Quanto costa uno yacht: dall’acquisto al mantenimento

quanto costa uno yacht

Se escludiamo le imbarcazioni più piccole, l’acquisto di uno yacht di lusso è una spesa importante che comporta un grosso esborso iniziale e una costante spesa da sostenere per mantenere l’unità in acqua e soprattutto in efficienza. Quanto costa uno yacht? In questo articolo analizzeremo i costi a partire dalle misure più piccole fino alle navi da diporto.

Indice dei contenuti

  • 1 Quanto costa uno yacht di lusso e perchè
  • 2 Quanto costa mantenere uno yacht
  • 3.1 Minorchina 54
  • 3.2 Absolute 58 Fly
  • 3.3 Cranchi 56 HT
  • 4.1 Riviera 5800 Sport Yacht
  • 5.1 Sunseeker 75
  • 5.2 Riva 76 Perseo
  • 5.3 Fairline 78 Squadron
  • 5.4 Azimut 80
  • 5.5 Cantieri di Sarnico 80 Grande
  • 5.6 Pershing 82
  • 6.1 Chopi Chopi by CRN Gruppo Ferretti
  • 7 Lo yacht più grande del mondo

Secondo wikipedia con il termine yacht (o panfilo) vengono indicate navi da diporto di modeste dimensioni e superiori ai 24 metri di lunghezza aventi alloggi eleganti e confortevoli.

Quanto costa uno yacht di lusso e perchè

Ma cosa fa di uno yacht un bene così costoso? Non solo l’esclusività di possederlo, ma per la sua costruzione sono necessari mesi (spesso anni) di lavoro, manodopera specializzata, materiali pregiati, motori potenti, strumentazione e accessori, abili designer, studi di stabilità e idrodinamica, adempimenti per la messa in opera e la sicurezza.

A parità di misura, uno yacht a motore è più costoso di uno yacht a vela perchè la componente motori ha un peso maggiore sia in termini di spesa che di struttura. Le dimensioni fanno lievitare il prezzo d’acquisto in modo esponenziale e non proporzionale. Se ad esempio tra un 48 piedi ed un 50 piedi (stesso cantiere) ci fossero 100 mila euro di differenza, tra un 50 piedi ed un 52 piedi potrebbero esserci 300 mila euro di differenza.

La nostra ricerca vuole essere ampia e a campione. Partirà da barche di circa 15 metri fino ad arrivare allo yacht più grande del mondo. I prezzi indicati si riferiscono a barche nuove , sono frutto di una nostra indagine, potrebbero non corrispondere con il valore esatto e si riferisco alle offerte “standard” e quindi optional esclusi.

Quanto costa mantenere uno yacht

I costi di mantenimento di uno yacht di lusso  sono elevati e difficilmente preventivabili a priori . Imbarcazioni così grandi (oltre i 22/24 metri) hanno bisogno dell’equipaggio (almeno un comandante e un marinaio) e di cure costanti. Come tutte le imbarcazioni necessitano di assistenza allo scafo, ai motori, agli impianti, agli interni. Spesso, durante l’estate, sostano in marina prestigiosi che hanno notevoli costi e consumano molto carburante . Bisogna inoltre considerare i costi di invernaggio e rimessaggio durante l’inverno.

Da 15 ai 18 metri

Entry-level per essere considerato uno yacht, la fascia tra i 15 e 18 metri è forse la più popolata. Troviamo imbarcazioni che offrono almeno 2 cabine comode e una terza più sacrificata.

Minorchina 54

quanto costa uno yacht minorchina 54

prezzo € 766.648 iva compresa

Con una lunghezza di 16,50 metri, Il 54 piedi di Sasga Yachts si distingue per le linee classiche del gozzo e per la filosofia di andare per mare a motore ma senza rincorrere le prestazioni. Consumi ridotti, questo yacht ospita 6 persone in 3 cabine. E’ compresa una cabina marinaio a prua con bagno dedicato.

Absolute 58 Fly

quanto costa uno yacht absolute 58 fly

prezzo € 1.207.800 iva compresa

17,24 metri per questo 58 piedi di casa Absolute ,  la trasmissione IPS-800 offre una manovrabilità accellente in ogni condizione, bassi consumi e silenziosità.  Design e spazi ottimizzati, questo yacht accoglie nel lusso fino a 6 ospiti in 3 accoglienti cabine con bagno.

Cranchi 56 HT

quanto costa uno yacht cranchi 56 ht

prezzo € 1.104.490 iva compresa

Misura 17,20 metri questo open del cantiere Cranchi , moderno dalle linee ricercate, è spinto da due motori IPS Volvo Penta che assicurano confort e prestazioni uniche. 3 cabine e 2 bagni per accogliere 6 ospiti. Una chicca il prendisole ricavato sull’hardtop.

Da 18 ai 20 metri

Per comprare uno yacht incluso in questo range il budget deve essere abbondantemente sopra il milione di euro. Troviamo infatti unità costruite con assoluta maestria e che necessitano di tante ore di costruzione e ricerca.

Riviera 5800 Sport Yacht

quanto costa uno yacht riviera 5800

prezzo circa € 1.609.920 iva compresa

Riviera è un cantiere nautico che realizza barche solide  dalle spiccate doti marine, capaci di affrontare qualsiasi condizione del mare. 19,30 metri per questo 5800 Sport (oggi fuori produzione sostituito dal 6000 Sport), 4 cabine e 3 bagni. Un design senza tempo.

Da 20 a 30 metri

Per comprare uno yacht incluso in questo range il budget deve essere abbondantemente sopra i due milioni di euro . Troviamo infatti unità costruite con assoluta maestria e che necessitano di tante ore di costruzione e ricerca. Al di sopra dei 24 metri non parliamo più di imbarcazioni ma di navi da diporto . Le navi da diporto sono assoggetate ad una normativa specifica e richiedono obbligatoriamente l’equipaggio (aumentando così il costo di esercizio).

Sunseeker 75

quanto costa uno yacht Sunseeker 75

prezzo circa € 2.818.200 iva compresa

Fusione di stile ed eleganza per questo Sunseeker 75 Yacht , imbarcazione molto apprezzata dal design moderno. Le ampie finestre donano allo yacht luce e armonia. Sottocoperta trovano spazio 3 ampie cabine e due letti per ospitare comodamente fino ad 8 persone. Misura 23,02 metri – 34 nodi di velocità massima.

Riva 76 Perseo

quanto costa uno yacht riva 76 perseo

prezzo circa € 4.392.000 iva compresa

Uno yacht Riva si riconosce al primo sguardo, il 76 perseo (della famiglia Coupè di Riva Yachts) colpisce per la sua linea slanciata e il design ricercato delle murate. Proposto nel celebre colore Moon Grey , è lungo 23, 25 metri e raggiunge i 37 nodi di velocità. 3 cabine per uno yacht da sogno.

Fairline 78 Squadron

quanto costa uno yacht fairline 78 squadron

prezzo circa € 3.043.900 iva compresa

Il 78 Custom di Fairline Yachts è uno yacht elegante, raffinato, frutto di analisi, ricerca e di tutta l’esperienza del famoso cantiere inglese. Questa barca. che misura 24,37 metri, è completamente personalizzabile dall’armatore che può scegliere materiali e layout in collaborazione con il reparto tecnico.

quanto costa uno yacht azimut 80

prezzo circa  € 4.514.000 iva compresa

Uno yacht innovativo il nuovo 80 piedi di Azimut Yachts disegnato da Stefano Righini. 25,20 metri di lusso e tecnologia, un’accurata scelta dei materiali, questa nave è stata costruita secondo i più alti standard. 4 cabine per gli ospiti (armatoriale a centro barca) e 2 per l’equipaggio (comandante e marinaio).

Cantieri di Sarnico 80 Grande

quanto costa uno yacht sarnico 80 grande

prezzo circa € 4.941.000 iva compresa

E’ l’ammiraglia di Cantieri di Sarnico , l’unica dotata di flybridge. Nata dalla matita di  Nuvolari-Lenard, questo yacht offre grandi spazi esterni e interni. E’ lungo 23,84 metri – 1800 Hp di potenza che permettono alla barca di raggiungere fino a 42 nodi di velocità massima.

Pershing 82

quanto costa uno yacht pershing 82

prezzo € 5.868.200 iva compresa

Pershing – noto marchio del Gruppo Ferretti – è da sempre sinonimo di lusso e sportività. Il nuovo 82 è capace di prestazioni incredibili: 52 nodi di velocità massima, 42 di crociera. Dotato di flybridge con comandi e tutti i confort, ha 3 cabine ospiti e 2 letti per l’equipaggio.

Super yacht oltre i 30 metri

Chopi chopi by crn gruppo ferretti.

quanto costa uno yacht CRN

prezzo oltre € 80.000.000 iva compresa

E’ lo yacht più grande costruito da CRN , barca dell’anno a Genova nel 2013, un capolavoro di stile e tecnologia made in italy. Un totale di 5 ponti, ospita 12 persone e fino a 31 membri dell’equipaggio. Raggiunge i 16 nodi di velocità massima grazie a 2 motori Caterpillar.

Lo yacht più grande del mondo

prezzo circa 605.000.000 di dollari

Con 180 metri di lunghezza , il primato ad oggi spetta ad Azzam dei cantieri Lurssen . Questa vera è propria nave è stata costruita in meno di 3 anni ed appartiene a Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, presidente degli Emirati Arabi Uniti nonchè emiro di Abu Dhabi. Raggiunge una velocità di oltre 30 nodi che fanno di lui il super yacht più veloce al mondo .

quanto costa uno yacht Azzam da 180 metri

35 commenti

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Fa schifo solo perchè non c’è la piscina

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La piscina è all’interno

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Mi scusi, sul suo c’è la piscina?

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Ma se c’è il mare??!!

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no fa schifo perche costa poco.

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Gioielli di ingegneria, stile, design. Incantevoli!

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Bellissimo articolo. Ma. Mancano gli yacht a vela

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Essere poveri é uno stato mentale xche vorremmo sempre ciò che nn possiamo possedere credo che Il proprietario ne vorrebbe uno più grande ancora di quello xche vogliamo sempre di più. C’è gente che nn sa nemmeno cosa sia avere qualcosa.. Nn è una critica ma un modo di vedere. Bisogna accontentarsi. E fare tesoro di quello che abbiamo.

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Che brutto esser poveri

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meraviglioso stupendo fantastico!

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Sono operaio….. guadagno 1300 eu al mese…. quante vite pensate ci possa mettere x comprarmelo…..

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420 vite hahahahah buona fortuna

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ma non ci avete detto il costo di manutenzione puro per un 50 metri (costo annuo)

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Ciao, stiamo preparando una revisione dell’articolo. Presto scriveremo anche dei 50 metri e oltre 😉

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in generale il costo complessivo per mantenere uno yacht (carburante, tasse , stipendio marinai, ecc) corrisponde al 10% annuo del prezzo di acquisto, qundi per uno yacht pagato 80 milioni di euro si spenderà circa 8 milioni di euro all’anno

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Salve. Ma avete parlato solo del prezzo d’ acquisto… e della manutenzione e del mantenimento nada??

A breve un nuovo aggiornamento ed una nuova classifica degli yacht più costosi al mondo… con uno spazio dedicato alla vela.

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Sono un insulto alla Povertà di noi persone comuni che abbiamo salari mensili da vergogna!!!!!!!!! Con i soldi speso per uno di questi “appartamenti galleggianti” si sfamerebbero milioni di bambini del terzo mondo!!!!!! Che schifo pensare che ci sia chi muore di fame e invece chi vive per ingozzarsi…..!!!!! W gli umani!!!! (meglio gli animali)

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questi gioielli sono capolavori d’ingegneria e e sono un vanto per il paese che li produce. Non sono un insulto alla miseria ma piuttosto opportunità di lavoro specializzato e benessere

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per la realizzazione di uno yacht di 40-50 metri viene dato lavoro a circa 10-15 persone come marinai, e altri 100-150 per la costruzione, che impiega dai 6 mesi all’anno( in base alla grandezza ovviamente). Quindi questi yacht sfamano centinaia di persone per la costruzione e marinai che lavorano lì. Quindi sono un doppio bene perchè accontentano i ricchi che hanno sudato per averli e i ” poveri ” che non se lo possono permettere. È sempre meglio informarsi prima di scrivere cose a caso.

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Purtroppo a sfamare le persone ci vorrebbero i governi……. Mi faccio il culo, studio come guadagnare tanto, certamente me la godo, come fanno da una vita i nostri governanti. E’ che non si avvera mai, mi sbatto per pochi spiccioli….. Beati loro che si sbattono per vivere bene… . e certamente avere belle cose e belle e brave persone intorno. In tv parlano sempre di poverta’ mentre un imprenditore vuole solo idee che non catturera’ mai dalla tv.

Non abbiamo che 1 vita. Almeno non tassateci pure i sogni.

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Non sono d’accordo sull’insulto alla povertà. anch’io non posso permettermi neanche un centesimo di quello che vedo, ma ci pensate senza di loro quanta gente morirebbe di fame ? sapete a quante persone danno lavoro per costruirli? pensaci ..sono persone come teche hanno fatto e fanno lavorare tantissima gente, immagino che tu lavori da qualche morto di fame. evviva comunque gli animali!!

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bello ma non tanto perché manca la piscina

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La soddisfazione di andar per mare non dipende da quanto grande é il mezzo , ma dalla soddisfazione di sentirsi parte di esso!!!

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Molto interessante e splendidi modelli!

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dovrebbero fare siti dove uno può andare a vedere l’italiano medio come fa ad arrivare all’inizio del mese, non alla fine in quanto lo stipendio arriva il 26…, e vedere chi più si arrangia x sopravvivere….. chissà se attirerebbero comuni mortali a visitarli……

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Una e, di proprietà , di un parlamentare del pd

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io da ragazzo avevo un materassino gonfiabile e mi divertivo lo stesso. Adesso da grande ce l’ho messa tutta per migliorare e credo di esserci riuscito. Ora ne ho due.

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ci sto facendo un pensierino, tra un po’ entra la tredicesima

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E’ un’offesa a chi lavora onestamente.Massimo rispetto agli arabi che se lo possono permettere,hanno il petrolio gratis da madre natura,ma quante ore deve lavorare una persona per guadagnare queste cifre da capogiro?Il giorno dura solo 24 ore!

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Fa schifo solo perché io ho un gommone da tre metri e 4 remi……..

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Quanta invidia che leggo!!! Sono ricchi e i ricchi son sempre esistiti ed è giusto così ! E basta…. ammirate la bellezza di questo panfilo e che se lo goda chi lo possiede. Comunque senza i ricchi non lavoreremmo…. aspetta che lo stato ci dia lavoro…. menomale che i privati esistono e ci danno benessere! Accontentiamoci di quello che siamo riusciti a fare ognuno nella e della propria vita. Ammirate il panfilo e godete della sua bellezza!

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Azimut 27 METRI For sale

Azimut 27 METRI Yachts for sale

Azimut 27 metri price and sales info, azimut 27 metri overview, azimut 27 metri specifications.

Azimut 27 METRI

Azimut 27 METRI Description

About azimut 27 metri yacht model:.

Azimut 27 METRI is a series of Motor 88ft/26.78m superyachts built in in by Azimut. 18 Azimut 27 METRI yachts were delivered so far, with the first of these series, motor yacht Fiamma in 2022 , followed by 2022 Marea La Nautica , 2019 Akama , 2020 CG Mare , 2017 R.DARENBEN , 2018 OUPA'S IMPULSE , 2018 DREAM , 2018 Wonderlight , 2020 Dawo , 2022 Sea Owl , 2023 D&Y , 2022 Aria , 2019 Queen Ana , 2019 Majestic Moments , 2019 Wave , 2020 Lulwa , 2021 Odysea , 2020 Amico .

1 more of this model is taking shape in the shipyard now. The latest 27 METRI 1 will be ready in 2024, and it is available for sale.

Created to a design of Stefano Righini, 27 METRI has a Planing GRP hull and Carbon Fiber superstructure driven by 2 x MAN R V12 1900 engines to a maximum speed of 28 knots while comfortably cruising at 24 knots. The fuel tank has a capacity of 9500l/2088gal what allows a yacht to cover nautical miles without the need to refuel. Azimut 27 METRI has a beam of 6.59m/22ft. The gross tonnage of this Motor Azimut is gross tons. That shows exactly how much interior space this yacht has.

Azimut 27 METRI can accommodate up to 8/10 people in 4/5 elegant staterooms to be assisted by a total of 3 crew members with 2 cabins for crew members.


The Motor Azimut 27 METRI luxury interior sleeps up to 8/10 guests in 4/5 staterooms. She is also capable of carrying up to 3 crew onboard to ensure a relaxed luxury yacht experience. Timeless styling, beautiful furnishings and sumptuous seating feature throughout to create an elegant and comfortable atmosphere.

Azimut 27 METRI impressive leisure and entertainment facilities make her the ideal yacht for socialising and entertaining with family and friends.

Construction & dimensions

Azimut 27 METRI features a Planing GRP hull and Carbon Fiber superstructure. She was built to classification society rules.

Azimut 27 METRI is equipped with a Underway and at anchor stabilisation system which reduces roll motion effect and results in a smoother more enjoyable cruising experience underway.


Powered by 2 x MAN R V12 1900 2 x 1900 HP engines and driven by Shaft drive Motor Azimut 27 METRI is capable of a top speed of 28 knots, and comfortably cruises at 24 knots. With her 9500 litres fuel tanks she has a maximum range of nautical miles economic cruising speed. Her water tanks carry 2000 litres of fresh water.

Purchase Azimut 27 METRI

Azimut 27 METRI is currently not available for sale, to find out more about this superyacht please contact your personal Azimut yacht specialist.

Charter Azimut 27 METRI

Azimut 27 METRI is currently not available for charter, to find out more about this superyacht please contact your personal Azimut charter broker.

Azimut 27 METRI Exterior Gallery

 Azimut 27 METRI  <b>Exterior Gallery</b>

Azimut 27 METRI Interior Gallery

 Azimut 27 METRI  <b>Interior Gallery</b>

Azimut 27 METRI General arrangement

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Azimut 27 METRI 1

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Reviewed: Azimut Magellano 25 Metri

  • By Phil Draper
  • Updated: March 11, 2021

Azimut Magellano 25 Metri

When Azimut Yachts wanted to enhance its Magellano series with larger models, the Italian builder returned to UK-based designer Ken Freivokh, who was responsible for the first Magellano 74 model 10 years ago. The result is the Magellano 25 Metri, a raised pilothouse design.

Freivokh says a length overall of around 80 to 90 feet is a real sweet spot for yacht designers like him because the scale is sufficient to create proper proportions. The 25 Metri’s profile is elegant and timeless, and there’s something of the 1930s streamline moderne movement about it. The similarity could be the boldness of line, the glazing shapes, or perhaps something as simple as the horizontal stainless-steel banding that rounds off the rim of the wraparound swim platform. Maybe it’s the wooden battens on the after corners of the superstructure.

Azimut Magellano 25 Metri

There’s a modern take on color with the exterior that Azimut displayed on Hull No. 1. Straying beyond whites, dark blues and gray metallics for hull paint is often contentious, but the hull here is a soothing blue-green metallic—what the Italians call ottanio and the English call teal. I like it.

The outdoor spaces are everything they should be. Side decks connect the foredeck terrace with a conventional cockpit aft. In that cockpit are double longitudinal sofas, a transom blind, and a step between the stern garage door and a beach terrace. Up top, the split-level flybridge is protected by the opening hardtop above and has two helm seats to port, a bar with a pair of stools, booth dining and an aft area open to interpretation—in this case, sun loungers.

Azimut Magellano 25 Metri

The yacht’s interior concept comes from Milan-based architect Vincenzo De Cotiis, who dressed Hull No. 1 with a distinctly 1950s flavor. It sounds kitschy, but it’s uber-cool. The majority of the decor bounces off various off-white textures: laminates, fabrics, lacquer. The result is light and bright. And the yacht’s unusual hull shade influences various marble and velour upholstery choices (or perhaps the influencing was the other way around). Horizontal surfaces, such as those running down each side beneath the picture windows, are a softer, yellower faux marble. Other detailing includes brown-leather sole tiles, mottled rugs, irregularly shaped ceiling panels, faux brasswork, and lots of glass and mirrors, often distressed. De Cotiis loves the appearance of wear and tear.

There is a sightline to port from the aft deck all the way through to the windshield and beyond, an important design element from Freivokh. The stand-alone sofas and the rotating marble-topped dining table in the main salon are mostly items from De Cotiis’ own collection.

Azimut Magellano 25 Metri

The galley is forward with white cabinetry, and with charcoal-shade work surfaces and backsplashes. Most appliances are Miele, and there’s a Mabe refrigerator. The galley is a semiformal space, open to owners and guests, but capable of being closed off by a pair of mirrored doors set at a shallow angle so as not to directly reflect the yacht’s symmetry. A banquette is adjacent to the galley and is ideal for crew, who have their own door to the portside deck for access to quarters in the bow.

A reverse-spiral staircase with a day-head beneath it climbs up to the raised pilothouse and flybridge. The helm console is to starboard in the wheelhouse with touchscreen instrumentation from Raymarine. A mini couch here tracks back and forth electrically from an inaccessible spot behind the staircase to a snug spot virtually amidships, and in doing so, it closes off the stairway, setting up a great pilot berth right next to the wheel.

Azimut Magellano 25 Metri

Driving this yacht is all it should be. The Magellano 25 Metri is offered with twin 1,400 hp or 1,550 hp MAN V-12 diesels, which deliver quoted top speeds up to 25 knots. I got on board Hull No. 1 at the beginning of this past October off Portofino, Italy. The boat had standard engines and was over half-load with eight people aboard. With those V-12s spinning 2,300 rpm, and the Humphree electric fin stabilizers and transom blades set to autotrim, I recorded a top hop of 23.6 knots on various headings and a total fuel burn averaging around 142 gallons per hour.

At a cruise-all-day 2,000 rpm and 19 knots or so, the engines burned 101.4 gallons per hour, which, allowing for a 10 percent reserve, means a range of around 350 nautical miles. With full tanks and engines purring at 1,000 rpm, there’s a potential 1,500 nautical miles to be enjoyed at 9.5 knots.

Azimut Magellano 25 Metri

We had a calm sea state and a breeze measuring slight to zero—not the harshest of conditions to see what the yacht’s dual-mode hull could do. The hull design comes from naval architect Pierluigi Ausonio and is named for a double-chine geometry that works well at displacement and semidisplacement speeds. The prop shafts spin in half tunnels on each side of a skeg keel.

I can report that the hull is light on the helm and turns precisely. The build quality also inspires confidence. While the specs suggest that the yacht is all vinylester, glass fiber and foam, in reality, the flybridge, hardtop and garage door moldings are carbon fiber, a material that helps a lot in stability versus utility trade-offs.

Azimut Magellano 25 Metri

The lower deck, accessed from a starboard-side staircase abaft the galley, accommodates eight guests in four staterooms. The master is just abaft amidships and has hullside windows, a sofa to starboard and twin sinks to port, with a separate head-and-shower compartment. The VIP, which is forward of amidships, has a transverse berth to port, as well as an en suite head and walk-in closet to starboard. Between the master and VIP, the guest stateroom to port has a transverse double berth, and the stateroom to starboard has twin berths that convert to a double. All the staterooms come with Loro Piana bed linens, dark-grain Venetian blinds and Bose entertainment systems.

Hull numbers 2 and 3 of the Magellano 25 Metri are US-bound and will have the bigger MANs as well as upgraded 21 kW generators. At the time of this writing, five hulls had been sold. While the Magellano 25 Metri has a distinct style, it appears that it also has global appeal.

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MAGELLANO 25 METRI yacht for sale

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photos and Specification

Specification, description.



Key features.

  • Classic interior by Vincenzo De Cotiis.
  • Foredeck terrace, beach club
  • Four staterooms, full-beam master
  • Helm seats, bar, alfresco dining on flybridge
  • Crew Quarters: Two cabins for 3 crew



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Magellano 25 Metri: On board the new Azimut superyacht

The Magellano 25 Metri is a beautiful blend of design and technology – but its greatest gift may be that of total relaxation, says Simon de Burton

Without invitation I reach for a temptingly tactile chrome handle, intent on sliding open the dark smoked-glass door to Azimut Yachts’ new Magellano 25 Metri. “Stop!” implores brand manager Federico Lantero. “Not yet – I want the interior to be a real surprise.”

In the meantime, Lantero suggests I continue my tour of the decks, having already encountered a few surprises within the first five minutes of setting eyes on the new flagship of the Italian builder’s Magellano collection in a marina in Fano.

Despite the fact that it’s brimming with state-of-the-art features (it even has a Covid-fighting, NASA-approved BCool sanitising system that changes the air every hour), the Magellano 25 Metri has a comfortingly old-fashioned look about it. Its lines were penned by Ken Freivokh , whose name is associated with yachts such as Perini Navi ’s 87-metre Maltese Falcon and the modern classic sailer Mikhail S. Vorontsov , to name just two.

In 2009 Freivokh was called in to create the look of the first Magellano, a new range intended for serious passage-making. His templates formed the basis of every subsequent model – although developing the final appearance of the smaller boats was tasked to Dutch design house Cor D Rover Design.

Freivokh’s aim was to create an evergreen design and, using the type of lateral thinking that people who are among the best in their field tend to have perfected, he opted for a classic hull shape with an almost vertical bow topped with a heavily glazed superstructure to evoke the feeling of a sea-going penthouse.

Narrow, oval windows lend light to the lower deck’s interior while also imparting a retro feel that could place the boat back in the golden age, and slatted teak panels attached to either side of the superstructure aft (a Freivokh signature) both soften the lines and complement that classic character.

“We started with the Magellano 74 almost 12 years ago and have since had input into developing the entire range,” Freivokh says. He was called back in to create a clean-sheet design for the 25, which, he says, had nothing to do with making a boat that looked fast, but all about combining form and function. “Everything had to exist for a reason, with the main aim being to create a yacht that a family or a couple would really want to spend time exploring with and living on, and, because the 25 is not a huge yacht, I was anxious to maximise every opportunity to use the available space as efficiently and as interestingly as possible.”

Which explains why, while wandering around outside in advance of the big interior reveal, I notice just how cleverly all of the exterior spaces had been thought out. On the aft deck, an extensive seating area with its own dry bar and worktop spaces – and a nifty hydraulic table that converts from “coffee” to “dining” at the touch of a button – can be protected from prying eyes by a drop-down glass wall privacy screen.

Further back, at the swim platform, an electrically operated deck extension can either create an infinity terrace or allow for easy tender access. At the bow, meanwhile, there’s more well-thought-out convertibility that enables the space to serve as an extensive sunbathing spot or an equally spacious lounge area.

And then there’s the flybridge seating, reached via an elegant spiral staircase from the aft deck, that offers further opportunities for serious relaxation and is again equipped with its own bar and kitchen areas found to the rear of the bridge and shaded by a laminated carbon fibre hardtop supported primarily by a single aluminium upright.

That feature is a result of the lightweight Carbon Tech programme introduced nine years ago by Azimut Yachts to enable the upper parts of its boats to extend to extravagant heights without having a detrimental effect on the centre of gravity.

I had been walking around taking all this in for the best part of an hour before word arrives from Lantero that the time had come for the big moment he had been so keen to surprise me with.

Standing in the prescribed position at the rear of the aft deck, I watch the big glass panels glide open and, as predicted, look on in amazement: for a yacht of its size, the saloon of the Magellano 25 Metri looks absolutely enormous and, with the doors left open to the aft deck and the swim platform seating area beyond, the old cliché of bringing the outside in really does come into effect.

“It seemed essential to open up the internal space at every opportunity,” Freivokh says. “That’s why we went for as much height as possible in the saloon and made the connection to the flydeck really open. Optimising the available space also means the boat can be configured for different markets; a US buyer, for example, probably won’t want to have to go downstairs to a separate galley, whereas a Middle Eastern buyer wouldn’t want the galley to be at the centre of things.

“The main aim, however, was to design a boat that an owner could keep and enjoy for many years – the thinking is that, if it looks right now it will look right in a decade or more.”

But the Magellano 25 Metri is far from being a one-man design. Having created the look and maximised the volume, Freivokh passed the baton to celebrated Italian artist and architect Vincenzo De Cotiis , who had a very specific purpose: to make the yacht not just a container for art but a work of art in its own right.

For anyone unfamiliar with his work, 62-year-old De Cotiis has long been one of the darlings of the international architectural scene, both for his furniture designs and for his ability to adapt run-down industrial spaces and turn them into chic hotels and lofty retail destinations, often using repurposed materials.

One of the materials De Cotiis particularly enjoys working with is also one with which the boat industry is extremely familiar – glass fibre. Rather than disguise it as something else (which is often the case) De Cotiis has celebrated GRP in numerous fixtures and fittings aboard the Magellano 25 Metri, as well as in the creation of a large artwork hanging over the owner’s bed and a smaller one that graces a corridor.

With its large, light-filled area and all-round sea views, the boat’s huge saloon must have represented the perfect blank canvas for De Cotiis, who adopted a theory of organic geometry to fit it out with irregularly shaped furnishings, among which are fibreglass tables laminated with resin and infused with bronze powder to create a series of unique finishes.

De Cotiis paid particular attention to the lighting, combining lamps and ceiling-mounted spotlights with special illumination beneath the sofas, giving the impression after dark that they are floating mysteriously above the saloon’s decidedly plush carpeting.

He even designed the exterior furnishings, invoking the styles of the 1960s and 70s to create a minimalist, laid-back vibe that’s infused with modern-day luxury thanks to the exclusive use of Loro Piana fabrics throughout the boat, from the saloon to the cabins and everywhere in between.

While hull No 1 serves as a showcase for the De Cotiis touch, not every Magellano 25 Metri will be the same. “It will be up to each client to commission specific artworks, if that’s what they want, but the De Cotiis design will remain evident in the architectural framework of the furnishings, cabinets and so on,” Lantero says. “If, however, an owner wants different finishes – veneers, say, instead of plain white – we can accommodate that within the De Cotiis philosophy.”

Regardless of the interior specification, the Magellano 25 Metri is so comfortable that it’s easy to forget that it is actually intended to take its passengers and crew on some serious voyages.

With 1,400hp MAN V12s, it offers a 25-knot top speed and 18-knot cruise or can go 700 nautical miles at a more sedate 12 knots. And it’s when covering those longer distances, especially in rougher seas, that the Magellano 25’s special Dual Mode hull by Pierluigi Ausonio Naval Architecture comes into play. The double-shaped chine is designed to reduce fuel consumption by lessening drag at different speeds according to where the boat is sitting in the water – and has the benefit of enhancing comfort.

But throttling down to the boat’s 20-plus knot speed is not, it seems, the way to show it at its best. “A speed of 20 to 22 knots is easily attainable, but that is not really how the boat is intended to be used,” Lantero says. “The type of buyers the Magellano 25 is meant for are those who like to cruise at perhaps 10 to 12 knots and really enjoy the pleasure of navigation. At that speed, the yacht feels really natural and beautifully relaxed. It is a pace that reflects the very chic, sober and timeless nature of the design.”

This is a yacht that whispers elegance and luxury and one which really does seem to envelop and relax those aboard, inducing a remarkable feeling of calm and a desire, quite simply, to have a thoroughly lovely, peaceful time. And that, surely, is the true art of creating a perfect yacht.

This feature is taken from the December 2020 issue of BOAT International. Get this magazine sent straight to your door, or subscribe and never miss an issue.

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ATLANTIS II Yacht – Serenity $100M Superyacht

Hellenic Shipyards S.A built her in 1981 at their shipyard in Greece as the second of three identical yachts commissioned by Stavros Niarchos, Philip Niarchos’s late father.

The Atlantis trio was commissioned to compete with Niarchos’s rival, Greek shipping magnate Aristotle Onassis and his yacht, the Christina O.

The Atlantis has a length of 115.82m(379.98ft) and is the second of the three identical boats commissioned by Niarchos. She was designed by Caesar Pinnau.

atlantis ii yacht side

ATLANTIS II yacht interior

ATLANTIS II was built in 1981 by Hellenic Shipyards S.A in Greece. She was designed by Caesar Pinnau, and can accommodate 26 guests in 13 cabins and a crew of 17 in 8 cabins, including the captain.

ATLANTIS II has a low guest-to-crew ratio compared to more current yachts. The ship is equipped with a retractable pool. She has three decks and features: a gym, air conditioning, and a helicopter landing pad.

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The exterior of ATLANTIS II has a steel hull and a steel aluminum superstructure. The naval architecture was by Maierform Maritime Technology GmbH, and Caesar Pinnau also designed the exterior features.

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The length of this magnificent yacht is 115.82m(379.98ft) in length. She is on the list of one of the biggest yachts globally , with a beam of 14.4m(47.2ft) and a 4.29m(14.1ft) draft. ATLANTIS II has a volume of 3,243 GT.

She has two Pielstick engines that power a cruising speed of 12 knots and a top speed of 14 knots.

She has an annual running cost of $10 – $15 million per year and is in the top 5% by LOA in the world. She has a Lloyd’s Register classification.

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Atlantis II

Motor Yacht

Atlantis II is a custom motor yacht launched in 1981 by Hellenic Shipyards in Skaramanga, Greece.

Atlantis II measures 115.82 metres in length, with a max draft of 4.29 metres and a beam of 14.40 metres. She has a gross tonnage of 3,243 tonnes. She has a deck material of teak.

Atlantis II has a steel hull with a steel superstructure.

Her interior design is by Mishael Sumner.

Atlantis II also features naval architecture by Maierform Maritime Technology.

Performance and Capabilities

Atlantis II has a top speed of 14.00 knots and a cruising speed of 12.00 knots. She is powered by a twin screw propulsion system.

Atlantis II has a fuel capacity of 395,500 litres.


Atlantis II accommodates up to 26 guests . She also houses room for up to 17 crew members.

Other Specifications

Atlantis II is a LR class yacht. She flies the flag of Bermuda.

  • Yacht Builder Hellenic Shipyards No profile available
  • Naval Architect Maierform Maritime Technology No profile available
  • Exterior Designer Caesar Pinnau No profile available
  • Interior Designer Mishael Sumner No profile available

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Other hellenics yacht.

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ATLANTIS II is a 115.76 m Motor Yacht, built in Greece by Hellenic and delivered in 1981. She is one of 2 Atlantis models.

Her top speed is 14.0 kn and her cruising speed is 12.0 kn and her power comes from two Semt Pielstick diesel engines. She can accommodate up to 26 guests in 13 staterooms, with 17 crew members. She has a gross tonnage of 3243.0 GT and a 14.45 m beam.

She was designed by Prof. Cäsar Pinnau .

The naval architecture was developed by Maierform , who has architected 3 other superyachts in the BOAT Pro database, and the interior of the yacht was designed by Michael Sumner - she is built with a Teak deck, a Steel hull, and Steel superstructure.

ATLANTIS II is in the top 5% by LOA in the world. She is one of 70 motor yachts longer than 100m.

ATLANTIS II is currently sailing under the Bermuda flag (along with a total of other 37 yachts). She is currently located at the superyacht marina Port Hercule de Monaco, in Monaco, where she has been located for 2 months. For more information regarding ATLANTIS II's movements, find out more about BOAT Pro AIS .

  • Yacht Type: Motor Yacht
  • Yacht Subtype: Displacement , Classic Yacht
  • Model: Atlantis
  • Builder: Hellenic
  • Naval Architect: Maierform
  • Exterior Designer: Prof. Cäsar Pinnau
  • Interior Designer: Michael Sumner
  • Refits: 2023-04-05,2021-03-05

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Atlantis Exterior

The Atlantis is a 147ft NY private yacht charter that can accommodate up to 300 guests with up to 225 person seating on one deck. The Atlantis is one of the newest and most luxurious yacht charters in the New York harbor. The Atlantis is a New York charter yacht complemented with the utmost in service while offering exquisite catering and great service.

There are three decks. Two of which are fully enclosed. The first deck houses our formal dining salon, together with dance floor & platform dais, with access to outer decks at the bow and the stern. Admission to the next level can be attained via the grand staircase; this level is used mainly for cocktail hour and has a large bar area and lounge, and a luxurious bridal suite for your wedding cruise.

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ATLANTIS yacht NOT for charter*

26.5m  /  86'11 | hershine | 1996.

Owner & Guests

Cabin Configuration

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Special Features:

  • Sleeps 8 overnight
  • Able to access shallow bays and coves

The 26.5m/86'11" motor yacht 'Atlantis' (ex. The Rock) was built by Hershine in Taiwan.

Guest Accommodation

Atlantis has been designed to comfortably accommodate up to 8 guests in 4 suites comprising one VIP cabin. She is also capable of carrying up to 2 crew onboard to ensure a relaxed luxury yacht experience.

Range & Performance

Built with a GRP hull and GRP superstructure, with teak decks, she benefits from a semi-displacement hull to provide exceptional seakeeping and impressive speeds. Powered by twin diesel Caterpillar (3412) 1,250hp engines, she comfortably cruises at 16 knots, reaches a maximum speed of 20 knots with a range of up to 350 nautical miles from her 5,678 litre fuel tanks at 16 knots. Her low draft of 1.7m/5'7" makes her primed for accessing shallow areas and cruising close to the shorelines. Her water tanks store around 1,893 Litres of fresh water.

*Charter Atlantis Motor Yacht

Motor yacht Atlantis is currently not believed to be available for private Charter. To view similar yachts for charter , or contact your Yacht Charter Broker for information about renting a luxury charter yacht.

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'Yacht Charter Fleet' is a free information service, if your yacht is available for charter please contact us with details and photos and we will update our records.

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Atlantis Yacht

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M/Y Atlantis


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The unusual size of the single-piece curved windscreen improves visibility, interior perception of space and exterior aesthetics. The side window pillars are minimized to extend the effect.

Azimut-A45 Maindeck 1_Mid res


A chaise lounge flanks the helm station, keeping the pilot’s company and sharing the windscreened navigation theater.

Azimut-A45 Dinette 2_Mid res


The interior design project researched a synergistic selection of materials, ranging from matte gray oak to the glossy lacquered panelling. The architecture sets the stage for a lively gathering of covivial furniture.

Azimut-A45 Master Cabin_Mid res


A generous beam accomodates the versatile second cabin. The large full-height side cabinet at the entrance can also be configured as a third bed, and the two twin beds can slide together to form a queen-sized bed.

Azimut-A45 Dinette 1_Mid res


  • Length overall (incl. pulpit) 14,60 m (47' 11'')
  • Beam max 4,20 m (13’ 9’’)
  • Draft (incl. props at full load) 1,10 m (3' 7'')
  • Displacement (at full load) 16,6 t (36596 lb)
  • Building material GRP
  • Exterior designer Neo Design
  • Interior designer Azimut Yachts
  • Hull designer Azimut-Benetti R&D Department
  • Builder Azimut Yachts
  • Keel Planing, deadrise 15° aft
  • Certifications CE B; NMMA
  • Head compartments 2
  • Engines 2 X VOLVO PENTA IPS 650 (480 hp)
  • Maximum speed (test load) up to 35 kn
  • Cruising speed (performance test mass) 30 kn
  • Fuel capacity 1000 l (264 US Gls)
  • Water capacity 350 l (93 US Gls)

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The new Four Seasons yacht will set sail in 2026.

Four Seasons has long set the gold standard for luxury accommodations on land and is renowned for its exquisite hotels that offer unparalleled comfort and service. Now, this legacy of luxury is extending its reach to the seas. In a groundbreaking move, Four Seasons Yachts , in collaboration with Marc-Henry Cruise Holdings Ltd and the esteemed Italian shipbuilder Fincantieri, is introducing an ambitious venture into luxury sea travel. Scheduled to set sail in 2026, this initiative promises an experience that transcends traditional cruising, offering voyages across the mesmerizing waters of the Caribbean and the historic coasts of the Mediterranean.

Alejandro Reynal, President and CEO of Four Seasons, expressed enthusiasm about bringing the brand's hallmark of guest-centered luxury to the high seas. According to Reynal, this expansion into yachting is a natural extension of Four Seasons' commitment to providing personalized, elegant, and comfortable experiences. The aim is clear: to redefine luxury hospitality, but this time, against the backdrop of the world's most stunning seascapes.

The suites are breathtaking.

The inaugural season of Four Seasons Yachts is poised to offer something truly special. With ten unique voyages planned, travelers will have the opportunity to explore over 130 distinct destinations across more than 30 countries and territories. Each itinerary has been meticulously crafted, allowing guests the flexibility to design their own sea adventure. From the lively atmospheres of Caribbean islands like Saint Barthélemy and Martinique to the cultural richness of Mediterranean gems, including the Greek Isles and Croatia, these voyages promise a blend of well-loved destinations and hidden treasures.

The spacious cabins have incredible views.

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Accommodations aboard the yacht are set to be a marvel in themselves. Ninety-five suites, conceived by the creative minds of Fredrik Johannson at Tillberg Design of Sweden and Creative Director Prosper Assouline, are designed to be sanctuaries of tranquility at sea. Each suite, envisioned with elegant interiors, expansive views, and a residential feel, aims to provide guests with a sense of being at home away from home. Among these, the Funnel and Loft Suites stand out for their sheer luxury and space. They offer unique features such as splash pools, outdoor showers, and breathtaking panoramic views, setting a new benchmark for luxury accommodations on water.

The pool deck features a bar and lounge chairs.

Beyond the exquisite suites, the yacht will feature various amenities designed to cater to every guest's needs. With eleven dining options, a comprehensive spa and wellness center, a state-of-the-art marina, and an innovative pool area capable of hosting events, the yacht ensures a variety of experiences that enrich the journey.

“We’re building a stunning seafaring venture that will be enjoyed as a yacht experience rather than a cruise experience," says Thatcher Brown, chief commercial officer and head of joint operations at luxury shipping specialist Marc-Henry Cruise Holdings, the joint owner/operator of the Four Seasons Yachts brand. "The intrinsic value of Four Seasons brand leadership in luxury hospitality combined with the passionate pioneering spirit and expertise of the project team is manifested in the creation of truly special Four Seasons Yachts experiences."

Jordi Lippe-McGraw

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Elektrostal is a vibrant city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia. With a rich history, stunning architecture, and a thriving community, Elektrostal is a city that has much to offer. Whether you are a history buff, nature enthusiast, or simply curious about different cultures, Elektrostal is sure to captivate you.

This article will provide you with 40 fascinating facts about Elektrostal, giving you a better understanding of why this city is worth exploring. From its origins as an industrial hub to its modern-day charm, we will delve into the various aspects that make Elektrostal a unique and must-visit destination.

So, join us as we uncover the hidden treasures of Elektrostal and discover what makes this city a true gem in the heart of Russia.

Key Takeaways:

  • Elektrostal, known as the “Motor City of Russia,” is a vibrant and growing city with a rich industrial history, offering diverse cultural experiences and a strong commitment to environmental sustainability.
  • With its convenient location near Moscow, Elektrostal provides a picturesque landscape, vibrant nightlife, and a range of recreational activities, making it an ideal destination for residents and visitors alike.

Known as the “Motor City of Russia.”

Elektrostal, a city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia, earned the nickname “Motor City” due to its significant involvement in the automotive industry.

Home to the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant.

Elektrostal is renowned for its metallurgical plant, which has been producing high-quality steel and alloys since its establishment in 1916.

Boasts a rich industrial heritage.

Elektrostal has a long history of industrial development, contributing to the growth and progress of the region.

Founded in 1916.

The city of Elektrostal was founded in 1916 as a result of the construction of the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant.

Located approximately 50 kilometers east of Moscow.

Elektrostal is situated in close proximity to the Russian capital, making it easily accessible for both residents and visitors.

Known for its vibrant cultural scene.

Elektrostal is home to several cultural institutions, including museums, theaters, and art galleries that showcase the city’s rich artistic heritage.

A popular destination for nature lovers.

Surrounded by picturesque landscapes and forests, Elektrostal offers ample opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, and birdwatching.

Hosts the annual Elektrostal City Day celebrations.

Every year, Elektrostal organizes festive events and activities to celebrate its founding, bringing together residents and visitors in a spirit of unity and joy.

Has a population of approximately 160,000 people.

Elektrostal is home to a diverse and vibrant community of around 160,000 residents, contributing to its dynamic atmosphere.

Boasts excellent education facilities.

The city is known for its well-established educational institutions, providing quality education to students of all ages.

A center for scientific research and innovation.

Elektrostal serves as an important hub for scientific research, particularly in the fields of metallurgy, materials science, and engineering.

Surrounded by picturesque lakes.

The city is blessed with numerous beautiful lakes, offering scenic views and recreational opportunities for locals and visitors alike.

Well-connected transportation system.

Elektrostal benefits from an efficient transportation network, including highways, railways, and public transportation options, ensuring convenient travel within and beyond the city.

Famous for its traditional Russian cuisine.

Food enthusiasts can indulge in authentic Russian dishes at numerous restaurants and cafes scattered throughout Elektrostal.

Home to notable architectural landmarks.

Elektrostal boasts impressive architecture, including the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord and the Elektrostal Palace of Culture.

Offers a wide range of recreational facilities.

Residents and visitors can enjoy various recreational activities, such as sports complexes, swimming pools, and fitness centers, enhancing the overall quality of life.

Provides a high standard of healthcare.

Elektrostal is equipped with modern medical facilities, ensuring residents have access to quality healthcare services.

Home to the Elektrostal History Museum.

The Elektrostal History Museum showcases the city’s fascinating past through exhibitions and displays.

A hub for sports enthusiasts.

Elektrostal is passionate about sports, with numerous stadiums, arenas, and sports clubs offering opportunities for athletes and spectators.

Celebrates diverse cultural festivals.

Throughout the year, Elektrostal hosts a variety of cultural festivals, celebrating different ethnicities, traditions, and art forms.

Electric power played a significant role in its early development.

Elektrostal owes its name and initial growth to the establishment of electric power stations and the utilization of electricity in the industrial sector.

Boasts a thriving economy.

The city’s strong industrial base, coupled with its strategic location near Moscow, has contributed to Elektrostal’s prosperous economic status.

Houses the Elektrostal Drama Theater.

The Elektrostal Drama Theater is a cultural centerpiece, attracting theater enthusiasts from far and wide.

Popular destination for winter sports.

Elektrostal’s proximity to ski resorts and winter sport facilities makes it a favorite destination for skiing, snowboarding, and other winter activities.

Promotes environmental sustainability.

Elektrostal prioritizes environmental protection and sustainability, implementing initiatives to reduce pollution and preserve natural resources.

Home to renowned educational institutions.

Elektrostal is known for its prestigious schools and universities, offering a wide range of academic programs to students.

Committed to cultural preservation.

The city values its cultural heritage and takes active steps to preserve and promote traditional customs, crafts, and arts.

Hosts an annual International Film Festival.

The Elektrostal International Film Festival attracts filmmakers and cinema enthusiasts from around the world, showcasing a diverse range of films.

Encourages entrepreneurship and innovation.

Elektrostal supports aspiring entrepreneurs and fosters a culture of innovation, providing opportunities for startups and business development.

Offers a range of housing options.

Elektrostal provides diverse housing options, including apartments, houses, and residential complexes, catering to different lifestyles and budgets.

Home to notable sports teams.

Elektrostal is proud of its sports legacy, with several successful sports teams competing at regional and national levels.

Boasts a vibrant nightlife scene.

Residents and visitors can enjoy a lively nightlife in Elektrostal, with numerous bars, clubs, and entertainment venues.

Promotes cultural exchange and international relations.

Elektrostal actively engages in international partnerships, cultural exchanges, and diplomatic collaborations to foster global connections.

Surrounded by beautiful nature reserves.

Nearby nature reserves, such as the Barybino Forest and Luchinskoye Lake, offer opportunities for nature enthusiasts to explore and appreciate the region’s biodiversity.

Commemorates historical events.

The city pays tribute to significant historical events through memorials, monuments, and exhibitions, ensuring the preservation of collective memory.

Promotes sports and youth development.

Elektrostal invests in sports infrastructure and programs to encourage youth participation, health, and physical fitness.

Hosts annual cultural and artistic festivals.

Throughout the year, Elektrostal celebrates its cultural diversity through festivals dedicated to music, dance, art, and theater.

Provides a picturesque landscape for photography enthusiasts.

The city’s scenic beauty, architectural landmarks, and natural surroundings make it a paradise for photographers.

Connects to Moscow via a direct train line.

The convenient train connection between Elektrostal and Moscow makes commuting between the two cities effortless.

A city with a bright future.

Elektrostal continues to grow and develop, aiming to become a model city in terms of infrastructure, sustainability, and quality of life for its residents.

In conclusion, Elektrostal is a fascinating city with a rich history and a vibrant present. From its origins as a center of steel production to its modern-day status as a hub for education and industry, Elektrostal has plenty to offer both residents and visitors. With its beautiful parks, cultural attractions, and proximity to Moscow, there is no shortage of things to see and do in this dynamic city. Whether you’re interested in exploring its historical landmarks, enjoying outdoor activities, or immersing yourself in the local culture, Elektrostal has something for everyone. So, next time you find yourself in the Moscow region, don’t miss the opportunity to discover the hidden gems of Elektrostal.

Q: What is the population of Elektrostal?

A: As of the latest data, the population of Elektrostal is approximately XXXX.

Q: How far is Elektrostal from Moscow?

A: Elektrostal is located approximately XX kilometers away from Moscow.

Q: Are there any famous landmarks in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal is home to several notable landmarks, including XXXX and XXXX.

Q: What industries are prominent in Elektrostal?

A: Elektrostal is known for its steel production industry and is also a center for engineering and manufacturing.

Q: Are there any universities or educational institutions in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal is home to XXXX University and several other educational institutions.

Q: What are some popular outdoor activities in Elektrostal?

A: Elektrostal offers several outdoor activities, such as hiking, cycling, and picnicking in its beautiful parks.

Q: Is Elektrostal well-connected in terms of transportation?

A: Yes, Elektrostal has good transportation links, including trains and buses, making it easily accessible from nearby cities.

Q: Are there any annual events or festivals in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal hosts various events and festivals throughout the year, including XXXX and XXXX.

hot springs tours

Hot springs, ar   travel guide.

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hot springs tours

14 Best Things To Do in Hot Springs, AR

Updated May 24, 2022

Hot Springs National Park houses the lion's share of the attractions in Hot Springs. The park's Bathhouse Row houses historic buildings, including the Fordyce Bathhouse Visitor Center and the Buckstaff Bathhouse . Between soaks, set aside time

  • All Things To Do

hot springs tours

Hot Springs National Park Hot Springs National Park free

Given that Hot Springs National Park shares a name with the nearby town, it should come as no surprise that the 5,500-acre park serves as the main attraction in Hot Springs. The park's thermal waters are its primary draw, and visitors can still soak in the historical establishments lining Bathhouse Row, including the Fordyce Bathhouse Visitor Center and the Buckstaff Bathhouse . Additionally, numerous trails weave throughout the park. A majority of the trails are concentrated between the Hot Springs and North Mountain trails as well as the West Mountain Trails. Both these areas offer short, interconnected trails, while the approximately 10-mile Sunset Trail provides a more challenging trek for experienced hikers.

Past visitors suggested taking on the 2.6-mile Sugarloaf Mountain segment of the Sunset Trail, which includes a short spur trail to the Balanced Rock that rewards hikers with one of the most stunning views in Arkansas . They also appreciate the park's attractions in the middle of town, like Bathhouse Row and the Grand Promenade.

Fordyce Bathhouse Visitor Center Fordyce Bathhouse Visitor Center free

The Fordyce Bathhouse serves as the visitor center for Hot Springs National Park . The bathhouse welcomed guests from 1915 to 1962 with treatments ranging from massages to electrotherapy. The building eventually closed, remaining vacant until it reopened as the park's visitor center in 1989. Now, travelers can admire the ornate architecture of the storied buildings, which are outfitted with stained-glass ceilings, ceramic fountains and intricately tiled floors.

Past travelers appreciated the opportunity to explore nearly the entirety of the building, which spans three floors and a basement. Some additional gems to discover include a grand piano and a bowling alley. Recent visitors enjoyed the Fordyce Bathhouse Visitor Center's self-guided tour, because they were able to enjoy the attraction at their own pace. Those looking for a more in-depth experience can go on one of the bathhouse's guided tours, but groups must contact the park in advance to make sure space is available.

hot springs tours

Lake Ouachita State Park Lake Ouachita State Park free

While Hot Springs National Park naturally draws the spotlight for visitors to Hot Springs, it's not the area's only outdoor attraction. Travelers would be remiss if they skipped a visit to the wonderful Lake Ouachita State Park. Outdoorsy travelers can even spend the night, as the park houses 93 campsites, eight full cabins and four camper cabins. Those who trek to Lake Ouachita State Park for a shorter period must choose between enjoying the park's water and land attractions. The water is accessible through the park's two beaches, while a marina is also available for travelers who chose to rent a boat. Additionally, visitors can bathe in the Three Sisters Springs, whose alleged healing benefits rival the storied waters of Hot Springs National Park. Lake Ouachita State Park offers two trails for visitors who prefer to stay on land, ranging from a half-mile to 4 miles.

Previous park visitors appreciated its tranquil waters and clean campsites. They also particularly enjoyed the variety of activities orchestrated by the park rangers, which range from nature "Jeopardy!" to starlight lake tours to snakeskin bookmark making. They also praised the availability of watercraft rentals at the on-site marina.

hot springs tours

Garvan Woodland Gardens Garvan Woodland Gardens

The Garvan Woodland Gardens boast an impressive assortment of natural and man-made attractions. Surprisingly, flowers are not the garden's main draw. The Anthony Chapel Complex in particular appeals to architecture enthusiasts with its latticework of wood and glass. The Joy Manning Scott Bridge of the Full Moon, one of the most photographed features within the gardens, is equally admired for its nod to the ancient stone bridges of western China. Meanwhile, green thumbs appreciate the attraction's natural areas, including the bonsai garden and woodland walk, which covers just a fraction of the Garvan Woodland Gardens' diverse green spaces.

Reviewers suggested visiting the gardens during the winter for its stunning annual Christmas lights display. Recent travelers said the spring season, when the garden's array of flowers begin to bloom, provides an excellent alternative if you don't visit during the holidays. Regardless of when you visit, be sure to stop by the spectacular Anthony Chapel, which serves as the garden's primary attraction according to visitors.

hot springs tours

Lake Catherine State Park Lake Catherine State Park free

Comprising roughly 3 1/2-square-miles of the Ouachita Mountain's forest and coastal areas, Lake Catherine State Park attracts visitors with its collection of beautiful trails. The 2-mile Falls Branch Trail, which leads to a scenic waterfall, draws the majority of the park's hikers. Along with the trails, the park is also a popular fishing spot. Anglers will enjoy the park's fishing pier, as well as the option to rent boats from the on-site marina. American history enthusiasts appreciate the historic stone and wood buildings, which were constructed by the Civilian Conservation Corps in the 1930s.

Past travelers enjoyed taking on the assortment of hiking trails. Plus, they said the park's swimming beach provided the perfect opportunity to cool off after a long day of walking or boating. The only downside: Many visitors felt that the power plant on the opposite side of the lake ruined the area's otherwise picturesque setting, especially when its lights competed with the moon and stars for overnight campers.

hot springs tours

Mid-America Science Museum Mid-America Science Museum

The Mid-America Science Museum sports an eclectic mix of exhibits, so you're essentially guaranteed to stumble upon something interesting during your visit. Inside the museum, travelers marvel at the massive Tesla coil, as well as explore the underground cave maze, which features displays devoted to geology. The museum houses numerous other indoor activities, but visitors should set aside some time to explore outside. The museum's grounds include a massive skywalk and sculptures of dinosaurs, which wind through a wooded trail.

The Mid-America Science Museum's hands-on activities impressed recent travelers. Subsequently, they claim that the museum's exhibits will entertain everyone in your group, regardless of their ages. Saving the Mid-America Science Museum as a rainy day activity proved to be the most common advice provided by past travelers, though, be sure to set aside a few hours to get the most out of the museum.

hot springs tours

Buckstaff Bathhouse Buckstaff Bathhouse

While the Buckstaff Bathhouse may first strike you as a standard spa, the historical property has actually been attracting travelers since it opened in 1912. The illustrious building still sports its noteworthy Romano-Gothic architecture and even riffs on its original offerings. Services include baths (in the city's thermal water) and massages, as well as manicures, pedicures and facials. Keep in mind that massages and baths are walk-ins only, while you need an appointment for other services.

Past visitors enjoyed the Buckstaff Bathhouse's assortment of novel offerings, particularly its sitz baths (soaking water up to the hips) and needle showers (small jets of water around the torso). Several travelers also appreciated the bathhouse's paraffin wax hand treatments, concluding that nearly every option on the Buckstaff Bathhouse's menu justifies its price.

hot springs tours

Oaklawn Racing Casino Resort Oaklawn Racing Casino Resort free

Host to thoroughbred races since 1904, the Oaklawn Racing Casino Resort is popular with visitors who need a break from the area's natural attractions. The Oaklawn Racing Casino began a phased expansion in May 2019, but travelers can still try their chances with Lady Luck at the storied attraction. When you're not rotating between the track and the casino's floor, grab a bite at the Silks Bar & Grill or take in some live music. 

Recent visitors particularly praised the racetrack, as the horses are a novel source of entertainment. In between races, travelers suggest heading inside to enjoy the casino's slot machines and table games. Whether you're betting or just enjoying the race, past tourists insist that you try one of the track's signature corned beef sandwiches when lunchtime rolls around.

hot springs tours

Magic Springs Theme and Water Park Magic Springs Theme and Water Park

Beating the Arkansas heat is easy at the Magic Springs Theme and Water Park. The park offers an array of rides designed to appeal to travelers of every age. Past travelers offer mixed reviews of the park: Many visitors appreciated the park's short lines and clean facilities, but some found the rides outside the water park to be a bit lacking. Still, the park's main appeal comes from its waterslides, lazy river and wave pool.

The park's hours vary greatly depending on the day of the week and season, but it generally welcomes guests daily in June and July, as well as on weekends in April, May, August and October. It is closed November through March. Admission at the front gate starts at $59.99, but you can purchase a variety of discounted tickets in advance on the Magic Springs Theme and Water Park's website . The attraction sits on the northeastern edge of Hot Springs, about 3 miles from the downtown area, and is accessible via the No. 3 (green) bus route. Taking the bus proves an excellent alternative to parking, as the daily parking fee is $15.

hot springs tours

Hot Springs Mountain Tower Hot Springs Mountain Tower

Reaching a whopping 1,256 feet above sea level, Hot Springs Mountain Tower provides travelers with unmatched views of the surrounding area. Those who ride to the tower's top will be able to make out the Ouachita Mountains, Hot Springs Mountain and the Diamond Lakes. The panoramic view overlooks 140 miles. In addition to views, visitors can grab a keepsake or snag a snack from the Hot Springs Mountain Tower's gift shop and small cafe.

Past visitors enjoyed their Hot Springs Mountain Tower experiences. Travelers even described the winding road leading to the tower as a beautiful drive. Once you arrive, stop in the surprisingly robust gift shop on the base level. From the gift shop, you'll board a glass elevator, which will whisk you 216 feet up to the observation deck. From the deck, you'll be treated to stunning views of Hot Springs National Park .

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Tiny Town Tiny Town

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Arkansas Alligator Farm & Petting Zoo Arkansas Alligator Farm & Petting Zoo

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Gangster Museum of America Gangster Museum of America

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Adventureworks Hot Springs Adventureworks Hot Springs

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Northern Lights Escape

Northern Lights Escape

  • On this trip we are travelling in our own private minibus as this allows us to reach some more off the beaten path destinations and gives us flexibility which would not be possible by public transport. And on top of that all our vehicles in Iceland have complimentary Wi-Fi.
  • There's a lot more to Iceland than ice and vikings. Follow the scenic 'Golden Circle', visiting geothermal springs and geysers, the mighty waterfall of Gullfoss and the site of the nation's first parliament at Thingvellir
  • Drive along the island’s spectacular South Shore past the Reynisdrangar Rocks and volcanic black sand beaches
  • Head to Skaftafell National Park and get adventurous with a hike to Vatnajokull, Europe's largest glacier
  • The aurora borealis is the best lightshow on Earth, and this trip is your ticket. Stay up late to see the northern sky dance with green light (subject to weather conditions and activity)

8 Days in Ecuador's Heartland: From Mountains to Hot Springs

8 Days in Ecuador's Heartland: From Mountains to Hot Springs

  • Immerse in the Vibrant Culture at Otavalo Market: A Colorful Fusion of Crafts and Tradition
  • Experience Serenity at Cuicocha Lagoon: Nature's Tranquil Oasis in the Andean Highlands
  • Marvel at the Majestic Cotopaxi National Park: Nature's Splendor Unleashed
  • Enjoy panoramic views of the turquoise lake surrounded by high Andean peaks.
  • Visit iconic waterfalls like Pailón del Diablo and Manto de la Novia, surrounded by lush rainforest.

21 Day Grand Tour Discover Real New Zealand

21 Day Grand Tour Discover Real New Zealand

  • All inclusive tour package prepared by New Zealand based specialists so you sit back and relax
  • An exciting itinerary will be customised to suit you - let us help plan and perfect your dream vacation
  • We offer self-drive trips (rental car) we arrange all your accomodations, activities, attractions (you select) we book your car (fun, freedom, independence, flexibility) you set the pace each day or, select a private driver trip (fully guided) or, escorted coach tours (daily commentary).
  • Either way, you will have an awesome time on our wonderful 21 day Grand New Zealand Tour with Real New Zealand Tours.

Coast to Coast Bali

Coast to Coast Bali

  • Packed-itinerary, exploring all Bali classic destinations
  • Introduction to Balinese culture and daily life
  • Visit Bali's iconic landmarks from East to West
  • Experience Bali must-do activities
  • Temples and beach hopping

Ecuador Cuyabeno Adventure 6 Days Tour

Ecuador Cuyabeno Adventure 6 Days Tour

  • Start and end in Quito! With the Adventure tour Ecuador Adventure 6 Days Tour, you have a 6 days tour package taking you through Quito, Ecuador and 3 other destinations in Ecuador. Ecuador Adventure 6 Days Tour includes accommodation, an expert guide, meals, transport and more.

13 Days Andes and Coast

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Ecuador Big Five 18 Days Tour

Ecuador Big Five 18 Days Tour

  • Start and end in Quito! With the adventure tour Ecuador Big Five 18 Days Tour, you have a 18 Day Tour Package in Ecuador taking you through Quito, Ecuador and 15 other destinations in Ecuador. Ecuador Big Five 18 Days Tour is a small group tour that includes flights, an expert guide, meals, transport and more.

Japanese Alps Hiking Tour

Japanese Alps Hiking Tour

  • Traverse the breathtaking Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route, unveiling awe-inspiring vistas.
  • Hike through Kamikochi's ancient cedar forest, tracing rivers, and gazing at the Yake volcano.
  • Explore Tokyo's vibrant palaces and neon streets, and Kyoto's serene temples and geisha districts.
  • Admire Mount Fuji's graceful majesty and relax in tranquil hot springs.
  • Discover Kanazawa's exquisite Kenroku-en Garden and the untouched charm of Shirakawago thatched-roof villages.

All Hot Springs , expedition cruises, self guided adventures and vacation packages. Find the best guided and expert planned vacation and holiday packages. Read more about Hot Springs

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Small Group Hot Springs Tours

Small Group Hot Springs Tours

Iceland Express

  • This five-day tour is perfect for those who are after an express jaunt around to Iceland’s hotspots. See the wonders including the Golden Circle, southern Vik, and Jokulsarlon’s glacial lagoon.
  • Explore Reynisfjara, the famous beach where black sand meets towering basalt columns and rocky cliffs where seabirds rest.
  • Spend time exploring Jokulsarlon glacier lagoon, perhaps walking along nearby Diamond Beach where chunks of icebergs wash up on the black sand, or opting for a lagoon cruising experience.
  • Stand at the bottom of Skogafoss – a waterfall with a 60-metre cascade – then hike along a winding wooden staircase to the fall’s crest for views of the coastline.
  • Spend the night in a local guesthouse that is leading the way in sustainable Icelandic tourism, with the chance to give back to the environment by planting trees to combat deforestation and soil erosion.

Ecuador: Amazon, Hot Springs & Volcanoes

Ecuador: Amazon, Hot Springs & Volcanoes

  • Visit the otavalo weaving studio and get a lesson from miguel andrango
  • Explore villages and learn about traditional handicrafts and folk art from locals
  • Traverse the amazon jungle with a local naturalist guide
  • Learn about the relationship between cultures and the plants around them at the omaere ethnobotanical park
  • Be surrounded by towering volcanoes

Ecuador Camping & Jungle River Paddle 4 Days Tour

Ecuador Camping & Jungle River Paddle 4 Days Tour

  • This tour is designed for adventurous families or groups of friends that want to get to know the charms of the rainforest, as well as the traditions and culture of the natives of the area.

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Top Hot Springs Attractions & Experiences

Hot Springs Tours & Travel Guide

Hot Springs Attractions & Landmarks Guide

Natural hot springs are a classic tour activity and are found around the world. Often in locations that require a long hike to get to, nothing beats relaxing and feeling refreshed in the healing waters, warmed by natural geothermic activity. Beware though - they can be smelly! Popular destinations include Iceland, Japan, and United States.

Hot Springs Reviews & Ratings

Perfect introduction to iceland.

Overall I had a spectacular time on this trip. The scenery was unbelievable and the group was great. I was a bit underwhelmed by our guide - while he was super nice ...

Self-designed 21 day trip to NZ

Geoff helped my wife and I to put together an itinerary that customized to our particular interests and preferences. At the outset he asked us where we'd like to go ...

This was such a great trip and totally worth it!

Traveling is rarely worth the stress and headaches planning causes. However, I found CharlieTheTraveler was incredibly easy to book through. The Uzbekistan was right...

What I liked about this trip compared to others I have been with other touring companies is this trip was not centered on adrenaline-pumping activities.

What I liked about this trip compared to others I have been with other touring companies is this trip was not centered on adrenaline-pumping activities. Many compani...

I have absolutely no regrets as the trip was a unique experience that I would not have gotten if I planned the trip myself.

I was bored of “normal” vacations and wanted something different and interesting. Upon finding CharlieTheTraveler’s trips and seeing positive reviews across the boar...

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Check out our resort with a relaxing day trip, enjoy the 60 mile scenic ride and soak in our natural hot springs.

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Enjoy a scenic 60 mile ride in our shuttle, soak in our natural hot springs water and await for auroras to show.

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Check out our resort with a relaxing day trip, enjoy the 60 mile scenic ride and soak in our natural hot springs. We have the coolest year-round Ice Museum. And as the name says it, learn how mushing works in Alaska and take a ride with our sled dogs!

Splash Travels

Splash Travels

15 Natural Hot Springs in the U.S. That Are Free to Visit

Posted: March 20, 2024 | Last updated: March 20, 2024

<p>Join in on this spring’s newest hot trend—geothermal springs.</p>  <p>Known for their healing properties, hot springs are filled with warm mineral water that is heated naturally from the Earth itself.</p>  <p>This is a list of 15 of the best—<em>and free</em>—naturally occurring hot springs across the U.S. that anyone can access.</p>

Hot Springs in the US

Join in on this spring’s newest hot trend—geothermal springs.

Known for their healing properties, hot springs are filled with warm mineral water that is heated naturally from the Earth itself.

This is a list of 15 of the best— and free —naturally occurring hot springs across the U.S. that anyone can access.

<p>All of the hot springs in this article are naturally occurring, which means they usually lie within public land. It is important for all visitors to following the <strong>Leave No Trace</strong> principles, such as:</p>

Leave No Trace

All of the hot springs in this article are naturally occurring, which means they usually lie within public land. It is important for all visitors to following the Leave No Trace principles, such as:

<p>Grizzly bears call Huckleberry Mountain their home, and they’re drawn to all of the berries and fruit that grow around the trail. </p>  <p>The park is closed at the height of berry season, but if you do want to make this trek, make sure you bring your bear spray.</p>

Cell-Phone Service Warnings

A lot of these hot spring destinations are remote and require a bit of hike to get to them. This also means that cell-phone service can be spotty.

Be prepared and download offline maps, and contact your friends before you lose signal.

<p>It is important to remember that the temperatures of these hot springs can get <strong>very hot</strong>. Depending on the exact location, and depth of the pools, many hot springs can reach temperatures of up to 104-130 degrees.</p>  <p>Be prepared for varying temperatures, and feel the water before dipping in.</p>

Temperature Warnings

It is important to remember that the temperatures of these hot springs can get very hot . Depending on the exact location, and depth of the pools, many hot springs can reach temperatures of up to 104-130 degrees.

Be prepared for varying temperatures, and feel the water before dipping in.

<p>As most of these hot springs are located on public land—and far away from the actual “public”—it is common for visitors to treat the springs as <strong>clothing optional</strong>, meaning you are very likely to see some folks in their birthday suits.</p>

Clothing is Optional

As most of these hot springs are located on public land—and far away from the actual “public”—it is common for visitors to treat the springs as clothing optional , meaning you are very likely to see some folks in their birthday suits.

<p>Before heading to the hot spring, it is suggested you make sure you pack the following items:</p>

What to Pack

Before heading to the hot spring, it is suggested you make sure you pack the following items:

<p>As of recent years, hot springs have become a very popular spot with both locals and tourists.</p>  <p>If you’d like to avoid busy times, it is suggested you go in <strong>early morning</strong> or later in the evening—which can both be prime times for sunrises and sunsets.</p>

High-Traffic Areas

As of recent years, hot springs have become a very popular spot with both locals and tourists.

If you’d like to avoid busy times, it is suggested you go in early morning or later in the evening—which can both be prime times for sunrises and sunsets.

<p>As with all natural hidden gems, once the public finds out about them a new crowd emerges. Unfortunately, hot springs are not just enjoyed by the quiet crowd and can become quite busy on weekends and hot summer nights.</p>  <p>Please enjoy responsibly.</p>

Party Goers

As with all natural hidden gems, once the public finds out about them a new crowd emerges. Unfortunately, hot springs are not just enjoyed by the quiet crowd and can become quite busy on weekends and hot summer nights.

Please enjoy responsibly.

<p>It is advised that visitors <strong>do not drink the water</strong> from the hot springs. Although they are naturally occurring, some of the hot springs contain particles that can lead to a serious disease called <em>primary amoebic meningoencephalitis. </em></p>  <p>Not to mention there are numerous bodies bathing in these waters daily.</p>

Do Not Drink the Water

It is advised that visitors do not drink the water from the hot springs. Although they are naturally occurring, some of the hot springs contain particles that can lead to a serious disease called primary amoebic meningoencephalitis. 

Not to mention there are numerous bodies bathing in these waters daily.

<p>The best season for hot springs in the US would be spring, when the outside temperatures are not scorching hot yet and the bugs are minimal.</p>  <p>Now, let’s dive into the <strong>12 best hot springs in the U.S.</strong></p>

Best Season to Visit a Hot Spring

The best season for hot springs in the US would be spring, when the outside temperatures are not scorching hot yet and the bugs are minimal.

Now, let’s dive into the 12 best hot springs in the U.S.

<p>Located on the South Fork of the Payette River below a highway campground.</p>  <p>Visitors enjoy soaking in popular Hot Springs on the banks of the river and exploring the scenic Kirkham Ridge Trail, including <strong>small steaming waterfalls</strong>.</p>

Kirkham Hot Springs - Lowman, Idaho

Located on the South Fork of the Payette River below a highway campground.

Visitors enjoy soaking in popular Hot Springs on the banks of the river and exploring the scenic Kirkham Ridge Trail, including small steaming waterfalls .

<p>The hot springs are available for day use only between 7:00am-9:00pm, and while the use of the springs is free, parking at the gate will cost $5.00 per vehicle.</p>  <p>A Vault Restroom is available on site.</p>

Kirkham Hot Springs

The hot springs are available for day use only between 7:00am-9:00pm, and while the use of the springs is free, parking at the gate will cost $5.00 per vehicle.

A Vault Restroom is available on site.

<p>Located in Bridgeport about 90 miles north of Bishop.</p>  <p>Travertine Hot Springs has 3 rustic and natural <strong>rock bottomed</strong> tubs, with snow-capped views of the Sawtooth Mountains.</p>

Travertine Hot Springs - Bridgeport, California

Located in Bridgeport about 90 miles north of Bishop.

Travertine Hot Springs has 3 rustic and natural rock bottomed tubs, with snow-capped views of the Sawtooth Mountains.

<p>The Travertine hot springs are located on public lands and are easily accessible via a short walk from the parking lot—which is free to park.</p>  <p>A Vault Restroom is available on site.</p>

Travertine Hot Springs

The Travertine hot springs are located on public lands and are easily accessible via a short walk from the parking lot—which is free to park.

<p>Located about 20 minutes east of Mammoth Lakes.</p>  <p>These natural hot springs are larger than most and can fit close to 30 people, with a stunning <strong>360-degree view</strong> of the majestic mountains.</p>

Wild Willy's Hot Springs - Mammoth Lakes, California

Located about 20 minutes east of Mammoth Lakes.

These natural hot springs are larger than most and can fit close to 30 people, with a stunning 360-degree view of the majestic mountains.

<p>Visitors will drive about 1.5 miles down a dirt road to the parking lot—where parking is free—and then walk a quarter-mile gravel path to the springs.</p>  <p>A Vault Restroom is available at the parking lot.</p>

Wild Willy's Hot Springs

Visitors will drive about 1.5 miles down a dirt road to the parking lot—where parking is free—and then walk a quarter-mile gravel path to the springs.

A Vault Restroom is available at the parking lot.

<p>Located off Forest Service Road 376 (North), about 75 miles from Albuquerque.</p>  <p>The San Antonio hot springs include three naturally formed rock pools nestled along a <strong>steep hillside</strong> in the enchanted northern mountains of New Mexico.</p>

San Antonio Hot Springs - Los Alamos, New Mexico

Located off Forest Service Road 376 (North), about 75 miles from Albuquerque.

The San Antonio hot springs include three naturally formed rock pools nestled along a steep hillside in the enchanted northern mountains of New Mexico.

<p>Visitors can expect a bit more of a challenge getting to these hot springs. They are located about a half-mile hike through the Santa Fe National Forest.</p>  <p>The entire area is free to visit, but camping is not permitted.</p>

San Antonio Hot Springs

Visitors can expect a bit more of a challenge getting to these hot springs. They are located about a half-mile hike through the Santa Fe National Forest.

The entire area is free to visit, but camping is not permitted.

<p>Located just south of Salmon, Idaho near mile marker 282 on Highway 93.</p>  <p>These natural hot springs require a bit of a hike to get to, but the payoff is worth it. The hot <strong>cliffside pools</strong> are fed by a creek and sprawl out into stunning waterfalls, and include a picturesque view overlooking the valley below.</p>

Goldbug Hot Springs - Salmon, Idaho

Located just south of Salmon, Idaho near mile marker 282 on Highway 93.

These natural hot springs require a bit of a hike to get to, but the payoff is worth it. The hot cliffside pools are fed by a creek and sprawl out into stunning waterfalls, and include a picturesque view overlooking the valley below.

<p>The hike to the hot springs can be challenging for some, as the climb is 1,350 feet up a couple natural and man-made staircases. It is roughly 2 miles from the parking spot.</p>  <p>The entire area is free to enjoy.<br>A simple composting toilet is available, and camping is permitted on-site.</p>

Goldbug Hot Springs

The hike to the hot springs can be challenging for some, as the climb is 1,350 feet up a couple natural and man-made staircases. It is roughly 2 miles from the parking spot.

The entire area is free to enjoy. A simple composting toilet is available, and camping is permitted on-site.

<p>Located on the Conundrum Creek Trail near Aspen.</p>  <p>These natural hot springs include one large main pool and a few smaller springs that range in temperatures and are surrounded by a vast green forest and snow-capped mountains.</p>

Conundrum Hot Springs - Aspen, Colorado

Located on the Conundrum Creek Trail near Aspen.

These natural hot springs include one large main pool and a few smaller springs that range in temperatures and are surrounded by a vast green forest and snow-capped mountains.

<p>The trip to Conundrum hot springs requires a lengthy hike which climbs 2,500 feet over 8.5 miles through the beautiful Colorado back country.</p>  <p>Access is free, but camping on-site requires a permit.</p>

Conundrum Hot Springs

The trip to Conundrum hot springs requires a lengthy hike which climbs 2,500 feet over 8.5 miles through the beautiful Colorado back country.

Access is free, but camping on-site requires a permit.

<p>Located 30 minutes from Provo, Utah.</p>  <p>These natural hot springs are also known as <em>Fifth Water Hot Springs</em>, and feature several hot spring pools with <strong>glacier blue waters</strong> and a beautiful waterfall.</p>

Diamond Fork Hot Springs – Springville, Utah

Located 30 minutes from Provo, Utah.

These natural hot springs are also known as Fifth Water Hot Springs , and feature several hot spring pools with glacier blue waters and a beautiful waterfall.

<p>The hike is about 2.5 miles on an easy-to-moderate trail that climbs 700 feet.</p>  <p>The entire area is free to access, and can get busy on weekends. Unclothed bathing is not permitted in Utah.</p>

Diamond Fork Hot Springs

The hike is about 2.5 miles on an easy-to-moderate trail that climbs 700 feet.

The entire area is free to access, and can get busy on weekends. Unclothed bathing is not permitted in Utah.

<p>Located just 4 miles south of Fillmore, in Meadow, Utah.</p>  <p>This natural hot spring is only one large pool but it is very warm, and <strong>very deep</strong>—allowing for diving and exploring.</p>

Meadow Hot Springs—Meadow, Utah

Located just 4 miles south of Fillmore, in Meadow, Utah.

This natural hot spring is only one large pool but it is very warm, and very deep —allowing for diving and exploring.

<p>Free parking is available about 150 feet from the spring. The spring is out in the open with no shade.</p>  <p>As well, this hot spring is located <strong>on private property</strong>, so some restrictions apply—such as no unclothed bathing.</p>

Meadow Hot Springs

Free parking is available about 150 feet from the spring. The spring is out in the open with no shade.

As well, this hot spring is located on private property , so some restrictions apply—such as no unclothed bathing.

<p>Remotely located about 75 miles from Crater Lake National Park, or 235 miles from Portland.</p>  <p>The Umpqua hot springs include several <strong>cascading pools</strong> down a beautiful hillside, including one with a rustic wooden shelter overhead.</p>

Umpqua Hot Springs – Oregon

Remotely located about 75 miles from Crater Lake National Park, or 235 miles from Portland.

The Umpqua hot springs include several cascading pools down a beautiful hillside, including one with a rustic wooden shelter overhead.

<p>Parking is available on Basket Butte Road but requires a fee of $5.00/vehicle. The hike is then only about 15 minutes to the hot springs.</p>  <p>Camping is permitted in designated areas, and unclothed bathing is both permitted and common. This area is very popular and sees many visitors daily.</p>

Umpqua Hot Springs

Parking is available on Basket Butte Road but requires a fee of $5.00/vehicle. The hike is then only about 15 minutes to the hot springs.

Camping is permitted in designated areas, and unclothed bathing is both permitted and common. This area is very popular and sees many visitors daily.

<p>Located within the Willamette National Forest, along Wall Creek.</p>  <p>Known as a meditation pool, the Wall Creek natural hot springs consists of one main oval shaped pool with some smaller, cooler pools branched out.</p>

Wall Creek Springs – Oregon

Located within the Willamette National Forest, along Wall Creek.

Known as a meditation pool, the Wall Creek natural hot springs consists of one main oval shaped pool with some smaller, cooler pools branched out.

<p>The trail to the hot spring is about a 0.6-mile round trip along a beautiful, easy forest trail.</p>  <p>A small parking lot is available and access to the area is free. This spring is not managed at all, so remember to respect the environment.</p>

Wall Creek Springs

The trail to the hot spring is about a 0.6-mile round trip along a beautiful, easy forest trail.

A small parking lot is available and access to the area is free. This spring is not managed at all, so remember to respect the environment.

<p>Located in the Deep Creek drainage, outside the city of Apple Valley.</p>  <p>This natural hot spring includes <strong>6-7 different soaking pools</strong>, some deep and some shallow, and includes a beautiful small waterfall.</p>

Deep Creek Hot Springs – Apple Valley, California

Located in the Deep Creek drainage, outside the city of Apple Valley.

This natural hot spring includes 6-7 different soaking pools , some deep and some shallow, and includes a beautiful small waterfall.

<p>There are two routes available to the hot springs, both are somewhat challenging with one route being a 2 mile hike up a steep mountain, and the other being a mostly even 6-mile hike.</p>  <p>Parking is available close by for a fee. Camping and campfires are not permitted.</p>

Deep Creek Hot Springs

There are two routes available to the hot springs, both are somewhat challenging with one route being a 2 mile hike up a steep mountain, and the other being a mostly even 6-mile hike.

Parking is available close by for a fee. Camping and campfires are not permitted.

<p>Located along the Appleton Pass Trailhead, in the Olympic National Park.</p>  <p>These natural hot springs include <strong>22 pools</strong> of various sizes, where hot water seeps into them from the rocky ledges surrounded by lush forest and small waterfalls.</p>

Olympic Hot Springs – Port Angeles, Washington

Located along the Appleton Pass Trailhead, in the Olympic National Park.

These natural hot springs include 22 pools of various sizes, where hot water seeps into them from the rocky ledges surrounded by lush forest and small waterfalls.

<p>The hike to the spring is about 2.5 miles along an easy trail through the forest, and includes crossing a newly-built suspension bridge.</p>  <p>Access is free and clothing is optional. Camping is available in designated areas.</p>

Olympic Hot Springs

The hike to the spring is about 2.5 miles along an easy trail through the forest, and includes crossing a newly-built suspension bridge.

Access is free and clothing is optional. Camping is available in designated areas.

<p>Located about 19 miles from Austin, Nevada.</p>  <p>The Spencer hot springs are centered in an <strong>open desert valley</strong> and include a cluster of natural, very hot springs (and one metal tub) with a stunning snow-capped view of the mountains.</p>

Spencer Hot Springs – Nevada

Located about 19 miles from Austin, Nevada.

The Spencer hot springs are centered in an open desert valley and include a cluster of natural, very hot springs (and one metal tub) with a stunning snow-capped view of the mountains.

<p>The route to the hot springs is about a 10-mile dirt road that is often considered “off-road”—visitors are to be mindful of the vehicle used for traveling.</p>  <p>The area is free to access, and camping is permitted on-site but away from the springs. <strong>Wild mules</strong> roam the area and use the spring for drinking.</p>

Spencer Hot Springs

The route to the hot springs is about a 10-mile dirt road that is often considered “off-road”—visitors are to be mindful of the vehicle used for traveling.

The area is free to access, and camping is permitted on-site but away from the springs. Wild mules roam the area and use the spring for drinking.

<p>Located 6-miles northwest of Las Vegas.</p>  <p>These hot springs lie along the Gallinas River and include 3 rock and cement pools, ranging in size, shape and temperature. They’re surrounded by lush forests and historic buildings.</p>

Montezuma Hot Springs – New Mexico

Located 6-miles northwest of Las Vegas.

These hot springs lie along the Gallinas River and include 3 rock and cement pools, ranging in size, shape and temperature. They’re surrounded by lush forests and historic buildings.

<p>The Montezuma hot springs are privately owned with free public access and parking. It is only a short, easy walk from parking to the springs.</p>  <p>Clothing is required.</p>

Montezuma Hot Springs

The Montezuma hot springs are privately owned with free public access and parking. It is only a short, easy walk from parking to the springs.

Clothing is required.

<p>Located along the Colorado River, about 15 miles southwest of Kremmling.</p>  <p>Radium hot springs include one main natural rock walled pool on the bank of the Colorado River, surrounded by <strong>rock cliffs</strong>, open water, and nature for as far as the eye can see.</p>

Radium Hot Springs – Colorado

Located along the Colorado River, about 15 miles southwest of Kremmling.

Radium hot springs include one main natural rock walled pool on the bank of the Colorado River, surrounded by rock cliffs , open water, and nature for as far as the eye can see.

<p>There is an easy 1.1-mile hike to the spring from Mugrage Campground—which takes about 20 minutes.</p>  <p>The area is free to access, and popular for cliff jumping and river rafting. Clothing is optional, and camping is permitted in designated areas.</p>    <p>Source: 1</p>

Radium Hot Springs

There is an easy 1.1-mile hike to the spring from Mugrage Campground—which takes about 20 minutes.

The area is free to access, and popular for cliff jumping and river rafting. Clothing is optional, and camping is permitted in designated areas.

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Hot Springs Cove

Hop aboard the Hot Springs Cove Tour to experience these natural pools, fed by ethereal geothermal waterfalls. Take in a scenic 30-nautical-mile boat ride where you’ll see beautiful coastal wildlife, and wander along a 1.5km cedar boardwalk through majestic old-growth forest on the way to these enchanting hot springs.

Be sure to review our FAQ section at the bottom of the page before booking.

The Black Fish

Our spacious 12 seat boat ensures you are not fighting the crowds to take in the coastal of the views. We guarantee a stress-free and intimate experience making your trip to the Hot Springs unforgettable.

The Black Fish is a covered boat with a little viewing platform. So, you don’t need to worry if the weather is a little wet.

  • Tour Duration 6 Hours
  • Availability Year-round
  • Guests up to 12
  • Per Person $229 + fees*
  • $16 fuel surcharge
  • $17 stewardship
  • $3 access fee (all funds go to the hosting nation, Ahousaht)
  • 1% Tribal Park Allies supports the Tla-o-qui-aht First Nation in the restoration and guardianship of their lands.
  • 1% eco fees supports the protection and conservation of wild salmon populations in Clayoquot Sound.

Hot Springs Cove FAQ

  • Water shoes or shoes with grip — the springs can be very slippery
  • Warm clothes (layers are best)  
  • Bathing suite / towel
  • Bathrobe (nice to have item)
  • Lunch (we have picnic lunches available for purchase, inquire at [email protected] or through the booking platform) 
  • Binoculars   
  • 1-hour boat ride to get to destination.
  • 30-45-minute boardwalk into the hot springs (for persons of average fitness).
  • 2-hour soak in hot springs/enjoy the view from the point of Hot Springs Cove.
  • 30-45-minute boardwalk back to the dock for pick up.
  • 1-hour boat ride back to the dock.  

Although the 1.5 km board walk is well maintained and considered an easy hike, persons with mobility issues should take note of the length and stairs within the trail. In general, most people have no trouble completing the hike in, which can take between 30-40 minutes for persons of average fitness. The Hot Springs Cove hike is not suitable for wheelchairs. The natural rock descending to the hot spring pools can be slippery and uneven, please be cautious. This section may be difficult for people with mobility issues.

Hot Springs Cove is a remote destination within Maquinna Marine Provincial Park. There is no potable water access or services. Hot Springs Cove does have out houses and changing rooms. The water is very hot, please be mindful of the time spent within the pools and be sure to stay hydrated. The boardwalk and rocks can be slippery at times, please take caution.

Ahous Adventures

  • Our Signature Experience

Tofino Hot Springs Eco-Tour

Quick Details

  • Hour Glass Duration: 6 Hours
  • User Ages: Ages 2+

Take a Dip Into Hot Springs Cove on Vancouver Island from Tofino!

Our guides will take you on a journey through the heart of Ahousaht haḥuułii (territorial lands, waters and culture). Here, you’ll witness the magic of the ocean as you cruise the coast and inlets of Clayoquot sound, taking in all of the sights and wildlife along the way. The 30-minute walking trail to the hot springs is a beginner-level hike via wooden boardwalk that weaves its way through old-growth rainforest, ancient flora and fauna next to the rocky coastline.

Once you reach the hot springs on Vancouver Island, you’ll have an opportunity to enjoy a 1.5-2 hour relaxing soak in the warm, healing mineral waters. You may even decide to dip into the cold waters of the Pacific to experience the growing trend of ‘hot and cold’ water therapy. The natural hot springs are a true wonder of nature, and we take great care to ensure their preservation and protection. As part of your journey, our guides will share the history and cultural significance of Hot Springs Cove. The springs have been used for centuries by the Ahousaht Nation for their medicinal and spiritual benefits. **

Guests must pack a lunch, bottled water (reusable container but no glass), bathing suit, towel.

Ahous Adventures is an eco and cultural adventure tour company owned and operated by the Ahousaht Nation, that offers an exciting variety of excursions within Ahousaht haḥuułii (territorial lands, waters and culture) including tours to Hot Springs Cove, whale watching, and bear watching.

Ahous Adventures invites visitors to explore Ahousaht territories through the lens of the people who have lived on and stewarded these lands and waters since time immemorial. Visitors will learn about Ahousaht’s Indigenous culture, language, history and storytelling. We believe by openly sharing Ahousaht knowledge, locals and visitors can deeply connect with the true spirit of this remarkable ecosystem. We hope our guests will feel called to honor the sacredness of the territories and seek to experience a guest-host relationship that is rooted in traditional Ahousaht values of respect and reciprocity. Visitors can offer the gifts of openness, patience and respect to Ahousaht in return.

What’s included

  • All vessels comply with Transport Canada guidelines
  • All safety & floatation equipment is provided in accordance with Transport Canada safety requirements.

Related Activities

  • User All ages
  • Hour Glass 3 Hours

Tofino Bear Watching

Observe black bears in their natural habitat as you journey through the pristine waters of Clayoquot Sound, a pristine wilderness that has been home to the Nuu-chah-nulth Nations for thousands of years. Book your black bear tour online today!

Tofino Whale Watching

The west coast of Vancouver Island is renowned for its incredible biodiversity. Join our experienced and knowledgeable crew while we explore the Pacific Ocean waters to find gray whales, humpback whales and occasionally transient orcas. Book your whale watching in Tofino online today!

Don Omar, 'Mean Girls' and more: 4 shows to see in the Coachella Valley this week

The desert sun's weekly hot picks column shares can't-miss live performances in the coachella valley and beyond.

hot springs tours

Reggaeton: Don Omar is more than the guy who played Rico Santos in the "Fast & Furious" film franchise, he's an internationally renowned reggaeton music artist. His 2003 debut album "The Last Don" sold over three million copies worldwide and reached No. 2 on the Billboard U.S. Latin charts and the 2006 record "King of Kings" sold over six million. The Puerto Rican singer has also competed in drag racing.

Even though Don Omar isn't solely responsible for the international rise of reggaeton, he is one of its icons, and one of the first to achieve crossover success.

Don Omar will perform on Friday at Acrisure Arena as part of his "Back to Reggaeton" tour.

If you go: 8 p.m. Friday, Acrisure Arena, 75-702 Varner Road, Palm Desert. Tickets start at $125. acrisurearena.com

Friday - Sunday

Musical: You can now experience the social horrors of high school in the musical adaptation of the famous 2004 film "Mean Girls." The musical adaptation of Tina Fey's film premiered in 2017 in Washington, D.C. before making its way to Broadway the following year. You'll get to meet all your favorite characters such as Cady Heron, Regina George, and Janis Sarkisian.

A traveling production of the "Mean Girls" musical will be staged for multiple performances from Friday to Sunday at the McCallum Theatre.

If you go: Multiple performances Friday through Sunday, McCallum Theatre, 73-000 Fred Waring Drive, Palm Desert. $65 to $145. (760) 340-2787. mccallumtheatre.org

Rock: In 2021, the celebrated rock artist Melissa Etheridge released the album "One Way Out," a musical journey to the past, with songs that were written during the late '80s and early '90s but were never released. Many of the musicians who worked with her during that period returned to play on the album. "One Way Out" was successful in reviving Etheridge's dynamic sound and received numerous accolades. In 2023, she made her debut at the Stagecoach country music festival in Indio .

Etheridge will perform on Saturday at Fantasy Springs Resort Casino.

If you go: 8 p.m. Saturday, Fantasy Springs Resort Casino, 84-245 Indio Springs Parkway, Indio. $49 to $79. (760) 342-5000.  fantasyspringsresort.com

Ska: The slogan "Save Ferris" may ring a bell for those who have watched the 1986 film "Ferris Bueller's Day Off." It's also the name of a ska band from Orange County, led by Monique Powell. Save Ferris was a popular band during the third-wave of ska music and enjoyed mainstream success along with other bands like No Doubt and Reel Big Fish.

Save Ferris will perform on Saturday at Pappy and Harriet's.

If you go: 8:30 p.m. Saturday, Pappy and Harriet's, 53-688 Pioneertown Road, Pioneertown. $39.50. (760) 228-2222.  pappyandharriets.com

Desert Sun reporter Brian Blueskye covers arts and entertainment. He can be reached at [email protected] or on Twitter at @bblueskye.

hot springs tours

The Fordyce Bathhouse is Hot Springs National Park's Visitor Center and Historic Museum. NPS Photo/M. Smith. Self-guided Tours Fordyce Bathhouse. In 1915, reviews proclaimed the Fordyce Bathhouse as "the best in Hot Springs." Now you can tour the Fordyce at your own pace and see the splendor of the most luxurious bathhouse on the row.

Captain Cody provided some humor and facts during our tour of Hot Springs and Lake Hamilton. 6. A Bite of Hot Springs. 57. Cultural Tours • Historical & Heritage Tours. By Teresasmith12. All the restaurants were great and Tammy was an awesome tour leader! 7. Captain Jack's Lake Cruises.

All Aboard Tours What to know. Step-on guide service for Hot Springs National Park, downtown historic district, Clinton Home, Ouachita Mountains 5200 Central Avenue, Scenic Ark. 7. Hot Springs, AR 71913. Get Directions. View Map. Phone. 501-525-4438. Email. Order Your Free Travel Guide;

The Trolleys are also the only wheel chair accessible tour in town. Tour Prices. Adults 13 older ride for $21.00. Children 3-12 with paying parent ride for $7.00. children 3 and under ride for FREE. all prices do not include tax. Office located at 706 Central Ave., Hot Springs Arkansas Phone number 501-701-4410 Email [email protected] .

National Park Duck Tours. 418 Central Avenue, Hot Springs National, Arkansas 71901, United States. (501) 520-1242.

By Wolfeaj. Captain Cody provided some humor and facts during our tour of Hot Springs and Lake Hamilton. 2. Captain Jack's Lake Cruises. 73. Boat Tours. By V4705SLrobynm. Captain Jack is so friendly and knowledgeable. Definitely recommend and we will be back!

Ranking of the top 14 things to do in Hot Springs, AR. Travelers favorites include #1 Hot Springs National Park, #2 Fordyce Bathhouse Visitor Center and more.

Do all of the above. Join a park ranger for a guided tour. Become a Junior Ranger. Taste the water. Stroll along the Grand Promenade. Take a bath. Hike or drive to the Hot Springs Mountain Tower. Shop at the park store, Bathhouse Row Emporium. Take a selfie at a memorable place in the park.

Hot Springs Tours & Travel Packages 2024/2025 127 Hot Springs trips. Compare tour itineraries from 60 tour companies. 139 reviews. 4.7/5 avg rating. Popular Hot Springs Tours See all 127 Hot Springs trips. Save this trip to your favorites or other list. Compare. Quick View Trip Details. Northern Lights Escape. By Intrepid Travel.

Located in the Fordyce Bathhouse at 369 Central Avenue. Self-guided tours of the Hot Springs National Park Visitors Center and the National Park are free. For further information, call the Hot Springs National Park Visitor Center at the Fordyce Bathhouse at 501-624-2701.

Day 5 - Tours and Nightlife. It's your last day, so sleep in and take it easy. Enjoy a slow start with a leisurely breakfast at The Pancake Shop, which has been serving Hot Springs since 1940, or visit the historic Hotel Hale for the weekend brunch at their onsite restaurant, Eden.You've probably done a lot of walking, so kick back and enjoy a colorfully narrated tour with Hot Springs ...

A: The best tours in Hot Springs according to Viator travelers are: Small-Group Zipline Tour in Hot Springs. Hot Springs Hop Scavenger Hunt. VIP Tour- The Galaxy Connection. Private Departure Transfer from Hot Springs Resort to Little Rock. Little Rock LIT to Hot Springs Resorts Round-Trip Transfer.

National Park Duck Tours. 4. 557 reviews. #1 of 10 Boat Tours & Water Sports in Hot Springs. Duck Tours. Closed now. 9:00 AM - 7:30 PM. Write a review. See all photos.

Tickets for trolley tours can be purchased at Hot Springs Trolleys Gift Shop . located across the street from the Hot Springs Visitor Center . 706 Central Avenue, 501-701-4410. All Trolley's are Air Conditioned and Heated, also Handicap accessible. All drivers are DOT CDL certified and uniformed.

Our driver and tour guide will make your ride fun and informative. Free pick up at most hotels and motels. Free parking on downtown lots at Bath House St. & Central Ave. across from the Buckstaff Bath House. Special group rates. Add to Itinerary. 418 Central Avenue. Hot Springs, AR 71901. Phone 501-321-2911. Get Directions.

Hot Springs Village offers 11 recreational lakes, 9 golf courses, 30 miles of hiking trails, a new outdoor pool, and a first-class fitness center with indoor pool. In between enjoying all the amenities that Hot Springs Village offers, visitors will be given a guided tour of the community by a representative of one of our local real estate agencies.

Tours To Chena. Day Trip To Chena. Check out our resort with a relaxing day trip, enjoy the 60 mile scenic ride and soak in our natural hot springs. $140.00. Learn More. Northern Lights Tour. Enjoy a scenic 60 mile ride in our shuttle, soak in our natural hot springs water and await for auroras to show. $200.00.

Discover 15 of the best natural hot springs in the United States. From cliffside cascades to mid-desert oases, visitors can soak in these geothermal pools any time they want, free-of-cost.

Part 1: Cranbrook to Kimberley. Part 2: Kimberley to Fairmont Hot Springs. Part 3: Fairmont Hot Springs to Radium Hot Springs. Part 4: Radium Hot Springs to Golden. Part 5: Golden to Canyon Hot Springs. Part 6: Rogers Pass and Canyon Hot Springs to Revelstoke. Part 7: Revelstoke to Halcyon and Nakusp Hot Springs.

Map. Welcome to Mammoth Hot Springs. Following the links below will take you on our web-tour of the Mammoth Hot Springs area. To navigate the tour, simply click 'Next Stop' at the bottom of each page. If you prefer you may select features from the ' List of Stops ' or from the ' Interactive Map '. Several key ingredients combine to make the ...

Hop aboard the Hot Springs Cove Tour to experience these natural pools, fed by ethereal geothermal waterfalls. Take in a scenic 30-nautical-mile boat ride where you'll see beautiful coastal wildlife, and wander along a 1.5km cedar boardwalk through majestic old-growth forest on the way to these enchanting hot springs.

Tours are limited and fill quickly, so if you want to secure a special adventure during your visit, book online in advance. We can't wait to get you sky high with Sky Tours! Add to Itinerary. 525 Airport Road. Hot Springs, AR 71913. Phone 720-759-4444. Email [email protected] .

The Tofino Hot Springs Tour is an exciting 6 hour adventure. Enjoy a boat ride, a hike on the boardwalk in Maquinna Park and soaking in the geothermal hot springs. Wildlife viewing is available on the way. Book your Hot Springs Tour online or call 1-888-474-2288. This tour has limited availability s

Ahous Adventures is an eco and cultural adventure tour company owned and operated by the Ahousaht Nation, that offers an exciting variety of excursions within Ahousaht haḥuułii (territorial lands, waters and culture) including tours to Hot Springs Cove, whale watching, and bear watching. Ahous Adventures invites visitors to explore Ahousaht ...

U.S. officials tour ex-hospital site. The Army and Navy General Hospital is shown in July 2023. (The Sentinel-Record/Mark Gregory/File) HOT SPRINGS -- U.S. Department of Defense officials toured ...

Find Property Information for 1708 Hot Springs Way, Princeton, TX 75407. MLS# 20561490. View Photos, Pricing, Listing Status & More.

Etheridge will perform on Saturday at Fantasy Springs Resort Casino. If you go: 8 p.m. Saturday, Fantasy Springs Resort Casino, 84-245 Indio Springs Parkway, Indio. $49 to $79. (760) 342-5000 ...

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40 facts about elektrostal.

Lanette Mayes

Written by Lanette Mayes

Modified & Updated: 02 Mar 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett


Elektrostal is a vibrant city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia. With a rich history, stunning architecture, and a thriving community, Elektrostal is a city that has much to offer. Whether you are a history buff, nature enthusiast, or simply curious about different cultures, Elektrostal is sure to captivate you.

This article will provide you with 40 fascinating facts about Elektrostal, giving you a better understanding of why this city is worth exploring. From its origins as an industrial hub to its modern-day charm, we will delve into the various aspects that make Elektrostal a unique and must-visit destination.

So, join us as we uncover the hidden treasures of Elektrostal and discover what makes this city a true gem in the heart of Russia.

Key Takeaways:

  • Elektrostal, known as the “Motor City of Russia,” is a vibrant and growing city with a rich industrial history, offering diverse cultural experiences and a strong commitment to environmental sustainability.
  • With its convenient location near Moscow, Elektrostal provides a picturesque landscape, vibrant nightlife, and a range of recreational activities, making it an ideal destination for residents and visitors alike.

Known as the “Motor City of Russia.”

Elektrostal, a city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia, earned the nickname “Motor City” due to its significant involvement in the automotive industry.

Home to the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant.

Elektrostal is renowned for its metallurgical plant, which has been producing high-quality steel and alloys since its establishment in 1916.

Boasts a rich industrial heritage.

Elektrostal has a long history of industrial development, contributing to the growth and progress of the region.

Founded in 1916.

The city of Elektrostal was founded in 1916 as a result of the construction of the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant.

Located approximately 50 kilometers east of Moscow.

Elektrostal is situated in close proximity to the Russian capital, making it easily accessible for both residents and visitors.

Known for its vibrant cultural scene.

Elektrostal is home to several cultural institutions, including museums, theaters, and art galleries that showcase the city’s rich artistic heritage.

A popular destination for nature lovers.

Surrounded by picturesque landscapes and forests, Elektrostal offers ample opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, and birdwatching.

Hosts the annual Elektrostal City Day celebrations.

Every year, Elektrostal organizes festive events and activities to celebrate its founding, bringing together residents and visitors in a spirit of unity and joy.

Has a population of approximately 160,000 people.

Elektrostal is home to a diverse and vibrant community of around 160,000 residents, contributing to its dynamic atmosphere.

Boasts excellent education facilities.

The city is known for its well-established educational institutions, providing quality education to students of all ages.

A center for scientific research and innovation.

Elektrostal serves as an important hub for scientific research, particularly in the fields of metallurgy, materials science, and engineering.

Surrounded by picturesque lakes.

The city is blessed with numerous beautiful lakes, offering scenic views and recreational opportunities for locals and visitors alike.

Well-connected transportation system.

Elektrostal benefits from an efficient transportation network, including highways, railways, and public transportation options, ensuring convenient travel within and beyond the city.

Famous for its traditional Russian cuisine.

Food enthusiasts can indulge in authentic Russian dishes at numerous restaurants and cafes scattered throughout Elektrostal.

Home to notable architectural landmarks.

Elektrostal boasts impressive architecture, including the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord and the Elektrostal Palace of Culture.

Offers a wide range of recreational facilities.

Residents and visitors can enjoy various recreational activities, such as sports complexes, swimming pools, and fitness centers, enhancing the overall quality of life.

Provides a high standard of healthcare.

Elektrostal is equipped with modern medical facilities, ensuring residents have access to quality healthcare services.

Home to the Elektrostal History Museum.

The Elektrostal History Museum showcases the city’s fascinating past through exhibitions and displays.

A hub for sports enthusiasts.

Elektrostal is passionate about sports, with numerous stadiums, arenas, and sports clubs offering opportunities for athletes and spectators.

Celebrates diverse cultural festivals.

Throughout the year, Elektrostal hosts a variety of cultural festivals, celebrating different ethnicities, traditions, and art forms.

Electric power played a significant role in its early development.

Elektrostal owes its name and initial growth to the establishment of electric power stations and the utilization of electricity in the industrial sector.

Boasts a thriving economy.

The city’s strong industrial base, coupled with its strategic location near Moscow, has contributed to Elektrostal’s prosperous economic status.

Houses the Elektrostal Drama Theater.

The Elektrostal Drama Theater is a cultural centerpiece, attracting theater enthusiasts from far and wide.

Popular destination for winter sports.

Elektrostal’s proximity to ski resorts and winter sport facilities makes it a favorite destination for skiing, snowboarding, and other winter activities.

Promotes environmental sustainability.

Elektrostal prioritizes environmental protection and sustainability, implementing initiatives to reduce pollution and preserve natural resources.

Home to renowned educational institutions.

Elektrostal is known for its prestigious schools and universities, offering a wide range of academic programs to students.

Committed to cultural preservation.

The city values its cultural heritage and takes active steps to preserve and promote traditional customs, crafts, and arts.

Hosts an annual International Film Festival.

The Elektrostal International Film Festival attracts filmmakers and cinema enthusiasts from around the world, showcasing a diverse range of films.

Encourages entrepreneurship and innovation.

Elektrostal supports aspiring entrepreneurs and fosters a culture of innovation, providing opportunities for startups and business development.

Offers a range of housing options.

Elektrostal provides diverse housing options, including apartments, houses, and residential complexes, catering to different lifestyles and budgets.

Home to notable sports teams.

Elektrostal is proud of its sports legacy, with several successful sports teams competing at regional and national levels.

Boasts a vibrant nightlife scene.

Residents and visitors can enjoy a lively nightlife in Elektrostal, with numerous bars, clubs, and entertainment venues.

Promotes cultural exchange and international relations.

Elektrostal actively engages in international partnerships, cultural exchanges, and diplomatic collaborations to foster global connections.

Surrounded by beautiful nature reserves.

Nearby nature reserves, such as the Barybino Forest and Luchinskoye Lake, offer opportunities for nature enthusiasts to explore and appreciate the region’s biodiversity.

Commemorates historical events.

The city pays tribute to significant historical events through memorials, monuments, and exhibitions, ensuring the preservation of collective memory.

Promotes sports and youth development.

Elektrostal invests in sports infrastructure and programs to encourage youth participation, health, and physical fitness.

Hosts annual cultural and artistic festivals.

Throughout the year, Elektrostal celebrates its cultural diversity through festivals dedicated to music, dance, art, and theater.

Provides a picturesque landscape for photography enthusiasts.

The city’s scenic beauty, architectural landmarks, and natural surroundings make it a paradise for photographers.

Connects to Moscow via a direct train line.

The convenient train connection between Elektrostal and Moscow makes commuting between the two cities effortless.

A city with a bright future.

Elektrostal continues to grow and develop, aiming to become a model city in terms of infrastructure, sustainability, and quality of life for its residents.

In conclusion, Elektrostal is a fascinating city with a rich history and a vibrant present. From its origins as a center of steel production to its modern-day status as a hub for education and industry, Elektrostal has plenty to offer both residents and visitors. With its beautiful parks, cultural attractions, and proximity to Moscow, there is no shortage of things to see and do in this dynamic city. Whether you’re interested in exploring its historical landmarks, enjoying outdoor activities, or immersing yourself in the local culture, Elektrostal has something for everyone. So, next time you find yourself in the Moscow region, don’t miss the opportunity to discover the hidden gems of Elektrostal.

Q: What is the population of Elektrostal?

A: As of the latest data, the population of Elektrostal is approximately XXXX.

Q: How far is Elektrostal from Moscow?

A: Elektrostal is located approximately XX kilometers away from Moscow.

Q: Are there any famous landmarks in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal is home to several notable landmarks, including XXXX and XXXX.

Q: What industries are prominent in Elektrostal?

A: Elektrostal is known for its steel production industry and is also a center for engineering and manufacturing.

Q: Are there any universities or educational institutions in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal is home to XXXX University and several other educational institutions.

Q: What are some popular outdoor activities in Elektrostal?

A: Elektrostal offers several outdoor activities, such as hiking, cycling, and picnicking in its beautiful parks.

Q: Is Elektrostal well-connected in terms of transportation?

A: Yes, Elektrostal has good transportation links, including trains and buses, making it easily accessible from nearby cities.

Q: Are there any annual events or festivals in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal hosts various events and festivals throughout the year, including XXXX and XXXX.

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  8. GRANDE 26M yacht (Azimut, 26.09m, 2023)

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    Dal maxi-Rib al più comodo cruiser, dal catamarano al walkaround, passando per gozzi e sportive, ecco una rassegna di barche sui 15 metri degli ultimi 6/8 mesi capaci di soddisfare le necessità più diverse. Insomma, c'è di che sbizzarrisi in fantasie, aspettando l'estate. Beneteau Swift Trawler 48 - 14.74 m. Prestige M48 - 14.79 m.

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  22. 40 Facts About Elektrostal

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