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How to Select the Perfect Feng Shui Painting for Your Home (20+ Types)

Grandmaster Chen Wei

Feng Shui, an ancient Chinese practice, emphasizes harmonizing with our surrounding environment to promote peace, prosperity, and positivity. A fundamental aspect of Feng Shui involves the arrangement and selection of items in our homes.

Art, in particular, plays a crucial role in shaping the energy or ‘chi’ of a space. One such essential element is the Feng Shui painting, a tool that can manipulate and channel positive energy throughout our homes when chosen correctly.

In this guide, we delve into how to choose the best Feng Shui painting for your home, enhancing your living space to resonate with your energy and intentions.

As we explore the art of selecting the best Feng Shui painting, we will also touch on other related topics such as numerology , feng shui sleeping direction, money attraction symbols , and the significance of lucky Chinese zodiac signs in 2024 .

The principles of Feng Shui extend to all corners of our lives, similar to symbols of health and prosperity. They intertwine and work together, creating a harmonious environment that caters to our unique energy profiles.

Table of Contents

Understanding feng shui art.

In Feng Shui, art is not just an aesthetic element; it is a powerful tool to regulate the flow of energy in our spaces.

Similar to the underlying principles of numerology, Feng Shui art is filled with symbolism, from the depiction of landscapes, water scenes, flowers, and mountains, to the choice of colors, every detail matters.

Each component represents different aspects of life and energy, and understanding this symbolism is the first step towards choosing the best Feng Shui painting for your home.

Choosing a Feng Shui Painting in Accordance to Your Chinese Zodiac

The Chinese Zodiac, comprising twelve animal signs, plays a significant role in Feng Shui. It impacts various life aspects, including career, relationships, health, and fortune. The year 2024 is the Year of the Dragon, one of the luckiest Chinese Zodiac signs.

Much like your Feng Shui sleeping direction, your Chinese Zodiac sign can guide you towards art that resonates with your unique energy, bringing in prosperity, health, and good luck.

Here’s how to choose a Feng Shui painting for both males and females of each Chinese Zodiac sign:

  • Rat – As symbols of wealth and surplus in Chinese culture, individuals born in the year of the Rat might benefit from paintings depicting abundant harvests or overflowing treasure pots.
  • Ox – Symbolizing diligence, persistence, and honesty, Ox individuals might find harmony in landscapes depicting enduring mountains or serene pastures.
  • Tiger – Tigers are associated with bravery and competitiveness. Tiger individuals might resonate with paintings depicting bold, vibrant scenes, such as a sun rising or a cascading waterfall.
  • Rabbit – Individuals born in the year of the Rabbit, a symbol of gentleness and warmth, might find solace in paintings of serene meadows, calm lakes, or gentle floral arrangements.
  • Dragon – Dragons signify power and luck. For those born in the year of the Dragon, paintings featuring majestic mountains or soaring dragons can channel good fortune and success.
  • Snake – Representing wisdom and wealth, Snake individuals might benefit from paintings depicting scholarly scenes or hidden treasures.
  • Horse – Individuals born under the sign of the Horse, known for their energy and passion, might connect with paintings that evoke movement, like galloping horses or flowing rivers.
  • Sheep – Sheep signify peace and harmonious co-existence. For Sheep individuals, tranquil scenes like peaceful pastoral landscapes or harmonious family scenes may bring peace and prosperity.
  • Monkey – For clever and versatile Monkey individuals, paintings featuring blossoming flowers or thriving trees can symbolize growth and innovation.
  • Rooster – Roosters are symbolic of punctuality and fidelity. Rooster individuals might resonate with scenes of a sunrise or a rooster greeting the dawn.
  • Dog – Representing loyalty and responsibility, Dog individuals might connect with paintings of faithful dogs or sturdy mountains, symbolizing unwavering support.
  • Pig – As a symbol of wealth, Pig individuals might benefit from art depicting abundant feasts, overflowing treasure chests, or wealthy deities.

Choosing the best Feng Shui painting according to your Chinese Zodiac sign is a way to personalize the positive energy flow in your home, just as one would with other wealth attraction symbols or practices of Feng Shui.

How to Select the Perfect Feng Shui Painting for Your Home

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Feng Shui Painting

Choosing the best Feng Shui painting for your home is not just about your zodiac sign or personal preferences.

Several other factors also play an essential role in attracting positive energy and ensuring prosperity, health, and happiness.

  • The Five Elements : Feng Shui is heavily influenced by the Five Elements—wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. The color and subject of your painting should resonate with the element associated with the room’s purpose and the occupants’ personal element.
  • The Bagua : The Feng Shui energy map, known as the Bagua, divides your home into nine areas, each representing a life aspect (like wealth, health, or career). The painting you choose should complement the Bagua area’s energy where you place it.
  • Personal Connection : The painting should resonate with you on a personal level, making you feel positive, inspired, or relaxed. It’s essential that you feel an emotional connection with the artwork.
  • Choosing a Colour Scheme : In Feng Shui, different colours correspond to different elements and energies. For instance, blue represents water and tranquility, while red stands for fire and passion. Green symbolizes wood and growth, and so on. Therefore, the colours in the painting should align with the energy you want to attract. If you want peace and tranquility in your bedroom, opt for paintings with shades of blue. If you want to stimulate conversation and energy in your living room, red can be a great choice.
  • Size and Shape of the Painting : The size and shape of the painting should be in harmony with the room. A large painting in a small room can make space feel overwhelmed, while a small painting in a large room can get lost. Similarly, the shape of the painting can also influence the room’s energy. Square or rectangular paintings can bring balance and stability, while round paintings can promote harmony and continuity.
  • Bedroom : For a bedroom, you should choose a painting that inspires relaxation and tranquility. Images of nature, or soothing landscapes can be good options. Avoid choosing images with high energy, such as rushing water or violent scenes.
  • Kitchen : In a kitchen, a painting that depicts abundance, such as a cornucopia or a bountiful harvest, can be appropriate. It is not advisable to hang paintings that feature fire or water, as they can conflict with the room’s inherent elements.
  • Toilet : For a toilet, a painting that features earth elements can help suppress the water energy. It’s best to avoid images of people or deities for respect reasons.
  • Living Room : For the living room, a painting that brings in positive energy, like sunrises, mountains, or flowing water, is ideal. Avoid images that depict solitude or sadness.
  • Study Room : For a study room, a painting that inspires creativity and concentration, like calm waters or a grove of trees, can be beneficial.
  • Imagery Factor : The number of specific elements in a painting can influence its Feng Shui effect . In Chinese numerology, certain numbers are considered auspicious. For example, the number 8 is associated with wealth and abundance, so a painting with eight fish or eight horses would symbolize prosperity. Conversely, the number 4 is considered unlucky because it sounds like “death” in Chinese, so it’s best to avoid paintings with four elements.
  • The Action in the Painting : The action or movement in the painting also carries significance. A gushing waterfall painting could symbolize a constant flow of wealth and prosperity. A tiger climbing up a mountain could represent career advancement or overcoming obstacles. A painting of birds flying could symbolize freedom and liberation. Consider the energy you wish to cultivate in your space when choosing a painting.

Remember, choosing the best Feng Shui painting involves not only the subject matter and colors but also the imagery and actions depicted in the art.

The goal is to harmonize your environment according to your personal goals and the principles of Feng Shui .

How to Select the Perfect Feng Shui Painting for Your Home

Types of Feng Shui Paintings and Their Meanings

  • Water Paintings : Water is a symbol of wealth in Feng Shui. Thus, paintings featuring water can help attract abundance and prosperity.
  • Mountain Paintings : Mountains are a symbol of support in Feng Shui. They can offer protection and stability.
  • Trees and Forest Paintings : Trees are symbolic of growth and development in Feng Shui. They can aid in personal growth and strength.
  • Flower Paintings : Flowers are a symbol of beauty and blooming opportunities in Feng Shui. They can bring a feeling of happiness and prosperity.
  • Animal Paintings : Different animals have different meanings in Feng Shui. For example, a painting of a tiger can represent bravery and courage , while a painting of a turtle can symbolize longevity.
  • Koi Fish Paintings : Koi fish are auspicious symbols in Feng Shui, representing abundance and good luck. They can bring good fortune and success.
  • Dragon Paintings : Dragons are powerful symbols in Feng Shui, representing prosperity, success, power, and good fortune. They are ideal for the office or business premises.
  • Phoenix Paintings : Phoenix is a symbol of renewal and rebirth. A painting featuring a phoenix can be especially beneficial for those seeking a fresh start or going through a transition.
  • Peony Paintings : Peonies symbolize romance and love in Feng Shui. A painting of peonies can enhance love and relationship luck.
  • Bamboo Paintings : Bamboo represents resilience and flexibility in Feng Shui. Paintings featuring bamboo can bring strength, good health, and a sense of peaceful living.
  • Crane Paintings : Cranes are symbols of longevity and wisdom in Feng Shui. A painting of cranes can enhance health luck and bring wisdom.
  • Fu Dogs Paintings : Fu Dogs are protective creatures in Feng Shui that ward off negative energy. Paintings of Fu Dogs can bring a sense of safety and security.
  • Lotus Paintings : Lotus symbolizes purity and spiritual awakening in Feng Shui. Paintings featuring lotus flowers can enhance spiritual growth and clarity of thought.
  • Plum Blossom Paintings : Plum blossoms represent endurance and hope, resilience, and the beauty of life in Feng Shui. A painting of plum blossoms can bring a strong and positive energy of endurance and hope.
  • Goldfish Paintings : In Feng Shui, the goldfish has long been considered a symbol of surplus and wealth. A painting of goldfish can enhance wealth and abundance luck.
  • Mandarin Ducks Paintings : Mandarin ducks are symbols of love, faithfulness, and relationship luck in Feng Shui. A painting of mandarin ducks can enhance relationship and marriage luck.
  • Elephant Paintings : Elephants are symbols of strength, wisdom, and loyalty in Feng Shui. A painting of elephants can enhance career luck and intelligence.
  • Zen Paintings : These paintings typically feature Zen wisdom and elements like meditative figures, calming landscapes, or Zen circles (Enso), which promote peace, tranquility, and mindfulness. They are excellent for creating a serene and calming environment.
  • God Portrait Paintings : In Feng Shui, paintings of deities like Buddha, Guan Yin, or the Eight Immortals can bring blessings, protection, and spiritual growth. It’s crucial to treat these paintings with respect and place them appropriately.
  • Family Portrait Painting : In Feng Shui, family portraits symbolize unity, harmony, and strong ties among family members. A well-balanced and happy family portrait painting can enhance these feelings and can bring about love, respect, and mutual understanding within the family. The best place for these paintings is in the living room or a common area where everyone in the family can see it. It’s important to note that all members should look happy and contented in the picture to invite positive energy. It is advised to avoid family portraits where someone is missing or someone looks unhappy, as it could invite negative energy.
  • “福” (Fu) for Blessings or Good Fortune
  • “寿” (Shou) for Longevity
  • “财” (Cai) for Wealth
  • “爱” (Ai) for Love
  • “和” (He) for Harmony
  • “安” (An) for Peace or Safety
  • “智” (Zhi) for Wisdom
  • “健” (Jian) for Health
  • “乐” (Le) for Happiness
  • “运” (Yun) for Luck
  • 岁岁平安 (Sui Sui Ping An): This phrase means “Peace Every Year.” It’s used to bring peace and tranquility into the home year after year.
  • 福禄寿喜 (Fu Lu Shou Xi): Literally translating to “Fortune, Prosperity, Longevity, Happiness,” this idiom is a common blessing for comprehensive good fortune.
  • 万事如意 (Wan Shi Ru Yi): This idiom translates to “May All Your Wishes Come True.” It’s a general well-wishing phrase, wishing success in every aspect of life.
  • 举头望明月 (Ju Tou Wang Ming Yue): Translating to “Looking up to See the Bright Moon,” this phrase from a famous Tang Dynasty poem can symbolize aspiration and optimism.
  • 步步高升 (Bu Bu Gao Sheng): This phrase means “Promotion at Every Step.” It’s often used to wish career advancement and success.
  • 金玉满堂 (Jin Yu Man Tang): Literally translating to “Gold and Jade Fill the Halls,” this idiom is used to wish one abundant wealth.
  • 鸿运当头 (Hong Yun Dang Tou): This idiom translates to “Great Fortune Ahead,” representing upcoming luck and success.
  • 笑口常开 (Xiao Kou Chang Kai): This phrase means “May You Always Keep Smiling.” It’s used to wish happiness and joy.
  • 心想事成 (Xin Xiang Shi Cheng): Translating to “May All Your Heart’s Desires Come True,” this idiom wishes one success in achieving their goals or ambitions.
  • 五福临门 (Wu Fu Lin Men): This phrase means “Five Blessings Arrive at Your Door,” referring to the five blessings in Chinese culture – longevity, wealth, health and peace and good virtue.
  • 鸿图大展 (Hong Tu Da Zhan): This idiom translates to “May Your Ambitious Plan Be Realized,” wishing one success in their endeavors and achievements.
  • 吉祥如意 (Ji Xiang Ru Yi): Meaning “Good Luck As Desired,” this phrase is used to wish someone everything they desire.
  • 如意吉祥 (Ru Yi Ji Xiang): This is a common phrase for general good luck, often used during Chinese New Year. It means “May you be lucky and auspicious.”
  • 福如东海 (Fu Ru Dong Hai): This phrase means “Fortune as vast as the East Sea,” symbolizing endless wealth and blessings.
  • 春满人间 (Chun Man Ren Jian): Literally translated as “Spring fills the world,” this phrase represents renewal, growth, and prosperity, reflecting the sentiments of the spring season.
  • 鹏程万里 (Peng Cheng Wan Li): This idiom translates to “A Roc’s Journey of Ten Thousand Miles,” referring to a legendary bird in Chinese mythology that can fly long distances. It symbolizes grand ambitions and a successful career.
  • 青山依旧在,几度夕阳红 (Qing Shan Yi Jiu Zai, Ji Du Xi Yang Hong): This phrase is from a famous Chinese poem. It means “the green mountains are still there, the sunset has been red for several times.” It implies the constancy of the world and the fleetingness of human life. It can be interpreted as a reminder to appreciate the present moment and maintain a consistent, calm mind amidst the changes of life. This is often used in Feng Shui for promoting serenity, stability, and the appreciation of nature’s resilience.
  • 一帆风顺,万事如意 (Yi Fan Feng Shun, Wan Shi Ru Yi): This translates to “smooth sailing, everything goes as you wish”. This phrase is often used to wish someone good luck and success in everything they do.
  • 春暖花开,百花齐放 (Chun Nuan Hua Kai, Bai Hua Qi Fang): Literally meaning “Spring warms the flowers and all the flowers bloom together”. This phrase is used to symbolize prosperity and flourishing beauty.
  • 寿比南山,福如东海 (Shou Bi Nan Shan, Fu Ru Dong Hai): This means “Longevity that rivals the southern mountains, and blessings as vast as the eastern seas”. It is used to wish someone a long and blessed life.
  • 岁岁平安,福禄寿喜 (Sui Sui Ping An, Fu Lu Shou Xi): This translates to “Peace year after year, blessings of happiness, prosperity, longevity”. It’s a comprehensive wish for every aspect of life.
  • 丹凤朝阳,龙跃凤翔 (Dan Feng Zhao Yang, Long Yue Feng Xiang): Literally, “the phoenix greets the sun, the dragon leaps and the phoenix soars”. It symbolizes a prosperous and glorious future.
  • 如意吉祥,心想事成 (Ru Yi Ji Xiang, Xin Xiang Shi Cheng): This means “as you wish, good luck, may all your wishes come true”. It’s often used to attract luck and make your dreams come true.
  • 百业兴旺,千帆顺风 (Bai Ye Xing Wang, Qian Fan Shun Feng): Translates to “all businesses prosper, a thousand sails move with the wind”. It’s used to wish someone success in their business and all their endeavors.
  • 黄金万两,白银满屋 (Huang Jin Wan Liang, Bai Yin Man Wu): Literally meaning “ten thousand taels of gold, house full of silver”, it represents enormous wealth and prosperity.
  • 桂子飘香,丹桂生辉 (Gui Zi Piao Xiang, Dan Gui Sheng Hui): This translates to “the osmanthus fragrant, the red osmanthus shines”. This phrase is a metaphor for a distinguished person, and it can bring recognition and reputation.
  • 恭喜发财,财源滚滚 (Gong Xi Fa Cai, Cai Yuan Gun Gun): This translates to “congratulations on your wealth, wealth flows”. It’s a very popular phrase for attracting wealth and prosperity, especially during the Chinese New Year.

Remember, each painting carries a different energy, and the choice should be made based on what kind of energy you want to introduce into your home or workspace.

How to Select the Perfect Feng Shui Painting for Your Home

Placing Your Feng Shui Painting

1. avoid negative imagery.

Be mindful to avoid paintings that depict violence, loneliness, or sorrow as they can infuse your space with negative energy.

2. Choose the Right Room

The impact of paintings varies depending on the room they’re placed in. Vibrant and energetic paintings might be perfect for living rooms but could disrupt the peaceful energy needed in a bedroom.

3. Consider the Bagua and Use a Luo Pan

Enhance the specific area of life your painting represents by aligning its placement with the Bagua map, an essential tool in Feng Shui that divides space into nine areas, each relating to an aspect of life.

To correctly identify these areas within your home, you can use a Luo Pan, a Chinese compass traditionally used in Feng Shui. For instance, a painting symbolizing wealth should ideally be placed in the wealth area of your home.

4. Height Matters

Ensure your painting is hung at eye level. This allows the energy it emanates to flow freely and interact with your own energy field.

5. The Influence of Lighting on Your Feng Shui Painting Placement

Lighting is crucial in Feng Shui. Soft, indirect lighting that enhances the painting’s colors and creates a calming ambiance is ideal. Avoid harsh or direct lighting that can cause imbalance and glare.

6. Items and Objects to Avoid Placing Near Your Feng Shui Painting

Be mindful of what you place near your painting. Avoid electrical devices like televisions, computers, or speakers which generate electromagnetic fields that can disrupt the painting’s energy.

Similarly, avoid cluttered or messy areas that can disrupt the flow of positive energy.

7. Consideration for Mirrors

Refrain from hanging your painting opposite mirrors. While mirrors can double the energy of whatever they reflect, they can also cause imbalance if not handled correctly.

Consult a Feng Shui expert before placing your painting opposite a mirror for best results.

Getting Your Perfect Feng Shui Painting

In summary, choosing the best Feng Shui painting for your home involves understanding your personal Chinese Zodiac sign, the principles of Feng Shui, and the symbolism of the painting’s colors and imagery.

It’s about creating a harmonious environment that reflects and nurtures your unique energy, much like carefully choosing your best Feng Shui sleeping direction or employing numerology in your daily life.

Finally, remember that Feng Shui is not just about following rules but about creating a space that feels good to you.

After all, your home is an extension of your energy. By choosing art that you love and placing it mindfully, you can create a home that is not only beautiful but also brimming with positive energy.

What’s your Feng Shui painting story? Have you experienced any changes in your life after incorporating one into your home decor? We’d love to hear your experiences and insights!

What is the best Feng Shui painting for prosperity?

A Feng Shui painting that depicts Koi fish, Peonies, or Goldfish are often believed to attract prosperity. The Koi fish represents abundance and wealth, Peonies symbolize romance and love, and Goldfish are seen as symbols of good luck and prosperity in Chinese culture.

How do I choose the right size of a Feng Shui painting for my home?

The size of a Feng Shui painting should be in proportion to the wall and room it will be placed in. An oversized painting in a small room or a small painting on a large wall may disrupt the balance of energies.

Can I place a Feng Shui painting in my kitchen?

Yes, you can. However, Feng Shui experts suggest avoiding images of water in the kitchen as it represents the water element, which can conflict with the fire element present in the kitchen. Opt for paintings with fruits or vegetables as they symbolize abundance.

What is the significance of Chinese calligraphy in Feng Shui paintings?

Chinese calligraphy is an integral part of Feng Shui paintings. Each character or phrase carries a specific meaning and energy, which can help attract the desired outcomes such as prosperity, good health, love, or career success.

What does a Zen painting symbolize in Feng Shui?

Zen paintings in Feng Shui typically feature serene landscapes or Buddha figures, aiming to bring a sense of calm, tranquility, and mindfulness into a space.

Where should I place a Feng Shui painting for maximum benefits?

The placement depends on the Bagua, an energy map in Feng Shui. Each painting should be placed in the corresponding area of the Bagua to enhance the associated life aspect. Using a Luo Pan, a Chinese compass, can assist in identifying these areas correctly.

What are the benefits of having a Feng Shui painting at home?

Feng Shui paintings can help enhance the flow of positive energy or “Chi” in your home, attracting desired outcomes such as wealth, love, good health, or career success. The benefits will depend on the symbolism of the painting and its placement based on the Bagua.

sailboat painting feng shui

Grandmaster Chen Wei is an internationally celebrated Feng Shui expert, award-winning geomancer, and a certified Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) practitioner, with an impressive career span of over 35 years. His multi-disciplinary approach, integrating ancient art with modern psychology, provides a uniquely comprehensive perspective to his practice. His remarkable expertise has garnered him numerous accolades, including the esteemed Golden Lotus Award for Geomancy. Additionally, he holds a certification from the International Feng Shui Association, which underscores his prowess in this ancient discipline. Known for his insightful and practical advice, Master Chen is a sought-after consultant for both major corporations and high-profile individuals worldwide. As a prolific author, his well-received books on Feng Shui, geomancy, and cognitive behavioral strategies have further cemented his authority in these fields. As an expert-in-residence, Master Chen regularly imparts his profound insights and knowledge with the GodofWealth.co community.

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Feng Shui Painting 101: How to Choose Paintings for Good Luck

Feng shui is a traditional Chinese practice of orienting places, objects, and structures to create harmony and balance. It is believed that incorporating this ancient art into your home and workspace can attract good luck. Hanging a feng shui painting is one way of decorating any room and bringing positive chi into the lives of the occupants while driving the negative chi away. Paintings for good luck are often placed in the entryway or living room. You can use a bagua to identify the right area where to hang a feng shui painting to promote positive energy like prosperity.

Auspicious paintings contribute to the aesthetic appearance of a living or working space. They can also affect the moods of the people with the energy they give off. Select your feng shui painting carefully to obtain the prosperity that you wish for. It is not difficult to look for these paintings as there are emerging artists whose beautiful artworks have used feng shui as subject matter. There are some things you need to know before hanging paintings for good luck. This article shares information that can guide you in choosing a feng shui painting for your home and office.      

7 Practical Tips for Selecting Feng Shui Paintings

1. choose a feng shui painting that includes one of the five elements..

The 5 elements of feng shui are wood, water, fire, earth, and metal. You can choose a lucky painting for living room, bedroom, or any part of the house with a feng shui element like the following:

  • Wood – feng shui painting of flowers, plants, trees, and forest landscapes
  • Water – landscapes of rivers, waterfalls, streams, lakes, oceans, seas, and fountains
  • Fire – paintings of lanterns, campfires, candles, smoke, fireplaces, and lightning
  • Earth – art featuring mountains, crystals, rocks, and stones
  • Metal – artworks with jewelry, cars, coins, or silver objects

Be careful when choosing paintings that feature more than one element of feng shui because they can strengthen, weaken, or destroy the other elements. While there is a Productive Cycle where one element creates another and a Controlling Cycle that weakens an element, there is also a Destructive Cycle that destroys the other element.

  • Fire melts Metal
  • Metal chops Wood
  • Wood depletes Earth
  • Earth absorbs Water
  • Water extinguishes Fire

For instance, do not hang a feng shui painting featuring waterfalls in your bedroom located in the south which has a fire elemental base. Waterfalls symbolize the water element which would put out the fire and can destroy your luck for recognition. Instead, place this feng shui painting at the east and southeast (areas for wood) because water and wood elements are in harmony with each other. 

2. Select paintings of flowers and fruits if you cannot decide what to hang.

Flowers and fruits do not have negative impacts on energy so they are safe to choose for painting decorations. A feng shui painting featuring flowers is a good idea because they represent life and good energy. Some of these florals with positive meanings include: 

  • Chrysanthemums – longevity, wealth, happiness, and balance
  • Lotus plant – perfection, faith, purity, beauty, and wealth
  • Jade plant - wealth and prosperity
  • Peony – love and romance
  • Cherry blossoms - vibrant health, new hope, and joy
  • Orchids – perfection and spiritual growth
  • Magnolias - love and purity
  • Narcissus – renewal and fresh energy
  • Bamboo – happiness, luck in wealth

The common auspicious fruits in feng shui painting are the following:

  • Oranges – good fortune
  • Peaches – abundance, good health, money, and long life
  • Apples – good health and harmony
  • Pomegranates – fertility, happiness in the family, for filial and honorable children
  • Grapes – wealth and success
  • Pineapples – prosperity, fortune, and wealth

3. Look for colors that represent the elements in feng shui painting. 

The colors that symbolize each of the five elements are:

  • Green and brown for the Wood element. These colors signify prosperity and renewal in a feng shui painting.
  • Blue and black for Water element. These colors are associated with tranquility and peace.
  • Red, orange, strong yellow, pink, and purple for Fire element. Paintings that feature these colors exude vibrancy, passion, joy, and warmth.
  • Light yellow, beige, sandy/earthy, and light brown for Earth element. Artworks that have earth elements represent stability, nurturing, grounding, and receptivity.
  • White and gray for Metal element. A feng shui painting that features these colors indicates energy that is moving inward, intellectualism, rational thought, and productivity.

You can use artwork with these colors to tone down areas with an excessive type of energy. By observing the principles of the Destructive Cycle, water weakens fire, fire weakens metal, metal weakens wood, wood weakens earth, and earth weakens water.

4. The energy depends on the sizes and materials of the feng shui painting you choose.

Larger paintings have more energy than smaller works. Watercolors have softer energy than oils or acrylics because they create paintings with less vibrant colors. A lucky painting for living room can be bigger compared to other artworks placed in the other areas of the house. With the lively yang energy of the room, it is fine that the feng shui painting has bolder colors.

5. Avoid the negative chi in paintings.

Some artworks produce less useful energies in feng shui. These are paintings that you must avoid displaying at home or in the office:

  • Paintings of disasters, wars and violence, storms, sunken ships, darkness, unhappiness, and loneliness due to the negative energy they radiate.
  • Artworks with fierce animals or beasts such as tigers and lions because they give people a sense of insecurity.
  • Paintings of nature that feature falling leaves or sunsets since they represent a negative meaning of a withering and lonely life.

6. Choose a feng shui painting that illustrates a specific season.

A season represents a particular feng shui element.   

  • Spring – associated with Wood. It is a period of new beginnings and new growth like growing trees and plants.
  • Winter – represents Water. As the Water element gently moves, winter is a time of reflection and restoration.
  • Early summer - related to the Fire element. Summer brings Fire from the scorching heat of the sun and long warm days. It is also associated with vibrant colors.
  • Late summer – associated with Earth. The element can bring stability and balance in the last of the warm, light-filled days of summer.
  • Autumn - related to the Metal element. It is a time for the gathering of crops. The metal products from raw minerals and ore symbolize harvest and refinement process.

7. Focus on the lines when selecting a feng shui painting.

Lines are essential in feng shui. Observe the lines when choosing paintings and art such as the following:

  • Circles represent balance and cycles of energy and nature.
  • Straight lines and sharp angles are considered unfortunate since negative energy travels in a straight line. They can be softened in paintings by including curves and arches.
  • Curved lines are regarded as lucky because positive energy travels in a curved path.

ALSO READ: How To Spot Valuable Paintings For Your Art Collection

Choosing a feng shui painting to decorate the home or office can bring balance and harmony. Paintings for good luck not only generate aesthetic appeal in every space but they can also exude good fortune and positivity. Feng shui paintings curb and prevent negative energy. There are many things to understand if you want to incorporate this ancient Chinese practice into your living and working spaces. You need to know properly the feng shui elements, colors, and objects that symbolize good luck among other things.  If you choose the right feng shui painting, it can help transform the negative energies in your space and bring good fortune and prosperity.

Nami Art Gallery offers a variety of artworks including paintings, sculptures, and prints created by talented emerging Filipino artists. Its curated collection allows clients to select beautiful artworks in different styles, mediums, and subjects such as feng shui according to their tastes and preferences. Are you looking for a feng shui painting to decorate your home or office? Visit Nami Art Gallery now.

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Choosing the Perfect Feng Shui Paintings: The Ultimate Guide


Feng Shui paintings are an essential component in creating a healthy and harmonious living environment. The right painting can bring balance to a room, attract positive energy, and enhance the look of any space.

But how do you choose the perfect feng shui painting? This guide will help make sure that you find the perfect piece to suit your style while also incorporating feng shui principles into your home or office.

Choose Feng Shui Paintings Based on Feng Shui Five Elements

Choosing the right feng shui painting can have a positive impact on the flow of energy in your home. It is important to understand the five elements that make up this ancient practice of Chinese geomancy, including metal, water, wood, fire and earth . Each element has its own characteristics that should be considered when selecting art for your space.

By understanding how to choose feng shui paintings based on these five elements, you will be able to create a sense of balance and harmony in your home.

  • Wood Element Paintings: Wood is associated with the East and Spring. Wood’s characteristics are flexibility, adaptability and creativity. Wood element paintings should be painted in shades of green or blue, inlcuding forest landscape, trees, mountains, valleys and so on.
  • Fire Element Paintings: Fire is associated with the South and Summer. Fire’s characteristics include passion, energy and enthusiasm. Fire element paintings should be painted in shades of orange or red, including fireplaces, bonfires, volcanoes and flowers.
  • Metal Element paintings: Metal is associated with the West and Autumn. Metal’s characteristics is associated with strength, courage and protection. Metal paintings often feature strong lines and geometric shapes such as circles or squares such as cars, coins etc. Look for pieces with bold colours like silver or grey that are calming yet powerful at the same time.
  • Water Element Paintings: Water is associated with the North and Winter. Water’s characteristics include being soft, gentle and flowing. Water element paintings should be painted in shades of blue or green, including waterfalls, oceans, and lakes.
  • Earth Element Paintings: Earth is associated with the East and Spring. Earth’s characteristics include being strong, steady and harmonious. Earth element paintings should be painted in shades of brown, green and yellow, including mountains, fields and plants etc.

Feng Shui colors

Choose seasons paintings based on Feng shui five elements

Each season has its own element associated with Feng Shui five elements – for example, winter is represented by water, spring by wood and summer by fire. If the artwork depicts a certain season, then these are also related to elements and can be placed according to the bagua.

  • Late Summer painting is related to the earth element
  • Autumn painting is related to the metal element
  • Winter painting is related to the water element
  • Spring painting is related to the wood element
  • Early summer painting is related to the fire element

Fengshui five Elements

Feng Shui Paintings for Wealth

When choosing a painting for wealth, look for vibrant colors such as reds and golds, which represent energy and optimism. Symbols of abundance like fish, coins, and landscapes with water can also bring a feeling of prosperity into your space. Avoid dark colors like black or grey that may symbolize stagnancy or loss in some cases. Hang the painting at eye level so it is visible from all angles in the room; this will create an open flow of energy throughout the area where the painting is placed.

Some of the popular feng shui paintings choices for wealth:

Feng shui fish paintings

Feng shui fish paintings are a wonderful way to symbolize wealth and prosperity in your home or office. A traditional Chinese art form, these paintings can create a beautiful and meaningful piece of artwork that also serves to bring good fortune. The most important thing to consider when choosing one of these paintings is the color scheme; different colors have specific meanings associated with them, which will influence the painting’s ability to attract wealth .

When selecting a feng shui fish painting, it’s best to choose one that uses vibrant colors like red, gold, yellow and orange . Red symbolizes success and gold is considered the luckiest color according to ancient Chinese beliefs. Additionally, yellow represents joy while orange stands for optimism – all positive elements that can help you draw in more wealth into your life.

9 fish painting

Feng shui flower paintings

Feng shui flower paintings are known for their positive energy and ability to bring wealth into your life.

One thing to consider when selecting a painting for feng shui purposes is its symbolism. Many people believe that certain flowers represent different aspects of wealth and abundance, such as prosperity, luck, and fertility. Peonies, lotuses and pomegranates are all traditionally associated with good fortune while ivy often symbolizes success or growth.

feng shui flower painting

Feng shui wealth ship paintings

Feng shui wealth ship paintings are a great way to bring prosperity and abundance into your home. These works of art have been used in Chinese culture for centuries to draw good luck, financial success and richness into the lives of those that hang them. Feng shui paintings are believed to attract positive energy and can help you manifest wealth and fortune when placed in the correct area of your home.

When selecting feng shui wealth ship paintings for your space, consider the type of painting materials used, as well as its size, shape, and color(s). Traditional artwork depicts an actual boat with money or coins inside it; however, modern interpretations may also be used. The composition should be bold yet simple so that it stands out from other decorations in the room. Additionally, pick artwork with vibrant colors such as gold or red to further emphasize its message of prosperity.

feng shui wealth ship painting

Feng Shui Paintings for Success

Before you choose feng shui paintings for success, make sure you understand the symbolism behind each type of artwork. For example, if your goal is to achieve financial success and abundance, a painting featuring coins or gold bars would be ideal. Similarly, if harmony and growth are your primary objectives, look for art with images like flowers or trees. Whatever your aspirations may be, there is likely an appropriate artwork that can help energize and balance your space in a meaningful way.

Some of the popular feng shui paintings for success:

Feng Shui 7 horse paintings

One popular choice of painting for success and wealth is seven horses. These paintings can be used individually or as part of a larger display, and their significance in Chinese culture makes them particularly powerful when used in accordance with feng shui principles.

feng shui seven horse painting

Feng Shui 8 horse paintings

One powerful symbol for success, according to feng shui, is the painting of eight horses. The energy of these animals instils courage and strength into any place they inhabit, making them ideal for feng shui purposes. When choosing a painting with eight horses for your home or office, there are several principles you should keep in mind to ensure its effective application of feng shui energies.

Firstly, it’s important to find a painting that utilizes the traditional colors associated with feng shui; deep reds and blues usually work best as they represent passion and loyalty respectively.

Secondly, be sure to select images that depict the horses running or galloping energetically forward as this symbolizes progress towards achieving goals and ambitions.

feng shui 8 horse painting

Feng Shui bamboo paintings

Bamboo paintings are a popular choice of artwork for creating an environment of balance and harmony in feng shui. The bamboo plant has been associated with luck, abundance, and longevity, making it the perfect choice for those seeking success in all areas of life. Whether you’re looking to bring good fortune into your home or office space, here’s how to select the right painting that will harness positive energy for success.

feng shui bamboo painting

Feng Shui Paintings for Good Luck

When selecting a painting for feng shui purposes, it is important to look at the symbolism depicted in the painting. Many people believe that certain symbols such as dragons or phoenixes represent different kinds of luck and fortune. Additionally, look for colors associated with energy and success such as reds and oranges. Choosing images that evoke positive feelings can also help attract positive energy in your space. It is also important to consider where you will hang your painting – some types of art should not be placed in specific areas of the house due to their symbolic meanings.

Some popular feng shui paintings for good luck:

Feng Shui nine fish paintings

Incorporating nine fish paintings into your home or office is a great way to boost your positive energy and manifest success.

The nine fish painting is symbolic of abundance and wealth due to its association with water, which represents fertility and movement in feng shui. The image should feature eight goldfish surrounding one black fish — this symbolizes the eight trigrams of the I Ching surrounded by the ultimate yang energy of water. When shopping for a nine fish painting, look for vibrant colors that communicate strength and stability.

9 fish painting

Feng Shui peacock paintings

One type of painting that has a long history of being associated with good luck is peacock art.

Peacocks have been symbols of luck, wealth, and prosperity for centuries in many cultures around the world. In feng shui specifically, the peacock is known to represent beauty, nobility, vision and protection from bad spirits or negative influences. Having a peacock painting hung up at home or office can help cultivate these positive qualities while also drawing abundance into your life.

feng shui peacock painting

Feng Shui Paintings for Health

Feng shui paintings have long been used as a way to bring balance and harmony into the home. By choosing the right painting for your space, you can benefit from improved health and wellbeing. Whether it’s an abstract work of art to clear out negative energy or a landscape to evoke joy and happiness, there are plenty of options available when it comes to picking out the perfect feng shui painting for your home.

When selecting feng shui paintings for good health, look for pieces that depict life-affirming images such as flowers, plants, animals or birds. These elements are believed to be powerful symbols of good luck and positive energy. Additionally, colors play an important role in how we perceive a piece of art – certain hues stimulate the body while others relax the mind.

feng shui paintings for health

Feng Shui Paintings for Love

If you’re looking to bring more love into your home, feng shui paintings may be a great way to add an energy boost of positive vibes.

Love is often associated with the colors red and pink, so incorporating these tones into a painting can help attract romance into your life. Other colors such as yellow and orange symbolize joy, while purple is usually seen as representing devotion or loyalty. Regardless of which color you choose, make sure that it’s something that resonates with you personally and creates a feeling of warmth when you look at it.

feng shui paintings for love

Feng Shui Paintings for Living Room

Feng shui paintings are an integral part of making your living room a peaceful and harmonious environment. When selecting the right artwork for your space, there are many factors to consider. From colors to themes, size and placement, careful thought must be given to create a balanced look that reflects your personal style.

The purpose of feng shui is to promote harmony in the home by balancing energy throughout the space. To do this, you need to think about how certain colors or styles will affect different areas of the living room. For example, dark colors such as deep blues or reds have a calming effect on the atmosphere while lighter hues can bring in more positive energy. Additionally, artwork depicting nature scenes or meaningful symbols can add balance and create an inviting atmosphere for guests.

fish painting

Feng Shui Paintings for Bedroom

When choosing feng shui art for your bedroom, consider what type of atmosphere you want to create in the room. To promote feelings of relaxation, opt for artwork with soothing colors such as blues and greens or calming scenery like seascapes or landscapes with rolling hills. Similarly, if you’re looking to increase romance in your relationships, choose pieces featuring two people in an embrace or art celebrating love themes like hearts and cupids.

feng shui paintings for bedroom

Feng Shui Paintings for Dining Room

Incorporating feng shui art into your dining room is a great way to create an inviting atmosphere that invites conversations and encourages comfortable meals.

When deciding which painting to choose, focus on three main elements: color, size and images portrayed. Bright colors like red or yellow are said to have energizing qualities, while lighter colors can help create a calming atmosphere in the home. The size of the painting should be proportionate with the wall it will hang on; too large and it may overpower the space, too small and it won’t have enough impact.

For a contemporary style, choose art with geometric shapes or abstract forms to bring energy into the room without overwhelming it. Paintings featuring nature are also great for adding a sense of calmness and wellbeing; think landscapes or scenes with birds or trees for example.

And lastly, choose a painting that has characteristics that represent you and your family.

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Feng Shui Paintings for Entrance

When selecting a painting, it is important to consider what kind of mood or feeling you would like the entrance space to convey. Choose artwork that depicts landscapes, animals, flowers or other natural scenes that evoke a sense of peace and serenity. Additionally, images with vibrant colors will help bring energy into the home while creating an inviting atmosphere for guests upon arrival.

feng shui paintings for entrance

Where to buy feng shui paintings?

Choosing the right feng shui painting for your home or office can be a daunting task. With so many options available, it’s hard to know where to start. But if you’re looking for the absolute best place to purchase high-quality feng shui paintings, then Outpost-art.org  is the place to go!

At Outpost-art.org, you’ll find a wide selection of paintings that are specially crafted to bring positive energy and good luck into any space. Whether you’re looking for traditional Chinese art or something more modern, you’ll find exactly what you need at this popular online art gallery.

Plus, each painting has been expertly curated by experienced Feng Shui practitioners who understand how important it is to have harmonious artwork in your home or business environment.

Feng Shui Waterfall 015

Feng shui paintings can be a great way to give your space a boost of positive energy. Whether you are looking for something to hang on the walls of your home or office, it is important that you make sure they are in alignment with feng shui principles.

In conclusion, when selecting meaningful art pieces to bring into our lives and spaces, it’s essential to take into consideration how these pieces will affect us energetically. Choosing a painting that resonates with us on an emotional level and at the same time aligns with feng shui principles can help create balance in our environments and promote feelings of wellbeing.

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Mastering the Art of Feng Shui: A Guide to Hanging Art in Your Home

sailboat painting feng shui

Table of Contents

Stylish living room demonstrating Feng Shui art placement, Feng Shui home decor and wall art, adhering to Feng Shui rules for hanging art, showcasing Feng Shui interior design principles for a harmonious home.

Introduction to Feng Shui and Art

Have you ever wondered how the arrangement of objects in your home can affect your mood and energy? This is where the ancient Chinese practice of Feng Shui comes into play. In this article, we will explore the concept of Feng Shui and the significant role art plays in it.

  • Understanding the Concept of Feng Shui

Feng Shui, pronounced as ‘Fung Shway’, is an ancient Chinese practice that aims to harmonize individuals with their surrounding environment. The term Feng Shui translates to ‘Wind’ (Feng) and ‘Water’ (Shui), symbolizing the flow of life that one should aspire for in their living spaces. It is believed that the correct placement and arrangement of objects within a space can create a positive flow of energy, or ‘Chi’, leading to improved health, happiness, and prosperity.

  • The Role of Art in Feng Shui

Art plays a pivotal role in Feng Shui as it introduces color, emotion, and energy into a space. The right piece of art can enhance the Feng Shui of your home by creating a balanced energy flow. Art can stimulate positive emotions, inspire creativity, and bring about a sense of peace and tranquility. Whether it’s a painting, sculpture, or photograph, art can serve as a powerful Feng Shui cure to rectify energy imbalances and promote a positive atmosphere.

As we delve deeper into this topic, we will explore specific Feng Shui rules for hanging art, how Feng Shui extends beyond wall art in home decor, and provide examples of successful Feng Shui art in homes. By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of how to master Feng Shui art placement in your own home.

Feng Shui Rules for Hanging Art

In the world of Feng Shui, art isn’t just a decorative element. It’s a powerful tool that can affect the energy of your space. Let’s explore the general guidelines for choosing and hanging art according to Feng Shui principles.

General Feng Shui Art Guidelines

When it comes to Feng Shui, there are three key factors to consider when choosing and hanging art: the type of art, its location, and its color and size.

  • Choosing the right art

Art is a reflection of your personal taste and energy. In Feng Shui, it’s important to choose art that you love and that brings positive energy into your space. This could be a painting of a beautiful landscape, a sculpture of a favorite animal, or a photograph of a cherished memory. The key is to choose art that makes you feel good when you look at it.

  • Importance of location

The location of your art is just as important as the art itself. In Feng Shui, different areas of your home correspond to different aspects of your life, such as wealth, health, and relationships. Hanging art in the right location can enhance these areas. For example, hanging a painting of a lush forest in the wealth area of your home can symbolize abundance and attract prosperity.

  • Consideration of color and size

Color and size are also important factors in Feng Shui art. Different colors correspond to different elements in Feng Shui, such as fire, earth, metal, water, and wood. Choosing art with the right colors can help balance these elements in your space. The size of the art should also be in proportion to the wall it’s hanging on. A piece of art that’s too small can get lost, while a piece that’s too large can overwhelm the space.

By following these general Feng Shui art guidelines, you can create a harmonious and positive environment in your home. Remember, the most important thing is to choose art that you love and that brings you joy.

Specific Rules for Different Rooms

The living room is the heart of the home, a place for relaxation and socialization. In Feng Shui, it’s crucial to create a balanced and harmonious environment. When placing art, consider the Bagua, or energy map, of your home. Position your artwork in the south sector for fame and recognition, or in the southeast for wealth and abundance. Remember, the art should evoke positive feelings and match the room’s color scheme.

The bedroom is a sanctuary for rest and rejuvenation. In Feng Shui, artwork in the bedroom should promote tranquility and romance. Avoid placing art above the bed, as it can create a sense of pressure. Instead, place it opposite the bed for a calming effect. Choose images that inspire relaxation and love, such as gentle landscapes or paired objects.

The office is a space for productivity and creativity. In Feng Shui, art in the office should stimulate motivation and focus. Place your art in the north for career growth, or in the west for creativity. Opt for images that depict movement and growth, such as flowing water or soaring birds. Avoid chaotic or aggressive imagery, as it can create stress and distraction.

Feng Shui Home Decor: Beyond Wall Art

While wall art plays a significant role in Feng Shui, there’s more to this ancient practice than just hanging pictures in the right places. One of the most overlooked aspects of Feng Shui is furniture placement. Let’s explore how to use Feng Shui principles in arranging your furniture for a harmonious home.

Using Feng Shui Principles in Furniture Placement

When it comes to Feng Shui, the placement of your furniture can significantly impact the energy flow in your home. Here are some key insights:

  • Arranging furniture for optimal energy flow

In Feng Shui, the goal is to create a smooth flow of energy, or “Chi,” throughout your home. This can be achieved by arranging your furniture in a way that doesn’t block natural pathways. For instance, avoid placing large pieces of furniture near the entrance of a room. This can obstruct the flow of energy and create a sense of clutter. Instead, aim for a clear path that allows energy to circulate freely.

  • Choosing furniture that complements your art

Furniture and art should work together to create a balanced and harmonious environment. Choose furniture pieces that complement the colors and themes in your art. For example, if your art piece features warm colors like red and orange, consider furniture in neutral tones to create a balance. Similarly, if your art is modern and minimalist, opt for furniture with clean lines and simple designs.

Remember, the key to successful Feng Shui is balance. Whether it’s through the arrangement of furniture or the choice of art, aim to create a space that promotes harmony and positive energy.

Integrating Feng Shui Elements in Home Decor

One of the most exciting aspects of Feng Shui is its use of elements and colors to create a harmonious environment. Let’s explore how to incorporate these into your home decor.

  • Using the five elements of Feng Shui in home decor

In Feng Shui, the five elements – Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water – play a significant role in balancing the energy in your home. Each element represents different aspects of human life and can be represented in various ways in your decor.

By integrating these elements in your home decor, you can create a space that not only looks beautiful but also promotes positive energy and well-being.

  • Creating a balance with Feng Shui colors

Colors in Feng Shui are used to bring balance, enhance energy, and create a specific mood or feeling. Each color is associated with one of the five elements and can be used to strengthen the energy of that element in your home.

For example, green represents the Wood element and can be used to promote growth and vitality. Red represents the Fire element and can be used to add warmth and energy. By understanding the meaning of colors in Feng Shui, you can choose colors for your home that support your personal energy and goals.

Remember, the key to successful Feng Shui decor is balance. Too much of one element or color can create imbalance, so it’s important to incorporate a variety of elements and colors in your decor.

In conclusion, integrating Feng Shui elements and colors in your home decor can create a harmonious and balanced environment that supports your well-being and personal goals. So why not give it a try?

Case Studies: Successful Feng Shui Art in Home

Let’s dive into some real-life examples of how Feng Shui art can transform a space. We’ll look at two case studies – one focused on a living space and the other on an office setting.

Case Study 1: Transforming a Living Space with Feng Shui Art

Meet Jane, a homeowner who was struggling with her living room layout. Despite having beautiful furniture and decor, the room felt cluttered and uncomfortable. Jane decided to incorporate Feng Shui art into her home decor.

She started by decluttering the space, removing unnecessary items and creating a clear path for energy flow. Next, she added a large, serene painting of a forest on the north wall, representing growth and vitality. She also placed a small water feature in the southeast corner to attract wealth and prosperity.

The result? A transformed living space that not only looks visually appealing but also feels harmonious and balanced. Jane reported feeling more relaxed and at peace in her living room, demonstrating the power of Feng Shui art.

Case Study 2: Incorporating Feng Shui Principles in Office Decor

Next, let’s look at John, a business owner who wanted to improve the energy in his office. He had heard about the benefits of Feng Shui and decided to give it a try.

John started by rearranging the office layout to follow the Bagua map, a fundamental tool in Feng Shui. He then added Feng Shui art to enhance specific areas. For instance, he placed a painting of a mountain behind the seating area to provide support and stability. He also added a bamboo plant in the wealth area to attract prosperity.

The outcome? John reported an increase in employee productivity and overall positive energy in the office. This case study shows how Feng Shui art can be effectively used in a professional setting.

These case studies highlight the transformative power of Feng Shui art in both home and office settings. By following Feng Shui principles and incorporating appropriate art, you can create a space that not only looks good but also promotes positive energy and well-being.

Key Takeaways: Mastering Feng Shui Art Placement

As we approach the end of our journey through the world of Feng Shui and art placement, let’s summarize the key insights we’ve gathered. These takeaways can serve as a handy guide for you to reference as you begin to incorporate Feng Shui principles into your own home decor.

  • Understanding the importance of Feng Shui in art placement

Feng Shui is more than just a decorative technique; it’s a philosophy that promotes harmony and balance in your living spaces. Art placement plays a crucial role in Feng Shui as it can influence the energy flow in your home. Properly placed art can bring positive energy, improve mood, and even attract prosperity and success.

  • Applying Feng Shui rules for hanging art

There are specific rules in Feng Shui for hanging art. For instance, art should be hung at eye level to promote positive energy flow. The content of the art also matters. Images that evoke happiness, love, and prosperity are ideal. Remember, the art you choose should not only be aesthetically pleasing but also align with the Feng Shui principles of balance and harmony.

  • Integrating Feng Shui principles in overall home decor

Feng Shui is not limited to art placement. It extends to the overall home decor, including furniture arrangement, color choices, and even the type of plants you keep. Integrating Feng Shui principles into your home decor can create a harmonious environment that promotes wellbeing and positivity. It’s about creating a home that not only looks good but also feels good.

Mastering the art of Feng Shui placement is a journey, not a destination. It’s about continuous learning and adapting. Remember, the goal is to create a home that resonates with you and promotes a sense of peace and harmony. So, take these key takeaways, apply them in your home, and experience the transformative power of Feng Shui.

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Jiayi Fù

I am Jiayi fù, and I am an expert in Feng Shui. I live in Atlanta, Georgia, with my husband. I write this blog as a way to expand myself and my knowledge about the Feng Shui culture.

Jiayi fù

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Feng Shui Artwork to Improve Your Luck

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Feng shui pictures, paintings, prints, statues, and figurines are examples of the artwork you can find online. Artwork that reflects feng shui principles promotes auspicious chi while adding a sense of peace and beauty to your home's environment.

Tips for Feng Shui Artwork

There are several feng shui tips you want to follow when selecting artwork for specific rooms in your home. Each piece of artwork you add to your home decor should be a thoughtful reflection of feng shui principles while also a representation of your personal style.

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Select artwork for the foyer that is positive and welcoming to all who enter your home. You can select auspicious art that mimics koi fish in a pond or aquarium. A statue of the Buddha facing the door offers blessings and greetings.

Living Room

The living room is where the family congregates and filled with high yang energy. Art should reflect these activities and reflect happiness. You can further enliven the yang energy with sculptures and figurines of animals, such as playful dolphins, three-toed frog (abundance and wealth) or a trumpeting elephant (success and abundance).

The kitchen is an important room in your home where the nourishment of your family takes place. Food related art is always a good choice. Plaques, posters, paintings, photos and art objects can be selectively placed in this room.

Dining Room

The dining room is the most important room in your home. All abundance and healthy energy is generated from this room. Classic art of still-life paintings of wine and bread aren't the only choices you have for dining room art. You can select art that shows abundance and happiness, such as baskets of fruit, either a painting or hand-crafted art objects to place on the dining table or buffet.

Home Office

The home office should be treated as a professional arm of the family wealth and abundance. You can choose specific art to improve and attract an auspicious career or business. Water features are always a good choice of art in this room, such as a photo or painting of a cascading waterfall.

Master Bedroom

The master bedroom can also become a vital feng shui resource to promote a happy marriage and good romantic relationship . Through artwork, you can attract auspicious chi energy to gernerate a stronger martial bond. Some of these themes include, art of pairs, such as birds, flowers and other feng shui symbols.

Children's Bedrooms

Encourage your children to grow and learn with good feng shui art applications. Some of the subjects for artwork, include symbols of education and academic sucesss, such as a crystal globe. Use your child's Chinese astrology animal in art to reinforce the energies of its influence.

Guest Bedroom

Welcome guests with art objects that communicate your hospitality through feng shui auspicious guidelines in bedrooms . The subjects that convey hospitality include, pineapples, magnolia and peony blossoms.

Bathrooms are notorious for suppressing the luck sector where they are located. Consider the compass location of your bathroom to guide you in selecting art objects made of the element that can counter this type of energy suppression. For example, a bath located in the north (water element) sector can negatively impact your career, so select art made of the destructive cycle element of earth to counter, such as pottery and ceramics.

Laundry Rooms

The laundry room is another room where waste water is generated and expelled from the home. Choose art made of crystal or stone to attract wealth energies and counter the inauspicious waste water energy.

Art and the Bagua

Enhance each life area using artwork that will attract the energy you desire. The bagua divides your home into sectors that correlate to various areas of your life. Follow either the Black Hat Sect Feng Shui (place over layout of house) or Compass and Form Schools of Feng Shui (using compass directions to determine placement of bagua) for placement tips. Whichever school of feng shui you use, you can take advantage of the chi energies attracted to each sector.

Wealth, Prosperity, and Abundance

Located in the southeast sector (wood element) of your home, you can enhance this area of your life area using pictures and symbols of objects and animals. Never use water elements in a bedroom, since this creates too much energy and disturbance to rest.

  • Chinese bamboo and birds : Wall scroll made of painted damask silk
  • Deer : Buck and his doe mate painting, available on multiple mediums
  • Koi pond print: Nice art print with vivid use of color
  • Lotus blossoms : Art prints and photographs of pink or white lotus blossoms

Fame and Reputation

Located in the south sector (fire element) of your home is the life area of fame and reputation. This area also includes your self-knowledge, self-respect and inner light. Use any of these symbols to enhance the energy of this sector:

  • Butterfly print: Abstract, signed art prints on archival papers with 100-year ink
  • Dragon : Silk scroll artwork of Chinese dragon
  • Horses : Frameable poster of horses running in shallow water; horses also symbolize speed and self-power
  • Peacock : The peacock is perched on a limb displaying it radiant feathers. There are many choices for this artwork.
  • Phoenix: Golden statue of phoenix

Relationships, Love, and Marriage

Enhance your relationships using energy in the southwest sector (earth element) of your home. Carved amethyst artwork is an excellent activator for the chi energy residing here.

  • Dragon and phoenix : Pair of heavy bronze highly detailed statues
  • Symbol of double happiness : Rice paper scroll on cotton matting
  • Peach: Fine art print on canvas
  • Mandarin ducks : Pairs of Mandarin duck figurines

Health and Family

Health and family energy is located in the east sector (wood element) of your home. There are many symbols for health and longevity.

  • Colorful cranes and landscape : Painting of a pair of cranes flying over mystical wetlands
  • Cranes : Pair of elegant wood carvings
  • Peach prints: Art prints and photos featuring peaches
  • Basket of fruit : Fine art hand painting with an elegant frame.

Children and Creativity

Located in the west sector (metal element) of your home, this sector represents and affects your descendant luck. This directly relates to your children and any creative energy in your life. It symbolizes the birth of your own joy and spirit of life. Images rich with imagination and creativity are excellent additions to this area.

Artwork placed in a child's rooms should always be happy and uplifting, evoking feelings of confidence, inspiration, and encouragement.

  • Chrysanthemums : Hand painted silk brocades or rice paper wall scrolls
  • Dolphins print: Art print available in as wall art or greeting cards
  • Metal picture frames : Metal frames for photos or art prints

Education and Knowledge

Knowledge is located in the northeast sector (earth element) of your home. Enhance this life area of self-cultivation with various symbols and images.

  • Dragon with a pearl: Resin statue on wood base
  • Dragon carp: Double carp crossing dragon gate statue
  • Pagoda : Various art prints of Chinese pagodas
  • Crystal globe : Crystal globes on pedestals

Career and Life Path

Enhance your career energy, which is located in the north sector (water element) of your home, using these pieces of art:

  • Elephant : Trumpeting elephant statues in metal or ceramic
  • Roosters : A colorful stylized rooster art print
  • Sailboat or ship : Metal wall art of sailboat
  • Water feature : Tabletop water fountains
  • Wind chimes : Wind chime styles and with varying number of rods

Helpful People, Mentors, Friendship, and Travel

Activate happy occasions with energy located in the northwest sector (metal element) of your home. Art that showcase happy people or happy occasions are the best choice for this area of the home. Images of gods, angels, or strong powerful people work well in this area.

  • Fuk Luk Sau : Three gods in resin, brass or ceramic
  • Tsai Shen Yeh : Impressive bronze statue
  • Angels : Western cultures often use angels; do not use sad or grieving angels
  • Rose quartz : Rose quartz gemstone tree

Subject Matter and Placement of Art

An essential aspect of using art in feng shui is knowing the correct subject matter and proper placement of the feng shui art and the bagua of each piece. Used correctly, artwork attracts the free flowing positive chi energy (sheng) into and throughout your living and work environment.

Bagua, Elements and Nine Areas of Life

Many feng shui practitioners use the bagua diagram to determine the correlation between specific areas of the home and the nine areas of life. Practitioners choose and place artwork specifically to enhance a feng shui life. Artwork can also incorporate the five elements and the feng shui colors associated with each compass sector.

Auspicious Art for Specific Areas of Life

For example, bedroom art should only depict happy events, objects, and animals, and should always be in pairs. Photos of you and your mate are appropriate while photos of others, especially children, aren't meant for the master bedroom . Another example is office art. You want to enhance your work environments, improve your job performance, and ensure a successful career with excellent pay by adding art and art objects to your office, especially on the north wall with elements of water and metal.

Bestow Balance and Peace With Art

Using feng shui in various forms of art is a wonderful way to activate elements and enhance the chi energies of each sector in your home. These objects are not just feng shui remedies and enhancers; they should also be works of art that speak to you and bring you joy each time you look at them.

The Art of Feng Shui: Mastering Harmony in Your Home, Room by Room

sailboat painting feng shui

Feng shui, an ancient Chinese art, harmonizes individuals with their surroundings. This guide explores feng shui’s power to create balance and positivity in your home. Discover room-by-room advice, essential principles, and practical tips to transform your space.

FENG SHUI Cures for Common Home Issues (Solutions for challenging conditions!)

Fundamentals of Feng Shui

Feng shui operates on Qi or Chi, the Five Elements, and the Bagua map. These principles guide the arrangement of your home to foster balance. Learn how colors and directions influence energy flow, impacting well-being and prosperity.

Qi, the life force that flows through all things, is central to Feng Shui practice. Its smooth and unobstructed circulation within a space is believed to enhance health, wealth, and happiness.

The Five Elements

The Five Elements—wood, fire, earth, metal, and water—represent different types of energy and aspects of nature. Balancing these elements in a space can influence its vibe and the well-being of its inhabitants.

feng shui bagua map

The Bagua map, an eight-part grid, applies to your living space to define areas influencing various aspects of life, such as career, relationships, and health.

Feng Shui Through the Home: Room-by-Room Guide

Living spaces : enhancing social and family harmony.

Living room feng shui centers on inviting positive energy. Use vibrant colors to boost vitality and arrange furniture to encourage conversation. A thoughtful layout ensures a harmonious gathering space for friends and family.

  • Clear the Clutter : Start by decluttering to enhance the flow of chi.
  • Natural Light and Air : Emphasize large windows and ventilation to bring in energy.
  • Balance the Five Elements : Incorporate wood, fire, earth, metal, and water through decor to create harmony.
  • The Command Position : Place the main sofa against a solid wall with a view of the entrance.
  • Circular Configurations : Use circular arrangements for furniture to support energy flow and conversation.
  • Avoid Sharp Edges : Choose rounded furniture or use plants/fabrics to soften edges.
  • Mirror Placement : Use mirrors to expand space and reflect positive aspects, avoiding clutter.
  • Plants for Vibrancy : Add healthy green plants to symbolize growth, avoiding sharp-leaved plants.
  • Calming Color Palette : Use neutral tones with accents of blue, green, or red to stimulate energy.
  • Water Elements : Include fountains or aquariums, placing them in the north or southeast, and maintain them well.

Feng Shui Living Room Layout

feng shui living room layout

Here are key points for creating a Feng Shui living room that promotes love and positive energy:

  • Promote Harmony and Balance : Arrange furniture to create a harmonious flow of energy, ensuring a clear path for movement.
  • Harmonious Furniture Layout : Position furniture to encourage ease of movement and facilitate conversation, avoiding energy blockages.
  • Sofa Placement : Place the sofa to support good energy flow and comfortable interaction, making it a focal point for positive vibes.
  • Importance of Lighting : Use a mix of lighting types to foster a warm, welcoming environment that enhances the room’s energy.
  • Accessorize Thoughtfully : Choose accessories that elevate the room’s positive energy, such as plants, artwork, and symbols of love, to support a loving atmosphere.

Restful Retreats: Bedroom Feng Shui

A serene bedroom layout supports relaxation and rejuvenation. Position your bed for safety and strength; avoid placing mirrors facing the bed to ward off restlessness. These tweaks promise a more peaceful sleep environment.

Bedroom Mirror Tips

  • Placement of Mirrors : Mirrors should not face the bed directly to avoid negative energy and sleep disruption. Placing mirrors on adjacent walls or closet doors is preferred.
  • Size of Mirrors : The mirror size should complement the room and furniture size, with large mirrors adding spaciousness and small mirrors enhancing coziness.
  • Style of Mirrors : Mirror frames should be simple and elegant, aligning with the room’s overall décor to maintain aesthetic harmony.
  • Reflections in Mirrors : Mirrors should reflect calming and positive elements, avoiding clutter or negative aspects of the room to promote tranquility.
  • Number of Mirrors : Limiting the number of mirrors to two or three is advised to prevent negative energy and sleep disturbances.

Nourishing Spaces: Kitchen and Dining Feng Shui

The kitchen thrives on organization and welcoming colors. Positioning your stove and sink harmoniously ensures a nourishing space. Embrace natural light and declutter countertops for a balanced kitchen.

feng shui kitchen

  • Feng Shui Kitchen Balance : Incorporate the five elements and maintain a clutter-free space for positive energy flow.
  • Stove Placement : Place against a solid wall for stability, avoiding positioning where the cook’s back faces an entry or window.
  • Sink and Stove Harmony : Position on opposite sides to avoid elemental clash between water and fire, ensuring kitchen harmony.
  • Optimal Kitchen Location : Avoid facing the front door or under a bedroom to prevent energy disruption and health issues; align with the house’s Bagua for better Chi.

Serene Sanctuaries: Bathroom Feng Shui

In feng shui, bathrooms need careful consideration to maintain energy. Use soothing colors and keep the door closed to prevent energy drain. Introduce plants to purify the space and enhance positive vibes.

feng shui bathroom

  • Choose Calm Colors : Use earth tones, green, and white in the bathroom for stability, healing, and purity.
  • Mind the Location : Avoid having the bathroom in the center of the home, facing a bedroom, or above the kitchen.
  • Keep Energy In : Always close the bathroom door and toilet lid to prevent energy loss.
  • Clean and Clutter-Free : Maintain cleanliness and minimize clutter for positive energy.
  • Add Life and Light : Use plants and mirrors to add vitality and reflect positive aspects, not the toilet.
  • Balance the Elements : Incorporate wood (plants/accessories), fire (candles/red towels), earth (tiles/stone), metal (fixtures/frames), and water carefully.
  • Toilet Placement Matters : Don’t place the toilet facing or directly opposite the entrance. North or East-facing toilets are better for growth and health.

Productive Workspaces: Home Office Feng Shui

feng shui home office

Desk Positioning for Success

Place your desk in the “command position,” which means facing the door but not directly in line with it. This positioning allows you to see who enters, offering a psychological advantage and inviting positive energy. Ensure your back is to a solid wall for support, avoiding windows behind you to minimize distractions and maintain focus.

Clutter-Free and Organized Space

Keep your home office organized and free from clutter. A tidy workspace promotes a clear mind and enhances productivity. Use storage solutions to keep important documents and tools within reach but out of sight. A clean desk fosters an environment where energy can flow freely, reducing stress and boosting creativity.

Incorporate Natural Elements for Balance

Balance the five elements of feng shui—wood, fire, earth, metal, and water—in your office to harness their energies. Wood can be introduced through plants, which also improve air quality; fire can be represented by using warm colors or a small lamp; metal accents like frames or sculptures can promote clarity; earth elements, such as ceramics, stabilize; and water features, like a small fountain, encourage calm and inspiration. Balancing these elements creates a harmonious and productive workspace.

Harmonizing External Factors: House Facing East

A house facing east captures the morning sun, energizing the home. This orientation invites prosperity and health, making it a coveted feng shui position. Analyze your home's direction for optimal energy flow.

  • Sunlit Start : An east-facing house greets you with morning sunlight, symbolizing health, harmony, and prosperity.
  • Balance Energies : To handle the ample sunlight, introduce elements that create a peaceful atmosphere.
  • Vibrant Entrance : Use plants or water features at the entrance to welcome positive energy.
  • Color Choices : Opt for greens and blues to enhance the positive vibe; avoid reds and metallic colors that clash with the wood element.
  • Bagua Focus : For east-facing homes, concentrate on the Zhen section of the bagua map with green color and wooden décor for growth.
  • Front Door Colors : Use colors related to wood and water elements like olive or navy for the front door to set a positive energy tone.
  • Decorate Outdoors : Embellish the porch with wooden details and wavy patterns to complement the home’s feng shui.
  • Water Fountain : Place a fountain to the left of your front door (from the inside view) to boost positivity, but not to the right.
  • Embrace Light and Shadow : An east-facing home should balance sunlight with mindful and creative decoration for optimal energy.

Feng Shui Tips

Feng shui makes every home space more harmonious and joyful. Here are some easy tips to maintain it:

Declutter Regularly

Clutter disrupts the flow of positive energy, known as chi, in your home. Regularly decluttering helps to create a calm and organized environment.

Balance Yin and Yang

Feng Shui is all about balance, so aim for a harmonious blend of yin (calm, passive energy) and yang (energetic, active energy) in each room.

Use Natural Elements

Incorporate natural elements, such as plants , stones, and wood, to bring balance and tranquility to your home.

sailboat painting feng shui

Improving Your Bedroom’s Qi with Feng Shui Bed Placement

Pay attention to entryways.

The entrance to your home is a crucial element as it sets the tone for the entire space. Ensure it is well-lit, clean, and free of obstacles.

Enhance with Color

Color plays a big role in Feng Shui, as different colors are associated with different elements and energies. Choose colors that align with your goals and desired moods.

Arrange Furniture Strategically

Furniture placement can have a significant impact on the flow of energy in a room. Avoid blocking doorways and arrange furniture in a way that promotes open communication and flow.

Incorporate Symbols of Abundance

Display symbols of abundance and prosperity, such as images of water, coins, or bamboo, to attract positive energy and promote prosperity.

sailboat painting feng shui

FAQ Section

What is a feng shui house.

A feng shui house aligns with ancient principles to harmonize its inhabitants with their environment. It uses strategic layouts, colors, and materials to optimize energy flow.

Which feng shui is best for home?

The best feng shui for a home depends on its layout and the occupants’ needs. Generally, a balance of the Five Elements and a clear Bagua map guide creates harmonious spaces.

How do I create feng shui in my home?

Start by decluttering and incorporating the Five Elements. Use the Bagua map to enhance key areas of your life. Position furniture and mirrors thoughtfully to promote positive energy flow.

What is the best house position for feng shui?

The best position is one that receives ample natural light, preferably facing east to welcome the morning sun. The home should also back against a solid support for protection and stability.

Related posts:

living room feng shui

Feng Shui Bathroom: Transform Your Space for Harmony and Balance

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Feng Shui Kitchen: The Heart of Harmonious Living

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Feng Shui House Facing East: 6 Expert Tips on Harmonizing with the Sunrise

living room feng shui

Harmonizing Your Space: Living Room Feng Shui Tips

How To Hang Artwork, According To Feng Shui

Person hanging framed flower art

A home isn't really a home without art, which can fulfill any number of functions, from personal expression to being purely decorative. Feng shui , which helps you find ways to maximize the flow of energy in any space, can also influence and be influenced by the placement of your favorite art. Art is yet another element in a room that can provide a home with harmony and balance in line with the feng shui belief in free-flowing energy, or chi.

By considering the art you choose to place in your home, as well as where and how you display it, you can gain a number of benefits while helping your home become a feng shui paradise. Whether you're looking to hang existing artwork in fresh new ways or trying to decide which art to purchase for your home, we've narrowed down a few things to think about before you begin.

Choosing art

The selection of art is a highly subjective exercise. The most important guideline is choosing pieces that make you feel good and inspire you . Look for pieces in a variety of mediums, sizes, scales, and textures to place throughout your home, which will keep the chi energy flowing throughout. According to feng shui, certain colors have certain powers that align with natural elements, so if you feel a wall of art, a particular piece, or an arrangement is lacking, bringing in some of those colors that reflect those energies (red or orange for fire, green for prosperity and success, or blue for water and movement) is a great way to maximize their flow throughout the room.

Lucky paintings are also a possible addition in feng shui-driven rooms. These lucky works include imagery traditionally associated in Eastern cultures with prosperity like koi fish, bamboo shoots, or dragons. Materials can also have a similar impact, including bamboo, stone, wood, and jade. Other lucky additions to a wall include inspirational quotes and sayings. Whatever the art you choose to hang in your home, seek out pieces that make you feel the way you desire in any given space. Also remember that some things that feel harmonious in one room, like a kitchen or bathroom, are not exactly the things that you'd want to hang in a bedroom or office.

Placement and hanging

According to feng shui experts, there are some specific guidelines on where you hang art that have to do with the optimal flow of chi around the room. The four directions and corners of the compass can help you arrange the art in a room to its best advantage. The north wall is related to wealth, career, and prosperity. The south is the center of fame and accomplishment. East is representative of health, while the west is creativity.

On whichever wall you choose to hang your art, make sure you're placing it at the correct height. As noted by mindboydgreen , art that's too low can cause drops in energy and a feeling of heaviness. Try to hang pieces with their vertical center point at eye level. You may also want to make sure that it's  securely attached to avoid crookedness.

Scale is also important, depending on the size of the wall and the things around it. A tiny postcard-size picture would be out of scale and harmony on a large blank wall above a sofa, for example, but a number of them arranged in a gallery wall would create the illusion of size. Also, be cautious not to include too much artwork in a room and allow each piece a certain amount of surrounding white space and energy flow.

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Feng Shui Paintings: The Solution to All your Concerns


“Feng Shui is a living skill, there’s an art to it. It’s scientific; it’s mathematical and at times it’s logical- with an element of magic.”

Indeed! Feng Shui is an ancient art and science developed approximately 3000 years ago in China which helps one surge fortune and positivity. Feng Shui art propagates the balance in the presence of energies in every space. It has many simple tips, tricks, and tools and out of all of them, one is the placing of certain paintings for curbing and preventing some disturbances and for gushing the joviality.

Moreover, you should always remember this golden rule of Feng Shui that asks you to abstain clutter, violence and loneliness. These three things should be avoided while placing paintings and for upholding the flow of energy in your spaces as well.

Clearly, none of you would desist from welcoming positive vibes and opulence around yourselves by placing paintings, especially if you all often buy paintings online . So read this blog to widen your understanding regarding the presence of various colors, objects and elements symbolize.

Boat for wealth, abundance and success

Boat for wealth, abundance and success - Feng Shui Paintings

The element of water is considered very auspicious in Feng Shui Art. The painting of a ship placed inside the house is said to bring in good opportunities and thus, wealth and success. So look for a sailing ship loaded with ornaments and gold and place it in the southeast or north direction of your house. Moreover, always hang such painting inside the house and not outside as that will gradually take the wealth away from your house.

Goldfish for wealth, career and health

Goldfish for wealth - Feng Shui Paintings

A perfect example of Feng Shui art would be a painting of goldfishes having one black fish as the goldfishes will symbolize the yang and black the yin which is meant for absorbing all the negative energy. Moreover, if you can find a sum of eight goldfish and one black fish, the painting will get all the more favorable as the total will be nine. You can place this painting in the North of any space to enhance your career sector. However, if you want to improve health you can place it in the east or in the southeast to attract wealth.

The dragon for good luck

The dragon for good luck - Feng Shui Paintings

Dragon is considered as the best source for inducing good luck. A dragon painting can be placed in the north for career growth, east for tackling health issues and in the southeast for welcoming wealth in your house. Moreover, if one feels that their child is scared of the dragon paintings in their house, they can buy abstract paintings of colorful dragons as they will not look scary and will serve the purpose as well.

Mountains for force and support

Mountains for force and support - Feng Shui Paintings

Mountains are known for providing excellent protection and support to all the dwellers when hanged in any space. The only condition is that the painting should not be placed on the opposite side of the main entrance.

Abstract Paintings of fireworks for Fame, and Reputation

Such paintings should ideally be placed in the south of your living room as not only will everyone love seeing them but they will also help in strengthening your fame, luck and glory. The painting is perfect for those who love abstract paintings and also want to Feng Shui their art.

Mandarin Ducks for love, fidelity, and happy marriage

Mandarin Ducks for love, fidelity, and happy marriage - Feng Shui Paintings

Hanging love birds, especially, mandarin ducks making love to each other is the best option to go for as not only does it strengthens the love between the couple but also the willingness of being together for life. However, if you cannot find a painting of mandarin ducks, you can buy a painting of swans, geese, ravens, cranes or magpies. Hanging these paintings in the southwest of your bedroom will bring the same newness, love, and romance, back in your married life.

Fire flowers for recognition and success

Fire flowers for recognition and success - Feng Shui Paintings

Paintings with colors of fire like red, orange, yellow and flowers in them are known for maintaining the good energy and for surging recognition and success. So, try to find a painting with nine petals in each flower as it will be like an icing on the cake because the number 9 is very lucky according to the Feng Shui art. Furthermore, paintings with pointed petals should be avoided as it elevates the bad energy. You can expose such paintings in the south of your living room or any other space of your house for improving reputation, recognition, success, and fame.

In brief, Feng Shui art promotes the elements of nature and number 9. If you don’t like these paintings in their original form, you can get the abstract paintings of any of the aforementioned paintings.

Hopefully, from now on you will not just buy art for art’s sake but will also Feng Shui your art.

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Create with Feng Shui: Vital Tips for Your Art Space

Our guide will help you learn all about incorporating Feng shui, so you can live your most creative and productive life!

Jessica Carey

Creativity is often said to be inspired by one's surroundings.

If that's the case, then why not create an environment that is specifically designed to promote creativity?

This is where Feng shui comes in.

Feng shui is an ancient Chinese practice that uses the placement of objects and the flow of energy to create harmony and balance in a space.

When applied to an art studio or workspace, Feng shui can help you to create a space that supports and inspires your creativity.

Here are some tips for creating a harmonious art space using Feng shui.

sailboat painting feng shui

What is Feng Shui?

Feng shui is an ancient practice that uses the placement of objects and energy to create harmony and balance in a space.

It is based on the idea that all things are connected, and that energy flows through a space in specific ways.

By placing objects in certain areas and orientations, you can create an environment that will be conducive for positive growth and creativity.

sailboat painting feng shui

Importance of Feng Shui

Feng shui is important in an art space because it can help you create a space that encourages creativity and productivity.

When your environment is organized and harmonious, it can help you to focus your energy on the task at hand.

It also helps to create an environment that will help to spark creativity and inspiration.

The practice of Feng shui utilizes the cardinal directions and the five elements: wood, fire, earth, metal, and water.

Each element has its own specific energy and by arranging them correctly, you can create a space that is designed to support your creative endeavors.

Feng shui principles include:

  • Cleansing and purifying the space with incense, music, or plants.
  • Using mirrors to reflect positive energy in the room.
  • Placing objects with meaningful symbolism, like a Buddha statue or candles.
  • Utilizing colors and shapes to create balance and harmony.
  • Taking advantage of natural elements like sunlight, wind, and water to create a calming atmosphere.

When creating home Feng shui, it's important to remember that it should be tailored to suit your individual needs and preferences.

Incorporate feng shui to achieve harmony and good energy.

sailboat painting feng shui

How to Apply Feng Shui

When applying Feng shui to an art space, it is important to consider the flow of energy in the room.

Start by assessing the space and considering how energy will move through it.

Think about the colors that are used, the items that are placed in the room, and how they can be arranged to best promote creativity.

When choosing objects for the space, focus on items that represent your goals and aspirations.

Incorporate plants and water features to create balance and harmony in the space.

By taking the time to create a harmonious and balanced space, you can ensure that your art space will be conducive to creativity and productivity.

Whether you are a professional artist or simply looking for a creative outlet, proper, good Feng shui can help to ensure that your art space is one that will inspire and motivate you.

sailboat painting feng shui

Using Feng Shui for Art and Creativity

When using Feng shui for an art space, the focus should be on creating a balanced and harmonious environment.

Some key elements of using Feng shui for art include:

• Using vibrant colors to energize the space.

• Including objects that represent your goals.

• Adding mirrors to reflect the energy of the room.

• Incorporating plants and water features for balance and harmony.

• Using crystals to promote positive energy flow.

• Minimizing clutter and promoting order.

By following these tips, you can create a space that has better Feng shui and is conducive to creativity and productivity.

Make sure to take your time when creating the space, and be mindful of the energy flow in the room.

You can even consult with a Feng shui expert or certified Feng shui consultant and practitioner to make sure that your space is properly balanced.

sailboat painting feng shui

Tips for A Creative Space with Feng Shui

We've discussed the impact Feng shui can have on creative spaces.

Now, let's take a look at some specific tips you can use to create good Feng shui for an inspiring art studio or workspace:

1. Choose a location for your studio that promotes good chi flow.

Chi is the life force energy that flows through all living things.

When selecting a location for your studio, choose a spot that has good chi flow.

This means avoiding locations that are cluttered or have negative energy associated with them.

For example, if you're setting up shop in an apartment, try to avoid the basement or any rooms that face the street (which can be full of noise and pollution).

sailboat painting feng shui

2. Incorporate the five elements into your space.

The five elements in Feng shui are wood, fire, earth, metal, and water.

Each element has its own set of properties and associations.

You can incorporate the five elements into your space by using colors, textures, and materials that represent each element.

For example, if you want to bring some "fire" into your studio, you could use red paint or candles to do so.

Include plants and water features because water and plants embody life energy.

Plants and water features can help to create balance in the space and promote positive energy flows.

Incorporating plants into your art studio is not only aesthetically pleasing, but it can also help to reduce stress and promote creativity.

sailboat painting feng shui

3. Create a layout that encourages creativity and productivity.

The layout of your studio should be such that it encourages creativity and productivity.

This means having everything within easy reach and arranging your furniture in a way that allows for good chi flow throughout the space.

For example, you might want to keep your desk near the window so that you can take advantage of natural light while you work.

sailboat painting feng shui

4. Choose items that reflect your goals and aspirations.

When choosing furniture and décor for your studio, select items that reflect your goals and aspirations.

For example, if you're an illustrator, you could choose a desk that looks like a drawing table or incorporate art books into your décor.

This will help to remind you of why you're creating and spur your creativity.

sailboat painting feng shui

5. Hang artwork that inspires you.

Finally, hang artwork around the studio that will inspire you and motivate you to work.

You can choose pieces that reflect your own work, or you can hang pieces from other artists that you admire.

The artwork should energize the space and provide a source of inspiration.

sailboat painting feng shui

Creating with Feng Shui

Feng shui can be a powerful tool for creating an inspiring and productive workspace.

By incorporating the five elements, minimizing clutter, and choosing items that reflect your goals, you can create a creative space that is conducive to success.

With these tips, you'll be well on your way to a art space that is beautiful, functional, and conducive to creativity and productivity; you'll create a place where creativity can flourish!

Remember to take your time when creating the space and be mindful of the energy flow in the room.

Your artwork will be sure to shine in an environment that is filled with positive energy!

So, what are you waiting for?

Get started on creating your very own Feng-shui-filled art space today!

sailboat painting feng shui

Want to learn more about Feng shui? Check out The Chen Dynasty's video!

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Be sure to check out all of our creative chronicles !

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sailboat painting feng shui

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Feng Shui for Yachts, Superyachts and Boats. How to Position Sailing Boats or Yachts according to Feng Shui

The sales of superyacht, yachts and boats are rocketing thanks to brilliant British craftsmanship and all the tycoons or ‘high net worth individuals’, who are spending fortunes fitting them out with all imaginable luxury and features. Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich spent £1.6 billion on a 533ft yacht Eclipse which has two helipads, 24 guest suites, two pools, three launch pads and a mini-submarine (just in case).

Homes on water Like mobile homes, on water, feng shui can be applied to every aspect of a yacht or superyacht. Similar feng shui principles apply, with a few exceptions since the yachts require extra care regarding certain aspects of the interior design and energetics of the space.

The choice of accessories and design features is so huge for yachts that some owner are overwhelmed by the choice. According to Antony Sheriff, Executive Chairman of Princess Yachts in Plymouth, one customer became so confused by the endless paint colours on offer for his two 30 and 40-metre yachts that he asked his six-year-old daughter to be in charge of choosing the colour palette. ‘They’ve got multiple homes with gyms, but the boat is the crowning glory, so the gym has to be of the very highest spec,’ says Edward Thomas, a former crew member who set up bespoke superyacht gym-fitter Gymmarine.com. ‘They’ve got multiple homes with gyms, but the boat is the crowning glory, so the gym has to be of the very highest spec,’ says Edward Thomas, a former crew member who set up bespoke superyacht gym-fitter Gymmarine.com. He supplies everything imaginable for yachts’ gyms from bench presses hand-covered in Hermes leather and kettlebells in leopard print as well as golf balls made from fish food so clients can practise their drives into the water without worrying about the impact on the ecology.

Feng shui of superyachts

Adding feng shui criteria might help or hinder the process of designing the ultimate superyacht. Since the personalisation of superyachts is an essential aspect, feng shui can offer more clarity and focus when it comes to the final design.

Yin and yang harmony Yin and yang is about balance and harmony. Too much of anything is not good. Depending on how the yacht or boat is built, there needs to be a balance of different elements and materials as well as an interior design feature.

Five elements of the yachts and boats In feng shui, five elements ie water, wood, fire, earth and metal need to work in harmony for optimum energetic balance. Too much of one element might disturb the elemental balance and yin and yang harmony.

How to use the bagua model on yachts and boats Bagua model suggests that different spaces can represent different areas of your life, such as career, relationships, wealth, health, travel and so on.

There are three basic ways of using bagua: 1) according to compass direction but this would change as you sail 2) according to the position of the door to the yacht or boat 3) metaphorically ie by just having the right symbols for each area of the bagua

Feng Shui Bagua and position of different life aspects

Electromagnetic pollution Most superyachts are full of super security systems because with great wealth comes great paranoia – which means there is a lot of electromagnetic pollution and radiation. Top superyachts are fire-proof, bullet-proof, communication-proof with a radio shield around them, their own radio frequency and panic rooms. If the electromagnetic radiation is not well controlled it’s like being in a Fraday cage but full of electromagnetic pollution. The radiation emitted by all wifi routers and mobile phones is classified as a 2B Carcinogen by the World Health Organisation (WHO).

Bedrooms are the most important part of yachts If you sleep well and in a healthy, electro-smog free, geopathic-stress-free space – you will thrive. Most health issues start with badly designed bedrooms which are full of environmental stressors. Sleeping in unhealthy bedrooms affect melatonin production which is responsible for healthy, deep sleep cycles.

The blessing ceremony of the yacht Depending on your worldviews or spiritual outlook or personal preference, different blessings ceremonies are available. Some people employ a priest, rabbi or minister for a blessing ceremony or a feng shui master. Even the most rational people like to think blessing their yacht will bring prosperity and good fortune. Blessing ceremonies for boats or ships have been around since the first man built a flotation device. Traditionally, Chinese sailors painted eyes on the front of their ships, because they believed that ‘she’ had a soul or spirit and needed eyes to see or navigate her way during the voyage. Similarly, Europeans used figureheads for the same purpose. A well-known, traditional ceremony is the breaking of a bottle of champagne at the launch of a ship, boat or superyacht. Naming is also an important part of personification and embodiment of the vessel. Most cultures have a belief or understanding that things have spirits or auras and should be respected as such.

Before I perform any ceremonies on your boat, we have extended discussions to choose the blessings that resonate with your heart. If you think of yourself as more of a free spirit, you can make up your own, based on your expectation of potential results. You also can refer to merchant marine history books to find a ceremony that suits your needs, keeping in mind that a blessing ceremony is an integral part of wind energy.

Where to place a model boat according to feng shui principles A sailing boat is a feng shui symbol or metaphor for business success. It implies that everything will go smoothly and that your business is in the flow. Model boats also stand for the energy of wind (feng) and water (shui) which represent great opportunities and good profits respectively.  Traditionally, for Chinese traders, the sailing boats are considered the most preferable symbol after dragons.

How to position model boats according to feng shui principles

Depending on what exactly do you want to accomplish business-wise, there are several places for model boats. To activate luck in trading, the sailing boat needs to be placed at your desk or next to the main door. The model boat needs to be positioned in such a way so it looks like it sailing into your office from the main door. Positioning the boat as if it’s selling out from the office is considered bad luck. On the desk or mantlepiece, the boat should face to the right (in the West) since the writing and timeline go left to right (past on the left and future on the right). The same principle applies to hanging a painting of a sailing boat being towards you to gain luck and fortune. Ultimately, though, it doesn’t matter how you place the boat since it’s your positive intention that matters most.

Bill Gates’s £500 million eco yacht? The rumour is that Bill Gates ordered the world’s first hydrogen-powered superyacht, to the tune of £500m ($644m) which will feature an infinity pool, helipad, spa and gym as well as good feng shui, I hope.  Gates is already an investor in a Californian startup called Heliogen, that plans to turn sunlight into a source of heat. But on 10 February 2020, Sinot Yacht Architecture & Design published a public statement in response to media coverage saying that its hydrogen concept yacht, Aqua, is “not linked to Mr Gates in any form or matter” and that Sinot has not sold the concept to, and has “no business relationship” with, Bill Gates. Who is going to own this hydrogen-powered superyacht then?

If you’re already an owner of a yacht and want to extend your feng shui, you may want to invest in an underground shelter or bunker which can be feng shui to your specification.

The ‘Aqua’ superyacht powered by liquid hydrogen – a snip at £500m. It can travel 3,750 miles before it needs to refuel. Photograph: Sinot/Cover Images

If you’re looking to boost feng shui of your yacht, superyacht or boat, please email me  or call on +44 7956 288574.


Top 36 Feng Shui Paintings For Each Room For Luck

Posted on Last updated: February 18, 2024

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Numerous Feng Shui specialists use the concept of placing Feng Shui paintings and artworks .

Realizing how the positioning of oneself and art items throughout one’s house and workplace might indeed have a beneficial influence on many aspects of one’s life

It is rooted in the concept that, as living beings, we are linked to the territory we inhabit.

You may pick art based on the vibe you require , like relaxing and sensuous inside the bedroom or lively and bright inside the sitting room or workplace , using only the simplest general understanding of Feng Shui flow .

In feng shui Colors , as well as pictures linked with a certain region of desire, are used in Feng Shui art to produce good vibes for the observer.

This article is aimed at empowering you to determine which feng shui artwork is best for every room within your home and workplace in hopes of bringing prosperity and wealth .

Importance Of Painting In Feng Shui

Among the preferred (and most enjoyable!) methods to improve the feng shui frequency and energy within your house is to use art.

Feng Shui Paintings

Although selecting feng shui wall art is extremely individual, and you must definitely choose art that you enjoy, particular artworks may offer dual roles by complementing your decor and adding to the atmosphere in your house.

Art has always been about motivation and raw expression; therefore, it’s a great way to change and improve the atmosphere of your house. The artwork’s source material, tones, size, form, and location may all have an influence on one’s living area’s feng shui.

Feng Shui Paintings Meaning

Feng Shui, the ancient Chinese technique of placement and arrangement, promotes well-being, wealth, and optimism by harmonizing “chi” (energy).

Every object, color, and picture in Feng Shui is significant, even paintings. Feng Shui uses paintings because their content, colors, and location create certain energy dynamics.

When using Feng Shui artwork, evaluate the colors utilized, since each has meaning. Blue and black signify water and can improve prosperity, while green represents wood and promotes growth and health.

Finally, find works that speak to you. Unless you connect with a painting emotionally or visually, it may not have the desired effect on Feng Shui.

Feng Shui Paintings For Wealth and Success

1. seven-horse painting.

  • The Seven Horses picture and 7 Running Horses painting are excellent images to have in a wealthy corner of a living area. There is a great significance to horses in feng shui, be it horseshoes or paintings.
  • It will propel you onward through your profession without stumbling blocks. Horses are associated with wealth as well as strength.
  • A seven-horse artwork within your house promises career advancement, business prosperity, and monetary security throughout your daily existence.
  • When installing the picture, ensure it overlooks your house, i.e., the ponies must be approaching your house.

2. Feng Shui Eight Horse Painting

  • Horses represent achievement , commitment , bravery , agility , and persistence in Feng Shui.
  • To generate wealth and great fortune energy throughout your residence, Feng Shui suggests hanging artwork of eight trotting horses inside the family room next to the front door.
  • It can be used as Feng Shui wall decor for the living room .

3. Feng Shui Bamboo painting

  • Bamboo artwork is a constituent of “ Wood ” within Feng Shui, which is said to generate riches, fortune, wellness, and long life.
  • It’s also a representation of personal development , prosperity , and connections . It’s also useful for warding off negative thoughts.
  • You may hang bamboo artwork anywhere in your home or business. There really are no limits on where the bamboo picture can be kept.
  • A lucky bamboo plant is also another great addition to your living room.

Feng Shui Paintings For Home

It’s undeniable that the manner in which you arrange your house may have a significant impact on your capacity to manage pressure, your overall health, your personal fortune, and even your money.

Here are the best feng shui pictures for your home:

4. Feng Shui Water Paintings

Cleansing , plenty , tranquility , and regeneration are all symbols of water within Feng Shui’s five elements. Utilize Feng Shui water drawings to enhance your home’s richness, serenity, and calm.

If you operate from your house and are stressed or tense as a result, an advantageous Feng Shui artwork of water should be displayed inside your home workspace.

This could help to bring wealth, serenity, and tranquility to the room by balancing the opposing energies.

5. Feng Shui Life Paintings

  • Feng Shui still -life artworks with outstanding precision encourage calm and greater degrees of reasoning.
  • Great Luck’s Feng Shui still life pictures depict a range of topics that are meant to elicit emotions that will improve your mental state and , as a result, your standard of living. Flowers represent life as well as excellent luck in Feng Shui.
  • While you’re starting to feel lonely at home, try incorporating one of several Feng Shui still life canvases.
  • Still, life flower drawings have imaginative and harmonious energies, resulting in improved efficiency and serenity of thought.

6. Feng Shui Bird Paintings

Birds are strong icons that are often connected to great fortune and liberty .

Because of this link connecting birds and great fortune, installing a Feng Shui bird artwork inside your house may have a significant impact on its energy state.

Drawings of birds bring great success and wealth by inviting fresh possibilities. In love interactions, birds are frequently linked with happiness.

Decorate your house with this image of transformation and wealth to embrace a positive shift throughout your daily existence.

Feng Shui Paintings For Entrance

Find below the best feng shui wall art for the entrance to embrace the home path.

7. Koi Fish painting

Feng Shui Koi Fish Paintings

  • The Koi fish painting Feng Shui symbolizes the fire energy within Feng Shui, which governs the flow of money into one’s life.
  • A portrait of a koi fish is just a mix of two elements: water , which represents circulation , and koi fish , which represents courage and authority .
  • A drawing of a koi fish somewhere at the doorway of your workplace or house promises a profusion of riches throughout your life.
  • You must ensure that the fish moves towards your workplace rather than out of it when installing the koi fish artwork.

8. Goldfish painting

Among feng shui specialists, goldfish is a highly significant representation. The Chinese vocabulary regarding gold plus fish has gold as well as an abundance tone to it.

Accordingly, there are generally eight golden fish ( yang ) and one blackfish (yin) (derived from the yin vs yang theory) throughout goldfish artworks to neutralize ill luck. For the total of the fish, the numerals 8 and 9 seem quite fortunate.

To improve your profession , hang these feng shui paintings near the north entryway of your house, family room , or workplace . However, you can position it at the southeastern doorway to bring money and success, or even in the east doorway to relieve health problems.

Feng Shui Paintings For Good Luck

9. nice fishes painting.

Nine fish connect together in a waltz to summon a dragon inside this contemporary artwork.

This is a representational picture meant to offer good fortune in life while also assisting professional growth.

It also brings great success to the possessor, as well as a favorable emotional outcome. Simultaneously, this artwork evokes sensations of buoyancy, serenity, and contentment in observers.

10. Peacock Painting

Amongst the most prominent feng shui wall art , living room paintings, and decorations are peacock portraits . The peacock symbol is a representation of beauty and strength .

This artwork does not just create a wonderful and spectacular aspect of the space; it also boosts the urge to progress , with the dominating picture of peacocks exhibiting their colorful tail feathers beside the flowering petals.

Feng Shui Paintings For Bedroom

Below are a few lucky paintings for the bedroom that can be used above the bed, near the window, or door.

11. Double Happiness Painting

A set of Chinese inscriptions signifies twofold portions of romance, prosperity, and bliss in the artwork “ Double Happiness. ”

This is frequently utilized in wedding centerpieces. This picture is frequently exhibited mostly in the southwest region of the main bedroom alongside related love fortune art pieces.

12. Birds Paintings

Birds are said to be emissaries from the moon-dwelling god of marital relationships . Birds are arguably the most evocative representation of spousal affection.

Bird pictures should always be displayed in pairings . The southwest area of the bedroom seems to be the finest position.

Other than these koi fish painting in the bedroom is also good for love, romance, and harmony.

Mountain Feng Shui Painting

13. golden mountain painting.

Mountains are important for excellent Feng Shui, mostly in surroundings, and represent the origin of good fortune from the heavens.

These also give incredible assistance and reinforcement, securely stabilizing you and keeping you from getting carried away with ill luck, treachery, or disaster.

This mountain’s gold appearance denotes enormous prosperity and large sums of money.

For all career-oriented persons , it is a highly favorable sign. They must put a painting of a mountain next to them in the office in which they work.

Feng Shui Mountain Picture Placement

In Feng Shui, where you put a picture of a mountain can have a big effect on how the room feels. Mountains are a symbol of support, stability, and power, and the Earth element is especially linked to them.

Remember that, according to Feng Shui, the mountain picture shouldn’t have sharp , jagged peaks , which can cause Sha Qi ( bad energy ).

Instead, choose pictures of mountains that are smooth and round. You don’t want stormy or dark clouds to cover the mountains because you want to invite the mountains’ supporting energy, not their oppressive energy.

Feng Shui is also based on how well things work for you personally. Make sure that the picture you choose speaks to you in a positive way and that you find it calming to look at.

Here’s how to hang your picture of a mountain:

  • Behind a desk or work area: One of the best places for a picture of a mountain is behind a desk or work area. When you put a picture of a mountain behind your desk ( and it’s important to put it behind, not in front ), it can be a sign of support in your job and help you feel grounded and stable in your work. Just put it where you can see it.

2. Paintings for the living room: Putting a picture of a mountain in the living room can give the whole family a sense of calm and stability. The Bagua, a Feng Shui energy map, shows that the North, Northeast, and Southwest corners of the living room are the best places to put things.

3. Bedroom : A picture of a mountain in the bedroom can make you feel safe and stable. It works best when put on the wall across from your bed. Don’t put it right over the head of your bed, though.

Feng Shui Paintings For Health

14. koi fish painting.

Koi painting in Feng Shui is said to give protection and longevity. As a result, these artworks, especially in the wellness area of your house, can assist in enhancing well-being and richness.

15. Buddha Images

Buddha representations, either in the form of sculptures or paintings, give great fortune as well as overall wellness.

16. Positive Pictures For Home

Encouraging pictures, also including gorgeous landscapes or festivities, are painted on walls to provide great vibes and health to your household or business.

Lucky painting for living room

Find below the top good paintings for the living room , and feng shui living room art , to attract good vibes and chi.

17. Landscape paintings

Nature landscapes, magnificent mountains, streams of green vegetation, and charming rivers are shown in waterworks of art.

Mountains represent stability, and water gushing, which represents serenity, is also a mark of good success.

The river travels steadily across the mountain, as though to assist the landlord, who is always solidly in possession, of money, and is neither exhaustive nor concerned.

It’s no accident that the most prominent feng shui painting for the living room is a lovely landscape picture.

18. Phoenix Paintings

Since the phoenix seems to be a sign of transformation in life as well as professional progress, phoenix artworks that are hung or glued on the family area wall add refinement and attractiveness.

This is a prominent art style because it draws the viewer’s attention. Phoenix Paintings is one of the good paintings for the living room .

Feng Shui Paintings For South Wall

The Region of Stardom , Acknowledgment , Name Fame, and Social Prestige is located in the South (S).

If properly engaged, the south wall of your home offers you a favorable reputation throughout your chosen line of employment.

It contributes to your ability to get popularity and notoriety. Feng Shui artworks are a great way to add some flair to this area.

19. Feng Shui Eight Horse Painting Framed

The pictures of Feng Shui ponies are loaded with Yang (positive) energy, which increases luck and also gives notoriety , renown , and even admiration .

To invigorate Yang’s Significance of Fire energy such as the strength of the Sunlight or Southwest for creating conviction to achieve, hang a Feng Shui Eight Horse Portrait mostly on the Southside of your sitting room or workplace.

20. Feng Shui Bamboo painting

  • Since the fire factor nourishes the wood factor, you may utilize complementary components linked with wood upon the southern wall .
  • Bamboo artwork is a constituent of Wood within Feng Shui which is said to generate riches , fortune , wellness , and long life .
  • It’s also a representation of personal development, prosperity, and connections. It’s also useful for warding off negative chi.
  • You may hang bamboo artwork anywhere in your home or business. There really are no limits on wherever the bamboo picture can be kept.

Feng Shui Paintings For Office

21. waterfall paintings.

Waterfall paintings Feng Shui or fountain works of art throughout feng shui provide an abundance of riches and auspiciousness. Within your prosperity borders, you should install a water fountain and perhaps even a water element.

Install this work of art at the extremities of the passage or doorway that connects to your workplace to encourage the stream of financial resources into the company.

22. Paintings Of Fish

Since the Chinese term for fish essentially means “ more than enough ,” the fish signifies riches and success. Since fish reproduce quickly and occasionally swim in couples, they also represent marital pleasure, concord, and procreation.

Since the southeast part of your workplace regulates your income flow along with your inventiveness and courage, it’s the perfect spot to hang this feng shui office art .

Feng Shui Paintings For Dining Room

23. food wall art.

The artwork within the dining room that features food may appear a little out of date, but it always works.

Ensure to include a photo or two of delectable food , and combine flaming touches of yellow , orange , or red alongside neutral landscapes to establish the perfect setting.

Feng Shui Paintings For Love

24. floral paintings.

A floral artwork might help you develop a loving sense. For illustration, a serene and majestic daisy artwork inside your bedroom would create a calm and joyful environment in your romantic life.

A pristine and exquisite lotus artwork inside your bedroom may help you embrace wonderful affection; as well as a quiet and attractive orchid picture will help you find a wonderful relationship.

25. Mystic Knot Paintings

The interwoven number eight of the magical knot represents love , luck , wealth , and eternity . This is an ideal love sign. This picture is frequently used in conjunction with many additional feng shui emblems and artwork.

Feng Shui Paintings For North Wall

26. feng shui eight horse painting canvas.

Feng Shui eight pony canvas is utilized to generate popularity, acknowledgment, and victory, as well as progression and advancement, as well as a consistent and rapid rise in greatness and professional career accomplishment.

Profession , Offspring , Reputation , Well-being , Personal Improvement , Relationships , Learning , and Joy are the eight-lifetime goals represented by the number eight. It is suggested that horse paintings be hung in the Vocation section ( North ).

27. Feng Shui Koi Fish

Koi Fish Paintings Feng Shui symbolizes prosperity, good fortune, riches, and the inflow of new possibilities. Koi fish represent tenacity in the face of hardship, as well as personality and intent.

The north portion of the building’s family room is an ideal location for the artwork.

Feng Shui Paintings For West Wall

Feng Shui is an old Chinese idea that is all about making people fit in well with their surroundings.

According to Feng Shui, when choosing paintings for a West wall in your home, you should focus on certain things that are related to the West direction.

In Feng Shui, the metal element and the color white are linked to the West wall. It’s also like the energy of the sun going down, which is linked to the happiness and joy of children and to creation. Here are some guidelines:

28. Metal Element and Colours:

Choose art that has metal elements or shiny colors like gold, silver, or copper. White, grey, and soft colors can also look good on a wall facing west.

29. Blissful and Joy:

Since the West is linked to the happiness of children , you might want to think about art that shows happy children playing or laughing. You could also hang up pictures or paintings that your own children made.

30. Nature:

The fall season is also connected to the West. So, pictures of a late harvest, leaves gently falling, or beautiful autumn scenery can go on the West wall.

31. Creativity:

Pieces of art that make you feel creative and happy can be a great addition. This could be an abstract piece, a colorful drawing, or a picture of a place or thing that inspires you.

Remember that Feng Shui is about creating a peaceful environment, so choose art that you like and that makes you feel good when you look at it.

If the art fits in with your style and these rules, you’ll have found the right piece for your West wall.

Feng Shui Paintings For East Wall

In Feng Shui, the Wood element is linked to the East wall, which stands for health and family.

The East is also where the sun rises, which brings the energy of a new start. Keeping these rules in mind, here are some ideas for picking art for your East wall:

32. Colors and the Wood Element:

The East wall has a lot to do with the Wood element. Look for art that has wooden parts or colors that go well with wood, like green and brown.

For example, think about pictures of trees that are growing well or bamboo, which is important in Feng Shui because it is strong and grows quickly.

33. The theme of Rejuvenation:

Since the East wall is connected to the rising sun, art that has a theme of rebirth, refreshment, or the beginning of a new day can be good.

Think of pictures of beautiful sunrises, the sun rising over a scene, or dew on leaves in the early morning.

34. Health and Fitness

Since health is linked to the East in Feng Shui, artwork that shows good health and energy would be a good choice.

This could be bright, lively scenes from nature or surreal works that make you feel alive and full of energy.

35. Family Ties:

In Feng Shui, the East is also the direction for family ties. Paintings that show this could be portraits of happy families, pictures of people getting along well, or even pictures of ancestors or family treasures.

36. Scenic Landscapes:

Since the East wall also stands for growth, scenic landscapes that show nature in full bloom or a lot of lush grass can help emphasize this.

Just remember that in Feng Shui, it’s important that the art you choose makes you feel good and brings you joy, peace, and good energy.

Best Feng Shui Paintings For Study Room

Feng Shui considers the study room or environment where children study key to attention, clarity, and memory. Study room and kids’ room murals should inspire, calm, attention, and positivity.

The greatest Feng Shui artwork for these spaces:

  • Mountains : Mountains provide stability and support. A painting of a peaceful mountain environment can give academic support, grounding, and determination.
  • Calm Waters : Pictures of tranquil lakes or gentle streams might help you focus and study.
  • Bamboo : Paintings of bamboo, which symbolize endurance, adaptability, and growth, might encourage academic perseverance.

Traditional paintings or pictures of open books, academics in concentration, or old study scenes might boost learning and intellectual progress.

The Wood element promotes growth, rebirth, and fresh vitality in green forests and trees. Paintings like this may refresh and alleviate study weariness.

  • Globe or World Map : Paintings or images of globes or world maps can encourage global awareness, curiosity, and ambition in older children and teens.
  • Birds in Flight : Flying birds symbolize infinite potential, freedom of mind, and ambitions.

White blooms or soft pink petals may convey pleasant, uplifting energy without being overbearing or obtrusive.

Stars, the moon, and other celestial bodies can inspire awe, curiosity, and a desire to learn more about the cosmos.

When picking Feng Shui artwork for a study or kids’ room:

  • Avoid Overstimulating Images: Fast-moving sceneries, violent animals, and chaotic visuals may distract. Position paintings so they are visible but not distracting.
  • The picture should energize the atmosphere without distracting from studying.
  • Personal Connection: Older children must connect with the painting. If they like an image, it may help create a favorable study atmosphere.

Lucky painting for the southeast wall

The southeast sector of a Feng Shui home or area represents riches and plenty.

Paintings that accentuate and energize the southeast’s major elements, Wood and Water, are ideal for this direction. These southeast wall Feng Shui paintings are lucky:

  • Bamboo Forest: A painting of a peaceful bamboo forest will boost Southeast wealth energies since bamboo signifies Wood.
  • Paintings of rich green woods, trees, or landscapes can boost the Wood element and bring development and wealth.
  • Flowering plants: Images of blooming plants or trees, especially those with fruit or flowers, represent plenty and fresh opportunities.
  • Boats and ships, especially on calm waters, bring prosperity. Feng Shui uses “wealth ships” with money and diamonds to bring prosperity.
  • Dragon and Phoenix: Together, these two creatures signify a balance of male and feminine energy and can symbolize wealth, especially if the dragon is shown over clouds or water.
  • Birds in Flight: Flying birds can symbolize optimism, luck, and possibilities.
  • Treasure or Jewel Images: Rich treasures, diamonds, or gold can represent riches and success.
  • Flowers: The lotus symbolizes purity, enlightenment, and fresh beginnings. Its development from dirt to surface water symbolizes overcoming obstacles to succeed.

When choosing a southeast wall painting:

Green (Wood) and blue or black (Water) are lucky colors for the southeast. These colors boost wealth energies in this way.

Choose an artwork that seems good and connects with you. While Feng Shui provides rules, a personal connection to art can boost its benefits.

Paintings can boost a space’s spirit, but keeping the southeast clean, clutter-free, and well-lit also boosts its wealth potential.

Feng shui paintings FAQs

Q: best feng shui wall art for home.

Buddha paintings may be hung in any area in the house, however, the sitting room seems to be the ideal choice. To invigorate the Chi accessing the household, position the Buddha next to the entrance door.

Q: Is Abstract Painting Good for Feng Shui?

Abstract paintings should not be hung inside the living room.

Q: Is Hanging Art Above Bed Good for Feng Shui?

Yes, hanging pictures above the bed feng shui and paintings precisely just above the bed is terrible Feng Shui. It can interrupt your good night’s sleep.

Q: Lucky Feng Shui Hallway Pictures?

In order to break long hallway chi energy, add paintings with frames. This can slow energy motion. You can also hand mirrors or mirror artwork.

We have discussed everything on how to choose feng shui paintings for prosperity .

Picking energy paintings while keeping feng shui in consideration is crucial for how chi flows throughout your house or office, make certain you buy pictures that incorporate deeper than just these forces.

It’s also crucial that you pick an artwork that you enjoy since you’ll be gazing at it for a long time.

As a result, make a decision on what sorts of artwork you want for each room of the house and then select those that you enjoy staring upon.


Feng Shui is a well-researched combination of art and science based on neuroscience principles. Bhawana Rathore is a passionate Feng Shui practitioner. She writes at FengShuitricks.com and helps people to enhance and balance their lives by sharing Feng Shui-related information on FengshuiTricks and YouTube Channel. Check out more. If you find the information useful, you can buy me a coffee here.

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Feng Shui Boat Placement

Table of Contents


Feng Shui Boat Placement is a powerful tool that can be used to transform the energy in your home or office. By strategically placing different boats, you can create positive Chi energy and create balance and harmony throughout your space. It’s important to understand how Feng Shui Boat Placement works in order for it to be successful.

To begin, it’s essential to determine the best location for each boat, as well as which type of boat belongs in each area. It’s generally advised that smaller boats should be placed between two legs of furniture to create a focus point in the home, while larger boats should be placed near walls as an accent piece or away from center of activity. Each boat must also be positioned according to its purpose: decorative boats should be placed high up and away from windows, while spiritual boats should be placed at eye level within reachable distance.

Beyond determining placement, it’s also important to remember that each type of boat has its own symbolic meaning and can impact Feng Shui energy differently. Wooden sailboats symbolize the power of sailing into new directions in life and are associated with good luck and fortune; cruiseships symbolize going on life journeys with friends; toy sailboats often represent someone’s personal journey towards freedom; and spiritual boats represent purity, devotion and tranquility. Understanding these meanings will help you decide which types of boat are best suited for each area.

In addition, make sure that all boats are always appropriately kept up – they should never slip into disrepair due to excess water damage or wear-and-tear caused by age or use. Also pay attention to which color schemes are being used – certain colors have particular meanings attached to them ranging from wealth (green) to good health (yellow). Finally, ensure that no boat is ever placed directly facing or obstructing a doorway as this will hinder positive Chi flow throughout the entire space and counteract any intended benefits created by Feng Shui Boat Placement.

The Background of Feng Shui and Its Benefits for Boat Placement

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese science of harmonizing the environment, since it was believed that energetic forces had the power to affect personal health and fortune. It centers around finding harmony between inanimate objects and their surroundings. Feng Shui extends beyond what can be seen or touched to encompass inner tranquility and spiritual balance. Specifically, when it comes to boat placement, Feng Shui endeavors to bring a sense of order and serenity to the vessel and its occupants by presupposing a connection between people, boats, and environments.

The benefits of choosing plastic tanks for boat placement according to Feng Shui principles should not be underestimated. The primary components of an effective strategy include: maximization of energy flow between people, boats, and natural surroundings; establishing a balanced atmosphere; creating harmonious shapes on the deck; suggesting prudent connections with nearby vessels; determining appropriate lighting strategies for relaxation or mood-enhancing purposes; and energizing personal possessions with various stimuli. By understanding these quintessential elements of successful boat placement that encompass Feng Shui’s analysis of chi (energy circulation), potential boat owners can create peaceful settings within their watercrafts that are conducive to positive experiences while aboard them. Additionally, such placements promote overall contentment by allowing people’s bodies and minds to become more receptive spaces. In terms of utilization of plastic tanks within this context, they allow for discrete storage solutions that instead buffer energy away from areas occupied by occupants so an unencumbered sense of well-being can exist amongst them—a major benefit for any size boat!

Applying Key Feng Shui Principles to Boat Placement

Feng Shui, a traditional Chinese practice involving the placement and arrangement of physical objects in order to create harmony between individuals, their environment, and their destiny, can also be applied to boat placement. When a vessel is considered as an extension of one’s home or place of work, then following Feng Shui principles can help to channel positive energy which will aid its inhabitants’ success and well-being.

The primary goal when considering Feng Shui Boat Placement is to ensure that the energy flow within the craft is in harmony with that outside. This involves leveraging the concept of Feng Shui Bagua, an octagonal mappping system denoting elements like wealth, love, fame, etc. To do this on boats usually requires manually changing positions such as orienting the bed towards specific directions (e.g. south). Additionally, features onboard should be arranged with purpose in mind – for instance seating areas should not face directly onto walls nor should cabins be cluttered and disorderly as all these contribute to blocking good Chi energy from entering the space and circulating freely.

The elements of aesthetics are also essential; vibrant colours are encouraged throughout while harnessing natural lighting sources and using mirrors wisely to maximize available potentials along with positioning objects so they support each other visually and symbolically rather than detract from each other – a fortunate painting hung over a garish fixture may fail to gather positive energy while invoking negative ones instead. Hence pinpointing precise placements become key in achieving overall balance between Yin and Yang energies aboard which ultimately result in greater happpiness on board and increase luck elsewhere too!

Tips for Harnessing the Power of Feng Shui with Boat Placement

Ensuring that your boat placement follows traditional Feng Shui principles can be beneficial in many ways. Here are a few tips to help you harness the power of Feng Shui when it comes to boat positioning:

1. Keep all your boats pointing in the same direction, no matter their shape and size. This is called the “single-line theory” and is thought to encourage positive energy flows while preventing potential obstacles from occurring.

2. Utilize the compass rule, which states that northwestern spots are ideal for boats to bring forward auspicious energies into your life. Southeastern spots should be avoided since these are considered unlucky locations for energy flow in traditional Feng Shui beliefs.

3. To boost wealth and prosperity, position a boat towards water located in the northeast section of your house or workspace, as this area is associated with abundance and success in Chinese philosophy.

4. Consider the weather conditions before you decide where to place your boat — wind shifts should not be in direct contact with your vessel as too much noise can create distraction and clutter around your space, which ultimately reduces positive energy throughout your environment.

5. Avoid placing large rocks near boats because they might block natural chi coming from various directions of Nature’s cycles — this imbalance of energies will disrupt peaceful opulence into one’s life so take care when picking out objects around a vessel!

Putting It All Together

Once all of the elements of proper Feng Shui boat placement are taken into consideration, there are great benefits to be generated from maintaining proper Feng Shui principles. Specifically, it’s believed that by doing so, your boat will incur less damage from storms and rough seas, thus increasing its longevity. Additionally, having the correct orientation and the correct amount of space between boats will help to minimize vibrations and hull noise, which can negatively affect both navigational equipment onboard and crew morale. Also, you may find that certain types of fish congregate around positioned boats due to strong currents or nutrient concentrations in the water caused by their orientation. Finally, capitalizing on these placements can provide a feeling of safety and peace of mind for those on board when entering harbors or other areas where nearby waves could otherwise cause instability or interference.

Feng Shui boat placement involves taking into account the position and orientation of the boat relative to its surrounding environment. It is important to consider the landscape, water quality, type of vessel, and onboard workers when determining the best placement. In addition, Feng Shui concepts such as directionality, dragon’s existence power can assist in understanding more deeply what placement works best. Taking a holistic approach—including crews, passengers and vessels—when applying these strategies can improve one’s overall maritime experience.

Looking ahead, gaining a deeper understanding of Feng Shui placement for boats offers many potential benefits. Perhaps the most obvious advantage is maintaining an aesthetic with positive energy that allows travelers to feel welcomed and safe. In addition, judiciously implementing Feng Shui principles may result in improved fortune-telling practices that are conducive to successful business or leisure ventures. Furthermore, harnessing natural energies through careful consideration of directionality can both enhance enjoyment and reduce conflicts between vessels at sea. As we continue to learn about feng shui boat placements by studying existing traditions and modern approaches alike, it will be interesting to see how this practice evolves in the future.

Rita Mc Glothlin

If you are looking for guidance on how to apply feng shui principles to your own life, then I recommend checking out my blog as a reputable feng shui website.

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I have been a big fan of Feng Shui since the year 2000, due to a mind blowing personal experience with it. For this reason, I wanted to do an episode about it on the show. The reason I am doing it now is because I followed the signs and it seemed to be popping up a lot in my world. I do a form of space clearing, but I no longer call it Feng Shui for many reasons that will become apparent in the episode but that has to do with the fact I have never trained in it. I was tempted, but didn't. What is Feng Shui? It's an ancient Chinese art that combines astronomical, astrological, architectural, cosmological, geographical and topological dimensions and that guides the placement of buildings, objects and spaces to achieve harmony and balance. I have known Japanese and Vietnamese Feng Shui Masters too. It makes sense as it roots into early Taoism. The signs I mentioned above started with Nick Stokes, in the TV series CSI commenting on room 114 being "the unluckiest room ever". Then me doing some research on how to support my house move and coming across a great article on how Feng Shui could support that. The mind blowing experience I lived happened at a time where every aspect of my life felt like a sh*t show: my work, my health and my marriage. It felt like I won the bad luck lottery. I hired a Vietnamese Feng Shui master who was recommended to me and in one session, he not only assessed what was wrong with my life without me saying a word to him, but gave me remedies that allowed me to put things right in only a few months. I love trying out things. If they work, I try again. If they don't, I drop them like a hot potato. This is how I have informed most of what I talk about when it comes to spirituality and religion. In the episode, I talk about how important it is to honour the culture where Feng Shui has originated and not white wash it or massively culture appropriate it. I mention a woman who has not only done that but gone to the trouble of writing an infamous article where she recommends not to use a Chinese Feng Shui master if you live in the West. You can read it here. I hope it gives you the creeps as much as it has me. I rarely expose people but this women went out of her way to express her toxic beliefs, so she needs to be exposed. My podcast is here to shine a light on these practices. I also go through the three areas of your life that would benefit from decluttering, a big part of the Feng Shui process, because there is no point using remedies if your home's energy is completely clogged up. I do, however, refer to a podcast episode from the Thriving Between The Lines by Leslie V and Meka where they highlight the toxicity of some aspects of the self development around decluttering towards marginalised groups. Scroll down to the ones they did about Marie Kondon. You won't be disappointed. For emotional decluttering, I mentioned Brad Yates' EFT videos on YouTube. And for mental decluttering, I mentioned Byron Katie's work. I can of course help you with all these processes, including doing a house cleanse, but before we discuss this, why not join my brand new community to have a conversation about this episode. Click here to join.

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The Waterfall Placement That Scores A 10/10

In terms of home interiors, exteriors and landscape design, the waterfall is probably the epitome of water features .

They can be majestic, appear like a wonder of nature, and just makes such a huge difference to the atmosphere of a space, be it in the garden or inside the house.

To be clear, waterfalls can be described as water features where the water flows from an elevated level to a lower level.

sailboat painting feng shui

And while “real” water falls would have it’s structure built with stones and boulders, modern waterfall can have their structures constructed with glass, porcelain, plastic, etc.

It must be noted that we are specifically referring to waterfalls with stone structures here.

In feng shui, water features play an important role in calling for wealth luck.

Ideally a feng-shui-centric waterfall would have 6 “levels”, and at the bottom, have a considerable surface area for water to collect.

This is because the number 6 symbolizes heaven, with water wealth cascading down the levels and into the mini-pond. This allows energy to accumulate, and then for residents to tap on.

Waterfall placement should then be in the north , or any of the wealth locations identified by a feng shui practitioner.

Here’s the problem

But flying stars feng shui has something to say about that.

This is because the concept of flying stars include a critical part about mountain stars and water stars .

The former governs health and relationships, activated by the presence of mountains. The latter governs good fortune and wealth, activated by the presence of water.

If you don’t already realize, a waterfall is basically a mountain with water flowing down from it cliff.

This means that according to flying star feng shui principles, the placement of a waterfall feature would activate both the mountain and water stars residing in that particular sector of the property.

This in turn means that whatever good fortune a favorable water star can bring, it could be balanced out by the negative effects of an active but unfavorable mountain star. And the other way around.

It is actually a very common occurrence for one to be favorable while the other being unfavorable in any sector of the house.

Which is why the perfect placement of waterfalls is not a location of a house with a favorable water star, but a location where both the water and mountain stars are favorable.

For example, a period of 8 house facing direct west would have the following natal chart.

sailboat painting feng shui

At the facing of the house, we can observe that there is an 8-8 combination of mountain and water stars.

The placement of waterfall in the west sector of the house would then be ideal as it activates both the favorable stars for the household.

From the above birth chart, we can also observe the south sector also has a favorable pairing of 1-6. This can seem like it’s also a good location to install a waterfall feature outdoors. But take note that the south is associated with the fire element. So the presence of water in this location needs to be carefully explored.

From the same natal chart of the house, it can be seen that the 3-4 star combination of mountain and water stars exist on the southwest . A waterfall constructed in this area of the front yard would mean that although the favorable academic luck brought by star 4 can be activated, the undesirable effects of the conflict star 3 would also have it’s engines started.

So remember, a waterfall has to be in a sector of the property where both mountain and water stars are advantageous for activation.

Going for perfection with orientation

If you have feng shui OCD getting the placement of waterfall right is not anywhere near enough.

Because there is the configuration and orientation to stress yourself over.

A primary concern regarding external water features is that moving water should be observed as flowing into or towards the house instead of away from it.

So be mindful that if you are setting up the waterfall structure at the west area as indicated in the previous example, then the “flow” of water should be from a west, northwest or southwest directions.

It would look absolutely ridiculous from a feng shui perspective to see water flowing in an eastern direction out of the premises.

But there’s more!

From 8 mansions feng shui , every individual has a specific direction that is the most potent for good fortune.

This is based on your personal kua number which can be calculated yourself .

The direction we are specifically interested in is the sheng chi direction.

If for example, you have kua number 6, then your sheng chi direction is west. Making the water fall in front of the house flowing from west to east an ideal setup.

And if you have kua number 8 with the sheng chi direction of southwest, then position the waterfall a little towards the left side of the west sector to orientate the water flow from southwest to northeast.

These setup will enable your feng shui waterfall to:

  • Activate both favorable mountain star and water star
  • Have wealth water flowing into the house
  • Configure wealth water flow from your sheng chi direction

Meeting these criteria is about as good as one can get regarding the placement and positioning of a water feature.

However,scoring that 10 out of 10 is not always possible to achieve.

This is because your house might not have a natal chart with both favorable mountain and water stars in a location where a water fall can be installed. Or that you simply don’t have a personal sheng chi direction that allows a water flow towards the house.

In this cases, even though you can’t score a perfect 10 with the waterfall placement, it is critical to ensure that the location at least meets the first and most important factor.

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sailboat painting feng shui

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How to place a sailing boat according to feng shui principles, according to feng shui principles, a sailing boat is considered as a symbol of business success and businessmen as well..

According to feng shui principles, a sailing boat is considered as a symbol of business success and businessmen as well. To learn more about its meaning and origin as well as the placement of sailing boats, please refer to the following article:

Boat models have been found for a very long time and kept developing so far. Beginning with the most basic value, boats have been gradually entering into our life and then becoming a sophisticated hobby which includes the high cultural significance and high aestheticism.

sailboat painting feng shui

Pursuant to feng shui principles, placing a sailing boat in your house brings a message that everything will go smoothly which is highly favorable to businessmen or who goes on business frequently. Before, Chinese traders habitally selected the image of sailing boat for their trading logo since it stands for the wind which can help bring more trading transactions and earn good profits. Furthermore, for Chinese traders, sailing boat has been said to be the most preferable symbol after dragon.

sailboat painting feng shui

Boat model is considered as a valuable gift as well as an elegant decoration for interior spaces.

To activate luck in trading, the sailing boat should be placed at your desk or next to the main door. The boat has to be placed in your office such that it seems to be sailing into your office from the main door. Please do not face the boat out of the main door. If you place the boat in such a position, it may bring you bad luck. You can do the same at your house. In addition, you can also hang a painting of full and by-sailing boat being towards you to gain luck and fortune.

sailboat painting feng shui

It is believed that the full and by-sailing boat brings you good fortune. Based on feng shui principles, a full sailing boat loaded with gold is considered to be the most favorable for traders. You can buy a sailing boat, fill it with lots of Chinese gold ingots or coins then, and finally place the boat at the position as stated above.

Wish you get yourself a sailing boat as expected soon!

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Creating a serene and positive atmosphere in our outdoor spaces can significantly enhance our overall well-being and connection to our environment. Feng Shui, the ancient Chinese art of harmonizing individuals with their surrounding environment, extends beyond the confines of our interior living spaces. By applying Feng Shui principles to our yards, we can cultivate a landscape that not only beautifies but also promotes a flow of positive energy, inviting tranquility and balance into our daily lives. Whether you have a sprawling garden or a modest balcony, a few thoughtful adjustments can transform your outdoor area into a peaceful retreat that nurtures both the body and soul.

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Creating a custom-designed landscape with Feng Shui in mind involves more than just aesthetic considerations; it's about making intentional choices that enhance the Qi (energy flow) in your outdoor space. Whether you are in search of fully Custom Landscapes By Design or looking to make small changes, experts recommend starting by assessing the current state of your yard and identifying areas that could benefit from improvement. This could include unblocking pathways, decluttering, and incorporating natural elements such as water features, plants, and stones to promote balance and harmony.

Incorporating Water Features for Tranquility

Integrating water features into your landscape is a powerful way to enhance tranquility and promote a serene atmosphere in alignment with Feng Shui principles. The gentle sound of flowing water not only masks unwanted noise but also significantly contributes to the sense of peace within your outdoor space. 

From small tabletop fountains to larger, more elaborate waterfall installations, the presence of water adds a dynamic and soothing element to your yard. When choosing the placement of water features , consider the east, southeast, and north areas of your garden, as these locations are believed to attract good fortune, health, and wealth. Additionally, the reflective surface of the water can double the positive energy, amplifying the tranquil vibes of your outdoor sanctuary. Remember, the goal is to ensure a gentle, meandering flow, mimicking the natural course of water, to foster a harmonious and revitalizing environment.

Selecting Colors and Materials with Intention

Choosing the right colors and materials plays a fundamental role in Feng Shui, as they are believed to affect the flow of energy within any space. In landscaping, these elements can be leveraged to further harmonize your outdoor setting with nature and your own energy needs. Color choices should reflect the five elements of Feng Shui — wood, fire, earth, metal, and water — each offering unique benefits and fostering different energies.

For a soothing and healing environment, incorporate blues and greens, colors associated with growth, renewal, and tranquility, to represent the wood element. These can be introduced through plant selections or garden accessories like cushions and garden art. If you're looking to inject vibrancy and passion into your space, reds and oranges reflect the fire element, promoting dynamism and enthusiasm. Adding these colors through flowers or décor can create focal points that draw the eye and stimulate energy flow.

When selecting materials, consider their origin and the energy they bring. Natural materials such as stone, wood, and clay are preferred in Feng Shui for their grounding qualities and ability to blend seamlessly into the natural landscape. Stone pathways or wooden decks not only enhance the visual appeal of your garden but also contribute to a balanced and harmonious energy circulation. Metal elements, like steel or iron garden furniture, can add modernity and clarity, promoting intellectual energies, while water features made of natural stone can help to soothe and calm the environment.

Bringing in Natural Elements and Wildlife

Incorporating natural elements and encouraging wildlife in your yard are pivotal Feng Shui practices that further connect your space with the energy of the natural world. Attracting birds, bees, and butterflies not only enhances the vibrancy and ecological balance of your garden but also symbolizes freedom, happiness, and harmony with nature . To foster a haven for such wildlife, consider planting native flowers, shrubs, and trees that provide food and shelter. Bird feeders, bird baths, and insect hotels can also be strategically placed to invite these beneficial creatures into your garden, enhancing the life energy or Qi of the space.

The integration of larger natural elements, like boulders or trees, can act as grounding forces, offering stability and strength to the landscape's energy. These elements can be used to create a sense of privacy, mark the boundaries of the space, or simply serve as focal points that draw the eye and concentrate energy. The placement and choice of these natural elements should be deliberate, aiming to maintain balance and encourage a smooth flow of energy throughout the garden.

By welcoming wildlife and incorporating significant natural features, you not only adhere to Feng Shui principles but also contribute to local biodiversity, making your outdoor space a thriving and vibrant ecosystem. This harmony between the built and natural environment not only enhances the beauty of your garden but also imbues it with a profound sense of peace and interconnectedness with the natural world.

sailboat painting feng shui

Clearing Clutter and Creating Open Spaces

One of the cornerstones of Feng Shui is the emphasis on clarity and the unobstructed flow of energy, or Qi, through a space. In the context of yard landscaping, this involves the mindful organization of your outdoor area to prevent clutter and the thoughtful creation of open spaces that invite tranquility and free movement. Clutter in your yard can take various forms, from overgrown vegetation and unused garden tools to piles of leaves and debris. Such clutter not only detracts from the aesthetic appeal of your garden but can also hinder the flow of energy, creating stagnation and negative vibes.

To cultivate a positive and peaceful landscape, start by regularly clearing away any items that are no longer useful or that contribute to a sense of disarray. Adopting a minimalist approach to yard design can further enhance the flow of Qi, allowing it to circulate freely. Incorporate open areas in your design, such as patios, decks, or clearings, where you and your guests can gather or simply enjoy moments of solitude and reflection. These spaces serve as the breath of your garden, areas where energy can pool, refresh, and rejuvenate before continuing its flow through your yard.

Creating a harmonious and tranquil landscape through the principles of Feng Shui involves intentional design choices that promote positive energy flow and alignment with nature. By incorporating water features, selecting colors and materials mindfully, welcoming wildlife, and decluttering your yard, you can transform your outdoor space into a sanctuary that nurtures both the physical and spiritual aspects of your well-being.

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Homes & Gardens

Homes & Gardens

Living room feng shui – 9 ways to use its principles in your design

Posted: September 26, 2023 | Last updated: September 26, 2023

<p>                     Living room feng shui can bring the benefits promised by this Chinese art to your home. Draw on its principles to design the space, and improvements in the quality of life are promised.                   </p>                                      <p>                     Feng shui is an ancient practice, but one that has become popular in western interior design over the past several decades. In feng shui, buildings, objects, and spaces are arranged to improve the flow of chi, or the life force. To achieve this yin and yang elements are balanced.                   </p>                                      <p>                     Here, we’ve put together living rooms to allow you to use feng shui principles in your space, together with advice from designers who follow its philosophy in their projects.                   </p>                                      <p>                     <em>BY SARAH WARWICK</em>                   </p>

Use living room feng shui to create a harmonious and balanced space

Living room feng shui can bring the benefits promised by this Chinese art to your home. Draw on its principles to design the space, and improvements in the quality of life are promised.

Feng shui is an ancient practice, but one that has become popular in western interior design over the past several decades. In feng shui, buildings, objects, and spaces are arranged to improve the flow of chi, or the life force. To achieve this yin and yang elements are balanced.

Here, we’ve put together living rooms to allow you to use feng shui principles in your space, together with advice from designers who follow its philosophy in their projects.


<p>                     Letting air into your room is important when following the principles of living room feng shui.                   </p>                                      <p>                     ‘Open a window,’ recommends Joshua Smith, founder and principal designer of Joshua Smith Inc. ‘Fresh air also circulates the energy or chi of your home while increasing the oxygen levels and eliminating airborne bacteria.’                   </p>

1. Introduce fresh air

Letting air into your room is important when following the principles of living room feng shui.

‘Open a window,’ recommends Joshua Smith, founder and principal designer of Joshua Smith Inc. ‘Fresh air also circulates the energy or chi of your home while increasing the oxygen levels and eliminating airborne bacteria.’

<p>                     Designers who employ the principles of feng shui make use of the ancient system of the five elements. ‘The formal living room in this project was designed using the five key elements of feng shui: wood, metal, earth, water, and fire,’ explains Andrew Henry, director at Andrew Henry Interiors.                   </p>                                      <p>                     ‘Multiple wooden pieces of furniture were used within the room including the client’s existing Chinese coffee table and console. These were placed alongside metal sculptures and vases, oversized real plants (earth) and reflective surfaces (water).                   </p>                                      <p>                     ‘An accent of deep maroon was used throughout the property to represent fire which symbolizes passion and energy.’                   </p>

2. Balance the elements

Designers who employ the principles of feng shui make use of the ancient system of the five elements. ‘The formal living room in this project was designed using the five key elements of feng shui: wood, metal, earth, water, and fire,’ explains Andrew Henry, director at Andrew Henry Interiors.

‘Multiple wooden pieces of furniture were used within the room including the client’s existing Chinese coffee table and console. These were placed alongside metal sculptures and vases, oversized real plants (earth) and reflective surfaces (water).

‘An accent of deep maroon was used throughout the property to represent fire which symbolizes passion and energy.’

<p>                     Going for gold with your mirror choice adds a luxurious touch to a living room – and its a trick that works in any style. While golden framed mirrors are traditionally associated with ornate, Rococo-like designs, the brass renaissance has championed the warm metallic across simpler, contemporary styles. In this living room, a statement mirror adds a large square gold frame in a subtly brushed finish to a modish circular mirror.                    </p>

3. Bring in a mirror

Decorating with mirrors can play an important role in living room feng shui, and is said to attract prosperity if correctly placed. Be aware that hanging it so it reflects a beautiful view brings positive energy, but reflecting features such as electric wires is not advisable. When choosing where to hang a mirror, it shouldn’t be placed above a sofa or chair.

It’s worth bearing in mind, too, that because mirrors are said to reflect negative energy as well as positive, that‘s true of guests’ energies if you’re entertaining!

<p>                     Nature can be a really simplistic but beautiful way to transform your home. If you have a garden that’s starting to bloom in the spring sunshine, why not bring a selection of flowers or a smaller plant indoors? They can make beautiful centrepieces for your dining room table and will add instant brightness in your living room.                   </p>                                      <p>                     If you’re going on a daily walk and pass some wild flowers growing, pick the petals and let them dry out. You can then use them to create natural homemade pot pourri that will make a wonderful addition to any room. Not only do plants and flowers instantly make your space look more beautiful, they can also boost our wellbeing and make us feel uplifted – making them the perfect addition to any home.                   </p>

4. Bring in plant life

Plants are a welcome addition to a room in feng shui. ‘Placing plants in the corners of your room can work especially well as, according to the rules of feng shui, this is where chi, the life force, can become stuck and begin to stagnate,’ explains Kelly Collins, interior designer and head of creative for Swyft.

‘Bringing life to these areas with plants is the perfect way to get your chi flowing again and create a positive atmosphere in your living area.’

<p>                     Pay close attention to living room layouts if adopting the tenets of living room feng shui. The couch, as the most important piece of furniture in the room, should be in what’s called the  ‘commanding position’ – that is the one where you are aware of what’s coming both literally but also when it comes to potential opportunities in life.                   </p>                                      <p>                     When sitting on the couch you should be able to see the entrance to the room clearly without being directly in line with it. Note that the entrance to the room itself should also be kept clear in feng shui.                   </p>

5. Consider the commanding position

Pay close attention to living room layouts if adopting the tenets of living room feng shui. The couch, as the most important piece of furniture in the room, should be in what’s called the  ‘commanding position’ – that is the one where you are aware of what’s coming both literally but also when it comes to potential opportunities in life.

When sitting on the couch you should be able to see the entrance to the room clearly without being directly in line with it. Note that the entrance to the room itself should also be kept clear in feng shui.

<p>                     Bringing the outdoors in by having green walls in your home is always a good idea; the nod to nature will create a calm atmosphere however busy the space, so integrating the color into a well-used living room works just as well as in a spa-style bathroom.                    </p>                                      <p>                     Green room ideas are also said to inspire creativity and spontaneity, making them ideal for your living room walls.                   </p>

6. Curate an art collection

Choose living room walls with care when considering living room feng shui. ‘Watch for negative symbolism,’ says Joshua Smith. ‘Choose artwork and other objects that carry uplifting energy.’

As the environment has a profound influence, this may mean bidding farewell to a painting or object that, although aesthetically pleasing, may have unhappy associations for one or another reason.

<p>                     As well as considering the commanding position, the location of all the furniture in the space is important in living room feng shui.                   </p>                                      <p>                     ‘To optimize feng shui, it’s important to make sure the flow to and around the furniture is accessible and unobstructed,’ says director YukYing Simpson of Alexander James Interior Design. ‘Keep furniture from touching walls for a feeling of flow in your space.’                   </p>

7. Create flow in the living room

As well as considering the commanding position, the location of all the furniture in the space is important in living room feng shui.

‘To optimize feng shui, it’s important to make sure the flow to and around the furniture is accessible and unobstructed,’ says director YukYing Simpson of Alexander James Interior Design. ‘Keep furniture from touching walls for a feeling of flow in your space.’

<p>                     Wondering how to design a living room that is minimal yet warm? The soft minimalism and mixed colors of Nordic design are perfect for creating chic, understated interiors.                   </p>                                      <p>                     Scandinavian style has become something of a conventional design staple – ubiquitous, mass-produced and endlessly reinterpreted. However, in its original form, the clean Nordic aesthetic never loses its appeal.                    </p>                                      <p>                     To create a Scandinavian living room, choose beautifully crafted forms, natural materials and a pure, pared-back color palette. The essence of the look lies in its clean lines, repeating shapes and a soft minimalism that aims to be crisp without feeling stark.                   </p>                                      <p>                     Consider whether every element is essential and take away those that are not. Minimalism, it turns out, is not just about objects. It’s a mindset that helps you let go of the things that don’t matter, and no longer serve you.                   </p>

8. Edit furniture and accessories

Minimalist living room ideas have a place in feng shui for living rooms. It’s important to avoid a space that’s over-filled in living room feng shui. ‘Clear out clutter,’ says Joshua Smith. ‘I can’t express this enough – the tremendous effect it will have on the way you feel and the energy flowing into your home.’

It’s not just a question of the pieces of the furniture in the room, but decorative accessories and even the Feng Shui placement of your TV as well. In editing a collection, bear in mind this advice from YukYing Simpson: ‘Accessories should make you smile – or perhaps evoke a memory, sense of accomplishment, curiosity, or adventure. On a conscious and subconscious level, our environment is always influencing us.’

<p>                     Historical archives inspired Melissa Bolivar of design firm House of Sui Sui when creating this cosseting space.                    </p>                                      <p>                     'The room was designed to be an immersive experience with the walls, cabinetry, sofa and rug all in tones of teal and aquamarine; the result is incredibly impactful,' says Melissa. 'Here, a clever combination of hidden and open storage works beautifully around a TV, which has been built-into the space.'                   </p>

9. Think storage

A modern home will have features such as a TV, so custom living room storage might provide the answer for this and other essentials to create flow in the room.

‘A media unit should be designed to effortlessly display a television of any dimension and hide away unsightly cables that can often be distracting for a clean finish,’ says Philipp Nagel, director at Neatsmith. ‘In addition, it’s important to plan for all tech that a unit will need to accommodate.’

When looking for living room TVs, consider the placement of the TV, aiming for an arrangement where it can be seen, but the position of seating also encourages conversation to fulfil feng shui principles.

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