Nurse and Nomad

Guide to the Yacht Week Croatia Itinerary

  • By Susan Weston

What is Yacht Week Croatia?

Yacht Week is a week-long sailing adventure around the Croatian Islands on your own Catamaran. It is basically college spring break with an itinerary of partying all day and night. Our boat was the oldest ranging from our late 20s to 52 (Damn Damon), but I had assumed it would all be college kids, and it wasn’t. Most boats were in their 20’s and early 30’s. Despite our ages, our boat was the party boat, and we ended up with quite the reputation.

Itinerary Yacht Week Croatia

Our Itinerary During Yacht Week Croatia

* Schedule subject to change.

Itinerary Day 1 – Trogir

Day 1 was frustrating. We were all super excited. We had already checked out of our hotels and had all our luggage with us, but we had to wait until almost 5 p.m. for the skipper and host to prepare the boat. We spent breakfast and lunch at the same restaurant (poor servers). Then we went to the pier and sat there waiting and waiting and waiting. It was a buzz kill for sure, but it all worked out. Just be prepared.

Shout out to our skipper, Simon and host, Mia! They were the best and were 100% the reason we had such a good time.

Itinerary Day 1 was spent waiting Yacht Week Croatia

It’s important to know which marina your boat will leave from when planning your accommodations. We departed from ACL Marina Trogir, which is located farther away from Split but closer to the airport, so it worked out well for us. The pre-party on Day 1 was held at Padres, a bar located in Trogir. Since we were staying in Trogir, we could easily walk to the bar instead of taking a water taxi like other Yacht Week boats. Just a heads up – your catamaran will not leave the dock until Day 2.

Cover Charges During Yacht Week

Carpe Diem, Padres, Hula Hula, Club 585 and Fort George are private Yacht Week events. Other events are for the general public, but your Yacht Week bracelet grants free entry. 

Group at Way Point Hvar drinking coffee Itinerary Day 2

Itinerary Day 2 – Hvar

We sailed to the ACL Marina Palmizana near Hvar. It is a small, secluded island with a beach, a coffee shop, and showers. In the evening, we took a water taxi to the beach club Carpe Diem, located on its island of Stipanska, for the Siren’s Call party. It was sad to see that many people didn’t follow the theme. Don’t be those people. After that, we took a boat taxi into Hvar and went to Kiva Bar. Hvar is a beautiful city with small alleys filled with bars and restaurants. Although Kiva was fun, it was packed with people.  

Laundry During Yacht Week Croatia

The ACL Marina Palmizana has laundry facilities. It is a perfect time to do laundry because you will spend two nights here.

Itinerary Day 3 – Hvar

Today is usually day 5 on the itinerary, but it was changed due to the weather. Normally, it is a much-needed recharge day. We spent the day hanging out with all the other Yacht Weekers on our boats, as there wasn’t much to do on the small island.  In the evening, we went into Hvar again. Our host recommended hiking 15 minutes to the fort for sunset, but it looked high, and we were lazy. There was a Yacht Week party at Hula Hula. It’s just a short walk from the water taxi drop-off. 

Itinerary Day 2 Yacht Week Croatia

Yacht Week Drinking Tip: Roadies 

Get some roadies for your walk to Hula Hula. We didn’t, and our new friends from London gave me a warm beer. I was appreciative, but why is it only Americans who like super cold drinks?

Advice for Hula Hula, Hvar

Getting a drink at Hula Hula was impossible, but we walked another 2 minutes and found a bar on the right-hand side with no line and a better view. I even met a guy from my hometown, which is very small. It is a small world.

At dinner, I decided to practice my Croatian language skills. I learned that “živjeli” means “cheers” in Croatian. I thought I was pronouncing the word perfectly, but the waitress and my table mates did not agree. The waitress spent 5 minutes at our table trying to help me before shaking her head and giving up. Nonetheless, I will never forget the word; I even got it tattooed on my back in Croatian Script.

yacht week raft party

Water Taxis 

We bought round-trip tickets for our water taxi, but when we went to head home, we were told the taxi we had tickets for only came every hour. It was strange. They all looked the same.  The man who claimed that “he wasn’t our taxi” allowed me to board anyway, so who knows. It was a rough ride. I ended up sitting on the floor of the tiny boat between all the passengers. At least I was protected from getting wet. Just make sure the boat is going back to the right marina.

Where to Eat:   Silk (Ul. Sveti Marak 14, 21450, Hvar, Croatia) Serving Pan-Asian Fresh Street Food. Our host recommended it.

Itinerary Day 4 – Bol

On day 4 of the itinerary, we sailed to Bol. Our skipper was the lead, so we tied up along the waterfront while other boats had to anchor in the marina and take a tender. We walked 15 minutes along the beach to the Auro Beach Bar. The bar is at the island’s tip and was very windy, so beware. There is a little train that drives back and forth if you are feeling hungover. At night, everyone headed to Club 585. I won’t name names, but someone forgot I was in the bathroom on the boat and left without me. I’m blaming the alcohol. 

Where to Eat: Taverna Riva (Frane radića 5, 21420 Bol, Croatia) – Located on the waterfront across from our catamaran. Beautiful view and delicious Mediterranean food.

Group at Taverna Riva eating dinner

Itinerary Day 5 – Sailing

Today was Regatta Day, which we thought would be a big event, but it turned out to be a simple sailing trip. We sailed together to our destination, where we anchored for the Tunnel Raft Party. Our group dressed in a Mario Cart theme for the Regatta but then changed into regular beach clothes.

The Tunnel Raft Party was a blast. All the boats were tied together in two long lines. A DJ played music from a boat in the middle, and everyone floated on their rafts and walked from boat to boat, enjoying the party. Again, we were lucky to have the lead skipper, so he ensured we were right next to the DJ. We transformed our boat into a Vegas Club with a VIP section guarded by a Velvet Rope. Damon and Johnny acted as bouncers, and anyone who passed by had to get a “Welcome to the Shit Show” tattoo. There was a rumor that our boat was the “Only Fans” boat, but that’s another story.

yacht week raft party

Itinerary Day 6 – Vis

Half of the group went on a day trip to a cave, while I decided to stay behind and find a coffee shop with Wi-Fi. At this point, I still had no idea where I was going after Yacht Week. I had no plans for the eight days until my flight back to the US. We had one last dinner with our skipper and host and went to Fort George for the final party. 

Where to Eat: Villa Rustica (Mijurovac ul. 16, 21480, Vis, Croatia) – Most of the Yacht Weekers went to Fort George for dinner before the party, but our host recommended this restaurant for traditional Croatian food. It was delicious and within walking distance from our boat.

yacht week raft party

Itinerary Day 7 – Back to Marina

Sadly, we had to sail back to the marina. We stopped and had one more opportunity to swim before packing and cleaning. 

And that is what the itinerary looks like on Yacht Week in Croatia. Would I go again? Absolutely. Have you already booked your trip? Check out the Top 11 Tips to Know Before Yacht Week Croatia .

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Top 11 Tips for Yacht Week Croatia

Yacht Week Croatia: the ultimate guide to what and when to wear


When I went for yacht week a few years ago, I did not have any expectations and I packed the same outfits I would generally take on any other beach vacation. However, I felt unprepared all the time and wish someone would have told me not only what to pack but what to wear to the themed parties. This ultimate Yacht Week (YW) outfits guide has you covered!

Day 1: Trogir marina – Padre bar

Woohoo, you’ve made it to TYW Croatia ! This is your first day at the marina where you meet your skipper and the YW crew. Check-in takes place between 1-4 pm, once done you can get to know your crew and enjoy a cold beverage at the marina cafe. Your yacht will be accessible by 6 pm. 

Wear something casual today because you will have a long day full of unpacking, setting up your room, and grocery shopping for the upcoming trip.


Once set, upscale your look to a casual elegant attire. I would say rather casual than elegant  – a silk top or a jumpsuit but no heels or dresses. Why? You will be getting to the opening party at the Padre Bar via a dingy, so you will appreciate comfy shoes and shorts/skorts.  It is a cool (but a bit sketchy) open-air bar located in medieval ruins.

Day 2: Trogir – Vis

You probably woke up when the boat was on its way to Vis. The sea breeze feels amazing so put on a swimsuit and get a tan on the deck for the day. When you dock you can either chill on a floatie until dinner or go explore the town.


If you picked the second option, after wandering around Vis, head straight to the dinner followed by a party at Fort George. It is one of the most beautiful locations in Croatia with stunning 360 views. That said, the outfits should be on point! The theme for the night is Tropical Retro. Here are some outfit inspiration ideas:

Please avoid the following outfits: swimsuits, wank tops, vests, nudity/ transparent clothing, or novelty onesies.


Day 3: Vis to Hvar (St Tropez of Croatia)

Hvar is called the Saint Tropez of Croatia for a reason. You will start your day with a party in the middle of the sea! Grab a funny swimsuit and a floatie for a Circle Raft. It is Yacht Week’s iconic party where all the yachts circle around a famous DJ in the middle.

Yacht Week's iconic Circle Raft party

Bring tons of sunscreen, a one-piece swimsuit, minimum jewelry, a hat, and a pair of shades that you are ok to lose. I was not ready for this party at all, so here are some funny swimsuits I can imagine wearing (I wish someone else would have prepared this outfit guide before):

In the afternoon, dress casually to explore Hvar, eat dalmatian seafood, or enjoy a cocktail in the Laganini cabanas amongst the trees. Hvar is a two-day stop, so take it easy on your first-day explorations and meet other yacht weekers for a sunset party at the Hula Hula beach bar. It is said that there is no better place to watch the sunset than there. When the sun goes down, find a dinner spot in town, then head to a tiny Kiva Bar – a YW favorite spot.

Day 4: Palmizana, Hvar

In the morning put on your activewear for HIIT Class or join a Run club and hit the trains of Palmizana.

Explore Hvar, visit the fortress, and wine cellars, grab lunch on the Riva, and then join the Riviera Chic Party. Or come back to your yacht after lunch, freshen up and catch a transfer over to Carpe Diem Beach for the party.


Nothing says summer like white! Riviera Chic Party is YW’s famous white party, so put on your best whites, be beautiful, and elegant, sip champagne and get ready to be snapped like a celebrity!

Think classy white or stylish stripes and nautical colors to achieve an effortlessly 1950s chic look. Avoid tank tops (men), swimwear, flip-flops, or beachwear.


After the party wander around the cobbled streets of Hvar and stop at one of the restaurants for some food with your crew. 

Day 5: Hvar – Bol

Explore the beautiful town of Bol, walking along its lovely seafront promenade all the way to the Golden Horn beach. 


Put on your sportswear to do a free yoga class in the afternoon, play beach volleyball, and participate in parasailing, water tubing, and other beach activities. 


In the evening, dress casually and sip a cocktail at Auro Beach Bar or explore the Roman ruins in the woods over the beach.

Have dinner and get ready to catch the free transfer to the party at Club 585.

Day 6: Bol to Starigrad

From Bol, you will be heading to one of Croatia’s beautiful natural bays, raft all the yachts together and stay overnight on a yacht watching the shooting stars.

Prepare your floatie and a swimsuit for another traditional yacht week-style tunnel raft party at Starigrad Bay with a DJ. Enjoy the party drifting from the yacht to yacht on your floaties. 


Return to your yacht, cook dinner onboard, have a relaxing evening together, play board games, and read books. Get a blanket and lay on deck watching shooting stars and falling asleep – where else you can have such a magical experience!

Day 7: Stari Grad to Trogir – Regatta Day


The Yachtweek Regatta is one of the biggest events of the week and my personal favorite! All the boats sail together while each crew shows off their costumes in an attempt to win the best theme. Throw on your wigs, deck your crew out and get ready for a regatta day – this is what you brought fun dress costumes for!

Regatta winners are chosen based on sailing time, atmosphere onboard, clothing and decorations. So, think of something big, bright, and catchy for the costumes, easy dance moves, and music on board. Ideally, you should pick a theme and dance or at least make some synchronized moves! My favorites were “Bae Watch” (a few boats had them), butterflies with big wings, and an Aladdin-inspired theme.


In the evening when you return back to Marinas – pack your bag, clean the yacht and get ready for a Closing party where the Regatta winner team will be announced.

Dress to impress for a Closing Party at Vanilla Nightclub

Day 8: Check out

Leave the yacht by 9 am and donate any unopened non-perishable goods and floaties to the Event crew.

Have a coffee and breakfast at the marina cafe where you first met your skipper and a crew and share the funny moments of the trip. That’s it, you just finished “a 7-day experience that lasts a lifetime”!

Zermatt, Matterhorn

In search of Madrid’s treasures: Salvador Dalí’s Dolmen 

The Alps are a popular destination in Switzerland, attracting over 50 million visitors yearly for activities like hiking. Unique experiences include walking with alpacas in Vuorate, exploring the diverse waters of the Aarve and Aar rivers, and visiting attractions like AQUATIS. Switzerland also offers traditional foods like Alpler Magronen and Appenzeller cheese, and is known for being the birthplace of the army knife and absinthe.

Swiss Romance: A-Date Ideas in Switzerland 

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What are you searching for?

The Partytrail

yacht week raft party

The Ultra- Yacht Week Croatia- 7 Of The Best Days Of My Life

The Yacht Week Croatia is the brain child of William Wenkel and Erik Biörklund, this amazing phenomenon involving yachting, youthful bodies, tons of drinking and breathtaking scenery has taken recreational travel for people between the ages of 20 and 39 years by storm.

As legend has it, a couple of drinking buddies decided to go on a sailing trip in the Mediterranean and posted pictures of their trip to their social media accounts.

People were so amazed by their pictures that they asked to join their next sailing trip.

Other people joined them, posted pictures and a domino effect of sailing and social media posts soon led to a business venture (The yacht week) that by 2013 had grossed nearly one million dollars in profits.

As a representative of the Partytrail , I was fortunate to attend the festivities of “Week 29” of the Yacht week-Ultra combo, a daring combination of the Ultra music festival in Split, Croatia and 5 days of the yacht week.

Before I delve into my experiences at the Ultra-Yacht week in Croatia, I think it might be necessary to give you some background into how the yacht week works.

The Yacht Week Destinations

The original route for the yacht week was Croatia but the routes have since expanded to six other destinations around the globe.

At the time of this writing, Greece, The British Virgin Islands, Montenegro, Thailand and Mallorca in Spain can be counted as sailing destinations for the yacht week.

To book whatever destination you fancy, simply go to their website and search for the location you intend to sail.

Once your route is selected you can move on to the next stage of the process, selecting the week of the year you want to set sail.

What Week Do You Intend to Set Sail?

Once your destination has been selected, the next step is for you to pick what week of the year you intend to sail. Most of the summer weeks of the year seemed to be geared towards European destinations, i.e: Greece, Croatia, Montenegro, and Italy while the winter events happen on the Caribbean and Asian route.

Where’s Your Crew At???

Without crew mates, the yacht week is no fun and this has been taken into consideration, so it is usually advised that you rent a yacht with an equal number of guys and girls. Part of your crew will include a skipper who will sail the yacht and a hostess (a recently added option) who cooks and cleans up after you.

The number of people in a boat should range anywhere between three and twelve people. If you don’t have a large posse of friends to attend yacht week with, the option is there to rent a cabin. This option accommodates two people, which provides a bunk or double bed for two.

If you are however riding solo, do not despair as you can use the yacht week’s crew finder option to find a yacht that is looking for a crew mate. If you search well and long enough, you should find a yacht waiting to accommodate you.

Word of Caution: If you are traveling as a duo or riding solo, be warned that the vibe on your yacht is largely decided by the rest of your crew mates, keeping in mind the fact that your crew mates will ultimately be strangers when you board your yacht.

If you are a fun-loving person stuck with a bunch of squares, kill joys or people with corrosive personalities, you just might have a long week ahead of you.

The organizers of the Yacht week have done their part to give you one of the most memorable weeks of your life, however, the wrong crew, skipper, or hostess will quickly torpedo your week into a downward spiral of regret, dysfunction, and despair.

From everything, I gathered during the week, if you are riding solo or a duo the most pertinent determinant of what your week will shape up to be are the people who will be on your yacht.

How Big Is Your Yacht?

Once you have selected your crew mates and fingers crossed, hope you get some amazing people as crew mates, the next step is for you to select the yacht you will sail on.

There are four yacht options to pick from at the yacht week; Economy , Standard , Premium and Premium plus .

The choice of yacht you select depends on how deep your pockets are. Considering the yacht week is a pretty expensive endeavor I would advise you save a little bit on your yacht size and put the extra cash towards enjoying the week itself.

How Deep Are Your Pockets??

The Yacht week is not cheap and we were blind-sided by some hidden costs. I would place the cost for the yacht with skipper and hostess included at around 1000 Euros per crew member. Since we were on the Ultra yacht week Croatia-route, the costs jumped to about 1700 Euros per crew member. These did not include costs like the deposit for the yacht. Our deposit for the yacht came out to be 2500 Euros or 315 Euros per person in our case.

The good news is that you get your deposit money back if the boat is left in good condition. Also costs like fuel, mooring, water taxis, the cost of your hostess’ and skippers’ meals when you go out for crew dinners, yacht staff tips are not included in the initial cost of the yacht week.

Other expenses you will incur during the week include the cost of eating out, buying drinks at event venues, and the costs for any other extracurricular activities you may partake in during the week.

What to Pack for The Yacht Week

The things you need to pack for the week include floaties for the raft parties, bathing suits, toiletries, earplugs and a sleep mask if you sleep light.

An auxiliary cord to connect your music to the yacht speakers, a portable fan, if your yacht doesn’t have air-conditioning, boat shoes to protect your feet when boarding water taxis, outfits for the theme parties.

Since you will be exposed to lots of sunlight, you will need sunscreen, dark glasses, a light jacket because it gets cold at night, strap-on sandals, a duffel bag because suit cases are not allowed on the yacht, and any other essentials required to help you survive a typical summer event.

Your Itinerary for The Week

What you do during the week depends largely on what route you select. Since I was on the Ultra-Yacht week Croatia route we are going to just give you a description of our itinerary for the week.

Arrival at The Marina

On day one, we headed to the yacht week tent at the “ACI Split Marina” in Split and we registered, got our Yacht week wrist bands and went to a restaurant at the ACI marina to wait for our other crew mates. There is a deposit that has to be paid to the yachting company you are renting your yacht from, in our case, until this deposit had been fully paid, we were not allowed to get on our yacht.

Since we only rented a cabin and not the whole yacht we had to wait for our other crew mates to arrive so we could settle the boat deposit.

Shopping for Supplies

You and your crew mates will need food and lots of alcohol to fully maximize the week’s potential. Our hostess requested two of our crew mates come along with her so that our yacht could get some of the food and drinks we needed for the week. The general rule is to buy triple the amount of beers and liquor you think you will need.

The hostess knows what ingredients she needs to buy for your meals throughout the week so no need to sweat it. Just let her know of any food allergies you have and anything else about your dietary requirements and she has you covered.

Cabin Selection

Once we did our shopping and settled the yacht deposit, we took the supplies to the boat and selected cabins. In all, there were ten of us, including our skipper and hostess. The yacht was a Jeanneau 53 2011 model , it had 2 smaller cabins each with their own toilet and shower combos. The toilets were however cumbersome to use as we had to use a manual pump to flush.

The other cabins included a bunk bed for the skipper and hostess and two other cabins with shared bathroom facilities.

Nationalities You Will Encounter

At the yacht week in Split Croatia A post shared by partytrail (@partytrailer) on Jul 21, 2017 at 1:12pm PDT

One of the major upsides to the yacht week is the mind-boggling number of nationalities that take part in the festivities. While people from different parts of the globe do indeed attend the event, I found there were more people from certain countries in attendance. Countries like the United States and Australia seemed to have the most attendees at week 29 Ultra-Yacht week.

However, there were people from South Korea, India, Canada, Brazil, South Africa, Colombia, Germany, Norway and Spain also in attendance. All this goes to show is the extent of the global reach of the yacht week. Speaking about nationalities, make sure you represent your country by bringing your country’s flag with you.

Ask your skipper and he or she can hoist your flag up for you along with those of your crew mates.

The Yacht Week Festivities

The activities packed into the week were amazing and left us not wanting the week to end. In fact, as at the time of this writing, my yacht week wrist band is still on and I have been back home for two weeks. The events of the week will definitely leave an indelible mark on your soul and you are sure to remember the yacht week as one of the better weeks of your existence.

To keep up to date with all the latest news during the week, make sure you download the yacht week app on Android or iOS as this will give you updates to all the latest news and events throughout the week.

The Ultra Music Festival

The “Ultra” music festival was held at the Stadion Poljud in Split Croatia and featured some top of the line DJs including Martin Garrix, Steve Aoki, and Armin Van Buren.

The acts were good but getting our tickets at the Yacht Week Ultra-booth could have been better organized. Gaining entry into the stadium was cumbersome and a mini stampede occurred while we were trying to gain entrance onto the stadium grounds.

Once we got in though, all was well, and the night turned out to be everything we expected and more.

The Raft Party

Once the Ultra-music festival in Split wrapped up, our skipper got the crew together and we set sail and headed to Stari grad for one of two raft parties (the circle and tunnel raft parties) scheduled for the week.

In my opinion, this was one of the best events of the week. We docked in Stari grad, got our floaties inflated, the yachts were lined up in two perfectly lined rows adjacent to each other and the crews from different yachts jumped into the water for an epic all-out raft party.

To make the event even more epic, a boat with a DJ docked and played some high-quality tunes for the duration of the raft party.

At night, people got out of the water because it was too cold and instead resumed partying on the boats. At this point, people had made new friends, so the raft party had synergized into one big party of yachts merging all the crews of the different yachts into more or less one big crew.

The Ultra Beach Party

After the raft party in Stari grad, we set sail for Hvar, also known as the St. Tropez of Croatia. Here, the yacht week attendees and Ultra attendees got together for the Ultra beach party. The event was held at the Amfora grand beach resort in Hvar.

There was a DJ booth set up overlooking the hotel’s large swimming pool and guests from the yacht week and Ultra got into the pool for some more fun.

The event started around 4 pm and ended abruptly at midnight. The stop in Hvar is a good time to re-up on supplies, explore the city, dine at local restaurants, or contribute to the island’s local arts and crafts economy. Hvar itself has a lot to see and depending on the amount of time you spend in the city; my advice is that you use it as judiciously as possible.

The Riviera Theme Party

The renowned "Riviera party" at the yacht week. One of the best weeks I have been fortunate to have on this planet. #theyachtweek #nightlife #summer #summervibes #carpediem #croatia #hvar #travel #travelblogger #doyoutravel #party #whiteparty #islandparty #yachtlife #beachlife A post shared by partytrail (@partytrailer) on Jul 25, 2017 at 7:42am PDT

Just when you thought the yacht week couldn’t top itself, then comes along the Riviera theme party. Set in the beautiful island town of Komiza, we took a water taxi from Vis to get to the open-air beach club in Komiza and it was an amazing time.

The party this time was an invite-only party for yacht week crew members and it was pure nirvana. The party was themed and more or less Riviera chic inspired. See the yacht weeks Riviera chic theme here .

Bottle service was also available for purchase and if you had great synergy with your crew and you have some extra cash to spend, it might be worth it to get your own table at the event.

Once the event wrapped up, people took a water taxi either back to their yachts or back to Hvar where they continued partying into the night.

One of the favorite hot spots for the night was Kiva bar where a mix of Yacht week attendees, locals, and tourists visiting the island got to mix and mingle.

If at this point, you decide to depart from the yacht week crowd, it’s easy to do so as there are tons of bars, restaurants, and cute little eateries where you can hang out till you are ready to head back to your yacht.

Tip: The water taxis from Hvar to Vis where you are docked stop running at some point during the night and resume once again at 11 am. If you miss the last boat leaving Hvar for Vis, you will most likely have to sleep on the dock till the boats start running again at 11 am in the morning.

The Circle Raft Party

In between the Riviera theme party and the Tropical retro party was a quick stop at one of the bays on the islands for the circle raft party. While not as intense as the first raft party, it was a chance for the crew of the different yachts to once again to throw their floaties in the pool while their yachts circled around them in perfect formation.

The Last Supper

After spending a night in Vis recovering from the madness that was the Riviera theme party, it was time for the “Tropical retro party”. However, before the event, each yacht got their crew mates together for “a last supper” of sorts.

The hostess of the boat while docked in Vis makes reservations for the crew, herself and the skipper at a local restaurant and you all dine together and bond even some more before the Tropical retro party at Fort George.

The Tropical Retro Party

The Tropical retro party is another themed party held at the incredible Fort George in the town of Vis, Croatia. The city of Vis itself is a naval town and Fort George is a product of two centuries of naval squabbling in the Adriatic Sea. In recent times, however, after extensive restoration, the fort has been converted into a venue where music, art, and cuisine all come together in perfect harmony.

Shuttles left from the port in Vis at around 11 pm, and to keep things organized, there was yacht week personnel dressed in light blue polos with “crew” embroidered on their backs, shuttling attendees into buses. These buses were departing for the fort at 15-minute intervals.

Once there, the full flamboyance of Fort George was on display and the afore-mentioned grandiosity was amplified by the booming music emanating from the fort. Once again, we danced into the night and there was a festival-level DJ spinning his tunes.

On this night, however, while I was sandwiched between all the twenty-somethings and young professionals pumping their fists to the booming music, I had an epiphany about how lucky I was to be a part of the festivities of the week. The opulence of the venue, the smiles on everyone’s faces, the positive energy, the euphoria and exuberance of the attendees all made it seem like I was on the set of the 2013 flick “The Great Gatsby” .

It was personally one of the more memorable nights of the whole week for me and a part of me was left wanting the week to never come to an end.

At the end of the night, after dancing all night, chanting at the top of our lungs, we were left totally spent, we boarded one of the shuttles waiting to ferry people back down the hill and strolled beneath the blanket of glowing stars back onto our yachts.

Before we headed to bed, our skipper alerted us to the fact that we were heading back to Split at sunrise. I was tired from the festivities of the night so I simply passed out in my cabin.

The Regatta

The Regatta is held as all the yachts race back to the island of Split (the starting point of the trip). Each crew is supposed to come up with costume themes for their yacht and this is usually the time you get to show all the skills you learned about yachting during the week.

A winning yacht is selected from all the participating crew and gifted a prize at the final party which is held in Split at the Vanilla club .

Unfortunately, we didn’t get to participate in the regatta event as the event scheduled for our week had taken place earlier on in the week.

This was vital information that our skipper forgot to alert us to. On the bright side, we used the time to get some much-needed rest as all the week’s activities had left us feeling depleted.

One last dance

We had finally arrived in Split and what seemed like a week that would never end was now on the verge of painfully coming to a close. All the crews from the week of about 50 yachts came together one last time to dance and bond before it was time to head back to their yachts, pack up their stuff and be off the yachts by 9 am the next day.

There were two shuttle options to get us back to the marina, one which, took attendees back to their yachts at 2 a.m. and another which, took attendees back to their yachts at 4 am. We decided to leave a bit early, we said our goodbyes to friends new and old and headed out the door of the venue. With a heavy heart, we hailed a taxi for about 70 Kuna and went back to the yacht for one last time.

At sunrise, with our belongings packed, we got our deposit back, got the remainder of the crew kitty returned to us and headed off the yacht. It had been an unreal week but every good thing as the saying goes must come to an end. We said our final goodbyes to crew mates, tipped the skipper and hostess for their friendship and hospitality, boarded a taxi and headed to the airport for our flight back home.

In Conclusion

I have been to a lot of events that are preceded by a ton of hype, fortunately, this time around, my experiences from the Ultra-yacht week Croatia far exceeded the hype that preceded it.

I left the event not wanting the week to end. The magical scenery of Croatia’s islands, the fraternal bonds formed, and the experiences gained could only have emanated from this unique event. I couldn’t help but think that all this came about as a result of friends sailing together in the Mediterranean.

One of my crew mates and I talked about how we were left in awe at the level of organization that was in place to keep the yacht week machine rolling. What I was personally awe-stricken by was the fact that William Wenkel and Erik Biörklund were capable of putting together an event that was sure to leave an indelible mark on the lives of so many. Some people have criticized the yacht week as an overly extravagant, over the top, frivolous and destructive event.

To them I say, have fun being a bunch of f*****g kill joys.

A yacht week alumnus.

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Published by Dante

This article was written by Dante, a Chemical-petroleum engineer by study. He is a nightlife aficionado, an avid traveler, and a culturephile. | To get into touch with Dante please email him at   [email protected] or Follow Him On Facebook and Twitter View more posts

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yacht week raft party


Yacht Life Begins At 40 With New Yacht Week Adventure

Whether you’re 38, 39 or sitting proudly in the 40+ bracket, the renowned 7-day floating festival, Yacht Week, has launched a brand-new ‘Refined Route’ curated especially for sophisticated party-loving crowds seeking the trip-of-a-lifetime in Sardinia this summer.

a group of boats ready for Yacht Week in Sardinia over 40

Yacht Week has created a bespoke 7-day sailing trip-of-a-lifetime designed for sophisticated and party-loving crowds in their late 30s, 40s and beyond. Taking place from 22nd – 28th June in Sardinia, Yacht Week’s ‘Refined Route’ brings a touch of style and luxury , together with parties, exploration , and culture to connect with the perennially young at heart. It’s a chance for those who might have booked a villa in Ibiza or Mykonos with friends to try something new and exciting, sleeping under the stars and sailing through the crystal-clear Mediterranean, all set against the stunning backdrop of the Emerald Coast . Places are limited and are on sale now at .

They say that 40 is the new 30 but with Yacht Week’s Refined Route it doesn’t need to be. This is a bucket-list experience carefully tailored to like-minded peers who share the same zest for life. The Refined Route delivers everything that makes Yacht Week so popular with young, adventurous travelers across the world, with a sprinkle of added sophistication. It’s also a chance for those who went on Yacht Week when they were younger to experience that magic once again.

yacht week raft party

Yacht Week has been creating unforgettable sailing trips for 17 years and there is no better location than the spectacular Emerald Coast to start a new adventure. Guests will board a luxurious yacht with a skipper and host, trained to deliver an incredible experience and prepare meals using local, in-season produce. They will learn to sail and adapt to ‘yacht life’ as they carve through the glittering waters of the Sardinian coastline – even sailing to the magical French town of Bonifacio on the island of Corsica , enjoying swim stops in beautiful natural bays and open-air parties along the way.

When they’ve worked up an appetite, guests can delight their senses with exquisite French and Italian cuisine. Dinners are a social affair as Yacht Week’s Refined Route visits some favorite foodie hotspots , from steak houses to traditional restaurants, with live music and incredible views. Sardinian sunsets are a sight to behold, and guests can soak these up while enjoying a cocktail with friends, old and new, on land or back aboard their yacht.

When it’s time to party at sea, Yacht Week provides the iconic circle raft and tunnel raft parties . Yachts join together to create a space where guests can step out of ‘real life’, jump on a floating daybed or inflatable flamingo with more cocktails and the crew, and party to live DJs dropping the perfect summer tunes. It’s also time for yacht-hopping to meet and hang out with the rest of the flotilla.

yacht week raft party

The parties continue on land, with the Dockside Party in the beautiful port town of La Maddalena , after sailing the translucent seas of the stunning La Maddalena archipelago; a scatter of 7 large islands and 55 tiny isolotti, with some of the most spectacular beaches in Italy.

For those who want a bit more action, there is plenty on offer, from exploring the wild terrain of southern Corica in a 4×4 buggy to scuba diving in some of the clearest water in the Mediterranean, to the adrenaline hit of jet-skiing across the waves. Guests can even hike up to the historic old town of Bonifacio atop the sheer white cliffs with unforgettable coastal views.

When it’s time to relax, there is always beachside yoga, a swim in the calm, blue waters, or another cocktail and a memorable sunset.

It’s true, that life does begin at 40 for some, but those in their late 30s looking for a sophisticated way to travel are welcome on the Refined Route too. Those ready to jump on board should get their crew of friends together, head over to to book a yacht and prepare to set sail for the ultimate adventure.



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  • The IANA time zone identifier for Elektrostal is Europe/Moscow.

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Sunrise, sunset, day length and solar time for elektrostal.

  • Sunrise: 03:59AM
  • Sunset: 08:47PM
  • Day length: 16h 47m
  • Solar noon: 12:23PM
  • The current local time in Elektrostal is 23 minutes ahead of apparent solar time.

Elektrostal on the map

  • Location: Moscow Oblast, Russia
  • Latitude: 55.79. Longitude: 38.46
  • Population: 144,000

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  • #1 Tolsty medved - Steakhouses food
  • #2 Ermitazh - European and japanese food
  • #3 Pechka - European and french food

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Trump Leads in 5 Key States, as Young and Nonwhite Voters Express Discontent With Biden

A new set of Times/Siena polls, including one with The Philadelphia Inquirer, reveal an erosion of support for the president among young and nonwhite voters upset about the economy and Gaza.

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April 28 to May 9

If the 2024 presidential election

were held today , who would you

vote for if the candidates were

Joe Biden and Donald Trump ?


Margin of error

If the 2024 presidential election were held today, who would you vote for if the candidates were Joe Biden and Donald Trump ?

Nate Cohn

By Nate Cohn

Donald J. Trump leads President Biden in five crucial battleground states, a new set of polls shows , as a yearning for change and discontent over the economy and the war in Gaza among young, Black and Hispanic voters threaten to unravel the president’s Democratic coalition.

The surveys by The New York Times, Siena College and The Philadelphia Inquirer found that Mr. Trump was ahead among registered voters in a head-to-head matchup against Mr. Biden in five of six key states: Michigan, Arizona, Nevada, Georgia and Pennsylvania. Mr. Biden led among registered voters in only one battleground state, Wisconsin.

[You can find the full results of the polls, including the exact questions that were asked, here . You can see answers to common questions about our polling process here .]

The race was closer among likely voters. Mr. Trump led in five states as well, but Mr. Biden edged ahead in Michigan while trailing only narrowly in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. While Mr. Biden won all six of those states in 2020, victories in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin would be enough for him to win re-election, provided he won everywhere else he did four years ago.

The results were similar in a hypothetical matchup that included minor-party candidates and the independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who won an average of 10 percent of the vote across the six states and drew roughly equally from the two major-party candidates.

yacht week raft party

The findings are mostly unchanged since the last series of Times/Siena polls in battleground states in November. Since then, the stock market has gained 25 percent, Mr. Trump’s criminal trial in Manhattan has started, and the Biden campaign has unleashed tens of millions of dollars in advertisements across the battleground states.

The polls offer little indication that any of these developments have helped Mr. Biden, hurt Mr. Trump or quelled the electorate’s discontent. Instead, the surveys show that the cost of living, immigration, Israel’s war in Gaza and a desire for change continue to be a drag on the president’s standing. While Mr. Biden benefited from a burst of momentum in the wake of his State of the Union address in March, he continues to trail in the average of national and battleground state polls.

How support for the candidates differ

between registered and likely voters

The findings reveal widespread dissatisfaction with the state of the country and serious doubts about Mr. Biden’s ability to deliver major improvements to American life. A majority of voters still desire the return to normalcy promised by Mr. Biden in the last campaign, but voters in battleground states remain particularly anxious, unsettled and itching for change. Nearly 70 percent of voters say that the country’s political and economic systems need major changes — or even to be torn down entirely.

Only a sliver of Mr. Biden’s supporters — just 13 percent — believe that the president would bring major changes in his second term, while even many of those who dislike Mr. Trump grudgingly acknowledge that he would shake up an unsatisfying status quo.

The sense that Mr. Biden would do little to improve the nation’s fortunes has helped erode his standing among young, Black and Hispanic voters, who usually represent the foundation of any Democratic path to the presidency. The Times/Siena polls found that the three groups wanted fundamental changes to American society, not just a return to normalcy, and few believed that Mr. Biden would make even minor changes that would be good for the country.

Mr. Trump and Mr. Biden are essentially tied among 18-to-29-year-olds and Hispanic voters, even though each group gave Mr. Biden more than 60 percent of their vote in 2020. Mr. Trump also wins more than 20 percent of Black voters — a tally that would be the highest level of Black support for any Republican presidential candidate since the enactment of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

The polls suggest that Mr. Trump’s strength among young and nonwhite voters has at least temporarily upended the electoral map, with Mr. Trump surging to a significant lead in Arizona, Georgia and Nevada — relatively diverse Sun Belt states where Black and Hispanic voters propelled Mr. Biden to signature victories in the 2020 election.

Mr. Biden nonetheless remains within striking distance. He has maintained most of his support among older and white voters, who are much less likely to demand fundamental changes to the system and far likelier to say that democracy is the most important issue for their vote. As a result, Mr. Biden is more competitive in the three relatively white Northern swing states: Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

The economy and the cost of living, however, remain the most important issues for one-quarter of voters — and a significant drag on Mr. Biden’s prospects. More than half of voters still believe that the economy is “poor,” down merely a single percentage point since November despite cooling inflation, an end to rate hikes and significant stock market gains.

Nearly 40 percent of Mr. Trump’s supporters said that the economy or the cost of living was the most important issue in the election, among them Jennifer Wright, a registered nurse in Sterling Heights, Mich. She supported Mr. Trump in 2016 and 2020, and to her the election comes down to one question: “Who is the best candidate who is going to help me be in a financial situation to retire?”

“Even me, as a registered nurse, I’m buying Kroger brand or store brand. I’m not buying Jif. We’ve all had to cut back,” she said.

The Biden administration’s insistence that the economy is faring well has fallen flat for many voters, including Jacob Sprague, 32, who works as a systems engineer in Reno, Nev. He says that he voted for Mr. Biden in 2020 but will not be doing so this time.

“It is concerning to me when I keep seeing press come out of the White House where they keep saying the economy is good,” Mr. Sprague said. “That’s really weird because I’m paying more on taxes and more on groceries and more on housing and more on fuel. So that doesn’t feel good.”

With less than six months to go until the election, there is still time for an improving economy to lift Mr. Biden’s standing. Historically, polls at this early stage have not been necessarily indicative of the outcome, and Mr. Trump’s breakthrough among traditionally Democratic young, Black and Hispanic voters may not rest on a solid foundation. His strength is concentrated among irregular, disengaged voters who do not pay close attention to politics and may not yet be tuned into the race. They may be prone to shift their views as the race gets underway.

In a finding that will frustrate Democrats, even as it presents opportunity for Mr. Biden, nearly 20 percent of voters blame him more than they do Mr. Trump for the Supreme Court’s decision in 2022 to overturn Roe v. Wade. They may be the kind of voters that the Biden campaign hopes to persuade as the campaign heats up.

The polls showed that abortion loomed as one of Mr. Trump’s biggest vulnerabilities. On average, 64 percent of voters in battleground states said that abortion should be always or mostly legal, including 44 percent of Mr. Trump’s own supporters.

In recent weeks, the Biden campaign has sought to emphasize Mr. Trump’s support for the Supreme Court justices who overturned Roe v. Wade. For now, though, voters preferred Mr. Biden over Mr. Trump to handle the issue of abortion by 11 points, 49 to 38 percent.

A bigger challenge for Mr. Biden than disengaged voters may ultimately be the disaffected and the disillusioned — those who desire fundamental changes to American society, or who believe that the political and economic systems need to be torn down altogether. Not long ago, these anti-system voters might have been reliably Democratic, but Mr. Trump’s anti-establishment populist brand of conservatism has flipped the usual political dynamic.

Seventy percent of voters believe that Mr. Trump will either bring major changes to the political or economic system or tear down the systems altogether, compared with 24 percent who expect the same from Mr. Biden. And while many voters express deep reservations about Mr. Trump personally, 43 percent of voters believe that he will bring good changes to the country, compared with 35 percent who think the changes will be bad.

Most Americans think the system

needs to change …

Which comes closest to your view about

the political and economic system in America,

even if none are exactly right?

The system needs ...

... no changes 2%

Don’t know/

declined to say 2%

… and they think that Donald Trump

would bring more change …

If [this candidate] won the election, do you think

nothing would change, there would be minor

changes to how things work, there would be

major changes to how things work, or he would

tear down the system completely?

would change

Minor changes

declined to say 4%

… but they are split on whether that

change would be good or bad.

Do you think the changes that [this candidate]

would make would be good for the country

or bad for the country, or neither good nor bad?

or very good

or very bad

declined to say 5%

Most Americans think the system needs to change …

Which comes closest to your view about the political and economic

system in America, even if none are exactly right?

... major changes

... minor changes

… and they think that Donald Trump would bring more change …

If [this candidate] won the election, do you think nothing would change,

there would be minor changes to how things work, there would be major

changes to how things work, or he would tear down the system completely?

… but they are split on whether that change would be good or bad.

Do you think the changes that [this candidate] would make would be good

for the country or bad for the country, or neither good nor bad?

Mr. Trump fares especially well among those who believe that the political and economic systems ought to be torn down, a group that represents about 15 percent of registered voters. He leads among these anti-system voters by 32 points, and the tear-it-down voters are especially likely to have defected from the president. In contrast, Mr. Biden retains nearly all of his 2020 supporters who believe only minor changes are necessary.

These change voters are not necessarily demanding a more ideologically progressive agenda. In the last Times/Siena poll of the same states, 11 percent of registered voters thought that Mr. Biden was not progressive or liberal enough. And while many liberal or progressive voters want major changes, relatively few of those voters are defecting from Mr. Biden.

Instead, Mr. Biden’s losses are concentrated among moderate and conservative Democratic-leaning voters, who nonetheless think that the system needs major changes or to be torn down altogether. Mr. Trump wins just 2 percent of Mr. Biden’s “very liberal” 2020 voters who think the system at least needs major changes, compared with 16 percent of those who are moderate or conservative.

One exception is Israel’s war in Gaza, an issue on which most of Mr. Biden’s challenge appears to come from his left. Around 13 percent of the voters who say they voted for Mr. Biden last time, but do not plan to do so again, said that his foreign policy or the war in Gaza was the most important issue to their vote. Just 17 percent of those voters reported sympathizing with Israel over the Palestinians.

Gerard Willingham, 30, works as a web administrator and lives in Riverdale, Ga. He voted for Mr. Biden in 2020, but he plans to vote for a third-party candidate in November because of the president’s response to the conflict in Gaza, the issue about which he cares most right now.

“I think it’s made quite a bit of difference in that it made me more heavily than in the past push toward voting for a third party, even if I feel that the candidates almost 100 percent won’t win,” Mr. Willingham said. “It’s starting to reach into my moral conscience, I guess.”

Mr. Trump’s trial in Manhattan, on charges that he falsified business records related to a hush-money payment to cover up an affair with the adult film star Stormy Daniels, was already underway when the polls began in late April. However, the survey offered little indication that the trial had damaged the former president’s political fortunes, at least so far. Just 29 percent of voters in battleground states said that they were paying “a lot” of attention to Mr. Trump’s legal woes, and 35 percent thought that the trial was likely to end in a conviction.

Alyce McFadden contributed reporting.

Here are the key things to know about how these polls were conducted:

We spoke with 4,097 registered voters in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin from April 28 to May 9, 2024.

Our polls are conducted by telephone, using live interviewers, in both English and Spanish. Nearly 95 percent of respondents were contacted on a cellphone for this poll. You can see the exact questions that were asked and the order in which they were asked here .

Voters are selected for the survey from a list of registered voters. The list contains information on the demographic characteristics of every registered voter, allowing us to make sure we reach the right number of voters of each party, race and region. For this set of polls, we placed nearly 500,000 calls to about 410,000 voters.

To further ensure that the results reflect the entire voting population, not just those willing to take a poll, we give more weight to respondents from demographic groups underrepresented among survey respondents, like people without a college degree. You can see more information about the characteristics of our respondents and the weighted sample on the methodology page , under “Composition of the Sample.”

When the states are joined together, the margin of sampling error among registered voters is plus or minus 1.8 percentage points. Each state poll has a margin of error ranging from plus or minus 3.6 points in Pennsylvania to plus or minus 4.6 points in Georgia. In theory, this means that the results should reflect the views of the overall population most of the time, though many other challenges create additional sources of error. When computing the difference between two values — such as a candidate’s lead in a race — the margin of error is twice as large.

You can see full results and a detailed methodology here . If you want to read more about how and why we conduct our polls, you can see answers to frequently asked questions and submit your own questions here .

The New York Times/Philadelphia Inquirer/Siena College poll of Pennsylvania was funded by a grant from The Lenfest Institute for Journalism. The poll was designed and conducted independently from the institute.

Nate Cohn is The Times’s chief political analyst. He covers elections, public opinion, demographics and polling. More about Nate Cohn

Secure Your Spot for 2024 - Book Now!

Croatia - Ultra route

Dance the day, own the night, ultra sailweek.

4.9 rating of 461 reviews

Up to 500 people

18 - 36 age range

Prices from € per person

Ready to ride the ultimate wave of euphoria? As SailWeek joins forces with Ultra Europe Music Festival, prepare to embark on a sonic odyssey! With our international armada of party yachts, gear up for heart-pounding 50+ boat circle raft bashes and electrifying nights in Croatia's world-renowned clubs. It's where the beats of Ultra meet the beauty of the Adriatic - undeniably the hottest party combo on the planet!

3 days Ultra Europe festival pass

Beach party, circle raft party, island party, ue regatta party, ultra europe beach, resistance hvar, resistance vis, 2024 ultra headlines include, adam beyer, armin van buuren, boris brejcha, eric prydz, hardwell, martin garrix, timmy trumpet.

Route highlights

SailWeek Regatta

SailWeek Regatta

Is there a vibe cooler than sailing with your crew? Take the helm, yank some ropes, swap sides, but above all - get ready for non-stop fun. At SailWeek, the scoreboard's always in your favor: No losers here, only winners living their best sea life! So gear up, the high-seas hilarity awaits!

Ultra Europe Music Festival

Ultra Europe Music Festival

Snap up the SailWeek Ultra route and lock in that sweet, unchanging rate on Ultra Europe tickets. Pure party value, unbeatable vibes. SailWeek + Ultra Europe tickets = Your ultimate dance deal!

Worlds biggest circle raft party

Worlds Biggest Circle Raft Party

Dive into SailWeek's legendary circle raft parties! Imagine a sea of yachts dancing in a mammoth circle, complete with a live DJ, floaties, and cold drinks. Anchors up - it's party time!

Ultra beach party

Ultra Beach Party

The shining jewel of both the Ultra route and Ultra Europe. Immerse yourself in electrifying beats from special DJs on a private island and let those breathtaking sunset views sweep you off your feet. Adventure and rhythm await!

Chic day excursions

Chic Day Excursions

Grab a convertible or hop on scooters and set course around the breathtaking islands. Unearth hidden beaches and chase sunsets that'll leave you spellbound. Here, every turn is a tale and every horizon, a dream.

Hidden bay swim stops

Hidden bay swim stops

Discover the coast's secret gems! Dive into hidden bays and cliffside coves, basking in the sun’s golden embrace. Beyond our favorite spots, carve your own path to uncharted waters and hidden escapes!

6 - 13 July, 2024

This is a week like no other as SailWeek X Ultra Europe festival. From the biggest raft parties at sea and across the islands. Then finish your week at Ultra Europe festival, party until the early morning whilst watching the best international DJs take to the stage.

Ticket includes

3 day Ultra Europe ticket, valid for all 3 days of the festival regardless of when your SailWeek starts or finishes.

Departure marina

CHECK IN (Saturday)

Departure marina*

Ready to kickstart your epic SailWeek adventure? Meet your fellow sea-bound mates in our buzzing departure marina, where bars, eateries, and shops await your pre-sail revelry! Next stop? Your swanky sailing yacht in a nearby marina that's just as rad.

Itinerary map-desktop

* example itinerary and activities

Never been to Croatia ?

Let us help you. Find all the details and instructions for traveling to Croatia on the following link.

What's included

7 days / nights accommodation on your yacht

Professional skipper with excellent local knowledge

Bring your own drinks and food at no extra charge

Bottled water & groceries for breakfast and lunch

* Premium and Deluxe spot bookings only

Free WiFi on your yacht

Dinghy & final cleaning

Towels and linen

Our guests loved it!

Read what they say about us on rating platforms

Based on 505 reviews

Based on 672 reviews

Based on 325 reviews

Ultra route gallery

Ultra route gallery image 1

Frequently asked questions

  • Departure marina for all cabin/spot bookings will be provided no later than 15 days before the trip is scheduled. In Split area there are 5 different departure marinas and SailWeek uses all of them for our Croatia routes. All marinas are easily accessible with public transportation, transfers or by taxi.
  • Departure marina for full yacht bookings depends on the location of the booked yacht which is stated on the yacht info on the pre-booking page.
  • After booking you’ll receive login link where you can find your booking details and arrival info document with instructions how to get to your departure marina. Arrival info document for cabin/spot bookings will be provided no later than 15 days before the trip is scheduled.

Ultra Week 1 

  • Check-in desk is open from 10am until 5pm in your departure marina. Let us know in advance if you have a late flight.
  • We aim to sail out around 6-7 pm

Ultra Week 2

  • No need to hurry – earliest you can board on is 6 pm Saturday

Late Check in Ultra Week 2

  • If you have a late flight, or not sure you are going to be able to do the Check In until given time please contact us at [email protected] or on our mobile.
  • We will give you the name of your yacht, name of your skipper and his/her phone number so you can easily join the rest of the fleet the same day you arrived.
  • Boats sail out Monday morning so there is plenty of time to get on the boats if you are late.

Return back / Check out

We return to the Marina Friday afternoon and latest check-out time is until 9am on Saturday morning.

If you have to go earlier you can do an early check-out. Please let us know in advance if you require early check-out.

You can pick up your Ultra wristbands at our SailWeek pick up zone.

SailWeek flag is going to be in front of the ticket booth and location given in your arrival info.

“Groceries for breakfast and lunch” are included in Premium & Deluxe spot bookings only and delivered straight to your yachts on Saturday afternoon before you start your sailing trip. It includes all basic household items necessary for the week on the yacht. Breakfast groceries such as cereals (cornflakes and muesli), fruit, nutella, ham, bacon, cheese, spread cheese, butter, mozzarella, eggs, milk, yogurt, coffee and tea.

Mediterranean style groceries for the light lunch include pasta, rice, tomato sauce, pesto, cooking cream, parmigiano, canned tuna, vegetables (like tomato, cucumbers, zucchini, onion…), fresh fruit (like bananas, water melon, peaches, apples…), olive oil, sunflower oil, balsamic vinegar and spices salt and pepper.

You’ll get a couple of liters of soft drinks (orange and apple juice) and bottled water every day.

Furthermore the package contains paper towels, soaps, dishwasher detergent, sponges, toilet papers and garbage bags.

With the food packages provided, simply preparation is required. There are enough groceries for breakfast and one meal per day (half board) but you have to prepare it by yourself. You are also required to keep the yacht tidy and clean the dishes after yourself. *

*  Those who are booking a full yacht have the option of buying one of our handpicked food packages and booking a host who will cook and prepare the meals and clean after.

We are not going to control how much you eat and how often you are preparing your meals. As said, there are enough groceries for breakfast and one meal per day (half board). If you run out of food you may bring your own food and drinks on board any time at no additional charge. There are local shops and supermarkets at most shore stops to re-supply if needed.

On your yacht full bedding will be provided so you do not need to bring a sleeping bag.

We recommend soft bags, suitcases or frameless backpacks, plus a small day pack or carry bag. No external framed bags please, as they can damage or mark the walls of the yacht/cabin. Please limit your luggage to a maximum of 20kg.

Please note that due to space and weight restrictions on our yachts, passengers with too much luggage on departure may be told that they cannot take their entire luggage with them. SailWeek will provide secure luggage storage during the trip for all large framed suitcases or any other piece of luggage for weekly rate of 30 Euros per piece.

Explore SailWeek routes

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Geographic coordinates of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

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Coordinates of Elektrostal in decimal degrees

Coordinates of elektrostal in degrees and decimal minutes, utm coordinates of elektrostal, geographic coordinate systems.

WGS 84 coordinate reference system is the latest revision of the World Geodetic System, which is used in mapping and navigation, including GPS satellite navigation system (the Global Positioning System).

Geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude) define a position on the Earth’s surface. Coordinates are angular units. The canonical form of latitude and longitude representation uses degrees (°), minutes (′), and seconds (″). GPS systems widely use coordinates in degrees and decimal minutes, or in decimal degrees.

Latitude varies from −90° to 90°. The latitude of the Equator is 0°; the latitude of the South Pole is −90°; the latitude of the North Pole is 90°. Positive latitude values correspond to the geographic locations north of the Equator (abbrev. N). Negative latitude values correspond to the geographic locations south of the Equator (abbrev. S).

Longitude is counted from the prime meridian ( IERS Reference Meridian for WGS 84) and varies from −180° to 180°. Positive longitude values correspond to the geographic locations east of the prime meridian (abbrev. E). Negative longitude values correspond to the geographic locations west of the prime meridian (abbrev. W).

UTM or Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate system divides the Earth’s surface into 60 longitudinal zones. The coordinates of a location within each zone are defined as a planar coordinate pair related to the intersection of the equator and the zone’s central meridian, and measured in meters.

Elevation above sea level is a measure of a geographic location’s height. We are using the global digital elevation model GTOPO30 .

Elektrostal , Moscow Oblast, Russia

We're changing the game, again

By Ella Thorogood

Posted on 27th September 2021

Back in 2006 we were just a bunch of uni friends who wanted to revolutionise sailing and bring people together for 7 days of exploring, sailing, and partying in stunning destinations all over the world. The Yacht Week was born and now, 16 years later, we are still living that dream and take thousands of explorers on the week of their life every year.

yacht week raft party

But, of course, we didn't stop there. In 2008 we changed the game and the first EVER circle raft was formed. A young skipper called Leo decided to get the yachts into a circle formation and have the ultimate party at sea. He sneaked in external speakers and a smoke machine and in his words 'the party was next level'. We'd done it again, revolutionised sailing holidays and now the circle raft is our signature event and continues to amaze people year in year out.

yacht week raft party

We may have thought that our raft parties were already the best they could be but then someone had the million dollar idea of attaching an entire club sound system to a reclaimed taxi boat... whoever it was, we owe you a beer. With Void Acoustics the Buzz Boat came to life and has been powering our raft parties ever since. With the likes of Gorgon City, WEISS and Mark Knight playing from the Buzz it really took our rafts to the next level.

yacht week raft party

Now, we know what you're thinking - what can they possibly do now to make them EVEN better? Well sailor, we've only gone and absolutely changed the game again. Introducing, the floating dance-floor. The club at sea. The only place you need to be next summer. That's right, we took an old barge and have turned it into the newest, hottest club that everyone needs to be at. At the end of our tunnel raft, attached to the buzz boat, everyone gets front row seats and boy is it a sight to see. So what are you waiting for, if you needed another reason to book The Yacht Week, this is it! Join us in summer 2022 for the launch season of the floating dance-floor and watch us change the game again.

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  2. 10 photos of The Yacht Week, a sun-fueled party on the sea

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  3. 10 photos of The Yacht Week, a sun-fueled party on the sea

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  6. the yacht week // tunnel raft party // episode 012

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    This is Yacht Week, the original floating festival. Seven days of sailing, exploring and dancing the night away with hundreds of like-minded travellers. ... A Yacht Party in Croatia." ... Expect circle rafts, secluded coves and the best eating, drinking and partying on the planet whichever route you choose. Explore Destination. Dates May ...

  2. What will I do on Yacht Week?

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  3. The Ultimate Guide to The Yacht Week Croatia

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  4. Greece, Athens

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  6. Guide to the Yacht Week Croatia Itinerary

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  7. Yacht Week Croatia: the ultimate guide to what and when to wear

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  8. Croatia, Ultra Europe Festival

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  11. the yacht week // tunnel raft party // episode 012

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  13. Croatia, Original

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  14. Croatia

    Choose your party or adventure sail week route, decide the date and go. Secure Your Spot for 2024 - Book Now! ... Dive into our iconic circle raft fiestas, and during the chiller waves, line up for our legendary line raft bashes. ... It includes all basic household items necessary for the week on the yacht. Breakfast groceries such as cereals ...

  15. Elektrostal

    Elektrostal , lit: Electric and Сталь , lit: Steel) is a city in Moscow Oblast, Russia, located 58 kilometers east of Moscow. Population: 155,196 ; 146,294 ...

  16. Time in Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia now

    Sunrise, sunset, day length and solar time for Elektrostal. Sunrise: 04:06AM. Sunset: 08:40PM. Day length: 16h 34m. Solar noon: 12:23PM. The current local time in Elektrostal is 23 minutes ahead of apparent solar time.

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  18. Croatia

    Week 1Week 2. 6 - 13 July, 2024. This is a week like no other as SailWeek X Ultra Europe festival. From the biggest raft parties at sea and across the islands. Then finish your week at Ultra Europe festival, party until the early morning whilst watching the best international DJs take to the stage. Ticket includes.

  19. Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

    Elektrostal Geography. Geographic Information regarding City of Elektrostal. Elektrostal Geographical coordinates. Latitude: 55.8, Longitude: 38.45. 55° 48′ 0″ North, 38° 27′ 0″ East. Elektrostal Area. 4,951 hectares. 49.51 km² (19.12 sq mi) Elektrostal Altitude.

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  21. Geographic coordinates of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

    Geographic coordinates of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia in WGS 84 coordinate system which is a standard in cartography, geodesy, and navigation, including Global Positioning System (GPS). Latitude of Elektrostal, longitude of Elektrostal, elevation above sea level of Elektrostal.

  22. We're changing the game, again

    So what are you waiting for, if you needed another reason to book The Yacht Week, this is it! Join us in summer 2022 for the launch season of the floating dance-floor and watch us change the game again. We've only gone and changed the game again! Introducing, the floating dance-floor, ready to take our raft parties to the absolute next level.