De frietgerechten die jij nog niet kende

Frietje oorlog

Natuurlijk kennen we allemaal wel een frietje of een patatje met, oftewel, de gefrituurde aardappelreepjes met mayonaise. Maar heb je weleens gehoord van een waterfiets? Of een rioolfiets? En wat te denken van een frietje rolstoel?

Een frietje super is een kleine portie friet geserveerd met mayonaise en een frikandel. Dikwijls wordt een superfriet ook wel een ‘supertje’ genoemd. Hierbij kan de frikandel ook vervangen worden door een snack naar keuze – zo is een supertje kroket een kroket geserveerd met friet en mayonaise.

Friet oorlog

Een variant die wellicht wat meer bekendheid geniet is de friet oorlog – een frietje met mayonaise, satésaus en gesnipperde uitjes. Enkele jaren terug is er nog een felle discussie geweest over de naamgeving. Er zijn toen initatieven geweest om de naam te wijzigen in een frietje feest of frietje vrede. Hier vertellen we jullie later graag meer over. Een variant op het frietje oorlog, is het frietje wereldoorlog waar ook nog curry of ketchup wordt toegevoegd.

Waterfiets, rioolfiets en driewieler

Een friet waterfiets is een combinatie van een grote portie friet en twee frikandellen. De friet waterfiets wordt ook wel de friet catamaran genoemd. De friet waterfiets wordt vaak geserveerd met de welbekende speciaalsaus, een combinatie van mayonaise, curry en gesnipperde uitjes.

Twee varianten op de waterfiets zijn de rioolfiets, waarbij de speciaalsaus vervangen wordt door satésaus. Een verklaring van de naam lijkt ons overbodig.

Voor de écht grote honger bestaat ook nog een friet driewieler, waarbij in plaats van twee, drie frikandellen geserveerd worden.

Als laatste variant hierop willen we jullie de friet rolstoel niet onthouden – waarbij de frikandellen vervangen worden door hamburgers. Ken je zelf nog varianten, dan horen we dit graag van jullie!

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Wie krijgt de super catamaran in een half uur op?

Super catamaran

De super catamaran bestaat uit een flinke portie friet, twee XXL frikandellen en afhankelijk van de besteller een flinke porties saus met uitjes. De super catamaran is geïnspireerd op de “normale variant” met een portie friet en twee standaard frikandellen. De normale variant dankt haar naam aan een vaartuig met twee rompen aan de zijkant.

18 minuten Oorspronkelijk moest de snack binnen twintig minuten opgegeten worden maar dat was voor veel snackers te gortig. Daarom besloot cafetaria Jimmy’s de tijd te verlengen naar 30 minuten. Het is verschillende personen al gelukt om de maaltijd binnen een half uur op te eten. Waarbij het record momenteel op 18 minuten staat. Ook de super catamaran proberen? Ga dan naar cafetaria Jimmy’s , Moleneindplein 4 in Vught.

Super catamaran

3 reacties op “Wie krijgt de super catamaran in een half uur op?”

Ziet er goed uit, maar 30 minuten is wel heel lang hoor. Dat gaat me best lukken binnen 20 minuten!

ik wil een waterfiets met dak er af

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12 of the coolest multihull superyachts

The market for multi-hull superyachts has skyrocketed in recent years as owners begin to favour the high volumes and superlative stability on offer. Once the novelty of a small group of owners, a recent slew of multi-hull concepts and the success of shipyards such as Sunreef has confirmed that two and three-hulled superyachts are well and truly on the up. We remember some of the most ground-breaking multi-hull launches...

White Rabbit

One of the coolest launches of 2018, the 84 metre White Rabbit is the largest trimaran in the world. She was built in fibreglass by Australian Yard Echo Yachts with exterior design by Sam Sorgiovanni and naval architecture by One2Three. White Rabbit was delivered to an experienced owner who owns a number of other multihull superyachts, including a 51 metre shadow catamaran, also built by Echo Yachts, which will be used as a support vessel; for the 84 metre trimaran.

More about this yacht

Inspired by Game of Thrones, the 66 metre shadow catamaran Hodor is a support vessel used to carry all the toys and tenders for her mothership. The vessel is fully custom and was designed by Incat Crowther. Hodor boasts five tenders, including a 17 metre chase boat and a 388 Skater powerboat with a top speed of 165 knots. Other toys include nine Jet Skis, two Yamaha ATCs, four Yamaha TW200 trail motorcycles and a three-person submarine.

A true icon,  Adastra was launched in 2012 by Australian yard McConaghy Yachts . With a length of 42.5 metres and a sleek Kevlar and GRP exterior, this space-age design is every bit as out-of-this-world as its name suggests. Made for exploring, an impressive 10,000 nautical mile range means she can cross the Atlantic twice before needing to refuel. A shallow draft of 1.2 metres allows her to access hard to reach anchorages and shallow bays too.

In 2011,  Hemisphere was launched as world’s largest sailing catamaran with an LOA of 44.2 metres - and she remains so to this day. Built for American owners who had previously chartered a catamaran in the Caribbean, this British yacht was a bespoke project by Pendennis . Fully kitted out for diving, Hemisphere ’s port hull contains a dive centre capable of refilling both air and Nitrox tanks.

Yachts for charter

Royal falcon one.

The 41.4 metre Royal Falcon One is a quirky catamaran launched in 2019. She was designed by Singapore-based Royal Falcon Fleet in collaboration with F.A Porsche Design Studio and built in Sweden by Kockums. Accommodation is for up to 10 guests in five spacious cabins, including a full beam master suite with its own private deck space. Crew are housed in the two hulls.

Launched in 2015,  Spirit is a 35 metre New Zealand Yachts powercat featuring  Ken Freivokh interiors and naval architecture by Bakewell-White Design . A perfect example of how catamarans can help to maximise the living space available, Spirit has the interior volume you might expect from a 45 metre monohull. Her unconventional looks will make her stand out from the crowd in her new home of Australia, but Spirit is just one of many striking multihull superyachts to have hit the water in recent years.

Pilar Rossi

Formula One racing legend Nelson Piquet’s yacht Pilar Rossi was built in Turkey as a modest 33 metre Alucraft motor yacht. But his uncle, a Brazilian naval architect, helped Piquet convert her into a 64 metre sailing trimaran by adding outriggers and two masts. The reborn trimaran can accommodate up to 18 guests.

Galaxy of Happiness

Unveiled to the world in May 2016, Galaxy of Happiness  is one of two 53 metre trimarans to be launched by Latvian yard Latitude Yachts . This multihull superyacht is built from a GRP and carbon fibre composite and is capable of a top speed of 30 knots. The interior, designed by Latitude Yachts and Jean-Jacques Coste , features an owner’s cabin and two guest cabins.

Launched in 2004, this Chinese catamaran from Pride Mega Yachts may look like a vision of the future, but the inspiration for Asean Lady is actually ancient. The twin hulled 88.15 metre yacht is based on the proa design that has been used for more than 2,000 years to build fishing boats in the Pacific region. Her stability was put to the test in December 2004 when she survived the Indian Ocean tsunami while moored off Phuket.

Flexibility is the key word that informed the design of the 33.7 metre  Quaranta . Launched at Turkish yard Logos Marine in 2013, this catamaran superyacht features the kind of interior volume more commonly associated with a 40 metre yacht. All six guest suites are located on the main deck and the absence of structural bulkheads means that they can easily be reconfigured. This innovative system helped Quaranta to win the catamaran award at the 2014 World Superyacht Awards .

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De discodipfrikadel is de Nijmeegse hit. En ja, het is wat je denkt. Een frikadel met extra veel mayo, bestrooid met discodip. Hier nog zeven bijzondere snacks.

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Als op een zeldzaam moment je portemonnee gevuld is met euromunten trek je een horizontaaltje. Schaamteloos kun je toegeven aan je honger en haal je van links naar rechts iedere snack uit de muur.

Patatje halfom

Dit frietje wordt geserveerd met mayonaise en piccalilly. Zoet, zuur en zout en dus extra verslavend. De term is wat minder bekend, ach ja, dan leer je de frietverkoper ook iets nieuws.

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Nadat je die besteld hebt, kun je een paar rondjes gaan waterfietsen om ‘m er van af te sporten. Wat moet eraf gesport worden? Friet, twee frikadellen en saus. Het geheel wordt afgetopt met een laatste schepje friet. Bang voor een droge hap? Dan kies je voor de Catamaran. Zowel de friet als frikadellen worden ‘speciaal’ gemaakt.

Een supertje

Onthoud dit: bestel nooit meer een los frietje met snack erbij. Bestel een supertje, en je bent goedkoper uit. Én, niet geheel onbelangrijk, je bent stiekem milieubewust bezig. Je friet en snack worden namelijk samen in één bakje gedaan.


Dit Belgische wonder behoedt je gegarandeerd voor een kater. Als je het als nachtelijke snack eet dan. Je broodje wordt belegd met friet, saus – veel saus – en een snack. Een soort hamburger, maar dan net anders.

Patatje Peeters

Deze naam verraadt weinig, tenzij meneer Peeters zijn frietje altijd op deze wijze eet. Geserveerd met ketchup en mosterd.

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Sunreef Yachts’ Largest Super Cat: The Pictures Revealed

Sunreef Yachts' Largest Super Cat: The Pictures Revealed,

Taking motor catamaran design to the next level, the 100 Sunreef Power is a transatlantic luxury craft built to offer unmatched comfort and a unique cruising experience. Hull number one of the shipyard’s latest super cat model is a highly-customized yacht with a powerful presence and a striking hull finish combining dark grey and rose gold.

The relaxation area of the main deck comprises a large lounging space to portside with a drop down 55’’ TV and a custom-designed drinks bar to starboard. Towards the bow part of the saloon, the yacht’s galley offers restaurant quality amenities and access to a cold room below decks. The main deck also houses a well-equipped gym looking out over the ocean and leading to the vast bow terrace.

Creative Freedom

With natural oak veneers, rose quartz, brass accents and custom-built cabinetry, the interior décor of the yacht reflects the owners’ liking for classic design. This homelike interior styling is continued in all the catamaran’s staterooms. Guest accommodation for ten is spread across 5 large en suite cabins. Located in the port hull, the master suite features a king-size bed and a relaxation area with ocean view. One of the suite’s stand-out features is the generous master bathroom with classic black and white tiling. The owner’s cabin neighbors one of the guest rooms which offers a double bed, voluminous storage, an en suite bathroom and a vanity desk. The starboard hull houses three guest cabins offering the same level of comfort.

With the 100 Sunreef Power using an ultramodern, energy-saving air-conditioning system, the yacht is able to provide air-conditioning throughout the whole night without using the generators.

The Power of Versatility

The megayacht flybridge of the 100 Sunreef Power offers extreme comfort with plenty of relaxation areas, including a bar and a large dining table. Guests can also enjoy baths in the custom-built spa pool flanked by large sunpads. The area can also be transformed into an outdoor cinema with a high-end audio system, a retractable projector and screen.

The yacht’s stern cockpit spans over the entire 13.5m beam of the catamaran offering a large dining space, a daybed, a wet bar and access to the day head. The 100 Sunreef Power also boasts a large aft hydraulic platform and a voluminous garage concealing two three-seater jet skis, a refueling station and plenty of storage for water toys. The 100 Sunreef Power provides comfortable crew accommodation in three crew cabins, two located in the bow part of the hulls and one to the aft.

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Sunreef Venture S.A.

Sunreef Yachts Shipyard

ul. Tarcice 6

80-718 Gdańsk, Poland

+48 58 769 77 77

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The SWCAT90 is a 27m sailing catamaran, constructed in carbon composite, combining all the greatest attributes of the SWS monohull yachts into a versatile catamaran design. It offers an even higher level of comfort and greater autonomy, with the ability to stay at sea for longer without touching ports.

  • SWCAT90_Unveiling

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Main Specifications

Discover the swcat90 superyacht catamaran.

The SWCAT90 concept was developed in collaboration with our long-term partner Nauta Design, who were responsible for the interior and exterior design and styling. Berret-Racoupeau, a catamaran specialist design firm based in La Rochelle, was responsible for the naval architecture. Southern Wind Shipyard has been recognized as the preeminent builder of 27-35m composite sailing yachts that combine performance with comfort and reliability. These elements have become part of the DNA of every SWS yacht. In response to a demand for greater levels of comfort without compromising on performance, the shipyard has developed a new sailing catamaran project that embodies and enhances these principles.


The SWCAT90 superyacht catamaran has been developed as a versatile platform that can be tailored to an owner’s wishes and allows for a high level of customization. Whether an owner’s priorities are incredible performance, eco-friendly sustainability, or to have the perfect luxury charter yacht, the SWCAT90 can be adapted and enhanced to meet expectations.


The space and volume available on a sailing catamaran of this scale is comparable to a 39m monohull. With 171m 2 of interior floorspace, the SWCAT90 features a vast saloon area of 45m 2 with 360° panoramic views. The deck space, including the flybridge and two cockpits, is an impressive 207m 2 , an increase of 50% when compared to a similarly sized monohull. The interior layout offers four guest cabins plus two or three crew cabins, with the crew quarters separated from the luxury guest areas to allow for maximum privacy.


Berret-Racoupeau brought their knowledge and expertise to this partnership. Performance was high on our list of priorities, ensuring not only boat speed but a superyacht catamaran that appeals to the senses and is a pleasure to sail. Two sail plan options have been developed to appeal to the varying expectations of potential owners. For the appendages high-efficiency curved daggerboards with T-rudders offer an increase in boat speed, while improving comfort by reducing pitching in rough conditions.The hulls, bridge deck and superstructure will be constructed in carbon fibre sandwich, utilising the specialized infusion technique. The specification and equipment selection for this SWCAT90 are in line with the highest superyacht catamaran standards and chosen with the environment in mind.

“With this exciting new project, SWS has magnified its greatest qualities and will deliver a sailing catamaran that is fast and fun, allowing its owner to sail to the furthest corners of the globe in the ultimate comfort and safety.”

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Southern Wind Shipyard embraces the rise of the super-cat

  • In partnership with Southern Wind Shipyard
  • April 1, 2020

Southern Wind unveiled this arresting 27m/90ft performance catamaran in January, a project that hints at the strong future potential for superyacht-sized catamarans


The naval architecture is by Berret Racoupeau, the La Rochelle firm behind Royal Huisman’s latest 35m/118ft sailing and power catamaran concepts.

The multihull market is the fastest growing marine sector, but only series production options or full custom boats have so far been available. The SWCAT90 targets the segment in between by offering a versatile platform whereby the design and engineering is in place, but a good degree of customisation is still offered to the customer.

The Cape Town shipyard is known for its go-anywhere 80-110ft semi-custom monohulls. The SWCAT90 concept, developed with Southern Wind’s long-term partner Nauta Yachts, has been designed to share these monohulls’ renowned qualities of performance, comfort and reliability.


The space and speed potential of this carbon catamaran is particularly appealing. Olivier Racoupeau says it was a challenge to try to match the performance of a 100ft monohull, but in fact this cat should exceed it on all angles but at just 5º of heel.

The polars he showed us indicate it’s capable of 22-24 knots’ boat speed in 20 knots of wind (depending on mast type). Two sail plan options are available including a tall rotating mast, and the spec includes curved asymmetrical daggerboards and T-rudders.

Meanwhile, Nauta’s Massimo Gino compared the space and volume to a 39m/128ft monohull (Nauta was behind the 40m/130ft My Song project). Gino says the SWCAT90 presents 50% more interior space than an equivalent SW96 monohull (171m 2 compared with 113m 2 ).

In terms of accommodation, there are four guest cabins, including an owner’s cabin with opening platform to the sea. These double ensuite cabins are orientated around the centre of the boat where there is the least amount of pitching, and the two or three crew cabins are separated from the guest areas. The distribution of systems has also been carefully considered, to keep weight as central as possible.

Southern Wind thinks the SWCAT90 will also appeal to motoryacht owners seeking a greener alternative, thanks to its reduced dependence on fossil fuels. The yard’s chief naval architect Yann Dabbadie explains that the boat is offered with the choice of diesel propulsion or an electric hybrid system.


“It also allows the two main engines to be independent from the shaft line, resulting in a greater efficiency as generators,” he adds. “This will bring savings of both weight and space and the centring of machinery will realise better seakeeping and reduce pitching motion.”

Although the cat(s) will initially be built in infused carbon, the yard is also conducting its own tests on sustainable materials and resins, with a particular focus on reliability. Southern Wind has capacity in its Cape Town facility to build the cat alongside its monohulls, but the SWCAT90 is a three-year project as the yard wants to design it with the client.

LOA: 88ft 10in (27.07m) LWL: 88ft 5in (26.96m) Beam: 36ft 8in (11.17m) Displacement (light): 56.27 tonnes (124,050 lbs)

Aeroyacht Multihull Specialists Catamarans for Sale

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110′ aeroyacht super catamaran.

110′ Aeroyacht Super Catamaran

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Conceived from the ground up the advanced Aeroyacht 110′ luxury catamaran is today’s most innovative performance yacht. As one of the largest composite catamarans in the world she is the first model and part of a sleek, new range (A95′, A110′ and A125′) representing the ultimate high-performance, supremely styled – 21’st century world traveler.

Designed by Gregor Tarjan – founder and president of Aeroyacht in collaboration with the renown multihull-naval-architect team of Morrelli & Melvin and Paul “Whirly” Van Dyke of Steve Fossett’s “Playstation” fame, the 35 knot capable Aeroyacht 110′ luxury catamaran characterizes the “next generation” of high-performance sailing vessels. No compromise has been made to create the fastest and most beautiful yacht afloat. The international press calls the A110′ the “Wally” of catamarans as her striking styling and a top class finish set her apart from the crowd. Recently voted by French magazine Design @ Home – famed designer Ora-Ito’s all-time favorite boat is our own Aeroyacht 110 catamaran.

Special emphasis on self sufficiency and ecological consciousness has been incorporated into conceiving this landmark vessel. A huge array of deck mounted solar panels, optional wind turbines and environmentally friendly building materials have been utilized to make this ultra-luxury yacht in tune with our times.

One of the most unique features of this super-shallow-draft cat is the fact that as part of the optional equipment, the A110 can be equipped with a personal exploration airplane. The 2 seater Icon-A5 amphibian sports-plane can be housed across a specially built aft beam platform and be used for sightseeing, shuttling guests to the yacht or in case of medical emergencies. Aeroyacht’s innovations include many firsts in the world of luxury catamarans such as a Grand Prix style performance rig, semi-flybridge-style twin cockpits, hammerhead -reverse bows and an optional Traxon light wall system. This listing is for a new semi-custom build with approx 28 months delivery from date of order.

Additional Specifications

Length: 121’ – 36.8m

Beam: 44.2’-13.6m Draft: 6.4’- 1.9m (daggerboard up)

12.3’- 3.9m (daggerboard down)

Mast height (awl): 139’- 42.4m

Main Sail: 3294 ft2 – 306.2 m2

Jib : 2280 ft2 – 212.0 m2

Reacher: 4425 ft2 – 411.3 m2

Displacement: 120,000 lbs – 54.42 metric tons

Propulsion: 2 x 330 – 440 HP – Yanmar 6LY

Generators: 2 x 20 – 30Kw/60Hz – Mastervolt

Fuel: 2 x 425 gal – 2 x 1610.75 l

Fresh water: 2 x 275 gal – 2 x 1042.25 l

Black water: 2 x 200 gal – 2 x 758 l

The Aeroyacht 121 catamaran can be built to various international industry-construction standards in-cluding ABS, Lloyds, MCA and Bureau Veritas

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Aeroyacht Multihull Specialists Catamarans for Sale


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Aerial view of a Sunreef Yachts luxury catamaran sailing on the blue ocean waters.

  • 60 Sunreef Power
  • 70 Sunreef Power
  • 80 Sunreef Power
  • 100 Sunreef Power
  • Sunreef Supreme Power
  • Sunreef Ultima Range
  • Sunreef 44 Ultima
  • Sunreef 55 Ultima
  • Sunreef 66 Ultima
  • Sunreef 77 Ultima
  • Sunreef 88 Ultima
  • Sunreef fleet

A Sunreef Yachts catamaran sailing on the water at sunset.

  • Sunreef Zero Cat
  • Sunreef 100
  • Sunreef Fleet

super catamaran friet

  • Sunreef 35M
  • Sunreef 43M
  • 49M Sunreef Power
  • 210 Sunreef Power Trimaran
  • Sunreef Explorer
  • 40M Sunreef Explorer
  • 40M Sunreef Explorer Eco
  • 50M Sunreef Explorer
  • Superyacht Fleet


  • Sustainable


super catamaran friet

Sunreef Yachts officially unveils the first images of its all-new sailing super catamaran. The Sunreef 43M is a multihull superyacht boasting a timeless marine design incorporating immense living space and unique technical features for a superior cruising experience. Fully-customizable, the Sunreef 140 can also be offered in Eco version with green propulsion and the shipyard’s proprietary solar power system.

One of the yacht’s most iconic features is her aft cockpit design. The alfresco lounging and dining space offers extreme comfort and access to a vast private beach. With her aft platform lowered and two fold-out bulwark terraces open, the Sunreef 43M unlocks a new potential for lounging and watersports, creating a vast walk around beach club area.

The fully-customizable beach club connects with a gym with spectacular ocean views as well as a storage room for diving gear and water toys. Beneath the aft cockpit, a garage accommodates two large jet skis, a refueling station and launching system.

Luxurious accommodation is provided for up to 12 guests and includes a spectacular full-beam owner’s suite providing panoramic views and private access to the lounging space and spa pool on the bow terrace. For more information, get in touch with the Sunreef Yachts team.


Sunreef Yachts to Build a Second Sunreef 43M Eco Superyacht

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super catamaran friet

Sunreef Venture S.A.

Sunreef Yachts Shipyard

ul. Tarcice 6

80-718 Gdańsk, Poland

+48 58 769 77 77

super catamaran friet

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  11. Zeven snacknamen die je moet kennen

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  24. Son of the late inventor of the modern catamaran follows in his father

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  25. Alviso Boat Tours

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