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Fra le onde del mare, il vero lusso sono gli yacht elettrici

I nostri video.

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Generazione Centennials: Niccolò Devetag

Enrico crippa: “cento germogli diversi per la mia insalata”, generazione centennials: federico cina.

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Servizio Servizio Contenuto basato su fatti, osservati e verificati dal reporter in modo diretto o riportati da fonti verificate e attendibili. Scopri di più Zero emissioni

La nautica green toccherà i 16,2 miliardi entro il 2030. Così il mercato si arricchisce di propulsioni sostenibili, ma per lunghe navigazioni vince ancora la formula ibrida.

di Bianca Ascenti

26 gennaio 2023

catamarano respiro

6' di lettura

Fino a qualche anno fa un servizio sulle barche elettriche avrebbe occupato mezza pagina, oggi non basta una monografia dedicata. Spinta dalle pressioni geopolitiche, economiche e ambientali, la nautica vira verso l'ecologico e le imbarcazioni a impatto zero orientano la prua verso un futuro che si prospetta roseo: Research and Markets ha previsto, infatti, che il mercato globale passerà da 4,7 miliardi di dollari (dati 2021) a 16,2 miliardi di dollari (entro il 2030). L'interesse verso il settore è testimoniato dai numerosi raduni, circuiti e boat show (dal Monaco Energy Boat Challenge di Montecarlo al nuovo campionato E1 per barche elettriche, fino al Salone Nautico di Venezia e all' EBS di Milano), dove si discute di progetti, propulsioni e soluzioni ecosostenibili per accelerare, anche sul mare, la transizione ecologica.

A trainare la conversione è l'automotive, che in questo segmento di mercato ha anche pesantemente investito, con l'obiettivo di creare un ecosistema nel quale motori, batterie e mezzi di ricarica possano essere condivisi: General Motors ha speso 150 milioni di dollari per accaparrarsi il 25 per cento della Pure Watercraft di Seattle, che produce barche elettriche; BMW è in partnership con la tedesca Torqeedo (produttrice di scafi ibridi ed elettrici) per alimentare le imbarcazioni con le batterie della i3 ; Jaguar ha lanciato il motoscafo Vector Racing V20E , con il motore di una monoposto di Formula E, che raggiunge i 75 nodi; Renault, grazie al progetto Seine Alliance, alimenta Black Swan , un'imbarcazione per gite sulla Senna. Toyota ha invece puntato sull'idrogeno, motorizzando la chase boat di 10 metri del Coppa America Emirates Team New Zealand, che tocca i 50 nodi di velocità.

catamarano respiro

Wave e-550, full electric di 5,50 m realizzato in infusione sottovuoto di resina, con tecnologia Light X Pro che, con la motorizzazione più potente delle quattro offerte (il Mag Power di 30 kW, circa 40 cv), assicura quasi due ore e mezzo di autonomia a una velocità variabile dai 3 ai 22 nodi, MAGONIS (68.900 €).

I vantaggi di una barca interamente elettrica sono evidenti e molteplici: risparmio su consumi e costi di manutenzione, assenza di rumori, fumi e odori, possibilità di avvicinarsi alle spiagge o di accedere alle aree marine protette e aumento dei comfort di bordo, grazie alla predisposizione “naturale” per gli apparecchi elettrici a 220 volt (fornelli, tv, radio, climatizzatori, infotainment ecc.). Sull'altro piatto della bilancia pesano il prezzo, ancora molto elevato rispetto a quello di una barca tradizionale, la difficoltà di ricarica e la poca autonomia. Non a caso, il fenomeno full electric riguarda principalmente imbarcazioni di piccolo o medio cabotaggio, meglio ancora se lacustri o fluviali: l'assenza di moto ondoso, le distanze ridotte e la possibilità di ricaricare le batterie tramite le tradizionali prese di corrente in banchina o le colonnine fast charg dedicate, le rendono perfette sia per brevi crociere ecologiche sia come shuttle per gli ospiti di hotel di lusso. E chi va per mare? Per affrontare con serenità una navigazione long distance, meglio puntare su una formula ibrida (diesel/elettrica), oppure attrezzarsi per ricaricare le batterie a bordo tramite pannelli solari o sistemi idroelettrici/eolici.

catamarano respiro

Respiro, imbarcazione di 7 m realizzata artigianalmente in fibra di carbonio, lino e mogano, con motore elettrico “intelligente” RIM drive di Yamaha da 3,7 kW e autonomia di 7,4 ore (a una velocità di 4 nodi), VENMAR (73.200 €).

Per rispondere velocemente alla nuova domanda di mercato alcuni cantieri hanno semplicemente modificato barche già esistenti, sostituendo i motori endotermici con quelli elettrici, mentre altri hanno investito in R&D per costruire ex novo imbarcazioni con spazi e pesi studiati già in fase di progetto, per ospitare il motore elettrico e sfruttarlo al massimo delle sue potenzialità. Un esempio è il cantiere spagnolo (con sito produttivo a Sabaudia) Magonis , che ha presentato il Wave e-550 , un full electric lungo 5,50 metri (realizzato in infusione sottovuoto di resina, con tecnologia Light X Pro) che, con la motorizzazione più potente delle quattro offerte (il Mag Power di 30 kW, circa 40 cavalli), assicura quasi due ore e mezzo di autonomia continua – a una velocità variabile dai 3 ai 22 nodi –, mantenendo il 18 per cento di batteria residua a fine giornata. Il costo, elevato per le dimensioni, ma in linea con questi modelli, è di 68.900 euro. Anche lo storico cantiere veneziano Venmar , fondato dal 1969, ha sviluppato la sua imbarcazione di 7 metri Respiro (realizzata artigianalmente in fibra di carbonio, lino e mogano) attorno ad Harmo , il motore elettrico “intelligente” RIM drive di Yamaha da 3,7 kW; dotata di controllo innovativo dello sterzo (con telecomando e joystick), la nuova propulsione green permette un'autonomia di 7,4 ore (a una velocità di 4 nodi). L'imbarcazione (con motorizzazione e batteria standard AGM incluse) costa 73.200 euro.

catamarano respiro

C-8, il primo daycruiser 100 per cento elettrico su foil, ha velocità di crociera di 24 nodi e un'autonomia di oltre 50 miglia, CANDELA (290.000 € + Iva).

Nella fascia degli 8 metri, quella più ricca di novità ecosostenibili, c'è la svedese Candela   C-8 (8,5 metri) che, con oltre 100 unità vendute, risulta il modello più apprezzato del 2022: il primo daycruiser 100 per cento elettrico su foil capace di volare sull'acqua, azzera tutti gli inconvenienti tipici dei motoscafi convenzionali, come rollio e beccheggio, moto ondoso, emissioni e costi elevati di carburante e manutenzione; dieci sensori montati sullo scafo in carbonio inviano input al computer di bordo che regola in autonomia l'assetto dei foil per offrire una navigazione confortevole in qualsiasi condizione. Alla velocità di crociera di 24 nodi, C-8 ha un'autonomia di oltre 50 miglia, la più alta della categoria. Inoltre, il suo motore (C-Pod da 45/50 kW) funziona per 3mila ore senza necessità di manutenzione, il che, per un utente tipo, equivale a 25-50 anni di navigazione senza problemi. Definita la Tesla dei mari, in comune con la supercar ha anche il prezzo vertiginoso: 290mila euro, Iva esclusa. Sempre dalla Svezia arriva la sua diretta concorrente, Eelex 8000 : realizzata dal cantiere X Shore in plastica e lino riciclati, con interno in sughero 100 per cento biocompatibile, ha un motore da 225 kWh che le permette di percorrere 40 miglia a una velocità di crociera di 19 nodi (ma ne raggiunge 30 in un lampo), senza preoccuparsi delle batterie al litio. I controlli sono gestiti da un touchscreen e le informazioni sono accessibili anche tramite app e smartwatch che, in caso di caduta fuoribordo, arresta automaticamente la barca. Il prezzo base è di 249mila euro.

Le ultime di

catamarano respiro

I viaggi dei giovani? Così social e film ispirano gli itinerari

di Camilla Curcio

Paula Goldman, Chief Ethical & Human Use Officer di Salesforce

La responsabile etica Ai di Salesforce: «L’Ai Act europeo precedente fantastico»

di Luca Salvioli

Hong Kong, un uomo passa davanti a un veicolo blindato della polizia fuori dal consiglio legislativo, mentre l’articolo 23 sta per passare nella legge locale, a Hong Kong, Cina, 19 marzo 2024. EPA/DANIEL CENG

La legge sulla sicurezza a Hong Kong è già scritta nella Basic Law

di Rita Fatiguso

catamarano respiro

Eelex 8000, in plastica e lino riciclati con interno in sughero, ha un motore da 225 kWh che le permette di percorrere 40 miglia a una velocità di crociera di 19 nodi, e controlli gestiti da touchscreen, X SHORE (da 249.000 €).

A Gargnano sul Garda (BS), presso il Cantiere Nautico Feltrinelli (rivenditore esclusivo di Frauscher per l'Italia), sono possibili sin da ora gli ordini per il 650 Alassio seconda versione: il fortunato modello di 6,5 metri (250 unità vendute in 11 anni) è stato oggetto di un profondo restyling che, oltre a interessare cruscotto, sedute e sistemi multimediali, con l'aggiunta di touchscreen, portellone elettrico e vari optional (tra cui un pescaggio di 45 centimetri), ha ottimizzato le prestazioni con quattro diverse versioni di motorizzazione (da 4,3 a 60 kW di potenza) e capacità delle batterie (da 10 a 40 kWh).

catamarano respiro

&50 Alassio, con 4 versioni di motorizzazione (da 4,3 a 60 kW di potenza) e capacità delle batterie (da 10 a 40 kWh), FRAUSCHER (la versione con motore raffreddato ad acqua Torqeedo Deep Blue da 60 kW e batterie BMW i3 parte da 150mila €, accessori e Iva esclusi).

La versione con motore raffreddato ad acqua Torqeedo Deep Blue da 60 kW e batterie BMW i3 costa circa 150mila euro (accessori e Iva esclusi). Anche il cantiere olandese Dutch Craft ha dedicato un'intera linea produttiva all'elettrico, inaugurandola con il DC25 , un tender di 8,04 m dalle linee rétro e un layout particolarmente versatile che si presta a più utilizzi. Il motore da 100 kW, alimentato dalla batteria standard da 89 kWh (si può scegliere quella da 134 kWh), permette un'autonomia di 6 ore (alla velocità di 6 nodi) oppure di 75 minuti a 32 nodi (il prezzo è su richiesta).

catamarano respiro

DC25, tender di 8,04 m con motore da 100 kW, alimentato dalla batteria standard da 89 kWh, ha un'autonomia di 6 ore alla velocità di 6 nodi, DUTCH CRAFT (prezzo su richiesta).

Aumentando le dimensioni, l'autonomia di un'imbarcazione full electric non cambia molto, come dimostra Eegle , un motoryacht di 20 metri progettato dallo studio spagnolo BYD Group e costruito in Francia presso Martinez Constructions Navales: le linee moderne ed eleganti, la prua a piombo e le generose aree sociali ne fanno il coastal cruiser ideale per l'armatore attento all'ambiente. Ma non bisogna aspettarsi navigazioni oceaniche: i quattro motori da 150 kW e la capacità della batteria (600 kWh) consentono, infatti, un'autonomia di circa 80 miglia nautiche a basse velocità. Volendo si possono sfruttare i 9 kWh di energia aggiuntiva generata dai 30 metri quadri di pannelli solari montati sull'hard top, ma se il gioco si fa duro deve intervenire il generatore diesel extra, l'unico che permette di raggiungere un'autonomia di 1.000 miglia nautiche (a 7,5 nodi).

catamarano respiro

Eegle, motoryacht di 20 m con quattro motori da 150 kW e capacità di batteria di 600 kWh che consentono un'autonomia di circa 80 miglia nautiche. I 30 mq di pannelli solari sull'hard top generano 9 kWh di energia aggiuntiva ed è presente anche un generatore diesel extra, BYD GROUP (2.500.000 €).

Navigare green su medie dimensioni, con servizio hôtellerie al seguito, costa 2,5 milioni di euro. Si spende qualcosa in più (2,77 milioni) per Silent 60 , il catamarano di 18 metri di Silent-Yachts vincitore del premio Best of Boats Award 2021 nella categoria Best for Travel, progettato e costruito (come tutta la linea dell'omonimo cantiere spagnolo) per essere alimentato al 100 per cento a energia solare: sul ponte del catamarano ci sono, infatti, 42 pannelli che forniscono energia a due motori elettrici da 340 kW ciascuno, consentendogli di percorrere 100 miglia in regime da crociera (8-10 nodi) e in totale autonomia. Se ciò non bastasse, il Silent 60 è dotato anche di un'ala (kite) di 10 metri quadri che, in determinate condizioni, contribuisce a ridurre ulteriormente i consumi, aumentando l'autonomia.

Dopo le quattro ruote quindi, anche le imbarcazioni imboccano definitivamente la strada dell'elettrico? Non esattamente, dicono gli esperti, cominciando da Norberto Ferretti (fondatore dell'omonimo cantiere oggi nella galassia di Ferretti Group ): «Sono stato il primo produttore di un motoryacht a impatto zero, ma non credo che il futuro della nautica sia la barca elettrica. Il motore elettrico potrà essere usato per le manovre in porto, o per fare qualche ora di navigazione sotto costa, ma in mare aperto ci vorrà sempre la propulsione tradizionale; all'elettrico si arriverà solo a fronte di enormi investimenti, come ha fatto il settore dell'automotive. Le marmitte catalitiche, ad esempio, hanno fatto miracoli e bisognerebbe applicarle anche alle barche, ma dati i volumi richiesti da quelle ad alte potenze, le sale macchine dovrebbero essere grandi il doppio…». Tra una barca di 5 metri e una di 50, insomma, c'è molta differenza e, in attesa che si sviluppi la propulsione a idrogeno (anche alcuni cantieri italiani, come Sanlorenzo e Baglietto , ci stanno lavorando), bisogna continuare a scegliere tra pure green e pure comfort.

  • imbarcazione
  • Feltrinelli

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photo of Sunreef 60 Eco

If you enjoy quiet, vibration-free cruising, then the Sunreef Yachts 60 eco-friendly sailing catamaran may be the model for you. With their unrelenting commitment to preserving nature, Sunreef is offering solar, wind, and hydro-electronic energy on board all of their new sailing cat models. Catamarans already offer a substantial advantage to traditional monohull boats including unmatched stability and an incredible amount of living space. The Sunreef 60 offers unprecedented options to reduce your carbon footprint without sacrificing any of the luxuries from home and with reliable performance to match. It's time to take back quiet boating!


  • Make Sunreef Yachts
  • Model 60 Sailing Catamaran
  • Length Overall 60' 8
  • Water Capacity 211 gallons
  • Fuel Capacity 264 - 462 gallons

The highly-specialized lithium battery packs can power all of the yacht's components and appliances for more than 24 hours, including the air-conditioning. Owners have the option of choosing to apply wind turbines, advanced electric propulsion generated from the propeller, and/or customized solar panels made in-house at the shipyard.

The Sunreef 60, "FEEL THE BLUE" is the first to be completed and launched. Perfect for private luxury vacations on the water or to utilize as a yacht charter business, the Sunreef 60 certainly sets the standard in the sailing catamaran category. In this particular hull delivered, up to 10 guests are accommodated in 5 very spacious cabins that feature double beds, incredible storage, and bathrooms that are the size of guest cabins. Even the flybridge is equipped with a jacuuzi, sunbathing areas, and a wetbar; features not often found on a yacht this size.

If you have any interest in finding out more about Sunreef's incredible eco-friendly luxury catamarans, we invite you to contact United's Jorge Cabre' at (305) 773-2095 or by email at [email protected] .

Hardtop layout with solar panels:

sunreef 60 layout - hardtop solar panels

Flybridge Layout:

Flybridge Layout

Main Deck Layout:

main deck layout - sunreef 60

Lower Deck Accommodations Layout - 5-cabin option:

5 cabin option lower deck layout

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photo of Sunreef 60 Eco

Sunreef 100 Power Catamaran

photo of Sunreef 60 Eco

Sunreef 80 Eco

photo of Sunreef 60 Eco

Sunreef 80 Power Catamaran

photo of Sunreef 60 Eco

Sunreef 70 Power Catamaran

catamarano respiro

Respiro Catamarano

catamarano respiro

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catamarano respiro

RESPIRO CATAMARANO: Tutto quello che c'è da sapere (AGGIORNATO 2024) - Tripadvisor

catamarano respiro

HEMISPHERE Sailing yacht for charter

For those looking for something different to the standard charter, something more exciting and adventurous, something unforgettably special that celebrates the ocean and its inhabitants without sacrificing seven-star comfort and service, congratulations. You have just found your next charter.

catamarano respiro

  • Designed for off the beaten track exploration
  • Two principal suites
  • Included in price: 16.4m Custom Sports Fishing tender for shore excursions, diving and fishing trips
  • Certified PADI dive training centre with two dive instructors as part of the crew - guests can become PADI certified whilst on board
  • Large jacuzzi on the sun deck
  • Sport tournament standard fishing equipment
  • Long standing crew with outstanding charter record
  • Unrivalled deck and interior space in 499 GT


catamarano respiro

View all yachts for charter

HEMISPHERE, the world's largest sailing catamaran, is designed to deliver incredible experiences. She has a PADI-certified, Nitrox-capable dive centre for up to 12 guests and Captain Gavin is a qualified dive instructor with encyclopaedic knowledge and infectious passion for marine life in this divers' paradise. There is a 16.4m (53.8ft) sports fishing tender for exploring ashore and reaching special dive sites as well as tournament-standard fishing capabilities.

With a 16.6m (54.5ft) beam, her deck spaces are vast. From her flybridge jacuzzi and al fresco dining areas to her shaded spaces on the main deck aft and the sunbathing trampoline forward where you can watch dolphins play underway, she covers every base for relaxation and entertainment. Two VIP cabins on the main deck each have access to a terrace lounge forward and her award-winning interiors are refined yet instantly welcoming.

HEMISPHERE and her crew live to the maxim 'Sometimes you have to step off the beaten path, for the bigger rewards in life' and relentlessly glowing feedback from delighted guests means they deliver those rewards every time.

'Wow! Once again Captain Gavin you have exceeded our expectations! Our trip was full of surprises and adventure. Truly the best holiday a family could dream of sharing. Thank you for welcoming us back and we look forward to returning next year.'

'You are all amazing. We had such a fabulous week on board, everything about the charter was wonderful. The hospitality of the entire crew was unforgettable, I can't wait to be part of this experience again!'

'I have been on many boats in my 57 years and this holiday has surpassed all of them. The crew are the best we have been with. Sharks, whales, dolphins, sunsets, cocktails, laughter, loads of love -thank you Gavin and crew.'

Tenders & toys

  • 1 × Towed tender
  • 2 × Tenders
  • 1 × Sailing dinghy
  • 1 × Deck jacuzzi
  • Diving board
  • Inflatable platform
  • 4 × SeaBobs
  • 1 × Kayak
  • 1 × Stand up paddleboard
  • Inflatable tows
  • Dive centre
  • Scuba diving equipment
  • Fishing gear
  • Snorkelling gear

Please note that tenders and toys are subject to regular upgrades and changes. Contact a Burgess broker for the latest information.

Fitness equipment

  • Free weights

Please note that fitness equipment and wellness facilities are subject to regular upgrades and changes. Contact a Burgess broker for the latest information.

catamarano respiro

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Hemisphere is available for those dates, hemisphere is available for those dates subject to confirmation., sorry, hemisphere isn't available for those dates, contact a broker to discuss your requirements, please change your dates or contact us for a personalised yacht selection..

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South Pacific

From USD 260,000 per week

Explore the Caribbean

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Your chance to enter TITANIA’s charter auction

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Caribbean yacht charter Itinerary

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Rate from USD 300,000 per week

  • Length: 52m (170.6ft)
  • Guests: 11 guests in 5 cabins
  • Built: 2017

catamarano respiro

Rate from USD 308,000 per week

  • Length: 50m (164ft)
  • Guests: 10 guests in 5 cabins
  • Built: 2022

catamarano respiro

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Charter NAIA

Available in the West Med or Adriatic this summer

Exciting fleet of tenders and toys to keep everyone active, plus gym, jacuzzi and on board masseuse

catamarano respiro

Available in the Balearics this summer

Exhilarating 25 knot performance, huge sunpad and open-air lounge plus stunning beach club

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Hotel Catamarano Respiro (Lampedusa, Italy)

About catamarano respiro, top amenities.

  • WiFi in lobby ( Unavailable )
  • Free WiFi ( Unavailable )
  • Pool ( Unavailable )
  • Spa ( Unavailable )
  • Pets ( Unavailable )
  • A/C ( Unavailable )
  • Restaurant ( Unavailable )
  • Hotel bar ( Unavailable )
  • Gym ( Unavailable )

All amenities

Property amenities, room amenities, frequently asked questions about catamarano respiro.

No, Catamarano Respiro doesn’t offer pool areas.

No, Catamarano Respiro doesn’t allow pets.

Yes, Catamarano Respiro provides Parking for guests.

Catamarano Respiro is located in Porto Vecchio, 92010, Lampedusa, Italy.

Catamarano Respiro Nearby attractions include Spiaggia dei Conigli , Guitgia , Lampedusa Airport , spiaggia di cala croce , O'scià , Mare Morto , French Cove , Cala Greca .

Interesting hotels nearby Catamarano Respiro

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  • Hotel Nautic
  • Best Western Hotel Martello
  • Hotel Silvia Affittacamere

Destinations nearby Catamarano Respiro

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  • Hotels in Isola di Linosa

Explore nearby attractions

  • Spiaggia dei Conigli
  • Lampedusa Airport
  • spiaggia di cala croce
  • O'scià
  • French Cove
  • Cala Pulcino
  • Cala Galera
  • Isola di Linosa
  • Porto di Lampedusa
  • Cala Madonna
  • Cala Pisana
  • Cala Pozzolana di Ponente

catamarano respiro

Aplica ahora el 15% de descuento en los productos Alquiler de Catamarán por Horas y Experiencias con el código SONDEVELALOW

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Rent a boat to watch the America’s Cup in Barcelona at sea

Rent a boat to watch the training sessions and races of the barcelona america’s cup.

Rent a boat to watch the America’s Cup in Barcelona at sea, in private. Book now and live a unique experience.

Unique Experience

Enjoy this incredible event in Barcelona live from a private boat! Book now and live a unique experience.

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Get panoramic views of the training sessions and races.

Comfort and Luxury

Experience gourmet food, high-quality drinks, and personalized entertainment on board our boats.


Watch the America’s Cup live from a private boat for you and your group.


Our highly trained team ensures a professional, quality, and safe experience.

We follow all necessary safety measures and comply with local regulations.


Personalize your experience, schedules, days, and routes to fit your needs and preferences.

Satisfied customers

Our reviews and testimonials demonstrate why we are the perfect choice for your experience.

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We have different options to cover all our clients’ requirements. Discover them!

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With our simplified booking process, you can book quickly and safely.

¡Enjoy the America’s Cup 2024 live!

Don’t miss the latest news and updates on the Copa America Barcelona 2024 . We can’t forget its history and the origin of this competition, which has existed for more than 170 years. Even so, the best way to experience it is undoubtedly live from our catamaran .

Our catamaran fleet for the America’s Cup 2024

Fountaine pajot 40.

Capacity 12 people

Lenght 11.93 meters

Beam 6.63 meters

Location Marina Vela Port


Lenght 20.36 meters

Beam 9.84 meters

Lenght 17.07 meters

Beam 9.44 meters


Length 13.40 meters

Beam 6.61 meters

*Repeat Email

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Rent a private boat and enjoy the 2024 Copa America in Barcelona live from the sea. All races and training sessions from an exclusive catamaran just for you, with all-inclusive amenities.

This year Marina Port Vell Barcelona, recognised as a leading facility in the Mediterranean for large superyachts and the place where you can find our catamaran , has been designated as the main port for the superyachts participating in the 37th America’s Cup . For this reason, and as we have already mentioned, this same event will take place in Barcelona in the summer of 2024.

Marina Port Vell

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Catamarano respiro.

catamarano respiro

A SAILUXE  holiday is an unparalleled experience. Your sea view suite on board exclusive luxury catamarans.

Explore the most stunning destinations in Italy guided by an expert crew,

who will cater to your every desire for a 5-star vacation.

Aerial view of a catamaran


Luxury catamarans.

For over 20 years we have specialized in the luxury charter sector, carefully selecting the finest yachts in the market to offer our discerning travellers. Our fleet includes state-of-the-art Lagoon catamarans, ranging from 51 to 55 feet, each customizable to meet your unique needs.

Image of the living space inside a Lagoon 46


Sailuxe service.



All our chefs have been training with a unique onboard cooking course at Gambero Rosso Academy in Palermo, Sicily

catamarano respiro


The best product to enjoy your holiday, fancy the sun and honor your planet 🌱



Have a sip of the "Wild Sailor", a unique blend inspired to Sicilian scents, created exclusively for SAILUXE by NIO Cocktails

Giulia Valentina

SeaBob, SUP and other gadgets for fun at sea

Cliffs and coastline in the Aeolian Islands


The aeolian islands.

Clustered in the green water of the Mediterranean Sea, on the north-eastern coast of Sicily, the UNESCO-protected Aeolian Islands – Vulcano, Lipari, Panarea, Stromboli, Salina, Filicudi and Alicudi – are a little corner of paradise, each with its own character and personality.


Itineraries to discover.

Discover new horizons with Spartivento Charter, the leading yacht charter company in the Mediterranean. Every year, more than 12,000 people explore the wonders of the sea on board our boats, departing from one of our 6 bases in Sicily, Sardinia, the Amalfi Coast and Tuscany. A fleet of more than 130 sailboats and catamarans for your dream holidays in Italy.

View of the sea and white building


Bespoke events & solutions.

If you are looking for something special, we are at your disposal for creating unforgettable memories, making every detail of your fantasies come true: your bachelorette party or a meaningful anniversary, your wedding proposal or your honeymoon – we got this, because there’s no limit for your bespoke experiences aboard.

Catamaran near the beach


You’re a ship-owner and you want join SAILUXE program? You are planning to invest on a sailboat, catamaran or yacht? You need assistance in selling your own vessel at the best rate? With almost 20 years of experience in the industry, our Brokers are able to assist you with care, proposing the most fitting solution for your project, no matter of your experience.

View of the working space inside a catamaran


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European Union

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Rimor Katamarano 3 - space and comfort

Rimor Katamarano 3 - space and comfort – main image

In addition to German producers dominating the campers market, manufacturers of Italian equipment can boast an interesting offer. Contrary to the aforementioned competitors, apart from high-quality workmanship, they also serve clients with great attention to the smallest details, especially design. Rimor, the author of the Katamarano 3 model, has a similar approach to its products.

Master as the basis

The Italian manufacturer , unlike other players on the market, has not decided to use the Fiat Ducato chassis . Instead, Rimor used a Renault Master , a larger-caliber delivery vehicle. Surprisingly, the car leaves the factory with a black bumper, straight from the budget version. The exterior of the Catamarano 3 does not capture the hearts of passersby, it is just another real European motorhome. Of course, we can choose from the available sticker designs , or give them up at all. The side windows have been darkened considerably , so that even on sunny days, the air conditioning does not have to work with a heavy load. In the rear part of the body, the manufacturer has placed a large storage compartment , perfect for bicycles or other tourist equipment. The STOP light installed at the very top of the third body was designed for safety reasons.

Order in Italian

An extendable step leads to the interior, making it extremely easy to get inside. After entering the residential part, we will find a compact living room . The driver's and passenger's seats rotate towards the center of the cabin and the rectangular table (we can enlarge it by pulling out an additional part of the table top). On the other side there is a double sofa with headrests and seat belts . Above the holiday dining room and the cab, we have suspended cabinets and shelves . At this point, it is worth saying a few words about the interior colors - the selection of contrasting shades is of great importance here.


On the left side of the entrance, similar to other models of this size, there is a kitchenette . A two-burner gas cooker will meet most holiday expectations. A huge number of shelves, drawers and cabinets are grouped below. On the opposite side of the interior there is a tall fridge with a freezer compartment . Of course, both the stove and the sink can be covered with a glass lid , thus obtaining a flat top.

Bedroom and bathroom

Delving further inside the Catamarano 3, we will reach a double bed placed on a prominent raised platform - as we have already mentioned, there is a large luggage compartment below. A bathroom was installed in an isolated enclosure. A small washbasin, a mirror with cabinets, a chemical toilet and a shower cubicle - all this will fully meet the requirements during rest. The manufacturer has provided the remaining four sleeping places in the front part of the cabin.

The purchase of the Italian Rimor Katamarano 3 motorhome costs about 158,000 zlotys , in return the customer receives proven Renault Master mechanics , rich on-board equipment and a functional interior. Rimor Katamarano motorhomes can be rented and tested before purchase at Car-Go from Poznań .

Rimor Katamarano 3 - space and comfort – image 1

I follow the latest trends in the automotive industry, not only in caravanning

Pop-up sleeping roof - adapt the space to your needs – image 1

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  • 60 Sunreef Power
  • 70 Sunreef Power
  • 80 Sunreef Power
  • 100 Sunreef Power
  • Sunreef Supreme Power
  • Sunreef Ultima Range
  • Sunreef 44 Ultima
  • Sunreef 55 Ultima
  • Sunreef 66 Ultima
  • Sunreef 77 Ultima
  • Sunreef 88 Ultima
  • Sunreef fleet

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  • Sunreef Zero Cat
  • Sunreef 100 Eco
  • Sunreef Fleet

catamarano respiro

  • Sunreef 43M
  • 49M Sunreef Power
  • 210 Sunreef Power Trimaran
  • Sunreef Explorer
  • 40M Sunreef Explorer
  • 40M Sunreef Explorer Eco
  • 50M Sunreef Explorer
  • Superyachts Fleet

Eco-friendly catamarans propulsion

Eco-friendly catamarans propulsion,

The construction of zero-emission electric propulsion yachts is the aim of today’s quest for more responsible energy generation sources.

Each year, as yachting grows more environmentally-friendly, crafts powered by energy from the elements, such as the sun, water and wind, are grabbing the attention of the industry’s top leaders. Driven to minimize our impact to nature, Sunreef Yachts is implementing solutions that reduce generator use and cut down on CO2 emissions produced by diesel engines. One step our company is taking to achieve this purpose is through the installation of high-powered electric propulsion systems on our eco-friendly catamarans .

Electric propulsion not only is a green choice for a conscious cruising experience but also brings more freedom, peace of mind and luxury on board. Thanks to an innovative propulsion system, eco-friendly catamarans combine fuel savings, low maintenance and ultra-silent navigation, offering the best in autonomy and performance.

Eco-friendly propulsion is not only accomplished through the use of electric engines, but also by harnessing power under sail. Relying on wind while sailing is the most natural way to think about yachting. This is an essential source of propulsion and precious support when it comes to motor yacht propulsion. For even more performance, Sunreef Yachts Eco power catamarans can be fitted with high-performance kites – an extremely powerful support for leisure crafts and container ships.

catamarano respiro

Previous Post The 3 features you will find only on Sunreef Yachts Eco catamarans

Next post marinade with sunreef yachts: french polynesia.

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Sunreef Venture S.A.

Sunreef Yachts Shipyard

ul. Tarcice 6

80-718 Gdańsk, Poland

+48 58 769 77 77

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Accommodations in Lampedusa near Cala Pisana (Lampedusa, Italy)

Serena Guest House

Serena Guest House

I dammusi di pippo.

Blue & Green

Blue & Green

Hotel Oasis

  • Hotel Oasis

Relais Isole del Sud

Relais Isole del Sud

Le cupolette, villette piccolo paradiso.

La Casa Dei Delfini

La Casa Dei Delfini

Residence Punta Sottile

Residence Punta Sottile

The prices and availability we receive from booking sites change constantly. This means you may not always find the exact same offer you saw on trivago when you land on the booking site.

Cala Pisana (Lampedusa, Italy)

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Hotels near Cala Pisana

Le Anfore Club

Le Anfore Club

Le Pelagie

  • Popular Choice

Oasi Di Casablanca

Oasi Di Casablanca

Perla Del Sud

Perla Del Sud

Dammusi Del Sole

Dammusi Del Sole

Balata bianca, casa tedesco, taolampedusa, case vacanze angolo rosa - lampedusa, more top hotels.

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  • Hotel Baia Turchese
  • Hotel Oasi Di Casablanca
  • Hotel Paladini Di Francia
  • Best Western Hotel Martello
  • Hotel Blue & Green
  • Hotel O'Scià
  • Hotel Le Pelagie
  • Hotel Blue Bab
  • Hotel Le Anfore Club
  • Calamadonna Club Hotel & Resort
  • Hotel Luagos
  • Hotel Lampedusa
  • Hotel Guitgia Tommasino
  • Hotel Mir Mar
  • Hotel Cupola bianca
  • Hotel Macondo
  • Hotel Belvedere Lampedusa
  • Hotel Relais Isole del Sud
  • Hotel Giglio
  • Hotel Nautic
  • Hotel Alba D'Amore
  • Hotel Farchikalà
  • Hotel Sirio
  • Hotel La Perla
  • Hotel Royal
  • Hotel U' Piddu Club
  • Hotel Lampione
  • Hotel Case Vacanze Angolo Rosa - Lampedusa
  • Hotel Lido Azzurro
  • Hotel Catamarano Respiro
  • Hotel Dammusi Cala Croce
  • Hotel Moschella
  • Hotel Bilocale Fabrizio
  • Hotel Serena Guest House
  • Hotel Residence Il Castello Club
  • Hotel Il Veliero Blu
  • Hotel Il Piccolo Borgo Di Lampedusa
  • Hotel Terrazza Sul Porto
  • Hotel Villette Piccolo Paradiso
  • Hotel Lovely Cottage
  • Hotel Le Cupolette
  • Hotel Case Vacanze FarchikalÃ
  • Porthotel Calandra
  • Hotel Case Di Pescatori
  • Hotel I Dammusi Di Pippo
  • Hotel La Casa Dei Delfini
  • Hotel Residence Punta Sottile
  • Hotel Perla Del Sud
  • Hotel Dammusi Del Sole
  • Hotel Balata Bianca
  • Hotel Casa Tedesco
  • Hotel Taolampedusa

More Points of Interest - Cala Pisana

  • Malta International Airport
  • Mellieha Bay
  • Blue Lagoon
  • Port El Kantaoui
  • Grand Harbour Marina
  • Balluta Bay
  • St Thomas Bay
  • Spinola Bay
  • Ghajn Tuffieha
  • Ta' Qali National Stadium
  • Valletta and Floriana Fortifications
  • Acqua Palace Water Park
  • Medina of Sousse
  • Popeye Village
  • Streets of Valletta
  • San Anton Palace
  • St George's Beach
  • Monastir Habib Bourguiba International Airport
  • Marsalforn - fishing village
  • Bugibba Perched Beach
  • Anglican Cathedral of St Paul
  • San Pawl il-Bahar
  • Upper Baracca Gardens
  • Palazzo Parisio & Gardens
  • Grotto and Parish Church of St Paul
  • Sousse Station
  • Hannibal Park
  • St John's Co-Cathedral
  • Spiaggia dei Conigli
  • El Jem Bus Station
  • La Valletta Carnival
  • Rotunda Santa Marija Assunta
  • El Jem Amphitheatre
  • Xlendi's creek
  • Marsamxett Harbour
  • Grandmaster's Palace
  • Ste Catherine Church
  • Port of Marsaxlokk
  • Triq it-Torri
  • Blue Grotto
  • Carmes Church
  • The Malta Experience
  • Great Mosque of Mahdiya
  • Ferry Terminal Mgarr
  • Cala Pisana
  • Lampedusa Airport
  • French Cove
  • Porto di Lampedusa
  • O'scià
  • spiaggia di cala croce
  • Cala Madonna
  • Cala Pulcino
  • Cala Galera
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Since 2002, Sunreef Yachts has remained a renowned name in the industry for its innovative luxury catamaran and superyacht design. The shipyard redefines the cruising experience with ultra-silent, vibration-free, and fumeless electric yachts, introducing a new dimension to elegance in the yachting world. These are easily maneuverable, energy efficient yachts with immense living spaces for dining and lounging.

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Ocean Navigator

Evaluating modern catamarans

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Catamarans have been around, especially in the Pacific, for several thousand years. Early islanders sailed large twin-hulled canoes many thousands of miles, generally from Southeast Asia eastward to discover new island homes.

Modern multihull production started with the catamarans of Hawaiian Rudy Choy in 1947. The first cruising catamaran to circumnavigate was his World Cat in 1965. During the 1960s, Prout and Catalac of Great Britain were also starting to produce catamarans. Catamaran production took off in the late 1970s and early 1980s with French builders Fountaine Pajot, Catana, Lagoon and several others producing catamarans for the charter industry. Gemini also started building boats in the U.S. Soon afterward, South African builder St. Francis got started with a 43-foot cat in about 1990, and now a dozen others in South Africa produce about 30 percent of the world’s cruising cats.

After considerable research looking at a number of boats and more than four years aboard, full-time cruising in Southeast Asia, here are our thoughts on some important features to look for in a bluewater cruising catamaran.

Size vs. cost: As with all boats, as size increases, so does cost. We think a 42- to 48-foot cat makes a great cruising home. Any shorter, and sufficient load-carrying capacity for full-time cruising suffers; longer, and the hull and equipment costs skyrocket.

Bridge deck clearance (BDC): BDC affects the amount of noise in the boat from wave slap, especially while going upwind. We think a catamaran with about 30 inches of clearance is ideal. Increasing the BDC means more windage, which is a negative. Much less than 30 inches, and wave slap becomes a problem in rowdy sea conditions. Longitudinal under-bridge deck fins reduce wave impacts and strengthen the bridge deck. Reducing speed and falling off can also help minimize the problem. Consider how often you actually go close upwind in heavy conditions when cruising versus how much time you spend on other points of sail and in port. The St. Francis 44 has about 24 inches of BDC and it has completed many circumnavigations. However, that does not mean its BDC is ideal.

Load carrying capacity (LCC): Larger boats have more LCC for fuel, water, stores and equipment. Boats with finer hulls are faster than boats with fat hulls, but they will have less LCC. Most full-time cruisers will need at least 5,000 pounds of LCC. When asking this question, make sure you know the hull weight facts and what is included or not. Overloading a cat adversely affects speed, stability and BDC.   Beam-to-length (B/L) ratio and stability: For boats in the 42- to 48-foot range, the B/L ratio should be around 50 percent. Less than that will adversely affect stability in heavy beam winds, but larger boats can be okay with slightly less. A higher ratio adversely affects sailing characteristics. Most modern cats are in that range; older cats are somewhat narrower but also have shorter rigs. For more on this important characteristic, search the Internet for “catamaran stability.”

Integrity and quality of build: There is a big difference in build quality across manufacturers of catamarans. Things to look for include builder reputation, hardware quality and strength, use of lightweight construction materials, anodizing vs. painting of aluminum extrusions, interior woodwork finish, exterior design, and equipment quality and installation technique. If water enters older cats made of cored balsa or plywood, there are often maintenance problems. A good construction practice is to make the underwater hulls of solid fiberglass, and the topsides and decks of foam-cored fiberglass. Solid underwater sections are more impact resistant and easier to repair; they also make adding thru-hulls less of a problem. But they do add weight. If enough of the boat is made with lightweight cored fiberglass, the hull will not sink in case of a major collision or capsizing. This is a major catamaran safety feature, as it is always better to be upside-down on the surface than right-side up on the bottom.

Engine and power train: Having two engines is a major catamaran benefit. Engine and sail drive location on a lightweight catamaran affects pitching in a seaway, so a central location is better for weight distribution. However, a watertight bulkhead between an aft engine room and main cabins can prevent major flooding in case of shaft or sail drive damage. Engines under bunks or accessible only from aft deck hatches are a problem for routine maintenance and underway repairs, especially in rough weather. Sail drives simplify installations but aren’t as robust as a traditional transmission and shaft installation. From a maintenance standpoint, ensure you can perform routine maintenance easily and remove the engine from the boat if necessary. I consider our amidships engines ideal, but my wife does not agree that the galley is a good place for an engine.

Stub keels vs. daggerboards: Most cruisers prefer stub keels over daggerboards because they allow for drying out on the keel bottoms, can give extra tankage and a double bottom, include a deep bilge, and protect props and rudders from grounding damage. Daggerboards allow slightly higher pointing ability and speed in a narrow, upwind steering angle. However, the trunk and board are hard to clean and paint, the board is vulnerable to grounding and floating debris, and it can get stuck. Most modern catamarans built for cruising feature well-designed stub keels using NACA foil specifications.

Rigging and sails: In order to help prevent losing the mast if a standing rigging component fails, doubled shrouds and headstays are better than singles. We prefer mechanical wire end fittings because in case of a wire failure overseas we would be able to replace it ourselves. There should be sufficient winches to handle all sheets, halyards and reefing lines in an efficient manner. Pay particular attention to how easily reefing is accomplished. Can a light-air sail, a boom vang and preventers be accommodated? Will the mast height allow passage under the 65-foot height restriction for the U.S. inland waterways?

Helm placement: The primary helm station should be well out of the weather, have unobstructed visibility to all four corners of the boat, be quickly accessible from the cockpit, and have all controls and instruments available. Double helm stations, especially those aft on the hull decks and flying bridges, as well as those requiring looking through the saloon windows to see forward, can all be problematic. We think the best option is a single helm station on the forward cockpit bulkhead, well protected from wind and water, and with a good view in all directions — especially forward. Some modern catamaran designs feature a single-level main cabin overhead and cockpit top, which may conflict with the above desirable features.

Galley location: For those subject to seasickness, galley location can be a personal issue. But for cats less than about 48 feet, locating a large galley with adequate storage in the saloon is a problem. A galley, navigation/office station, dinette table and seating, and three entry/exits are all competing for space there. Further, an adequately sized and located navigation station, galley clutter and light contamination underway are potential problems in “galley up” boats. However, ventilation, crew interaction and seasickness issues are sometimes improved. Ideally, a large refrigerator, pantry and significant galley storage would all be co-located and on the same level with the galley. “Galley up” may be attractive, especially on weeklong charters with guests, but for the other reasons, we prefer the “galley down” arrangement for full-time cruising.

Navigation station: When full-time cruising, the navigation station becomes important for navigating, communicating and office use. Additionally, the circuit breaker panel, most electronics and battery/charging controls should be located there. Ideally, it would be positioned forward in the saloon with a comfortable seat and a good view forward.

Ground tackle: As one of the more heavily loaded systems on a cruising boat, high strength and no weak links are important for all ground tackle equipment. Look for double anchor rollers, strong bridle attachment fittings and good ground tackle storage arrangements. One of the better bridle attachment points is at the bow crossbeam to hull fittings. These should be exceptionally strong, and many boats have specially designed attachment fittings here. Ensure bridle-to-chain attachment fittings are full strength, removal can be done quickly, muddy chain can be washed effectively and that the chain locker is deep enough to minimize chain castles. The windlass should be robust enough to handle the boat’s ground tackle in at least gale conditions. Choose your anchors carefully; large scoops, like the Spade or Rocna, perform much better than older designs.

Decks: Uncluttered and relatively flat decks are preferred for safety at sea. Nonskid needs to be aggressive enough to ensure no crew slippage when wet. Fittings should be very robust and of quality construction. At least six large cleats should be very strongly mounted with large backing plates to spread out heavy loads. Many modern cats have little or no exposed teak — a feature I appreciate.

Bows and rudders: Bows and rudders should be strongly reinforced on their leading edges and designed so as not to catch lines and logs underway. Modern vertical and reverse stems, as well as spade rudders, have more of a problem with this than traditional skeg-hung rudders and bow shapes. Both keels and rudders should be designed to NACA specifications in order to perform efficiently.

Liquid capacities: For full-time cruising overseas, we think an onboard fuel capacity for a 1,200-nm range on one engine and about three weeks of water are ideal. At our average use of about seven gallons per day, about 150 gallons gives us more than 20 days of water. That is enough for many long ocean passages if there is no rain and the watermaker quits. Many modern charter cats have a large water capacity but a small one for fuel.

Watermaker: A large-capacity (approximately 40 gallons per hour) watermaker makes good sense in order to reduce the unit’s run time and the weight of stored fresh water aboard. Simple mechanically driven units are far less expensive, are less of a maintenance problem and can have higher capacity than 12-volt electrical units. We almost always are able to run ours when otherwise underway, so there is little need to run it at anchor — and most of the time we can collect sufficient rainwater anyway.

Refrigeration: As full-time cruisers overseas, we prefer a separate front-loading refrigerator for its convenient and quick interior access. However, the freezer needs to be top loading to provide good thermal efficiency. Capacities of up to 10 cubic feet for the refrigerator and 4 cubic feet for the freezer will provide good long-term storage. These are manageable for electrical energy usage, provided good system design and proper insulation values are used. However, many refrigeration boxes are deficient in insulation. The closer the refrigerator is to the galley the better from the cook’s point of view.

Cockpit covers: A well-designed solid cockpit cover should be able to prevent rain from entering the cockpit through the use of removable front and side curtains, facilitate access to the mainsail and the back of the boom, allow for mounting multiple solar panels, and be able to collect a significant amount of fresh rain water. Careful design will prevent water from entering the cockpit during rains while still allowing some ventilation. Ensure the edges won’t drip on the cockpit seats or instruments. Lightweight construction is a plus.

Dinghy davits: Some dinghy davits are incorporated into an arch or tubular support for the cockpit top. These need to be very strongly constructed because the dinghy usually lives there at sea. It should allow hoisting of the dinghy well above the water to help prevent theft and wave slap.

Saloon windows and doors: Extra strength and careful design are required to prevent large breaking waves from flooding the boat and easy entry by an intruder. Thick polycarbonate/Lexan or safety glass is best; acrylic/Plexiglas should not be used. Inspect the window mountings and door hardware carefully for adequate strength and watertightness. Consider main cabin window designs that limit heat entry from the midday sun.

Ventilation: Multiple opening hatches and ports should ventilate every space, especially the saloon, galley, sleeping quarters and heads. We have 14 hatches, six ports and two escape hatches — all opening. Escape hatches provide excellent ventilation, should be large enough for you to pass through, and should be located at least 18 inches above the waterline to prevent flooding while open at anchor. All should be of quality manufacture with tight replaceable seals. Provisions to prevent intruder entry are a plus. Consider how well ventilated the cockpit is in light wind conditions.

Crash bulkheads: Modern catamarans have crash bulkheads located forward and aft in each hull to prevent collision flooding. They should be well sealed from adjacent spaces and have door lips well above the waterline. Obviously, these are not places for heavy gear. Installation of large holding tanks, which are usually empty at sea, can provide a double bottom in the bow.

There is plenty here to consider before purchasing a cruising catamaran. Many modern cats are built for the lucrative charter trade and have features that may not work well — like minimal fuel storage capacity — for full-time ocean cruising. Some of these can be corrected or improved, some cannot. There is much good information on the Internet, but be suspicious of dealer hype. Ask specific questions and request proof of anything that doesn’t seem right. Make a list of what to look for before going aboard a potential purchase.   Although most cruisers spend 90 percent of their time in port, due consideration should also be given to features that enhance safety and comfort at sea. Most catamarans are optimized for tropics cruising and are probably not the best choices for high-latitude voyaging.

There is no perfect catamaran with all the features you will want, so be prepared to compromise somewhat. Photos and more detail are available on our website below, under a slide presentation titled “ Evaluating Modern Catamarans .”

Dave McCampbell is a retired U.S. Navy diving and salvage officer with over 40 years’ cruising and eight sailboats’ worth of maintenance experience. He and his wife, Sherry, have recently cruised the eastern portion of Southeast Asia, including the Philippines, Raja Ampat, Papua New Guinea and the Solomons. Earlier, they spent eight years slowly crossing the Pacific. After 19 years aboard their CSY 44 monohull, they bought a St. Francis 44 Mk II catamaran in 2015.

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By Ocean Navigator

13 Best Liveaboard Catamarans (For All Budgets)

If you want to enjoy long-term living on the water, a liveaboard catamaran can provide the perfect combination of comfort and adventure. However, buying and owning a catamaran can cost you a fortune. If you're not sure which one suits your budget, here are 13 of the best liveaboard catamarans on the market today, covering a range of budgets and lifestyles.

The 13 best liveaboard catamarans for different budgets are:

Nautitech 46 Open

Lagoon 450f, nautitech 46 fly.

If you're on a tight budget but still want to enjoy the liveaboard lifestyle, the Leopard 40, Lucia 40, and Lagoon 400 are some of your best options. If you have a slightly higher budget to live up to your dream life aboard, let's see which of these catamarans will suit your needs best.

  • Low-budget liveaboard catamarans cost anywhere from $350,000 to $450,000, while high-budget options range from $1,000,000 to $2,000,000.
  • The living space of the best liveaboard catamarans ranges from 77 sqm to 215 sqm, with the higher-budget options generally offering more space.
  • Most catamaran models come equipped with one galley and multiple heads, with the number of heads ranging from 2 to 4.
  • High-budget catamarans like Lagoon 52 and Catana 50 are built with advanced safety features such as a self-tacking jib and an automatic reefing system.

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On this page:

Best liveaboard catamarans for all budgets.

When choosing the best liveaboard catamaran, there are questions you need to ask yourself such as:

  • Are you planning to live aboard full-time or just part-time?
  • Will you be traveling extensively or staying in one location?
  • Do you plan to fish or engage in other water activities?
If you plan to sail around the world and are not sure what catamaran size is perfect for your goal , you can get some tips from this article.

You may also need to check your budget. Keep in mind that the purchase price is just one aspect of the cost of owning a catamaran. See how much it actually costs to buy and own a catamaran in this article.

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You may also need to factor in ongoing maintenance, repairs, and other expenses, such as docking costs. Docking costs depend on the location of the marina and the actual size of your catamaran, but to give you an idea of how much it costs to dock a catamaran , here's an article that can help you.

The best liveaboard catamarans have these most important features :

Living space Look for a catamaran with an open layout, large windows, and plenty of natural light to create a spacious and inviting living area.

Galley and heads Choose a catamaran with a well-designed galley that is easy to use and has plenty of storage space. The heads should be spacious and comfortable, with a separate shower area if possible.

Performance and handling You might want to opt for a catamaran with a good sail plan and sailing controls that are easy to operate. If you plan to do offshore cruising, perhaps consider a catamaran with a shallow draft and good seaworthiness.

Safety and seaworthiness Choose a catamaran with sturdy construction and good safety features, such as handrails and lifelines. You might want to make sure also that the catamaran is designed for single-handed sailing if you plan to sail solo.

Estimated price range: $400,000 - $500,000

Living space inside Leopard 40

The Leopard 40 has a spacious interior with a modern and stylish design. It features four cabins and two heads, providing ample living space for up to 8 people.

The cabins are well-ventilated and well-lit, with large windows that offer panoramic views of the sea. The saloon is also spacious, with comfortable seating and a large dining table.

Galley and heads of Leopard 40

The galley is well-equipped with a large refrigerator, freezer, gas stove, oven, and plenty of storage space. The heads are also well-designed, with separate shower stalls and electric toilets.

Performance and handling of Leopard 40

The Leopard 40 has a sleek and streamlined design that allows it to move smoothly through the water. The twin engines provide plenty of power, and the boat is easy to maneuver even in tight spaces.

The boat also comes with a range of performance features, such as a large sail area, a self-tacking jib, and a full-batten mainsail.

Safety and seaworthiness of Leopard 40

The Leopard 40 is built to the highest standards of safety, with a strong and durable hull, high-quality rigging, and a range of safety features such as lifelines, handrails, and safety harnesses.

The boat also has excellent stability, which makes it very safe and comfortable to sail in rough seas.

Estimated price range: $450,000 - $550,000

Living space inside Lucia 40

The Lucia 40 is a spacious catamaran that offers plenty of living space for a family or a group of friends. It has a large saloon with a U-shaped sofa and a dining table that can comfortably seat six people.

The saloon is surrounded by large windows that provide plenty of natural light and a great view of the surroundings. The catamaran has four cabins and two heads, which provide ample sleeping space for up to eight people. The cabins are well-appointed and offer plenty of storage space.

Galley and heads of Lucia 40

The galley on the Lucia 40 is located in the saloon and is well-equipped with a three-burner stove, oven, fridge, and plenty of counter space for food preparation.

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The two heads are located in each hull and are equipped with a shower, toilet, and sink. They are spacious and provide plenty of privacy.

The Lucia 40 is a performance-oriented catamaran

The Lucia 40 is a performance-oriented catamaran that is designed for cruising in comfort. It has a sleek and modern design that allows it to sail efficiently in a wide range of wind and sea conditions.

The catamaran is equipped with a full batten mainsail and a furling genoa, which provide excellent sail performance. The helm station is located on the flybridge, which provides excellent visibility and allows for easy handling.

The Lucia 40 is a safe and seaworthy catamaran

The Lucia 40 has a solid fiberglass hull and a structural bulkhead that provides excellent strength and rigidity. The catamaran is equipped with all the necessary safety equipment, including life jackets, flares, fire extinguishers, and a first aid kit.

It is also equipped with a comprehensive navigation system, which includes GPS, radar, and an autopilot, to ensure safe and accurate navigation.

Estimated price range: $350,000 - $450,000

Living space inside Lagoon 400

The Lagoon 400 offers ample room for passengers to relax and socialize. The main saloon is located on the same level as the cockpit, creating a seamless indoor-outdoor living experience.

The saloon features a large dining table and comfortable seating, while the cockpit provides additional seating and a table for outdoor dining. The cabins are also spacious and comfortable, with plenty of storage space.

Galley and heads of Lagoon 400

The galley is well-equipped with a stove, oven, refrigerator, and sink, making it easy to prepare meals while underway. The heads are also well-designed, with separate shower stalls and electric toilets.

The Lagoon 400 has good sailing performance

This boat has a generous sail area, a powerful rig, and a light displacement, which allows it to sail well in a variety of conditions. The boat's twin hulls also help to reduce drag and increase stability, which makes it easier to sail in choppy seas or high winds.

The Lagoon 400 is also equipped with twin engines, which allow it to be easily maneuvered in tight spaces or when docking. The boat's shallow draft, which is one of the advantages of sailing a catamaran , also makes it suitable for exploring shallow waters or anchoring in secluded bays.

The Lagoon 400 is designed to be safe and seaworthy

The boat's twin hulls provide excellent stability, which reduces the risk of capsizing. See a detailed comparison between catamaran and monohull in this article.

The boat is also equipped with a range of safety features, including a solid fiberglass hull, watertight bulkheads, and a high freeboard, which helps to keep the boat dry and reduce the risk of swamping.

The boat is also built to withstand rough seas and strong winds, with a reinforced hull and high freeboard. It also features a range of safety features, including lifelines, safety harnesses, and an emergency tiller.

The Bali 4.0 is a catamaran that offers ample living space

The cockpit and saloon are on the same level, which creates a large open-plan living area. The saloon has a U-shaped seating area, which can comfortably seat six people, and a large table that can be lowered to create a double berth.

Galley and heads of Bali 4.0

The galley of Bali 4.0 is located aft of the saloon and is well-equipped with a three-burner stove, oven, refrigerator, and sink. The boat has four cabins, each with its own en-suite head and shower. The cabins are spacious and comfortable, and the heads are modern and well-designed.

Performance and handling of Bali 4.0

The Bali 4.0 has a self-tacking jib and a fully battened mainsail, which makes it easy to sail short-handed. The boat is also equipped with a Code 0 sail, which provides additional downwind performance. The boat's helm is responsive and easy to control, and the boat is stable and predictable in a variety of conditions.

Safety and seaworthiness of Bali 4.0

The Bali 4.0 is a seaworthy boat that is designed to be safe and comfortable in a variety of conditions. The boat has a high freeboard, which provides additional safety and protection from waves and spray.

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The boat also has a solid foredeck, which provides additional safety when moving around the boat. It is also equipped with a full suite of safety equipment, including life rafts, life jackets, and safety harnesses.

Estimated price range: $500,000 - $600,000

Living space inside Bali 4.3

The Bali 4.3 has a large saloon with panoramic views, plenty of natural light, and a modern design. The saloon is equipped with a large U-shaped sofa, a dining table, and a chart table. The cockpit is also spacious and features a dining table, a sunbathing area, and a helm station.

Galley and heads of Bali 4.3

The galley and heads on the Bali 4.3 are well-designed and offer plenty of space and storage. It is located in the saloon and features a 3-burner stove, an oven, a large refrigerator, and plenty of counter space. The heads are located in each hull and feature a separate shower, electric toilets, and plenty of storage.

The Bali 4.3 is a fast and agile catamaran. It features a self-tacking jib and a square-top mainsail, which make it easy to handle and maneuver. The boat is also equipped with twin engines, which provide good speed and maneuverability.

The Bali 4.3 is a very safe and stable catamaran

The Bali 4.3 features a solid construction, a high freeboard, and a wide beam, which make it very stable and comfortable even in rough seas. The boat is also equipped with a number of safety features, including lifelines, safety harnesses, and life jackets.

Living space of Catana 42

The Catana 42 has a spacious interior layout with plenty of natural light and ventilation. The saloon and cockpit are integrated into one living area, which provides a comfortable and functional living space.

Galley and heads of Catana 42

The galley is located in the port hull and features a three-burner stove, oven, refrigerator, and ample storage space. The heads are located in the starboard hull, with one head serving as the owner's suite en-suite and the other serving the remaining three cabins.

The Catana 42 an excellent performer

The catamaran is designed to be fast and stable, with a high bridge deck clearance and a narrow hull-to-waterline beam ratio. It also has a large sail area, which provides good speed in light winds.

The Catana 42 is built with safety and seaworthiness

The boat is designed to be self-righting in the event of a capsize , and the hulls are foam-filled for added buoyancy. The boat also features a robust construction with a reinforced keel and rudder, making it suitable for offshore cruising.

Estimated price range: $600,000 - $700,000

Living space of Nautitech 46 Open

The Nautitech 46 Open is a spacious and comfortable catamaran that offers ample living space, a well-equipped galley, and multiple heads for convenience. The living area is open and airy, with large windows and plenty of natural light.

Galley and heads of Nautitech 46 Open

The galley is fully equipped with modern appliances and ample storage space, making it easy to prepare meals and entertain guests. The heads are also well-appointed, with modern fixtures and plenty of space for comfort.

Performance and handling of Nautitech 46 Open

The Nautitech 46 Open is a capable and responsive catamaran that is easy to sail and maneuver. The boat's twin hulls provide excellent stability and make it easy to handle in a variety of conditions.

The boat's rig is designed for performance, with a large sail area and a well-balanced design that allows for easy handling and excellent speed.

Safety and seaworthiness of Nautitech 46 Open

The boat is built to the highest standards of safety and durability, with a strong and sturdy construction that can withstand the rigors of offshore sailing. The boat is also equipped with all the necessary safety features, including life rafts, life jackets, and safety harnesses, to ensure that you and your crew stay safe on the water.

Estimated price range: $700,000 - $800,000

Living space inside Lagoon 450F

The Lagoon 450F is a spacious catamaran that offers plenty of room for living and entertaining. The saloon is large and open, with plenty of natural light and ventilation.

The cockpit is also spacious and comfortable, with a large dining table and seating for up to eight people. The cabins are well-designed and offer plenty of storage space, and the bathrooms are modern and well-appointed.

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Galley and heads of Lagoon 450F

The Lagoon 450F has a well-equipped galley that is perfect for preparing meals while at sea. The galley features a large refrigerator and freezer, a three-burner stove, an oven, a microwave, and plenty of counter space. The heads are also well-designed and offer plenty of space and privacy.

Performance and handling of Lagoon 450F

The Lagoon 450F is a fast and stable catamaran that is easy to handle. The boat is powered by two Yanmar diesel engines, which provide plenty of power and speed.

The boat is also equipped with a high-performance sail plan, which allows for easy and efficient sailing.

The Lagoon 450F is designed to handle a variety of weather conditions

This boat is built to the highest standards of safety and quality and is equipped with all of the necessary safety equipment, including life rafts, life jackets, and emergency flares.

The boat is also designed to be self-sufficient, with a large water tank and generator, which allows for extended periods of time at sea.

Living space inside Helia 44

The Helia 44 has a spacious and well-designed interior that maximizes living space. The saloon features large windows that provide plenty of natural light and offer stunning views of the surrounding scenery.

The seating area is comfortable and can accommodate up to 8 people. The cabins are also spacious and well-appointed, with plenty of storage space and en-suite bathrooms.

Galley and heads of Helia 44

The galley on the Helia 44 is well-equipped and designed for easy use. It features a large refrigerator, a 3-burner gas stove, an oven, and a microwave. The heads are also well-designed, with separate shower stalls and plenty of storage space.

The Helia 44 is designed for excellent performance and handling

The Helia 44 has a powerful rig and a high aspect ratio sail plan that provides excellent speed and maneuverability. The boat also has a shallow draft, which makes it easy to navigate in shallow waters.

The Helia 44 is built to the highest safety standards

This boat has a solid construction that provides excellent stability and strength. It also features a range of safety equipment, including life rafts, EPIRBs, and fire extinguishers.

Estimated price range: $700,000 - $1,000,000

Living space inside Leopard 48

The Leopard 48 features a spacious saloon with a comfortable seating area and a large dining table. The saloon is surrounded by panoramic windows that provide plenty of natural light and stunning views of the surrounding scenery.

The catamaran also has a large cockpit area with a dining table and comfortable seating, perfect for outdoor dining and relaxation.

Galley and heads of Leopard 48

The galley on the Leopard 48 is well-equipped with modern appliances and ample storage space. It features a large refrigerator, a freezer, a three-burner stove, and an oven. The catamaran also has three heads, each with a shower, sink, and toilet.

Performance and handling of Leopard 48

The Leopard 48 is a high-performance catamaran that is easy to handle and maneuver. It has a powerful sail plan and lightweight construction that allows it to sail smoothly and efficiently even in light winds.

The catamaran is also equipped with a powerful engine that provides excellent speed and maneuverability.

Safety and seaworthiness of Leopard 48

The Leopard 48 is a safe and seaworthy catamaran that is designed to handle even the toughest ocean conditions. It has a sturdy construction and a stable platform that provides excellent stability and safety.

The catamaran is also equipped with modern safety features such as a GPS navigation system, a radar, and an autopilot.

Estimated price range: $600,000 - $900,000

Living space inside Nautitech 46 Fly

The Nautitech 46 Fly is a spacious catamaran that offers plenty of room for living and entertaining. The interior is bright and airy, thanks to large windows and an open floor plan.

There are four cabins and four heads, making it a great option for families or groups of friends. The salon is comfortable and features a dining area and a well-equipped galley.

Galley and heads of Nautitech 46 Fly

The galley on the Nautitech 46 Fly is well-equipped with a refrigerator, freezer, stove, oven, and plenty of counter space. There is also a double sink and a dishwasher. The heads are spacious and comfortable, with separate shower stalls and electric toilets.

Performance and handling of the Nautitech 46 Fly

The Nautitech 46 Fly is a pleasure to sail, with good speed and handling. The boat is responsive and easy to maneuver, even in tight spaces. The twin engines provide plenty of power and make docking and maneuvering a breeze.

The Nautitech 46 Fly is a safe and seaworthy vessel

The boat is designed to handle rough seas and strong winds, making it a great option for offshore sailing. There are also plenty of safety features, including lifelines, safety harnesses, and a well-equipped first aid kit.

Estimated price range: $1,000,000 - $2,000,000

The living space of Catana 50

The living space is designed for comfort and entertainment. The spacious saloon offers panoramic views and ample seating for guests.

The interior is finished with high-quality materials and features modern amenities such as air conditioning, a fully equipped galley, and plenty of storage space. It also has four spacious cabins and four heads, making it ideal for families or groups of friends.

Galley and heads of Catana 50

The galley on the Catana 50 is well-equipped with a large refrigerator, freezer, oven, and stove. The countertops are made of durable and easy-to-clean materials, and there is plenty of storage space for food and cooking utensils. The heads are spacious and feature modern fixtures and finishes.

The Catana 50 is designed for performance and speed

The catamaran's lightweight construction and high-tech materials make it fast and agile, while its twin daggerboards and rudders provide excellent maneuverability and control. The boat is easy to handle, even in challenging conditions, and offers a smooth and comfortable ride.

The Catana 50 is a safe and seaworthy vessel

The catamaran's hull design and construction are engineered to withstand the rigors of offshore sailing, and the boat is equipped with all the necessary safety equipment, including life rafts, EPIRBs, and fire extinguishers.

Need a complete list of safety equipment for your boat ? Here's an article that might be helpful for you.

The vessel also features a high freeboard, wide decks, and a sturdy rigging system, making it a stable and secure platform for sailing in all conditions.

Living space of Lagoon 52

The Lagoon 52 is known for its spacious interior and exterior living areas. The main salon is located on the bridge deck and features a large dining table, comfortable seating, and panoramic views.

The cockpit is also spacious and has plenty of seating for outdoor dining and lounging. The cabins are well-appointed and offer plenty of storage space and natural light.

Galley and heads of Lagoon 52

The galley on the Lagoon 52 is equipped with modern appliances and ample counter space, making it easy to prepare meals for large groups. There are also multiple heads on the boat, each with a shower and toilet, making it convenient for guests to freshen up after a day of exploring.

Performance and handling of Lagoon 52

The Lagoon 52 is designed for optimal performance and handling. It has a powerful sail plan and a lightweight construction that allows it to move swiftly through the water

The boat is also easy to handle, even with a small crew, thanks to its user-friendly design and advanced technology.

Safety and seaworthiness are top priorities on the Lagoon 52

The boat is built to withstand rough seas and harsh weather conditions, with sturdy construction and advanced safety features such as a self-tacking jib and an automatic reefing system.

The boat also has a spacious cockpit and wide decks that make it easy to move around and handle the boat in all conditions:

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From 67 to 78 Feet



Designed for offshore cruising, these catamarans truly are jewels of the sea and references in their category.  These Lagoon motor yachts immerse you in a world of freedom, of elegance and comfort. Imagine the catamaran of your dreams, made possible through our personalization services.

On first sight, first touch, first cruise, emotions are tinged with magic, the anticipation of an incomparable cruising experience to come.

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    Make Sunreef Yachts. Model 60 Sailing Catamaran. Length 60'. Length Overall 60' 8. Beam 33' 6. Water Capacity 211 gallons. Fuel Capacity 264 - 462 gallons. The highly-specialized lithium battery packs can power all of the yacht's components and appliances for more than 24 hours, including the air-conditioning. Owners have the option of choosing ...

  5. RESPIRO CATAMARANO: Tutto quello che c'è da sapere ...

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