1. 11 Right of Way Rules for Boating

    who has right of way sailboat or kayak

  2. Sailing Right of Way

    who has right of way sailboat or kayak

  3. Rules of the Road..Who has the Right of Way?

    who has right of way sailboat or kayak

  4. Sailing rules

    who has right of way sailboat or kayak

  5. Right-of-Way Rules for Boating BOATsmart! Knowledgebase

    who has right of way sailboat or kayak

  6. Who's Right in a Right Of Way?

    who has right of way sailboat or kayak


  1. Rules of the Road : BoatUS Foundation

    The Crossing Rule. Both International and Inland Rules state that when two power-driven vessels are crossing so as to involve risk of collision, the vessel which has the other on her starboard side (the give-way vessel) must keep out of the way. As the give-way vessel it is your duty to avoid a collision.