic port city every year.

Another alternative way to get to Olbia is to use the ferry services connecting the city with the major ports of the region. The central ferry service station, which covers Olbia, is located in Genoa. From there, lovers of rental yachts can take a 9-hour ferry ride to Olbia. This is ideal for those who have enough time and want to enjoy panoramic views of the Mediterranean Sea while sailing to Olbia. Other ferry services to this city are located in Marseille and Livorno.

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yacht emiro qatar olbia

Olbia and a Road Trip

Having limited finances, we spend most of our time at anchor during the summer, especially from June onward when marina prices in this part of the Med skyrocket to budget busting proportions. The downside of this is that we don’t always get to see as much inland as we’d like. So the opportunity to spend time on a free quay which was right in the centre of Olbia was not to be passed up. We did however, end up staying far longer than intended. We can get a little lazy when things are easy, although our laziness bit us on the bum, the telling of which I will save for the end of the blog.

We arrived on the Molo Brin quay one evening and tucked ourselves into the landwards corner between it and the car park mole and hunkered down as the next three days brought bad weather with rain and thunder. We tried to get out and about between the downpours, but got caught out whilst wandering around a park, not dressed for the weather. Luckily there was a handy rock bar/cafe to shelter in nearby, although after several hours of heavy rain it looked like we’d be looking for a bed for the night, before a brief lull allowed us to leg it home. The weather brightened up and we had a couple of days of exploring inland followed by another day of thundery weather when we foolishly decided to do our laundry and of course had nowhere to dry it. Then as we were about to leave, the temptation of a street food festival caused us to linger a little longer.

There have been thefts from boats both on the quay and at anchor in the past years and a little worry worm burrowed into our brains over the first few days. A cloak of paranoia well and truly settled over us, despite nothing happening to us or to other boats we spoke to. Every time a bird landed on deck we’d be rushing out thinking someone had got on board. The sound of a conversation from outside from a person on their phone would be viewed with the highest of suspicion, because of course they were casing out the joint and passing the info on to a partner in crime, rather than just happening to be passing by when their phone rang. After a few days we relaxed and the worst that happened was that a piece of pizza found it’s way onto the deck and we ended up stepping on it in the dark. Most likely one of the huge ravens had dropped it there rather than any malicious intent.

tMolo Brin, Olbia

Happy cactus

Olbia means ‘happy town’ and it did seem quite a cheerful place. There are shops, cafes and restaurants a plenty and the warren of streets and old buildings behind the harbour was pretty. Slightly outside the centre is the Fausto Noce park, the location of our unplanned soaking but a pleasant place for a wander with lots of greenery (must be all that rain), trees and flowers. I even joined the joggers for a few laps around the network of paths. The archaeological museum right by the quay is free but other than the remains of a Roman ship there isn’t much to see beyond the usual bits of pots and such with several display cases standing empty. However, it was interesting to learn that we were moored on the site of an ancient Roman port.

In the evening the town comes alive as people come out for their passegiata, filling up the squares. There was live music at several bars but unfortunately as we found through the winter in Italy, the music at the rock bar didn’t start until midnight. We joined the evening stroll on several nights, ending up at what became our favourite bench in piazza Margherita where we would sit with the nonnas, listening to a young man singing and playing guitar at a nearby bar and happily watching the world go by.

A street food festival came to town with international cuisine on offer as well as Sardinian specialities. With so much fantastic food to tempt us it was a tough choice of what to go for. We started off grazing on BBQed lamb on a stick and fried local mussels. For main course, Colin couldn’t resist a pita gyro having sadly left them behind in Greece last year whereas I went for a local dish – a huge serving of spit roasted pork including perfectly crispy crackling served inside a huge toasted wedge of focaccia. It was divine!

Our street food meal (No, that piece of focaccia wasn’t all for me!)

Whilst we ate a musician entertained us with some Americana songs and earlier in the evening we’d been delighted to see a traditional mamuthones display. Men and boys wearing thick sheepskin cloaks and beautiful carved, wooden masks, some weighed down by huge cow bells paraded through the town. They would grunt and make noises along with the ear splitting jangling of all those bells. Every so often a ‘fight’ would break out between a pair or one would sit down and refuse to move triggering the cracking of whips or some pokes with a boot to the one on the ground.

The sheep men

Road Trip Day 1 – Nuraghes, Lovely Old Trees and a Mushroom Shaped Rock

We hired a car for a great rate from Olbia airport and set off on a warm but cloudy day to Arzachena and our lunch stop at a mushroom shaped rock. It was an impressive rock, I would say a porcini mushroom would most closely describe it’s shape and we ate our sandwiches enjoying the view from under it’s shelter looking out to the countryside.

It does look like a mushroom

Our next destination was a couple of nuraghe sites that ring the town. After our failed attempts to find nuraghe around Cabo Carbonara we felt it best to go to a properly excavated site. With several to choose from we went for the nuraghe la Prisgiona, which has a village and tower and from there took a 1km nature walk through the woods to a Giants Tomb. The village was from around 1400 BC, it put me in mind of the remains of round houses seen in the UK. It seemed that round was the way to build in those days. The site comprised of just a small section of what would have been a large settlement, 15 dwellings out of possibly 100 that are now buried in the surrounding countryside. The feature of the village was a central tower into which we could enter.

Nuraghe la Prisgiona

The Giant’s Tomb

Having immersed ourselves in man made history, our next stop was natural history and some very old olive trees. We had a bit of a roundabout journey to arrive at them. They are sited along the side of a large, man made lake and from our starting point we planned to approach from the north. But our route was blocked by a waterworks and a big gate (we’re not having much luck with gates in Sardinia). There was nothing we could do but retrace our steps and console ourselves that we weren’t the only ones as several other cars arrived as we were doing a u-turn, whilst blaming Google maps.

At least the scenery was lovely and the driving was pleasant…. most of the time. The locals liked scaring us by taking corners on the wrong side of the road. There were several times where we had to take avoiding action as a car came around a bend on our side of the road and one car came around a corner so fast, just managing to keep to their side that as I looked back in the mirror I expected to see it in the hedge.

Lago del Liscia. Pastoral scenes backed by jagged granite crags

We finally found the trees having almost circumnavigated the lake. It was a surprising E2.50 to get in but at least this meant the trees were looked after with walkways around them. The first tree was approx 3000 years old, with another nearby at 2000 years and a mere whippersnapper at 500 years old. The site was peaceful with just a handful of visitors and we could get right up close with the younger two to admire their gnarly bark and amazingly twisty branches.

Lovely old trees

Sardinian traffic jam

Our final stop was just outside Olbia to the north of the town, next to a cash and carry warehouse. There we found an ancient well, Pozzo Sacro Sa Testa, nicely restored with a paved walkway leading up past labelled native plants.

The sacred well

The countryside in north Sardinia was beautiful. At the time of year there was still plenty of colour and the lower levels had a pastoral feel, with fields of hay being prepared for harvest and swaths of bright green from the acres of vineyards. Backing this were jagged peaks, their rocks weathered into weird formations.

Road Trip Day 2 – Gola su Gorropu

For day 2 we headed back south to not far inland from where we had been anchored at Cala Luna. Our destination would be the Gola su Gorropu Gorge – described as the Grand Canyon of Sardinia. The driving was easy with very little traffic along one of the main dual carriageways. After around an hour we turned off onto a smaller road which passed through a flat, fertile plain with the white bulk of the Supramonte mountains rising dramatically ahead of us.

From Dorgali the road began to steadily wind upwards as we climbed the side of a wide canyon. The traffic was still light, a few touring motorcycles out enjoying the curves but we really hoped any approaching cars would stick to their side; with the road perched over the side of a long drop off, any accident would result in a plunge to certain death. After pulling over a few times to enjoy the stunning scenery, we arrived at the start of our walk, the pass of Genna Silana.

The canyon from above

It’s a 650m descent over around 2.6 miles, starting off gently downwards through oak woods before becoming steeper, the path in places coated in tiny gravel, which made each step an adventure.

The view from the start of the walk

A tree house refuge

The path is well maintained – here cut across a scree slope

At the bottom and at the entrance to the gorge is a controlled point beyond which it costs E5 to enter, for this you are given a talk about the gorge and I guess they will come and rescue you (or at least we hoped) in case of injury. The canyon was formed by the Rio Flumineddu – the section we walked through had no water in it at this time of year as the river was under our feet having been absorbed by the limestone rock. Downstream of the entrance the river emerged as the rock turned to granite which is unable to soak up the water. During winter, water hoofs it’s way over where we were walking – a boulder the size of a minibus was pointed out to us that had been moved several meters by the force of water. What an awesome sight that would be to see.

The gorge has been marked out for ease of passage and each of the routes was explained – the first section was green for easiest, then yellow and red. We were also told about the nature we might see – the rare Columbine plant, the shy mouflon which come down to drink the water and we were asked to be quiet to avoid disturbing nesting golden eagles.

The start of the canyon

We set off following the green dots that guide you to the best route over the boulders. Despite being labelled the easiest, it still involves some scrambling in places. As an aid, where the route gets tricky, logs have been laid to provide a level surface to walk on. Every year the guides have to remark the route as boulders are moved about and previous markings erased.

Follow the green dots

View from a cave cut into the gorge wall

Logs laid to aid our progress

The green marks bring you to the narrowest section of the gorge – just a few meters wide and soaring 400m above our heads. Some crazy climbers were scaling ‘The Hotel du Gorropu’ cliff face, an extremely technical climb with a ledge on which they can sleep part way up, hence the name. We sat and watched them slowly ascend, tiny rocks dropping every so often, at one point one of them letting go and swinging around before reestablishing a grip on the sloping outwards canyon wall.

The view from our lunch stop. Can you spot the climbers?

After the relatively easy green section we came to a solitary yellow blob. From now on the way got harder and we would have to find our own track. Several other people were doing the same and we helped each other out with suggestions or a hand up.

We clambered and slid our way over the enormous boulders, worn super smooth by the passage of fast flowing water and with few handholds. I tried going barefoot as suggested by the guide which did help. My feet gripped the steeply sloping rock much better than my shoes but my shoes tied onto my bag then conspired to drag me back off the rock when they jammed themselves in a crack. Shoes back on, the going became much easier as we had reached another flat section before another scramble over more giant white marbles. We made it as far as the start of the red section – from here on the size of the boulders increased and we had been advised not to continue without climbing gear. It seemed like a sensible place to turn around, everyone else making the same decision too.

We reached the red dot

From here on, the way became more technical and we were advised not to continue without climbing gear

The descent was much easier as we employed the sliding method to get back down the route we had struggled to pull ourselves up. Lots of fun and I let out a few (quiet) weeeeeeeeeee’s along the way.

We were surprised to find we had spent nearly two hours clambering about. It was now mid afternoon and our choice was a 650m climb in the heat or the jeep transfer that was advertised at the control point. A jeep transfer was sounding awfully tempting, especially as my toes had started to attack each other in protest at being squeezed into closed shoes (one drew blood from the other, the rotter) having become used to the freedom of sandals for so long. We enquired about availability and snapped up the last two places on the next departure. Colin was very happy. We had plenty of time to make the 45 minute walk to the pick up point so took the opportunity to refill our bottles with water from the wonderfully cool spring water that flows from a black pipe by the side of the river. It was fantastically refreshing before an easy walk through shady woods.

The narrowest part of the canyon – the Hotel du Gorropu climb

Although we took the easy way up, the jeep trip itself was an experience. 10 people squeezed into a Land Rover (we were on the side benches in the back) bouncing our way up a very steep, rutted and winding track, the driver showed lots of skill. At least if it did all go wrong and we rolled off the side, there was so much flesh squashed in, we would provide plenty of cushioning to each other on the way down. Being the skilled driver that he was, we of course arrived safely back at our car.

On the drive home we took a different route to pay a visit to Lidl in Nuori, Google sending us via a road that ran alongside a river running along the bottom of the Supramonte mountains. There was a bright yellow sign at the start of the road, but it flashed by so fast we didn’t get time to translate it. And so, 7km further along we came to a bridge with a barrier across it with just a small gap left for people and motorbikes. We watched a campervan arrive at the other side, also realising it’s mistake as we both turned around and once again on this road trip, retraced our steps. We did find another way to Nuori and restocked at the Golden Circle, ah how we had missed our provider of spicy nuts and snacks.

We won’t fit through there

The Sting in the Tale

And so, with the summer ticking away, we decided we ought to get going having had an excellent time of inland touring, festivals and enjoying being right in a town. We had planned to leave Saturday morning but with forecast north winds that would hinder our progress and with it being an international rugby day, we decided to hang on and watch the games onboard rather than risk a poor internet signal in an anchorage.

In the early evening, as we were watching the South Africa v England game, there was a shout outside. Initially we ignored it as just someone having an exciting conversation on their phone. But then it came again. We put our heads out and standing by the boat were two members of the coastguard in their smart uniforms. As with every other boat on the quay, we were requested (in a friendly manner and with very good English) to complete a form giving permission to stay another 48 hours, visit a tabac to play E16 in return for a stamp and take both to the Coastguard office which was a few minutes walk away on the way to the ferry port. I think the guy in the office hadn’t been warned that 7 or 8 groups of people would be turning up, but he too was very friendly. But if only we hadn’t been quite so lazy that morning!

Sailing Info

There are iron rings and bollards set along the quay, not always at the best spacing for smaller boats so longer lines are useful. It is also possible to moor along the car park quay, however, the coastguard ship took up residence there from Friday morning to Monday and all boats were moved on. There is also an anchoring area off the end of the car park quay.

Our neighbour for the weekend

There are no facilities such as water and electric and disappointingly a lack of decent sized rubbish bins. A big box sits in the carpark that takes plastic, glass, tins, etc. for recycling but you need an ID card to open up the chutes. The only bins were small so we emptied our waste regularly.

Having looked at the water quality, we decided not to use out watermaker and pickled it again.

We were very nervous about the tales of burglary from the last few years. Thankfully we can report that we had no problems and nor did we hear of any problems from others who had been there recently.

The area behind the quay is a free car park which was very handy for when we had  the hire car. Many car hire companies have a base at Olbia airport and we simply chose the best offer we found on a car hire website. The airport can be reached by the number 2 and number 10 bus which run every 10 to 15 minutes. A single journey costs E1.50 and tickets can be bought on board.

Being a car park, there are people coming and going all day as well as those just having a stroll along the quay so it was noisy at times. Groups of teens came to sit and chat in the evenings but they’d be gone by midnight and there was no trouble from them.

The nearest supermarket is a Pan in Piazza Crispi, turn left from the end of the quay and follow the road along for a few minutes. There are several other supermarkets out by the airport.


We used the Bolle Di… Sole Di Lorena Pischedda self service laundry which is off the main street, around 10 minutes walk from the quay – an 8kg load cost between E4 and E4.50 with 15 minutes of drying for E2.50.

We highly recommend the Biddibo trattoria , at the top of Piazza Mercato, for a meal out. Very generous portions and a great price. E12 for a first course from a selection of pasta dishes, a second course of meat or fish choices, a side dish, coffee and a liqueur. The house wine was great and the welcome was super friendly. The owner is a musician and he came out to sing a few songs to the diners.

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Yacht Charter Olbia - Yacht Rentals Olbia

Top-rated yacht charters in olbia - preselected yacht rentals:.

Sailboat Oceanis 35 for charter in Olbia

Sailboat Oceanis 35 for charter in Olbia

  • Oceanis 35 [Yacht Price incl. Taxes]
  • Cockpit cushion
  • Rubber Dinghy
  • mooring fees for first and last night
  • Yacht Insurance
  • Comfort package (Final cleaning, Bed linen, Towels, Kitchen gas, Outboard engine for dinghy)

Sailing yacht Oceanis 46.1 for charter in Marina di Olbia

Sailing yacht Oceanis 46.1 for charter in Marina di Olbia

  • Oceanis 46.1 [Yacht Price incl. Taxes]

Catamaran Lagoon 440 for charter in Marina Golfo Cugnana

Catamaran Lagoon 440 for charter in Marina Golfo Cugnana

  • Lagoon 440 [Yacht Price incl. Taxes]
  • Outboard engine for dinghy
  • Charter package (Final cleaning, Bed linen, Kitchen gas, Permit)

Cat Lagoon 42 for charter in Olbia

Cat Lagoon 42 for charter in Olbia

  • Lagoon 42 [Yacht Price incl. Taxes]

Sailing boat Sun Odyssey 479 for rent in Marina di Olbia

Sailing boat Sun Odyssey 479 for rent in Marina di Olbia

  • Sun Odyssey 479 [Yacht Price incl. Taxes]

Sailing yacht Sun Odyssey 410 for rent in Marina di Olbia

Sailing yacht Sun Odyssey 410 for rent in Marina di Olbia

  • Sun Odyssey 410 [Yacht Price incl. Taxes]

Sailboat Oceanis 46.1 for rent in Olbia

Sailboat Oceanis 46.1 for rent in Olbia

Yacht Dufour 520 Grand Large for hire in Olbia

Yacht Dufour 520 Grand Large for hire in Olbia

  • Dufour 520 Grand Large [Yacht Price incl. Taxes]
  • Maryland Amusement Tax
  • VAT or sales tax
  • Tourist tax
  • Transit log
  • Administration fee
  • Charter package (Final cleaning, Bed linen, Towels, Kitchen gas, Dinghy with engine, Starter package, Damage Waiver)

Sailing yacht Oceanis 46.1 for hire in Olbia

Sailing yacht Oceanis 46.1 for hire in Olbia

Sailing yacht Dufour 520 Grand Large available for charter in Olbia

Sailing yacht Dufour 520 Grand Large available for charter in Olbia

Yacht Dufour 520 Grand Large for hire in Olbia

Sailing yacht Oceanis 40 for charter in Olbia

  • Oceanis 40 [Yacht Price incl. Taxes]
  • Catamaran (55) Apply Catamaran filter
  • Luxury Yachts (2) Apply Luxury Yachts filter
  • Motorboat (2) Apply Motorboat filter
  • Sailing boat (46) Apply Sailing boat filter

TOP Yacht Charters - Yacht Rentals

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  • Yacht Charter Tyrrhenian Sea
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  • Yacht Charter Italy Mediterranean Coast
  • Yacht Charter Sardinia
  • Yacht Charter Gulf of Olbia

Sailing Trip in Olbia

The Gulf of Olbia is in the Italian area known as Gallura. This area is characterized by granite mountains and wind-sculpted kind rocks; down south is the ‘knife-edge’ of Tavolara island. Olbia is among the best places to start a yacht charter and at , we are ready to offer you a dream sailing holiday with great deals on our boats, including catamarans, motor boats and sailing boats , all of which can be booked online .

The town of Olbia is a wonderful place in it's own right to explore. On the northern side of the bay of Olbia is the super Costa Smeralda resort. Olbia historical features are located around Arzachena, which is one of Europe’s oldest islands.  Olbia’s natural values coupled with a spectacular landscape place it an importance area for international conservation.  The beautiful colors of the sea which are Turquoise, emerald, azure and blue together with different species of fish, molluscs and mussels give this coastal part an immense beauty. The white sandy beaches to the coastal border and the weathered rocks compliment the whole area and this has led to a rise in number of tourists coming to enjoy the waters in Olbia.

From Olbia, you can sail to other great destinations along the Italian coast like Palau and the Piombino. Jump aboard in Olbia and discover the parts of Italy that are only accessible by boat charter. Be amazed at the spectacular waters and marine life that are plentiful on the coast and consider hiring a skipper if you want to experience the best that is to offer on the way to other destinations. can now offer you one of the best holidays in this spectacular area of Italy. Choose from one of our fantastic catamarans, motor boats and sailing boats available for hire and book online today for that fantastic deal.

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