catamaran niveau 4

Prêt à partir ! Vous avez engrangé une très bonne expérience en navigation et vous maîtrisez dans la pratique l’ensemble des objectifs des précédents niveaux. Vous souhaitez partir naviguer en toute autonomie sur une zone de navigation de votre choix, avec votre équipage, votre entourage en toute sécurité. Bienvenue à bord ! Ce niveau est fait pour vous ! À la fin de cette formation, vous saurez comment organiser le départ avec votre équipage, vous maîtriserez les manœuvres d'appareillage et d'accostage en équipage réduit, ainsi que les manœuvres avancées en mer pour chef de bord aguerri !

catamaran niveau 4

Découvrez ici les missions principales d'un chef de bord

catamaran niveau 4

Apprenez ici, en tant que chef de bord, à organiser les quarts

catamaran niveau 4

Découvrez ici les principales procédures à connaître avant de partir

catamaran niveau 4

Apprenez ici, à tracer une route sur la carte

catamaran niveau 4

Apprenez ici à faire seul et faire faire un appareillage

catamaran niveau 4

Apprenez ici à manœuvrer en équipage réduit

catamaran niveau 4

Apprenez ici à arrêter votre bateau sur un point précis

catamaran niveau 4

Apprenez ici à réaliser un accostage en équipage ou en duo/solo

Logo Ocean Skills bleu clair et bleu foncé, sans fond

Dériveur - FFV4

Cours théorique niveau 4 ffv.

Vous voulez progresser en voile légère ? C'est par ici! 👇

Laséristes en compétition au portugal

Table des matières : 🌦 Météo 💨 Les vents ⚖️ Mécanique du Dériveur 🛠 Les réglages 🔂 Les chronologies 🌊 Les marées 🗺 Balisage et carte 🏁 La régate

Ce cours théorique s’inspire du travail d’Antoine Rogues pour l’ ex niveau 5 ffv en catamaran .

Ce support ne saurait remplacer un apprentissage auprès de monitrices et moniteurs compétents, il est le fruit d’opinions qui doivent être critiquées, remises en question et enrichies de vos expériences.

Remerciements chaleureux à ceux qui ont contribué à ce guide.

  • J’apprends la voile
  • Je me forme
  • Je vis mon club

La Rochelle Nautique

Objectif niveau 4 en voile légère

Dès 16 ans : objectif niveau 4.

Pour tous ceux qui souhaitent acquérir les compétences nécessaires à l’entrée en formation CQPIV, ou tout simplement enrichir leurs connaissances techniques, La Rochelle Nautique propose un stage de mise à niveau « Objectif niveau 4 », sur dériveur, catamaran ou planche à voile.

  • Exploiter les variables du milieu et les caractéristiques du support pour optimiser son rendement.
  • Maitriser les procédures permettant de limiter les risques en cas de situations inhabituelles..
  • Concevoir un programme de navigation en fonction du site et des évolutions du contexte.

catamaran niveau 4

Expérience pratique préalable de navigation de 120H obligatoire !

Du lundi au vendredi, de 10h à 18h.

catamaran niveau 4


Le centre nautique






Stages et location de matériel




Pratique voile à l'année








Nos autres activités, pour les groupes






catamaran niveau 4


catamaran niveau 4


Il s’agit d’un stage intensif d'une semaine de préparation à l'examen de niveau 4 FFV en catamaran, pratique et théorique en vue de valider un niveau 4 FFV permettant l'accès à la formation CQP Initiateur Voil ou de se perfectionner. Ce stage est réalisé durant les vacances d’automne et de printemps. Une licence FFV voile et la validation du niveau 3 FFVoile sont indispensable pour pouvoir participer à ce stage.


Pour y parvenir, vous naviguerez sur des parcours conçus exprès pour votre groupe, tout en vous entrainant à faire des départs de niveau régate et à optimiser vos réglages, en sous-puissance comme en sur-puissance.

Vous seront aussi apprises les bases du fonctionnement technique du catamaran, à savoir l'hydrodynamique, l'aérodynamique.

Contactez-nous pour réserver votre formation moniteur :

à partir de 16 ans

catamaran niveau 4

TOUTES NOS activités à l'année

En tête SNT

  • Assemblée Générale, Statuts et règlement intérieur
  • Revue du club
  • Adhésion et licence 2024
  • Bourse aux équipiers
  • Météo et marées
  • Facebook SNT
  • Facebook ArMen
  • Jumelage SNT - DTYC
  • Plan d'accès
  • Régates et rallyes à venir
  • Régates et rallyes passés
  • Stages de voile Hors saison
  • Stages de voile été
  • Stages adultes soirée
  • J 70 - Navigation en équipage
  • Ecole de Croisière
  • Initiation au foil
  • Navigation à l'année adulte
  • L'école de sport / Voile à l'année
  • Aide-moniteur
  • UCC 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6
  • Voile scolaire
  • Carte cadeau école de voile
  • Stage semi-embarqué
  • Partenaires
  • Instances sportives
  • Partenaires Institutionnels
  • Remises adhérents partenaires SNT

Formations de moniteurs

Vous êtes passionnés par la voile. Vous avez un bon niveau de pratique en dériveur ou catamaran. Vous avez envie de transmettre votre passion, de travailler l'été dans un cadre sympathique et une ambiance conviviale, n'hésitez pas, rejoignez notre équipe. Pour accéder au Monitorat de voile CQP Initiateur Voile (Certificat de Qualification Professionnelle d'Initiateur Voile), il vous suffit de suivre le cursus de formation moniteur et d'être licencié FFV.

Stage Aide-moniteur

Premiers pas vers le monitorat : juillet et août

Stage niveau 4

Dériveurs RS 500 ou Hobie Max

Niveau 4 (obligatoire pour l'entrée en UCC1) : du 30 octobre au 3 novembre 2023

Certificat de qualification professionnelle initiateur voile, programme des formations snt 2024.

3 domaines abordés : sécurité - animation - enseignement

Il faudra dans le cadre du stage certifier 6 unités de compétences capitalisables (UCC)

UCC1 : du 3 au 7 juillet 2023

Ucc1 : sécuriser le contexte de la pratique.

   Rappel : la validation de l'UCC1 (domaine sécurité) est obligatoire avant la mise en situation pédagogique avec un public réel (UCC 2 à 6)

UCC 2-3-4-5-6 : juillet - août

Ucc2 : favoriser le développement d'attitudes préventives chez les pratiquants, ucc3 : permettre un temps de pratique maximal, ucc4 : entretenir l'engagement des pratiquants, ucc5 : intervenir pour accélérer les progrès des pratiquants, ucc6 : évaluer le niveau d'autonomie des pratiquants.


Avant de commencer les stages pédagogiques (UCC 1-2-3-4-5-6), vous devez être titulaire :

  • de la licence annuelle FFVoile à jour en compétition (indispensable pour avoir accès au livret dématérialisé)
  • du Niveau 4
  • de l'Attestation de natation (100 mètres) avec passage sous un obstacle en surface de 1 mètre de long  (Modèle FFVoile à télécharger)
  • Permis côtier
  • Attestation de formation à la conduite à tenir face à un accidenté ou AFPS ou PSC1
  • badge module prévention des violences
  • autorisation parentale pour les mineurs


Footer adresse

SNT - Association loi 1901, éligible au mécénat

Môle Éric Tabarly - Cours des quais - 56470 LA TRINITÉ SUR MER

Téléphone : +33 (0)2 97 55 73 48

 Mail : [email protected] - Mentions légales - Conditions Générales de Vente - Mesures Covid

  • Le Monitorat


Pour tous ceux qui souhaitent valider le niveau 4 (qui est nécessaires à l’entrée en formation CQP IV), le CDV 35 propose des évaluations durant certaine régate sur dériveur, catamaran ou windsurf. L'inscription à l'évaluation est obligatoire auprés du club organisateur.


Test théoriques et test pratiques. 


- Avoir 14 ans

- Avoir un niveau 3 FFV

- Autorisation parentale pour les mineurs

- Avoir une licence club FFV


Calendrier des évaluations pratiques et théoriques automne 2023 en Ille et Vilaine

Samedi 14 octobre 2023 (Surfschool)

Vendredi 27 octobre 2023 (SNBSM Bon Secours)

Vendredi 3 novembre 2023 (Cancale)

Vendredi 3 novembre 2023 (YC Saint-Lunaire)

Vendredi 3 novembre 2023 (CN Saint-Suliac)

Pas de date prévus actuellement


Suivez nous sur

13 Best Liveaboard Catamarans (For All Budgets)

If you want to enjoy long-term living on the water, a liveaboard catamaran can provide the perfect combination of comfort and adventure. However, buying and owning a catamaran can cost you a fortune. If you're not sure which one suits your budget, here are 13 of the best liveaboard catamarans on the market today, covering a range of budgets and lifestyles.

The 13 best liveaboard catamarans for different budgets are:

Nautitech 46 Open

Lagoon 450f, nautitech 46 fly.

If you're on a tight budget but still want to enjoy the liveaboard lifestyle, the Leopard 40, Lucia 40, and Lagoon 400 are some of your best options. If you have a slightly higher budget to live up to your dream life aboard, let's see which of these catamarans will suit your needs best.

  • Low-budget liveaboard catamarans cost anywhere from $350,000 to $450,000, while high-budget options range from $1,000,000 to $2,000,000.
  • The living space of the best liveaboard catamarans ranges from 77 sqm to 215 sqm, with the higher-budget options generally offering more space.
  • Most catamaran models come equipped with one galley and multiple heads, with the number of heads ranging from 2 to 4.
  • High-budget catamarans like Lagoon 52 and Catana 50 are built with advanced safety features such as a self-tacking jib and an automatic reefing system.

catamaran niveau 4

On this page:

Best liveaboard catamarans for all budgets.

When choosing the best liveaboard catamaran, there are questions you need to ask yourself such as:

  • Are you planning to live aboard full-time or just part-time?
  • Will you be traveling extensively or staying in one location?
  • Do you plan to fish or engage in other water activities?
If you plan to sail around the world and are not sure what catamaran size is perfect for your goal , you can get some tips from this article.

You may also need to check your budget. Keep in mind that the purchase price is just one aspect of the cost of owning a catamaran. See how much it actually costs to buy and own a catamaran in this article.

catamaran niveau 4

You may also need to factor in ongoing maintenance, repairs, and other expenses, such as docking costs. Docking costs depend on the location of the marina and the actual size of your catamaran, but to give you an idea of how much it costs to dock a catamaran , here's an article that can help you.

The best liveaboard catamarans have these most important features :

Living space Look for a catamaran with an open layout, large windows, and plenty of natural light to create a spacious and inviting living area.

Galley and heads Choose a catamaran with a well-designed galley that is easy to use and has plenty of storage space. The heads should be spacious and comfortable, with a separate shower area if possible.

Performance and handling You might want to opt for a catamaran with a good sail plan and sailing controls that are easy to operate. If you plan to do offshore cruising, perhaps consider a catamaran with a shallow draft and good seaworthiness.

Safety and seaworthiness Choose a catamaran with sturdy construction and good safety features, such as handrails and lifelines. You might want to make sure also that the catamaran is designed for single-handed sailing if you plan to sail solo.

Estimated price range: $400,000 - $500,000

Living space inside Leopard 40

The Leopard 40 has a spacious interior with a modern and stylish design. It features four cabins and two heads, providing ample living space for up to 8 people.

The cabins are well-ventilated and well-lit, with large windows that offer panoramic views of the sea. The saloon is also spacious, with comfortable seating and a large dining table.

Galley and heads of Leopard 40

The galley is well-equipped with a large refrigerator, freezer, gas stove, oven, and plenty of storage space. The heads are also well-designed, with separate shower stalls and electric toilets.

Performance and handling of Leopard 40

The Leopard 40 has a sleek and streamlined design that allows it to move smoothly through the water. The twin engines provide plenty of power, and the boat is easy to maneuver even in tight spaces.

The boat also comes with a range of performance features, such as a large sail area, a self-tacking jib, and a full-batten mainsail.

Safety and seaworthiness of Leopard 40

The Leopard 40 is built to the highest standards of safety, with a strong and durable hull, high-quality rigging, and a range of safety features such as lifelines, handrails, and safety harnesses.

The boat also has excellent stability, which makes it very safe and comfortable to sail in rough seas.

Estimated price range: $450,000 - $550,000

Living space inside Lucia 40

The Lucia 40 is a spacious catamaran that offers plenty of living space for a family or a group of friends. It has a large saloon with a U-shaped sofa and a dining table that can comfortably seat six people.

The saloon is surrounded by large windows that provide plenty of natural light and a great view of the surroundings. The catamaran has four cabins and two heads, which provide ample sleeping space for up to eight people. The cabins are well-appointed and offer plenty of storage space.

Galley and heads of Lucia 40

The galley on the Lucia 40 is located in the saloon and is well-equipped with a three-burner stove, oven, fridge, and plenty of counter space for food preparation.

catamaran niveau 4

The two heads are located in each hull and are equipped with a shower, toilet, and sink. They are spacious and provide plenty of privacy.

The Lucia 40 is a performance-oriented catamaran

The Lucia 40 is a performance-oriented catamaran that is designed for cruising in comfort. It has a sleek and modern design that allows it to sail efficiently in a wide range of wind and sea conditions.

The catamaran is equipped with a full batten mainsail and a furling genoa, which provide excellent sail performance. The helm station is located on the flybridge, which provides excellent visibility and allows for easy handling.

The Lucia 40 is a safe and seaworthy catamaran

The Lucia 40 has a solid fiberglass hull and a structural bulkhead that provides excellent strength and rigidity. The catamaran is equipped with all the necessary safety equipment, including life jackets, flares, fire extinguishers, and a first aid kit.

It is also equipped with a comprehensive navigation system, which includes GPS, radar, and an autopilot, to ensure safe and accurate navigation.

Estimated price range: $350,000 - $450,000

Living space inside Lagoon 400

The Lagoon 400 offers ample room for passengers to relax and socialize. The main saloon is located on the same level as the cockpit, creating a seamless indoor-outdoor living experience.

The saloon features a large dining table and comfortable seating, while the cockpit provides additional seating and a table for outdoor dining. The cabins are also spacious and comfortable, with plenty of storage space.

Galley and heads of Lagoon 400

The galley is well-equipped with a stove, oven, refrigerator, and sink, making it easy to prepare meals while underway. The heads are also well-designed, with separate shower stalls and electric toilets.

The Lagoon 400 has good sailing performance

This boat has a generous sail area, a powerful rig, and a light displacement, which allows it to sail well in a variety of conditions. The boat's twin hulls also help to reduce drag and increase stability, which makes it easier to sail in choppy seas or high winds.

The Lagoon 400 is also equipped with twin engines, which allow it to be easily maneuvered in tight spaces or when docking. The boat's shallow draft, which is one of the advantages of sailing a catamaran , also makes it suitable for exploring shallow waters or anchoring in secluded bays.

The Lagoon 400 is designed to be safe and seaworthy

The boat's twin hulls provide excellent stability, which reduces the risk of capsizing. See a detailed comparison between catamaran and monohull in this article.

The boat is also equipped with a range of safety features, including a solid fiberglass hull, watertight bulkheads, and a high freeboard, which helps to keep the boat dry and reduce the risk of swamping.

The boat is also built to withstand rough seas and strong winds, with a reinforced hull and high freeboard. It also features a range of safety features, including lifelines, safety harnesses, and an emergency tiller.

The Bali 4.0 is a catamaran that offers ample living space

The cockpit and saloon are on the same level, which creates a large open-plan living area. The saloon has a U-shaped seating area, which can comfortably seat six people, and a large table that can be lowered to create a double berth.

Galley and heads of Bali 4.0

The galley of Bali 4.0 is located aft of the saloon and is well-equipped with a three-burner stove, oven, refrigerator, and sink. The boat has four cabins, each with its own en-suite head and shower. The cabins are spacious and comfortable, and the heads are modern and well-designed.

Performance and handling of Bali 4.0

The Bali 4.0 has a self-tacking jib and a fully battened mainsail, which makes it easy to sail short-handed. The boat is also equipped with a Code 0 sail, which provides additional downwind performance. The boat's helm is responsive and easy to control, and the boat is stable and predictable in a variety of conditions.

Safety and seaworthiness of Bali 4.0

The Bali 4.0 is a seaworthy boat that is designed to be safe and comfortable in a variety of conditions. The boat has a high freeboard, which provides additional safety and protection from waves and spray.

catamaran niveau 4

The boat also has a solid foredeck, which provides additional safety when moving around the boat. It is also equipped with a full suite of safety equipment, including life rafts, life jackets, and safety harnesses.

Estimated price range: $500,000 - $600,000

Living space inside Bali 4.3

The Bali 4.3 has a large saloon with panoramic views, plenty of natural light, and a modern design. The saloon is equipped with a large U-shaped sofa, a dining table, and a chart table. The cockpit is also spacious and features a dining table, a sunbathing area, and a helm station.

Galley and heads of Bali 4.3

The galley and heads on the Bali 4.3 are well-designed and offer plenty of space and storage. It is located in the saloon and features a 3-burner stove, an oven, a large refrigerator, and plenty of counter space. The heads are located in each hull and feature a separate shower, electric toilets, and plenty of storage.

The Bali 4.3 is a fast and agile catamaran. It features a self-tacking jib and a square-top mainsail, which make it easy to handle and maneuver. The boat is also equipped with twin engines, which provide good speed and maneuverability.

The Bali 4.3 is a very safe and stable catamaran

The Bali 4.3 features a solid construction, a high freeboard, and a wide beam, which make it very stable and comfortable even in rough seas. The boat is also equipped with a number of safety features, including lifelines, safety harnesses, and life jackets.

Living space of Catana 42

The Catana 42 has a spacious interior layout with plenty of natural light and ventilation. The saloon and cockpit are integrated into one living area, which provides a comfortable and functional living space.

Galley and heads of Catana 42

The galley is located in the port hull and features a three-burner stove, oven, refrigerator, and ample storage space. The heads are located in the starboard hull, with one head serving as the owner's suite en-suite and the other serving the remaining three cabins.

The Catana 42 an excellent performer

The catamaran is designed to be fast and stable, with a high bridge deck clearance and a narrow hull-to-waterline beam ratio. It also has a large sail area, which provides good speed in light winds.

The Catana 42 is built with safety and seaworthiness

The boat is designed to be self-righting in the event of a capsize , and the hulls are foam-filled for added buoyancy. The boat also features a robust construction with a reinforced keel and rudder, making it suitable for offshore cruising.

Estimated price range: $600,000 - $700,000

Living space of Nautitech 46 Open

The Nautitech 46 Open is a spacious and comfortable catamaran that offers ample living space, a well-equipped galley, and multiple heads for convenience. The living area is open and airy, with large windows and plenty of natural light.

Galley and heads of Nautitech 46 Open

The galley is fully equipped with modern appliances and ample storage space, making it easy to prepare meals and entertain guests. The heads are also well-appointed, with modern fixtures and plenty of space for comfort.

Performance and handling of Nautitech 46 Open

The Nautitech 46 Open is a capable and responsive catamaran that is easy to sail and maneuver. The boat's twin hulls provide excellent stability and make it easy to handle in a variety of conditions.

The boat's rig is designed for performance, with a large sail area and a well-balanced design that allows for easy handling and excellent speed.

Safety and seaworthiness of Nautitech 46 Open

The boat is built to the highest standards of safety and durability, with a strong and sturdy construction that can withstand the rigors of offshore sailing. The boat is also equipped with all the necessary safety features, including life rafts, life jackets, and safety harnesses, to ensure that you and your crew stay safe on the water.

Estimated price range: $700,000 - $800,000

Living space inside Lagoon 450F

The Lagoon 450F is a spacious catamaran that offers plenty of room for living and entertaining. The saloon is large and open, with plenty of natural light and ventilation.

The cockpit is also spacious and comfortable, with a large dining table and seating for up to eight people. The cabins are well-designed and offer plenty of storage space, and the bathrooms are modern and well-appointed.

catamaran niveau 4

Galley and heads of Lagoon 450F

The Lagoon 450F has a well-equipped galley that is perfect for preparing meals while at sea. The galley features a large refrigerator and freezer, a three-burner stove, an oven, a microwave, and plenty of counter space. The heads are also well-designed and offer plenty of space and privacy.

Performance and handling of Lagoon 450F

The Lagoon 450F is a fast and stable catamaran that is easy to handle. The boat is powered by two Yanmar diesel engines, which provide plenty of power and speed.

The boat is also equipped with a high-performance sail plan, which allows for easy and efficient sailing.

The Lagoon 450F is designed to handle a variety of weather conditions

This boat is built to the highest standards of safety and quality and is equipped with all of the necessary safety equipment, including life rafts, life jackets, and emergency flares.

The boat is also designed to be self-sufficient, with a large water tank and generator, which allows for extended periods of time at sea.

Living space inside Helia 44

The Helia 44 has a spacious and well-designed interior that maximizes living space. The saloon features large windows that provide plenty of natural light and offer stunning views of the surrounding scenery.

The seating area is comfortable and can accommodate up to 8 people. The cabins are also spacious and well-appointed, with plenty of storage space and en-suite bathrooms.

Galley and heads of Helia 44

The galley on the Helia 44 is well-equipped and designed for easy use. It features a large refrigerator, a 3-burner gas stove, an oven, and a microwave. The heads are also well-designed, with separate shower stalls and plenty of storage space.

The Helia 44 is designed for excellent performance and handling

The Helia 44 has a powerful rig and a high aspect ratio sail plan that provides excellent speed and maneuverability. The boat also has a shallow draft, which makes it easy to navigate in shallow waters.

The Helia 44 is built to the highest safety standards

This boat has a solid construction that provides excellent stability and strength. It also features a range of safety equipment, including life rafts, EPIRBs, and fire extinguishers.

Estimated price range: $700,000 - $1,000,000

Living space inside Leopard 48

The Leopard 48 features a spacious saloon with a comfortable seating area and a large dining table. The saloon is surrounded by panoramic windows that provide plenty of natural light and stunning views of the surrounding scenery.

The catamaran also has a large cockpit area with a dining table and comfortable seating, perfect for outdoor dining and relaxation.

Galley and heads of Leopard 48

The galley on the Leopard 48 is well-equipped with modern appliances and ample storage space. It features a large refrigerator, a freezer, a three-burner stove, and an oven. The catamaran also has three heads, each with a shower, sink, and toilet.

Performance and handling of Leopard 48

The Leopard 48 is a high-performance catamaran that is easy to handle and maneuver. It has a powerful sail plan and lightweight construction that allows it to sail smoothly and efficiently even in light winds.

The catamaran is also equipped with a powerful engine that provides excellent speed and maneuverability.

Safety and seaworthiness of Leopard 48

The Leopard 48 is a safe and seaworthy catamaran that is designed to handle even the toughest ocean conditions. It has a sturdy construction and a stable platform that provides excellent stability and safety.

The catamaran is also equipped with modern safety features such as a GPS navigation system, a radar, and an autopilot.

Estimated price range: $600,000 - $900,000

Living space inside Nautitech 46 Fly

The Nautitech 46 Fly is a spacious catamaran that offers plenty of room for living and entertaining. The interior is bright and airy, thanks to large windows and an open floor plan.

There are four cabins and four heads, making it a great option for families or groups of friends. The salon is comfortable and features a dining area and a well-equipped galley.

Galley and heads of Nautitech 46 Fly

The galley on the Nautitech 46 Fly is well-equipped with a refrigerator, freezer, stove, oven, and plenty of counter space. There is also a double sink and a dishwasher. The heads are spacious and comfortable, with separate shower stalls and electric toilets.

Performance and handling of the Nautitech 46 Fly

The Nautitech 46 Fly is a pleasure to sail, with good speed and handling. The boat is responsive and easy to maneuver, even in tight spaces. The twin engines provide plenty of power and make docking and maneuvering a breeze.

The Nautitech 46 Fly is a safe and seaworthy vessel

The boat is designed to handle rough seas and strong winds, making it a great option for offshore sailing. There are also plenty of safety features, including lifelines, safety harnesses, and a well-equipped first aid kit.

Estimated price range: $1,000,000 - $2,000,000

The living space of Catana 50

The living space is designed for comfort and entertainment. The spacious saloon offers panoramic views and ample seating for guests.

The interior is finished with high-quality materials and features modern amenities such as air conditioning, a fully equipped galley, and plenty of storage space. It also has four spacious cabins and four heads, making it ideal for families or groups of friends.

Galley and heads of Catana 50

The galley on the Catana 50 is well-equipped with a large refrigerator, freezer, oven, and stove. The countertops are made of durable and easy-to-clean materials, and there is plenty of storage space for food and cooking utensils. The heads are spacious and feature modern fixtures and finishes.

The Catana 50 is designed for performance and speed

The catamaran's lightweight construction and high-tech materials make it fast and agile, while its twin daggerboards and rudders provide excellent maneuverability and control. The boat is easy to handle, even in challenging conditions, and offers a smooth and comfortable ride.

The Catana 50 is a safe and seaworthy vessel

The catamaran's hull design and construction are engineered to withstand the rigors of offshore sailing, and the boat is equipped with all the necessary safety equipment, including life rafts, EPIRBs, and fire extinguishers.

Need a complete list of safety equipment for your boat ? Here's an article that might be helpful for you.

The vessel also features a high freeboard, wide decks, and a sturdy rigging system, making it a stable and secure platform for sailing in all conditions.

Living space of Lagoon 52

The Lagoon 52 is known for its spacious interior and exterior living areas. The main salon is located on the bridge deck and features a large dining table, comfortable seating, and panoramic views.

The cockpit is also spacious and has plenty of seating for outdoor dining and lounging. The cabins are well-appointed and offer plenty of storage space and natural light.

Galley and heads of Lagoon 52

The galley on the Lagoon 52 is equipped with modern appliances and ample counter space, making it easy to prepare meals for large groups. There are also multiple heads on the boat, each with a shower and toilet, making it convenient for guests to freshen up after a day of exploring.

Performance and handling of Lagoon 52

The Lagoon 52 is designed for optimal performance and handling. It has a powerful sail plan and a lightweight construction that allows it to move swiftly through the water

The boat is also easy to handle, even with a small crew, thanks to its user-friendly design and advanced technology.

Safety and seaworthiness are top priorities on the Lagoon 52

The boat is built to withstand rough seas and harsh weather conditions, with sturdy construction and advanced safety features such as a self-tacking jib and an automatic reefing system.

The boat also has a spacious cockpit and wide decks that make it easy to move around and handle the boat in all conditions:

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The first Outremer catamaran with an electric engine

The Outremer is the first series cruising electric catamaran. Without fossil fuel on board (diesel or gas), it can be used without any CO2 emissions. Designed for long distance sailing, its ability to produce energy by the engines when the boat is sailing gives it autonomy without limits other than the weather.

This innovative green catamaran created for the preservation of the environment allows the sailor to navigate with favorable winds, thus reconnecting with nature and his boat, whilst maintaining the comfort and safety necessary for a family trip.

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An optimized energy balance

With a high-performance electric catamaran, can we manage to balance energy consumption? To answer this question, we have carried out several tests, integrating a solar panel and hydrogenation pair.

New generation battery banks

A large 17,5KWH battery bank, with an energy density never reached before, is installed on the to ensure maximum autonomy when sailing across the ocean.

Electric engines

With its two 10KW engines, the Outremer electric sailing catamaran has a power equivalent to that offered on the thermal version, with a much higher torque

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When will the be available, why did you decide to initiate this project with jimmy cornell, how does the outremer differ from the 45.

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Bali 4.4 Review

We are talking about the sailing boat Bali 4.4 , which replaced two predecessors of the Bali Catamarans shipyard, accompanied by a review of topRik experts with photos and schematics, including excerpts from the review by Emmanuel Van Deth, who was one of the first to test multihull from Catana Group at sea.


On the Transom

In the cockpit, in the saloon, inside the cabins, on the flybridge and at sea.


Review Bali 4.4

Bali Catamarans is a relatively new name on the European market. The author of the project is Catana Group, a recognized leader in the production of exclusive catamarans. The Bali range itself is a successful attempt to enter the mass production segment.

High-sided, with voluminous deckhouses, all slightly angular, with low masts and a moderate sail area. But despite all this, demand for catamarans is actively increasing, especially in the charter segment and in warm regions. And this is no coincidence: they provide space and comfort, have large holds and voluminous lockers, comfortable sofas, wide berths and spacious showers.

And this fact is well confirmed by the rapidly growing sales figures, which are not lagging behind the largest manufacturers in the mass catamaran segment. Still a recent newcomer to the mass market, Bali is a subsidiary of the leading luxury Catana brand, whose models are mainly intended for individual owners.

The creator of both brands Olivier Poncin developed Bali as a second line and conceptually aimed in the same direction as its other large-scale French colleagues, that is, it created a relatively inexpensive mass-produced boat that would be of interest to both individual customers and the charter market. In the end, the French were able to sell the first 100 hulls in less than two years.

Bali models Catamarans definitely have unique features that make one talk about Bali's already formed DNA. For example, in front there is no longer a soft mesh between the hulls, but a solid deck flooring. This space can be used as a full-fledged second cockpit: for relaxing guests and for sunbathing, for example.

Additional advantages of this solution: if the boat is in the Mediterranean Sea (where they are moored, as usual, stern to the pier), then the bow cockpit will provide the proper level of privacy from neighbors on the pier. Both when anchored and underway, the crew (or part of it) can choose to stay in any of the two cockpits, therefore, the main (aft) cockpit will be more spacious.

Review Bali 4.4

The garage-type lift-and-tilt door, which already bears the name of the brand that it personifies, is forever included in the DNA of the line - the Bali door. If you want to completely close the yacht, the crew closes the side sliding windows and lowers the entire rear wall of the cabin, which is called the Bali door, using a pneumatic mechanism. After this, the interior of the yacht is acoustically, thermally and optically isolated from the external environment - just like boats with a traditionally designed interior.

And for some time (since model 4.2 ), a door leading to the foredeck was added to the distinctive features of Bali. In the first smaller models, in its place was a large, fully folding windshield, which is used as a hatch and for ventilation.

Maximum openness in good weather and reliable protection from bad weather are a big plus of this line. From the aft section of the cockpit to the front wall of the wheelhouse there is one continuous, flat surface, which can be viewed in any way: either as an open-air galley, or as a sea terrace with an attached kitchen. In addition, there is also a navigation corner and a huge refrigerator.

However, the structural loss of rigidity due to the absence of the rear wall of the cabin, which on catamarans takes on a considerable part of the lateral loads, mainly due to torsion, must be somehow compensated for, so Bali is designed very elegantly overall. Both inner half-hulls are laminated together with the bridge and rigid foredeck as a single unit in one complex matrix. This uses vacuum infusion, as well as molded or co-laminated local reinforcements, stringers and stiffeners.

Review Bali 4.4

Another interesting solution: the false fins are made in the form of separate parts, glued to the hulls after the latter have been manufactured. The calculation is made that in the event of an unsuccessful grounding, the glued keels will come off, while the hulls of the catamaran themselves will remain intact. But, despite this, the catamaran is designed for drying and winter storage on the shore, supported by hull fins. Additionally, we point out that the forepeaks of the catamaran are designed as ram compartments - with sealed bulkheads.

The high-mounted helm station, combined with the desire for headroom, caused the boom to move strongly upward. However, despite this decision, Bali sail much better than it might seem at first glance.

Free space is always an important issue on a cruising yacht. With the Bali range, everything is in order: sofas in the cockpit, 2 meters of height in the saloon, the bow cockpit with a seating area is very comfortable both on the road and in the parking lot. The raised helm station is separate from the wheelhouse and the cockpit, but there is additional seating and a soft bench next to the helm on the cockpit hardtop.

All controls are concentrated near the steering post; all the running ends of the halyards, sheets and guys are brought out here. The visibility from the helmsman's seat is excellent, except that the stern of the starboard hull is poorly visible - which is a typical situation for a similar architecture of a cruising catamaran with a remote helm station on the port side. If necessary, a second helmsman's seat can be installed on the yacht in the main deck saloon (or wheelhouse); it will be equipped with a joystick (instead of a steering wheel), electronic engine control and other equipment and indicators.

The world premiere of Bali 4.4 took place at International Multihull Show 2022, in La Grande Motte, France. It was designed to replace two predecessors at once: Bali 4.3 with a central control post and Bali 4.5 - the very first model in the line. topRik team will try to understand whether this model was successful at that.

Review Bali 4.4

Features of Bali 4.4

  • Brand: BALI Catamarans
  • Hull type: Catamaran
  • Overall length, m: 13.48
  • Overall length, ft: 44
  • Width, m: 7.4
  • Draft, m: 1.26
  • Displacement, t: 13.6
  • Air draft, m: 21.55
  • Water tanks, l: 860
  • Exterior design (architect): Xavier Faÿ
  • Interior design: Lasta Design Studio
  • CE Certification: A
  • Engine power, HP: 40
  • Fuel tanks, l: 800
  • Mainsail type: Full battens
  • Jib type: Self-tacking
  • Mainsail area, sq.m.: 74
  • Jib area, sq.m.: 42
  • Code 0 area, sq.m.: 82

Virtual tour

Review of bali 4.4 by toprik team.

As already reported, world Bali 4.4 premiered at the International Multihull Show 2022, and topRik experts were able to take a look at it later, at Cannes Yachting Festival.

Review Bali 4.4

The size and layout of the Bali captivated us, and the first glance at the price tag made us urgently sign up for testing.

In such a dense “population” of the pier it is difficult to look at such a large yacht from afar. Of course, it’s easier for you, we’ll show you a photo of what we should have seen at the Bali Catamarans stand.

Review Bali 4.4

We assure you that even without the ladies in bikini and at a very close distance, Bali 4.4 knows how to impress. First of all – with its harmony. Naval architects were able to develop a boat with a flybridge, which does not look like a three-story cottage that was swept out to sea by a tsunami. We responsibly declare that not all experts share the ironic view of boats with a flybridge, especially if the purpose of the yacht is charters.

All these free spaces on a relatively small (13.5 meters) boat were quite impressive. And the ability to close the huge saloon on all 4 sides is noticeable even from the pier. Also impressive is the side glazing of the hulls and the height of the sides themselves, which promises sufficient headroom in the cabins.

We see that the mast, shifted to the stern, is somewhat shortened, and the boom is at a convenient height, which promises comfortable sail control. All that remains is to get on board and verify our assumptions.

You can board Bali 4.4 catamaran from the platform at the pier - the middle part of it is intended more for transporting an inflatable boat, for which davits are provided, and the side sugarscoops are used for sunbathing, on the lower step of which a sliding ladder can be equipped.

On both sides, the entrance to the cockpit is blocked (or opened) by steel cables. Stainless steel side cleats, a shower, a neck for refilling tanks - everything is familiar, as in many other cats.

Review Bali 4.4

With the Bali door closed, the cockpit doesn't make much of an impression - a narrow strip of deck with a large transom sofa. True, there is a large grill on the port side, and a freezer can be hidden in the locker if you choose this optional equipment.

The engines are located in a manner that has become typical for catamarans: in the stern of each of the hulls in engine rooms, well accessible for maintenance, but completely isolated from the internal space to reduce noise and vibration.

Review Bali 4.4

And the cockpit makes a completely different impression when the door to the saloon is open - it becomes part of the huge space from the transom to the bow. Why to the bow - you will find out later, but for now make sure that the effect of the raised Bali door changes your opinion of the cockpit as just a narrow strip of deck.

Review Bali 4.4

And if you change the view so that you can see all the way to the door leading to the foredeck, you will have an almost complete view of this huge space.

Review Bali 4.4

The modular design method allows you to change the interior arrangement: instead of two armchairs with a cabinet (for cigars or wine), you can install a large comfortable sofa between them, as in the dining area opposite. You can freely seat 8 people at the folding table, and if you make room, then the whole ten. The catamaran is designed for 12 passengers, and a maximum of 12 sleeping places can be equipped if you use the forepeaks and lower the table in the saloon, covering it with a mattress.

But how can we feed these dozen, because so far we have only seen a grill in the cockpit... Oh, and there are also huge refrigerators on the starboard side, this already makes our task easier.

Review Bali 4.4

Well, if you get to the refrigerators, you'll of course also see that superbly equipped galley that rivals some home kitchens in terms of equipment, including an optional dishwasher.

Review Bali 4.4

And this is only part of the galley - as you can see in the photo below, there is also a cabinet with a large work surface and many drawers. But this natural wood finish is an option for those who prefer comfort and elegance.

Review Bali 4.4

Opposite the galley, on the starboard side, there is a full-fledged chart table, which can be equipped as a second control station with the installation of all the equipment that is provided at the main control station.

Review Bali 4.4

And to make it easier for you to navigate the placement of areas and furniture on the main deck, we suggest checking this schematic, because we are not finished yet. Through that door, to the left of the chart table, we go out onto the bow deck.

Review Bali 4.4

Even from the diagram it is clear that this entire area is given over to a recreation area. The entire area from the outer sides of each hull is used here, since the rigid bow deck is one of the Bali’s distinctive features, which attracted the attention of the topRik team.

Review Bali 4.4

This is a great solution both for an owner with a large family or a bunch of friends, and for a charter cruise. By the way, the Bali 4.4 has class A in the CE classification, that is, it allows even transatlantic crossings.

Here again we invite you to consider the layout of the cabins. There are two main options: with three and four cabins, as well as with different possibilities for using quite spacious forepeaks. They can be equipped with berths for the crew or additional storage space can be arranged here.

If you are going to use the boat as an owner, we recommend the 3-cabin version. The left float here is completely dedicated to the master cabin; the design developers have achieved maximum comfort for its inhabitants.

Review Bali 4.4

Conventionally, the building can be divided into familiar zones: a king-size double bed with a large locker under it is a bedroom, a sofa with a work desk (or dressing table) is a boudoir or an office, and then in the bow there is a bathroom.

Review Bali 4.4

The bathroom is worth showing in more detail, since it is not always possible to see an isolated shower cabin of this size on a yacht of this length - the entire width of the hull, even in its narrow part, as well as two washbasins. There is enough space for both a toilet and a floor cabinet. Above the washbasins there are shelves, cabinets and a mirror.

Review Bali 4.4

In the other two cabins, the bathrooms are also individual, but the shower room, of course, is not the same size, and the cabins themselves are more modest, still they have everything you need for a comfortable life on board.

This is what the cabin located at the stern looks like: the bed is also double and large with a locker under it, and the number of portholes is the same as in the master cabin bedroom.

Review Bali 4.4

The configuration of the cabin at the bow is interesting: from here you can enter the forepeak - an inexhaustible source of ideas for children, and for boring adults - just a place to store luggage. Here, in addition to the porthole, there is also a hatch in the ceiling.

Review Bali 4.4

In general, you probably already noticed without us how much natural light and ventilation opportunities there are under the main deck of the Bali 4.4. Bathrooms are also keeping up with this trend, even in guest cabins.

Review Bali 4.4

The 4-cabin version is more suitable for a charter business or when purchasing a catamaran for two owners. The layout shows that the left hull with this configuration is a mirror image of the right one, and the photographs of the guest cabins posted above are also illustrations for this 4-cabin option.

Review Bali 4.4

Don’t forget also that a place to sleep for two can be arranged in the saloon, and we still have 2 forepeaks left in stock. A total of 12 sleeping places – everything fits together.

Well, it's time for the topRik team to head to the control room and head out to sea for further testing.

The yacht turned out to be much more maneuverable than it seems at first glance. Bali 4.4 can be equipped with an additional headsail: it can be a spinnaker or a code 0, which provides the boat with good speed even in small tailwinds. Thanks to the dense structure of the structure and light weight, the yacht breaks into motion at a wind speed of 4.5-5 knots, at which it makes sense to adjust the sails.

The most comfortable control of winches and sheets, everything is within the skipper’s access with one hand, only the head sail is extended a little further. The helm panel is well equipped, and there is a very comfortable sofa that can accommodate up to 3 people, including, of course, the skipper.

Review Bali 4.4

Other observers can take seats on the mezzanine - just above on the flybridge there are excellent sun loungers and sofas. Entrance to the flybridge and helm station is from different sides, which is very convenient.

Review Bali 4.4

The mast on the catamaran is located aft, which is why the automatic staysail is larger and works quite efficiently. At the same time, the jib is by no means necessary when making tack turns: as we were able to see, even under one mainsail the Bali 4.4 maneuvers simply excellent - at least on smooth water.

This catamaran delights its helmsman: both due to its very decent speed and pleasant responsiveness of the helm, which is not typical of every double-hulled yacht. It really pleases with its driving performance, judge for yourself: with a wind of up to 15 knots, the Bali 4.4 on a sharp course developed up to 7.5 knots at a tacking angle of 110 degrees. You can go steeper into the wind than 55 degrees (sometimes this is even advisable, so as not to make unnecessary turns), but the speed drops significantly.

In our test, we were able to accelerate the boat to 8.2 knots without using a gennaker or code zero, which are a highly sought-after type of “turbocharging” for catamarans. Both of these sails - if the yacht is equipped with them - can be easily stored either in the forepeaks or in the lockers of the foredeck, where the tanks and anchor gear are located.

Review Bali 4.4

Advantages of Bali 4.4

Freedom, space and comfort are the main advantages of Bali 4.4. Moreover, comfort refers both to the arrangement of life for passengers on board the catamaran, and to the organization of the work of the crew. Everything is provided in full: from the absence of sharp corners and cutting surfaces to excellent ergonomics of the control station.

Bali 4.4 allows guests to fully enjoy even a long-term cruise, and the skipper and assistants to get real pleasure from working with sails without unnecessary difficulties.

Cost is last but not least advantage of such a thoughtful design and sufficient comfort for everyone.

Reviews of Bali 4.4 from Professionals

To date, reviews of the Bali 4.4 from professionals are limited only to the results of testing this catamaran by the author of Multihulls World, editor-in-chief of Multicoques Magazine and famous yachtsman Emmanuel Van Deth.

Emmanuel van Deth

Emmanuel with his team tested Bali 4.4 in La Rochelle in sub-zero temperatures. He complained that they were unable to experience the beauty of the open space because the famous door was down and the windows were closed. But even in these conditions, the freedom of movement on the main deck was impressive, and the large saloon windows created a warm, homely atmosphere. True, to warm this atmosphere, a couple of heaters were still needed.

The crew had to gather their courage to unfurl the sails, since all the ropes had become stiff and cold from the frost.

All sailors commented on the very rigid composite sandwich deck - a carefully thought out deck design.

Next, Emmanuel describes the speed tests of the catamaran, linking the results with wind speed and the peculiarity of the sailing equipment - they have a raised mainsail, and also deployed “Code 0”, which was later changed to the self-tacking solent.

The author devoted the rest of the review to describing the design and equipment of the cockpit, saloon, flybridge, foredeck and cabins.

Video Reviews of Bali 4.4

Here are some good walkthroughs and reviews from reputable sources – this boat is really photogenic both outside and inside.

First, Bali themselves proudly demonstrate their product:

Tour around the interior of the boat:

More interior footage with more explanations:

Short and sweet review from Multihulls World:

More information on various features:

After testing this product for ourselves, we can say that the comfortable and easy-to-handle sailing catamaran Bali 4.4 is suitable for both charter companies and owners.

Charter companies will be attracted by the relatively low cost of this cat, as well as its popularity among many categories of sailors, including:

  • heads of families who want to provide a comfortable and safe cruise for their family;
  • those who like to gather a friendly group of friends on board for a fun holiday at sea;
  • lovers of transatlantic crossings or simply long coastal cruises;
  • supporters of yachting without extreme sports;
  • lovers of living on a boat for a long time.

Review Bali 4.4

Where to Buy Bali 4.4 at a Bargain Price

If you are interested in where to buy a Bali 4.4 at a good price, just ask our experts who will advise you for free on all issues related to buying a boat.

And if you want to have only joyful memories from this process, entrust the topRik team to take care of all the problems: negotiations with the manufacturer or dealer, paperwork, control at the production or shipping site, transportation of the Bali 4.4 catamaran to the location you specify.

You just need to call the specified phone number, use the quick contact form or send a message at [email protected] so that the purchase of Bali 4.4 turns into a holiday for you.

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O-Yachts Class 4



The O-Yachts Class 4 is the smaller sister to the Class 6, designed by Érik Lerouge and built in Latvia under the direction of Dan Levy. The forward profile is classic Lerouge with the bowsprit and curved forward beam in carbon, fine, straight bows, and a shapely nacelle.

Clifford Denn added his input in designing the rounded coachroof to minimise windage and the overall curved look of the saloon;

Lerouge Fast Cat Érik Lerouge studied in Southampton in the seventies, and designed his first catamaran : Inoui, not long after. He has successfully raced his designs in events all over the world including Speed Weeks, Bol d’Or, Trophee des Multicoques, the MULTI 2000 Challenge, Transat des Alizes, and the Sydney Harbour 18 footers Worlds.

The Class 4 is semi-customisable and is available with keels (like the Nautitech 44 Open but faster) or daggerboards (like the Outremer 45 but lighter).

Daggerboards give you optimum performance upwind in light airs (another 5 degrees into wind), fixed keels are safer in the even of a collision under the water, and free up room down below without sacrificing too much performance, especially when the wind picks up. In over 15 kts of wind you won’t notice much difference in performance

Other options include a rotating mast (carbon), fixed carbon or fixed aluminium mast with different sail plans.

Érik Lerouge has done a fine job on the hydrodynamic shaping of the hulls: this is a quick boat. A class 4 was the first placed multihull in the 2014 ARC with a maximum logged speed of 27kts. This boat is about as far away as you can get from a Bali Catspace Sail or other production cruising catamarans. She competes against yachts like the Outremer 45 and is quite a bit lighter (7.5T versus 8.2T)


This area is worth some discussion, as it is one of the aspects of the Class 4 that differentiates it from the competition.

The nacelle, hulls, deck and coachroof are sandwich infused and laminated by hand, and are solidly assembled. A layer of Kevlar is used to strengthen  the underwater sections. Forward beam, main bulkhead, compression beam and bowsprit are all built in carbon fiber, making a stiff, light structure. Everything up front is hand laminated to optimise strength and rigidity in this area.

With a 7.2T light displacement, the Class 4 is one of the lightest bluewater sailing catamarans on the market:  a real sailing machine, with safety at sea a key part of the philosophy.

Carbon is used as standard on the front beam, bowsprit, mast support, mast beam. They also add a Kevlar shield (center to peak / 8inch over water line).

Carbon Forward beam / Bowsprit Erik LEROUGE insisted on a complete carbon beam connection between the hulls and the central link to the boat. On most catamrans, the forward beam is  a bolted 7 inch tube. On the Class 4, you have 28 Layers of carbon linking to the hull side and another 28 layers of carbon from bow pole to platform along the trampoline center. This helps to give the boat its high rigidity and low weight.

Hand lamination on infused panels All non structural panels also help with the rigity (sofa, stairs, floors, kitchen, cabinets). The panels are first built on an infusion table and are then hand laminated before fairing/sanding to make the Class 4 as solid as a rock.

The key point here is that O-Yachts are unique in this market segment in offering a carbon reinforced structure as standard. Carbon is used for the front and central beams, bowsprit, mast support and beam, and aft beam. As standard, they also use kevlar as a shield on hull.

Living Space

catamaran niveau 4

The saloon is very comfortable (4.5m by 3.15m) with plenty of space for cooking, navigating and lounging: the furniture is constructed  in sandwich with aluminum trim and a quality finish. The room inside is somewhere between an Outremer 45 and a 51.

The nav station faces forwards to port and looks very business like.

Semi-Custom There are custom options available for the saloon door (large central or side sliding door), the layout of the saloon and the bimini (long or short).

Down below, both aft cabins have large berths (1.40m/1.60m x 2m).

The other unique design feature to the Class 4 is the aft platform (4.5m x 1.1m). While this does reduce the area of the aft cockpit, it means that you can hoist your dinghy safely onto the boat while under way and it doubles up as a sunbathing area / diving platform while at anchor.

Traditional davits are also an option for the tender.

Carbon Davits Option

catamaran niveau 4

A nice touch on the carbon davits is that they have been designed to tuck your tender into so that it is really secure under way

catamaran niveau 4

These boats are strong and very rigid and the systems have been set up for easy management by a couple.

An Efficient Design The halyards and reefing lines are tidily managed at the mast with two winches, one being electric. Friction on the lines is minimised: although you will need to leave the cockpit to shorten sail, this set up means that you are able to lock the lines close to the action. This is Form Follows Function design.

There are 2 options for the mainsail, with a bigger Premium version available for owners looking for higher performance. The baot is powered up front with a self tacking-solent and an overlapping genoa that flies off the bowsprit. These should power you along at true wind speeds and even above.

The sail plan is traditional, but there are also plenty of options for flying lighter sails from the bowsprit. A carbon Axon rotating mast option boosts the power with a larger square-topped mainsail and along with fiber shrouds and high quality fittings, the whole package is one of an over engineered design with that trademark of Lerouge designs: low windage and high rigidity

That rotating mast (an option) also makes it easier to reef just off the wind with the solent semi-powered by the way.

In light winds, this boat is designed to sail faster than the wind from 3 to 9kts, so you should be sailing more and motoring less. When the wind is blowing from 10 to 15kts, you will be cruising over 10kts, and in 20-25kts, you will be sailing from 14 to 19kts with shortened sail.

Class 4 Sail Plans

Options include a cruising aluminium mast, a performance fixed carbon mast and a race rotating carbon mast.

catamaran niveau 4

Heading aft, the cockpit  feels very safe with it’s wrap around bench. There are options for a full bimini to maximise protection or a shortened version for those who like the maximum view of the sails. There’s a fixed table that seats 8 to port with a large opening window to connect to the galley. The area to starboard has been kept clear (Dan calls this the dancefloor) and the most popular helm position is just a short hop up in the main bulkhead poistion starboard.

Power Options

There are 3 options on the Class 4:

  • 100% Diesel : 2 Yanmar 30hp on saildrive.
  • Smart Hybrid : 1 Yanmar 30hp on saildrive + 1 electric engine (10 or 15kW).
  • 100% Electric: 2 electric engines from 10 to 15kW. With a Diesel 48V generator for safety.

With the diesels, you should hit 7kts cruising on 1 engine in a good sea state.

Electric Power Two Class 4s have already been configured with electric 10kW Ocean Volt engines that push the boat along at 6kts with 6kW in good conditions with one engine. The OceanVolt engines have a “ServoProp” solution for regeneration. The self pitch propeller is also 10 to 15% more efficient when motoring.

There are also options for more advanced solutions such as retractable pods with RIM BlueNav engines that rotate 360°.

The O-Yachts Class 4 is a 45 foot catamaran designed for safety at speed by one of the legends of multihull design: Erik Lerouge, and built under the direction of Dan Levy: a fanatic on the details. With her semi-carbon construction as standard, this is a well organised, strong and rigid catamaran that gives you plenty of bang for your buck. The target on this yacht is 250 safe mile days in good conditions, in the same bracket as a Fusion 40 catamaran or a Schionning but with a more robust construction.

You can find further information at O-Yachts .

Technical Specification

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Retrouvez les sensations En toute circonstance

Naviguer sur class 4 c’est avant tout retrouver des sensations. le plaisir de caboter de baies en baies plus vite que le vent dans la pétole (7kts avec 5kts réel) ou parcourir de longues distances, en toute sécurité avec des performances hors normes (300 mille/j)… et surtout sans effort., faire que votre class 4 vous ressemble, pouvoir choisir ses options en profondeur : design intérieur, gréement, motorisation… o yachts est spécialisé dans la réalisation semi custom à partir de coques composites au plus hauts standards de l’industrie. selon vos options, class 4 peut aussi bien viser le podium en course que donner du plaisir en toute simplicité., cliquez sur le bouton ci-dessous afin de configurer votre class 4, vous serez surpris car nous sommes aussi très compétitifs sur nos tarifs., de beaux volumes intérieurs, salon : toujours custom en fonction de vos préférence. il est surélevé de 20cm pour une vue 360° même assis. table à carte : large et spacieuse pour effectuer la gestion de navigation cuisine : fonctionnelle et riche en rangements avec de grandes ouvertures entre cuisine/salon et cockpit. cockpit : large et protégé, vous pouvez manger à 10 dehors sans problème, il restera encore de la place., 3 ou 4 cabines, 4 cabines est la solution la plus classique et demandée., 3 cabines avec au choix une salle de bain centrale ou en avant., ambiance bois, ambiance moderne, cabine avant ambiance moderne, personnalisation carré, a vous définir l’ambiance et le design qui vous corresponde. certains aiment la chaleur d’un parement en bois véritable et les tissus alcantara au plafond…, … alors que d’autres préfèrent les intérieurs plus fonctionnels en 100% gelcoat., très design avec une vraie douche., nouveau cockpit plus profond, il est offre un accueil xxl. large et profond, c’est à vous de choisir entre de nombreuses configurations : assise, table, bimini, ouvertures vers cuisine, porte entrée … ci-dessous un exemple de cockpit classique avec table fixe pour 8 personnes., cockpit classique, table fixe pour 8. grande fenêtres sur pantographe pour une parfaite communication cockpit/cuisine., coin sunbed surrélevé à gauche ,, cockpit avec barre à roue, nous découpons toujours le bimini en fonction de vos choix., bimini extra long pour protection 100%, bimini extra court pour les régatiers, personnalisation poste de barre, a vous de définir le poste de pilotage et le design des assises du cockpit. certains aiment le classique poste de barre, à droite sur le pont. soit un seul siège pilote, soit une longue banquette, surélevée pour deux personnes, réalisée en carbone., alors que d’autres préfèrent une solution plus exotique avec poste central surélevé. vous pouvez aussi opter pour une solution plus radicale avec barres franches carbone (pas de photo) ou mixer barres franches et roue tribord., plateforme arrière, exclusivité class 4, une plaforme arrière de 1.1m de large rejoint les deux coques. c’est l’idéal pour gérer son class 4 sans risquer de piétiner ceux qui se reposent dans le cockpit. , remarquez la forme incurvée au bas des bossoires afin de bien caler l’annexe pour les longues traversées. , plan de voilure, c’est le moteur de votre class 4. 3 mâts sont proposés., croisière : aluminium 17.6m, performance : carbone 18m, course : carbone 19.4, sur la pointe avant, vous voyez que le foc autovireur est légèrement reculé. avec un vent faible, vous utilisez le drifter (ou grand génois) qui passe à l’intérieur des haubans pour une parfaite remontée au près. c’est une voile redoutable d’efficacité. le genaker ou cod0 sont eux frappés en bout de bow-pole., motorisation, 3 options :, 100% diesel : 2 moteurs diesel 30hp yanmar sur sail drive, smart hybrid : 1 moteur diesel 30hp yanmar sur sail drive + 1 moteur électrique 10 ou 15kw, 100% electrique : 2 moteurs électriques 10 ou 15kw. nous recommandons un générateur diesel dc 48v en plus, ci-dessous l’installation avec moteur yanmar 30hp, la vitesse max est de 10kts sur deux moteurs et 7kts en croisière sur un moteur., propulsion electrique, deux sister ship class 4 sont équipés de moteurs électriques ocean volt 10kw. les résultats sont concluants mais les consommations diffèrent grandement en fonction de la mer. dans de bonnes conditions vous utilisez un seul moteur et consomez 6kw à 6kts. dès que la mer forcie, vous utilisez les deux moteurs et doublez la consomation., la solution oceanvolt avec servoprop optimise la régénération pour charger les batteries sous voile. les hélices avec pâles “self pitching” optimisent aussi la propulsion avec 10 à 15% d’efficacité en plus. , autre solution très avancée avec un pod rétractable et moteur rim sur pod 360°, de chez bluenav., qualité de construction, avec ses 7.2t lège , class 4 est l’un des plus léger au monde dans sa catégorie. le poids est l’élément clé pour réussir un catamaran “marin” qui donnera plaisir et sécurité., sur un o yachts la qualité n’est pas en option, la structure est en carbone , pas de concession. de plus, les coques sont renforcées avec un bouclier kevlar, depuis les dérives jusqu’à l’avant, sur 20cm au dessus de la ligne de flottaison., poutre avant / bowpole 100% carbone, seul lerouge naval architect demande la réalisation de la poutre avant et de la connexion poutre avant / nacelle en 100% carbone. stratification complète sur les quatre bordés (extérieur babord / intérieur babord / intérieur tribord /extérieur tribord). ce sont 28 couches de carbone à stratifier à la main (des dizaines d’heures). a comparer avec 99% des catamarans qui utilisent un tube aluminum ou carbone simplement vissé à la coque intérieur. nul besoin de martingale pour rigidifier la liaison coque avant. votre class 4 est solide comme un roc , stratification manuelle sur panneaux infusés, tous les panneaux (cloisons, planchers, sofa, cuisine, escalier, meubles, rangements,…) sont réalisés en infusion sous vide, puis stratifiés à la main entre eux à la structure. ce sont des centaines d’heures de travail supplémentaires pour que votre class 4 soit un coffre fort., livraison coque nue, vous pouvez finaliser, vous même, une coque livrée à différent stade de finition., spécifications, “amazing latvian”, lisez l’essai en mer réalisé par multicoque magazine…, vos questions / nos réponses, un catamaran léger c’est un catamaran marin. sans parler de performances, un catamaran léger donnera du plaisir. le plaisir de naviguer à la voile à 7kts dès 5kts de vent réel alors que les autres sont au moteur. le plaisir d’aller vite (et surtout sans efforts) dès que la brise monte pour rejoindre sa destination et profiter des meilleurs places au mouillage. aller vite pour se dégager du mauvais temps (gage de sécurité). sans parler de l’équilibre sous voile pour plus de confort en mer formée., la légèreté est le graal des catamarans pour aller vers un cercle vertueux : moins de poids / moins d’efforts  –  moins d’efforts / moins de renforts – moins de renforts / plus de légèreté…  ceci a un prix ce sont des centaines d’heures supplémentaires pour chasser le poids, réaliser l’ensemble de votre class 4 en panneaux infusés puis les stratifier à la main (pas de collage facile et rapide avec des panneaux non structurels). pas de vaigrage rapporté pour cacher la misère   ces vaigrages qui rajoutent un poids non négligeable et où les cafards des tropiques adorent faire leur nids. ce sont donc encore des centaines d’heures à enduire et poncer plusieurs fois pour une finition gelcoat ou un placage de 0,8mm de bois naturel. pour la structure, il faut utiliser des mousses de qualité et réduire un minimum les ajouts de résines cette mousse. ce sont encore des heures de travail pour ne pas utiliser des mousses quadrillées buveuses de résine. l’utilisation du carbone pour la structure devient une obligation et non une option., poutre avant carbone, bowpole carbone, liaison poutre avant / nacelle carbones, pied de mât carbone, cloison transversale de mât carbone, cloison transversale arrière carbone, plus un catamaran est léger et moins il nécessite de puissance pour avancer vite. la structure est moins sollicitée. comme expliqué plus avant, les aménagements non structurels sont réalisés en panneaux infusés sous vide, puis stratifiés à la main à la structure. ces éléments non structurels le deviennent mais ce ci demande des centaines d’heures de travail supplémentaires. , c’est la question classique pour nous, c’est à vous de choisir en fonction de votre programme car nous proposons les deux solutions. afin de vous aider dans le choix, voici un petit comparatif avec les avantages de l’un qui sont donc les inconvénients de l’autre., dérives (chez o yachts elles sont 100% carbone), + meilleur cap au près de 5° entre 3 et 10kts de vitesse. + meilleur vitesse mais à 0,0x près, quilles (chez o yachts elle sont naca), + echouage possible sans risque + protection du sail drive moteur en cas de choc. + 250kg de charge supplémentaire (cf poussée d’archimède) + pas d’appendice mobile source de tracas potentiel, conclusion   : si vous voulez gagner une course les dérives sont une obligation pour assurer le podium.  si vous faites de la croisière ou de la course locale, les dérives sont un gage de tranquillité. dès 10kts de vitesse la différence de 5° d’angle en remontée au vent diminue voir disparaitre (13kts) car les quilles deviennent dès lors redoutables d’efficacité. , deux catamarans class 4 sister ship ont été livrés avec des propulsions électriques. le poids léger de class 4 en fait le candidat idéal. il faut toutefois savoir que ces systèmes sont plus complexes et n’offrent pas la légitimité de millions de bateaux navigant au diesel. les résultats obtenus sur ces catamarans, et les dernières avancées technologiques, confirment la pertinence d’une motorisation électrique. le choix electrique en smart hybride ou full electrique est réalisable sur nos class 4, dès lors que vous ajoutez une génératrice diesel dc 48v pour des raisons de sécurité. nous pouvons, sur demande, vous communiquer les résultats avec 2 x 10kw. , vous payer votre catamaran en fonction de l’avancement réel avec transfert de propriété avec chaque appel de fond.  si vous devez faire appel à du financement, nous travaillons avec plusieurs organismes qui sauront vous faire une simulation en fonction du budget, de votre apport initial et la durée de l’emprunt., nous avons toujours une coque en construction au chantier. il faut entre 9 mois et un an pour finaliser votre projet. , s’il est vrai que nos clients sont souvent des navigateurs expérimentés, nous avons aussi des propriétaires qui découvrent la voile avec class 4. , il est plus facile de se laisser séduire par un catamaran privilégiant le confort au mouillage ou marina, orienté vers le marché charter. class 4 est, lui, un compromis entre le confort bien légitime et l’obligation pour un propriétaire sans skipper de devoir naviguer par tout temps et sur de longues distances. les qualités marines et la sécurité en mer deviennent, dès lors, un impératif vertueux, terrain de prédilection du class 4., il est clair que plus vous naviguez, plus vous devenez exigeant sur la qualité de fabrication et les qualité marines. dès lors, le choix d’une unité class 4 devient évident. que vous soyez novice ou chevronné, nous seront toujours à votre écoute et nous prendrons le temps de définir les spécifications de votre class 4, avec soin. , nous travaillons en collaboration avec plusieurs partenaires capables de vous offrir de nombreux services une fois le class 4 livré. des places de port sont toujours disponibles en france sur plusieurs zones ainsi qu’à l’étranger (principalement italie et grèce)., en premier lieu il faut faire une configuration sur internet afin que nous puissions comprendre votre profil. puis nous pouvons organiser un essai en mer selon les disponibilités ou vous proposer la location aux antilles d’un class 4 orienté confort (clim etc..), recevez notre 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  20. O-Yachts Class 4 Review

    Summary. The O-Yachts Class 4 is a 45 foot catamaran designed for safety at speed by one of the legends of multihull design: Erik Lerouge, and built under the direction of Dan Levy: a fanatic on the details. With her semi-carbon construction as standard, this is a well organised, strong and rigid catamaran that gives you plenty of bang for your ...

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  22. stage catamaran niveau 4 ffvoile

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  23. FR Class 4

    Qualité de Construction Avec ses 7.2T lège, Class 4 est l'un des plus léger au monde dans sa catégorie.Le poids est l'élément clé pour réussir un catamaran "Marin" qui donnera plaisir et sécurité. Sur un O Yachts la qualité n'est pas en option, la structure est en Carbone, pas de concession.De plus, les coques sont renforcées avec un bouclier Kevlar, depuis les dérives ...