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Costs of food provisions will vary dependent upon how eloborate food Preferenaces are

Location will play huge factor in food provisons and thing may have to be folws into remorte locations.

Crew is one of the largest expenses on a superyacht and critical to the owner’s enjoyment of their vessel. As the largest crew agency in the world, we know crew. Our cost calculator contains customized crew lists for yachts ranging from 80ft to 600ft with salary information based on our reference verified salary data.

Our users also have the ability to completely tailor the crew list to the specific needs, schedule and requirements of their vessel. Each yacht is unique and may have specific owner requests in addition to the yacht’s safe manning requirements.

Management of the supplemental crew costs and strategic budgeting can help avoid significant overspend on categories such as food and uniform. This tool contains default values based on our industry expertise and recommended budget for an efficiently and safely run superyacht.

To learn more about each crew position in detail, including salary ranges, please visit our yacht department directory .

Drag the sliders to modify your results. These are not linear scales and we expect most yachts to operate within the 20-80% window. Above 80% and below 20% costs increase or decrease at exaggerated levels and we only see numbers in these levels in very rare circumstances.

This sunburst diagram is interactive. You can click into each block to see the expense break down and mouse over each block for more details.

Our chart of accounts displays seven major categories, 20 sub-categories plus a further 80 detail categories for a total of 107.

Our yacht operating cost calculator is now on it’s third major revision. We start with actual yacht expense data from our yacht management accountants and then generate formulas to extrapolate out the budget for a wide range of yachts. We have been providing accounting services to large yachts for the past 18 years.

Our operating cost calculator is tuned for yachts from 80 to 600 feet. We find operating variables create the largest variances for yachts smaller than 100 feet and larger than 250 feet. We have tested the numbers the most in the range from 100 to 250 feet.

Our budget calculator factors in the fuel burn for a range of engine sizes typically seen installed on yachts by length. By dragging the green “fuel dockage” slider to the right you will increase the projected fuel burn rate and therefore the budget cost for fuel. Our default position would be for a typical displacement fuel burn. Position the slider in the 60-80% range for fuel projections for planning hulls.

Our default values produce a budget number that we believe is generous to run a yacht to a high standard. Perfect is a very expensive word to use in the yachting industry where standards are already high. Moving the crew and maintenance sliders to 80% will provide an “industry best” quality of crew and give them the maintenance budget to operate to a very high standard. If you need to go over the 80% area then you may have unusually labor intensive equipment on the yacht.

Yes, our yacht operating cost calculator can output a budget suitable for this situation. Adjust the owner use to 2 (minimum value), owner slider to 0, crew slider to 10%, Administration to 10%, Fuel and Dockage to 0, Maintenance to 10% and then Capital Repairs to 0. This will remove all of the large charges associated with owner use and vessel movement but leave the essential base maintenance and insurance in place.

Lift on and float in yacht transport is a popular way to transport yachts across large ocean passage. The yachts that this service certainly applies to are ones that may not have the motoring range or structural integrity for blue ocean cruising. The cost of transporting a yacht twice per year is put into our budget once the “Fuel Dockage” slider hits 75%. If your yacht has the range we recommend self-sufficient ocean passages whenever possible. Whilst the transport companies sell their services based upon reportedly well oiled operated schedules the reality is that your yacht may stay waiting for pickup for a week or more with no compensation due. When factoring in all secondary factors of self-sufficient passages (increased fuel, maintenance, potential storm damage, crew time off, extra delivery crew) compared with transporting your yacht (insurance, potential loading / unloading damage, loss of schedule control, no work whilst underway, crew flights, crew accommodation) we believe that there is a 100% premium associated with float in transport and a 75% premium with lift on transport compared with self-powered.

Abandoned yachts crash in value. We recommend that even if you are trying to sell your yacht that you use the yacht for a minimum of two weeks per year so that systems are tested and working every six months. There is nothing worse for a yacht than not being used. If you truly are not going to use the yacht then you should sell it immediately for the first genuine offer as every dollar you put into maintenance will not be recovered at the time of the sale.

We did not build this version with sailing yachts in mind. Early in our development of this version we decided to exclude sailing yachts as a few of the major cost drivers scale very differently for sailing yachts compared with motor yachts. For example: To calculate paint costs we reviewed the surface area of over 100 large yachts and created a formula for painted surface area to length. Sailing yachts just don’t scale in a consistent way. Similarly crew numbers don’t scale in the same manner that they do for motor yachts. If there is sufficient demand we may build a sailing selector switch into a future version of this tool.

We hate to hear when yacht owners were told by their broker to factor in 10% of the purchase price to operate the yacht. This over used saying is sadly right occasionally (particularly for newer yachts in the $20-30M range)… but just because a broken watch tells the right time twice a day you shouldn’t rely upon it to tell the time. As yachts get older their capital value decreases but their maintenance costs increase. There is no way that a fixed 10% of purchase cost rule can be true… if your broker told you this rule then you need a new yacht broker… we know some good ones. 😊

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Yacht fuel cost calculator - how to estimate the costs.

Yacht Fuel Cost Calculator - How to Estimate the Costs

Yacht captains have many responsibilities when it comes to the management of their vessel. One of them is keeping track of expenses, which is why it is important to familiarize yourself with the vessel’s operational costs. Keeping a luxury superyacht afloat isn’t cheap, and many claim that the average annual cost ranks up to 10% of the vessel’s price.

From these expenses, a significant portion goes to fuel. Filling up the tank of your boat is quite pricey, which is why a growing number of boat owners want to know exactly how much they are looking to spend for their upcoming voyage. This is also important for people who want to charter a boat for their holiday.

If you’re wondering how to best estimate the costs involved, you’re in the right place. This article will help you calculate your vessel’s yacht fuel cost while giving an overview of all the criteria used as variables. To make the process even easier, we link to a yacht fuel cost calculator to help you get an indication of the expenses you’ll need to cover. Let’s delve in!

Yacht fuel cost calculator

How to estimate yacht fuel costs, how much fuel does a yacht use.

  • Price of boat fuel per gallon?

Yacht fuel formula

The easiest way to calculate your fuel costs is by using a yacht fuel cost calculator. There is a great calculator available here in case you want to save time and get an approximate estimation.

yacht fuel cost calculator

As you can see, the yacht fuel cost calculator has many variables which you need to be aware of before you set out to calculate the approximate price. This is what we will be dealing with in the next few chapters.

To help you get a better understanding of the calculation process we will do things manually while giving you the exact formulas used to calculate your vessel’s fuel needs. Therefore, make sure you keep on reading.

There are several things you need to keep in mind when you first set out to estimate the total fuel cost for your next voyage. These are summarised in the following points:

  • Distance of journey - The total amount of nautical miles (or km)
  • Cruising speed - The (average) speed of your vessel (in knots or km/hr)
  • Fuel consumption - Understanding how many gallons (or liters) of fuel are consumed per hour
  • Yacht fuel price - Understanding the average market price per gallon of fuel

The first two points depend solely on your needs and personal preference, which means that they are more flexible on a subjective basis. The latter two points may require a bit of research, especially if you’re not familiar with the engine of the vessel.

In the following sections, we will delve deeper into each of the points mentioned above, and offer the required formulas to help you calculate yacht fuel cost.

Calculating distance and speed

To understand the exact distance you are looking to cover in your next voyage, you can simply use Google Maps to plan your route. The following video explains the process in detail.

As soon as your route is planned out, you can measure the distance as well, selecting the preferred method of calculation. In our case, it is best to measure in nautical miles (1nm=1,85km), as this metric is more commonly used among sea men. The yacht fuel cost calculator above has an embedded map that helps you pinpoint the journey you want to make.

Next comes the cruising speed. The number is mostly calculated in knots (nautical miles/hr). The speed with which the vessel will cruise depends on the captain onboard, but is often influenced by the owner and guests onboard. You can make a rough estimation of this number based on previous trips.

Next, we need to calculate the amount of fuel that you will likely need. To do this we need to understand the engine type, its horsepower, and several other factors.

Let’s take a marine diesel engine for example. These engines are very common on motor yachts and consume approximately 0.4 pounds of fuel per hour for each unit of horsepower. You can find fuel consumption info for your specific engine by looking it up on the web or by calling the service number.

Once you know the fuel burn rate, it’s best to add a relative error margin of 10% based on minor factors. These include weather conditions, vessel size, and drag, all of which can increase the fuel burn.

How much fuel does a yacht use per hour?

Now that you know all the variables you can go ahead and calculate the amount of fuel that your yacht will need.

  • Start by calculating the fuel burn per hour based on the horsepower of the engine.
  • Add a multiplier based on the cruising speed of your vessel.

A vessel with a diesel engine of 300 horsepower will most likely burn 16-17 gallons per hour, which you can then use as a guideline when calculating the travel time based on the nautical miles you are looking to cover.

Superyachts are consuming much more fuel. An average 70-meter luxury yacht will burn around 130 gallons per hour with the engines running, while the amount increases significantly when the ship is moving. On average, you are looking at ±€2000 per hour (±1000 gallons) to achieve a speed of 20 knots. Of course, the higher the cruising speed, the more fuel you will be burning per hour, which in turn makes each hour at sea more expensive.

How much does boat fuel cost per gallon?

yacht fuel cost calculator

The exact price you are looking to pay per gallon depends on the marina you find yourself in. By looking at several price points of marinas, we get the following:

  • Average diesel prices range from $3.2-$3.9 per gallon
  • Average petrol prices range from $7.2-$7.8 per gallon

Note that discounts usually apply whenever you choose to purchase large quantities of fuel.

Why is boat fuel so expensive?

Marine fuel pricing is heavily inflated due to low supply and high demand. In short, the limited number of fuel stations at marinas have to service all the yachts that dock, which leads to a no-choice monopoly.

That said, yacht owners are usually not that concerned about the small price spike that marinas charge as an extra. If anything, they are happy to pay due to the convenience of the service.

How much fuel does a yacht hold?

Once again, the answer to this question depends on the size of the vessel. Smaller yachts can hold around 1300 gallons of fuel, while the bigger vessels can store up to 100,000 gallons. The ship’s engineers should be able to provide this number for the vessel you command.

Now that we have a better understanding of all the variables that determine the cost of fuel, we can go ahead and take you through the calculation process step by step.

First, know the total duration of your cruise. To obtain this information, divide the number of nautical miles by the cruising speed of your vessel (knots). For example, if you want to make a journey that totals 150 nautical miles while traveling at 20 knots, the yacht fuel formula looks as follows:

Total duration = 150 nm / 20kn

Total duration = 7,5 hrs

Note that the amount of fuel consumption may end up higher than expected if:

  • Sea and weather conditions are not favourable
  • You plan to make short stops along the way while the engine keeps running

Next, what you want to do multiply the number of hours by the number of gallons that your engine burns on an hourly basis while moving at the speed you previously indicated. If we take, as an example, the superyacht mentioned in the previous examples, we would make the calculation as follows:

7,5 hrs x 1000 gph = 7500 gallons

Now assume that you will also make two stops along the way, an hour and a half each, in order to let the guests enjoy their time; maybe ride a jet ski.

You then multiply the added number of hours with the consumption rate of a running engine. In this case:

3 hrs x 130 gph = 390 gallons

All that is left to do now is add up the total amount of fuel needed and multiply the number with the price per gallon.

(7500+390) x $3,5 = $27615

In this example, the final cost of your will set you back a little bit more than 27 thousand dollars. Just to be safe, calculate the additional 10% (margin of error) to be prepared against unexpected mistakes. This added amount is not necessarily an ad-on when you consider chartering. Private yacht owners, however, should add the amount to their final cost.

And that's it! You should now have a better idea on the steps you need to follow to calculate the fuel costs for your yacht. While there is quite a bit of information you should keep in mind, it is best to plan out everything with detail to avoid unforeseen costs. If you enjoyed this article, check out our blog post on yacht electrical systems as well.

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How Much It Costs To Refuel A $600 Million Superyacht

No E10 here...

How Much It Costs To Refuel A $600 Million Superyacht

Image: Romer Macapuno/DMARGE

There are a lot of things you could do with $1.5 million. You could donate it to UNICEF. You could buy a bunch of Porsches and Ferraris. You could even buy a house in Sydney. Though that might sound like a hefty chunk of money to some people, to others it’s just what you have to pay to refuel your $600,000,000 yacht.

Much like supercars, the costs of owning a superyacht go far beyond simply the ‘sticker price’. You’ve got mooring fees , the cost of employing enough staff to keep ’em running, not to mention the eye-watering amount of insurance you have to buy… There’s a reason that only the very wealthiest people in the world can own superyachts. You’ve also got to put fuel in them – and a superyacht sips a bit more fuel than a Bugatti…

But how much does it really cost to fuel up a superyacht? Enter the following video. Posted by The Yacht Mogul, an Instagrammer who claims to be the “world’s largest yachting profile,” the video shows Dilbar , the sixth-longest yacht in the world that’s worth $600 million, getting pumped with $1.5 million worth of fuel.

WATCH one of the world’s biggest and most expensive yachts being fuelled up below.

The video was shot in Italy, with a Vigili del Fuoco (Italy’s institutional agency for fire and rescue service) vehicle making an appearance at the start of the video.

A caption then flashes up on the screen claiming that the 500,000 litres of fuel cost $150,000 (though some social media users have questioned that, making such comments as “500,000l for 1.5 million? That makes it $3 a litre…)

So yes, according to The Yacht Mogul, Dilbar ‘s tank holds 500,000 litres, which – according to AutoEvolution’s calculations – if we assume that $3 a litre figure is accurate, would bring the total cost up to $1,500,000.

Dilbar is a particularly famous superyacht, owned by Russian oligarch Alisher Usmanov, one of Russia’s richest men (something which lends credence to some of the quips found in the Instagram comments section, like: “Bro they don‘t pay fuel… They f***ing sell it to us.”)

super yacht fuel cost

However, German police seized Dilbar (and allegedly confiscated m illions of dollars worth of art stored on the ship) last year in light of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and sanctions levied against Usmanov. Usmanov has been described as “one of Vladimir Putin’s favourite oligarchs”.

Why is Dilbar so expensive?

Dilbar is the sixth-longest yacht in the world (and the third-largest when judging by gross tonnage). At one point, it was the biggest yacht in the world.

It can accommodate 100 crew members, has the largest ever swimming pool installed on a superyacht, has two helipads, its own onboard garden, boasts almost the same amount of cables as the total land borders of the country of Bhutan (to power all the amenities and facilities) and is powered by a 30,000kW electric diesel power plant.

This electric diesel design supposedly helps reduce  Dilbar’s  emissions while still providing a top speed of 22.5 knots.

Want one last fact? The interior features over 1,000 sofa cushions. It’s a cushy life for some…

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The Real Costs of Owning a Superyacht [Complete Guide]

The Real Costs of Owning a Superyacht [Complete Guide]

November 25, 2019 1:00 pm

Owning a  superyacht  is a status symbol available only to the world’s wealthiest individuals and corporations. Although there is no strict definition, the Red Ensign Group Yacht Code is applicable to “motor or sailing vessels of 24 meters in load line length and over…and which, at the time, is in commercial use for sport or pleasure and carries no cargo and no more than 12 passengers 1 .” There are currently just over 10,000 superyachts in the world with around 200-250 new builds delivered each year. The vast majority are  motor yachts , with sailing yachts counting for less than 20% of the total. The world’s largest private vessel, Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan’s 180m (590-foot) AZZAM,  cost $600 million to build when it was delivered in 2013. Eight of the ten most expensive luxury acquisitions of all time were superyachts.

super yacht fuel cost

Purchase Cost

Buying a new or used superyacht will most likely cost the buyer several million dollars. Pricing varies widely based on the yacht size, age, and other factors such as builder, guest capacity, speed, range, and more. The market is worldwide and extensive. Any potential buyer would be well-advised to engage a professional, certified broker to guide them in the selection of their dream yacht and through the myriad of complications in making the purchase.

  • • Financing the Purchase
  • • Immediate Post Purchase Costs

super yacht fuel cost

Operating Costs

In years past, owners and their brokers would work on 10% of the purchase price as an estimate of annual operating costs, but the vast range of yacht size, operating location, and usage profile makes this approach less useful without giving the question more thought. Building a budget for a yacht requires consideration of the following elements:

Crew – Salary, payroll taxes, recruitment fees, uniform, health insurance, food, and travel for vacation and repatriation are all crew-related costs. A good guide for salary costs is published by Dockwalk magazine every year based on an extensive survey of the crew and placement agents. Using their most recent article as a guide, a crew of eight full-time crew on a 150-foot yacht will cost over $650,000 per year in salary alone. Get a complete crew cost breakdown.

Dockage – Unless the owner plans to spend the year at anchor, then keeping the yacht in a marina incurs a significant cost. Dockage is normally sold per foot of the yacht’s full length and per night, although contract rates for longer periods may be available. High-quality marinas in peak seasons are currently running in the $6-8 per foot per night range. Electricity, fresh water, and waste removal are all additional costs to be considered.

Fuel – The captain or engineer should be able to provide the fuel consumption per hour at any given speed, so if a yacht owner knows roughly how much he wants the boat to travel, then he can estimate the total fuel consumption and budget the fuel cost. There is also the fuel cost for generators, particularly at anchor. A typical 150-foot motor yacht cruising at 12 knots will consume in the region of 150 U.S. gallons per hour. At today’s fuel prices, that’s going to be close to $500 per hour. 500 hours per year will give us the main engine fuel budget of around $250,000. To this, we must also add the generators’ fuel consumption at anchor plus any additional cost for tenders.

Communications – Everyone onboard, crew and guests, want to remain connected to their social media, streaming services, and email. The technology available in this area moves fast and with 5G coming online, near-shore costs will likely come down. For those who want broadband speed while offshore, costs are high and depend on the upload/download speeds required. Start with an estimate of $4-5,000 per month and work from there. Additional communications costs include satellite TV subscriptions, crew cell phone costs, mail, freight, and more. Get a complete communication cost breakdown.

Maintenance, Consumables, and Other Operating Costs – Having considered crew payroll, marina costs, fuel, and internet, the budget will start to materialize. One must take all other costs into account, such as hull insurance, liability insurance, maintenance and consumables, warehousing, safety and survey costs, upkeep of the navigation outfit, computing support, car rental, and more.   

Looking for more details?

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This should not be considered a financial guide. For a more accurate estimate, contact Clive McCartney .

1 Red Ensign Group Yacht Code Section A 1.2(1) 

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Yachts And Fuel – How Much Do They Really Consume?

super yacht fuel cost

Fuel is one of many annual running costs of a yacht. Not only does the yacht need fuel for cruising; the generators require it to keep the vessel running while at anchor and underway. As well as this, many of the water sports toys require it too.

Some yachts cross the Atlantic Ocean twice a year between the Mediterranean and Caribbean while others embark on world cruises. That equates to a lot of fuel.

So How Much Do They Really Consume?

According to the Yachting Pages, the longest Superyacht in the world, 180m M/Y Azzam, holds 1,000,000 litres of fuel. To put it into perspective, that is the equivalent of filling a regular hatchback car 23,800 times. Or, six Boeing 747 commercial airliners.

West Nautical’s Vessel Manager, Tony Hildrew, a former Yacht Chief Engineer said:

“Fuel is the single biggest expense when it comes to yacht operations, it is estimated that the global spend on fuel is around $150bn annually however this shouldn’t put you off, there are a number of ways to ensure your fuel consumption doesn’t get out of hand. Implementing a Ships Energy Efficiency Management Plan or SEEMP for short is a great way to keep fuel costs down without compromising on your cruising experience.”

Each yacht will consume fuel differently for a number of reasons. It could be the size and make of the engines. Or, how often the yacht is using generators. As well as the number of tenders and water sports toys on board that require fuel. For example, if the yacht is out at anchor and running on generators 90% of the time, the fuel consumption will be much higher than a yacht that is in a marina at night and connected to shore power and water.

Another factor that will affect fuel consumption is the yacht’s itinerary. This is because the sea conditions will impact how much fuel the engines consume.

super yacht fuel cost

How Is Consumption Measured?

You will be able to input the start and ending points of your cruise on the map. This will automatically update the distance table. The next step is to enter the speed, fuel consumption and cost of fuel per litre to determine the cost of the trip.

Here is an example: A fast 30m yacht cruising at 20 knots will consume roughly 400 – 500 litres depending on the engine type. This would equate to the total consumption of 2500 litres for a distance of 100 nautical miles.

Another example is, a 70m yacht looking to travel 100 nautical miles with the engines burning 1000 litres per hour would add up to a total consumption of 8335L for that passage. Depending on where the yacht bunkered, the estimated cost with the price per litre being on the low end at €0.90 per litre would cost a total of €7501.50. An example of a 100 nautical mile passage would take you from Saint Tropez to The North Coast of Corsica.

How Much Does It Cost?

Fuel prices fluctuate depending on which country you bunker in and some places you bunker offer tax free fuel such a Gibraltar and Montenegro. Fuel prices can vary but typically costs between €0.80 and €1.30 per litre.

Yacht charter, sales and management company West Nautical added:

“Fuel costs should be at the top of any yacht owner and captain’s minds for two reasons: to minimise costs as well as reduce the environmental impact of burning unnecessary fuel. The superyacht charter market, more than most other markets, relies on pristine waters for their guests to enjoy their holiday. If the oceans in popular charter destinations are not maintained, it will decrease the demand for yacht charter and therefore the revenue for owners.” “If you are looking for expertise in operational management and engineering in order to plan a SEEMP, West Nautical would be delighted to assist.”

super yacht fuel cost

About West Nautical

West Nautical sell, charter and manage superyachts from their head office in Newcastle upon Tyne. The business currently employs a team of 21 staff throughout their offices based in the UK, Russia, France and Cyprus.

  Since their inception over 25 years ago, West Nautical have become recognised as one of the most respected, trusted, knowledgeable and accountable professional services firms in yachting – largely due to their relentless determination to act in our clients’ best interests. Their approach and attitude is transparent, refreshing and focused on providing value-added services delivered simply, elegantly and affordably. 

Visit West Nautical’s website here:

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How Much Does a Superyacht Cost?

21st apr 2024 by samantha wilson.

Rightboat logo

Superyachts are some of the most astounding machines on the planet. Their innovation and luxury have fascinated us for decades as we’ve watched them grow in length—and cost—by the year. Today, some of the most expensive yachts in the world can measure a staggering 590 feet and cost hundreds of millions of dollars. Yet the purchase price is just the beginning, and you need to have extremely deep pockets to consider owning a superyacht. Here we take a closer look at how much it costs not just to build or buy a superyacht, but to run it, as well as the price of chartering one of these magnificent vessels. 

Superyacht. Photo credit: Arno Senoner

Superyachts are some of the most expensive luxury items on the planet and the largest ones can cost hundreds of millions of dollars. 

The Cost of Buying a Superyacht

There are 5,396 superyachts (classified as over 98 feet in length) gracing our oceans as we speak according to SuperYacht Times reporting in 2022. It’s a surprisingly small number when you consider the vast industry that supports them. Although when we look at the cost of owning a superyacht—the build or purchase price , as well as the annual ownership costs—it perhaps shouldn’t come as quite such a surprise. Superyachts are expensive! In fact, they’re one of the most expensive luxury items in the world, and some of the largest superyachts cost not just millions but hundreds of millions to build. 

The gargantuan Azzam holds the title of the world’s largest superyacht (for now), and at 590 feet long, it is huge. (See our analysis on Superyacht versus Megayacht .) The industry has estimated it cost $600 million to build, a figure that few people in the world can afford. One of those people is Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich, whose 533-foot superyacht Eclipse cost an estimated $700 million to build in 2009. Jeff Bezos' recently completed the 417-foot superyacht Koru for an estimated $500 million.

While the largest superyachts hit headlines with their jaw-dropping sizes and build prices, the term “superyacht” covers a broad spectrum of sizes, from the smallest 80- to 100-foot (30-meter) yachts straight up to 230-foot yachts (70 meters) and on to those in the 330-foot (100 meter) range. According to Triton Charters, a good rough estimate for a small, custom-built superyacht is $1 million for every 3.3 feet in length. That means a custom 100-footer might cost $30 million. The formula is less likely to work for a larger superyacht, however, such as a 330-footer that could easily have a price tag of $275 million. 

When discussing prices it’s important to point out that custom and semi-custom vessels built in a production series hull) superyachts will vary in price accordingly. Many brands such as Princess Yachts or Sunseeker offer a production hull with a range of customizable options, from the layout to the finishings. The specifications chosen may increase the final price 20 percent or more. Even so, a new 130-foot semi-custom superyacht might cost in the region of $12-15 million, less than half what a fully custom yacht would cost due to being built from scratch from the very design upwards. 

Pre-owned superyachts of reasonably large size are likely to sell for prices in the $20 to $30 million range, according to a report by Insure4Boats. Older yachts on the market may fetch prices as low as $1.5 million to $2.5 million for a 15- to 20-year-old 90-foot superyacht. 

Superyachts vary hugely in size

Superyachts vary hugely in size, from 100 feet to the largest at 590 feet in length. 

Cost of Owning a Superyacht

Buying a superyacht is one thing, keeping it running is quite another. Where the industry once used the figure of 10 to 12 percent of the price of the boat in running costs per year, today that figure has risen to closer to 20 percent, according to Insure4Boats. So what goes into the running of a boat and why does it cost so much?

As we’ve seen, the sale prices of used yachts vary widely, from $11 million in the 130- to 160-foot category, $24 million in the 160- to 230-foot category, and perhaps $80 million for yachts of 230 feet or more. The running and maintenance costs of any vessel always need to be taken into account when looking at luxury yachts for sale , but when we’re talking superyachts for sale, the figures rise exponentially. 

  • Fuel: One of the biggest expenses is fuel, as superyachts are thirsty machines. As an example, a 230-foot yacht will use around $2,000 of fuel per hour while underway at 20 knots. A smaller yacht will use much less fuel, so a 150-foot yacht will use around 150 gallons per hour at a rough cost of around $500/hour. Assuming a figure of 500 hours of cruising time a year, that’s a total of $250,000 (excluding all the time spent at anchor with generators running). 
  • Dockage: Dockage costs for the largest superyachts can be extraodinary, and at any size point they will still be one the biggest expenditures. Prices are based on the length of the yacht per night. The more sought-after and prestigious addresses will carry the largest price tags, with $4,000 per night in the high season commonplace according to the Luxury Yacht Group. Towergate Insurance estimates that docking fees for larger boats can run up to $350,000 per year. 
  • Crew Salaries: Depending on the size of the superyacht, a full-time crew is usually required, and the size of that crew goes up with the yacht size, ranging from three or four members to in excess of 70 members. From the captain all the way down, the total sum of crew salaries will add up. A comparatively modest 150-foot superyacht could have an annual crew salary of $800,000 according to Luxury Yacht Group, which is around 45 percent of the total annual running costs. 
  • Maintenance: The upkeep and maintenance of these behemoth yachts is constant and, according to CNN, the annual estimated maintenance costs for Azzam are around $60 million. A much smaller yacht would of course be quite a bit less, but the same yacht maintenance costs need to be factored in. Add to that surveys every few years, which can run into the hundreds of thousands. 
  • Provisions: Whether the boat is being used by the owner or for charter, there will be a significant cost to provisioning, both for high-profile guests and the crew. Food, alcohol, flowers, water sports equipment, and much more will all be of the highest caliber and run into the hundreds of thousands of dollars. Consider that a single jet ski to run off the back of the yacht can cost between $5,000 and $20,000. 
  • Insurance and administration: The insurance on a 150-foot yacht would be around $73,000 annually, according to Luxury Yacht Group, with management and administration costs on top of that. 

Superyachts. Photo credit: Melody Temple

The annual maintenance and running costs of superyachts can run into the millions including crew salaries, fuel, and dockage fees. 

How Much Does it Cost to Charter a Superyacht

If the numbers above have got you reassessing whether superyacht ownership is right for you, then fear not. Chartering a superyacht can be a stress-free way to enjoy the luxury yachting lifestyle with more predictable prices. The cost of chartering a yacht will depend on several factors such as the size and age of the yacht, the destination, the length of the charter, and the level of provisioning required. 

Superyachts usually operate on a pricing structure that is based on the base cost of chartering the yacht including the crew, facilities, and insurance. Other expenses such as fuel costs, food and drinks, special events, and dockage, which will all vary from charter to charter, are charged in advance in what is known as an Advanced Provisioning Allowance (APA).

According to Northrop and Johnson, superyacht charters can cost anywhere from $150,000 per week to over $2 million per week plus expenses. The 278-foot yacht O’ptasia , for example, has charter prices starting at $868,000, while 196-foot Scott Free starts at £395,000 per week.

Buying a Superyacht

If you think purchasing a superyacht might be right for you some day, read our  Top Tips on How to Buy a Superyacht  and our article on  Superyachts 101: All Your Questions Answered . You can get started by browsing for superyachts for sale and megayachts for sale on Rightboat. 

Written By: Samantha Wilson

Samantha Wilson has spent her entire life on and around boats, from tiny sailing dinghies all the way up to superyachts. She writes for many boating and yachting publications, top charter agencies, and some of the largest travel businesses in the industry, combining her knowledge and passion of boating, travel and writing to create topical, useful and engaging content.


More from: Samantha Wilson

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How to calculate yacht fuel cost – The boat fuel cost calculator

When you decide to enjoy a  charter , there are many things you have to consider, not only when and where and whom you wish to join the party. I’m talking about the costs and expenses you will have during this memorable holiday with your loved ones. Depending on what type of vessel you are about the rent and the  destination  you will discover (as every place has its prices, pros, and cons), you will have a different bill at the end of your  cruise . 


How much cost chartering a yacht?

The most common questions we receive from our customers before they embark aboard the selected yacht they booked with us for their charter are: 

  • What does the price include?
  • What is APA?
  • What does APA stand for?
  • What are the extras?
  • How much is VAT? 
  • Can I have an estimate of the extra costs and expenses?
  • How much will I spend in terms of fuel?
  • What does the fuel boat cost?
  • How to  calculate fuel boat cost ?
  • What is the price to dock the yacht at the marina?

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Our expert Charter Managers are glad to assist you with all the questions, clarifications, thoughts, and doubts you may have from the boat’s selection to your charter’s arrangements until the disembark. We always reserve transparent and clear 24/7 assistance to our new and repetitive clients, without surprises. 

How do I calculate yacht fuel cost? 

When you  charter a power yacht , the most critical cost to support is for sure  fuel .

When you  rent a sailboat  or  hire a catamaran , don’t forget about the fuel cost for  generators , the  outboard engine  of the dinghy. It would be a different cost at the end (definitively lower than aboard a motor yacht), but pay attention to air conditioning, especially when you spend the night at anchor. 


Yacht fuel calculation: how it works

It’s time to take a  map  and find on it all the spots and destinations you wish to reach! Keep in mind that you can predict the weather conditions only 10 to 7 days before embarking.

Prepare your sailing itinerary .

Your sailing route will depend on many factors, as the engine power and cruising speed of the yacht, the weather conditions, and the nautical miles you intend to navigate. Naturally, you will have to be informed about the actual market price of the fuel in the destination you will sail to have the right or most approximate  calculation of the boat fuel cost . 


Together with the assistance and suggestions of our sales department, our experienced technicians created an advanced, quick, and efficient tool for the yacht fuel calculation that we call the “ Boat fuel calculator .” This tool allows you to have a concrete and actual analysis of the yacht fuel consumption and price, starting with your itinerary plan on the map to the final result. 


Let’s begin: select the point of embarkation of your charter on the map. Now continue pinning all the beautiful spots you want to reach by boat during your  yacht charter  (as you can see, the calculator automatically updates the number of nautical miles) to disembark. You will obtain the total number of miles. 

Calculate the nautical miles

Naturally, you can choose the unit of measures (nautical miles, miles, km): in this case, it would be the nautical miles and, every time you pin a new destination on your map, from the embark to the disembark, the tool updates the total number of miles cruised. 

Now that we have the total number of miles, mandatory to  calculate the boat fuel cost  of our cruise. We need to know the yacht’s cruising speed, the engine consumption, and the market price of diesel in our next sailing destination.

Engine power and consumption


Now that we have the nautical miles, we need to know the engines’ power (the hp) and the real engine consumption of the boat we rent to have the actual  yacht fuel calculation . 

The last essential element we need to obtain the yacht fuel cost of our charter is the market price of gas in the destination we will sail. To have the diesel’s actual merits, you can consult many updated webpages of marinas and fuel bunkers, which continuously report the existing fuel prices day by day. (You can also check at )

The fuel consumption formula


What we are looking for is the expense of fuel we will have during our cruise.

Now that we have all the information we need for the yacht fuel calculation, and so:

  • Total nautical miles;
  • Engine consumption;
  • Cruising speed;
  • The market price of gas;

We can proceed with the real  boat fuel calculator  using our formula. 

Firstly, we need to know our charter’s travel time; I’m referring to the cruise duration. The formula to obtain the cruise duration is determined by dividing the number of nautical miles by the number of knots (the boat’s cruising speed). 


For example, if the nautical miles we are planning to navigate are 150 nm and the cruising speed of our yacht is 18 knots:

150 nm / 18 kn = 8,333 hr 

So if we want to cruise in a total of 150 nautical miles with a cruising speed of 18 knots, we will take about 8,333 hours. You will always have to consider the sea and weather conditions, which will influence the engines’ consumption.

And now that we have the “time,” the “duration” of our charter? How to calculate the yacht fuel cost? 

If the engine of our boat consumes 250 lt/hr, we have to multiply the time of our cruise, so in this case, 8,333 hr by the boat fuel consumption, so by 250 lt/hr:

8,333 hr / 250 lt/hr = 2.082,50 lt

2.082,50 are the liters we consume cruising for 8,333 hr with engine consumption of 250 lt/hr. Now we have to multiply the number of liters just obtained by the market price of fuel, that we can suppose at  1,50 Euro/lt :

2.082,50 lt x 1,50 Euro = 3.123,75 Euro


Let’s resume the “magic formula” for  yacht fuel calculation.  If your sailing itinerary contemplates 150 nautical miles at a constant cruising speed of 18 knots, 250 lt/hr consumption, and marine diesel cost of 1,50 Euro/lt, at the end of our yacht charter, we will have a bill of 3.123,75 Euro.

The calculations of boat fuel cost are always approximate and depend on sea and weather conditions and atmospheric and natural events. 

Our professional sailing tips and recommendations

Our team is always pleased to assist you, providing free 24/7 professional support for your charter arrangements and customizing your charter and journey. Feel free to contact us and get our advanced sailing tips and recommendations about your next charter: sailing itinerary, best bases, and marinas, where to spend the night at anchor, fuel bunkers, ATM and exchange, transfers from/to airport, groceries, and markets, restaurants and excursions, activities for kids and family, private celebrations, wedding, and corporate events, and much more.

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Top sailing destinations

Yacht charter Italy – Sardinia yacht rental – Seychelles catamaran charter – Luxury yacht charter Thailand – Boat charter Caribbean – Catamaran charter Philippines – Greece yacht charter – Catamaran charter Mykonos – Boat hire Ibiza – Yacht rental Sicily – Amalfi yacht charter – Cannes yacht charter – Maldives catamaran  – Cannes yacht charter



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What does it cost to run a super yacht?

Figures within the super yacht industry are hard to comprehend, below are a selection of expenses you should consider if you are considering buying a yacht.

I always found it hard to grasp what the yachts I worked on were spending on fuel and would often chat to our engineers about the costs involved. As an approximate guide a yacht of about 70 meters in length will consume about 500 litres of diesel fuel an hour (when the engines are running and not necessarily moving anywhere!).

To get the yacht moving you will need to spend approximately £2,000 an hour, to achieve a cruising speed of around 18 knots. Therefore an average overnight cruise of 12 hours could cost about £24,000 (note…this will be significantly higher for the larger yachts).

The next consideration of costs is berthing a yacht and this is certainly no cheap past time. Some of the top ports charge €2,000-€3,000 per night. The top six most expensive ports to berth at are:

  • Capri, Italy
  • Porto Cervo, Italy
  • Porto Fino, Italy
  • Ibiza Magna, Ibiza
  • St Tropez, France
  • Port Hercule, Monaco

The mooring cost is normally based on the yachts size and the popular ports are booked months in advance. A yacht needs to be moored when on standby as well and ports such as Antibes charge up to €2,000 per night - renting a permanent dock here (like some owners do) cost hundreds of thousands!

Then if you are like Roman Abramovich and you build one of the biggest yachts in the world, you are then faced with actually finding a port that can hold the size of your yacht. At one stage it was reported that he was going to pay to have a dock extended, however he eventually found a couple of ports that could actually take such a large sized pleasure vessel.

Next comes the crewing part, some captains salaries alone can exceed €20,000 per month, then add to this some chief engineers which can be on €10,000 per month …and very quickly you are looking at vast funds just to keep the yacht fully crewed. Wage bills of €100,000 are not uncommon on the larger yachts employing some 50 crew.

As well as the crew on-board you also have your shore based crew, managing agents, financial staff etc. which can be added on top of this figure. Along with this comes the costs of providing food, toiletries and all living requirements for the crews on-board; feeding 50 people on a daily basis is no cheap undertaking.

Then comes the servicing costs of these yachts. Lifting the yachts out the water is by no mean feat and to service these technological advanced super structures and engines comes with a hefty price tag. Servicing costs for the larger yachts easily run into millions of pounds.

Super Yacht Toys

Add to all these costs the need for the latest toys and gadgets on board. The best looking, most advanced tenders are frequently custom build and often exceed the £1 million price bracket. Coupled with the essential need for the latest jet skis, helicopters, submarines, diving equipment and numerous other toys to make your yacht complete.

Safety and Security

Attacks from pirates is a growing threat and owners are all too weary of ensuring their prize possession is not held to ransom in foreign waters. Equipment such as lasers that can cause temporary loss of vision cost some €70,000 from SeaLase and demand for their product is reportedly growing.

Another product is the $450,000 "SeaOwl" tracking system, which combines radar and infrared or thermal cameras to detect incoming threats as far as five kilometers away. On top of this are the panic rooms, anti-paparazzi shields and armed security staff.

To cover the running and maintenance costs of a super yacht it is recommended that you allow some 10-12% of the purchase cost, meaning a £50 million pound yacht is likely to cost around £5 million a year to run and maintain. For some of the largest yachts it has been reported that it could be costing their owners over €50 million a year to run and maintain.

It has been reported that the average yacht is used for some three to five weeks, so justifying such a purchase to your accountant as a sound financial investment may prove difficult!

With costs like this it is easy to see why some of these yachts are hired for over £1 million for a week by guest, such a cost in the grand scheme of owning a yacht could bizarrely almost be deemed value for money! Chartering the yacht also provides some income to those owners not using their yacht on a regular basis.

So you can see why owning a super yacht must be one of the ultimate statues that money can buy, because not only owning a vessel will cost many millions to buy but running it will also cost millions.

For more information read Work on a Super Yacht: The Beginners Guide by Ben Proctor

Recent articles:

Navigating Love and Work: Challenges and Limitations for Couples Working Together on Superyachts

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This is what it takes to fill up the world’s most pricey superyacht.

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The 512-foot superyacht Dilbar boasts two personal helipads and can carry up to 120 people on sea.

Russian billionaire Alisher Usmanov owns the largest superyacht in the world — and it will cost you the same as four supercars just to fill it up.

The plush 512-foot vessel — which has the largest indoor pool ever installed on a superyacht — is said to cost up to $60 million to run every year.

Dilbar, custom built for 68-year-old tycoon Usmanov, is the largest yacht in the world in terms of internal volume.

Although the details of the vessel have mostly been kept under wraps, the behemoth boasts an 82-foot pool, two helipads for VIP guests, a beach deck and a floating observation bay.

It reportedly has a vast 40,900 square feet of living space for 24 guests — and 1,000 cushions to keep them comfy.

According to Boat International, Dilbar is usually run by a crew of 80 to help maintain the vessel and wait on her guests.

But the crew can be ramped up to 96 members when needed – meaning Dilbar can carry as many as 120 people when sailing the seas at full capacity.

For guests missing dry land, the vessel also features a huge garden complete with a specially developed variety of grass that tolerates the salty sea air.

According to a video of the yacht being refueled on The Yacht Mogul Instagram account, a 500,000-liter refuel would cost up to $1.1 million with an average price of $2.20 per liter.

Russian billionaire Alisher Usmanov brought the gigantic Dilbar superyacht to replace his previous 377 vessel.

But social media users said the costs sounded too much and that final price could also include personnel, the dock price and transportation.

Yet taking into account the average price of fuel for yachts in the US, refueling would still reportedly cost nearly $588,000 to fill up — the same price as four supercars.

One user pointed out: “If you spent $600M for the ship you certainly don’t care how much fuel cost!”

The super-secretive yacht’s price is estimated between $600 million and $735 million based on its mammoth size.

The owner, Usmanov, has an estimated net worth of $13 billion.

The self-made billionaire made his fortune through investments in metals, media, telecommunications and sport, including a stake in Arsenal FC.

Usmanov ordered Dilbar to replace his other superyacht — a 377-foot vessel which was previously called Dilbar and now known as Ona.

German ship builder Lürssen said Dilbar was “one of the most complex and challenging yachts ever built, in terms of both dimensions and technology”.

According to reports, a massive 683 miles of cabling — almost the same length as the total land borders of the country of Bhutan — was laid to power all of the amenities and facilities on board.

Lürssen also claimed the 30,000kw electric-diesel hybrid power plant which Dilbar runs on is the most powerful to ever be fitted on a yacht.

The Dilbar superyacht can cost up to $1.1 million to refuel.

The gigantic vessel has a cruising speed of 22.5 knots.

Dimitri Semenikhin, of Yacht Harbour, previously said: “Yacht projects of this scale never fail to impress, especially when Lurssen is involved.

“Dilbar is constructed in such a way that even through helicopter photo shoots, none of its features can actually be seen other than her two helipads.

“Although there are some outdoor spaces on the yacht, the majority of the living space is located indoors, which has led to Dilbar having the largest interior volume of any yacht ever built.”

This story originally appeared on  The Sun  and has been reproduced here with permission.

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super yacht fuel cost

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The average cost of a superyacht has shifted little in 10 years. And as Nic Robinson finds out, some size categories show more consistency than others.

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How Much Fuel Does a Yacht Use? An In-Depth Analysis

A blog header for a post titled "How much fuel does a yacht use? An In-depth analysis" with a motor yacht in the background

When it comes to luxury and adventure on the high seas, yachts are the epitome of both. Whether you’re a yacht owner or dreaming of chartering one for your next vacation, understanding the fuel consumption of these majestic vessels is crucial. Fuel usage not only impacts the cost of your journey but also has environmental implications. In this article, we dive into the factors affecting yacht fuel consumption and provide insights to help you estimate how much fuel a yacht uses.

Understanding Yacht Fuel Consumption

Fuel consumption in yachts is influenced by several factors, including the yacht’s size, engine type, cruising speed, and conditions at sea. Here, we break down these elements to give you a clearer picture.

Yacht Size and Engine Type

Yachts come in various sizes, from smaller 40-foot models to massive 100-foot plus luxury liners. Generally, the larger the yacht, the more fuel it consumes. Engine type also plays a significant role. Traditional diesel engines are common, but newer models may feature more efficient or hybrid engines that can impact fuel usage.

Cruising Speed

Speed is a significant factor in fuel consumption. Higher speeds increase resistance in the water, requiring more power and, consequently, more fuel. Cruising at a yacht’s optimal speed, often referred to as the “hull speed,” can help maximize fuel efficiency.

Conditions at Sea

Sea conditions can also affect fuel consumption. Smooth, calm waters allow for more efficient travel, while rough seas can increase fuel use due to the additional power needed to maintain speed and stability.

Estimating Yacht Fuel Consumption

While it’s challenging to provide a one-size-fits-all answer due to the variables involved, we can offer some general guidelines. On average, a yacht might use between 20 to 100 gallons of fuel per hour. Smaller yachts, such as those around 40 feet, tend to be on the lower end of the scale, consuming about 20 to 40 gallons per hour. Larger vessels, which are over 100 feet, can consume significantly more, sometimes exceeding 100 gallons per hour, especially at higher speeds.

Example Calculations

Let’s look at an example. For a 70-foot yacht cruising at a moderate speed of 20 knots, fuel consumption could be around 50 gallons per hour. If you’re planning a 100-mile journey, at 20 knots, it would take you approximately 5 hours. This means the total fuel consumption for the trip could be around 250 gallons.

Tips for Reducing Fuel Consumption

  • Cruise at Efficient Speeds: Find and maintain your yacht’s hull speed for optimal fuel efficiency.
  • Regular Maintenance: Keep the engine and hull in top condition to reduce drag and ensure the engine runs efficiently.
  • Plan Your Route: Opt for the most direct route and consider current sea conditions to minimize unnecessary fuel use.
  • Lighten Your Load: Only carry what you need for your journey, as extra weight can increase fuel consumption.

Understanding and managing fuel consumption is crucial for any yacht owner or enthusiast. By considering the factors outlined above and implementing fuel-saving strategies, you can enjoy the luxury of yachting more sustainably and cost-effectively. Whether planning a short excursion or a long voyage, a careful consideration of fuel use will enhance your experience on the water.

Remember, every yacht is unique, and so is its fuel consumption. For specific figures, consult your yacht’s manual or speak with a marine professional who can provide insights tailored to your vessel. Enjoy your time at sea, and sail smartly!

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How Much Does a Yacht Cost: A Comprehensive Breakdown for Buyers

Yachts embody luxury, status, and freedom, leading many to wonder about the costs associated with such an extravagant purchase.

Buying a yacht is a significant investment that involves not only the initial price but also ongoing expenses such as maintenance, fuel, insurance, and crew costs.

super yacht fuel cost

The price of a yacht varies greatly depending on factors such as size, brand, age, and features. Understanding these factors will help potential buyers make informed decisions.

Smaller yachts often start at a few hundred thousand dollars , while larger or more luxurious models may cost millions. Meanwhile, superyachts and mega yachts can carry price tags in the tens or hundreds of millions of dollars.

It is important to remember that additional ownership costs, like annual operating expenses , must be considered when calculating the true cost of yacht ownership.

Key Takeaways

  • Yacht costs vary greatly based on size, brand, age, and features
  • Additional expenses such as maintenance, insurance, and crew should be factored in
  • Assessing all costs involved helps gain a clearer picture of the true cost of yacht ownership

Types and Sizes of Yachts

When considering the cost of a yacht, it's important to understand the various types and sizes available in the market.

In this section, we will explore some of the main categories of yachts, including sailing yachts vs. motor yachts and the range of sizes from small to superyachts.

Sailing Yacht Vs. Motor Yacht

There are two main types of yachts: sailing yachts and motor yachts.

Sailing yachts rely on wind power and sails for propulsion, making them more eco-friendly and fuel-efficient. They come in a variety of sizes and styles, with smaller sailboats starting around 23 feet in length. Some popular designs include sloops, cutters, and ketches.

Meanwhile, motor yachts use engines for propulsion, offering more speed, power, and maneuverability. These yachts typically range from around 30 to 100 feet, although larger motor yachts can also be classified as superyachts. Motor yachts are often equipped with a luxurious interior, offering the utmost comfort and entertainment for guests.

Small Yachts to Superyachts

Small Yachts (10,000-$100,000):

Small yachts generally range from 23 to 40 feet in length. These yachts are more affordable and easier to maintain, making them attractive to first-time buyers. They can be both sailing yachts and small motor yachts. Examples of small yachts include sportfishing boats, family cruisers, and day sailers.

Midsize Yachts ($100,000-$1,000,000):

Midsize yachts typically range from 40 to 60 feet in length. The price of a midsize yacht can vary greatly, with used models going around $200,000 while new ones can go up to a million dollars. They offer more space, better amenities, and improved performance compared to small yachts. Midsize yachts can also be classified as sailing yachts or motor yachts.

super yacht fuel cost

Large Yachts ($1,000,000 and up):

Large yachts typically range from 60 to 100 feet in length. These luxurious vessels come with a higher price tag, often costing multiple millions of dollars. Large yachts offer plenty of space for entertaining, as well as state-of-the-art technology and amenities. They come in both sailing and motor yacht varieties.

Superyachts ($10,000,000 and up):

Superyachts are the pinnacle of luxury and sophistication, typically measuring over 100 feet in length. They feature extravagant amenities, such as helipads, swimming pools, and even movie theaters. The price of a superyacht can be astronomical, at times exceeding $10 million or more.

Cost Factors for New and Used Yachts

When determining the cost of a yacht, whether new or used, several factors come into play. These include the age and condition , size and style, brand and model, and location and availability of the yacht.

Each of these factors plays a significant role in the overall cost, so understanding them can help buyers make an informed decision.

Age and Condition

The age of a yacht naturally impacts its price. A brand-new yacht typically commands a higher price than a used one. However, the condition of a used yacht can also greatly influence its value. A well-maintained, used yacht in excellent condition may be more expensive than a newer model with issues or wear and tear.

Size and Style

The size and style of the yacht also play a crucial role in determining the cost.

Generally, larger yachts come with a higher price tag. For example, the average price of a yacht in the United States for vessels 46 to 55 feet was $467,899, while the average price for yachts in the 56 to 79 foot category was $1.18 million.

The style of the yacht, such as a sailboat, power catamaran, or luxury yacht, can have a significant effect on the price as well.

Brand and Model

The yacht's brand and model also contribute to its price. Some yacht brands are known for their luxury, craftsmanship, and performance, which can lead to a higher cost.

On the other hand, more affordable brands may offer similar amenities and functionality at a more budget-friendly price.

It's essential to research different yacht brands and models to find the one that best suits your preferences and budget.

Location and Availability

The location of the yacht, along with its availability in the market, can influence the overall cost.

In some regions, yacht prices may be higher due to factors such as demand, local taxes, or shipping costs. Additionally, if a specific model is in high demand or limited supply, its price may be elevated due to scarcity.

Initial Purchase Price

Buying New Vs. Pre-Owned

When considering the initial purchase price of a yacht, one of the first decisions a buyer faces is whether to buy a new or pre-owned yacht.

New yachts typically come with the latest technology, design, and customization options, but they also come at a higher price.

On the other hand, pre-owned yachts can be significantly more budget-friendly, but may require more maintenance and lack the latest features.

The average price of a yacht in the United States for vessels 46 to 55 feet was $467,899, while the average price for yachts in the 56 to 79-foot category was $1.18 million. These prices can vary depending on whether the yacht is new or used.

The Buying Process

The process of buying a yacht typically involves researching the market, selecting the right size and type of yacht, identifying suitable yachts, negotiating the price, and completing the purchase.

Working with a professional yacht broker can be beneficial in streamlining this process for the buyer as they can provide expert guidance in selecting the right yacht to fit the buyer's needs and budget.

Costs to Consider

In addition to the initial purchase price, there are various other costs that should be taken into account when buying a yacht. These include:

  • Insurance : Buyers should consider the cost of insuring the yacht. Insurance fees, among other factors, are influenced by the size and value of the yacht.
  • Marina fees : Docking the yacht at a marina will incur fees, which can range from a few thousand dollars for smaller yachts to tens of thousands for larger ones.
  • Maintenance : Maintenance costs can make up around 10% of the initial purchase price. For used yachts, be prepared to spend on essential repairs and upgrades as needed.
  • Fuel : The cost of fuel is influenced by the yacht's size, engine type, and cruising frequency.

Operational and Maintenance Costs

Crew Expenses

One of the significant expenses associated with owning a yacht is paying the crew salaries .

The number of crew members and their respective positions will vary depending on the size and complexity of the yacht. For example, a 180-foot superyacht may have an annual crew expense of around $1.4 million.

It is essential to account for additional crew-related costs such as insurance, training, and uniforms.

Fuel and Propulsion

Another considerable aspect of yacht ownership is fuel costs. The amount of fuel consumption will largely depend on the yacht's size, propulsion system, and usage patterns.

For instance, a larger yacht may incur around $400,000 for fuel annually.

It is also worth considering the potential expenses for any necessary upgrades or maintenance of the propulsion systems to ensure optimal performance and efficiency.

Repairs and Upkeep

Maintaining the yacht's appearance and condition requires regular maintenance and repairs . These expenses can quickly add up. Annual maintenance costs for a superyacht could reach up to $1 million.

This includes expenses for cleaning, teak oils, wax, and polish to keep the yacht looking immaculate. It is often recommended to allocate around 10% of the yacht's value to cover annual maintenance costs.

Dockage and Storage

Mooring fees, marina fees, and storage are additional factors to consider when estimating the operational costs of a yacht. Dockage costs typically depend on the yacht’s size and the chosen location.

On average, a superyacht may have an annual dockage expense of around $350,000 .

Additional Ownership Costs

Yacht insurance is a significant cost that should be factored into your decision to buy a yacht. The cost of insurance can vary based on the size, type, and value of the yacht.

For example, a 180-foot superyacht may have insurance costs upwards of $240,000 per year .

Obtaining quotes from various providers is essential. Remember that rates can fluctuate based on factors such as the yacht's condition and the owner's boating experience.

Taxes and Registration

Owning a yacht also comes with local and federal taxes and registration fees. Tax rates can vary depending on the state or country where the boat is registered.

In the United States, some states have a sales tax for yacht purchase, while others have an annual personal property tax. Make sure to research the applicable taxes and registration fees in your area to include them in the overall cost of ownership.


Another factor to consider when purchasing a yacht is depreciation. Over time, the value of most yachts will decrease, much like automobiles.

The rate of depreciation may differ based on the yacht's make, model, and age. To account for this potential decrease in value, make sure to have a proper maintenance plan in place and be prepared for the potential resale-value drop.

Extra Amenities and Upgrades

Finally, extra amenities and upgrades can significantly impact the cost of owning a yacht. Additional features such as upgraded electronics, specialized navigation systems, enhanced entertainment systems, or custom interior finishes can add considerably to the base cost of ownership.

Also, consider ongoing costs associated with these amenities, such as maintenance, repairs, and replacements. Budgeting for these additional expenses is critical to ensure your enjoyment of the yacht without financial strain.

Real Cost of Yacht Ownership

Owning a yacht is a luxury many people dream of, but it comes with significant costs. This section will discuss the real cost of yacht ownership , looking at the rule of thumb for annual costs and investment considerations.

Rule of Thumb for Annual Costs

When estimating the cost of owning a yacht, a general rule of thumb is that annual costs will be around 10% of the initial purchase price. This includes expenses such as maintenance, fuel, insurance, and crew salaries.

For example, a 180-foot superyacht could have an annual budget of $1 million for maintenance, $400,000 for fuel, $240,000 for insurance, and $1.4 million for the crew.

Another example is a 50-foot yacht , which may have ongoing costs between $35,000 and $85,000 per year.

  • Maintenance and Repairs: The cost of maintaining a yacht can range from $1,000 to over $1 million per year, depending on the size and complexity of the vessel.
  • Dockage: Yacht owners should budget around $350,000 annually for marina fees.
  • Fuel: Depending on the size and type of yacht, fuel expenses can be substantial, averaging around $400,000 per year for a large vessel.
  • Insurance: Insurance premiums for yachts can range from a few thousand dollars to upwards of $240,000 per year.
  • Crew Salaries: Crew salaries can account for the largest portion of yacht ownership costs. A large yacht may require a crew with an annual budget of $1.4 million.

Investment Considerations

When thinking of purchasing a yacht as an investment, potential owners should consider several factors.

Yachts depreciate in value over time, making them a less attractive investment compared to traditional assets such as stocks and real estate.

Additionally, the high cost of ownership may make yacht investment less viable for some individuals.

Keep in mind that while some owners charter their yachts to offset costs, this strategy may not fully cover annual expenses. Moreover, chartering exposes the yacht to additional wear and tear, which can result in higher maintenance costs.

Life on Board

Amenities and Comfort

Life on a yacht offers a unique blend of luxury and comfort. Yachts often come equipped with a variety of amenities to make living on board as enjoyable as possible.

One common feature is the cabin , which provides comfortable sleeping quarters and private spaces for relaxation. Some yacht cabins even have their own ensuite bathrooms for added convenience.

A well-designed galley is essential on a yacht, providing the space and facilities needed to prepare meals and store provisions.

Modern yacht galleys often come equipped with high-quality appliances and ample storage space to ensure a pleasant dining experience.

On larger yachts, additional amenities may include swimming pools , outdoor lounges, and spacious deck areas for sunbathing and relaxation. Some superyachts also feature helipads , allowing for easy access to transport and travel to and from the yacht.

Entertaining and Lifestyle

A yacht is not just a floating home, but also a platform for entertaining and socializing. The deck space on a yacht offers a fantastic setting for outdoor gatherings, while a well-appointed cabin cruiser can serve as an ideal venue for more intimate events.

Entertaining on a yacht often involves a range of activities, from casual get-togethers to formal dinners with friends, family, or business associates.

A key factor in this lifestyle is the yacht's finish – the quality of the materials, furnishings, and décor that contribute to an atmosphere of luxury and sophistication.

With such an array of amenities and entertainment options, life on a yacht combines the best aspects of comfort, luxury, and a captivating lifestyle.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the price range for a small yacht?

Small yachts can cost anywhere from $100,000 to several hundred thousand dollars, depending on factors such as size, brand, age, and amenities.

On average, a new, small yacht may cost around $200,000, but prices can vary significantly based on the specific yacht .

What are typical rental costs for yachts of various sizes?

Rental costs for yachts can vary greatly depending on factors like size, type, and location.

Typically, smaller yachts can be rented for a few thousand dollars per day, while larger, luxury yachts may command tens of thousands of dollars per day.

Some yachts may also require a minimum rental period and may charge additional fees for things like fuel and crew.

What is the purchasing price for a luxury yacht?

Luxury yachts generally fall within the multi-million-dollar price range, with some costing tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of dollars.

The exact price of a luxury yacht depends on several factors, such as the yacht's features, size, customizations, and brand.

What is the cost associated with owning a 50-foot yacht?

The cost of owning a 50-foot yacht includes the purchase price, maintenance, insurance, docking fees, and fuel costs.

While the purchase price can vary greatly, annual costs can be estimated at approximately 10% of the yacht's value, which may include maintenance, repairs, insurance, docking fees, and other related expenses.

What are the expenses involved in buying a 100-foot yacht?

In addition to the purchase price, which can range from a few million to tens of millions of dollars, owning a 100-foot yacht incurs several ongoing costs.

These expenses include insurance, crew salaries, maintenance, docking fees, fuel, and provisions. It is important to budget for these costs, as they can add up to a significant amount each year.

What can one expect to pay for a 70-foot yacht?

The purchase price of a 70-foot yacht can range from several million dollars to well over $10 million, depending on factors such as age, brand, and features.

In addition to the initial purchase price, there will be ongoing costs such as insurance, maintenance, crew salaries, docking fees, and fuel, which need to be considered when budgeting for yacht ownership.

super yacht fuel cost

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Luxurylaunches -

Ever wondered how much it costs to fuel a $600 million superyacht? Hint – For that money, you can actually get an apartment in Manhattan and a Tesla Model S.

super yacht fuel cost

The things we associate with superyachts – size, grandeur, and billionaires; but never bills! If buying a megayacht is a big feat, then maintaining the behemoth deserves a trophy too. Many world-renowned superyachts cost hundreds of millions (Dilbar is worth $600 million), but have you ever wondered how much it costs to get these floating beasts of the seas from one point to another? Dilbar yacht is considered one of the largest yachts in the world in volume. It was record-breaking owing to its incredible technology and the sheer size and was launched by German shipyard Lürssen in 2016. The fourth-longest yacht in the world that can house a crew of a hundred people also flaunts a total fuel capacity of 1,000,049 liters. By comparison, the Airbus A380 which is the worlds largest commercial aircraft needs 372,800 liters of fuel to tank up.

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Note – The price of a Tesla Model S is $89,000 and a 690 sq ft 1 bhk apartment in 25, Broad Street, NYC costs $760,000.

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This Fuel-Sipping Superyacht Can Travel More Than 6,000 Miles Between Fill-Ups

Feadship's new vitruvius-designed 190-foot najiba sets a new standard for superyacht efficiency., howard walker, howard walker's most recent stories.

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Vitruvius Yachts N5 Feadship Najiba

Think of it as the Prius of the seas. Najiba , the newly completed, 190-foot all-aluminum superyacht built by Dutch craftsmen at Feadship from a Vitruvius Yachts design, sips fuel like the hybrid Toyota. Well, almost.

During recent sea trials, Najiba reportedly delivered a truly astonishing fuel consumption best of just three gallons per nautical mile at its 12-knot cruising speed. That’s despite this sleek and slender motor yacht tipping the scales at 880 tons and having a couple of muscly 1,448 hp MTU 12-cylinder diesels providing the power.

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The secret, it seems, is down to the highly efficient hull design—that, and a single-minded focus on making the yacht slice through water like a hot knife through butter with minimal resistance.

The creative force behind Vitruvius , ace French designer Philippe Briand —one of his many fortes is drawing super-fast racing sailboats —penned the lines of Najiba’s lightweight alloy hull. He gave the yacht a wave-piercing plumb bow and maximum waterline, and closely worked with Feadship to reduce the effect of appendages like the propeller shafts, stabilizers and thrusters.

The real-world results that came out of the extensive sea trails included an increased top speed—from the original goal of 16 knots to 17—and a cruising-speed range of more than 6,000 nautical miles compared to the projected 5,000 miles. That’s Antibes to Miami with fuel to spare in the yacht’s 23,757-gallon fuel tanks.

The choice of using lightweight aluminum was also a major factor in increasing the yacht’s efficiency. The entire hull and superstructure were built using the alloy, while the yacht’s design called for a sleek, lower-than-usual wheelhouse to reduce wind resistance at speed.

“These results mean that despite the complexity of her development and build, we have outperformed all expectations with Najiba ,” explained Roderick de Vries, technical director of the Feadship yard in Aalsmeer, southwest of Amsterdam.

Vitruvius Yachts N5 Feadship Najiba

The entire hull and superstructure were built using lightweight aluminum.  Photo: Courtesy of Feadship

“It was a real ‘wow’ moment for everyone involved to see this level of efficiency achieved during sea trials. It is one thing to design such an efficient full-displacement motor yacht, but another to translate these lines and shapes into a stunning Feadship that is even faster and more fuel-efficient than we projected.”

Vitruvius Yachts N5 Feadship Najiba

Najiba is the fifth Vitruvius-designed yacht.  Photo: Courtesy of Feadship

Right now Najiba , which means “noble,” is with its new owner on a maiden voyage to Bergen in Norway. Chances are he won’t be looking to fill up any time soon.

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Fuel Calculator

Welcome to the West Nautical Fuel Calculator


To plot points on the map, click with your mouse - this will automatically update the distance table. Then enter the speed, fuel consumption, and fuel cost to determine the total cost of the trip.

Example 1: A fast 30m yacht cruising at 20 knots ( Lady Amanda ) will consume roughly 400-500 l/hour (more depending on engine type).

Exampe 2: A typical displacement yacht may cruise at 12 knots and consume 300 l/hour

Example 3: Some yachts can cruise at 10 knots ( Firefly ) and consume 100 l/hour

Example 4: A sailing catamaran can cruise at 8 knots and consume around 35 l/hour

Fuel prices can fluctuate, but typically fuel is between €0.8 - €2.2 per litre.

Get in touch with one of our client managers for a more accurate fuel distance calculation.

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How Much Does a Superyacht Cost? (The Surprising Truth)

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Who hasn’t dreamed of owning a superyacht? After all, these vessels are the ultimate symbols of luxury and success, often seen in the hands of the world’s wealthiest individuals.

But what exactly does a superyacht cost? In this article, we’ll uncover the surprising truth behind the prices of these magnificent vessels.

We’ll look at the cost of smaller and larger superyachts, the factors that can affect the prices, the most expensive superyacht ever built, and how to get the most for your money.

So, if you’ve ever wondered how much a superyacht costs, read on!

Table of Contents

Short Answer

The cost of a superyacht can vary greatly depending on the size, amenities, and features the yacht includes.

Generally, a superyacht can cost anywhere from a few million dollars to over $100 million.

The cost of the yacht can also depend on the type of materials used and the level of customization.

For example, a superyacht with a helipad, multiple decks, and luxurious furnishings can cost significantly more than a basic superyacht.

What Is a Superyacht?

A superyacht is a luxurious, multi-story, multi-million dollar vessel, typically used for leisure and pleasure-seeking.

They are often custom-made to meet a buyer’s exact specifications, and can feature a variety of amenities, from helipads to private spas and cinemas.

They are usually powered by multiple diesel engines, and can have a top speed of over 20 knots.

Superyachts are owned by some of the world’s wealthiest individuals, and are often used for luxury cruises, parties, or even business meetings.

The cost of a superyacht can vary greatly depending on its size, amenities, and other features.

Smaller superyachts can range in price from a few million dollars up to tens of millions.

Larger vessels, meanwhile, can cost hundreds of millions of dollars.

The most expensive superyacht ever built, the History Supreme, sold for a staggering $4.5 billion.

Ultimately, the cost of a superyacht is determined by its buyer’s individual preferences and budget.

Smaller Superyacht Prices

super yacht fuel cost

When it comes to the cost of a superyacht, it is important to consider the size of the vessel.

Smaller superyachts, such as those measuring up to 50 meters, can range in price from a few million dollars to tens of millions of dollars.

These vessels are usually built with luxury in mind, featuring features like multiple decks, salons, bedrooms, bathrooms, and other amenities.

Many also come equipped with a variety of recreational features such as swimming pools, spas, and sports facilities.

Because of their smaller size, these superyachts are typically less expensive to maintain and operate than larger vessels.

They are also easier to transport and maneuver.

However, they don’t offer the same level of luxury and amenities as larger superyachts.

The cost of a smaller superyacht will also depend on its age, condition, and the features it includes.

For instance, newer models may come with more modern features and amenities, such as satellite TV and Wi-Fi, which can add to the overall cost.

Similarly, superyachts with higher-end materials, such as marble or teak, will also cost more.

In addition to the purchase price, buyers should also consider the cost of maintenance, repairs, and upgrades.

Smaller superyachts may require more frequent maintenance, as well as additional costs for fuel and staffing.

For those looking to purchase a smaller superyacht, it is important to factor in these additional costs when deciding on a budget.

Larger Superyacht Prices

When it comes to superyachts, size really does matter.

While smaller superyachts can range in price from a few million dollars up to tens of millions, larger vessels can cost hundreds of millions of dollars and even more.

In fact, the most expensive superyacht ever built, the History Supreme, sold for an astonishing $4.5 billion!

The cost of a larger superyacht is determined by the size of the vessel, the number of amenities and features it offers, and the quality of the materials used in its construction.

The more luxurious the vessel, the higher the price tag.

For example, a well-appointed, 320-foot superyacht with all the bells and whistles can easily cost in the hundreds of millions of dollars.

In addition to the cost of the vessel itself, there are also ongoing operational costs associated with owning a superyacht.

These can add up quickly and include fuel, maintenance, crew salaries, insurance, dockage, and more.

However, these costs can vary greatly depending on the size and type of vessel, as well as the number of amenities and features it offers.

When it comes to superyachts, the sky truly is the limit.

Whether youre looking for a smaller vessel or a multi-million dollar mega-yacht, the cost will ultimately be determined by your individual preferences and budget.

Factors That Affect Superyacht Prices

super yacht fuel cost

When it comes to the cost of a superyacht, there are several factors that can affect the final price.

The size of the vessel is one of the primary considerations, as larger yachts typically cost more than smaller ones.

The amenities and features of the yacht can also influence the final cost.

For instance, a yacht with extensive customizations (such as a Jacuzzi or helipad) or high-end materials (such as carbon fiber or mahogany) may cost more than a standard yacht.

Additionally, the cost of maintenance and upkeep should be taken into account, as these can quickly add up over time.

Finally, the buyer’s individual preferences and budget will play a significant role in determining the total cost of the superyacht.

The Most Expensive Superyacht Ever Built

The most expensive superyacht ever built is the History Supreme, a 100-foot-long vessel that sold for a staggering $4.5 billion.

The luxurious yacht was commissioned by Robert Kuok, a Malaysian tycoon, and it took three years to build.

The exterior of the superyacht is made from solid gold and platinum, while the interior is adorned with a wide range of luxury features, including a statue made from genuine Tyrannosaurus Rex bones.

The luxurious amenities also include a master suite with a Jacuzzi, a wine cellar, and a helipad.

The History Supreme is a truly remarkable vessel and it is the epitome of opulence and excess.

It is an excellent example of how much a superyacht can cost when a buyer has a virtually unlimited budget.

Superyacht Amenities and Features

super yacht fuel cost

The cost of a superyacht is determined by the size, amenities, and features the buyer chooses.

Superyachts come with a variety of amenities and features that can add to the cost, such as luxurious interiors, multiple decks, state-of-the-art technology, and more.

Luxury interiors may include marble floors, custom-made furniture, and high-end appliances.

The number of decks can range from two to seven, with each deck offering different activities and amenities.

Superyachts can also come equipped with spas, fitness centers, hot tubs, swimming pools, movie theaters, and private areas for entertaining.

State-of-the-art technology can include advanced navigation systems, satellite communications, and high-end audio and visual systems.

The features and amenities of a superyacht will add to the overall cost and can range from a few million dollars to hundreds of millions of dollars.

How to Get the Most for Your Money

If youre looking to purchase a superyacht, youll want to make sure you get the most bang for your buck.

While the cost of a superyacht can vary greatly, there are certain factors that can help you get the most for your money.

First and foremost, its important to consider the size of the yacht.

The larger the vessel, the more expensive it will be.

However, if youre looking for something luxurious and comfortable, then a larger yacht may be worth the investment.

Additionally, if youre looking to entertain guests, a larger yacht can provide more space for them.

Amenities and features are also an important factor when it comes to determining the cost of a superyacht.

If youre looking for something that has all the bells and whistles, then you can expect to pay more.

This includes things like a helipad, swimming pool, Jacuzzi, and other luxuries.

Additionally, you may want to consider the number of crewmembers youll need.

The more crewmembers you have, the more expensive the yacht will be.

Finally, its important to consider the cost of maintenance and upkeep when determining the cost of a superyacht.

Superyachts require a lot of maintenance and upkeep, and the cost of these services can add up quickly.

If youre looking to get the most for your money, it may be best to purchase a yacht that is easy to maintain.

Ultimately, the cost of a superyacht varies greatly depending on its size, amenities, and other features.

By considering the size, amenities, and maintenance costs of a superyacht, youll be able to get the most for your money.

Final Thoughts

Whether youre looking for a smaller superyacht or something larger, understanding the various factors at play can help you get the most for your money.

From extra amenities to the latest features, luxury superyachts can provide a one-of-a-kind experience.

So if youre ready to explore the world in style, start exploring the cost of your dream superyacht today!

James Frami

At the age of 15, he and four other friends from his neighborhood constructed their first boat. He has been sailing for almost 30 years and has a wealth of knowledge that he wants to share with others.

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The cost of owning a superyacht in 2024

Written by Chloe - Thursday, April 06, 2023

Superyacht sales  surged  during the COVID-19 pandemic, and there’s no sign of this slowing down as the demand for superyachts is  set to increase  over the next 10 years.   

There are currently  15,000 yachts  worldwide that are large enough to require a professional crew. A clear insight into how much the luxury yacht industry is thriving, despite their eye-watering price.

Given the exclusivity of the superyacht market, there’s limited information available on exactly how much they cost to own. So, we’ve dug into the details for you. Here you’ll find how much it costs to buy and maintain a superyacht in 2024. 

superyacht costs image

Building a superyacht is no mean feat. Stuart Bray, Director of personal yacht brokerage firm  Bray Marine International  talked us through the build process, which is as follows:

  • The exterior and interior designers are selected
  • A shipyard is chosen ahead of the build
  • The hull is always constructed first, followed by the fitting of the engines, running gear, water treatment, A/C, and pumps
  • The superstructure is built and attached to the hull
  • The interior fit-out takes place
  • The exterior is painted
  • Sea trails are carried out
  • The yacht is handed over for warranty work

It sounds simple enough, but building a custom superyacht costs an eye-watering £1.5m per m² on average and takes up to  three to four years .

Many prospective owners choose to purchase a second-hand superyacht, which costs £20m ($24m) on average, according to Rightboat , but the cost increases dramatically if any customisation takes place.

Fitting out a new or used vessel costs around £35m, but this can vary massively depending on size.

superyacht running costs

The overall operating cost of running a superyacht is 20% or more of its original price. So, a vessel costing £1bn will set you back £200m per year after paying for fuel, dockage, crew, maintenance, insurance, etc.

Just under a decade ago, the operating cost was around 10% of a vessel’s original price, demonstrating a huge increase in running costs due to soaring inflation. 

Fuel is one of the biggest superyacht costs starting at £2,000 per hour and over £24,000 per overnight cruise. A 70-metre vessel is estimated to use around 500 litres of fuel per hour.

Annual fuel costs were estimated at around £327,000 ($400,000) back in 2012 but are now estimated to hit £419,000, representing a 25% increase overall.

cost of running a superyacht with crew

Bray of  Bray Marine International  says a 60m yacht will have a 16-person crew, setting the owner back around £1.2m per year based on industry-standard pay rates. Owners of superyachts of 100m and beyond will pay significantly more to staff their vessels.

Bray also states the annual operating costs of a superyacht are as follows—12% for the first four years, 15% for the next three years, and 20% annually from then onwards. 

They must come out of the water every five years for routine maintenance such as painting, underwater work, gear checks, and antifouling. 

This equates to 10-12% of the vessel’s original price, so a superyacht that costs £1bn would require around £1m of maintenance work per year. 

Insurance costs are difficult to pinpoint as many factors determine this, such as value, cruising area and usage, but a superyacht costing £1bn could cost £8m or more to insure. 

Alison Melia, a marine insurance specialist at  Insure4Boats , says that fire, theft, loss of tender, onboard injury, and collisions are the most common claims received from yacht owners. 

most expensive superyacht running costs

Not all superyachts are created equal. While a 60m vessel is enough to impress most people, they are easily surpassed by those purchased by some of the world’s wealthiest individuals.

The longest superyacht on our list is a whopping 183m and comes with a price tag of £300m, just to put their sheer size and annual running costs into perspective.

most expensive marinas for superyachts

Superyacht costs go far beyond the initial build or purchase price, especially when used as a base for luxury holidays or experiences such as the Cannes Film Festival.

A two-week holiday in Marbella could cost you £60,046 in dockage alone, without considering the cost of fuel or refreshments. It’s easy to see how superyacht owners can rack up almost £300,000 in dockage fees per year on average.

superyacht costs

Building & purchase costs:


Operating cost:





Marinas:,expensive%20marina%20in%20the%20Mediterranean .

Cannes Film Festival:

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How much does it cost to purchase a superyacht?

How much does a superyacht cost

Superyachts are amongst one of the world’s most exclusive purchases, with the finest vessels costing hundreds of millions of dollars. A luxury yacht is the ultimate lifestyle purchase for the world’s richest, offering flexibility, exclusivity, and the freedom to discover the world's hidden gems in unparalleled luxury.

While owning a superyacht comes with a plethora of benefits, many aspects come into play when deciding to purchase one. Working with a knowledgeable yacht broker, such as the team at Yachting Partners International, can help assist you in your search, by providing expert advice and guidance throughout your entire yachting journey.

Tranquility yacht for sale deck

The cost of buying a superyacht can vary considerably depending on the size, yacht and amenities you wish to purchase.

In general, the smaller the yacht, the lower the price, with superyachts of 24m or more usually attracting asking prices of over €1m, going up to an average of €11.42m in the 40m-50m category, €24.15m in the 50m-70m category and an average of €81.2m for yachts of 70m+.

Purchasing a motor yacht also tends to cost more than a sailing yacht. However, this is often because many sailing yachts on the market are older; a brand-new sailing yacht will still demand a high price.

It is also important to note that semi-custom yachts are often less expensive than customised superyachts. Of course, yachts decked out with beach clubs, sports courts, spas, fitness suites, and a toy box full of the latest water toys can cost much more.

Jeff Bezos's new 412-foot vessel is estimated to cost about US$500 million to build, and Elon Musk's first luxury Model Y Tesla yacht is ready to set sail, costing around $700 million.

What are the benefits of owning a superyacht?

An indication of prestige, few things match the experience of owning a superyacht. Each year, the world's best shipyards are taking shipbuilding to new levels of luxury, implementing the best design materials, advanced technologies, world-class amenities and environment-friendly features to meet the needs of discerning yacht owners.

Almost all luxury superyachts boast elegant onboard interiors, spacious saloons, and sublime sundecks. However, the world's largest superyachts offer amenities that can often rival a luxury resort, including swimming pools, helipads, wellness centres, private cinemas, beach clubs, sports courts, dive centres and more.

There is also the unparalleled level of service that goes into the onboard experience. From onboard chefs to specialist spas, the service goes above and beyond.

Superyacht owners are also treated with privacy and freedom, allowing them to beat the crowds and explore the world's blue water havens as and when they please.

Creole Sailing Yacht

The current superyacht market

Superyacht sales have boomed throughout the pandemic. According to figures in the latest edition of Boat International's Global Order Book, more than 1,200 superyachts are scheduled to be built in 2022 – a rise of 25% from last year. Currently, the total number of sales for 2022 stands at 33, with a combined value of €418m.

According to the Superyacht Group, the number of vessels delivered has grown 50% from 2020, with more than 700 superyachts sold in 2021.

The superyacht market boom is said to be a reaction to the pandemic as UHNW individuals seek ultra-private forms of transportation and accommodation, prioritising safety and hygiene.

Another factor to consider is the simultaneous advancement of technology and the fact that people can work from anywhere in the world, be it from home or the sundeck of their yacht whilst on vacation in the Bahamas.

Are there any hidden costs to owning a superyacht?

There's a range of extra costs to consider when purchasing a superyacht. Once you agree on a deal with your yacht broker, you can expect to pay around 10% of the yacht's value in annual operational costs, including crew, deck, engineering, fuel, insurance, maintenance and harbour expenses. Approximately 45% of the yearly budget is crew related, making up a large proportion of the overall costs.

Most owners choose to instruct an experienced yacht management company, such as the team at Yachting Partners International, who manage the day-to-day operations of the yacht, including crew, finance, compliance, maintenance and refits. This provides owners with worry-free yacht ownership enabling them to spend more time doing what they love.

Yacht Management - YPI

Should I buy or charter a superyacht?

Depending on your preferences, many will vouch for owning a superyacht over chartering one. Of course, there are plenty of perks to chartering a yacht, and it's entirely down to the individual's needs and what they're looking for. For a prearranged vacation, chartering a yacht is a breeze with far less responsibility than owning a yacht.

However, nothing can beat the spontaneity and flexibility that comes with yacht ownership. You can travel on a whim with minimal notice with a bespoke itinerary tailored to your needs. The familiarity of having your own captain and crew is another perk as they can offer customised experiences based on your preferences.

Should I buy a new build yacht?

Purchasing a new build yacht is another approach to consider. The beauty of a new build means you can customise a superyacht to your style before it's even been built, meaning you can create your dream yacht and add just about anything – from helicopter landing pads to open-air cinemas.

Many billionaires have stamped their image on their vessels. Apple founder Steve Jobs created a sleek minimalist yacht reminiscent of his brand’s iconic products, while chemicals tycoon Sir Jim Ratcliffe designed an expedition-style ship that can carry helicopters and mini-subs.

However, it is worth bearing in mind that building a superyacht from scratch will invariably be more costly than buying a ready-built yacht. According to Forbes, a custom built 100-metre superyacht costs around $275 million. Additionally, custom yachts have a far longer lead-time, taking several years to design and build.

Alternatively, another popular option is a semi-custom superyacht. This allows for the best of both worlds, offering faster lead times and reduced costs, as well as the flexibility to personalise the yacht to your exact tastes and lifestyle.

Building a custom superyacht can be a superb experience when you work alongside a reputable yacht brokerage. Highly skilled agents are able to assist with all aspects of project management, including the technical and financial performance, surveys, classification, flag and technical regulatory paperwork and the delivery of the yacht.

Superyacht construction

Browse our luxury yacht sales fleet today or contact us to find your ideal superyacht.

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What is the cost of fueling a super yacht for a trip?

As summer approaches, the high season for yacht trips is officially upon us. For those fortunate enough to own a super yacht and indulge in luxurious sea voyages, one of the most significant expenses beyond the initial purchase and maintenance cost is the fuel expense.

A super yacht, unlike its smaller counterparts, requires an enormous amount of fuel to operate, making fuel cost a significant factor in planning a yacht trip. The bigger the boat, the bigger the engine, and the bigger the fuel tank. So, how much does fueling a super yacht for a trip cost?

The cost of fueling a super yacht depends on various factors like the size, distance of the voyage, speed, and the fuel efficiency of the engine. On average, a super yacht with a fuel capacity of around 20,000 gallons can run for up to a week, depending on the speed and distance of the trip. However, the cost of fueling a super yacht for a weeklong trip can vary widely. The trip could cost as low as $20,000 or as high as $200,000 or more, depending on the yacht’s size and route.

Several variables can affect fuel costs, such as the route, with some destinations requiring longer journeys than others, resulting in higher fuel consumption. The speed at which the yacht operates and the frequency of using the electronic and mechanical systems on-board can also have a substantial impact on fuel consumption.

Additionally, fuel pricing varies from port to port and can fluctuate depending on the oil market. The price of fuel can also increase, especially in the peak season, when the demand for fuel is high.

Fuel expenses can also vary depending on the yacht’s efficiency, which is determined by factors such as engine design, fuel type, and effective management, among other variables. Some superyachts can save fuel consumption by utilizing alternative sources of energy, such as solar panels, to power their onboard systems.

Fueling a super yacht for a trip is a considerable expense that yacht owners should account for in their overall budget. While the cost may vary depending on several factors, including the yacht’s size, route, and efficiency, fueling a super yacht for a week-long trip can cost anywhere from $20,000 to $200,000 or more. Owners can mitigate the cost of fuel by engaging in sustainable yachting practices and exploring alternative energy sources.

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How Much Does It Cost to Go on a Superyacht?

Posted June 27, 2022 in Charter by Janine St.Denis

Yacht charters have become popular in recent years because they offer all the same amenities of renting a gorgeous luxury villa without the crowds and impersonal vibe of cruise travel. You have ownership of the yacht for the duration of your trip, which adds a layer of freedom that appeals to adventure seekers around the world. A yacht charter is the ultimate luxury experience. 

Depending on the size, amenities, and condition of the yacht, superyachts can cost anywhere from $4,000 /week to over $2 million /week plus expenses.

In this article, we’ll detail the differences between a yacht and a superyacht and explore how much it is to go on a superyacht . 

What’s the Difference Between Yachts and Superyachts?

Yachts come in several classifications, which means you have a variety to choose from.

What Is a Yacht?

A yacht is a recreational sea vessel used for entertainment, like cruising, water sports, or fishing . At a minimum, a yacht includes sleeping quarters, a kitchen, and a bathroom. There is no set standard definition, but the term applies to a ship with amenities that can accommodate overnight use.

What Is a Superyacht?

Superyachts are the gold standard in luxury yachting. They can accommodate six passengers at a minimum, but often host more than 10 passengers and a robust crew. Many superyachts have a variety of deluxe amenities like: 

  • Swimming pools
  • Tennis courts
  • Outdoor cinemas
  • Helicopter pads 

What Is Included in the Price of a Superyacht Charter ?

Superyacht charter prices are typically quoted at weekly rates. This will account for about 60–70% of the total cost. For a superyacht, expect to pay $100,000 or more per week. 

Charter prices include: 

  • Yacht rental
  • All equipment and amenities 
  • Crew salary
  • Additional services

The more extravagant your vessel, the more you can expect to pay. 

What Is Not Included in the Price of a Yacht Charter?

Yacht charters are generally “all-inclusive,” but this doesn’t include things like tips and taxes. Here is a list of a few things that are not included when you rent a superyacht: 

  • Advance Provisioning Allowance (APA). APA covers provisions while onboard, including any specific requests you may have and several variable costs (including port fees, excursions, etc.). It’s a standard system managed by your captain. The crew uses this allowance to purchase products of your choosing and for taxis, communication fees, port fees, and other expenses that are difficult to budget for ahead of time.
  • Taxes and VAT rates. Taxes are not included in superyacht charter prices. You will also be subject to VAT rates when chartering a yacht in Europe. 
  • Crew gratuity. Your superyacht will come with an expansive and experienced crew. You’ll want to factor their gratuity into your overall costs. They’re at your service nearly 24/7, so it’s customary to leave them a tip at the end of your charter.

Yacht Charter Costs To Consider

Here are a few other factors that may influence how much your yacht charter is :

  • The size of the yacht. You’ll pay a weekly rate of $100,000 or more for a superyacht charter rental. If you want something smaller, the price varies between $20,000 and $80,000. For a megayacht rental (much bigger than a superyacht), you can expect to pay upwards of a million dollars. The larger the yacht, the higher the cost.
  • Seasonal influences. Depending on the destination, certain times of year are more expensive than others. For example, the Caribbean costs more during the winter, whereas in the Mediterranean, the summer months are pricier. 
  • Exotic destinations. Exotic destinations cost more. The Galápagos Archipelago is a great example. Since yacht fleets are limited there, prices are higher. The Mediterranean is easier to access and thus less expensive.

Book Your Superyacht Charter with Northrop & Johnson Today

There’s nothing quite like sitting on the deck of a superyacht with a glass of bubbly and the sun and sea spray on your skin. It’s an experience you’ll cherish for a lifetime. 

Northrop & Johnson is committed to making your dream superyacht vacation come to life. Our staff will tailor every aspect of your trip to your specific needs and desires. You choose the destination and the menu, and we’ll handle the rest. With Northrop & Johnson, you can handpick your lifeguard, massage therapist, bartender, and more, and we’ll accommodate any cleaning or hygiene requests you may have. 

Contact Northrop & Johnson today to book your superyacht charter vacation . Our experienced team will walk you through the booking process and help you design a personalized yachting experience you’ll love. 

Looking for more than a luxurious vacation? Check out superyachts for sale and say hello to a new, adventurous life!

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  14. How Much Does a Yacht Cost: A Comprehensive Breakdown for Buyers

    For example, the average price of a yacht in the United States for vessels 46 to 55 feet was $467,899, while the average price for yachts in the 56 to 79 foot category was $1.18 million. The style of the yacht, such as a sailboat, power catamaran, or luxury yacht, can have a significant effect on the price as well.

  15. Ever wondered how much it costs to fuel a $600 million ...

    Dilbar yacht is considered one of the largest yachts in the world in volume. It was record-breaking owing to its incredible technology and the sheer size and was launched by German shipyard Lürssen in 2016. The fourth-longest yacht in the world that can house a crew of a hundred people also flaunts a total fuel capacity of 1,000,049 liters.

  16. Super-Efficient Superyacht Najiba Has a 6,000-nm Range

    The real-world results that came out of the extensive sea trails included an increased top speed—from the original goal of 16 knots to 17—and a cruising-speed range of more than 6,000 nautical ...

  17. Fuel Calculator

    Then enter the speed, fuel consumption, and fuel cost to determine the total cost of the trip. Example 1: A fast 30m yacht cruising at 20 knots (Lady Amanda) will consume roughly 400-500 l/hour (more depending on engine type). Exampe 2: A typical displacement yacht may cruise at 12 knots and consume 300 l/hour. Example 3: Some yachts can cruise ...

  18. How Much Does a Superyacht Cost? (The Surprising Truth)

    Short Answer. The cost of a superyacht can vary greatly depending on the size, amenities, and features the yacht includes. Generally, a superyacht can cost anywhere from a few million dollars to over $100 million. The cost of the yacht can also depend on the type of materials used and the level of customization.

  19. How Much Does A Superyacht Really Cost?

    A 71-meter yacht using 500 liters of diesel few per hour, which brings the annual gas costs to around $400,000. The Katara, a 124 meter superyacht owned by the emir of Qatar, docked in Nice's ...

  20. The cost of owning a superyacht in 2024

    Annual fuel costs were estimated at around £327,000 ($400,000) back in 2012 but are now estimated to hit £419,000, representing a 25% increase overall. Bray of Bray Marine International says a 60m yacht will have a 16-person crew, setting the owner back around £1.2m per year based on industry-standard pay rates.

  21. How much does it cost to purchase a superyacht?

    In general, the smaller the yacht, the lower the price, with superyachts of 24m or more usually attracting asking prices of over €1m, going up to an average of €11.42m in the 40m-50m category, €24.15m in the 50m-70m category and an average of €81.2m for yachts of 70m+. Purchasing a motor yacht also tends to cost more than a sailing yacht.

  22. What is the cost of fueling a super yacht for a trip?

    The cost of fueling a super yacht depends on various factors like the size, distance of the voyage, speed, and the fuel efficiency of the engine. On average, a super yacht with a fuel capacity of around 20,000 gallons can run for up to a week, depending on the speed and distance of the trip.

  23. How Much Does It Cost to Go on a Superyacht?

    The size of the yacht. You'll pay a weekly rate of $100,000 or more for a superyacht charter rental. If you want something smaller, the price varies between $20,000 and $80,000. For a megayacht rental (much bigger than a superyacht), you can expect to pay upwards of a million dollars. The larger the yacht, the higher the cost. Seasonal ...