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star class yacht racing association

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star class yacht racing association

Photo Credit: FRIED ELLIOTT / friedbits.com

  • ISCYRA Rules Preamble

Rules of the ISCYRA (updated January 2020) Summary

The Star is a two person one-design sailboat and was designed by William Gardner/Francis Sweisguth in 1910/1911. 

In its old history the International Star Class Yacht Racing Association (ISCYRA), founded in 1922 by George A. Corry, has not only maintained the rules, but has constantly advanced the technical development of the boat and sailing in general. The Star founded the first Sailing World Championship ever in 1923. Since 1932 the Star has become the oldest Olympic class and is the king discipline of keelboat sailing. In the decades until now the Star has further developed to a high tech boat without losing any of its charm and elegance. 


  • Index of Class Rules
  • Rules of the ISCYRA Part 1
  • Rules of the ISCYRA Part 2 Championship Rules
  • Rules of the ISCYRA Complete
  • 2018 Specifications
  • Measuring the Star Class Boat
  • Notice to Builders and Sailmakers
  • Log into Membership Section
  • About the Star
  • Class Rules
  • ISCYRA Minutes & Documents
  • Fleet Tools
  • International Star Class Legacy Foundation
  • Life Members
  • Technical News
  • Weight Chart
  • Member Privacy Policy
  • E-Starlights

star class yacht racing association

Collections & Research

Records of the International Star Class Yacht Racing Association

Manuscripts collection 208.

G. W. Blunt White Library, Mystic Seaport
International Star Class Yacht Racing Association
Records of the International Star Class Yacht Racing Association
ca. 3000 items
Reports and other papers of the measurement, technical, and judiciary committees; minutes; race programs; publicity; and volumes of Star Class registers.
Coll. 208

History of the International Star Class Yacht Racing Association

The Star Class was founded at Port Washington, Long Island, in 1911. Initially 22 Stars were built. Fifteen went to owners at the American Yacht Club in Rye, New York, and the remainder to other clubs on Western Long Island Sound. Since then the rig has been improved and modernized several times, but the hull design remains unchanged.

In January 1922, the Star Class Yacht Racing Association was created at a meeting in New York City. A constitution and a set of by-laws were adopted, and five fleet charters granted. This was the first one-design association, and with far-sighted leadership was nursed through its formative years into the successful international organization that its members enjoy today. With over 160 local fleets in 27 countries, it is considered the world’s greatest one-design racing class. Approximately 8,000 Stars have been built to date (1989), all unified under the umbrella of the I.S.C.Y.R.A.

International officers include the President, Vice Presidents, Secretary, and Treasurer. Class policy is set by the International Governing Committee, with representatives from Europe, North America, South America, and Australia. Some tasks are handled by special committees such as the Administrative, Judicial, Development, Technical, and Measurement committees. There are also fleet captains and secretaries, district secretaries and continental vice presidents, all performing various local functions.

A monthly newsletter “Starlights” is published, along with the annual year book, “The Log”. These publications contain descriptions and accounts of club events, and more importantly, race results, class rules and regulations, specifications, and other by-laws of the Association (The G.W. Blunt White Library has a complete set of “Starlights”, and “The Log”, cataloged and available for research.)

For a more detailed history of the I.S.C.Y.R.A. we suggest Forty Years Among the Stars, by George Elder, pub. 1955. A copy is in the Library’s collection cataloged as: Rare Books GV 823 I5.7 E4.2 ALSO: A History of The Star Class; The First Eighty Years, by C. Stanley Ogilvy, pub. 1991. A copy of this book is also in the Library’s collection. (Revised Jan. 1994)

Scope and Content

The Archives, currently about 3,000 pieces, is contained in acid-free document boxes and file folders, and is shelved in our manuscripts vault. The first 17 boxes represent the initial gift of records received in 1989. Boxes 1 – 12 are organized by committee and are chronologically arranged. Here one will find Administrative Committee minutes, International Governing Committee papers, Development Committee correspondence, numerous measurement and technical reports, plans, specifications, and Judicial Board records. Boxes 13 & 13a contain various Fleet Charters granted between 1922 and 1985. Box 14 has trophy records and related photos, while Box 15 contains George W. Elder’s manuscript for his book, Forty Years Among The Stars. Two boxes hold miscellaneous files and numerous race programs, circulars, brochures, and other publicity.

Boxes 18 – 31 contain material received in 1990 and is organized in the same fashion as the records previously described. Consequently anyone interested in the papers of the Technical Committee must see Boxes 11, 21 & 22, etc. Correspondence, and related papers for the World’s Championships, 1942 – 1991, can be found in Boxes 26, 27, & 27a. Box 32 has additional papers received in 1995, which are clearly identified in the folder descriptions.

Of special importance to the Archives are the Registers for Star Class boats, numbers 1 – 5100 recorded between the years 1911 and 1974. These 17 volumes are arranged by boat number, and are listed in this Inventory following Box 17.


Restrictions on Access

Available for use in the Manuscripts Division.

Restrictions on Use

Various copying restriction apply. Guidelines are available from the Manuscripts Division.

Index Terms

This collection is indexed under the following headings in the catalog of the G. W. Blunt White Library. Researchers desiring materials about related topics, persons or places should search the catalog using these headings.


Sailboats Sailing Yacht racing Yachting–Societies, etc. Yachts–Design and construction

Document Types:

Minutes Programs

Return to the Table of Contents

Administrative Information

Preferred Citation

Coll. 208, Manuscripts Collection, G. W. Blunt White Library, Mystic Seaport Museum, Inc.

Detailed Description of the Records

The following section contains a detailed listing of the materials in the collection.

Administrative Committee Minutes; 1973 Jan-1993
1 1 Administrative Committee Minutes; 1973
2 Administrative Committee Minutes; 1974-1977
3 Administrative Committee Minutes; 1978-1980
2 1 Administrative Committee Minutes; 1981
2 Administrative Committee Minutes; 1982
3 Administrative Committee Minutes; 1983
4 Administrative Committee Minutes; 1984
5 Administrative Committee Minutes; 1985
6 Administrative Committee Minutes; 1986
7 Administrative Committee Minutes; 1987
8 Administrative Committee Minutes; 1988
9 Administrative Committee Minutes; 1989
10 Administrative Committee Minutes; 1990
11 Administrative Committee Minutes; 1991
12 Administrative Committee Minutes; 1992
13 Administrative Committee Minutes; 1993
Minutes, Inter. Governing Committee; 1976-1992
3 1 I.G.C. Minutes & Related Papers; 1976-1979
2 I.G.C. Minutes & Related Papers; 1980-1981
3 I.G.C. Minutes & Related Papers; 1982
4 I.G.C. Minutes & Related Papers; 1983-1984
5 I.G.C. Minutes & Related Papers; 1985-1988
6 I.G.C. Minutes & Related Papers; 1989-1993
Development Committee; Papers; ca. 1944-1962
4 1 Development Committee; Members and their duties; 1948-1951
2 Development Committee; Correspondence, Europe; 1948-1951
3 Development Committee; General correspondence; 1951-1959
4 Development Committee; Pamphlets, correspondence; 1961-1963
5 Development Committee; General correspondence; 1962
6 Development Committee; Correspondence regarding George W. Elder’s book, “Forty Years Among The Stars”; ca. 1955-1965
7 Development Committee; Correspondence, Asia; 1948-1949
8 Development Committee; Correspondence, Africa; 1944-1948
9 Development Committee; Correspondence, N.A.; 1944-1951
10 Development Committee; Correspondence, S.A.; 1946-1952
Measurement Committee; Papers; ca. 1970-1985
5 1 Measurement Committee; Papers; 1970-1976
2 Measurement Committee; Papers; 1977
3 Measurement Committee; Papers; 1978
4 Measurement Committee; Papers; 1979
5 Ad Committee & Measurement Committee Problems; 1977-1979
6 1 Measurement Committee; Newsletters 1-5
2 Initial Questionnaire from Newsletter 4
3 Pending; Measurement Cert., Bill Richards Action; ca. 1979-1980
4 Measurement Committee; Report to I.G.C.; 1981
5 Chief Measurers Visits; 1981 and 1982
6 Measurement Committee; Correspondence; 1982
7 Correspondence referring to Richards and/or Measurements Committee; ca. 1982
8 Measurement Committee; Rulings; ca. 1982
9 Measurement Committee; Correspondence; 1983
10 Notices to Measurers and Builders; 1983 and 1984
11 Measurement Committee; Correspondence; 1984
12 Measurement Committee; Correspondence; 1985
Measurement Committee; Miscellaneous Papers; ca. 1980
7 1 Measurement Committee; Misc. Papers; ca.l970’s
2 Measurement Committee; Misc. Papers; 1980-1981
3 Measurement Committee; Misc. Papers; 1982-1988
Measurement & Technical Papers; ca.1978-1979
8 1 Bill Richards; General Correspondence 2A-02
2 Committee Correspondence; Area Measurers Trip Reports, 2A-02a
3 Notice to Builders and Measurers, 2A-03
4 Measurement Committee; Newsletter and Correspondence, 2A-04
5 Measurement Committee; Newsletter and Correspondence, 2A-04
6 Newsletter Questionnaires, 2A-04a
7 Special Measurement Problems, 2A-05
8 Builder/Measurement Correspondence, 2A-06
9 AD Committee, I.G.S.C.T.C. Correspondence, 2A-08
9 1 Plans/Specifications; Proposed changes/questions, Approval, 2A-10
2 Wood boats; 2A-12l
3 Defunct Builders, 2A-12m
4 I.S.C.Y.R.A. Technical Committee; Old Greenwich Boat Co
5 Technical Committee; Fiberglass (D. Millar)
6 Eichenlaub Fiberglass boat
7 Mastmakers; 2A-120
8 Keels; 2A-12r and 2A-12p
9 Form “J” Measurement Questionnaire; 2A & B
10 World’s Championship; Measuring procedure, 2A-13
10 1 Bill Gerard’s Action; File 2B-Ol
2 Bill Gerard; General Correspondence, 2B-02
3 Committee Correspondence; 2B-03
4 Rulings, 2B-04; 1979
5 Rulings Up To 1979 and 1980; 2B-05
6 Keels 2B-06
7 Uniform Thickness; Calculations of, 2B-07
8 Sails; 2B-08
9 Masts, 2B-09
10 Consistency of Star Boat Hulls, 2B-10
11 Buoyancy, General Correspondence; 2B-13a
12 Misc. Technical Information and Literature, 2B-14
13 I.S.C.Y.R.A. Star Class Crane Scales
Technical Committee; Papers; 1965-1971 and 1979-1985
11 1 Technical Committee; New Offsets; ca. 1965-1971
2 Technical and Measurement Correspondence; ca. 1979-1982
3 Wood Specifications Questionnaire, (File #2); 1980
4 Technical Committee Memos, etc.; 1982
5 Technical Committee; Correspondence; 1983
6 Deck Depression; 1983
7 Correspondence re. Mader Keel; 1983
8 Technical Committee Correspondence; 1984-1985
9 American Blue Print; Contour Explanation; undated
Judicial Board; Cases and Appeals; 1929-1987
12 1 Judiciary Board; Cases; 1978-1987
2 Appeals; 1929-1973
3 Judiciary Board; Adams-Reynolds case (JB case 1-1989)
Fleet Charters; 1928-1972; 1976-1978; 1981-1985
13 1 Charters; 1928-1939
2 Charters; 1940-1949
3 Czechoslovakia Fleets; 1949-1951
4 Charters; 1950-l959
5 Charters; 1960-1962
6 Charters; 1963
7 Charters; 1964
8 Charters; 1965-1966
9 Charters; 1967
10 Charters; 1968
11 Charters; 1969
12 Charters; 1970
13 Charters Granted; 1971-1972
14 New Fleet Charters; 1976-1977
15 Fleet Charter Applications; 1978
16 Fleet Charters; 1981
17 Fleet Charters; 1982-1984
18 Fleet Charters; 1985
19 Fleet Charters, Applications; 1986-1987
Envelope; 1922 Jan 20
13A 1 Fleet Charter form. (In use since 1922) and Western L.I. Sound Fleet Charter; 1922 Jan 20
Trophies; ca.1946-1988
14 1 Trophy Records and Photographs
2 Correspondence re. old trophies; ca.l946-1951
3 Deeds of Gift; Trophies; ca. 1946-1988
4 Racing Winners Trophy Correspondence; 1933-1988
George W. Elder Manuscript; ca.1953
15 1 George W. Elder Manuscript; ca. 1953
Miscellaneous Files; ca.1940-1980
16 1 Clinton Courier and Blackmore Press Correspondence; 1957, 1967, and 1983
2 Measurement Certificates; Conditional Approvals; ca. 1940’s
3 I.S.C.Y.R.A. Certification of Registration; Copyright Seal; 1948 May, Aug; 1948
4 Elder Memorial Fund; ca. 1955
5 Correspondence pertaining to motion pictures; ca. 1940-1968
6 Paper Fleets; 1962
7 I.S.C.Y.R.A. Lines, offsets, specifications, etc., re. the Star Class; ca. 1970
8 “Star” weights; undated
9 “Office Manual”, George Elder; 1947
10a Self-bailing cockpits – Binkhorst Case; 1982
10 Self-bailing cockpit controversy; 1982
11 Miscellaneous correspondence, reports, etc.; ca. l980-1982
Miscellaneous printed/published material; brochures, circulars, clippings, etc.
17 1 Printed race programs and notices, etc.; 1926-1959
2 Printed race programs and notices, etc.; 1960-1979
3 Printed race programs and notices, etc.; 1980-1989
3a Printed race programs and notices, etc.; 1990-
4 Printed matter, brochures, circulars, etc., re. activities of I.S.C.Y.R.A.; ca.l920-1980’s
5 Miscellaneous clippings, notes, etc., regarding I.S.C.Y.R.A. and its activities; ca.l930-1960
6 Product brochures; fittings and accessories for the Star Class Yacht
7 Central Long Island Sound Fleet; 25th Anniversary Book; 1947
Registers for Star Class Yachts, Nos. 1-5100, recorded between the years 1911 and 1974; 1911-1974
1 Yacht nos. 1-300
2 Yacht nos. 301-600
3 Yacht nos. 601-899
4 Yacht nos. 900-1200
5 Yacht nos. 1201-1500
6 Yacht nos. 1501-1800
7 Yacht nos. 1801-2100
8 Yacht nos. 2101-2400
9 Yacht nos. 2401-2700
10 Yacht nos. 2701-3000
11 Yacht nos. 3001-3300
12 Yacht nos. 3301-3600
13 Yacht nos. 3601-3900
14 Yacht nos. 3901-4200
15 Yacht nos. 4201-4500
16 Yacht nos. 4501-4800
17 Yacht nos. 4801-5100
Star Class and Western Long Island Sound Fleet, early documents and papers; ca.1921-1960
18 1 Constitution, By-Laws, Rules & Regulations; Dec 1921
1a Star Class Racing Rules; amended 1918 Apr
2 Star Class Racing Rules; amended 1921 Apr
3 Executive Committee, Minutes; 1921 Dec 27
4 Annual Meeting, Minutes; 1922 Jan 20
5 California Yacht Club Fleet Charter (copy); granted 1922 Apr 25
6 Narragansett Bay Fleet Bulletins; 1924
7 Western Long Island Fleet, Charter; granted 1922 Jan 20
8 Western Long Island Fleet, Constitution & By-Laws, etc.; 1924-1940
9 Western Long Island Fleet, Minutes; 1922-1964
10 Western Long Island Fleet, Printed Race Schedules; 1936-1942
11 George W. Elder, Misc. Correspondence & Papers; ca. 1922-1955
Administrative Committee; Misc. Correspondence; 1973-1984
19 1 Misc. Correspondence; 1973-1976
2 Misc. Correspondence; 1977
3 Misc. Correspondence; 1978
4 Misc. Correspondence; 1979
5 Misc. Correspondence; 1980
6 Misc. Correspondence; 1981
7 Misc. Correspondence; 1982
8 Misc. Correspondence; 1983
9 Misc. Correspondence; 1984
Administrative Committee, Misc. Correspondence, and Meetings Agenda; 1973-1988
20 1 Misc. Correspondence; 1985
2 Misc. Correspondence; 1986
3 Misc. Correspondence; 1987
4 Misc. Correspondence; 1988
5 Administrative Committee Agenda; 1973-1978
6 Administrative Committee Agenda; 1979
7 Administrative Committee Agenda; 1982
Technical Committee; Correspondence & Papers; 1963-1975
21 1 Technical Committee Correspondence; 1963
2 Technical Committee Correspondence; 1964
3 Technical Committee Correspondence; 1965
4 Technical Committee Correspondence; 1966
5 Technical Committee Correspondence; 1967
6 Technical Committee Correspondence; 1968
7 Technical Committee Correspondence; 1969
8 Technical Committee Correspondence; 1970
9 Technical Committee Correspondence; 1971
10 Technical Committee Correspondence; 1972
11 Technical Committee Correspondence; 1973
12 Technical Committee Correspondence; 1974
13 Technical Committee Correspondence; 1975
Technical Committee, Correspondence, papers, & Miscellaneous files; 1966-1989
22 1 Technical Committee Correspondence; 1976
2 Technical Committee Correspondence; 1977
3 Technical Committee Correspondence; 1978
4 Technical Committee Correspondence; 1979
5 Technical Committee Correspondence; 1980
6 Technical Committee Correspondence; 1981-1982
7 Technical Committee Correspondence; 1983
8 Technical Committee Correspondence; 1984
9 Technical Committee Correspondence; 1985
10 Technical Committee Correspondence; 1986-87
11 Technical Committee Correspondence; 1988-89
12 Technical Committee, Agenda Replies; 1966
13 Technical Committee, “Flotation”; 1968-1971
14 Technical Committee, Swing Test; ca.l972-1975
15 Technical Committee, Correspondence, etc; 1986-1987
16 Technical Committee, Correspondence, etc; 1988-1990
International Governing Committee; Minutes, Agenda, Related Papers; 1964-1987
23 1 International Governing Committee Minutes, etc.; 1964-1967
2 International Governing Committee Minutes, etc.; 1968-1970
3 International Governing Committee Minutes, etc.; 1971-1972
4 International Governing Committee Minutes, etc., London & Caracas; 1971 Nov; 1972 Mar
5 International Governing Committee Minutes, London; Nov 1972
6 International Governing Committee Minutes, etc., Davos, Switzerland; 1973 Mar-Apr
7 International Governing Committee Minutes, etc., San Diego, CA; 1973 Oct
8 International Governing Committee Minutes, etc.; ca.1974-1987
International Governing Committee, Miscellaneous Papers; 1972-1986
24 1 International Governing Committee Papers; San Diego, CA; 1973 Oct
2 International Governing Committee Papers; Davos, Switzerland; 1974
3 International Governing Committee Papers; Laredo, Spain; 1974
4 International Governing Committee Papers, Nassau, Bahamas; 1975 Mar
5 International Governing Committee Papers, Nassau, Bahamas; 1976
6 International Governing Committee Agenda & Papers; 1976-1977
7 International Governing Committee Agenda; 1978
8 International Governing Committee Papers; Coral Gables, FL; 1982 Mar
9 International Governing Committee Papers; Medemblik; 1982 Aug
10 International Governing Committee Papers; 1983
25 1 International Governing Committee, Papers; Algarve, Portugal; 1984
2 International Governing Committee Papers, London, England; 1984
3 International Governing Committee Papers, Nassau, Bahamas; 1985
4 International Governing Committee Papers, Capri, Italy; 1986
5 International Governing Committee Agenda, Capri, Italy; 1986
6 International Governing Committee Miscellaneous Papers; 1972
7 International Governing Committee Miscellaneous Corres; 1973-1975
8 International Governing Committee Miscellaneous Corres; 1980-1989
World’s Championships, Correspondence and Related Papers; ca.1942-1991
26 1 World’s Championships, Certificates, Race Instructions, etc.; l942-1950
2 World’s Championships; 1963
3 World’s Championships; 1972
4 World’s Championships; 1973
5 World’s Championships; 1974
6 World’s Championships; 1975
7 World’s Championships, Race Instructions; 1975
8 World’s Championships; 1976
9 World’s Championships; 1977
27 1 World’s Championships; 1978
27A 1 World’s Championships, Jury; 1986
2 World’s Championships, Fleet Size; 1978
2 World’s Championships; 1989
3 World’s Championships, Venue Controversy; 1990
3 World’s Championships, Jury; 1978
4 Determining Location of 1990 World’s Championships
4 World’s Championships; 1979
5 World’s Championships; 1991
5 World’s Championships, Jury; 1979
6 World’s Championships; 1980
7 World’s Championships, Jury; 1980
8 World’s Championships; 1981
9 World’s Championships, Jury; 1981
10 World’s Championships; 1982
11 World’s Championships, LLD File; 1982
12 World’s Championships, Jury; 1982
13 World’s Championships, Jury; 1983
14 World’s Championships, Jury; 1984
15 World’s Championships; 1985
Star Class – Miscellaneous Files; A-Z; 1936-1992
28 1 Annual Meeting, Minutes & Papers; ca.1975-1992
2 Boat Builders (incl. Kemble); 1976-1978
3 Continental Committees; 1975-1977
4 Correspondence, Harry Adler; 1981
5 Correspondence, Executive Vice President (Misc. Corres); 1973-1974
6 Correspondence, John W. Lane; 1936
7 Correspondence, Ogilvy/Yacht Club Von Deutschland; 1939 Aug
8 Correspondence, President (Misc. Corres.); 1972-1978
8a Correspondence, Joe Knowles; 1984-1987
9 Correspondence – Dierk Thomsen; 1976-1986
10 Correspondence, William W. Parks; 1977-1979
11 Corry Memorial Fund; 1945-1946
12 District Championships, Blue Star; 1973-1979
13 District 14, Star Class; 1974-1977
14 District Secretary Reports; 1973-1975
29 1 Executive Committee, Misc.; 1972
2 Film Project, Star Class; 1981
3 Fleet List, Star Class; 1974-1975
4 Forms, Star Class; 1973
5 Green Star (4th District); 1978
6 International Race Committee, Star Class; 1978-1982
7 International Yacht Racing Union, Meetings, etc.; 1975-1980
8 Judiciary Board, Star Class; 1977-1987
9 “Log”, Star Class; 1984-1985
10 “Log”, Simplification; 1980-1985
11 Long Range Plans; 1974-1975
30 1 North American Star Championships; 1969
2 North American Star Championships; 1970
3 North American Star Championships; 1977-1983
4 Official Procedures, Star Class; 1968-1969
5 Officers & Appointments, Star Class; 1974-1979
6 Olympic Trials; 1972
7 Organization Manual, ISCYRA, ed; 1976
8 Olympics, Star Class; 1976-1985
9 Resolutions; 1977-1982
10 Sanctions; 1973-1977
11 SLM, 4th District, Fleet; 1978-1983
12 Spring Championships, Star Class; 1977
12a “Starlights” issues; 1923 Aug-1924 Nov
13 “Starlights” (Ogilvy), General Information; 1974-1985
14 Treasurer (financial), General; 1973-1979
15 20th District, By-Laws; 1979
16 Village of Glenview; 1976
17 William W. Parks, Retirement as ISCYRA President; 1978
International Star Class Yacht Racing Association, Artifacts and Memorabilia. Includes the book, “A History of The Star Class: The First Eighty Years”; 1991
31 1 International Star Class Yacht Racing Association, Artifacts and Memorabilia. Includes the book, “A History of The Star Class: The First Eighty Years”, autographed by the author; pub. 1991
Additional Material, Received 1995 Jul; 1973-1993
32 1 Budget; 1992
2 Constituting By-Laws and Articles of Incorporation, and re. correspondence; 1993
3 Financial Statements; 1991 Dec 31
4 Sailing Activity Statistics; 1973-1983
5 Survey Determinations; 1991

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One Design Profile: Star Class

April 27, 2013 by Sail1Design Editor Leave a Comment

“The class of champions”

In the past one hundred years, the Star has established itself at the forefront of the international sailing community. The first one-design class and core Olympic racing yacht since 1932, the Star attracts sailors of varying ages and skill levels from all over the world. With nearly 2,000 boats competing annually and over 170 active fleets world-wide, the development of the class is not likely to slow down in the foreseeable future.

star class yacht racing association

Designed in 1911 by naval architect Francis Sweisguth, the Star was born to replace the 17-foot “Bug,” which was one of the most popular keelboats at the time. By May 1911, the first Star class regatta was held on Long Island Sound and featured five of Sweisguth’s new boats. By 1922, the Stars already numbered in the hundreds, thus leading to the foundation of the International Star Class Yacht Racing Association (ISCYRA).

star class yacht racing association

Just under twenty-three feet in length, the hull is long and narrow and features an integrated bulb keel positioned just aft of the mast. In adherence to strict class rules, the Star weighs 1,479 pounds and is typically constructed of fiberglass. Older wooden hulls can still be found from time to time, but rarely in competition. The hull has gentle, sweeping chines leading toward the water line that not only provide a speed advantage, but attribute to the yacht’s aesthetically pleasing appearance.

During the yacht’s one hundred year history, new features have been incorporated into the design in an effort to maintain the class’ position as the pinnacle of the international racing community. The class association began asserting a control over new refinements, not to stifle progress, but to maintain a level of competition based more on the skill of the sailor than the technological advancements of the yacht. Some of the features include:

  • Adjustable jib leads
  • Crew hiking vest
  • Suction bailers
  • Unique, circular boom vang
  • Whisker pole
  • Strict class association sail measurements

One of the interesting features of the Star is the hiking vest. The vest is worn by the crew and allows him or her to adopt a unique hiking position by “drooping” their body over the side of the hull. In addition to the vest, the Star also features a circular vang system. Designed for the star, but eventually adopted other classes, the circular vang system provides a safe means to deal with the enormous loads of the yacht’s large sail plan.

star class yacht racing association

Numerous champions of the sailing world spent time sailing the Star and hold prestigious international titles. A Star Class World Championship is often considered on the most coveting trophies in all of sailing. Despite the high level of competition at top tier events, the Star also offers opportunities to local and amateur sailors. The depth of skill level and opportunity is unrivaled by any other racing class. Sailors looking to compete at the local level can often gain experience with the boat and progress up through the levels of competition, not to mention enjoy the thrill of sailing such an incredible boat.

Get involved with the Star Class! If you want to begin racing there are plenty of Stars out there looking for a good home. Thanks to the regulation in design features, many older Stars perform just as well as their newer counterparts and run at affordable prices. If you are a former college sailor or young professional looking to stay active at the highest level of competition or looking for a fast boat to sail at the local level perhaps a Star should be your next boat…

Sadly, in 2011, it was decided that the keelboats would be removed as an Olympic class following the 2012 Olympic Games in London. Recently rumors began to circulate of comeback for the 2016 Games; however these were quashed almost immediately by the ISCYRA. Despite being struck from the Olympic books the Star class has showed no signs of losing momentum. Huge turnouts for Barcardi Race Week and the 2012 Star Winter Series appear to have breathed new life into the yacht. With hundreds of local regattas scheduled this year and dozens at the internationals and championship level, the Star class remains strong

Draft: 3.3’

Sail Area: 285 sq. ft.

# Boats Built: 8,400

Active Fleets: MD, FL, CA, NY, CT, MA, RI, VA

Website: http://www.starclass.org/index.shtml

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Yacht Boat News

Star Class World Championship

Photo of YachtBoatNews

The world-renowned beverage brand Bacardi will support the International Star Class Yacht Racing Association as the presenting sponsor of the 2022 Star World Championship, 8-17 September 2022.

The 2022 Star World Championship will celebrate 100 years of history since the first World Championship was held in 1922. This milestone event will be held in Marblehead, Massachusetts on the eastern seaboard of the United States. This year’s event will celebrate one of sailing’s most popular, successful and appreciated boat and its legends.

Star Champions are written in history, with their names inscribed on the sport’s most prestigious yachting trophies, including the America’s Cup, the Olympics and numerous offshore titles.

Remaining true to the heritage of the Star Class since 1922, the World’s will be contested over six days with one long daily race, bringing together the world’s best alongside emerging talent in a battle of endurance, fitness, strategy and competition. The single race format is also reflected at the iconic Bacardi Cup, partner of the Star Class since 1927 – representing one of the longest standing alliances in sporting history.

Honoring this lasting relationship, as presenting sponsor for the 100th Anniversary Star World Championship Bacardi will host an open bar every night and hospitality for the 100th Anniversary Gala Dinner on Wednesday, September 14.

“We are thrilled to have our longtime partner, Bacardi, celebrate this historic Championship with us. Bacardi has always stood with the Star Class and this celebratory week will be no exception,” said Tom Londrigan, President of the International Star Class Yacht Racing Association.

2022 Star World Championship - photo © ISCYRA

Continuing its reputation for hosting exceptional shoreside hospitality, the unique style of the Bacardi brand will hit the sweet spot to maximize sailors’ enjoyment post-race.

“2022 is a milestone centenary celebration for the globally renowned Star Class, marking an exceptional measure of success at the heart of sailing. The Star can proudly reflect on its achievements and enduring popularity with sailors worldwide” declared Eddie Cutillas of Bacardi USA. “Bacardi is proud to have been a partner of the Star Class since 1927, from the origins of the Bacardi Cup in Cuba to the present day in Miami, USA and now at the 100th celebration of the World Championships.”

“On behalf of Bacardi, as presenting sponsor of the 2022 Star World Championships, I wish everyone a spectacular and memorable event,” Cutillas concluded.

2022 Star World Championship - photo © YCCS / Studio Borlenghi

Staking a place on the Star World Championship leader board remains as competitive as ever and the challenge for victory is as tough as the first edition back in 1922. The 2022 Star World Championship will take place at the Eastern Yacht Club in Marblehead from September 8th to 17th.

For more information visit  2022worlds.starchampionships.org .

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Bacardi USA and the Star Class partner for the 100th Anniversary of the Star Class World Championship

star class yacht racing association

The world-renowned beverage brand Bacardi will support the International Star Class Yacht Racing Association as the presenting sponsor of the 2022 Star World Championship, 8-17 September 2022.   The 2022 Star World Championship will celebrate 100 years of history since the first World Championship was held in 1922.  This milestone event will be held in Marblehead, Massachusetts on the eastern seaboard of the United States.  This year’s event will celebrate one of sailing’s most popular, successful and appreciated boat and its legends.  Star Champions are written in history, with their names inscribed on the sport’s most prestigious yachting trophies, including the America’s Cup, the Olympics and numerous offshore titles.   Remaining true to the heritage of the Star Class since 1922, the World’s will be contested over six days with one long daily race, bringing together the world’s best alongside emerging talent in a battle of endurance, fitness, strategy and competition.  The single race format is also reflected at the iconic Bacardi Cup, partner of the Star Class since 1927 – representing one of the longest standing alliances in sporting history.   Honoring this lasting relationship, as presenting sponsor for the 100th Anniversary Star World Championship Bacardi will host an open bar every night and hospitality for the 100th Anniversary Gala Dinner on Wednesday, September 14.   “We are thrilled to have our longtime partner, Bacardi, celebrate this historic Championship with us.  Bacardi has always stood with the Star Class and this celebratory week will be no exception,” said Tom Londrigan, President of the International Star Class Yacht Racing Association.   Continuing its reputation for hosting exceptional shoreside hospitality, the unique style of the Bacardi brand will hit the sweet spot to maximize sailors’ enjoyment post-race.   "2022 is a milestone centenary celebration for the globally renowned Star Class, marking an exceptional measure of success at the heart of sailing.  The Star can proudly reflect on its achievements and enduring popularity with sailors worldwide” declared Eddie Cutillas of Bacardi USA.  “Bacardi is proud to have been a partner of the Star Class since 1927, from the origins of the Bacardi Cup in Cuba to the present day in Miami, USA and now at the 100th celebration of the World Championships.” “On behalf of Bacardi, as presenting sponsor of the 2022 Star World Championships, I wish everyone a spectacular and memorable event,” Cutillas concluded.   Staking a place on the Star World Championship leader board remains as competitive as ever and the challenge for victory is as tough as the first edition back in 1922.  The 2022 Star World Championship will take place at the Eastern Yacht Club in Marblehead from September 8th to 17th.  

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star class yacht racing association

Moschellandsbergite (exceptionally rare)

Item description.

Here we have an incredibly hard to find specimen of Moschellandsbergite, a silver mercury amalgam species, that is among the great metallic mineral rarities for collectors. The species was named in 1938 in honor of Moschellandsberg (shortened to Landsberg on most labels you'll see) the type locality for the species. This piece is from the famous Berezovsk deposit in Russia, best known as the type locality for Crocoite (the first pieces were identified in 1766!) but nearly 100 species have been reported from this locality according to the entry on mindat. I will note that mindat does not list Moschellandsbergite as coming from Berezovsk, but the locality info comes directly from Kurt Hefendehl's personal collection catalogue. With that said, this large miniature / small cabinet sized piece hosts a few iron-oxide coated exposed vugs on Quartz which play host to semi-radial groups of soft silvery-grey metallic Moschellandsbergite which measure up to 1.2 cm across. We have photographed the Moschellandsbergite with a Canon MP-E 65 mm macro lens to better illustrate the quality. A supreme rarity for any species collector or a fan of Russian minerals. It's the only one we've ever seen, and I doubt that we'll have another to offer anytime soon, so don't miss out. From the collection of Kurt Hefendehl (#688 Ru), a well-known German collector all over Europe with worldwide contacts to dealers and collectors. He started collecting seriously at the age of 14 and his great and varied worldwide collection reached over 6000 pieces. He was very active mineralogically until shortly before his passing in 2020 at the age of 82. Considering his collection had a large number of pieces, it still had an unusually high standard of quality from most worldwide localities. He particularly specialized in all classics as well as minerals of the Black Forest, where he spent much time collecting. His Black Forest and German subcollections went to his good friend Wolfgang Wendel. We at The Arkenstone have the privilege of offering the remainder of this great worldwide collection for the coming months/years through our various platforms.

Did You Know We Offer Custom Bases?

Miss this auction? Buy Moschellandsbergite mineral specimens on iRocks.com

Bidding History

Bid Amount Bid Time
$886 07/25/2024 6:35:41 pm (CDT)
$861 07/25/2024 6:35:41 pm (CDT)
$836 07/25/2024 6:34:15 pm (CDT)
$811 07/25/2024 6:34:15 pm (CDT)
$736 07/25/2024 6:33:34 pm (CDT)
$711 07/25/2024 6:33:34 pm (CDT)
$575 07/25/2024 6:25:12 pm (CDT)
$550 07/25/2024 6:25:12 pm (CDT)
$525 07/25/2024 2:45:22 pm (CDT)
$500 07/25/2024 2:45:22 pm (CDT)
$360 07/21/2024 5:16:24 pm (CDT)
$350 07/21/2024 5:16:24 pm (CDT)
$339 07/21/2024 3:15:18 pm (CDT)
$329 07/21/2024 3:15:00 pm (CDT)
$320 07/21/2024 3:15:00 pm (CDT)
$310 07/21/2024 2:36:58 pm (CDT)
$300 07/21/2024 2:36:58 pm (CDT)
$299 07/21/2024 2:32:22 pm (CDT)
$289 07/21/2024 2:32:22 pm (CDT)
$249 07/21/2024 1:01:55 am (CDT)

Session Inactive


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